03x13 - Hat Trick

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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03x13 - Hat Trick

Post by bunniefuu »

I won't let that happen.

I've already brought reinforcements.

The ARC Area Project.

In line with the plans of the Fusion Dimension's Academia,

The Xyz Dimension's city, Heartland, is pushed to the brink of destruction.

A sea of despair, A closing door.

Nowhere to go, a fading light.

The sweet whispers of the darkness.

Emotions torn between conflicting ideals.

I don't know which one to choose!

Even if I try to push my way through with force,

What will it even change?

No matter what I do, I can't I can't move.

Connecting, bonding, the sound of love, individual worlds,

Embrace karma, you cannot escape because...

Only I can overcome myself!

Hatred is not what will create our tomorrow.

Smiles are what make people stronger!

Divide the darkness and press forward.

When you are struggling is the time to smile!

I do believe in myself.

I believe!

It's starting! Showtime!

Zetsubou no umi tojiru tobira

Ikubakumonaku kieru hikari

Amaku sasayaku kurayami

Niritsuhaihan de madou kanjou

Docchidarou wakaranai

Chikara makaseni nejihusedomo

Nani ga kawarutten darou

Doushitemo I can't I can't ugokenai

Tsunagaru Tsunageru Ai no ne Koto no ha

Karma wo idaite nigenai datte

Boku no koto koeruno wa boku dake shikanai dakara

Ashita wo tsukuru no wa nikushimi nankajanai

Egao de hito wa tsuyokunaru

Yami wo kakiwake susume

Tsurai tokikoso warae

I do believe in myself.


Hajimaru showtime

Take back peace in the Xyz Dimension!

Take back peace in the Xyz Dimension!

And now Yuuya and his friends head towards a new field of battle!!

And now Yuuya and his friends head towards a new field of battle!!

To A Town Overflowing With Smiles

It is a shame the Tyler Sisters and Commander Edo were defeated!

Now that its come to this, I, Noro Mamoru, will rise to the cause...

And follow through with the Professor's orders to destroy the Lancers!

Prepare yourself, Sakaki Yuuya!

If I order all of my forces to attack you at once,

You'll be blown away in an instance!

Slowpoke really just doesn't understand Dueling, does he?

They can't all attack at once!

D-Don't mock me!

Attack at once was just a figure of speech!

I mean if they attack with all their might!

Go! My Academia forces!


Wh-What are you doing?!

I finally understand now from my Duel with Yuuya.

His father was right!


Just as Sakaki Yuushou said,

Dueling is for bringing smiles to everyone!

It isn't a tool for conflict!

You should have felt that watching this as well!

Yeah, he might be right.

Wh-What nonsense are you spewing?!

Open your eyes, Noro!

We brought fear and stole the smiles from the peaceful people of the Xyz Dimension!

That is definitely wrong!

Are you opposing the ARC Area Project despite your position as Commander-In-Chief?!

That's the same as an act of treason against the Professor!

I am aware.

But I will follow the path that I believe is right!

For that then...

I will gladly bear the name of a traitor!

That guy...

He threw away the mantle given to him from the Professor as the Commander-in-Chief...

Is he really going to betray Academia?!

That's actually... kinda cool!

What are you saying?!

Don't tell me you're thinking of abandoning us and joining the Lancers too!?

And be Yuuya's ally too, then?

Quit screwing around!

Oh? But didn't you get stolen away by Yuuya's Entertainment Dueling too, Gloria?


Just be honest, sister.

We're on their side now too!


Thank you, all of you!

We can take back the smiles of this Xyz Dimension together!

Isn't that right... Yuuto?



There's another me who was born and raised in the Xyz Dimension inside my soul.

And he's saying...


I want your help in bringing back smiles to my homeland.

Of course.

We will return the smiles we took from the people of Xyz Dimension.

We must undertake this task with all our might.

That will be impossible!

Because all of you will be ex*cuted here and now!

If Edo has officially stated his betrayal,

Then I officially have become the Commander-in-Chief of the Xyz Dimension Expedition Force!

Now go, Academia troops!

Hey, aren't you forgetting someone?

Th-That voice is-!


As I'm wanted personally by Academia, shouldn't I be the first person you should be going after?


I don't think you all could defeat me...

No, I don't think you could defeat all of us!



The Resistance!

Kaito! Did you bring them?

Yeah, that's right!

Kaito gathered everyone and told us "Let's go save Yuuya!"


Don't worry about Shun!

Sayaka and the others are watching over him at the hideout!

I see, thank goodness.

We resistance, will fight with our lives on the line to save our comrades!

If you have that much resolve, then Duel me!

Uhhh, how about we call it off?

I'm more of a desk worker so I have no battle experience...

Everyone listen!

We were following the ARC Area Project but,

Instead we were committing an act of invasion!

This is in contradiction to our utopia!

So I would like to abolish that plan now and work to restoring the Xyz Dimension!

This is not an order.

If you do not agree with my beliefs you may return to Academia.

Please, I wish that all of you would lend your strength to right the wrongs we have made!


They're late!

According to my calculations the soup for everyone should have been finished in minutes and seconds!

But the hand on my clock has already passed minutes!

How long do they plan on making these people wait!?

Sorry for the wait!

You're late!

Why am I helping out with this...

Entertainment is what makes everyone happy!

This is another form training it!

If it's providing food, medical supplies, other resources and places to live,

It makes sense that Academia should be taking responsibility to supply them!

But now Academia is saying they'll take Shun back to their headquarters to look after him?

Are you all really okay with that?!

That Edo guy is the boss of our enemy!

But they said they have the latest in medicial equipment for treatment there...

I don't think that Kurosaki will regain consciousness just sleeping here.

It'd be best if he sees a doctor and gets proper care.

But I get why Allen is worried.

Even if you say they've communicated heart to heart through Dueling, Yuuya,

They're still Academia.

That's not true.


Believe in them.


I came to my senses from my Duel with you and Shun.

The importance of comrades...

The beauty of smiles...

And that Dueling is there to protect those.

I'm certain that they've come to understand that as well.

That's why they came here,

To atone for all the smiles they stole with Dueling.

If they are honestly admitting their own sins.

Then I must atone as well.

For the fear that I inflicted onto countless of their comrades.


But that's because Academia turned your family into cards!

Yuuya said this to me when he was Dueling Edo,

Was that... Yuuya just now?

No... Yuuto!


At that time Yuuya said...

If you keep fighting back then the conflict will never end.

That was a belief Yuuya's father, Sakaki Yuushou, also held.

Sakaki Yuushou...

Forgiveness is the one true method to ending conflict.

Of course there are things that cannot be forgiven.

And it will be enormously painful for those who have to move on.

But still being courageous and forgiving is what will open the path to the future.

In order to make a peaceful future where everyone can smile.


You showed us that courage right now.

While enduring the pain of losing your family,

You forgave and apologized as well.


I agree with Yuuto.

There is a method to returning people who were turned into cards back to normal.



Turning people into cards is a method to collect their life energy.

I was told that those people will be reborn when it is time to make the new world.

Return to normal...

My family...

Is that true?!


Then where are the collected cards!?

They are all sent to Academia.

There's a transfer device at our headquarters for that.

People turned into cards are sent to the Fusion Dimension from here?

That's right.

They're sent to Academia, no exceptions.

My family is through this...

Go, Kaito.

Go and save them!

Your family and Ruri!


I'm certain Shun feels the same.

Yuuya, and your friends should go too!

Shun will be fine.

I believe in Edo, and I'll work with him to heal Shun.

Yeah, I will definitely heal Kurosaki Shun for you.

Please believe me.

I've already told you plenty of times though,

Yuuto and I believe in you Edo.

That's right, thank you.

But still I must apologize to you.

I probably sent your father to another Dimension...

The man who had taught me the true beauty of Dueling...

My father is alive.

So you will meet him again!

I believe it!


And about what I asked you before...

The girl named Hiiragi Yuzu?

I asked all of our soldiers, but they said they haven't seen a girl matching that description.

I'll look some myself.

Thank you.

Then shall we go?




Hold on!



I'm giving them to you.

Huh? But these are your...

It's a gift from me, please accept it.


This is?

Little Fairy...

If you take her with you, it;s as if I'm fighting with you all as well...

All right.

I will save Ruri with this card.


Here we go!

To the Fusion Dimension...

Let's go!


If we are going to fight Academia now is the time!

We lost students when they Dueled against a Duelist named Yuuri!

At this rate...!

You Show Duel School will be destroyed before we can fight against Academia!

We have the power of people from other dimensions, Yuugo and Yuzu!

We should use this time to strike!

Rin and Selena are at Academia too,

Ruri is there as well.

In order to save those three we should make or move and break in!

Let's go! Let's do it!

All right.

Then I will go.

No, there's no need for you to...

Don't push yourself!

Let us handle this.

I can't let the students who just broke free from Academia be sent back there again.

I will take charge here.

I will talk to Akaba Leo myself.

Too bad but...

You won't be able to meet the Professor and...

You won't even be able to make it Academia.

It can't be-!


Oh but it can be!

It's been a while, Yuzu!

Could you come with me?


Oh? You're here too?

Your name was Yuugo, was it?

I saw your Duel with Sawatari in the Synchro Dimension,

That was quite fun to watch.

But you aren't even close to me when it comes to be an entertainer.

Quit screwing around!

How could a guy who lose and got exposed by Kurosaki,

Be called an entertainer!?

I wasn't exposed.

I revealed my identity of my own will.

In order to make my Duel with him more exciting.

And just like I planned the audience loved it didn't they?


You know him!?

It's been a while, teacher...


Oh, how nostalgic...

It was always my dream to Duel like you in Heartland.

Thanks to you I awoke to the joys of Entertainment Dueling!


Right now, I have more skills than you when it comes to entertaining a crowd.

I wonder about that...

Then do you want to test it?

Since I just happen to have a nice audience with me.

How did they find this place?!

We already had information from plenty of sources that you were hiding out here.

I can think of it only being fate that you have come to this Fusion Dimension, teacher.

I'd like for you to witness first-hand the growth of your student...

You bastard!

You think we're just going to shut up and listen to what you say!?

That's right!

There's no need for him to face you!

We'll take care of your ourselves!

Fine then.

I'll take you on.




All of you stand back.

You haven't grown at all since then.

What was that?!

Back then, you were so entranced on making everything you did flashy.

But how deep of a message can you convey with just fancy showings?

That is what's important!

Enough of your bragging!

I've always preferred actual practice over lessons!

Shall we begin, teacher?


First let me see what you can do.

Well if you say so then, I'll go first.

I set one card and end my turn.


That's it?!

You hack! Are you mocking me!?

Of course not!

I always take a course of action that will be the most fun.

This is just a stepping stone.

I see, then I will as well...

My turn!

You just said I haven't grown at all a moment ago but...

I've been to plenty of places and learned many things.

This is the proof of that!

I, using the Scale Entermage Mirror Conductor and the Scale Entermage Firedancer,

Set the Pendulum Scale!

With this, I'm able to simultaneously Summon monsters from Levels to .

Pendulum Summon!

Come forth, my monsters!

First is...

Entermage Ball Rider!

Next, Entermage Higurumi!

He started off with Pendulum?!

This isn't over yet...

Both of the Summoned monsters are Level !

I Overlay my Level Ball Rider and Higumi!

Show must go on!

Artisan of the air,

Swing across the stage with grace!

Xyz Summon!

Come forth!

Rank !

Entermage Trapeze Magician!

But I'm sad to say this show will be coming to an end quickly,

I use one of Trapeze Magician's Overlay Units and activate its monster effect!

With this, Trapeze Magician can attack twice this turn!

Trapeze Magician's is .

If it att*cks you directly twice, your LP will be erased.

What a letdown.

Go! Battle, Trapeze Magician!

Make a direct attack on Sakaki Yuushou!

Trap Activate: Miracle Silk Hat!

He's gone!

There's no need to fret!

I'm right here!

You're inside those silk hats?!

That's right!

I was thinking having our show end with just a direct attack would be no fun.

It isn't much but I prepared a game for you.

A game?

In one of these Silk Hats is a Magic Card,

And in another a monster with is hiding with me!

If you select that monster card then the battle damage dealt is doubled!

Simply put, I'll take damage and lose.

Well that's a shame for you then,

I just said this, but Trapeze Magician can attack twice with its effect now!

So I have a % chance to get it right!

Then it can't be helped...

Why don't we make your victory has exciting as possible then?

Well, which one will you choose first?

I attack the hat on the right!

Go! Trapeze Magician!

The Magic Card you destroyed was Wonder Balloon.

Since it wasn't the monster, the battle damage dealt will be .

But then with this, it's over.

I attack the left hat with Trapeze Magician!

I did it!


A paper doll... ?

This is a Magic Card you can use as a monster card when it's in your hand... !

Which means-!

I never could have gotten it right to begin with!

Damn it!

While he kept me busy with that game... !

After them!

They said they were headed to Academia!

To the harbor!

Hurry to the harbor!

There they are!

Yuzu! Don't go too far from me!

It's fine, I can protect myself!

Just stick with me!

I will definitely protect you all right?





I never thought I'd be able to reunited with Yuuya...

Looks like it's your turn here.

Don't do that, don't hide your tears, pierrot. Don't lie to your emotions.

Days when you fail over and over, every time you're about to give in, you cover it up with a smile.

We can't give up because we have a plan of the future, the dice have already been cast.

What are you drawing in your conflict? A vision I've painted all by myself.

Don't do that, don't repeat your mistakes! Saying it's impossible is just an excuse!

It's not a lie. Your smile is what has given me strength time and time again.

You are the vision I've drawn.

Dame janai namida wo kakusu piero kimochi ni uso wo tsuita boku

Kuroboshi darake no hibi kujikesou ninaru tabi waratte gomakashiteta

Akiramekirenai no wa mirai no zu ga arukara sai wa mou nagerareta

Kattou nani wo egakuno? Zutto hitorikiri de egaita vision

Dame janai ayamachi wa kurikaesanai hukanou nado iiwakedarou

Uso janai anata no egao kosoga boku ni nando datte chikara kureruyo

Boku ni totte no vision ha anata

You're... Dennis!

Hey! It's been a while, Gon-chan!

Just like Kurosaki's little sister Ruri... you're going to kidnap Yuzu?!

Answer us already!

And while you're at it, tell us where Selena is too!

Sorry but I've got some business to take care of now...

I'll leave the rest to you, Kachidoki!

Next time, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

The Thirst For Carnage

The fun has just begun!

The Thirst for Carnage

The Thirst for Carnage

Yuuya reunites with Dennis...

Yuuya reunites with Dennis...

A figure of a duelist waits behind him!!

A figure of a duelist waits behind him!!
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