Pufnstuf (1970)

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Pufnstuf (1970)

Post by bunniefuu »

WITCHIEPOO: Shh! Be quiet!


Stop eating your popcorn
and be quiet!

That's better.

Now, I'm going to make you
sit there and listen,

while I tell you a story that's
going to tear your hearts out.

It's about a g*ng of

just like all of you out there,

and what they did to
poor, sweet, adorable me.

JIMMY: Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

There he is. Can you hear him? That's
the rotten kid that started it all.

Let me show you what happened.

And don't go away, or I'll zap
you all into little frogs.


If I could, I would be

A balloon

That a little kid let go

Floating through the sky

Flying free

If I could

If I could, I would be

A giraffe

With my head above the trees

So at big parades I could see

If I could

Jump on one and two and three

Rooster chase a busy bumblebee

Fire on the mountain
Run and see if I'm a fool

Lady, lady, turn around

Lady, lady, tum
and touch the ground

Yankee Doodle went to town
and HI be late for school

Oh, school!

If I could, I would be

Old and wise
knowing all there is to know

Then ['d answer right every time

When they ask

If I could, I would be

A balloon

That a little kid let go

Floating through the sky

Flying free

If I could




[ALL LAUGHING] What's going on?
What's happened?

It's Jimmy, Miss Flick.
Jimmy did it.

It's you again, is it?
You little troublemaker.

I'm really sorry, Miss Flick.

Look at my drum, Miss Flick.

He broke my drum.
He kicked me.

I didn't kick him. He tripped me.
Honest, he did.

Oh, Elroy didn't do anything, Miss Flick.
Jimmy's the one.

You little bully, you. I'm
expelling you from the band.

No, please. Don't drop me
from the band, Miss Flick.

My parents would
really be upset.

It's no wonder you were kicked
out of jolly old England.

I wasn't kicked out.

My dad was transferred over
here by his business firm.

Enough of this

You're holding us up,
so scat! Scat!

Now, okay, band, let's play
our little hearts out.

If we make good at the Saturday Elk's
breakfast, it could mean the big time.

And a one and a two...

You sure are a lucky fella.

No teachers to yell at you.

No kids to make fun of
the way you talk.

And luckiest of all,
you can't feel lonesome.

Well, I won't be needing you any longer
now that I'm kicked out of the band.



Blimey! What's happening?

Hi, Jimmy!
You can talk!

Oh! Careful.

But you're just a flute.

I've never heard of
a flute talking.

Did you ever
speak to one before?

So there.

Easy now.
Ah, that's better.


And you were wrong about flutes.
We can be lonesome, too.

Will you be my friend?

Will I? Oh, boy! By the
way, do you have a name?

Of course.
It's Freddy.

Freddy Flute.
That's a knockout!

Then what are we waiting for, pal?
Let's go have some fun.

You bet.

[SINGING] I've found
a friend in you

One that surely will endure

Loneliness has just one cure


The friend I've found in you

You've found a friend in me


One on whom you can depend

True and trusting till the end


The friend you've found in me

CHORUS: Isn't it good to feel

Isn't it nice to know

That from here to wherever we go

We'll never, never be lonely


Never be lonely

Never be lonely

Never be lonely

I've found a friend in you

One that surely will endure

Loneliness has just one cure

The friend I've found in you

Freddy, look, down in the bay.

Yoo-hoo! Hi, Jimmy. Hi, Freddy.

Freddy, that boat spoke to us.

Well, let's not be unfriendly.

Of course not. Some of
my best friends are boats.


Let's go have a chat with him.

FREDDY: Hi, Mr. Boat.

Let's go for a ride, boys.
Full speed ahead.

JIMMY: Hey, Freddy,
how about this?

Isn't this fun, Jimmy?

It beats the knickers off
band practice.

Thanks a lot, Mr. Boat.

It's my pleasure, kiddies.
Hang on.

Can you picture Miss Flick
if she saw us now?

she'd flip her wig.




Gee, maybe we ought to
turn back.



What was that?

Just thunder, I hope.

I think I want to go home.


It looks like a broom!

And someone's on it.

It's the only way to fly!


Oh, I'm frightened. Oh!

Hey, Mr. Boat,
let's get out of here!

There they are. Your fiendish
little plan is working perfectly.


You bet your bent beak, it is!

That gorgeous golden flute will
make me the talk of all witchdom,

and it will soon be mine.

Oh, pretty boat,
change your track!

You're now in my power,
all evil and black!

What happened to our
nice, friendly boat?

I don't know.
And where is he taking us?

[CHUCKLING] You did it, chief y.
Nice work.

It was rather flashy, wasn't it?


And now for the finishing touch.

Oh, evil boat, be a peach. Bring
the prisoners to my castle beach!

It's got me!
Something's got me!

Oh' my-Help!

Let me go. Get off!
Help! Help!

Oh, dear. Oh, dear, oh, dear. That
terrible witch is at it again.

Cling and Clang, bring the
Rescue Racer on the double.


FREDDY: Let's get out of here!


Curses! That boat
let him get away!


Drat! It's Pufnstuf!

Why doesn't that lumpy dragon
mind his own business?

It's your fault!

What did I do?

He looks awful.
I wonder who he is.

Where am I?

You're on Living Island, son. And
I'm the Mayor, H.R. Pufnstuf.

And these two little fellas
are Cling and Clang.

Pleased to meet you.

And I'd like to thank you
for saving us.


Freddy, are you all right?


Oh, thanks, Jimmy.
Now I feel a lot better.

Gee willikers! A solid gold talking
flute with a diamond skin condition.

I bet you're what
the witch is after.

The witch?

You mean that old wet bag up
on that broom is a real witch?

I'm afraid so. And we'd better get to a
safe place before she comes back on her...




Oh, it's too late.
Here she comes!

Save me, Jimmy.
Save me!

Don't worry, Freddy.
I won't let her get you.

Quick. Let's get out of here.

Hurry, boys, hurry.
Let's go.

Look at them run. Well, you won't get
away this time, my little darling.




JIMMY: Aren't we
going to fight back?

We sure are.
Cling, let her have it.

they're firing at us.

Ping-pong balls?
They've got to be kidding.



Witchie, speak up.
I can't hear you.

You're talking
with your mouth full.

Oh, my. Don't worry.
I'll save you.

So they want to fight dirty, eh?
Well, I'll show them.

Hang on to your feathers.


Look out!
Here she comes.

PUFNSTUF: Faster, Clang.

Evil spirits, knock and sock,
make them wind up on a rock.


Oh, my goodness!

We're stuck.

Give it the gas, Clang.

Now I've got those little rascals
right where I want them.

That golden flute is mine.

Let's start pushing.
Hurry, hurry. Come on.


Oh, it looks like
we've had it, boys.

We can't give up. Come on, let's pull.
Pull. Harder!

Ah, it's no fun when it's this easy.
They're mine, all...



What's happened
to the Vroom Broom?

We're out of gas!

Heavens! I forgot
to fill it up.

You blundering buzzard!



They must've run out of gas.

The witch is headed back
to her castle.

You can come out now, Freddy.
The witch is gone.

Are you sure, Jimmy?
Gosh, I was scared.

You weren't the
only one. Blimey!

[RINGING] All clear. Witch alarm is over.
Witch alarm is over.

All clear, all clear.

That alarm clock, it talks.


Of course. Everything
around here talks.

That's why we call
this Living Island.


Oh, man, I'm glad
that witch cut out.

That was a bad seed,
like, a real bummer.

Blimey! How about that, Freddy?
A hippie tree!

Ooh, you're British.
How divine.

My ancestors were British. They
came over on the Mayflower.

Tell it like it is, baby. Your
ancestors were the Mayflower.


What an amazing place.

Come with me, boys.

[SINGING] Living Island
is a most amazing place

Islands are serene
but this one's not the case

Go man, go!

With a hippie tree
for peace and love

A rich, rich watch
with time to spare

A frog that runs a record hop

A dragon for a mayor

Our mayor

We're alive and well and
living here on Living Island

Living every happy day

Alive and well on Living Island

Living here in harmony
and hope someday

We hope someday the whole
world will live this way

We've a host of friends
to host a friendly lad

As elected mayor
I might elect to add

A shy Wallflower
with love untold

Li, la, la, la

A blinking owl
who hoots all night


Who has a house that has a cold


A most amazing place

We're alive and well and
living here on Living Island

Living every happy day

Alive and well on Living Island

Living here in harmony
and hope someday

We hope someday the whole
world will live this way

Baby, Pm alive
and living just for you


Living just to love you, baby
Just for you


Just for you


Just for you

Living Island is
a living welcome mat

H it's kindness that you seek
here's where it's at

With Pufnstuf
and all his friends

Alive and giving living love

The love on which
a heart depends

And we've been dreaming of

We're alive and well and
living here on Living Island

Living every happy day

Alive and well on Living Island

Living here in harmony
and hope someday

We hope someday

We hope someday the whole
world will live this way

A most amazing place

Living Island is
a most amazing place

Living Island is
a most amazing place

Living Island is
a most amazing place

Living Island is
a most amazing place

Living Island is
a most amazing place




Well, Witchiepoo's home.

Oh, evil day!
Oh, evil day!

If Boss Witch ever finds out I blew
a chance to nab that talking flute,

Pllneverrnake VVHch
ofthe'YeaL Nevefl

Witchiepoo. Witchiepoo.
Message for Witchiepoo.


Oh, leaping Lucifer!


The Vroom Broom is down.
It ran out of gas.

You don't say. Who do you think
was flying it, you Stupid Bat?

Get a can of gas
and go refuel it.

I'm pooped.
Call the Auto Club.


I'm off.




I'm beginning to like this.

Witchiepoo, quick.

What is it, Seymour?

I picked up the good guys
on the image machine.


Let's see what those
goody-two-shoes are up to.


Look at that. Pufnstuf is
taking that brat, Jimmy,

and my flute into his cave.

Well, nothing can stop me.

I'm going to get that flute, or my
name isn't Wilhelmina W. Witchiepoo.

What's the "W" stand for?

The "W" stands for "whack"!

I hate to be a spoilsport,
O glorious queen,

but you know your evil magic doesn't
work inside Pufnstuf's cave.

Yeah. So how're you gonna
get in to grab the flute?

By using my brain.

That's why I'm a glorious queen
and you're a dumb, dumb spider.

I'm going to get in that cave,
as sure as I'm a witch.

So stand back,
while I do a switch.


Hi, there.
I'm Betsy Bugaloo.

Who aloo?

I am from the
Bugaloo Dance Studios,

and I'm here to give you
some lessons. Dig?


Wow, chief y, you're cute.


Well, I've got to go dancing with
the dragon. Watch the store.

There. How does
that fit, son?

Thanks, Puf.


Oh, Jimmy.
Maybe that's the witch.

Oh, no.
This cave is witchproof.

The only way that old hag can
get in is if I let her in.


And I'm sure not
dumb enough to do that.

I'm coming.
I'm coming.


Hi, there. I'm Betsy Bugaloo.
Let it all hang out.


Willikers! You must have the wrong
cave, blonde lady, person, ma'am.

That's the correct answer.

You've just won yourself
a free dancing lesson.



Really, ma'am, I don't
want any dancing lessons.

Oh! Oh, my!

Come on, twinkle toes.
Light my fire.



All righty. I'm ready
for my next pupil.

Let's jive, Clive.



She's a wild one.

What have we here?
Say, aren't you cute.

I've never been on a toot
with a flute.

Please, put me down.

Let it all hang out, Freddy.


Go, Freddy.

FREDDY: No, stop.
I can't dance.

Uh, Miss Bugaloo.

Why is she dancing outside?
There's plenty of room in here.

Miss Bugaloo.

Ma'am! Miss Bugaloo!
Where are you going?

FREDDY: Oh, stop.
Put me down.

You'd better
come back here, ma'am.

It's dangerous to be out there.
The witch might get you.

The witch? Who do you think I am?
Little Orphan Annie?


Come on, flutie.
We're off. Bye!

Good grief!
It was the witch.

And she's got Freddy!

Give him back! Give me
Freddy back, I tell you!

FREDDY: Let me go. Help!

FREDDY: Jimmy, save me!
JIMMY: Let Freddy go!

Come back here, you old witch!

I order you to stop!

FREDDY: Help! Help!

Stop! Come back!


Wave bye-bye
to everybody.


Let Freddy go!

Stop! I order you!


Don't give up, Freddy.
I'll save you!

No, Jimmy.
Come back, Jimmy.

Jimmy, save me!
Save me!

Forget him, sweetie. From now on,
it's gonna be just you and me.

Witchiepoo and Flutiepoo.


No, Jimmy, stop. Wait...
I can't wait.

Who knows what that evil old
bag is doing to poor Freddy.

We've got to go after him.

Now, now, boy,
I know how upset you are.

I promised Freddy I'd take care
of him, and look what's happened.

Please, Puf, we've got to do something
before it's too late. Please!

We need all the help we can get.

We'd better go
see Dr. Blinky.

Dr. Blinky?

So that's what happened.
The witch has got Freddy.


Who? You know, Freddy Flute.

My Pal. My buddy.

I know that! But I'm an owl,
and that's what we owl's say.

"Who? Who?"
See what I mean?

Please, Dr. Blinky.
We have to hurry.

Freddy's so tiny. He can't
stand much t*rture.

Oh, my. This is
a real tough one.

We have to figure a way to
sneak into the witch's castle.

Are you thinking, staff?

BOTH: We're thinking.
We're thinking.

But, Dr. Blinky!
Oh, relax, Jimmy.


For heaven's sake, Sooty,
will you stop smoking?

Now, Doc, I can't help it, see.
I'm thinking, too, see.

And when I'm thinking, I
always smoke a lot, see.

Well, control yourself. People
will think the house is on fire.

Hang on a minute.

What is it?

Well, we want to get
into the castle, right?

ALL: Right.

Well, what if the witch thought
her castle was on fire?

What would she do?

Why, she'd send
for the fire department.

Willikers! And I'm
the island fire chief.

So you could make us firemen.

And we can all rush into the
castle and rescue Freddy.

Brilliant, my boy.

That's using your head.

A phony fire. Great.

And I can loan you all
the smoke you need.

Terrific. Well,
what are we waiting for?


Everybody grab a bag and start filling it.
S ooty, p u ff away.

Now, our only problem is how to sneak
the smoke into the witch's castle.

No, there must be some way.



Oh, my!

PUFNSTUF: Googy Gopher!

Hey, what are you guys
doing in my house?

This happens to be my house!

Huh? Oh, shucks! I must've taken the
wrong off-ramp. Pardon my dirt.


No, Googy, wait.

He can do it.

What? What?
I can do what?

You can tunnel your way into
the cellar of the castle.

And deliver the smoke.

[CHUCKLES] Brilliant, brilliant!

Quick. Let's fill up these bags.
P u ff away, S ooty.

Wait a minute.
What castle?

What smoke?
What brilliant?

Please, come up out of there, and
I'll tell you what it's all about.

You've got to help us.

[HOOTING] Hurry, fireplace.

We need a castle
full of smoke to go.

SOOTY: Coming up.



Oh, you're too good to be
true, you little dickens.

I can't believe you're
mine, all mine.

FREDDY: I'm not yours.
I want to go home.


Oh, you're so cute
when you're mad.

It makes your little diamond
hickies light up.




Well, don't just stand there,
noodle-nose. Answer the phone.

Coming. Coming.

Miss Witchiepoo's residence.
Oh? Just one moment, please.

Ifsforyou. lfsyburffiend,
VVHch HazeL

Witch Hazel? Wonderful. Have I got
things to tell that old biddy.

Now, behave yourself, snookums.
Mommy'll be right back.


Get out.

Hi, Haze.

Hi, Poo. What's new?

Are you sitting down?

You know it, baby.

Well, wait till you hear this.

I just grabbed myself a solid gold,
diamond-studded, talking flute.

How does that grab you?
You're putting me on.

Oh, no, I'm not, dearie.
His name is Freddy.

And when I do my act with him
at the witches' convention,

I'm bound to stop the show.


Honey, you couldn't stop
the show with power brakes.


But wait till they hear me
sing my new song.

[SINGING] La, la, la
La, la, la, la

Yuck! Eat your heart out, kid. But my flute
is bound to make me Witch of the Year.

Let's cut out
all of this twaddle.

Do you want to hear
the latest dirt?

Oh, do u
Dish! Dish!


Well, you know Witch Winnie?

Yeah, yeah. The one who
married the handsome prince.

Mmm. The one that was
a toad before she kissed him.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, they broke up.

No! Why?

He was giving her warts.


Hazel, you're a nut!

Tell me more.
Love it, love it!



LION: Make way
for the fire department!

ALL: Fire! Fire! Fire!

ALL: Fire!

JIMMY: Fire!

Leaping Lucifer!
Call you back later, Hazel.

So long!

LION: Hurry! Hurry!
BLINKY: We need the ladder!

Hurry up! Out!

What are you lunatics
screaming about?

There isn't any fire here.

Scram! Beat it!

The castle's on fire, and I ought
to know, I'm the fire chief.

It's going up in flames?

Quick, let us in!

Hurry, ma'am. Hurry.
Can't you see the smoke?

No, I can't see the smoke
because there isn't any smoke.

Holy smoke.
No smoke.

And there isn't any fire,
so beat it!

Googy should have
dug his way in by now.

What could have happened to him?




Googy! What are you
doing here?

Darling, you're supposed
to be in the castle.

Whoops! The clock house. Oh, shucks!
Made the wrong turn again.


Crazy, mixed-up gopher.

ALL: Fire! Fire! Fire!

PUFNSTUF: I'm the fire chief!

I'm warning you sickies
for the last time.

Scram, or I'll zap you all
into centipedes with bad feet!

ALL: Fire!

All right, you dumb-dumbs. If it's
fire you want, fire you'll get.


PUFNSTUF: Run for it!
LION: Let's get out of here!

LION: Hurry!


Ooh! That old crow
sure socked it to us.

We better get outta here, fast.

No. Maybe Googy'll
still make it.

He's just got to,
or Freddy's a goner.

Let's watch for a sign of smoke.


Hey, bub, is this
the witch's castle?

It ain't Disneyland.

Hooray! I finally made it.





What's all this smoke?

Galloping goonies!
Look, the castle's on fire!

Fire? Help! Fire! Fire!


Hey, skinny, you better get out
of here before it's too late.



SEYMOUR: Fire in the castle!

Fire! The castle's
on fire!

Lower the drawbridge.

Call the fire department.

Now, don't you
dummies start that.

The castle can't burn. It's solid stone.
It's some kind of a trick.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Out of our way.


[SEYMOUR SCREAMING] Stop this chair!
Get me off, you dummies!

LION: Hey, look!


Googy got through with the smoke.
He finally made it.


I'm the one who needs help.

I'll stop it, chief.

Oh, you dummies.
Come back!


ORSON: There, I got it.

Never mind her.
Lower the drawbridge!

Okay. Okay.

Make way for the fire brigade!

Stop! Stop!
Come back, you freaks!

ALL: Fire! Fire!


Stop her.
I'm trying.




ALL: Fire! The castle's on fire!

Get out. Get out of
here, you kooks!

Don't get hysterical, ma'am. We
won't let your castle burn down.


You dirty redcoats!


We'll save you, chief.

We'll get you UP-

Let go of me, you idiots!

[WHISPERING] Freddy. Freddy.

PUFNSTUF: Fire! Fire!

All right, turn on the water.

Turn on the water!

Everybody out!

BLINKY: Evacuate!

Freddy. Freddy.

Hurry, men.
The fire's spreading.



Let go of me, you idiots! I'm gonna
throw those ding-a-lings into the...



Oh, that loony lion.

[GRUNTING] Oh! Who does he think he is?
I'll fix him.

That rotten...



Fire! Fire!

Cut it out, you nut.

[COUGHS] We're choking.

Clang, over there.
Bring the ladder.

I'll get even with you.
Now you're gonna get it!






All right, ma'am.
We have to evacuate everybody.

Where's Freddy Flute?

Someplace where
you'll never get him.

I've had enough of you
and your phony fire.

Now you're all gonna get it!

Oh! My wand!


I lost my wand!


Stop with the ax! Stop!
That's my good table!

I'm trying to save it, lady. It's
too nice to let it get scorched.


I'll scorch you,
you ax-happy...

[GASPS] My wand!

Oh, now you're gonna get it!

Allow me, my little chickadee.



You rotten wand-wrecker!


You dummy. You lunatic lion.

Seymour, bring me the glue!

Fire! Fire! More fire!

Stop it, buster.
We're choking.


My! Good heavens!
What's that?

The castle's falling!


There really must be a fire!

Goodness. ltfeelslike
an eaflhquake!

Let's scram!

No. Not until I find Freddy.

We'll all be k*lled.
Let's get out of here.

Witches and children first.


Oh, help, Jimmy!
Help! Save me!



You've got Freddy.
Give him to me!

I'll give you something, all
right, with one of my spare wands!

I'll zap you...

I can't see!

I can't see!
FREDDY: Hurry, Jimmy!

Let's get out of here!

Foul! Foul!
I get two sh*ts.

Orson, Seymour, after them!

Blast them, Puf!


Let's go, fellas.
We've got Freddy.

Move out!

Stop, you flute-snatchers! Give it back!
I can't see!

I can't see!

We've got him, Witchiepoo.


It's me, you fools!
Your gorgeous leader!

After them.
They're getting away!

Fire! Fire!
The castle's on fire!

I'll save you, Witchiepoo.



Oh, why didn't I listen
to Mother


and marry a nice,
reliable werewolf?



Well, we made it, Freddy.

I want to thank everybody for
risking their lives to rescue me.

Well, that's what friends
are for, little buddy.

You sure are a true friend, Puf.

You're a dear little dragon

You're a personal pal

When our spirits are sagging

Whose tail is wagging friendly?

Who's right there
with his tender love and care?

Pufn, Pufn, Pufn, Pufn

You're lovely, Pufnstuf

And we can't love you enough

Right there when things get
rough and tough

That's Pufnstuf

You're special, Pufnstuf

Never growly Never gruff

You face the foe
and call their bluff

That's Pufnstuf


You're a dear little dragon

You're a personal pal

When our spirits are sagging

Whose tail is wagging friendly?

Who's right there
with his tender love and care?

Pufn, Pufn, Pufn, Pufn

You're super, Pufnstuf

Never cross or in a huff

Too good to ever love enough

That's Pufnstuf

So special, Pufnstuf

Demon with a heart of fluff

Too good to ever love enough

That's Pufnstuf


You're a dear little dragon

You're a personal pal

When our spirits are sagging

Whose tail is wagging friendly?

Who's right there
with his tender love and care?

Pufn, Pufn, Pufn, Pufn


Make way for the mail!
Letter for Judy Frog!

Make way for the mail!
Make way for the mail!

CREATURE: What a landing.


Orville, you're interrupting
a very important meeting.

Now, just a darn minute, Mayor.

Neither sleet, nor snow,
nor witch,

will stay this worthy courier
from his appointed rounds.

Wait a minute.
Say that again.

The part about the sleet
and the snow.


Neither sleet, nor snow, nor witch,
will stay this worthy courier...

That's it.
Orville's the answer.

The answer to what?

Yeah. To what?

You're going to smuggle Jimmy
and Freddy off the island.

Me? Smuggle? How? Where?

Yes, how? And where?

BLINKY: Any questions?

ALL: Bye!

Goodbye, everybody. Thanks for everything.
We're really gonna miss you.

You all set in there, Jimmy?

It's a bit crowded in here.

Hey, that's my lunch!


Yeah. Let's watch it in there.

All right, everybody. Stand back. It's
time to take off. Clear the runway.

Goodbye, boys.
Happy landings.

ALL: Bye!

If it gets rough up there,
you can hang onto my tongue.

Switch on.

Off we go.

JIMMY: Faster. Full speed.

Up, Orville, up.

We're not gonna make it!






FREDDY: Jimmy, what happened? It
was terrible. ls Orville okay?

[e ROANING] Are you
all right, Orville?

I wonder if The Red Baron
started this way.



Just look at this mess.
My castle's wrecked.

My wands are busted.


I lost my flute.

What did I ever do to
deserve all this?

I've tried to be a good witch.
I work hard at my spells.

I do a rotten turn every day.


It's the hotline!
Boss Witch is calling!

Do you think she heard
about your losing the flute?

If she did, I'm ruined.
Out of my way!

[ALL EXCLAIMING] I'm coming, Your Majesty.
I'm coming.




Forgot it was the hotline.

[EXCLAIMING] Oh, the old bat. What she
calling at this hour of the day for?

Oh, rats. Oh, I'm a nervous wreck.
Oh, I'm broken out all over.

[GRUNTING] Oh, I'll k*ll her.

[SWEETLY] Hello?

BOSS WITCH: It took you long
enough to answer, you old biddy.

Oh, forgive me, Your Royal Rottenness,
queen of all that's evil.

I was down in the dungeon.

Putting the screws to
some goody-goody, I hope.

Well, no... I mean, yes, yes. My t*rture
racks are jammed with good guys.

Just listen, you can
hear them suffering.


Forget it.

They're a little off-key,

ought to convince you,

I'm not holding any weenie bake.


Pm glad you've got
everything under control.

I'm switching the witches'
convention to your castle.



You know, you could make
Witch of the Year.

Especially with that talking flute
I heard about on the witchvine.

I can hardly wait to see it.

Me, too.
I mean, oh, yes, yes.

I don't blame you for wanting to
see that flute. It's a real gas.


But, Witchiepoo, you forgot.
You don't have the...


Well, Poo, I'll see you and
the flute at the convention.

Until then, keep rotten.

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!

Please, Witchiepoo.
Calm down.

"Calm down," he says.

The commander-in-chief of all witchdom
is bringing our convention here,

and she wants to see my flute,

and I don't have my flute,
and he says,

"calm down"!

Why'd you say it, Orson?

Move, you dummies!
Get this joint cleaned up!

Orson, get my super wand and
our bombs and come with me.

I'm gonna get that flute, or blast those
good guys into oblivion. Move! Move!



Now, easy does it, Orville.
We'll have you good as new.

Nice try, Mr. Pelican. But I think
we should forget the whole idea.

But thanks, anyway.

Don't be silly, boys.

You're forgetting, neither sleet,
nor snow, nor witch can stop...


Oh, no. You shouldn't have
said "witch." Here she comes.

Take cover.

It's too late!
Hit the ground!

That's just a sample.

Ll you don't surrender and hand over that
flute, I'll blast you all into bits!

She means business.
She's really gonna clobber us.

We're goners.

Maybe you better give me up.

Not on your life, Freddy. Come on,
everybody. Let's run for my cave.


So that's the way you want it,
Okay. Then it's w*r!



Bombs away!



Make way for the mail!
Make way for the mail!

Quick, everybody, let's go to my cave.
Hurry. Hurry.



Quick, everybody. Into the cave,
fast, before she comes back. Hurry.

She's gone off her rocker. She's
gonna destroy the whole island.

Willikers! Maybe the
West Wind can help us.

Hello up there, West Wind.

This is your mayor talking.
We need help. Help!

You mean, you know
the West Wind?

Of course.




Oh, thank heavens. There he is.
Hi, West Wind.

Howdy, partner.
I'll be glad to help you.

Blimey! I don't believe it.

Please, West Wind, you've
got to stop the witch.

Relax, partners, I'll just
head her off at the pass.

Witchiepoo, look,
it's the West Wind.

[GASPS] Drat! Everybody
wants to get into the act.




Come on, West Wind,
let her have it.


Blow, West Wind, blow.
Oh, my.



Harder, Westy, harder.









Witchiepoo, where are you?


They broke my Vroom Broom.

What happened, chief y? What happened?
You run out of gas again?

Shut up, you dummy, and give me a hand.
Help me up.

Oh, boy. Now, how are you
gonna grab that flute?

Questions. Questions. When are you gonna
start coming up with some answers?


Get in there and get
on that image machine!

STUPID BAT: Storm warning. Watch out
for the West Wind. Storm warning...



How do you get out of this
chicken outfit?

JIMMY: Look at the village.
What a mess.

We're really lucky
nobody was hurt.

Oh, it's the worst shape
we've ever been in.

We'd better hold an
emergency disaster meeting.

Back in the cave, folks.

Let's go, everybody.
Jimmy. Freddy.

Hurry. Hurry.

Come on.

Come on, Jimmy,
they're all inside.


[WHISPERING] We're not
going in, Freddy.

Why not? What's wrong?

We've endangered the lives
of our friends long enough.

If we go away, maybe the
witch will leave them alone.

But aren't we even going to
tell them we're going?

If we did, they'd never let us.

We'll just have to find a way
off the island by ourselves.

I guess you're right, Jimmy.
It's the only fair thing to do.

Good boy. And we'd better
hurry before they miss us.


Order. Order!

Now, we've got to do
something about that witch.


[PANTING] That's good.
There's no one following us.

I sure hope the witch
didn't see us go.

Just keep your fingers crossed.


Oops. Sorry. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
You do the best you can. Hang on.

Roses are red, violets are blue,
look who's here. Witchiepoo.



Get lost, buster!





Scat! Go lay an egg!


I've heard about the birds and the
bees, but this is ridiculous.

A flower just isn't safe
around here.

Oh, as soon as they come out,
I'm gonna zap it to them.

Order. You all had some
very good ideas.

But I think we should also
hear what Jimmy has to say.

ALL: Yes. Yes.

Good idea.
Speak up, Jimmy.


CREATURE: Where is he?

Jimmy? Where are you?

CREATURE: Jimmy? Where is...
LION: He's not here.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen
him since the meeting started.

Then he still must be outside.

Willikers! I hope nothing's wrong.
Come on, let's hurry.


Beautiful. Here they come.



Right into my trap.



Wheeze, breeze,
I order you to freeze!


All right, where's my
little golden darling?

Where are you, Freddy?


Jimmy? Jimmy? What happened
to Jimmy and Freddy?


What happened to Jimmy and Freddy?
Where's my flute?

Speak, you lump of lard.

We don't know where Jimmy and Freddy are.
They're missing.

That's why we came out
to look for them.

You're lying. You know where they are.
You're hiding them.

[GRUNTS] I'll take the whole kit and
caboodle of you back to my castle

and t*rture it out of you.

Wink, pink, the kitchen sink.
I order all of you to shrink!




Gosh, it's scary. Do we
have to go through here?

It's the only way to the
other side of the island.

Maybe we can find a boat or
something to help us escape.

Jimmy, look out!

Caught you!

Grab him.
Take him to the witch.


FREDDY: Help! Help!

All right. lgot him. lgot him.

Grab the flute!

Hold him!
Let go!

Hold on to him!
Hold him!


FREDDY: Run! Oh, he
kicked me in the root.


Oh, you goofballs,
better call the witch, fast.

Roger wilco, Evil Trees.

I'll deliver your report as soon as Her
Royal Rottenness gets back. Over and out.

Oh, noble queen, I have an
important message for you.

Don't bother me, you gabby goose.
I'm in a snit.

That brat, Jimmy, and the
flute gave me the slip.

Well, that's what I wanted to
tell you...


I have no time
for idle chitchat.

Oh, I'm gonna make that Pufnstuf and his
g*ng tell me where that kid is hiding

if I have to tear them
limb from limb!


I don't mean to be personal, chief
y, but you got squeaky dandruff.

Youdhnwfi. Those are
Jimmy's squeaky friends.

Witchiepoo, you must
listen to me.

Stop that dancing up there. If you mess
up my hairdo, I'll have your hides.

You did the shrinking bit. Oh, goodie.
Let me see the little creeps.

Let me see them.

Chief, I beg of you. There's
something I simply must tell you.

Will you two clucks stand back?

I've got some
third-degreeing to do.

Okay, everybody out!



All right, you little bugs.

If you don't want to get
stepped on and squashed... Ha!

You had better tell me
where Jimmy and Freddy are.

Make us big again.

But I know, chief y.

Jimmy and Freddy just passed
through the Evil Forest.

They did? How do you know?
Who told you?

The Evil Trees just reported in.

The kid and the flute are heading
for the other side of the island.

That's what I've been
trying to tell you.

Well, you didn't try hard
enough, number two.


This is m*rder, chief. They're escaping.
Quick! We'd better go after them.

Let's go. I'll rev up
the Vroom Broom.

Hold it, you bubbleheads,
hold it!

Witchie, you mean you're going
to let them escape?

Of course not.

But why should we waste all
this energy running around,

when we've got to get
ready for the convention?

We'll let the little
rascals come to us.

As Mayor, I demand
you let us go.

Oh, shut up! I've had enough of
you and your small talk. Guards!

Bring these mini morons
into the dungeon.

Wait a minute!

They're so tiny, they might be
able to sneak between the bars.

I order you to grow up!

Well, that's better, madam.
Now, we'll be on our way.

You've got to be kidding. Guards,
to the dungeon. Take them away!


[LAUGHING] Move them out!
Get them out of here!



And now for my brilliant scheme.


Stupid Bat, front and center.
On the double!

Stupid Bat reporting for duty.


Come here. I've got a secret mission
for you, so listen closely,

because I don't want
any boo-boo's.


Look, Freddy. It's the witch's ship.
We can pinch it and sail home.

Come on, Jimmy, let's hurry.
I want to get away from here.

Hey, down there.
Hello, there.

It's one of the witch's g*ng.

Hey, you guys,
I got something for you.


"Hear ye, hear ye.

"Pufnstuf and all the good guys have
been taken prisoner by the witch.

[GASPING] "All those who want
to save them had better hurry."

Oh, Jimmy, do you think
they're still alive?

"P.S. Yes, they're still alive, but
not for long. Signed, the witch."

That is all.
Over and out. Bye.


Oh, what are we gonna do?

We don't have any choice.

Our friends are in trouble. We'd
better go back and try and save them.

I'm with you.
Let's go. Hurry!

what a terrible place.

BLINKY: Things don't look
too good.

LION: Incarcerated.

I'm scared. I'm scared.

Witchiepoo, I'm getting worried. What
if Jimmy and the flute don't come back?

Well, stop worrying.
They'll show up.

The good guys are coming! Jimmy
and Freddy are on their way back.




What did I tell you? I knew they were
coming back. And when they do, whammo!

They'll walk right into
the hands of my guards.

Right now, I'm as good as
tooting my own flute.


And you're as good
as Witch of the Year.

Yes. All I need to cinch it is
to cook up a fabulous banquet.

Now, what exotic little
delicacy can I serve?

Let's see...


This looks yummy.


Bat wings au gratin.

Oh, no! Witchiepoo, not me.
I'd make a rotten au gratin!

Witch Hazel served
that last year.

Besides, I've got to impress Boss
Witch with something really original.


Thank goodness. At least
Jimmy and Freddy got away.

Oh! I just hope they don't come
back and try to rescue us.

We've got to do something
before they try anything.

I demand you release us at once!

This is your mayor talking,
you old witch!

PUFNSTUF: Let us out!
You can't keep us prisoners!

Let us out...

I can't take think
with that racket going on!

Shut up down there,
you pot-bellied iguana!

Ooh, that Pufnstuf, I ought to feed
him to the sharks! He's... He's...

He's my blue plate special!

What are you talking
about, chief y?

I just planned my din-din.

Now, just a darn minute. When you
said you wanted me for dinner,

you didn't say
I was gonna be the dinner!

Save a drumstick for me,
O gorgeous leader.

Me too, chief y.

I hope you don't take
too long to barbeque, chubby,

my guests will be here
in a few hours.



You can't cook me. I'm the Mayor.
I'm out of season.

I'll give you heartburn.


I'm thinking.

Something's missing.

You won't get away with this.

[LAUGHING] I know!
It's an outrage.

Now, see here, madam, I want...

Yes, sir! Now you're
finger-licking good.

Spin for the Colonel.


Hello! ls anybody here?

Hello! Answer us!
Somebody! Please!

Somebody! Anybody!

It's a worse catastrophe
than I thought.

It looks like the witch
captured everybody.

Oh, Jimmy, this is horrible.
What are we gonna do?

We'll have to break into the
castle some way and...


Slow down, you square rat.

Ja, my leader.

Do you have to go so fast?

No, my leader.

Watch that bright cloud.
I'm watching.

You stupid.

Jawoll, stupid.

Look at that golden broom.

It must be the Boss Witch.

Hey, look.


All the witches must be coming
here for their convention.

It's hopeless. There's no
way we can get through now.


Pufnstuf is doomed.


And Doc Blinky, and Judy,
Cling and Clang.


Unless you're a witch,

you couldn't get
within a mile of that castle.

It's all because of us.

If we hadn't have...

Wait a minute! Maybe that's how
I can get into the castle.

I can disguise myself
as a witch.

You? A witch?

You'd never get away with it.

Why not? They're
having a convention.

Look at all those
witches arriving.

Who would even notice
one more old hag?

It's crazy!

It's insane!

It's our only chance!

ORSON: Hurry up, you little
weirdos, they'll be here soon.

Get that throne dusted off,

Let's move this
snack table over here.

Be careful, Stupid.

STUPID BAT: I'm careful.
I'm careful.





beautiful, so gorgeous and so divine,

I'm mine, all mine.

Seymour, get the broom!
I broke another one.



The witches are here.
They're early.

They got here early.

Jimmy and Freddy.
Any sign of them?

Not a sign of them, chief y.

I'm dead without that flute.
What's keeping those little brats?

Maybe they forgot our address.

Forgot our address?

[G ROANS] I've got to
get that flute fast.

Go out and find them.
Take the back way. Move!


They would get here early,
those miserable, moth-eaten...


Dear girls, so good to see you.

Come in, my girls.

[LAUGHING] Make yourself at home.
My castle is your castle.

Please try the toasted lizards.
They're delicious.


Well, look who's here.

Witchiepoo, darling.

Witch Hazel, my precious.


You look different.

Well, I do have
a new rat in my hair.

No, that's not it.

I know!


You had a wart job.


I just had them rearranged
a bit. You should try it.


I will, dearie,
when I get to be your age.


You were my age.
Twice, already.


Bless your round, little body.

How do you like my new ring?
Three carrots.

Love them.



The Boss Witch!

Boss Witch is here!
Hurry, girls! Line up!



Achtung! Make way for
Her Abominable Majesty,

queen of all evil, Boss Witch.
Everybody bow.

Bow, I said.
You, too, shrimpy.


Is this the way you greet your
queen, you freaked-out fru m p?

I tripped. Have mercy
on me, O Queen,

exalted ruler of witchdom,
imperial empress.

All right, let's not get
sickening about it.

On your feet,
you sniveling ninny.

You must obey orders!

I'm up. I'm LIP-


Hail, you happy harpies.

ALL: Hail, nUmero uno.

Hail, nUmero uno.

Your Majesty, may I officially
bid you welcome to my humble

little castle and offer you...



You touched me.
You touched the royal body.


What's so funny,
you creepy crone?


I'll do the swatting
around here.


[CHUCKLES] I deserved that, Your Highness.
After all, you're the boss.

Mother witch of them all.

All right. All right.
All right. All right!

Your Majesty, I've just got to show you
what I'm cooking for dinner. Come.

[EXCLAIMS] Didn't touch,
didn't touch.


Come, My Queenship.
Come, girls.


Feast your royal eyes, my queen.

Doesn't that make your
majestic mouth drool?

BOSS WITCH: Barbequed dragon?

[SCOFFS] I had it for lunch.

You did?

Me, too. Dragon Delight.
They deliver.

Well, well, well, well...
I'll whip up something else.

Forget the food. I want to see this fabulous
talking flute you've been bragging about.

Now, trot him out.

Flute? Trot him out?

You will trot him out, schnell!

Oh, well, yes. I mean, no. Well, I can't
show him to you right now, My Queenship.

He's, uh...
Oh! He's taking a nap.


The flute takes naps?

Oh, yes, my empress.
He's a skinny little fellow.

And every day at this time,
it's jammies and night-night.

Well, he'll be up
in time for the show.

"Jammies and night-night"?
I may be ill.

Enough of this nonsense.


Call the convention to order.


The convention is about to begin.
You will take your places. Schnefl!


Seymour. Seymour.

Any word on the flute?

No, chief y.

Let me know the instant
my guards grab him.

Right. Will do.

Somebody up there hates me.

Out of my way, you dummies!

My broom broke down.
I'm late for the convention.

We're inside the castle,
Freddy, so be very quiet.

Hurry, we've got to find
the dungeon.

Hey, lady, you're late. You better
hurry and get in there fast.

The meeting's just starting. It's
right this way. Come on. Come on.

Let go, you feathered freak. I'll be in
there in a minute. I have to go and...

You can powder your nose
later, madam.

Better get in there now. Boss
Witch is in a terrible mood.

You're late, you clumsy old bag!

The flute. Any sign of
Jimmy or the flute?

No, chief. I was just
going out to check.

Well, go. Go!

I have to go, too. I just remembered
I left my broom double-parked.

Wait a minute. Youtmkfunny.
I don't remember you.

Who are you?

Get your hands off me, old poop!

I happen to be a foreign delegate
from the British territory.

What's your name?

The name is Witch Beatle.


[CACKLES] Witch Beatle.
My! I'm honored.

A foreign delegate in my castle.

All right, knock off the chatter
over there, you old bag,

and let's start
the meeting, hmm?

Coming, Your Majesty. Coming. Come on,
Beatle doll, you can sit with me.

We will have silence.

Take your seats, Dummkopfs,
or you'll be blown to bits.


WITCH: All right.
All right. All right.


I hereby declare this
convention is now in session.


Haven't we met?

She's my guest.

All right. Now, let's get started.

Read the minutes
of our last meeting.

And for Satan's sake,
skip the dull part, hmm?


Read, schnell!

"The last convention was opened, as
usual, with our pledge and our cheer.

"Then Weird Wanda showed her home movies
of her volleyball game with the vampires."

We really made suckers out of
them, didn't we, girls?



"After the movies, Witch Way
gave the financial report."

That's me.

Sit down, donkey.

All right, already.
Enough of that hogwash.

[SADLY] But I haven't
finished, Your Highness.

Oh, no?



Well, I'd say the minutes are
all over with now, huh?

Everybody to the bar.
It's happy hour now.


Come, Beatle, honey.

Witches. Witches.
Drink up, you happy harpies.

Hemlock for everyone.



It's me, Puf. Jimmy.

Hang on.

I'll try to figure
something out.

All right, you hags. Let's get the
show on the road. It's show time.

And that includes you, Witch Beatle.
Get away from that food.

[SINGING] I'm ready I'm ready

But, Your Magnificent Majesty, the girls
haven't finished their drinky-poos.

Can't we postpone the
entertainment for a while?

What for? Let's go, Poo.
Go! Scooby-Doo.

Oh, shut up!

Please, Your Bosship, can't we wait?
Pretty please, huh?

Will you stop the
sobbing, please?

That's worse than touching. I said
the entertainment starts now.

And I want you and that flute
of yours to open the show.


You know something? I'm beginning
to wonder if there is a flute.

Have you seen it?


I already said that.

Of course, there's a flute,
my queen. But, uh...

Freddy and I have to go on last.
Nothing can follow our act.

Right. We'd have to spray the place. I'm
ready to go on, You r Royal Rotten ness.

Well, just don't stand there, you dumb-dumbs.
Let's get the show on the road. Come on!


I will start the music.

BOSS WITCH: Play, Heinrich.

Yeah. Groovy.


[SINGING] When I was smaller
and people were taller

I realized that I was different

I had a power that set me apart

I learned to take it,
to use it, to make it

It's not so bad to be
different, to do your own thing

And do it with heart

Different is hard
Different is lonely

Different is trouble
for you only

Different is heartache
Different is pain

But I'd rather be different
than be the same

At first I'd wonder
what hex I was under

What did I do
to be so different?

Then I discovered
some others like me

Wonder no longer
Together, we're stronger

It's not so bad to be different

Be true to yourself

That's what you must be

Different is hard
Different is lonely

Different is trouble
for you only

Different is heartache
Different is pain

But I'd rather be different
than be the same

Different is hard
Different is lonely

Different is trouble
for you only

Different is heartache
Different is pain

But I'd rather be different
than be the same


that was nothing.

Come on, Beatle, honey. Show
them some real entertain ment.

You clumsy clod,
you've ripped my shawl!


My flute!
That's my talking flute!

What are you doing with my
flute, you rotten limey hag?

Let go of him, you baggage!
He's not yours, he's mine!

Stop that squabbling.
Stop it, I say!

Hand him over, you flute-grabber.
He's mine, you hussy!


She's wearing a wig.

I thought she had brown roots.

So you're the foreign
delegate, eh?



I got you, my precious.

Give him back!

Stop. Stop it this instant.

What is this all about?
And who are you?

I'll show you who he is.


It's a falsey.

Meet one of the good guys.
That's that brat, Jimmy.

Imagine him trying
to steal my flute.

Guards, away with him!
To the dungeon!

No! Stop! Wait!
Let Freddy and Pufnstuf go!

Let us go, you old hag!

Hush your little holes. That's no way
to talk to your mommy, honeykins.


Let Freddy go!

Get that brat out of here!
Out! Out!

Stop! No! Let us go!

FREDDY: Jimmy!

You leave Freddy alone!
I'll get you for this!

FREDDY: Help, Jimmy!
Save me! Save me...

Feast your eyes, girls.

Isn't he precious?

You've seen one flute,
you've seen them all.


Cool it!

Give me that.

Wow! Get a load
of those diamonds.


It's not only adorable, but
this kid's worth a fortune.

But he's not for sale.

[STAMMERING] Can I have him back?
He wants his mommy.

Poo old dear, let's you and
me have a little chat, huh?

All right. Carry on with
the happy hour, girls.

Eat, drink, and be rotten!


Let's go, cutie.

Ja, we drink.


BLINKY: You tried, lad.
That's all anybody could ask.

JIMMY: You should've seen poor Freddy
clutched in the old hag's claw.

And Pufnstuf
roasting on that spit.

With an apple in his mouth.

And we're probably next.

Oh, there's no way
out of this dungeon.

It would take
a miracle to save us.


What the...
What is that?

BLINKY: Oh, my!


Oops! Sorry, folks. I guess
I blew it again. Bye.

No! Wait, Googy. Here
he is, our miracle.


Oh, Googy saved us.

What do you mean?
I have?

YourtunneL You got in, so
that means we can get out.

That's right.


We don't want
the guards to hear us.

Hurry. Maybe we still have a
chance to save Freddy and Puf.

Lead the way, Googy.

Follow me.

CREATURE 1: Oh, come on.

CREATURE 2: Who's gonna
go first here?

Hurry up, please.

Then it's a deal?

It's a deal.


I'm Freddy's new mother.

And you're the new
Witch of the Year.


Thank you, Your Majesty.
Oh, I'm so thrilled!

Oops! I'm sorry. I almost
touched yourroyalbody.

Go ahead. Touch.Touch.
Live a little.


Please, let me go.


Quiet, booby.

And remember, be a good boy,

or those friends of yours
down in the dungeon...



Nice work, everybody.
We made it.

BLINKY: Oh, goodness gracious.

Welcome back, g*ng.

It's good to see you alive.

But where are
Freddy and Pufnstuf?

They're still prisoners, and
we've got to do something fast.

Yes. Those hags are going to
fricassee our poor Mayor.

Let's take some sticks and rocks and
things and march on the castle.

ALL: Yes. Yes.

No, no, sticks and rocks won't be
any help against those evil hags.

Why not?
Why not?

Hold it.
Hold it, everybody.

We've been studying up.

We found out
what scares witches.

Tell us.
Tell us.

Look on my page 87, under
"Halloween tips." Hurry.

Read, read.

CREATURE: Come on, hurry.
Page 87.

BLINKY: 87. 87. Right.
Right there. There. Read.

"Halloween tips.
How to scare a witch.

"There is nothing in the entire world
that can scare a witch except..."

Except? Except what?
Read. Read.

"An angel or a good fairy."

Good fairy?

"If a witch catches even a glimpse
of an angel or good fairy,

"they get real uptight and run for
miles to get away from them."

But what good is all that?

There aren't any angels or
good fairies around here.

At least I don't think so.

We know that.
But the witches don't.

You mean, make Googy an angel?

Gosh! I usually go in
the opposite direction.

Not just Googy.
I mean all of us.

angel can scare a witch,

a bunch of them
should cause a riot.

What do you say? It's our only
chance to save Freddy and Puf.

Then I say, let's try it.

BLINKY: Come on,
fellow angels.

We'll need lots of costumes
and makeup and flying stuff.

So, let's hurry.

ALL: Yeah! Yeah!

I'd volunteer to be
an angel too,

but I know
I'd flunk the physical.


And now for the high point
of our convention,

the selection of
the Witch of the Year.


The envelope, please.

Jawoll, my leader.
One envelope coming up.

The winner is
from Living Island,

Wilhelmina W. Witchiepoo.

That's me!


I hereby pronounce you
Witch of the Year.



This is the happiest
moment of my life.

Me, Witch of the Year.


It's a dream come true.

It's a frame-up.
I protest. Foul! Foul!

Of course it's a frame-up,
you broken down old bag.

You ever hear of
a witch being fair?


I'm so happy,
I could zap the world!

Come on, girls, let's do it!


Come on.


Nice work, my little cherubs.

Now, you all know what to
do, so into the castle.

And bless you.

[SINGING] I have a potion
to cause a commotion

You mix some garlic
with kasha and glue

You dab it on your elbow
and arm and zap!

It makes a toad out of you

ALL: [SINGING] Zap the world
Zap the world

Come together Get together

Together we can zap the world

Zap the world Zap the world

Come together Get together

Together, we can
zap, zap, zap, zap, zap

Zap the world


You're all so rotten
and I haven't forgotten

I get so wicked
just watching you work

Pm grateful to that voodoo guru

That zap, zap, zap a bunch
of weirdoes like you

Zap the world Zap the world

Come together Get together

Together, we can zap the world

Zap the world Zap the world

Come together Get together

Together, we can
zap, zap, zap, zap, zap

Zap the world




It's an angel raid!

Is this another of
your rotten jokes?

Does this look like a joke?

Yikes! Hit the deck!

It's angel's dust.

Don't let it touch you.


It'll turn us into good fairies!

Angel at three o'clock!

It's an epidemic!

Why didn't you have the castle
angel-proofed, you idiot?

Give me that.

Oh, yeah? Give me
back my Freddy!

Let me go!



He's with the angels now.


Freddy, are you
all right, Freddy?

I'm fine now, Jimmy.

WITCH 1: Who said
conventions were fun?

WITCH 2: Duck!
Here comes another one!

WITCH 3: I'll never
touch another drop.

WITCH 4: Where did
I park my broom?

Out of the way.
Make way for your leader.

Let me go! It's my door,
I get to use it first!

Oh, no, you've had it. Turn in
your key to the broom closet.

You're through!

Take care of him, Dr. Blinky.
I'm gonna go get Puf.

Be careful, boy.

Don't leave me!

Oh, go to heaven!


Stop! Please,
I beg of you!


Hang on, Puf,
I'll let you loose.


I promise I'll never zap
the good guys again.

I'll be like a mother to them.

Good grief!
The wires are tangled!


We lost our angels.



More falseys!

You aren't angels. It's a hoax!
It's a trick!




Come back, Boss Witch!

They're a fake!
They aren't angels!

Gosh. Thanks, Jimmy. I sure
thought I was a goner.

Come on.
Let's run for it.

Yeah. We better
get out of here.

Come on. Come on.

Come on.

They weren't really angels!
It was the good guys!

Please, my leader.
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Where did I go wrong?

Fire! Fire!

Shh. We've already
done that.

[SOBBING] Come back,
Boss Witch. Come back!

Come on, Orson!
To the broom room!

We've got to catch Boss Witch!

Yes, my queen.


Boy, we certainly scared the
daylights out of those old hags.

You really made terrific angels.
You all were knockouts.

I never was so frightened
in all my life.

LION: Oh, my!
Me, either.


I'll never look at another
apple as long as I live.

Look! There goes

Boss Witch, wait for me!

Boss Witch, come back!

If she catches up
with Boss Witch,

she'll bring them back,
and we'll all be goners.

Look, Witchiepoo, there
are the good guys.

I'll fix them! Get out
my doomsday b*mb!

One b*mb coming up.

I'll throw that little darling myself.
Orson, take the wheel.

Right, chief.

You idiot!
When I said, "take the wheel,"

I didn't mean "take" the wheel!

The b*mb!
Where's the b*mb?

It's right here.

You dummy. Grab it!

It's gonna blow!


What is it about
you rotten good guys?

You always win.


Drat. Drat. Drat!

Our troubles are over.

When good friends pull together,
they can do anything.

That's right!

I've found a friend in you

One that surely will endure

Loneliness has just one cure

The friend I found in you


We're alive and well

And living here on Living Island

Living every happy day

Alive and well on Living Island

Living here in harmony

And hope someday

We hope someday the whole
world will live this way

A most amazing place

Living Island
is the most amazing place

Living Island
is the most amazing place

Living Island
is the most amazing place

Living Island
is the most amazing place

Living Island
is the most amazing place

The end?

That's what they think.
I'll get them yet!

Oh, go home
and have a nightmare.

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