03x07 - There Will Be Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chucky". Aired: October 2021 to present.*
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After a vintage Chucky doll turns up in a garage sale causing the town to be thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin.
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03x07 - There Will Be Blood

Post by bunniefuu »


Previously on "Chucky"...

A ghost ripped my husband's face apart.

What do you think I should tell my boys?

I'd like you to meet
the president's double.

Your brother's doll is alive,
and he's a serial k*ller.

What I need from you is to
get a single personal item

from each one of these guards,
unless you want to see me

be ex*cuted in three weeks' time.

I'm going for the nukes!

[g*nsh*t] What a world!


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Oh, Mr. Ray.

Go right in. He'll see you now.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


Who are you?

I'm Damballa.

And you are?

I'm Charles Lee Ray. Your
secretary said that...

- Charles...
- I could just...

Lee Ray... ah, yes.

Here it is.

Please, have a seat.

You know, I always
thought that you'd be a...

a snake or something.

I take the form of the one
that you revere the most.

And since you're a...

pathological narcissist?

Well, here I am.

And what is this place?

This is the spirit realm.

♪ ♪

I like to meet my
constituents one-on-one

before they're processed.

Makes it a little more personal.

- Do you have any questions?
- Yeah.

I served you up a
smorgasbord of sacrifices.

I even k*lled the president.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You did what?

I k*lled 13 people,

more than double what you asked for.

Was that not enough?

Well, of course I
wasn't paying attention.

You cheated on me with other gods.

Catholicism? Seriously?

That was an accident.

g*nsh*t, point-blank.

Suffocation by Stars and Stripes.

Charles... Chucky,

these kills, to be honest...

it looks to me like you're coasting.

You want to know how
I k*lled the president?

I thumbed his eyes out.

I learned that on Shark Week.

Does that sound like coasting to you?

I mean, I... I k*lled my own mother

before my balls dropped.

I blew up a priest.

Multiple defenestrations,
acid face melt,

poison roulette... you
name it, I've done it!

And what about the nukes?

I almost blew up the whole world

in your honor!


It's not really about numbers, Charles.

It's about passion and originality.

I can't f*cking read minds!

If you wanted to be so f*cking specific,

you should have told me!


How dare you f*cking
speak to me that way?

f*ck you!

No, f*ck you, Mr. Ray.

Straight to f*cking hell!


No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Damballa, my one true god.

Please, please, you
can't process me out.

Give me one more chance.

k*lling the president,
that did take audacity.

And you've caught me

in an unusually magnanimous mood.

You get one more chance to up your game.

But you'll need to
k*ll without a body...

as a ghost.

How am I supposed to do that?

Thanks to the blood you
spilled in the White House,

you have more power
there than you realize.

So harness the blood, Chucky.

Use your imagination.

And if I do, you'll take
away the Catholic cooties?

And I can go back?

Put on a show, impress me,

and I will see what I can do.


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

A developing story
here at the White House

which is currently operating
with a skeleton crew...

Fueling rumors of a remote
nuclear detonation...

The First Family is
believed to be inside...

We go now to a live report
from Vice President...

ALL: Spencer Rhodes.

My fellow Americans,
last night at 10:48 PM,

the White House was participating

in a routine exercise with
NORAD when we lost power.

While this led to temporary confusion

and some speculation
about U.S. involvement

in the unusual activity
over the Arctic Ocean

reported overnight,

this incident was wholly unrelated,

and there was no danger at any point.

As any homeowner can tell
you, an old property requires

what feels like nonstop maintenance.

The White House is no different.

We've dealt with several power outages

over the past few months.

So while the president
remains indisposed,

I'll be overseeing a
complete electrical overhaul.

Today, most staffers
are working from home,

so necessary rewiring can
happen quickly and safely.

Soon, we'll be back up and running.

Thank you all, and God bless America.

We're clear.

Thank you, Dennis.



How'd that feel?



And the internet is
officially speculating

that the president is gravely ill.

We're good.

Tonight, we'll make the announcement,

and tomorrow, you'll be the president,

and then we can finally put

this misbegotten transparent
administration to bed.

Can you imagine the sheer
chaos if the world found out

that a supernaturally possessed doll

m*rder*d the President
of the United States?

And nuked the North Pole?

It was melting anyway.

Damage control is
certainly gonna be tricky.

But the doll did us a favor.

You know, I never would have
thought a simple cleanup job

could turn into a full-on
executive branch upgrade,

but hey, if my years
in this line of work

have taught me anything,

you can't let a good
opportunity go to waste.

How can we be sure it's really over?

The experts from Duke are arriving today

to make sure the house is clean.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got to go prepare the widow.


♪ ♪

I know how you feel right now, ma'am,

and I am right there with you.

If that man keeps getting
between me and my children...

Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

I could support that wholeheartedly.



It's uncanny. You look just like him.


How did I get here?

I, like, felt like I won the lottery

when I got the call to be his double.

I thought he was gonna be
another third-party hack

diluting the electorate.

But when he won while
sticking to his convictions,

while... while still standing
for something, you know...

He really was one of a kind.

I don't know what happens next,

but I know that the
Collins family is strong.

I know you're strong, and I know

you're gonna do what's best
for you and for those boys.


Oh. Good.

You look tired.

That'll be helpful.

So last night's
incident was, uh... whoo!

What was that thing?

The children have identified it

as a manifestation of Charles Lee Ray.

- The serial k*ller?
- I know. [CHUCKLES]

Certainly, uh, unusual,

but it's dead now!

So now, we can focus on moving forward.

We are gonna tape an announcement.

Surrounded by your loving wife and sons,

you will reveal that you've been

diagnosed with brain cancer.

And as your health is
deteriorating rapidly,

you've, of course,
transferred power to Spencer.

Madame First Lady, you
will plead for privacy

and support from the public.

No. Not cancer.


[SIGHS] I'm sorry.

I'm sure this must seem rather ghoulish

with your son and whatnot,
but that's what'll make it

realistic for the American people.

There has to be another way.

You just be ready in 60.

I'll leave it to you to
get your sons up to speed.

♪ ♪

What a d*ck.



I can't believe that
guy took our phones.

I finally had the footage to prove it.

Hicks says he's CIA.

Give it up, Lex. We're
never getting out.


- That's not good.
- None of this is good.

Chucky's gone, and now I'm
never gonna see Caroline again.

We'll find her, Lex.

We won't stop until we find her.


♪ ♪

There's just so much
shit we never got to say.



Your mother asked to see you.

Just him.

No way.

I'm not leaving them.

You can't keep us in here forever.

Honestly, this might be
the safest place for you

at the moment.


I'll go get help and
come back for you guys.

Trust me.

Yeah, I do.

Be careful, OK?


♪ ♪

Grant, will you please tell me

what the hell is going on around here?



Is he OK?

He's in shock.

Sweetheart, I... I need to talk to you.

About Dad being dead?

Yeah, I figured that out already.

- I wanted to tell you...
- Why didn't you, then?

There are things that you don't know,

things that I was trying to protect you

and your father from.

What do you mean, protect Dad from?

Look, I'm gonna tell you everything,

about the murders and the ghosts...

Crazy shit has happened,

but you still should
have told me about Dad.

- I know.


We need to get your brother out of here.



Ma'am, everything is set.

But we have to move now.

- OK.




♪ ♪

Ow! Ow!

Ow, Eli, you're hurting me.

- Sorry, Miss Tilly.

Miss Valentine.

Let me fix it for you.

I have your croissant, Miss Tilly.

Why is Valentine so
f*cking hard to remember?

f*ck the croissant!

My execution is tonight!

I should have been
out of here weeks ago!

Well, all the guards are
on board now, except for...

Except the sn*per out front.

For some reason, you
have failed to bring me

even a single hair from his head.

Or a glove,

or a shoe,

or a g*dd*mn condom, for Christ's sake!

Well, he was out sick for a week.

And, you know, sn*pers
do tend to be loners.

Your excuses aren't going to save me

from lethal injection!

We won't let that happen, Miss Tilly.

Get out of here.

f*cking morons.

Get me something of his.

And get it fast.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪




Dr. Lindstrom, welcome
to the White House.

Mr. Pryce is waiting inside.

Oh, no.

Timothy, what do you see?

There's something very,
very wrong in this house.


♪ ♪

So what happened with
the Long Island Medium?

That woman is awesome.

- She was booked.
- Ah.

But Timmy is the most gifted psychic

I've ever worked with, bar none.

He cleaned Buckingham
Palace when the Queen died.

Taylor Swift hires him
after every breakup.

I respect that résumé.


His whole family was m*rder*d

right in front of him as a child.

That sort of trauma can leave one open

to otherworldly communication.

Rather fortuitously.

For us, I mean.

Well, certainly not for Timmy.

For him, it's been a curse, not a gift.

How so?


I see.

The president died here.


In agony.

That tracks.

His k*ller was not human.

You're three for three, Mr. Nash.

Now tell me something I don't know.

His family's getting away.


♪ ♪

What about my friends?

We'll find a way to help
them once we get out.

Pryce's guy is guarding the door.

We're not gonna be able to get to them.

- No, they're hostages!
- No time, sir.


Thank you, Coop.

Yeah, no problem, ma'am.

It's only my pension.

Grant, get in.

- We gotta go.
- No. No, I'm sorry.

- Honey.
- Not without Lexy.

Now or never, guys.

I'll stay with him,
ma'am. I'll keep him safe.

Please, we don't have time.

I can't let anything happen to her.

Grant. Grant.

Get in.

Grant! Grant, no!


Brett, go back.

Please, go back.

We can't risk it, ma'am.

He'll be all right.

♪ ♪

Let my friends go.

Back the f*ck off, you entitled...


Holy shit!

You gonna get in trouble for that?

Yeah, probably.

Heads up.


Come on. I'm getting you out of here.

No, Grant, I'm not leaving.

Not when there's a chance
to find out about Caroline.

Master Collins.

We need your help.




Miss Tilly. You're coming with me.

And who are you supposed to be?

That don't matter.

But I got the privilege

of walking you down the green mile.

But that... that isn't until tonight.

What... what are you doing here now?

Standard protocol.
We're moving you to a holding cell.

Does Erica know about this?

Erica's dead.

That b*tch!

Put your hands behind your head,

turn around and face the wall.

OK. I'll... I'll go quietly.

I just... I just need
to collect my dolls...

Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

Where in the hell did
all this shit come from?

- I need my dolls, mister!
- Let's go. Come on.

- It's part of my religion!
- All right, come on.

All right. Let's go.

You're violating my civil liberty!

- Let's go.
- Stop it! I need my dolls!

Kids, this is Dr. Carol Lindstrom,

head of the parapsychology
department at Duke University.

Mr. Pryce tells me you've had
experience with the entity.

Charles Lee Ray.


There are many entities in this house.


What are you guys doing?

Listening... to the dead.

Electronic Voice Phenomena, EVP,

are auditory signals
imperceptible to the naked ear.

These devices allow us to listen in

and record empirical evidence.

What kind of signals?

Messages, pleas...


The souls of those who died
in this house still linger.

And based on what you've told Mr. Pryce,

I suspect their k*ller
is still here too.

Wait, Chucky is still here?

Timmy, what do you see?

It's not what I see, it's what I feel.

The veil between the living
and the dead is so thin here,

there's almost nothing
holding the other side at bay.

The other side?

The spirit realm.

They're trying to warn you.

♪ ♪


They've been trying to warn everyone...

about Chucky.

Is everyone who's ever
died in the spirit realm?

Like, hypothetically,
could you make contact?

No. Um, most are at peace.

The spirit realm is a type of purgatory

for those with unfinished business.

But if Chucky is still
here, can we talk to him?

Ask him questions?

What kind of questions?

OK, I think we have something.



- What are they saying?
- Hold on.


So much...

Is that...


So much blood.

♪ ♪


That's my dad.

So much blood.

So much blood!



♪ ♪

Our administration showed the world

that independence and
transparency are values

this nation still holds dear.

And your next president, Spencer Rhodes,

will guide our country into the future

with those same priorities.


It has been the honor of my life

to serve as your Commander in Chief.

God bless you all.

God bless America.

And cut.

Oh, God, just let me
do it one more time.

- Please?
- No, no, you don't...

you don't wanna ruin perfection.

- Oh, I just... I feel like...

That was well done, Randall.

You served your country beautifully.

Thank you.

Your well-earned retirement awaits.


♪ ♪



I'm not like you.

I'm not a kingmaker,
I'm not a power player,

but I'm not dumb.

Of course not.

I'm not meant to leave
this room alive, am I?

I'm afraid you're not.

Well, f*ck you all, then.


♪ ♪



Oh, God. Oh, God, come on.



♪ ♪


Hey. Hey.

Dr. Lindstrom, what
exactly is going on here?

I believe the accumulated weight

of every terrible
decision made in this house

served as kindling.

When it met the spark of these
recent violent deaths, well,

it erupted into a forest
fire of supernatural energy.



[GROANING] I'm sorry. I'm sorry.



♪ ♪




Help! Help!


It has to happen now.


The séance.

Once we've made contact,

we'll try to heal whatever core wound

causes him to act violently.

That's how we'll persuade
him to move on and find peace.

Wait a minute.

Chucky's violent because
he loves v*olence.

He's not looking for peace.

You can't appeal to his better nature,

'cause he doesn't have one.

Oh, yes, he does.



What are you talking about?

Good Chucky, remember?

Last year, we brainwashed
him, and he was different.


He was good.

There's no such thing as Good Chucky.

He threw Nadine out of a window.

That's not good. That's pathological.

♪ ♪






♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What is it?


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

We are now the only
people in the White House,

except for special ops who I brought in

to take over security.

You'll guard the door.

Mr. President, maybe it's best
if you stay at the Residence.

After all, you are the
leader of the free world.

Exactly. My duty is to serve,

not hide, tucked away like a child.

Besides, it's a séance,
not active combat.

I'll be fine.

[WHISPERING] It's getting stronger.

All right, everyone. It's time.

Let's do it. [CHUCKLES]

I think I'm the only one

who hasn't seen a ghost here yet.


♪ ♪

You... you and Chucky, you were close?

I was his godfather.

That'll be helpful.

Intense emotion between
spirits and the living

strengthens the
connection between realms.

Now, join hands.

♪ ♪

Once the entity is summoned,
do not break the circle

under any circumstances.

Is that clear?

What happens if we break the circle?

The sudden discharge of psychic energy

could be catastrophic
for everyone in this room,

both living and dead.

I will now guide Timmy into a trance.

♪ ♪

Five, four,

three, two, one.



♪ ♪

Timmy, can you hear me?

If you can hear me, open your eyes.


We're ready to make contact.

♪ ♪


Charles Lee Ray.

Charles, are you here?


♪ ♪

Are you here, Charles?


Why do you remain, Charles?


We want to help you, Charles.

Open yourself to us.



Charles, let us help you.



Tell us why you remain.

BOTH: Unfinished business...

And what is that?

BOTH: Devon, Jake,

and Lexy.

Where is Caroline?

BOTH: Caroline?

Where is she?

Don't distract him.

Can't you see he wants our help?

BOTH: The only thing I want from you

is your blood.

[IN NORMAL VOICES] Oh, for God's sakes.

Let's just talk normal.

Testing one, two, three.

f*ck. f*ck.


We summoned you here, Charles.

We are in control.

♪ ♪

BOTH: Sure you are.

Stay calm.

Do not break the circle.

You heard her. Don't break the circle.

You don't have to be
who you were in life.

I know there's a part
of you that has regrets.


BOTH: My only regret is your sister.

And I had such high hopes.

What did you do to
her, you son of a b*tch?

What did you do to her?


BOTH: There's only one way to find out.


Don't let go.


♪ ♪

Charles, you don't have to do this!

My name is f*cking Chucky!

♪ ♪

Don't break the circle!


Don't break the circle!

Do not break the circle!



♪ ♪


Don't break the circle!

Oh, shit. Look!

- Oh, no!

Go, go!


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


The president is dead.

The vice president is dead.

The double is dead.

The plan has changed.

We have to focus on contingencies.

You got this?


I'll handle it.

We'll summon Chucky again.

This time, we'll be ready for him.

Your only chance now is
to take him by surprise

on his own turf, in the spirit realm.

But how do we get to the spirit realm?

By dying.

I have to die.


I got it, Dev.


- The movie?
- Yeah, yeah.

And "The Abyss." Remember?

Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
is so good in that.

Care to explain for the
non-nerds in the room?

Um, you induce shock

or cardiac arrest or whatever.

I cross over to the other side,

I make Chucky tell me where Caroline is,

and then you bring me back.

[CHUCKLES] That's deranged.

Those are movies, not a how-to guide.

I don't think we have a better idea.

♪ ♪

Yeah, I do.

You, Pryce. You should
be the one to die.

You covered up Chucky's crimes.

You let it get this far.

- No.

Jake is right.

It has to be the one with
the strongest connection.

And that's me.

With Good Chucky.

Look, I loved him, Dev.

That part of him.

I'll be able to get close to him

and convince him to tell
me where Caroline is, and...

and then what?

Get him to move on? How does it work?

All souls are eternal,
unless it self-terminates.

Then it ceases to exist.

OK, what do you mean, self-terminate?

He's already dead.

If he sacrifices himself
in the spirit realm,

he'll be gone forever.

[SCOFFS] Good luck with that.

You said Chucky's soul is splintered?

Good Chucky makes him vulnerable.

So once I find Good Chucky,

I have to talk him into
sacrificing himself?


Oh, man.

If we do this, all
three of us should go.


- I'm coming too.
- Grant...

Chucky would just feed
on your hatred for him.

In the spirit realm,

your hatred would
only make him stronger.

Jake's love for him
is his secret w*apon.

Jake, if you love me, you won't risk it.

And if you love me, you'll trust me.

Uh, OK, regardless of
who loves who the most,

how are you gonna temporarily die?

Uh, I can help with that.


♪ ♪

♪ My heart is open ♪

♪ Eyes are wide ♪

♪ ♪

♪ My mind is free ♪

♪ My hands are tied ♪

♪ I can see ♪


♪ ♪

This drug was refined by
the CIA over many years.

There was a coup in...

Actually, don't worry about it.

But I promise, it works.

It stops all cardiac activity.

You can be dead for five minutes,

at which point,

this drug will restart your heart.

You stay dead any longer,

you risk permanent brain damage.

The drug that brings him back,

give it to me.

I don't trust you at all.

All yours.

This is gonna work.


This... this is crazy.

We're the heroes, remember?

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

Just promise me you'll come back.

♪ ♪

♪ I will rise ♪


I need to say goodbye
to the guards first!


Please, get me Eli!

I need Eli!



Does anyone wanna say anything?

I do.

♪ ♪


I talked to GG this morning.

They told me to give you a message.

Though it kills me to do
this, I promised I would.

So they said you were
a wonderful mother.

And that you always
tried to protect them

from a world that could be cruel

to those that are different

and that they will always
love you very, very much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Tiffany, I know the truth about you.

And I know you are
going to burn in hell.



♪ ♪

Jake, I love you.

I'm right here with you.


♪ ♪

Any last words?

Are you ready?

Goodbye, GG.

Goodbye, Chucky.

I love you

so, so much.

♪ ♪

♪ Live life ♪

♪ Live life like you're gonna die ♪

♪ Because you're gonna ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I hate to be the bearer of bad news ♪

♪ But you're gonna die ♪

♪ You're gonna die ♪

♪ You're gonna die ♪

♪ You're gonna die ♪

♪ Yes, you're gonna die ♪

♪ Live life, live life
like you're gonna die ♪

♪ Because you're going to ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I hate to be the bearer of bad news ♪
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