Wolves (2022)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Wolves (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Daisy!




- Just a few more then?

- Yeah, probably one or two

more trips, and then the couch.

- All right.

C'mon Mikey.

- I hate to let it go.

I, I think my grandpa

gave it to her.

She raised me after

my parents died.

She didn't have much,

but she left me that.

But now my landlord's

jacking up the rent prices

so I just need the money.


- You're kidding, right?.

I work weekends at the

shop over on Kenmore.

You were in a month ago

giving me the same story

about your grandmother's

wedding ring.

I can do you 150.

- I've seen similar

pieces listed online for-

- I don't price match.

- For 200.

- All right, now it's 120

and you'll be be lucky

if I don't ask you

where you got it.

Do we have a deal?

- Hey, Petey.

Got something for you buddy.

Are you gonna wake up?

Come here.

Hey buddy.

There you go.

So, good day?

- Cases such as

these have been increasing

in both frequency and severity.

This being only one of

nearly a dozen such cases

reported in the city

in the last 18 months.

Early reports of

these incidents,

they refer to smaller animals-

- Goodnight, buddy.

- From what we have seen here

it appears the suspect

may have moved on

to larger domesticated animals.

In cases such as this,

it is very difficult for law

enforcement to make headway.

Now, unfortunately,

in the eyes of the law

animals qualify as property.

So very few tips, if

any, tend to emerge.

And I would like to reiterate

what the police

department has said

and ask that the public

please come forward

with any tips you may have.

- And finally, tonight:

it looks like winter

is here to stay.

Our own Colin Lander joins us

with some unconventional ways

to beat those winter-

- What time is it?

- 11:30.

Hey, can you drop me off

at Denview on our way back?

- The park?

- Yeah.

- All right.

- I forgot I was

gonna meet somebody.

- I'm

here at Denview Park,

where earlier this morning

a jogger stumbled

on a gruesome scene.

In the tunnel behind me,

Erica Connors came

across mutilated remains

of what appears

to be a large dog.

I spoke with Michael Raymond,

a criminology professor

at Baldwin University,

for his take on

this peculiar case.

- Cases such as these

have been increasing

in both frequency and severity.

This being only one of

nearly a dozen such cases

reported in the city

in the past 18 months.

Early reports of

these incidents,

they referred to smaller animals

local wildlife, squirrels,

snakes, raccoons, even.

From what we have seen here

it appears the suspect

may have moved on

to larger domesticated animals.

In cases such as this,

it is very difficult

for law enforcement

to make headway.

Now, unfortunately,

in the eyes of the law

animals qualify as property.

So very few tips, if

any, tend to emerge.

And I would like to reiterate

what the police

department has said

and ask that the public

please come forward

with any tips you may have.

- Who is it?

- It's Jerry.

Open the f*cking door.

Where is it?

- What?

- Where the f*ck is it?

- Uh, I, I, I don't understand.

- Nah, you know exactly

what I'm talking about.

Cut the shit.

You know that truck

you work out of?

There's a name on the side.

You can read, right?

What does it say?

It says Jerry Cohen Moving.

My name, not yours.

You know what happens when

something goes missing?

When something gets stolen?

They don't call

you, they call me.

Miss Zwiski, where is it?

- I, I, I-

- Her necklace. Where is it?

- Zwiski?

You mean that retirement

home from last week?

Well, weren't Stav and

Mike working that day too.

- Are you

f*cking kidding me?

I've known Mikey

since he was a baby.

He's a good kid.

And Stav?

That guy's a f*cking ret*rd

but he's not Ret*rded

enough to steal from me.

Are you?

Are you f*cking Ret*rded?

Come here.

Listen, that's money that's

gotta come out of my pocket now.

I'll give you till next

Friday to get it back to me.

f*cking twerp.

- Animal abuse is often

the first manifestation

of serious emotional turmoil

that may escalate over time.

70% of violent offenders have

a history of animal abuse.

Right now, we have someone

living in our community

that is exhibiting

all of these signs.

This is something that should

be taken very seriously.

We ask if anyone in the

community has any information

to please come forward.

- Hey man, do you

have, do you have my smokes?


- There you go.

- Hey man. I'm

sorry about Jerry.

- Yeah.

Your uncle's a f*cking assh*le.

- Yeah. Yeah, he is.

Still, I can't believe

you got caught, man.

- Isn't it a school night?

- Yeah.

Yeah, all right.

I'm sorry.

- Have I told you about this

new girl I've been seeing?

- No.

- Oh man.

Olivia, that's her name.

She's the, uh, one on the right.

Yeah. We, we met at this party.

I was actually talking to

her friend for a while,

but she left

and somehow I wind up making

out with Olivia like all night.

What about you?

- Huh?

- You seeing anyone?

- Oh, no.

Well, nothing serious.

- You, uh, found a new job yet?

- No, not really looking.

- I figured you'd be on

that like right away.

- No, I'm waiting

for something I care about.

- And, uh, what might

that be?

- Hey, I'm really happy for you.

She seems really nice and cute.

- Thanks.

Hey, I'm, uh,

I'm heading off tomorrow

for the holidays.

We should do something

when I get back.

You can meet her.

- Yeah. Okay.

That sounds good.

- All right, man.

I gotta take off.

And uh, sorry again about Jerry.

The guy's a total c**t.

If you message me,

uh, do it online.

My phone's kind of f*cked up.

I'm not getting your messages.

- to

shovel the front step.

- He's been

been very helpful.

- I was worried we

would have to hire

one of those plow companies.

How's your work going?

Are you still with

that moving company?

- Yeah.

- Oh, great.

You must be impressing them.

Do they let you

drive the big trucks?

- Yeah, sometimes.

- Oh, that's exciting.

How was dinner?

Sorry, there wasn't much.

We weren't sure you were coming.

- Oh, no, no.

It was great. More than enough.

- Are you done?

- Yeah

Uh, let me help.

- Oh, no, you sit.

I got you something.

It's not very much.

- Thank you.

- Do you like it?

- Yeah, it's very nice.

- Everyone needs a

nice outfit for work...

...A date.

If you have a girlfriend

I'm sure she would love

to see you dress up.

Do you have a girlfriend?

- Well, I started seeing

somebody a little while ago.

I don't know if

she's my girlfriend.

- Tell me about her.

- Well, we met at a party.

Um, her name's Olivia.

She's really nice.

Can I see his room?

(floorboards creaking


- Whoa, I didn't

see you there, bro.

- What the f*ck are you doing?

- Uh, lost my keys.

- Yo. Sorry about her.

She gets a little

bitchy when she's horny.

- f*ck off, Kevin.

- Yo, you need help

looking for your keys?

- Nope. Got 'em.

- All right.

- He's really weird.

- Yeah? Professor

Michael Raymond's office.


Hello? I'm hanging up now.

- Mr. Raymond. Hi.

- I'm

sorry, who is this?

- I saw you on the news and

I, I wanted to speak with you.

- Who is this?

- I saw your work

on the k*ller targeting

animals in the area

and, and I, and I wanted

to ask you a few questions.

What's your name, son?

- Uh, Petey, Peter.

- Okay, Peter,

where are you calling from?

- I've been following the

investigation quite closely.

I've been to most

of the crime scenes

and, and, talked with

some of the witnesses.

And, and I-

- Who is this, really?

- I wanna find him.

- What about

this interest you so much?

- That's... I...

I wanna find him because I,

I feel like I, I know him.

Statistically young, white male,

probably a student,

likely a loner.

I want to find him because

I, I feel like I can be him.

I'm, I'm not, I'm not,

I'm not him, but...

This is someone like me,

somebody in my, my own backyard.

The moment I heard,

I, I, I had to,

I had to understand, I

had to understand him.

He's, he's so close.

I'm so close.

- Two years ago,

someone slipped a

note under my door

saying that someone

was adopting animals

from the local shelter

with the intention

of butchering them.

- Someone f*cking knows you.

Westview Country Supply.

How can I help you?

- Hi. Yeah.

I've been having some

trouble on my farm lately.

Coyotes, pestering the livestock

- Over

in the West End, huh?

We've been hearing a

lot of that this year.

Cold weather, I think.

- Yeah. I'm wondering

if you got anything-

- Yeah, we got

some high-end air

r*fles in stock.

More than enough

power for coyotes.

It's typically what

folks around here use.

Quieter and cheaper than a .22.

But if you need more power,

we got whatever you need.

- Okay. Yeah.

Sure, thanks.

- Happy to help.

And we're open

till 6:00 tonight.

- You can now

fit fitness into your lifestyle

to achieve a lean sculpted body

in the convenience

of your own home,

fitting in an exercise

break at the office,

while traveling,

walking on a treadmill

or even outdoors when

the weather is nice.

And we know it works.

A 16-week NASA study, proved

that Spiraflex resistance

increased muscle

strength and size

as much as working

out with free weights.

SpiraFlex works so well,

NASA astronauts use it to

keep fit in the space station

for almost 10 years.

- We needed a

resistant exercise device

we could depend on.

We needed something compact,

light-weight and effective-

- Jesus Christ, kid.

Who'd you steal from this time?

So I'm just gonna go ahead

and assume you

don't have my money.

Can't you talk ret*rd?

You know, Stav's a dumb f*ck

but you make him look like

a g*dd*mn brain surgeon.


Christ, you really are a p*ssy.

At least have the balls to

look at me in the f*cking...

What the f*ck?

The f*ck's with you, kid?

What the hell is all this?

What the f*ck are you doing?


What the f*ck is with you?

God damn freak.

You f*cking freak-

- You're not getting

your money back.

Look at me.

Never come back here.

- If you're

gonna be home late,

have James's mom text

me and I'll pick you up.

I don't want you walking

home in the dark.

- Would your mom let us

go sleighing by the school?

Do you think

there's enough snow?

Can we use your brother's sled?

It's way faster.

- Come on.

- Where are you going?

- Wait up!

- Come on. Over here.

Don't be scared, okay?

Don't be scared.

I didn't do it.

I didn't do it.

I just found it.

Got it?

- Okay.

- We'd like

to warn that some viewers

may find this disturbing.

- Thanks, Carol.

I'm here at University Heights

Park where last evening,

two young children came

upon a shocking discovery,

which appears to

be only the latest

in the string of similar cases.

While police have yet to

release any formal statement

on these occurrences,

one officer on scene

describes what he witnessed

as disturbing and even

ritualistic in nature.

Police have since

cleared the scene

and the park remains

open to the public.

- Attention students,

the time is now 9:55.

In five minutes, the upper

levels will be closing.

Please return to the main floor.

- The time is 10:00 PM.

The upper levels are now closed.

Please exit or return to

the main-floor atrium.

- Please

- It's you. It's you.

He looks just like you.

I saw him once

- When?

- Years, four years ago maybe.

- How do you know?

Arthur? How do you

know it was him?

- Do you believe it?

What they say about him?

- What do they say about him?

- That things are only

gonna get worse from here.

- You tipped off Raymond.

- I didn't want

anyone to get hurt,

but we're not supposed to look.

- What did you find?

- I was cleaning after hours.

That's when I come in.

I'm on work release

for a non-violent...

Nobody got hurt, but...

I was working late cleaning

and I didn't think

anyone was here.

It just startled me.

He was leaving and something

fell, maybe under a table or...

We're not supposed to

look at students' things.

I would get fired,

sent back to j-

I didn't mean to

look, but I saw.

It was a page with ideas, notes,

plans, what he was gonna do.

I didn't say

anything to anybody.

I didn't want to

get into trouble.

But then years

later, I saw on TV...

- You sent the note to Raymond.

Arthur, what are

you not telling me?

What do you know?

- I know his name.

- I need you to give

that to me right now.

- Look I, I already looked, I

checked online, phone books.

Every shift I look.

He never came back.

- Arthur, give me his name.

- Humane

Society, Darlene speaking.

- Yeah. Hi, Darlene.

My name is Nate Wells.

I adopted a dog from you

guys a year or so back,

and he's doing great.

I've been in a

few times recently

and there's this cat I

might just have to adopt.

She's just the cutest thing.

- That's

great to hear-

- I was hoping I could

come by later today.

- Uh, you'll have to

fill out an application.

Have you done that yet?

- From before,

for Petey, my dog.

- Okay, so you'll

have to file a new application

but we should still

have you on file

so it should be pretty quick.

- That's great, Darlene.

Thanks so much.

We'll see you later today.

- Awesome.

We'll see you then.

- Buh-bye. Actually, Darlene,

if you're still there...

- Oh, yes?

- Just wanted to check.

I've moved a few times

in the last few years

and I can't remember,

but could you

check and make sure

that you guys have my

most updated contact info?


- Uh, yeah, I, uh-

- Thanks so much.

- Okay.

Sorry, your name was?

- Nate Wells.

- Okay, um.

Okay. 1153 Watercrest

Ave., Apartment B.

- You got it.

Thanks so much, Darlene.

We'll see you later today.

- What

are you doing?

- Uh, I'm friends with Nate.

He invited me over.

- Oh, is that his name?

He doesn't have friends.

- Well, he and I go way back.

I haven't seen him in years.

- Hey, what's your name?

- Peter.

- Oh, shit.

That, that's my name too.

- Huh, what are the odds?

Uh, listen, Peter I, I'm-

- You shouldn't.

You shouldn't go down there.

- Do you know him?

Do you know about him?

- I didn't see, I don't, I-

- Peter?

- You should, should go.

You should go.

- Why can't I feel my legs?

- You pissed yourself

when I moved you.

I think you might be paralyzed.

- How did...?

- The window.

I wanted to talk to you.

It's been nagging at me.

Why didn't you k*ll me

that day in the woods?

You had me.

- I didn't know what to do.

- You've never hurt a person.

I read that it often

starts with small animals,

um, smaller, and

then it escalates.

When did you know?

When did the, uh, urges begin?

I also read that

it often manifests

in, in sexual maturity, puberty,

and, and that it's often incited

by instances of

childhood abuse or,

or some kind of trauma.

When did you know?

- I don't f*cking know!

I was a kid and one day it

didn't scare me anymore.

- Do you enjoy it?

- How much time did you

spend looking for me?

How many back alley shitholes

did you have to crawl

through to find me?

Look at you.

Look what it took.

When I saw you down there,

bleeding, panting.

So pathetic.

I knew I was gonna let you go.

That's the difference

between us.

- Tonight,

Police are investigating

after a tip from a neighbor

led authorities to a

shocking discovery.

Officers responded to the

scene at Watercrest Avenue,

found the body of

Nathaniel Wells

along with the remains

of dozens of animals.

Wells, a former student

of Baldwin University's

medical sciences program

was pronounced dead at the scene

and is now the prime

suspect in the string of

animal killings over

the past several years.

- Oh my god.

No way. No.

Oh my god. No.

He's so cute.

Oh, he, right?

- Yeah. Yeah, he.

Um, his name is Petey.

- Oh, I love it.

He's adorable.

- Yeah. Yeah.

He's a good guy.

I've had him for what,

like 12 years now.

- Wow.

- Yeah. Great roommate.

I still have to chase him

down for the rent though.

- Well, I can assure

you that he is probably

a thousand times better

than my roommate.

Seriously though, I've

had this like thing

about like strange pets

ever since I was little.

When I was a kid, I used

to want a chameleon.

- Chameleons are cool.

- Yeah.

- You never got one?

- No, my mom had this cat.

I guess she always figured

that it would get in there

at night and like eat him.

But she was probably right.

That thing was a monster.

And now I'm in the dorm

and they don't allow pets.

So, ah, I don't know.

Maybe next year.

I'll see where I'm living.

- I don't think my

building allows pets either

but Petey's so low maintenance

that I don't even think

they know he is there.

- Well, I have got to

meet Petey someday.

What's, what's

his schedule like?

- Well, it was just

packed over the holidays

but February is opening

up a little bit.

So yeah, we'll see

what we can do.

- Okay.

Okay, um...

Okay, I know I

probably shouldn't

but I have to ask,

what did you do?

Your neck?

- Oh!

- What the

hell happened, man?

- Ugh.

- Yeah. Snowboarding accident.

- Oh, yikes.

- Yeah.

- So you snowboard?

- Not anymore.

Yeah. I was, my first time

I went with some friends

and never again.
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