03x07 - Responsibility - The Pupil of Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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03x07 - Responsibility - The Pupil of Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ begun. ♪

( munching loudly )

What a beautiful day.

You're right, Ari.

It's perfect.

Oh, look, there's Annie.

Maybe she wants to join us.


Hi, Ari, Aurora.

( sighs unhappily )

Hm. I don't think Annie is enjoying the day

as much as we are, Aurora.

What's wrong, Annie?

Oh, I had a job to do--

watering the garden for my aunt and uncle--

but it turned into a total mess

and they're coming home tomorrow.

What am I going to do?

It's a disaster.

What happened?

Everything started out just fine.

All I had to do was throw a little water

on my aunt and uncle's garden

just for their two-week vacation...

no big deal.

It even looked like fun.

I'm sure you're going to have a really good time.

Are you sure you can take care of the yard

while we're gone, Annie?

It's a big responsibility.

You're on vacation.

You must have things you'd rather do

for the next two weeks.

No problem. I only have to water

the garden for an hour a day.

That leaves hours to do everything else.

You guys enjoy your vacation.

Don't worry about mine.

I've even got some seeds I'm going to try planting.

I remember the time I tried growing morning glories.

Pesky things took over the yard.

Let me tell you...

Come on, dear.

For two weeks

Annie's in charge of this garden, not you.

Bye, Uncle Chris.

Bye, Aunt Ellie.

( chattering )

That's right, fella.

I'm in charge, now.

Feel like a quick dip?

What a lovely garden, Annie.

Is this a summer job?

No, I'm just taking care

of my aunt and uncle's garden while they're on vacation.

Isn't it cool?

Well, I'll let you get back to work.

It looks like you're doing just fine.

I remember that day, Annie.

You were doing so well.

Sure, that day.

It kind of went downhill after that.

What went wrong, Annie?


Everything was great...

at first.

I went back the next day and watered.

The morning glories were even starting to sprout.

You know, it's fun for a day or two

but after that, it's kind of...

well, boring.

I mean, watering every day?

( chattering angrily )

Oops! Sorry.

( chattering continuing )

The plants were all growing okay.

So, when Zach invited me to go fishing, hey, I went.

I figured there was plenty of time to water the garden later.

You know what I like about fishing?



Uh, hey, Annie, did you water the garden?

Oh. No.

I'll do it later...

when I go home.

It's on the way.


( grunting )

It's a big one.

Careful, don't lose it.

Both: Whoa!

( laughing )

I even like this part of fishing.

( both laughing )

Hmm... kind of late for watering...

and the plants won't dry out at night.

It'll be okay.

I'll do it first thing tomorrow.

( chattering angrily )

But the next day, Zach invited me to the movies.

( screaming )

( laughing )

It was a monster movie marathon.

So, I didn't get to the garden that day, either.

( chattering )

Guess all that watering gave you an appetite.

Oops. I kind of forgot.


you volunteered.

You told Aunt Ellie and Uncle Chris

you'd take care of it.

I won't forget again.

I'll go first thing tomorrow, really.

( panting )


Look at the view.

It should be good.

It took us all morning

to get here...

and it'll take us all afternoon to get back.

We won't be home till dark.

So, what about the garden?

Don't you have to water it today?

Oh, no. I forgot.

I know, I'll just give it a triple dose tomorrow.

The mountain hike, the water park

tubing down the river

and today the amusement park-- we've been busy.



uh, Annie

how long has it been since you last watered?

Not long, a day or two.

Well, three days.

Uh, maybe four.

Okay, six days.

Less than a week.

Six days!

No biggie.

So I'm six days behind on watering.

That's an hour a day.

I'll just water the garden for six hours.

There, that should do it.

See? No problem.

Come on.

( chattering frantically )

( sputtering and sighing )

( chattering angrily )

I guess I'd better turn that water off now.

Whoa! ( gasping )

( chattering angrily )

Yeah, yeah.

So it wasn't such a great idea.

What are you going to do now?

I don't know.

It's a pretty big mess.

Yeah, no kidding.

I sure wouldn't want to be you

when your aunt and uncle get back.

Me neither.

So that's it.

The yard's a mess

the plants are dried out and the dirt is mud.

Those morning glories are everywhere

and they're coming home tomorrow.

What am I going to do?

Stick a bunch of these in the ground.

No one will ever notice.

Oh, they'll notice.

Hm, yeah, probably...

but it's worth a try.

Why did you take on the job if you didn't want to do it?

It seemed easy, even fun.

But then it wasn't easy.

Not as easy as it looked.

It was the same thing, every day.

So, it was too hard?

Not hard hard.

What made it hard

was that it got boring and it was every day.

I wanted to do other stuff instead... so I did.

That can be a difficult choice for anyone.


Really, even long ago.

There's a story by a German poet named Goethe

about a pupil who was given responsibility by his teacher.

Problem is, he wanted to have fun

instead of just working.

It's called "The Pupil in Magic."

, , , !

Ready or not, here I come.

So, my little skunk friend, where are you hiding?

Could you be... here?

( sputtering )

Oh, playing hardball, are you?

Well, as my great-great-great-great grandpa used to say

"If at first you don't succeed

try, try again."

Aha! Found you.

I won, I won, I won again.

I'm the best.


( whimpering )

Nice day, isn't it?

A perfect day for a rousing game of hide-and-seek...

don't you think?

'Course, it's a perfect day to sleep in.

Nothing like a good, long sleep.

No, siree. Uh-uh.

Say, you haven't seen a skunk, have you?


( grunting )


( sputtering )

( whimpering )

( laughing nervously )

I don't suppose you've seen a skunk, huh?

( yelling )

( grunts )

( sputtering )

This is getting old fast.

That's it.

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

No more mercy.

It's time for the big g*ns, the a*tillery.

It's time for a bit of magic.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Kick-a-door, be-no-more!

Watch a pro in action, feathered one

for this game of hide-and-seek is about to end quickly.


Where are you going?

You'll miss the best part!

( drawling ): The game is over, pardner.

Your time is up!


( growling )


Aah! Help! Put me down!

Ouch! Hey... hey, watch that!

( clears throat )

Oh. Uh, hi, Mom. What's up?


I thought you were going to clean your room.

Um, I did... I mean, I was cleaning my room

but, well, I got bored.

Jack, you promised.

I know, I know.

I'll do it later, I promise--

on the way home from school.

School! Oh, no! I'm late! Bye, Mom!

And come right home after class!

Okay, Mom! I will!


( sighing )

Hide-and-seek is just no fun without the "seek."


Uh, sorry. I'll fix it.

I've been studying all morning-- really!

Is that so?

Yes... I see you have been practicing.

But you treat magic as a game.

You have only learned the power of magic-- not its proper use.

And, uh, correct me if I'm wrong, young Jack Rabbit--

if you cannot be trusted to get to class on time

how do you expect me to trust you with the art of magic?

As I have put forth on countless occasions:

"With great magic comes great responsibility."

As yet, you have demonstrated skill

but not enough responsibility.

But tonight, you will be given a chance.

A chance? Really?

Yes. A chance to prove yourself by exercising responsibility.

I must go to the Great Mountain to gather minerals and plants

for my experiments.

And me-- do you want me to finish turning lead into gold?

Use the power of the cauldron to create a wall of fire

to protect the castle?

Transform myself into an eagle to follow you?

( grunting )

( sighing )

You will finish cooking lunch

and clean the floors and dishes while I am gone.

Performing these tasks and doing them well

will prove your responsibility and fitness

to exercise magic.

Huh? But wouldn't making magic do that, too?


( gasping )

This is the first time

I'm leaving you alone and in charge.

How well you fare as my pupil

will depend on how well you do while I am gone.

So this is definitely going to be on the final exam?

I will be back when the sands have run from the hourglass.

Have your work done by the time I return.

Don't forget to do your chores.

And do them well!

He's gone, all right.

I guess I should get started.

Yep, do my chores, get done fast, and then I'll get to do...

( sighing ): more chores?

Well, it's not like he'll teach me a new magic trick

when I'm done

and he's finally gone...

Here's my chance-- just one new trick.

Then I'll finish my work, heh-heh.

Now, let's see... I'll start small.


Oh, not bad.


Yes! Now for the hard part: putting it back.

Um... Kick-a-poo-wall-a-boo!

Uh, Kick-a-poo-wall-a-bye!

Ha! I'm a pro at this.

Hmm, time's running out...

But that doesn't mean I have to stop practicing.

I'll start with lunch.


That's enough.

Uh... Wall-a-pop-a-loop-a!

Uh... Cake-a-wall-a-cake-a!



I guess I'd better get to the floor and those dishes.


Well, looks like the mop needs more water.



Here, now, that's enough of that.

( grunting )

( moaning )

( groaning )



( grunting )

Kick-a-poo-hop-a-long! Stop!




( groaning )

( grunting )


Uh-oh. I'd better hurry and clean this up.


( blubbering )


( grunting )

Kick-a-poo... Oh!


( coughing )

( gasping )


( screaming )


( sighing )

Uh, Cake-a-pop-a-wall-a-glug!




What have you done?

Done? What do you mean? I didn't do anything.

Ah, then nothing need be done.


Well, okay, okay.

Maybe I kind of tried to use some magic to do my chores.

And that would be because...?

Because I was playing with magic and lost track of time.

And is that what I trusted you to do while I was gone?

( sighing ): Not exactly.

You trusted me to do my job and not to play with the magic book.

Then you've learned your lesson for today?

The rabbit looked embarrassed

as he realized that this was, indeed, a test

but one he could still pass.

It was only when the pupil owned up to his actions

that the magician said the word to set things right.

Then he left his pupil to clean up his mess...

by hand.

( sighing ): I guess it's not so bad.

I should have this cleaned up in no time...

well, maybe a few hours... a couple of days...

( sobbing ): by New Year's.

You know, Plato, I was trying to find a way to hide my mistake

before Aunt Ellie and Uncle Chris got back.

Maybe I should stop looking for an easy way out.

I could just face the music

admit what I did, and offer to make good

no matter what it takes.

After all, I had a responsibility

and I didn't live up to it.

Follow your instincts, Annie.

I'm sure you'll do the right thing.

Home at last! Can't wait to see the garden.

I can't wait to see my roses.

( gasping )

Oh, my.

Uncle Chris, Aunt Ellie, I kind of messed up.

I'm sorry.

See, I put things off, and then there was no way to...

I couldn't catch up.

That's why your beautiful yard

isn't so beautiful anymore.

I'll work hard all summer-- honest--

and I'll fix it.

After all, the garden was my responsibility

and I can still do the job right.

Thank you for being so honest, Annie.

We'll get this garden back in shape together.

It'll be fun.

Oh, uh, hi, Mr. and Mrs. Redfeather.

Hi, Zach.

Hi, Annie. Ready to go swimming?

I can't right now, Zach.

I got to fix this poor garden.


Hey, I'll help you.

That way, you'll be done sooner.

Then we'll head for the pool.

Hey, look, guys, fruits and flowers

from Aunt Ellie and Uncle Chris' yard--

a reward for all my hard work.

I guess gardens can get by

with a little more-- or less-- watering.


( slurping )

Thanks for being there... and helping me.

You did well, Annie.

Now, I say we all relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

If you hadn't worked so hard

we wouldn't have these fine foods today.

Yeah... this is a case where doing the right thing

really is its own reward.

Mmm... and how sweet it is.
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