30x10 - Survivor Russian Roulette

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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30x10 - Survivor Russian Roulette

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on


We can get him out right now

And he'll never know.

Jeff: mike knew he was in


I know they are coming for my


Jeff: and tried to buy an

Advantage at the auction.

Jeff: you're looking for


But dan was the lucky one.

Jeff: you bought yourself

An extra vote.

I get a second vote?

Do you have any idea what this

Means to me?

Jeff: back at camp...

Great job to flip on rodney.

Mike had no intention of

Going down without a fight.

You got to relax, bro.

What mike was saying was true,

But because of what he done, you

Just ade yourself next one out.

Jeff: with the hidden

Immunity idol already in his

Pocket, mike won individual


Mike wins individual immunity.

Facing tribal council...

Those four, they don't have

Your back, dan.

They are using you.

Jeff: mike tried to warn

Dan and sierra about being on

The bottom.

I want to go to the final

Three with you.

Nobody even likes you.

Jeff: while mill made

Things personal with shirin.

I guarantee there's nobody at

Home right now missing you.

Are you really speaking to me

That way?

Yeah, I am speaking to you

That way.

At tribal council, shirin

Opened up about her fast.

I don't have a family because

My biological father was just

Like you, verbally assaulting me

All the time.

It had everything to do with me


It went way beyond the game.

Jeff: tenth person voted

Out and the third member of our


But jenn was voted out.

Jenn, the tribe has spoken.

Eight are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

She wanted to turn us.


When mike blew up, he lost

Everybody's trust.

You almost feel bad for him.

I do, but it's about trust.

He's so passionate.

So completely.

He can say sierra and I are at

The bottom of the barrel.

Does it make it true?


I do in the believe I am at the

Bottom of my alliance.

I know it looks like I'm playing

A passive game.

It doesn't mean I don't have

Scheming brewing.

You okay?

That as*ault, he verbally

Assaulted me and personally

att*cked me, and he used my

Personal history against me.

I'm not one to cry a lot in

Real life, but I have this

Pavlov's dog reaction to men

Yelling at me.

I don't know what's going

Through his brain that he

Doesn't realize he personally

att*cked another human being.

Are you truly just that dumb or

That cruel?

I think he's actually that


The most horrifying parted about

This for me is that all of this

Drama makes will an excellent

Person to take to the end, and

Yet mike and I are on the


I'm really sorry about what

Happened last night at tribal.

I really am.

What part of it?

The part where you had tears

In your eyes.

I had no idea.

At tribal council one of the

Things that cape up was a

Blowout between shirin and will.

Apparently there's v*olence in

Her history.

If that's the case, I feel very

Bad for her.

However, that being said, shirin

Is a drama queen.

She's a two-faced liar.

She loves to play the victim.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

I mean that.

For shirin to say that will is

Worse than her, that's


Did he go overboard?

From what I heard, yes, he did,

But when she's calling him

Names, when she has no gratitude

Or appreciation, I call that


Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Reward challenge?

Yes, sir.

Jeff: for today's challenge

You'll be divided into two teams

Of four, using four barrel, two

Planks and a piece of rope, you

Must transport all four tribe

Members across three sections

From one end of the field to the


If somebody falls off or if a

Plank touches the ground, you

Got to go back to the start of

The section you're in.

First four to get to the other

Side win reward.

Whan to know what you're playing



Jeff: you'll be taken to a

Beautiful catamaran for an

Afternoon of sailing along the

Nicaraguan coast where you will

Enjoy burgers.



>>Jeff: with cheese and


Oh, my god.

Jeff: and for dessert, pie.



Jeff: worth playing for?

Oh, yeah.

Jeff: all right.

We'll do a schoolyard pick.

You will decide the teams.

Do it.

We'll get started.

All right.

Running for blue it is mike,

Shirin, sierra and rodney.

Running for red, it is tyler,

Dan, carolyn and will.

Here we go for a nice reward.

Survivors ready?


Pretty simple.

Four barrel, two planks and


Question is, how to most

Effectively use these items to

Transport four people from one

End to the other without ever

Touching the ground.

That includes your plank.

They can't touch either.

This is going to be all about

Figuring out a system.

What to do, how do you move



I got it.

Jeff: very different


Blue going with barrels on the


Red going with barrels straight


There you go.

I got 'em.


Just like that.

Jeff: mike flat out risking

Sliding off and falling on the

Sand trying to set up these


Mike doing a lot of work.

A plank falls but does not


The red team taking a more

Conservative approach.

It's a little slower.

Blue with a lot of momentum now,

Working together very well.

Shirin, come on.

Jeff: the red team is

Moving more slowly, but they're

Still in it.

It's going to come down to who

Has the best system.

Come on.

Tell me when that back one is


Jeff: the red team not

Panicking at all.

Mike giving up his entire body

For this challenge.

We're dead even right now.

Two very evenly picked teams.

Battling for a nice reward.

Mike in trouble.

Got to recover.

You got it.

Jeff: and he does.

Almost did the splits.

I do crossfit, jeff.

We got it now.

Let's go.

Pick it up.

Jeff: mike with a big push.

Blue has extended their lead


One, two and three.

Jeff: but only by a barrel.

This is back and forth now.

There you go, baby.

All right.

Come on.

Jeff: the longer this

Challenge goes on, the more

Energy you exert, the less you


I think we got to change it


I think we do, too.

Jeff: mike dripping with


One, two, three!

I love cheeseburgers.

Jeff: red has been very

Careful, taking their time.

It has paid off.

The red team is now in the lead.

Mike got to be exhausted.

Something's going to have to

Change for blue.

Red now two barrels ahead.

Want me to take the gamble of

Running across one of these

Really quick.

No, no, let's all do it.

Don't touch the ground.

Plank in the ground.

You got to come back to this


Get off and get everything back


Huge setback for the blues.

Big advantage for red.

We're doing great.

Just focus.

What are we doing here?

Jeff: sierra barrel


You guys just start doing


Blue is going for broke.

Everybody going to get on

Barrels and try to roll their

Way to the end.

It's an incredible strategy if

It works.

Go, sierra.

Shirin falls.

Mike is off, everybody's got to

Go back.

This is last ditch attempt by

Blue to get back in this as red

Inches closer to the finish.

This could do it.

They may be able to get to the

Platform from here.

Tyler's across.

There's two.

Come on, brother.

Jeff: there's three with


Tyler, carolyn, dan and will win



I can't believe we won that.

Jeff: will, tyler, carolyn,

Dan, nice job.

Big reward.

Burgers on the water.

Good job, guys.

Jeff: you're very subdued.

Is it the exhaustion of the


It's a hot day but you can't

Help but feel bad.

Rodney's been on no rewards.

I feel very bad.

Jeff: you can give you spot

To rodney if you want to.

I'll give mine.

Got off the hook on that one.

Jeff: will, tyler, dan,

Carolyn, grab your stuff.

Dan has options in this game.

He's a loose cannon, so we want

Him to feel comfortable so that

Inkling to go back the mike

Never crosses his mind, and

Being on a reward with him is a

Perfect opportunity to get that

Point across.

Bye-bye, rosie.

Just the four of us.

I'm sorry, girl.

The reward challenge started off

Really, really good.

We had a lead, but lost it.

Go ahead and get the fire



It was me doing the work

While three other people stood

Around and watched.

I'm sorry.

It ended up being the losing


I got to take full credit for


If my tribe mates are mad at me,

How much more mad can they be?

I'm already their number-one

Public enemy.

I got nothing to lose at this


I don't know about you,

Rodney but...

I'm hurting.

I haven't been able to leave

This beach once.

I didn't go on one [bleeped]


I'm pissed.

I'm miserable.

I'm in the eating enough food.

I'm shaking.

I got an itchy beard.

I haven't showered.

My nails are nasty.

Did I say I'm miserable?

I was

Hoping I win reward and then we

Get individual reward and you


Everybody's had a break.

But I've just been locked in my

Cell 24/7 not being able to

Burst out and have some fun.

I need some rodney time.

For my sanity I need to get out

Of here.

I don't want to scare you,

But tyler is going to win this


You know what I mean, like if he

Keeps winning immunities and

Gets any further, he'll win.

Everyone on that jury now will

Vote for him.

He'll win.

He will win.

Shirin will vote for whoever we


We got him out.

I got faith.

Everybody's not willing to.

Makes me think you have

Something with him.

You want to get him out at

Seven, I'll get him out at


But I'm trying to get him out at

Six because I don't trust


At this point tyler cannot

Only win immunities.

So I'm well aware that tyler is

A threat.

We could use shirin's vote to

Get rid of tyler before this six

Because he's a threat.

You have to strike when you get

The chance.


If for some weird

Reason tyler got, there we would

Not win, but if shirin came with

Us, we would win.

No one would vote for her.

I can't say too much because

I don't want to scare them, you

Know, and be another mike.

I don't trust shirin.

She is so...

She won't win.

He will.

It's not that tyler's a threat,

It's that people are seeing him

Playing a good game and they're

Going to give him $1 million.

Tyler, people think he's a

Threat, but I am the biggest

Threat because I'm running the


I got the numbers.

I got the relationships.

I got the personalities on my


I'm a little concerned with


We got to stay cool, calm and

Collected like I said from day


My next move is to get mike and

Shirin out of here and get to

The strong six and then rodney

Works his magic.

This is great.

Here we are.

You know why we won this


Because there's no...

Because we worked at a team.

Because there's in mike in


I'm not going to lie, winning

That reward, that was awesome.

Game's on top.


I will say, even if we do

Want to unpause the game, we're

In a good place the unpause it.

There's no mike.

There's no shirin.

There's no nonsense.


Now that mike is on the outs,

The fact I got to go with these

Three, carolyn, tyler and will,

Just made it even better.

Because they're my alliance

Right now.

Mike has been like teflon.

Doesn't matter how he screws up,

He finds a way to fix it.



Know, the only reason why mike

Is still here is because he's

Won immunities.

The next immunity he lose, smell

You later.

We're getting bacon



Count of three...

One, two, three...

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.


This is the biggest hamburger

I've ever had in my entire life.

Oh, my god.

Mike believes with all his

Heart the four of you plotted

Against him to get him out at

Nine and rodney turned.

Look, mike is right about one

Thing, he is a threat.

He's a threat.

But to say we were planning on

Voting him out, three or four

Votes prior to what we agreed,

That's not true.

It would have been stupid of


Dan doesn't get it.

Mike was correct.

Our group was going the target


But my goal is to keep dan

Focused on the others, on the

Evils, on the guys like mike,

The flippers who don't belong.

What snapped in mike

Holloway's brain four days ago

That made him want to throw

Everybody under the bus, to team

Up with shirin?

He went psychocrazy.

Dan should be worried because

He needs to be thinking further

Along in the game.

All he can see is top six, and

That's a perfect place for his

Mind to stop.

I love the fact that dan cannot

See beyond top six.

You know something, this

Vote, stay the course.

Stay the course.

Am I wrong?

Stay the course.

Thank you very much.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first,


Take back the necklace.

Bring it back soon, jeff,

Bring it back soon.

Jeff: you have to earn it

If you want it back.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, you are

All going to hold on to a rope

Handle attached to 25% of your

Body weight.

As the challenge continues, the

Weight will become too much to


The rope will unravel and the

Bucket will tip.

When you're out of water, you're

Out of the challenge.

For today's challenge the last

Man and the last woman standing

Will win immunity.

That means two people will be

Safe tonight at tribal council.

Everybody else vulnerable.

Somebody will be voted out and

Become the fourth member of our


Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

Everybody put your hands on your


As comfortable as that little

Perch is.

That's for when you're out.

Everybody roll your handle back

And release the weight.

Do it.

All right.

Everybody's in position.

And this challenge is on.

You're holding 25% of your body

Weight, but the body weight is

From day one.

We're on day 29.

So if you have lost a lot of

Weight, you're obviously holding

A higher percentage.

You'll start to feel it in your

Forearms, your back, your skin

Will start to tear on your


We've done this challenge in the


It usually lasts somewhere

Around a half an hour.

This is a long time to be

Holding on to that bar.

Sierra's bag slowly starting to


That's an indicator of the rope


Sweaty palms.

Jeff: tyler trying the

Change his grip up.

Dan trying to wrench it back up.

In the trying.


Jeff: duly noted.

Rodney trying the wrench his

Back up.

Oh, no.

Jeff: sierra struggling to

Hand on through the sweat,

Dropping a bit more.

Sierra no shot at immunity.

Carolyn and shirin now in a

Battle for the female immunity


Tyler struggling to say in this.

His bag is starting to drop.

Tyler drops out.

First man out of the challenge.

Will cannot hold on any longer.

Will drops out of the challenge.

Dan digging in again, but that

Rope slipping more.

That water ready to tip.

My fingers are numb.

Jeff: shirin starting to

Struggle a little bit.

You have to crank it back.

Jeff: carolyn holding


Mike holding strong.

Trying to wrench it up and it's

Working against him that.

Bag continues to drop.

I'm sorry.

I gave it up.

Jeff: dan is out of the


We're now down to two men and

Two women.

It is rodney taking on mike and

It is carolyn versus shirin.

Shirin's bag is slowly inching

Closer to the ground.

Hold on, carolyn.

Hold on.

Inch by inch.

Jeff: carolyn is getting

Closer to winning immunity.

Shirin dropping more.

It's about over for shirin.

You have ten seconds.

And that is it.

Shirin is out.

Carolyn wins individual immunity

For the women.

And we are now down to two men,

Rodney and mike.

Oh, yeah, baby.

Oh, yeah.

Jeff: carolyn has the

Necklace for women.

Either rodney or mike will have

It tonight for the men.

You may need it but you want


You want it, baby.

Hang in there, hot rod.

He's moving.

He's moving.

Jeff: both guys are feeling


That we know.

Who can hold off that pain, push

It away.


Jeff: dan giving rodney a

Lot of encouragement.

Dedication, motivation.

Rodney's bag dropping a little


Come on, rodney.

Jeff: mike won the last

Immunity challenge.

Would like to do it again.

Shut your mouth.

Take a second.

Jeff: sweat dripping off

Both guys.

Rodney working on that grip.

Rodney still in this.

Come on, come on, baby.

He's twitching, dude.

He's twitching.

You got it, baby.

You got it.

Angel over your shoulder.

Jeff: rodney's bag dropping

Another little bit.

Baby, dig.

Come on, baby.

Bianca: mike still holding


Rodney going back down.

Got to dig in now, right now.

Don't look at him.

Just focus.

Dig in and hold.

Jeff: his bag continues to


Rodney straining, giving

Everything he has.

Keep digging.

Dig, dig!

Jeff: day 29 for immunity.

Rodney can't do it.

Rodney is out.

Mike wins individual immunity

For the second time in a row.

Safe tonight at tribal council.

Huge battle.

That is how you do it out here.

Congratulations, carolyn.

Safe tonight at tribal council.

Rights next to her, mike you

Wanted it back, you earned it.

You got it.

Mike safe tonight at tribal


As for the rest of you, somebody

Going home tonight will become

The fourth member of our jury.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

Good effort.

I held on for as long as I

Could, but it wasn't enough and

Carolyn won.

It would have been epic because

Mike won immunity, I would have

Won immunity and then we would

Have seen the axis of evil

Scrambling all day, but it

Wasn't meant to be, and so I

Have now got to scramble.

That was close.

I know.

So close.

All right.

I wanted that necklace more

Than anything on this planet,

But more importantly is the fact

That shirin didn't get the

Necklace, because if shirin got

The necklace, one of my alliance

Member could have been going


Let's not freak out.

We know it's shirin.

We're all in.

Easy vote.


S a little a wrench in our plans

Mike to go home. Tonight is

Everyone's voting for shiri

Ese we'd have to split with own.

That just doesn't make sense.

All right.

All right, dan.

Go straight to it.

We're not exactlye of

People to mince words.

I know you don't like me.

You do trust me. I'm listening.

Think you're ally

Stupid to vote me

I'm not a threat at challenges

And I'm not a threat to winhis


You knowt, yet you have huge


In dreamrio, of

Course I'd love to sit next

Shirin in the final three, who


Kes her. Are literally votin out

Somebody threat in

Any way, who youould get out

Now, next get

Out any time between now and the

End of the game at will.

You're voting me out.

I agree with you.

I agree with single thing

You're saying...

If you had any power, if

Were truly strategic, you would

Figure out a way to


Dan, because he doesn't like me,

He's goi vote me out out the


Dan, you are being stupid.

Move.e going to have t

Ance... Alliance, by definition,

Is not with you to the end.

There's six of you.


Internal allianc there.

But like I have nothing.

So I really am with you until

The end.


Who do you think then today?

Iggestallenge threat after mike.


I know how to tell you

I'll vote with you to the end.

Like if I had way, I would

Go with and carolyn all the

Wa shirin should be taken to th

End because she won't get votes.

Shwon't win immunity

I'm not dumb.

I'm not blind.

I know tyler is a

I'm begging you.

But if I had two people

Backing me that were comfortable

With it.

Of course I would get rid of

Tyler tonight.

We know that dan's got

Advantage in this game.

And it's in his bag.

So it completely peaks my

Interest and it plants the seed

In my mind, "what's in his bag?

I have to find a way to get into

His bag.

I walk up, grab the bag and race

Off in order to understand

What's going on inside of his


And I read that dan's advantage

Is one extra vote.

Dan has essentially a vote


I grabbed dan's bag.

Basically what it is is he gets

An extra vote at tribal.


That's a big advantage.

I don't know if he's going to

Use it now.

What makes me nervous is that

Dan and sierra combination.

If they actually saw how

Dangerous our four is, they

Could flip, rejoin with mike and

Shirin and use the advantage to

Vote me out.

I'm going the tribal in a

Little bit.


How are you feeling?

Not good.

Why not good?

It woulde easy for you guys

To whip out an idol and protect

Both of yourself and k*ll me.

That' possibility.

I won

I feel pretty good.

It feels pretty awesome.

And today I don't have to worry

About anything, because I'm


But I'm not guaranteed to win

The next immunity, so I got some

To do in order to get

Myself further in this game.

What if tonight is the las

Night that you can g and

You don't do it?

You go to the end of game

Against tyler and you lose.

I agree.

I don't disagree with that.


You get browny points for

Making a wig move.

If I make it to the end, I

Made enough moves to get there

And I can point out all the

Moves that I have done along the


There was a time in this game

When I would have said dan was

My strongest ally, but I screwed

Up and I wish there was a way

That I could convince him of how

Loyal I truly am to him.

But dan is unwilling to give me

A chance.

So now I see what kind of person

He truly is, and it's sad that

You put your faith and trust in

Someone and they turn out being

A lot different than you thought

They were.

Something to think about,

Bud, because you have to turn on

Yourselves next vote anyway.

I'm winning immunity.

This whole game I've been

Playing 90 to nothing.

There is definitely some

Strategy to be thought of about

Using the hidden immunity idol

Tonight, for the simple fact

That I could get a big threat

Out of this game.

I just wanted to see where

Your head is at, if you'd even


You're asking us to get rid

Of tyler in exchange for shirin.

Who will not win anything.

Everyone is going to be

Voting shirin.

I could literally give the idol

To shirin and shake this game up


Let's see where the chips fall

And maybe those chips will fall

In my direction.

Jeff: we now bring in the

Members of our jury.

Hali, joe and jenn voted out at

The last tribal council.

Shirin, I want to go back to the

Last tribal council.


Jeff: you were sharing very

Personal stories about the fact

That you're alone, you have no

Family and you were explaining

Why you have no family.

And yet a lot of people come

Into this game and say, well,

Back home I got my family, I can

Trust them.


Trust is very hard to come by in

My life.

I have a mother that means a lot

To me even though we're not

Close because of what we went


Like the people that I'll be

Sharing this experience with are

My boyfriend and his family and

My best friend, and that's

Fundamentally different from

What everybody else has.

Jeff: dan, you're saying no

It's not.

I don't want to take anything

Away from shirin, but I'm an

Adopted child.

All I have for blood in this

World is my mother.

I have my adopted family, my

Wife, her family, friends I

Consider my family, but my

Scenario really isn't much

Different than hers.

Jeff: so you had domestic

v*olence in your upbringing?

I'm an adopted child.

Jeff: dan, not to split

Hairs, but that's a very big


In the taking anything away

From what...

Jeff, I don't think people

Here appreciate what I've been

Through and how wrong what will

Did to me was.

The fact of the matter is he

Verbally assaulted me and he

Took my family situation and

Really made light of it.

Jeff: dan, is that just the

Way it goes when there's $1

Million on the line?


But I wasn't there when it all

Went down.

And I told her I was sorry the

Whole thing had happened.

But notice none of them are

Saying what he did was wrong and

None of them are telling will,

Maybe you should apologize for

The things you said because you

Crossed a line.

Jeff: well, you and shirin

Still have not patched this up.

Not at all.

Jeff: you have no


Not at all.

Jeff: why not apologize?

What if you make it to the end

And shirin's the vote and all

She want was an I'm sorry.

Because if I'm going to

Apologize, I want it to be


That's the game.

It's not a game when you make

It personal.

I mean, jeff, let me just get

Right to the chase, you're going

To see the absolute dumbest

Thing happen tonight and that is

Me going home.

Everybody here knows that I'm

Not a threat, and yet we've got

Somebody who is actually won an

Immunity challenge, tyler,

Somebody who comes close every

Individual challenge, tyler,

Somebody who will take $1

Million from every single other

Person here except for maybe

Mike, some of these people just

Want to follow the numbers.

They don't want the take a risk,

And for that reason they will

Lose $1 million.

Jeff: tyler, she put you on

The hot seat with a compliment.

At the end of the day, my

Alliance knows that I stand with

With them, I stand strong with

Them, that without them I'd be

Right over there.

Jeff: sierra, shirin makes

A solid argument.

When do you take out the threat

And when does somebody who is so

Not a threat actually become

Somebody you should take to the


She's 100% valid, but, jeff,

I'm one voight.

As one person, if you don't have

The power to change a few

People's minds, perhaps you're

Not in the strong position in

Your alliance that you thought

You were in.

But we do have a six-strong

Alliance, and timing and moves

In this game are critical.

But you don't want to make moves

Too early in the game because

When you do, you could make the

Worst decision of your life.

Jeff: so mike, how big a

Vote is this, because if it goes

Through and shirin is out, that

Means you have to keep winning

Or you are out of this game.

Absolutely, jeff.

But I win this one more time,

And they got to start

Cannibalizing themselves.

I've been blue strong the whole


And I'm asking the blues,

Sierra, rodney and dan, please

Write a name that starts with a

"T" and you guarantee yourself a

Further spot in this game.

Jeff: and they're listening

To you because your loyalty has

Been spot on in the last week,

Is that right?

Well, we will see.

Only time will tell.

You think you're one of the

Smarter players in "survivor"


Sometimes looking at an alliance

And realizing, hey, we got a

Guarantee to the top six and all

We got to do is shut up, put

Blinders on, tune out the

Nonsense and just eliminate


And we play ball with people who

Are smart enough, patient enough

To sit back and wait.

Or if somebody realizes that

They are on the bottom, they

Would make a move, because going

Out at six makes no sense.

This game is way too hard.

The thing is, jeff, before

The strong six, it was a seven

With mike involved.

He flipped and made himself a

Target when if he stuck to the

Plan of the seven, this game

Could be opened up a little


Jeff: absolutely.

If mike's actions at that moment

Was the start of everything that

Fell before him, so now mike is

Having to answer for the

Consequences of his actions.

And likewise, so is shirin.

They'll say anything at this

Point to stay in the game.

Because that's what desperate

People do.

Jeff: all right.

Before we get to the vote, let's

See if the two desperate people

Have any last words.



I know shirin and I are not

Going home tonight.

I'm pulling out a hidden

Immunity idol, jeff.

We're going to see where this

Six is divided.

Can I see it?

I can see it?

You'd like to see it?

So here's the plan, jeff.

Shirin's voting for tyler.

I'm voting for one of the other

Four that doesn't have immunity.

And you take your chances.

Three people can vote tyler and

Guarantee themselves a spot,

Because it's only going to take

Four when I play this.

Jeff: so, mike, you're

Saying you're going to give your

Idol to shirin and any votes for

Shirin won't count.

The camp votes for you.

She's going to vote for tyler

And you're going to throw a vote

To sierra, will, rodney or dan.


Jeff: this really is

Survivor russian roulette.

If you want to make sure there

Is not a b*llet in that chamber

With your name on it, mike is

Saying you better vote tyler,

Otherwise it could be you.

Going to make for a very

Interesting vote.

It is time to vote.

Shirin, you're up.

Just sit there and look


Oh, boy, I hope this works.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

Love you, girl.

Jeff: okay.

Once the vows are read, person

Voted out will be asked the

Leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote.




One vote tyler, one vote shirin,

One vote dan.


That's two votes tyler.


That's two votes shirin.


We're tied, two votes tyler, two

Viets shirin, two votes dan.


Three votes shirin, two votes

Tyler, two votes dan.

One vote left.

11Th person voted out and

The fourth member of our jury,

Shirin, you need to bring my

Your torch.

Nice job, brother.

Dan still got two votes.

I'm so excited for this, in

My own way.

Jeff: shirin, the tribe has


Time for you to go.

Bye, shirin.

Jeff: well, I don't know if

I've ever been this confused

After a vote.

Because for all of the talking

Of a tight six, the votes say

Otherwise, and yet nobody from

The six seems to mind.

Should make for a very

Interesting finish to this game.

Grab your torches and head back

To camp.

Good night.

Stay tuned for scenes from our

Next episode.

Jeff: next time on


The only thing I can think of

Is I have to put dan.

The alliance of six begins to


It doesn't matter.

When your name is the other one

That's already been out there, I

Have to write somebody else's

Name down.

A bunch of fake-ass people.

I'm done.

And rodney reaches his limit.

I want to be voted out.

I want to be on the jury next.

No hard feelings.

We actually got a couple people

To flip and show who, in fact is

At the bottom.

Dan is a sensitive guy.

He does not like to be voted


So I have a feeling that tonight

Might have been a bit of a

Wake-up call for dan.

I'm excited to be part of the

Jury to see it all pan out.
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