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02x08 - It's True, Isn't It?

Posted: 02/05/23 09:12
by bunniefuu

Going out again? Let's hang out sometimes…

I know, want to go to the vacation house?
Everyone's there now.

Yun, Shii, and Haru.

And what's best is Kyo's there too!

Plus, you haven't met Tohru yet--

Kagura, when will you stop
playing pretend love?

It makes me cringe.

Why do you say it like that?

It's true, isn't it?

Isuzu! Come on, Isuzu!

What happened? Another fight?

It's been a while since taking her in,

but she's not getting
accustomed here at all.

Oh, right.

I heard you mention the vacation house,
but you better not go.

The head of the family
went over yesterday.


Don't tell anyone,

but I would collapse
if you ever got seriously injured.

I was shocked when it happened to Kisa.

Hey, wait.

What is Akito doing at the vacation house?

I wonder. A summer getaway?

I heard Shigure invited Akito.

Shii? Shii, you…

you bastard!

Kagura, remember when
you wrecked the door last month?

I won't lose. I'll keep going forward.

I can definitely keep believing.

Yuki didn't say any more.

We went back together

and ate pancakes
with everyone who returned already.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves,

and Yuki also smiled…

but I kept thinking about it.

The quiet voice that
pattered down instead of words.

I strained my ears to hear the quiet…




What's wrong? Do you have a headache?

Oh, no! That's not it! I was just…

By the way, why are you here?
I wasn't expecting you!

I came with Akito yesterday.

Some things came up,
so I couldn't come and visit.

Oh, you came all the way here…

Sorry. I know you came
to have fun with everyone.

I feel bad leaving you on your own.

Please, you don't need to apologize!
I have Kyo and time to do housework!

-I'm truly having so much fun…
-Calm down.

That's right. Everyone went to
Akito's place again today,

so I stayed behind with Kyo.

But there's no reason at all
for Hatori to apologize to me.

Could he be worried about Kyo and me,
since we have to stay behind?

-Could it be that everyone else is too?
-Make yummy food and wait for us!

Perhaps that's presumptuous of me.

But it makes me happy.

Thank you very much.

I feel so blessed, so please don't worry.

I'll be leaving now.

Kyo, don't leave her alone.

Will I not be able to greet Akito then?

Thanks to Akito.

What in the world did Akito say to Yuki?


Are you okay? You feel sick?

No, I was just thinking about something.

Oh, no! I'll worry Kyo as well!

Kyo, would you like to go to the beach?


We don't have to swim.

We can play in the sand!

Is that actually fun?

Yes, I'm sure it will be fun!

Why, Yuki, I was sure you'd be with Akito.

Akito's all over Haru today.

I see. We've got some time on our hands.


What did Akito say to you yesterday?

The truth.

You satisfied?

No. Not one bit.

Far from it.

Is it true that Kureno's here too?

I won't let him see you anyway.

Even Honda?

Why are you mentioning her now?

Because Kureno's part of the zodiac too.

Do I have to let her meet someone
just because they're a zodiac member?

That's not what I meant,

but it just feels unnatural
that you won't allow him to.


What do you mean by unnatural?

You always say
such amusing things, Hatsuharu.

Anything else that you think is unnatural?

No. Please don't laugh at me like that.

But you're so amusing.

That's why the Ox is the laughingstock.

Oh, did that hurt?

Did I hurt you?

Hey, what's this?

It's a sandcastle!

It looks like a sand mountain to me.

Oh, does it?

Well, I've never made one before,
so I don't know.

This was your first time
building a sandcastle?

What? Well, yes.

That makes me your senior then!

My dear senior, you suck at this.


I'm back!

You scared me.

Jeez, Momiji.

I'm back!

You came all the way out here
to do something this lame?

Welcome back!

-Aren't you tired from today, Haru?

No. Are you okay, Yuki?

All I do is make you worry, isn't it?


But, I'm fine this time.

Leaving the nest.

Jeez, Haru! I can't tell if you say that
knowing what it means or not.

Yes. This is what I like.



Well… welcome back.

I'm back.
Were you out here the whole time?

Yes. Kyo and I were building a sandcastle.

Oh, a sandcastle.

I thought it was a sand mountain.

Oh, is that what it looks like
to you as well?

Sorry about yesterday. Is it worrying you?

I knew it would trouble you.

Sorry I said all those weird things.

But I won't apologize for the kiss.

I don't think
there was anything wrong with that.

In return, you can forget about it.

I couldn't forget that!
You said nothing weird!

Those were very important things
to you, weren't they?

You talked about important things,
didn't you?

But it was so quiet.

The voice was so quiet…

so quiet that I couldn't hear it…

no matter how much I strained to listen.

There are appropriate
and inappropriate times

to tell the truth, right?

So, one day… okay?

For now, what I can say is…

I'm fine, so don't worry.

Right! I understand!

-Tohru! Yuki!

I felt like he was toying with me.

-And he somehow suddenly felt bolder.
-Do you like my sand ball?

Yes, it's nice.

Tohru, a sand ball!

Yuki, let's go home. I'm hungry.


If by any chance you see Akito,
you'd better not lash out like an idiot.

I don't care how much you get mocked,

but you need to be prudent
not to cause trouble for her.

Why do I have to hear this
coming from you?

You're so arrogant!
Who the hell do you think you are?

Someone better than you.

I'll k*ll you!


Yuki's so cool.

Like hell he is!

That quiet voice is still distant.

But I'll hear it someday.

Hey, Kureno.

Do you want to meet Tohru Honda?

Are Akito and Kureno going out?

She said they're going out for a walk.

To see Honda?

I wonder about that.

Either way, Akito has
a huge superiority complex

when it comes to Tohru.

You see how Akito's
taking us back one by one?

In the long run, she's a mere stranger.
I just need to isolate her.

Generally, the ugly's existence
annoys and upsets all.

It might be best to eliminate her.

But you see, I'm kind-hearted,

so I'll let that ugly girl have some fun.

I'm thinking of having her meet you soon.

So Kureno, you had better act
as a proper zodiac member.

You're substandard, so I'm worried.

So then after, that ugly girl
will go back to being all alone.

As long as she's here,
she'll be all alone.

I'll make her realize that
she can never b*at me.

That she's no match for me.

She isn't alone. Isn't Kyo with her?

Is it fun to be with a monster?



For you.

A hermit crab. How cute!

It's starting to look better.
Still doesn't look like a castle, though.


You don't want to swim?
No need to be considerate.

That's not it.
It's more fun when we're together.

Plus, I want to make an even better castle
and surprise and amaze everyone!

That's a big goal you have.

But why do you dislike water so much?

They say it's because
the Cat spirit doesn't like water.

I heard the previous Cat
didn't like water, either.

Master's grandfather…

Did the previous Cat
also wear that rosary?


What a mysterious rosary.
What is it made from?

Human bone.

From some great monk or something.
It's supposed to be a really old story.

The red ones are lacquered with blood.

I have no idea how much of it is true,

but they say it's an amulet that was made
by sacrificing another's life,

at the very least.

I thought that was wrong,
ever since I was a kid.

What existence is worth a sacrifice,
worth more than another's life?

Taking everything from someone
and trampling over them.

But still…

That scared me!

I thought I'd be swept away!

Damn ocean! I'll k*ll you!

Don't mess with me, bastard!

It's impossible. You have
no chance against the ocean.

Don't laugh at me!


What a carefree monster.

-Where'd your hat and the hermit crab go?
-Despite being a mother k*ller.

Oh, they got swept away!

We're going back. It's hot. I feel unwell.

I understand now, though.
No doubt, the most deluded of all…

is that monster.

So they didn't make contact
with her this time.

Kyo. Thank you for letting me bathe first.

I can use the bathroom now?

Yes. I'll bring the laundry in.


Sacrificing another's life…

He's already burdened with that.
How much does it weigh him down?

That voice from Kyo is also quiet.
I can't hear it.

Oh, but even I have a quiet voice
that I don't want anyone to hear…

Please wait! Don't fly away!

Oh, good. I found…

A horse!

Why is there a horse here…

-A zodiac…

It is you, Rin.

Oh, Yuki?

I saw you earlier and chased after you,
thinking it might be you.

This is Rin, or Isuzu Soma.


The zodiac Horse, as you can see.

Why did you transform, Rin?
You must not be well.

I think we should get Hatori--

Rin, you tried to kick her
in your horse form.

Don't get him!

Don't get anyone!

I'm very sorry. Please use this!

She turned back with sheer willpower?

Well, I have extra clothes
for her close by! Yes!

Oh, okay.

Rin. Don't push yourself.
You're feeling unwell, aren't you?

That surprised me.

I didn't think I would meet
a new zodiac member there.

The one with the Horse spirit.
It's a woman. A very beautiful woman.

She's what you would call
a voluptuous beauty.

She had a very nice figure.

Oh, my clothes may not fit her.

Rin, what in the world are you doing here?

Did you come…

I got dumped…

by Rin.

…to see someone?

Shut up! It's none of your business
where I go or what I do!

Listen, don't you dare
tell anyone that I'm here!

If you do, I'll k*ll you!

k*ll me? You know that's impossible.

Excuse me…

Don't play it cool.
You're just Akito's toy, after all.

Don't tell! Don't tell anyone!

Hey, Isuzu!

I'm amazed she can get mad
while being stark-naked.

She left. Will she be okay?

For the time being,
let's not tell anyone we saw her today.

Okay. But…

I want to go after her too,
but I really need to get back.

I snuck out.


But don't worry.

Leave Rin to me.

See you. Sorry to leave in a rush.



I can only help a tiny bit.

I'll be waiting for you.


Wait for me.

I met the Horse.

Now, the Rooster's the only one left.

So that means…



-That means that Akito is…

Be sure to bring Kyo here tomorrow.

Is this a storm that I feel coming?

You sure are enjoying this.

"So Precious…"