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01x13 - Separation

Posted: 02/05/23 09:56
by bunniefuu
Just before the sh*t,
my chest feels like it's gonna tear open

I shout out countless times, break out

It's not over,
rush through the endless night

Hot blood flows through my body

The moment it ultimately rots away

it's all over,
fragments of an empty dream come to mind

I can never go back,
I can't remember a thing

I've been reduced to struggling,
and my voice won't carry

Uncontrollable impulses

Give me your XTC,
let me feel it one more time

This body heats up, and I shout
out your name in the darkness

Give me your XTC,
I don't need false love

I will accept it, sin and punishment

Slash through the destiny
I've been set up with, Blade

This shows that the woman claiming
to be Rihoko-chan's real mother

This shows that the woman claiming
to be Rihoko-chan's real mother

is unquestionably
her biological parent.

Me and Riko, not related?
That can't be...

This person... let us call her "Ms. S"
...just happened to pass by you

when the Great Quake
struck six years ago...

And then they wound up separated...

She had never imagined
she was still alive.

But then just recently, she happened
to catch sight of Rihoko-chan

and felt absolutely
certain that it was her.

In these cases, we don't divulge
details about either party,

but in any case,
Child Welfare sees no problem

in handing Rihoko-chan over to Ms. S.

You can't be serious!


I realize how this must feel,

after having lived
as family all this time.

Even so, it's best for
her to live with her real-



You know I can't agree to that!


Her "real mother"?

What bull.

You're the ones who said
Rihoko and I were family!

So now you're just going to-

It couldn't be helped,
amid all that confusion.

A maternity record book and an infant
were discovered with you,

and besides, "Amaha Masane"
was a false name to begin with...

A false name?

It seems you had some problems.

And your memory loss didn't
make matters any better.

But I've worked so hard,
with Riko as my daughter!

There's no need for that
hard work anymore.

Things are different now!

Riko is the most
important thing to me!

I understand that.

But Rihoko-chan
is still very young.

She needs the love
of her real mother.


I've heard enough. Leave!

You'll need to pack, so I'll leave
Rihoko-chan with you for today.


Please consider what will make
Rihoko-chan truly happy.

Rihoko-chan. I'll be back
tomorrow to get you.

Then we can go and see
your real mother!

Well, goodbye.

What the hell?!

This is just too terrible...





You're my mom, right?!
That lady's lying, right?!


I don't want a different mom!
I want to stay with you!

I don't want to go anywhere!

I don't want to be away
from you either, Riko!

I don't want to give you to anyone!

You don't need to, Masamune-chan!

You're the one who's raised her!

Who cares about some broad who
suddenly shows up outta nowhere?!


Chou-san... Mariko-san...

Let's run away again, Mom!


Alright! In that case, just leave
everything to ol' Chou-san!

They're not related?

Nope. Apparently,

the real mother took the DNA test report
to the Dept. Of Child Welfare.

So who is the mother?

It's kept confidential,
due to regulations.

I am pulling some strings
inside the department, though.

-Is she handing the kid over?
-I would assume so.

I see.

Then I assume I can
have that data very soon?

I'll contact you again.

Here you are.

Assemble all management-level
members here.

I'm starting up a new project.

A new project?

The "Witchblade Project".

Just more financial reports...

Maybe this one's it...


Tozawa-chan. Got a minute?


-Good evening!
-Good evening!


No! I hate stupid studying!

Quit that, Maria!

Please don't be so bothersome.

I'm busy with
the Cloneblade upgrade.

Who cares?!

Are we neglecting
our studies yet again?


Maria. You possess a very
spectacular intellect, you know.

If you study, you'll become
an even more exceptional person.

Will it make you like me?

Yes, even more than now.

That means you don't
really like me now.


Maria. Why don't you
try coaxing Father?

You do like rewards, right?


A splendid idea.

Tell me anything
you would like, Maria.


I want my mom!

My mom would definitely like me...

All right.

Then work hard at your
training and your studies.

Once you can wear the Cloneblade,
I will tell you about your mother.

How does that sound?

You swear?!

It's a promise!

Was it wise to make
a promise like that?

Telling her who her mother is
won't pose any real problems.

Speaking of which,
I hear her child turned up...


Honestly. Reina was so foolish.

A mother, delivering her own child...
How primitive...

But it's somewhat intriguing...


Might I be able to borrow Nora?


You really don't know?!

No idea at all.

You just never give up!

We can't tell you
what we don't know!

Now listen here!

Hiding information about a child
to be taken into protective custody

is a violation of
the Child Protection-

Hey, I'm back.

She and Masamune are-

-Oh, geez...

Where did you hide them?!

-No idea at all.
-No idea at all.
-No idea at all.

Welcome back!

I really stocked up!
Tonight we're having a party!

I'm sorry to bother you like this.

Don't sweat it.

Still, never thought you girls
knew Chou-san too...

I was surprised too.

He said he'd ask an old friend,
but I didn't know he meant you...

Must be fate.

You can stay here until
things've cooled down.

I won't let anyone on my boat,
not even Child Welfare or the police...

Thank you...

Captain! Does your doggie
still not have a name?

Nah, I'm no good at that kind of stuff.

Then I'll think one up!

I can see why you
can't give up that cutie...

What should we name you?


She means everything to me...

She ran away?

Yes. Ms. Sakurai is
looking for her now.

-I see. Understood.

What is she doing?
She knows it isn't her own child...

Why does she want to stay with her?
It's incomprehensible...

"Add to Cart"
Why does she want to stay with her?
It's incomprehensible...

Bunta! Am I heavy?


Mom has to stop by
the bank real quick.

I'll get you a present,
so wait here, okay?



You mean Reina is her mother?

Yes. Isn't it shocking?

To think the reason she fled
six years ago was to have a child...

I couldn't find out
who the father was,

but why would she secretly
give birth all alone?

She was always making observations
of herself as a Neo-Gene.

Not just her body,
but her mentality as well...

It seemed like everything about
herself was a subject of research.

She probably wanted to assess things
on her own, including children.

Oh, speaking of which,

Lady is apparently no longer
compatible with the Witchblade.


While Masane-san was captured,

she heard that her
compatibility had dropped.

Is this for certain?

I know! Let's write a letter
to Chou-san and the others!

Let's see..."I am doing fine..."

Must be boring,
not being able to go anywhere.

No, I'm fine!

Actually, I'm writing a letter
to Chou-san and the others right now!

Oh, that's perfect!

I've sent that dog to Chou-san's
place plenty of times!

He should be able to deliver a letter!

Eh?! You're such a good boy, Bunta!

Oh! So Bunta's the name?



I have to constantly be afraid again...
And so does Riko...


She finally left...

Such a big-headed woman,
working for Child Welfare...

What a laugh!

Oh, Naomi-bou.
It's okay now. She's gone.

A dog?!


Hey there, dog! It's good
of you to come! Good boy!

Oh, that's right...
Riko starts school next year...

But as things are now...

-Can I help you find something?
-Oh, no, that's okay...

He's back!

Welcome back!

Amaha-san. Please consider what
will make Rihoko-chan truly happy.

Riko has a real mother...
And yet, I want to be with her...

Does that make me selfish?


She needs the love
of her real mother.


Help... Mom...




What are you planning to do?

I wouldn't know. My job is simply
to take her back with me.

She's my child.
Keep your hands off her.

Father is quite displeased
with your actions.

Is that so? But I still
won't hand her over.

To be honest, I've always
wanted to have at it with you...

To see just how good the supposedly
strongest Neo-Gene really is...

Here I come.

Someone's fighting?!

Just as I had thought...

But... I'm just getting started!

It's begun.



She's all right.

Did you save her?

It's only natural to
protect one's own child.


You're Riko's-

Why did you run off with her?

Umm... I...

You aren't her mother.

Which is why you didn't care
about placing her in danger.

What?! Didn't care?!

Even just the other day,
she fainted in town because of a cold.

So you were the one
who helped her then?

I only did what a mother would do.

What were you doing?

I was...

Mom... Mom...




She's your real mom.


Live with her from now on.

Eh?! How come?! No!
We decided to stay together!

Come on, Mom! Let's run away!
I only want to be with you! Let's go!

I changed my mind.

We're not family anymore,
so I don't wanna take care of you.

It'll be much easier living alone,
I can use money freely,

and I can have all the fun I want.

I'm tired of all this.

Hey! What are you-?!


-Oh, I see...

-Your mom is just-
-We can't be together...

We can't be together, can we?

Because you're not my real mom...

-That's why...
-Take her now.


Are you all set?



If I'm with her, Mom can't be free...

We can't be together, can we?

Because this person is my mom...

My real mom...

I turn around half-asleep,
my hair hitting my right cheek

Your voice was there,
and the air is warm

Your right hand grazes my left shoulder

Why not hold on tight?

I need to grow stronger... yesterday's wish can change tomorrow


But right now I'm still quaffing love

after breathing in your smell
and leaping across

Reach your hands out to me

I'm so happy