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01x05 - Kenny's Story

Posted: 02/06/23 08:16
by bunniefuu
Shirley Bassey?! I did not say
Shirley Bassey. I said Amy Winehouse.

He said Shirley Bassey.

And you said, "Yeah, I'm a fan. "

I said I liked her.
I didn't say I was a fan.

Is it the frocks? I just like
anyone who can belt out a tune.

Judy Garland?
Judy Garland can belt out a tune.

The gay mafia don't own these
people. What about Danny La Rue?

Not Danny La Rue.
Daniel O'Donnell's a nice boy.

Not Daniel O'Donnell. You know
why I can say this and you can't?

I can say it cos I'm secure
in my sexuality. Totally secure...

I'm not! You've never doubted me!

I'm as straight as a g*n barrel, me, mate.
I'd give Ronaldo one. I bet you would!


Where are you? Kenny?

I'm coming now, wait there! Kenny!

I told her not to go off on her own.

Hey, what's happened?

Dad! Are you all right, darling?

Daddy's here.

All right, all right.
Come on, let's go this way.

Where did he touch you, Chloe?

Upstairs. Can you point to
where he touched you?

Down there?

Can you tell Mummy
what was he wearing?

You tell Mummy.

Blue shorts?

OK. What else?

Black doggy? He had a black doggy?

We've got to get this bastard.

Where are you going? Don't be
so stupid. Just call the police.

Kenny! Kenny!

Blue shorts, black dog.

That's him. There.

Good boy.

Oi, oi!

Come here! Come here!

Get on your feet! Get up!

Hit him! Hit him!
All right! All right!

Hit him! f*cking hit him, Kenny!

f*ck! f*ck!

Come on, you pervert!

You dirty bastard!
You dirty pervert bastard!

You dirty bastard! f*ck's sake, man!

Hey, Gordon, get off him, man!
Leave it! Leave it!

She's phoned the police.
What's she done that for?

Go past, keep going round.

Right, stop here.

You all right?
No. I think I broke something.

Tell them you've been for a pint.
All right, mate.

Would you like us to arrange for
someone to come round and talk to you?


Kenny? Did you find him?

The police are here.

Yeah, I saw, what the f*ck
are they doing here?

Where've you been?

This is my husband, Kenny.

PC Lawson. Hi.

This is PC Ryan.

You're all right,
stay where you are.

Your wife said you went to the park... I
went for a pint, to calm down. Just as well.

Best leave it to us, eh?

We'll get someone on it,
keep an eye out over the next few...

There was no-one keeping an eye out today,
was there? Kenny! Sorry. OK. Understandable.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry about that.
Worst nightmare, isn't it?

I've got two girls,
I'd be exactly the same.

In fact, I think he's rather
restrained, under the circumstances.


They've been really good
with the kids.

What's wrong?

I've got coppers in the house,
Donna, that's what.

So you've got everything you need
then, yeah? Yeah, I think so. Yeah.

We can always come back.

I'm sorry about all this, Mr Armstrong.
Believe me, when we get the...

Take care. OK, thanks, bye. Bye.

What have you done to yourself?
Came off my bike.

Have we got any peanut butter? You didn't
go out on your bike. Sort him out, will you?

You stupid sod.

What did you involve them for?

Because it was
the sensible thing to do!

What have you done, Kenny?
What any man would have done.

What happened?
What did you do to him?

Actually, forget it.
I don't want to know.

Let me see. It's all right.
Give me your hand.

I said, it's all right!


Hey, sweetheart. Sweetheart,
it's OK. Leave it, Kenny.

Let me.

Hey, come here.

It's just a dream, Chloe.

That needs seeing to.
Go to the hospital.

I'll go in the morning.
It might be broken.

Go now, while it's quiet.
It'll be a nightmare first thing.

Hiya, love.

What's happened?

He didn't come back from his run.

The dog did, but he didn't.

We were out looking for him, but some
woman had found him and brought him in.

He'd been jumped.
What do you mean? Where? By who?

In the park. We're not sure.

Maybe a few of them,
and maybe in the park.

He's confused, he's not making
sense, is he, Tom? No, he's not.

So what have they said?
Nothing much.

There's all sorts of doctors
with him now.

Oh! There's two of them.

What's wrong? There's two of them.

I know why there's two of you,
so don't dare come near me!

Don't even think of it!

Mrs Duggan! Mrs Duggan!
No, he's not dead!

I'm not going to let you
tell me that he's dead!

He's not dead! He's not dead!

Kenneth Armstrong.


Gordon, it's me. It's the cr*ck of
dawn, mate, I need to talk to you.

Give me a bell. All right, bye bye.

Neil, it's Kenny. Can you give me a
call, mate, as soon as you get this?

That is well sick, that, Dad!
Is it broken?

Er... yeah. Is it really broken?

You're not going in, are you?
I'll be fine.

Don't be soft. You've had no sleep.
It's not as if... I'm fine, love, honest.

What do you want, then?

Nothing. What?
I don't want anything. I can't eat.

Why not?

I just can't.

You're not going
on your bike, are you?

Right, no food, no sleep
and your arm in plaster.

If you think I'll let you ride that to
work, you've got another thing coming.

What have you done? Fell off my bike.


'Hello?' Sue, hello, it's Kenny.

I'm trying to
get hold of Neil or Gordon.

'I'm not sure about Gordon,
but Neil's out with the kids. '

OK. Probably no signal, then. How long are
they there for? 'Couple of hours? Not sure. '

That's OK, I'll give them
a bell tonight.

Listen, if you speak to Neil, will you
tell him I want a word? 'Course I will. '

All right. Cheers, Sue. Bye. 'Bye. '

They won't tell me what they want.

I'll sort the bike out,
I'll be right in.

All right?

Hello. PC Richards.
Sorry, I fell off my bike.

Unlucky. This is DI Warren. Hiya.

Good to see you.
What can I do for you?

There was a man att*cked
yesterday in Wesley Park. Yeah?

He d*ed this morning
in the hospital.

As a result of his injuries.


Were you in the park yesterday?



You told your wife
you were going there.

I changed my mind and went
for a pint. I told this to...

PC Lawson. PC Lawson, yeah.

He had blue shorts on.

What does that mean? The m*rder victim was wearing
blue shorts, the man who molested your daughter.

Blue shorts, right. So you're saying it might
be him, the same bloke? No, no. Not at all.

But if you had gone to the park,

we were hoping you might remember seeing
something out of the ordinary that might help.

No. I've got to be honest
with you, you know, my head was...

.. elsewhere. I just went
straight back to the Portway.

There's someone that can
verify that, Mr Armstrong?

Verify it? How do you mean?
Just procedure.

Dad, it's Gordon.

Yeah, I'm coming!
Can you just excuse me a second?


Hello, mate. 'You were after me?'

Yeah, but I've got some people here now, I can't
talk. 'All right. I'll see you down the Portway. '

Yeah, OK. Yeah, I'll be in there.

'All right. '

Sorry about that.

Where were we?

I was asking you if there's anyone can
vouch for you being in the pub yesterday.

Yeah, er, Gordon...

Gordon Richmond.

He's my mate.

He was in there. And his brother,

Neil Richmond. We just had
a couple of pints.

The Portway?

Meaburn Road.



Thanks for the brew, Mrs Armstrong.

Appreciate it. Thanks.

I'll see you out.

You knew. You weren't surprised.
You knew. Later.

Where are you going? Get my jacket.
No, wait.

Going to see the lads. No.
I've got to talk to them.

You're not leaving me with this.
Let me get my jacket.

No. No way. No way. You're not
leaving me with this. This is serious.

We didn't intend to, OK? I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
You'll have to wait, Donna.

I'll be back soon, OK?

'You dirty fucker. '

'Hit him!'

'Hit him! Hit him! f*ck!'

How is she? Yeah, she's not bad,
considering, mate.

She had nightmares last night,

but I think she's going to be fine.

I see you got the bastard, then?
Yeah, we got him. Good.

Cheers, mate.

What would you have done to him?

Strangled him.

We didn't strangle him.

But we did go a bit too far.


He d*ed in hospital,
early hours of this morning.


I need to ask
a really big favour, mate.

Oh, Kenny, no.
Please don't ask me to...

Got to, mate. I've got to, mate.

It could've been your Paula.

You got the right man? Yeah.

Definitely the perv? Yeah.


I came back here yesterday.

After the girls had gone.

I had a few more pints
with the lads.



What do you want? I'll have a lager.

You all right?

What's up?

He's dead.

Who is?
The bloke in the park, he's dead.

Dead? How? I don't...
We k*lled him, that's how.

Are you sure? Yeah.

No... That's impossible,
that's off its head. He got up.

He d*ed in hospital this morning.


They've been round,
asking questions.

Police? Yeah.

Round at yours? Yeah.
How did they know?

Blue shorts. Man in blue shorts assaults girl
in park. Man in blue shorts battered in park.

What did you say?
What did you tell them?

That I was in here, having
a pint with you two. sh*t! sh*t!

Why did you say that?! You told
me to. I never said mention us!

It just came out.

Bad mistake, that, Kenny.

Bad mistake. When you tell a lie, you tell
as much of the truth as possible. They know.

Look, just give us a minute.

Stop panicking. Of course
I'm panicking! Just stop panicking.

What do you expect?! Calm down! Oi,
you're on the camera. Get over here.

I couldn't handle 18 months,
so no way can I do 18 f*cking years.

It won't come to that.
And you won't either.

It won't come to that,
so shut up, will you?!

What exactly did the coppers say?

He d*ed this morning,
of his injuries.

You said you were in here,
having a pint? Yeah.

We need to talk to Al.
I have done. I have done.

He'll back us up. Will he still
when he finds out it's m*rder?

He knows it's m*rder.

What?! He's OK.

It could've been his daughter,
he's fine.

The coppers will put pressure
on you. If he's got a family,

they'll go on about it. He has.

It's designed to get you
to weaken. Remember,

his family are better off
without him, cos he's a nonce.

What is he? I know what he is.
What is he? He's a nonce.

We keep schtum. We stick together.

We haven't k*lled a man,
we've k*lled a perv.

Right? Right.

We'd best wash everything
we were wearing as well.

No drink at home,
under any circumstances.

Don't even think about
criticizing me. Don't even go there.

We promised. Promised? I find out you've
k*lled a man and you waltz out of here

and I have to come to terms with
that while sorting out three kids?

We didn't mean to do it.
We're not bad men.

And even if we meant to do it, he was a perv,
he had his hands all over our little girl.


Has he got a family?

Has he got a family?
Got a wife. And one son at least.

At least? They were at the hospital.

They were there when I was there.

What did you do to him?

We k*lled him.
No, what did you do to him?

What part did you play?

I punched him, once.

No more.

It was Gordon, really.
He wouldn't stop hitting him.

I need to wash everything
I was wearing.

I'll do that.

We're going
round and round the park...

.. looking for the man
in the blue shorts...

.. and all the time I'm thinking...

.. "I shouldn't be doing this.

"I should be home
with Donna and Chloe. "

But the others,
they want to carry on looking.

And I tell myself...

.. if I go back...

.. it means that...

.. they love their kids...

.. more than I love mine.

Best in the North West, honestly.
People working here are...


Kenny, can I introduce you?

This is Mrs Duggan,
and Pete and Tom Duggan.

Kenny works here.

Kerry lost her husband
a few days ago.

I'm sorry about that.

You were at the hospital.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

I was upset.

The last thing you want to see
when you're upset is a kind face.

I've got to go. Of course.

So if there is anything you are
worried about or want to talk about...

'Hit him! Hit him!

'f*cking hit him! f*ck!


What do these buggers want?

We're interviewing a couple of people. A few
leads, just to eliminate all the guff, if you like.

So we can concentrate on
the important stuff. Yeah?

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Right. Duggan's injuries indicate that
he was att*cked by more than one person.

It could've been you, couldn't it?

It wasn't me.
No, no, I'm not saying it that way.

I'm just saying thank God you went for
a pint instead of going to the park,

otherwise we could be after you.


Who was in the pub first -
you or your mates?


The manager says they were.

What, you've talked to him?

It's a m*rder inquiry.

No stone left unturned, I'm afraid.

Yeah but it's the m*rder of a child molester,
isn't it? I mean if people round here... Whoa!

Who said he was a child molester?
You did.

No, I didn't.

I have wondered about that.

But what you've just said is
more than wondering about it.

You've just said

the man who att*cked your daughter
is the man who d*ed.


How can you be so sure?

Shouldn't I have a
solicitor or something? What?

We're just having a wee chat.

So I'm free to go?

Did you know that Neil's car was
stolen the day after the k*lling?

Am I free to go?

We found it burnt out.

No use to us at all.

I'm free to go, yeah?

They're brothers, aren't they...

your two mates?

They will look after each other.

And they won't
necessarily look after you.

You see what I'm saying?

Gordon. 'Yeah. '
They're onto us, mate.

'Not on the phone, you prick. '


Guess who got a commendation
today in maths? Well done, mate.

Where's your bike? Left it at work.


Don't do that.


Shall I get it?

All right, Donna? Yeah. Kenny in?

She knows.

No, she doesn't.

There's coppers everywhere.
Yeah, I know.

Come on. Gordon,
wants us down the pub.

Being summoned, am I?


They know I did it and
they know you did it.

How do they know I did it?
Cos your car got robbed.

What a coincidence,
your car getting robbed.

Listen, it's still not too late.

The fact he did that to my Chloe...

It's m*rder, it's m*rder -

nothing in between.
No extenuating circumstances.

Fine, they might know you did it, but knowing
it and proving it are two different things,

so that's why we got rid of the car,
smart arse, cos it was evidence.

That car was full of that perv.
Right? Right. Right?

I think we could give ourselves up.
Explain to them. What! He was a nonce.

He att*cked my daughter.
You're my mates.

People will understand. They'd go easy
on us. They can't go easy. It's m*rder.

And m*rder gets you life. End of.

Going down isn't an option.

We were only trying to warn him off. That won't
make any odds. It's crap inside and we're not going.

I don't want to hear talk
like that ever again. Right?

He's getting cremated in our place.

Don't go all weak on us, Kenny.

You even think about coughing,
you talk to us first.

You owe us that, yeah?



One glass.

Lots of ice.

And loads of soda.


♪ All the single ladies

♪ All the single ladies
All the single ladies

♪ All the single ladies
Now get your hands up

♪ Up in the club
We just broke up

♪ I'm doin' my own little thing

♪ Decided to dip
And now you wanna to trip

♪ Cos another brother noticed me

♪ I'm up on him, he up on me
Don't pay him any attention... ♪

Go on, Chloe, you'll love it.

♪ If you liked it then you
shoulda put a ring on it

♪ Don't be mad once you see
that he want it

♪ If you liked it then you
shoulda put a ring on it

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ If you liked it then you
shoulda put a ring on it

♪ Don't be mad once you see
that he want it

♪ If you liked it then you
shoulda put a ring... ♪


'You have to say the visitors are
in danger of going the same way. '


♪ If you liked it then you
shoulda put a ring on it

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪



Hey, it's me. It's Daddy.

Off now! Now! Off!

Dad, why? I don't want to.

You spoil sport.

Why did you do that? She was having a great
time. I don't want her prancing like that.

Like what? She was only dancing.

She's eight years old. So? It's only kid's stuff.
They're all at it. They shouldn't be. You've had enough.

So now we know what's
wrong with his face.

You're hardly in a position to take the
moral high-ground with me at the moment,

but sod it, let's go.

We'll find Mummy.

Find Mummy.

Find Mummy.


OK, so we got the wrong man

but before any of us do anything
we have got to get together, right?

You k*lled a totally innocent man and the
only thing to do now is give yourself up.

You made a terrible mistake
but it was a genuine mistake.

People will understand.

And they'll know you couldn't live with
it, that you're too good a man, too moral,

too decent, to live with something like that on
your conscience. They'll respect you for that.

And you'll have been
the first to confess.

People will realise that
the other two only confessed

because they had no option but you
confessed to put things right.

And they'll believe you.

They'll believe
everything you say.

They'll believe you
only hit him once.

They'll believe
Gordon did most of it.

I can't do it to them.


What about us?

This only happened cos you wanted
to protect your daughter,

to do the right thing by
your daughter - so do it now.

I can't.

As we forgive those who
trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the
glory are yours, now and forever.


♪ Your own personal Jesus

♪ Someone to hear your prayers

♪ Someone who cares

♪ Your own personal Jesus

♪ Someone to hear your prayers

♪ Someone who's there

♪ Feeling unknown
and you're all alone

♪ Flesh and bone by the telephone

♪ Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer... ♪

Kenny? Open it?

♪ Take second best
Put me to the test

♪ Things on your chest
You need to confess

♪ I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver... ♪

What are you playing at?

♪ Reach out and touch faith

♪ Reach out and touch faith

♪ Your own personal Jesus

♪ Someone to hear your prayers

♪ Someone who cares

♪ Your own personal Jesus

♪ Someone to hear your prayers

♪ Someone to care

♪ Feeling unknown
and you're all alone

♪ Flesh and bone by the telephone

♪ Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer

♪ I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver

♪ Reach out and touch faith

♪ Reach out and touch faith

♪ Reach out and touch faith

♪ Reach out and touch faith. ♪

All right. Hiya.
I'm going to the police.

What for? To confess.

Come in. No.

Kenny, you'll get me banged up for
life. Just give me five minutes, please.

Everyone out. Sue? What?

I want everyone to go now. Sue!

Where? Anywhere. For a walk.

Just get out the house now. Sue, I need you
to go out for a bit. I'm doing the dinner.

Leave it and go. It's going to
rain. Take the car then but just go.

We haven't got the car. It got robbed. Will
everyone just do what I say please? Neil!

I'm sorry but it's important, this.

Crucial. Where will we going?

Anywhere. I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, kids.



It's me.
You've got to get round here now.

Kenny's here and he's thinking of taking a certain
course of action, do you know what I'm saying?


He's coming round now.

I don't want to gain any advantage by turning
myself in so I'm going to give you that option too.

We could all walk in together.
You're mad.

I'm doing it, mate.

On my own or with you and
Gordon but I'm doing it.

Why? Because we k*lled
an innocent man.

Right. Turning ourselves in, that's
not going to bring him back, is it?

That's not going to
do anyone any good.

It is, mate.

Cos I can't live with it.

I can't stop thinking about it. Can't
stop thinking about it, yeah? Yeah.

Me too, mate.

And I'd love my peace of mind back.

I'd love to get it
off my conscience.

But I wouldn't turn
my mates in for it.

Only a selfish bastard would turn his
mates in for his own peace of mind!

I'll tell you what I just told Neil.

I don't want to gain
any advantage by this.

If you want to walk in with me that's
fine. I'm not letting you do this.

I'm quite prepared to try sweet reason but get this straight
- you're not doing it.

I've got to.


I can't live with it.

You can't live with it now.

Let's talk long term, right?

You're thinking of turning us in.

That's a life sentence each, right?

So let's talk long term.

You can't live with it right now
but next month will be easier.

Next year it will
be even easier still.

In 10 years it won't be a problem.

A bit of time struggling with a guilty
conscience. It's better than doing life, Kenny.


I can't, mate.

Do yourself in. What?

You can't live with it,

do yourself in.

That way you only destroy your own
family. You don't destroy ours as well.

Do yourself in. No.

We did it for you. Did you?

What's that mean?

It means nothing. You threw a punch that
wouldn't have decked our gran and that was it.

If we hadn't been there, he'd have
battered you. Yeah, possibly.

But maybe that's it.

Maybe that's why you're talking like
this. Cos you only threw one punch.

We got stuck in. We'll go down. You'll
walk. That's what you're thinking, isn't it?

I'm not thinking that.
I'm as guilty as you.

You won't be saying it once
you've talked to a lawyer.

You'll be blaming us. Get the door.

For f*ck's sake! What you playing at,
you pricks? You're the Dad as well.

The court'll understand you throwing a wobbler
- it was your daughter that got done in.

They'll throw the book at us. You've thought
it all through. You bastard! I haven't.

Tell me you won't do it, mate.
Tell me! I'm doing it.

Right, we're going to do you in and anything you say
now you'll say cos you're scared of getting done in.

We can't trust a word that you say
from now on so you're dead, mate.

And I'm not doing it for me,
I'm doing it for my brother.

He's got no chance of coming that and
coming out alive if he does 15 or 20 years.

Where's the family? I told them to go for a walk.
How long will they be? Don't know. Half an hour?

OK, we've got to k*ll him. This is a joke
right? A joke. You agree, don't you? Yeah.

How do we do it? Forget the fact that we're
mates. How do you expect to get away... Shut up!

You're up to here as it is.
Shut up.

Can't make a mess. I mean blood
or anything. We'll choke him.

Right, I'm going.
You're finished, mate.

I know why you got stuck in.



I saw you looking
at the girls dancing.

When you battered the perv,

when you battered a man
you thought was a perv,

you weren't just battering a perv,

you were battering what's in there.

Get a grip of this bastard.
Get a grip of him!

For God's sake!

Get your coats on, stop messing.

I know you are wet. Come here.

Move your hands!

Kenny? It's all right, Sue...
The meeting's over.

We drove round the park a couple
of times and then we saw him.

We got out

and he ran.

If he hadn't run, maybe none of this
would have happened... But he ran.

We caught him.

I punched him


and broke my wrist.

Then the others hit him a bit more.

Especially Gordon.

I'm not trying to
deflect any blame,

I'm trying to tell the truth.

We wanted to hurt him,

but we didn't want to k*ll him.

You did 18 months before.

Your brother walked free.

Be funny if that happened again.

Only on a grander scale.

Your car got robbed, you see.

Not his.

You know what 18 months
inside teaches you?

Keep that shut.

A full confession -

naming both you and your brother.

Luckily, we saw this coming

and had a chat about it.

Kenny's confession damns Kenny, yeah,

but to use it against us...

is very, very iffy

and I'm sure the judge'll
point that out.

Apart from that, officer...

no further comment.

Is it true my statement
damns me but not them?


Well, why didn't you say?

Because you did it to ease
your conscience, didn't you?

Not to drop your mates in it?

I wanted to do both.

Will the defendants please rise.

Members of the Jury,
are you agreed on a verdict? We are.

Do you find Gordon Carl Richmond
guilty or not guilty of m*rder?

Not guilty.

Do you find Neil John Richmond
guilty or not guilty of m*rder?

Not guilty.

Do you find Kenneth Armstrong
guilty or not guilty of m*rder?


Mr Gordon Richmond and Mr Neil
Richmond, you are free to leave.

Mrs Kay.

Your Honour, my client is
a loving husband and father.

Perhaps that was his downfall -

his love for his children, his
rage when one of them was att*cked.

I would remind you that my client walked
into the police station of his own accord

and made a full
and frank confession.

This, Your Honour,
is a deeply moral man,

devastated by the consequences
of his actions,

totally prepared to accept
his punishment

but fully deserving
of your leniency.

Mrs Duggan?

My husband was a good man.

I knew that at his funeral.

People came for him.

And for me.

That's what funerals are -

comfort for those left behind.

But when I think of
my husband's funeral

I get no comfort.

It's a source of further torment.

The last man to have anything
to do with my husband, you see,

to handle his coffin,

to commit his body to the flames

was a man who m*rder*d him.

And there's something about
that that is so obscene.

Mr Armstrong,

you will go to prison
for a minimum of 15 years.

Take him down.