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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 02/07/23 06:26
by bunniefuu
Doron and Sagi went in.
I'm outside covering, Eli.

Let go of me!

Steve, do you copy?

-Steve, you there?

-Steve... there?
-Doron, can you hear me?

Doron... hear me?


f*ck this shit!



[Don't k*ll them! We want them alive.]

Let's go.

-expl*sive charge!

They took them, Eli. We were so close.

Main thing is you guys made it out.

I heard the struggle over the radio.
I was sure you were done for.

I'm fine, too, bro. Thanks for asking.

I'm not worried about you, buddy.
Nothing can k*ll you.

-Don't jinx me.
-Nothing can jinx you either.

Go check on Doron.

-Let me in!
-But you can't!

I need to go inside!
Get your hands off me!

-Get your hands off me!
-Doron, Doron!

-Let's go inside!
-You're hurt!

-Why are we waiting?
-The tunnel is blocked!

-Let me go in!

-Let me go in!
-Enough! It's over.

If they need us, they'll call. Enough.

Let's go.


[Well done, guys.]

[Know that this is a big day,
a big day,]

[one that will go down in history.]

[-God is great!]
[-God is great!]

[-God is great!]
[-God is great!]

[Abu Bashar, you are a blessing.]

[You and your son are heroes.]

[On behalf of the Movement,
I thank you dearly.]

[Bashar, my son,]

[what's done is done.]

[We'll put it all behind us
and move on.]

[Thank you, Abu Mohammed.
God bless you, thank you so much.]

[No. Thank you. From now on,
we will cater to your every need.]

[You are my guests.]

[Not just guests,
but guests of honor.]

[Take them.]

[After you.]

Hello? Anybody home?


Little peanut...

Hey, little buddy...

Hi there.


What is it? What is it?


Let's find Mommy.

Where's Mommy?





I'll be right back, little one.

Hold on.

Hey, Mom, what's up?

Have you seen...?

Never mind, I'll call you back.

No, everything's fine.
Bye, Mom.

-What's up, honey?

Is everyone okay?


You left him here alone.

For a sec. I just
popped out to get cigs.

No, honey. You can ask my mom
or a neighbor to watch him.

-You can't leave a baby alone, it's basic.
-Steve, what do you want from me?

Look, honey, I know we need to talk.
It can't go on like this.

Steve, please leave me alone.

You just don't get
that I'm alone with him all day

while he screams
for seven hours straight.

I've forgotten how to talk, how to say
anything other than "stop crying."

How do you expect me
to have a talk with you?

Your mom came over yesterday,
he kept crying and she said:

"Why is he crying?
Let me handle it,"

because I haven't got a clue
what to do.

And he actually stopped crying.

I just don't get it.

It's not as if I held him upside down
or from the neck, I held him properly,

hugged and kissed him,
but he just didn't stop.

I know, honey,
you're an amazing mom.

I can't do this anymore, I can't.

Maybe she's right.
I don't want this, I don't have it in me.

I don't wanna do this,
with or without you, I just can't...

I don't want this,
I don't want this...

-I don't want this.
-Honey, I'm right here,

I'm not going anywhere,
everything's okay.

I'm here, okay?

I'm tired.

Why buy cheap cookies if they're kosher
and gross and nobody eats them?

-You keep saying that.
-They're not even fully baked.


-what are you doing here?
-Wow, sorry.

If this is a bad time,
I'll come back later.

-Don't be silly, come on in.
-Come in.

Heavy tension in Gaza--

Did you guys hear about this story?

Israeli forces pursued a Hamas squad

that abducted two Israelis into Gaza.

With us on the line from the border
is our correspondent Ariel Ben Simon.

Yes, Vered, an hour ago,
the IDF spokesman stated

that Hamas commandos
abducted two Israeli youths

and smuggled them into the Gaza Strip
via a Hamas as*ault-tunnel...

Want a shower?
You can wear something of Yoav's.

What happened out there?

It was insane.

We were so close.

We could hear them yelling for help.

-Anyway, I didn't mean to impose.
-You don't have to go.

Thanks for lunch.

Did you cook it or... the chef?


Oh, man,
they're interviewing his mom.

-Everything okay?

Want anything else? Coffee?

At least none of our forces were hurt,

Come watch the news.

Bye, bro.

He was there, huh?
Seems in total shock.

He'll be fine, he's a strong person.

Good thing you're not there.

I can't believe we're reliving
this nightmare.

I don't get it, Gabi.
Don't we have any leads?

Let's do something,
let's get them out.

It's not the West Bank anymore.
It's Gaza.

You know what "petrifying" means?
Ask Eli, he'll tell you.

Gabi, have the Gaza Desk do something
before they take them below the surface.

Those kids are in Hamas' hands now,
which means they're heavily guarded,

so until we have a lead
on where they are and with who, it's a no.

-See ya, Gabi.

Talk to you soon, okay?


-Any news from Gaza?
-Nothing but radio silence.

Nobody's talking over the radio,
internet, cell phones, nothing.

It'll be like this for a while now,
but we'll stay alert

until we have something
or until one of them slips up.

Listen, we're the ones who slipped up.
We drove Bashar to do this.

-Doron, stop it.
-This one's on me and you.

Let's do something.

I'll do whatever I can
within my power, trust me.

Beyond that, I might feel guilty,

even have regrets, but I won't waste time
and resources on something unfixable.

Doron, self-flagellation isn't the same as
taking responsibility. Just the opposite.

Excuse me,
I have work to do.

Say, what about the asset
you activated in Gaza back in 2014?

You said that you used him to try and k*ll
Hani during Operation Protective Edge.

-Let's reactivate him.
-He severed contact over a year ago.

I can't just send a coordinator over
to shake him up.

We're talking Gaza,
not the West Bank.

You're saying the Shin Bet's
Head of Gaza Desk

can't activate an asset
inside Gaza?


[Look how beautiful it is.]

[What's next for us?]

[You heard Abu Mohammed.
We're his guests.]

[Yeah? Like those two Israelis
are his "guests"?]

[Dad, let's get out of here]

[and go to Sinai, from there to Cairo
and to Amman.]

[He said everything's forgiven,
that it's all in the past, Dad.]

[-Why are we still here?]
[-My dear son, we're both wanted.]

[Any country that has
an extradition treaty with Israel,]

[such as Egypt or Jordan,]

[will arrest you as soon as you enter
and send you to prison.]

[You're better off in an Israeli prison.]

Yaara, come eat.

How long will we be here?

I'm sure they'll have
a prisoner swap.

Like they did with Gilad Shalit.

Come on, it won't be like that.
This time, they won't wait for years.

my mom won't sit by quietly.

You don't know her,
she'll turn the world upside down.

I have to pee.


I think that's what this bucket is for.

It's like peeing outdoors, right?
Or in our dorms.

It looks even cleaner to me.

I bet the whole world has heard about this
and is searching for us.

We're celebrities.



-Yaara, we'll get out of here, I swear.
-Enough, Elad, enough.

We'll get out of here, I promise.


[Peace be upon you, my friends.]

[-Peace be upon you, Abu Iyad.]
[-How are you?]

[-Where's the equipment?]
[-Come in, I'll get it ready.]

[-Need outlets? Cables?]
[-No, we're all set, thanks.]

[-How are you, Abu Iyad?]
[-Praise God.]

[-Is your family okay?]
[-Thank God. After you.]

[To sum up, we demand
that the Zionist government]

[reduce border crossing restrictions.]

[We've been struggling
under their siege for years.]

[We don't want w*r,
but we're not afraid of fighting.]

[Sheikh, how do you regard
the Zionists' demand for a sign of life]

[-in order to start negotiations?]
[-They'll get one soon.]

[We're human beings,]

[and the world must know
we treat them as ordinary hostages]

[and that we look after them.]

[The Islam commands us]

[to look after them
and their well-being.]

[-Thank you, Honored Sheikh.]
[-You're welcome.]

[Well done, Sheikh, nicely said.]

[Come here, Abu Iyad.]

[Amar Subhi says hi.]

[He said you two have lost touch.]

[Oh, that's true,
it's been a while since we spoke.]

He sends his regards
and said he misses you.

[You, come here.]

-Where to? Where to?!

-Let go of me, you bastard!
-No! Elad!

[Back off!]

[-Who did this to him?]
[-I did.]

[-In his face?]
[-Abu Mohammed, he att*cked us.]

[Are you a child?]

[Are you not a man?]

[What use is he now? Huh?]

[Take him back and bring the girl.]

[Move it.]


My name is Yaara Zarhi, from Jerusalem.

I'm holding a newspaper
printed in Gaza with today's date,

March 15th, 2019.

I want to tell the Israeli government

that our release is in your hands.

"We ask that you comply with the Islamic
Resistance Movement's just demand

for the release of the Palestinian
freedom fighters imprisoned in Israel."


I'd like to add that
we're being treated really well.

-We're fed and healthy--
-This is a first.

-Releasing a video without bartering?
-And where's the boy?

At least it's progress.
They want to cut a deal ASAP.

-Elad wishes to tell his mom--
-I bet the sheikh is urging them.

We really want to return home
and miss our families.

-What a nightmare.
-Tell Idan and Yotam I love them

and tell the government to do
whatever it takes to get us home safely.

Thank you.



-We have an update, can you hop over?
-To HQ?

No, I'm home,
taking a much-needed shower

before I get quarantined.
I texted you my address.

-I'll take a shower and come.
-Just come over. Bye.

-Can we trust him?
-100%. Or at least 90%.

He'll do anything to get his family
out of the Gaza Strip.

He's awaiting our instructions.

It's great. That and the video
they released seal this case.

The cabinet is convening,
I bet we'll get the go-ahead tonight.

Does the asset know where they are?

No, he has no idea,
only Hani's inner circle does.

But he says that Hani's gofer
goes there every few days.

The asset will lead us to the gofer
and the gofer will lead us to Hani.

Gabi's trying to get
the government to make a move,

which is a great smoke screen for us.
While they negotiate, we're in the field.

Question is,

is your team up for it?

You get the go-ahead,
I'll get the team.

I just need Eli's okay.

-You're not normal.
-You won't find any normalcy here.

[For God's sake,
you're driving me crazy!]

[Final offer: mothers first,
plus 20 female inmates. That's it!]

[As for Kamal and Bayan, not a chance.
They'll rot in prison.]

[Why, Captain?
They're not high-profile prisoners.]

[Buddy, why insist?]

[You, your deputy
and the women will be released.]

[It's the best offer you'll get.]

[It's not up to me, you know.]

[Aren't you authorized to be flexible?]

[Captain Ayub, we won't give up.]

The sheikh thinks
he's in charge here,

[but you and I know
who's running the show.]

[-It's Abu Mohammed.]

[You want w*r? You got it!]

[But know that you'll
be responsible for the b*mb]

[that'll be dropped on the residents
of Gaza, you and Abu Mohammed!]

shouldn't you be in rehabilitation?]

[Go home, rest,]

[calm down and we'll talk then.
I've got plenty of time.]

[All the time in the world!]


"We got the go-ahead!"

Nir, I need new aerial photos
of Khan Yunis. Re-scan the city.

Is this for real?

Good morning. Coffee?

-Have you ever been to Gaza?
-Gaza is my sector, I know every inch--

I asked if you've ever been to Gaza, not
if you've seen aerial photos and videos.

Ever been there on the streets?
Smelled the sewer? Mingled with locals?

-I suggest we get to work.
-Because I have.

It used to be my sector, too,

and I can tell you that being inside
is a whole other ball game.

-That's why we're collaborating, Eli.
-Listen up, Gaza Desk.

What you've set up here
is a su1c1de mission.

An asset who severed contact
and can't be trusted

is supposed to lead us
to a gofer

who's supposed to lead us
to the Head of Hamas

who's supposed to lead us
to the hostages?!

-This is bullshit!
-Enough, Eli.

If you think I'll subject my team
to that hellhole based on these leads,

-you'd better sober up.
-Doron is on board

-and said he'll talk with Steve and Sagi.
-Oh, Doron approved it!

Doron approved the team's activation
behind my back?!

Are you all insane?!

Show me a practical plan,
unlike the one you've got here,

or the unit is out.
You're on your own.

Eli, we're hard at work
to improve leads,

but, yes, we're talking
in-field intelligence gathering.

It's been cabinet approved,
but if you're uncomfortable with it,

there are other teams who will
gladly bring back the hostages.

But your team is the most skilled,
I don't need to tell you that!

-No, you don't.
-Eli, don't dish it out here.

Keep going. Keep going.

You think the Head of Desk
and Doron set this up?

No, just her.
Doron isn't in on it.

I told you,
Hila is like a guided m*ssile.

She hones in on something
and doesn't let go until it's hers.

Hope you mean the operation,
not Doron.

You know I'm against this operation,
but she could be right.

Freeing those kids
would be monumental, historical.

A move against Hamas and Abu Mohammed
is a game changer.

They're kids, Eli.

They can't make it on their own.

You guys have trained for this.

I never thought
we'd go back there.

Nobody did.

-I'm going in with them.

I can't tell them "you're going in."

"We're going in" is something else.

Bravo, man.

Problem is I don't have Avihai.

-You'll have Avihai.
-How? He's already got a trial date.

I'll have it canceled.

They're so busy now, they won't notice
if a few forms disappeared.

Of course.

What do you want?

Sagi, we need you.
Everyone's on their way.

-Don't go back to sleep.


Hey. Listen,

we got an emergency call,
but I have to ask you something first.


Are you with him or with me?
It's your call, but I have to know.

You don't have to answer
right now.

You have time to think,
we'll be back in about a week.

-Or you could tell me now--
-A week?!

Where to?

No way.

Do you love me?

Very much, but I'm engaged, Sagi.

I'm with him, you know that.
I really enjoy being with you,

talking, laughing, the sex is great,
but it's not...

It's not.

Come back to me and we'll talk about it,

Promise me.

Okay, here's the deal:
we're entering Gaza.

I'm going in with you.

We initially join with an asset who
provides us with a residence and a vehicle

and we begin surveillance
over Yusuf Al Masri, the gofer.

He visits his hideout once or twice a week
with food and equipment.

We stay on his tail
and hope he leads us to Hani.

We locate Hani and wait for him
to lead us to the hostages.

We assume he's keeping them close by.
They're a national treasure now

and will be heavily guarded,
making this operation complex as hell.

-When do we enter?

-Tonight sounds good.
-Remember, this isn't Hebron or Nablus.

We'll be there alone
for an unlimited time,

gathering intel within a hostile territory
with no backup.

As far as evacuation goes,
if we're exposed, it's all over.

-It means w*r.
-Cut the drama, will you?

Gaza is a place
where bad things happen.


This time,
there's no direct order to enter.

You each decide if you're up for it.

-What about a sn*per?
-We'll get one.

Anyway, I'll be in my office
if you guys wanna talk.

Have you been there?

A few years ago.

What is it, bro? Talk to me.

He's just a baby.

He can't talk yet,
he can barely roll over.

They say kids don't form a memory
before the age of three.

If I die now, he won't
even remember me, you know?

I know.

And on top of that, Anat...

I haven't told anyone this,
but she's not...

Something's going on with her.

She's changed completely, she's out of it.
And I can't leave them, you know?

Neither him nor her.

I don't know what to do, bro.

I'd follow you anywhere,
wherever you go, but...


go home, be with your family.

It's okay. Look after them.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah, bro.

I'll bring you back spices from Shejaiya,
they've got great cumin.

Thanks, bro.

-It doesn't work.
-Give it to me.

No, wait, wait!

Don't hog it! I wanna play, too!
Doron brought it for me!

Hi, Gabi.
Yes, what's new?

-Give it back. Doron brought it for me.
-Yes, he's here.

-It's mine, first of all.
-It's Gabi.

-Hello, Gabi, what's up?
-I just got an official notice.

Your case has been closed.

-What do you mean, closed?
-Clean slate. You've been reactivated.

Go play outside, Libby.

A clean slate, Gabi?
What about the hearing and the trial?

-I k*lled a soldier.

Let it go, Avihai.
You're off the hook.

Hold on, Gabi,
I'm not sure about this.

Your unit needs you urgently.

-Urgently? Where?
-Eli will tell you on the way. Get going.


Some final pointers:

Hamas has new technological capabilities.

Hani has incorporated game-changing
cyber and telecom units.

We won't have ongoing communication
like you're used to, just once a day

-via satellite for updates.
-How will we communicate in the field?

On a secure internal channel.
If there's no choice, we'll use it, too.

You bastards started without me?

-Daddy's handsome boy!
-What's up?

I've missed you.

-So you're joining us?
-So they say.

-Good to have you back.
-Bless you.

Thanks, bro.

-Told ya, didn't I?
-You sure did, kiddo.

Good to have you home.

-Let's have a drink.
-Another one?

-To freshen you up.
-Drink up, feel refreshed.

-Aren't you ever gonna finish that bottle?
-After you.


-Is everything okay?
-I don't know.

Seeing you guys together like this...

-with this whole operation underway...
-It's what you wanted, what we wanted.

You won't make me regret it, right?
I mean it, no funny business.

-I've heard about your antics.
-Don't worry.

We'll get outta there like heroes
and free the kids.

If you behave,
I'll even bring you Hani Al Jabari.

-Alive, though.
-We'll see.

Your bottle will be ready soon.

Nice, huh?

You like fire, huh?

Damn, you're just like your daddy.

No problem, sweet boy,
we'll just stand here.

Khaled 2 from Saed,
we're on the move.

Saed, this is Khaled 2, copy that.
We're ending contact.

Switch to radio silence. As of now,
you're flying solo. Good luck.