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02x10 - The Power of Shazam!

Posted: 02/22/23 18:50
by bunniefuu
a blue-green jewel glittering in the ocean of space.

This world was warm and inviting and the primitive inhabitants could be controlled by his psychic-parasitic clones.

My master learned that this was a planet of heroes beings with the power to resist the star conqueror.

It became my mission to subdue the heroes of Earth and bring them into his evil thrall.

They fought bravely, but in the end all were forced to submit to the star conqueror's will.

Those not susceptible to mind control were destroyed.

MAN: This is ace reporter Tom Tyler with breaking news.

Fawcett City is once again terrorized by the evil Dr.

Sivana who appears to be connecting some type of equipment to the W.




Radio tower.


Take him down, men.

Thaddeus Jr.

, Georgia.

Teach those fools some manners, kids.

Leave it to us, Pops.

Right behind you, Junior.


This is terrible.

The villains are zapping our brave police and firefighters with some kind of fiendish paralyzer ray.

Citizens of the Earth, this is Dr.

Thaddeus Sivana.

I will use this radio antenna to polarize Earth's ionosphere and thus silence all wireless communication everywhere.

No more satellites, no radio or television, no telephones.

Modern society will plunge into chaos.




This experiment in terror is over, Dr.



That masked meddler is interfering with my plan.

That bat-blockhead doesn't stand a chance against our super-science.

No one can stop me this time.

Not even the world's mightiest mortal, Captain Marvel.



: Dr.

Sivana's children are chasing Batman across the skyline firing their paralyzing rays.

Gosh, Batman's gonna need some help against the world's wickedest scientist.


Where do you think you're going, Batson?

Yeah, we didn't give you permission to leave.



C: That's a pretty necklace, Billy.

You got a dress to go with it?

- Give that back, C.


My mom gave me that.

- Come and get it.

- What's the matter, baby Batson?

- Too slow.

Cut it out.


WOMAN: What's all that racket up there?

- Uh-oh.

Better get out of here.


Batson, what have you done?

It was an accident, Ms.


The older boys took away my locket.

It's the only thing I have left from my parents I don't want to hear it.

Stop right there, young man.

But I have to go help a friend.

You're not going anywhere until this dormitory is spotless.

Yes, ma'am.

Holy moly, there's no time to lose.

Shazam! Let's see what a little speed of mercury can do.

Clean as a whistle.

Shazam! BILLY: Ms.


May I go now?

I thought I told you to I'm watching you, Mr.



Hey, sis, make a wish.


Maybe I can lend a hand.

BATMAN: Captain Marvel, good timing.

You take Dr.


I'll handle his odious offspring.

CAPTAIN MARVEL: Playtime's over, Dr.


Try and stop me, you big red cheese.

Whatever your twisted game is, you won't win.

Mind over might, you brainless boob.


Not wide enough for Captain Marvel, but Billy Batson could make it.

Shazam! The antenna must have acted as a lightning rod grounding it before it could reach me.


Success! My evil ruse has worked.

Come, my children, our work here is finished.

It's truly an honor to fight evildoers beside such a brave and selfless hero again.

- Uh, thanks.

- So, pal, what do we do now?

We keep searching until we find those fiends.

Kids, your father is a genius.

What did you find, Daddy?

The precise electromagnetic frequency of Captain Marvel's transformative lightning.

Diabolical as always.

But why?

If these ancient writings are correct I can use it to summon the one being in the universe with enough power to destroy that big red cheese.

After languishing in emptiness for 5000 years, could it be?

The way home.

Much has changed since my unjust exile.

I sense the wizard's magic upon the winds.

So the man who exiled me across the cosmos is near.

Show yourself, wizard.

You must be the mighty Teth-Adam.

Welcome to our humble home.

You are not the one I seek.

Identify yourself quickly or else.

I am Dr.

Thaddeus Bodog Sivana.

It was I who summoned you.

- You dare summon me?

- Aah! I should crush you, mortal.

Then you'll never find the wizard known as Shazam.

- Where is he?

- That I, um, don't actually know.

Then bid your spawn a final farewell, fool.

But I have a plan to find him.

Speak, sorcerer.

But your words had best please me.

We share common enemies, great one.

The wizard Shazam and his new champion, Captain Marvel.

New champion?


But if we work together, we can defeat them both.

OTTO: Hey, thanks for doing all the chores, dweeb.

Maybe tonight you can do our dishes too.

Quit it, guys, I'm not in the mood.

Is baby Billy having a bad day?

BATMAN: Beat it, you punks.

- Oh, yeah?

Who's gonna make us?


[OTTO & C.



We're needed.

- Now.

- Just let me change.

Shazam! [GRUNTING]

CAPTAIN MARVEL: You've made quite a mess, mister.

Now, are you going to clean it up, or do I have to make you?

You'll do nothing except bow down before your new master! [BOTH GRUNTING]

Your powers.

That symbol on your chest.

Who are you?

I am Teth-Adam, the thunder king exiled from my home and now returned to rightfully reclaim my kingdom.

Captain Marvel is so handsome.

Daddy, can I have him?

Can I?

If Teth-Adam is so powerful won't he just conquer the world for himself and leave us out in the cold?

Have a little faith in your old man, Junior.

Now, quiet, kiddies, Daddy's working.

You're like me, aren't you?

I am nothing like you.

But you wear the mantel of the wizard, Teth-Adam.

Why are you doing this?

The wizard betrayed me when he learned I could not be controlled.

I will destroy him for his treachery.


Leave this city in peace, Teth-Adam.

Tormenting innocent citizens is the coward's way.

Batman's right.

This is no way for a champion to behave.

You've won the day, champion.

I know it sounds strange, Batman but there's a kinship between me and Teth-Adam.

I can feel it.

Shazam! I understand your need for family, Billy more than you can know.

But Teth-Adam is bad news.

The wizard chose him for a reason, just as he chose me.

He saw something good within him.

I can't believe there's nothing left of that.

We need answers and there's only one person who can provide them.

Pretending defeat at the hands of that usurper and his mortal lackey.

This is intolerable! A necessary bit of theater, mighty one, if we are to achieve our ultimate goal.


Your plan had better work, little man.

BATMAN: Where are we going?

BILLY: We have a train to catch.

This is how I first met the wizard.

Follow me.

BILLY: The seven enemies of man.

Pride, envy, greed, hatred selfishness, sloth, and injustice.

Billy Batson.

And you've brought a friend, I see.

Have you come seeking the guidance of an old wizard?


What can you tell us about a man called Teth-Adam?

Teth-Adam is a name I had hoped never to hear again.

He was a champion, like me.

A champion, yes.

But not like you, young Billy.

Not like you at all.

SHAZAM: Thousands of years ago, in ancient Egypt I had decided to pass on my powers to a worthy man.

I picked Teth-Adam, whose soul I thought was pure and true.

But the power corrupted him.

He became known as Black Adam and he decided that he alone should rule the world.

I could not overcome him so I banished him to the furthest star in the sky.

If Black Adam has returned, the world is in great danger for he has all the same powers as Captain Marvel.

The same powers and more.

The boy needs to be more careful.


That little runt is Captain Marvel?


Quickly, before he can transform.



BLACK ADAM: How I have dreamed of this day, wizard as I endured the endless black void.

Now you shall feel my wrath.


If I may, mighty Adam, according to my research Shazam resides at the Rock of Eternity which exists outside the normal confines of space and time.

Only one who possesses the power of the champion can open the portal.

By the strength of Amon! [BLACK ADAM GRUNTING]

Goodbye, mortals.

What a fitting fate.

Destroyed by the seven enemies of man.



SIVANA: There it is, the Rock of Eternity.

At last, we meet again in the flesh, my foolish old mentor.

I am a fool for failing to see the rot within your soul before I gave you such power.




I can feel the power.

Now I will be the champion.


You are no champion, mortal scum.

You used me to [SCREAMING]

Now who's the fool, you big oaf?



Adam! Sivana, you fiend, what have you done to him?

Simply used your own mystic lightning to restore Adam to his mortal form.

But since he had remained in his superhuman form for so long his body aged thousands of years all at once.


All the lies and betrayal for this?


I could explain, but why don't I just show you?

Shazam! From now on, call me Captain Sivana.


This is what I've been waiting for.

The power to destroy Captain Marvel.





This is the greatest day of my life.

You're a bigger fool than the big red cheese.

You're no match for my mojo, bat-boob.

You may have a mortal like me beat but you'll never be as all-powerful as the wizard Shamaz.

Bat-brained idiot.

It's Shazam.





Oh, no, wait.



Well done, Captain Marvel.

You have protected the Rock of Eternity from those who would use it for evil.

CAPTAIN MARVEL: Where's Teth-Adam?


But I fear we haven't seen the last of him.

Captain, what troubles you?

Black Adam.

When I saw that symbol on his chest I thought I had the chance for a family again.

Guess by now, I should know better than to get my hopes up like that.

I'm sorry, Ms.

Minerva, I was just finishing my chores.

Of course you haven't finished them, you lazy child.

But that's not why I'm here, Billy.


Billy, this is Mr.

And Mrs.

Bromfield and their daughter, Mary.


I did some investigating on your case.

I was adopted when my parents died.

This belonged to my mother.

It's a perfect fit.

Then that means you must be my sister?

Twin sister.

Welcome to your new family, Billy.