02x09 - Attack of the Living Brain Puppets

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Static Shock". Aired: September 23, 2000 – May 22, 2004.*
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Accidental exposure to an experimental mutagen leaves geeky high school student Virgil with super powers.
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02x09 - Attack of the Living Brain Puppets

Post by bunniefuu »

Down .. Down... Perfect!

-How's that?
-Vote for me.


Did you see what Heather's handing out?

Oh, that is so cute!

Can you believe it Joey Bombora is running.

I'd vote for him anytime!


Uh oh.. here comes Madelyn.

Oh please, little miss perfect

Hi, my name is Madelyn and I'm running for freshman class president!

Would you sign my petition for..

Madelyn Spaulding, could you


That was such an easy morning patrol

I still have 15 minutes before class starts



Oh.. see.. I lost a book.. which is uh..why I'm back here


My name is Madelyn Spaulding


I know

We're in the same homeroom

Then you may also know that I'm running for freshman president!

Good for you!

Well I better

And if elected, I will do all I can to make Dakota Union a school of which everyone can be proud

In fact I've drawn up a description of my platfrom that includes 32 issues

Item one, uniforms!


To keep distractions..

such as inappropriate clothing

or social pressures from negatively impacting the educational environment


Gotta run!

but... I didn't finish explaining

One signature down...

49 to go.


Come one!

Your new morning workout?

No!.. this peice of junk is..

busted again!

Back off "De La Hoya"

Let me try

[Static electricity noise]

A gentle jump start and away..


Yeah, that fixed it!

Man, those machines have been funky all year!

But does the school repair them?


"I'm sorry Mr. Folly, that is a low priority item"


For them maybe

Maybe we should tell Madelyn Spaulding to add it to her campaign platform

That control freak?!

Last week she came up to me at launch and critized the way I was chewing


maybe you should run for president

You know.. on a fix the snack machines crusade


That's not a bad idea

And as a bonus

I get to give Miss high and mighty Madelyn a little competition

Deal !

Are tired of snack machines that don't work?

Are you hungry for change

and.. maybe a burrito?

Then vote for Richie Folly

Your next freshman class president

That's right fellow students

No longer will we go without our chips,

our soda's, our cream filled treats!

Excuse me

"Fix the vending machines"?

You call that a platform?

He already has enough signatures to qualify as a candidate

He does?

You do?


Which means it's gonna be one mighty tight race between me

and Joey Bombora



Well then..

We'll just see about that mister!

And uh.. How's your sign up going?

None of your beez wax...

[groans in pain]

Hey you okay?


peachy.. thank you

[groans in pain]

What up?

Did she eat the meat-loaf

I'm not sure

Darn that Richie Folly
I should be president!

Not him!
And not Joey Bombora!

I deserve it!

It's just spite, jealousy and

[groan in pain]

Excuse me, Mr. Homeless Person

My name is Madelyn Spaulding

And I'm writting an essay for extra credit on the poverty stricken population in Dakota


I'd like to ask you a few

What in the world?




Ugh, I can't believe Mr Lawller gave us a quiz

[In spanish]
Yo odeo esta cafeteria e la comeda

Oh There's Brian!

He is such a hottie!

She's looking at my zit! I know she is

I hope they don't beat me up again

Hey Spaulding

You got a problem?

Yeah, her problem is nobody is gonna vote for her!


Why don't you both buzz off?!


buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz...

buzz, buzz, buzz


I can control them!

Okay people quiet down. We have alot of speeches to hear today

ahh no, no, no wait

Give me carmol corn..

or give me death!


Better fed than read?


Um how about..

Let my people snack!

Hey, Richie my man, how's it going?

Um, fine?


You know we're running against each other?


Well.. uh

Good luck!

You could actually win this thing

Come on he's a nice guy
But hes not smart enough to be president

Never stopped anybody before

And now the candidates for freshman class president

up first

Is Joey Bombora

[Joey! Joey! Joey!]

Joey penny for your thoughts

What's going on there?

Mr Bombora

We're waiting

Fellow students

I no longer wish to be freshman president

so i withdraw my name

And ask you to suppor the only candidate who deserves your vote

Madelyn Spaulding!

V check this out..

Not so fast Richard. Time to get in your brain

Hey what going on?





Richie what's with you man. You're suppose to be on stage

I heard Madelyn

Well yeah, she was just here talking to you.

No bro listen...

It wasn't her talking, it was like

She was inside my head

I mean it V

Madelyn Spraulding was rummaging inside my head trying to change me into a..

a brain puppet

Brain puppet?

Drone, mindslave, whatever!

When you showed up, your energy field must have caused some kind of feedbackand stopped her

Richie you've definetly been watching too much science fiction

Bro, I heard her thoughts!

She plans to turn every student here into a zombie


If Madelyn had brain control powers do you honestly think she would waste time taking over a high school

No.. really, you are too kind

Thank you. Thank you very much

We are in trouble.. Yes?

Well lookie here

Virgil Hawking spack off extrodinare actually hitting the books?

Mr all school merit scholar. Mr I don't need to study


What are you reading?

These are my psycology books

I know sorry

I need to learn about how the mind works

I case you ever get one?

Come on! I won't hurt them!

Then maybe next time you'll ask before you just grab my stuff!

Please Sherran

Some of the kids at school have been acting weird

I'm trying to figure out why

Go on

I figure maybe its dr*gs or a virus

Something in the water

Or somebody with telepathy

Say what!

Well theres this girl Madelyn

Kind of a pain

Anyway she's running against richie for class president

Only Richie thinks she's a bang baby who turn people in to brain puppets

Brain Puppets?


Okay, I know it sounds crazy

Brain puppets?

Oh Virgil you've diffenitly been watching too much science fiction

Oh yeah..



That's what I told Richie!

Sleep well Virgil Hawkings


I have got to stop eating jalepenos before bed time

Virgil Hawkings!

Me? See you've got it all wrong. I'm static

Now Virgil you can't fool me

I know all about you

Your static powers may protect you

But there are other ways to keep you from ruining my campaign

What do you mean?

You'll see

Just a dream

They are all brain puppets

Heyyah family

up kind of late aren't you

uh huh

Listen, I'm just gonna go down stairs for..

you ok?

You aren't going anywhere Virgil

Sis, Pops?

Ok, bad choice of words

You realize this is gonna ruin your chances of making father of the year!

You two okay in there?

[zombie groans]

Wait! Stop, snap out of it!

Madelyn Spaulding has taken over your brains

Rich am I glad to see you

You where right!

It's Madelyn

She even got to Pops and Sherran
We gotta do something

Oh no, Richie!

You too?

Sorry about this bro

Richie I promise you'll be alright

I'll check you later


Think I better get this on tape


My name is Madelyn Spaulding
And I am running for freshman class president



Some of us are destined for greatness

It's a gift

But it's also a burden

Especially if no one else appreciates that greatness

This could go on a while

-Everybody is so mean and not doing there jobs

so that the really great people and never get any thanks
or invited to sleepovers or anything!

Only now it's gonna be different

Tomorrow you will all vote for me
As president of the freshman class

And if that goes well..

Why stop with freshman I could run
the school

I could be the president of Everybody!

Woah there Madam President

I demand a recount!

What are you doing here
-Shutting you down lady

I have your whole crazy speech on tape

Your cover is blown

Well so is yours

I'm gonna tell the whole world
That Static is really Virgil Hawkings

I'm still gonna shut you down

Attention students

This is your presidnet speaking
Get me that super hero!

And his little tape too


I have no power

and no way out..

Except past them

Come on Come one

Aww Yeah

Staaaaa tic


Yes, Richie

And the varcity football team

You may as well give me that video tape

If you show it to the police
I would just take their minds too

From now on..
I'm the boss!!

Oh Yeah?

Well you're not the boss of me

Am too

-Am not
-Am too
-Am not

Hold him

You will do as I command

No I won't!

How'd I'd end up at school?

Why are we out here in our underwear

Nice nighty Ruth!

Take a hike wezel face

I'm so embarassed

What happened

Hello I'm Madelyn Spaulding I'm running for class....

Let's just say that Madelyn and me had a little meeting of the minds

Okay okay settle down

My fellow Americans
Opps sorry wrong speech

This was a very close race

Thanks to you The faculty knows that we
will not rest until the vending machine crisis gets resolved

And thanks to my opponent Joey Bombora

Who will take up the issue during the next term
as the freshman class

Come on out Joey

Great concession speech man
Very Classy

Hey, I'm a born politician

And speaking of politicians whats up with her royal weirdness


Well static peaked in on her this morning

She took quite the zap to the head

She's gonna be alright

Does she remember who Static is?

She doesn't even remember shes a meta

Lets just hope it stays that way

V I gotta hand it to you

It must'a been pretty scary when she had us
all under her control

Not to mention having everyone turn against you

yesss. it was


..must eat



Yes... hamburger

and fries
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