01x08 - Sons of the Fathers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Static Shock". Aired: September 23, 2000 – May 22, 2004.*
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Accidental exposure to an experimental mutagen leaves geeky high school student Virgil with super powers.
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01x08 - Sons of the Fathers

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Gotta get up,
gotta go, get up ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

[Burglar alarm rings]

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go, hip ♪

♪ Here we go,
here we go ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! ♪

Static: I put a shock
to your system!

I'm sorry I haven't
been around much lately,

But bein' static
takes up a lot of time.

There's another reason,
too, moms.

Truth is, lately...

I haven't been feelin' up
to comin' here.

I'm bettin' you
want to know why, right?

I'm just gettin'
comfortable, moms.

This might take a while.

It all started a couple
of weeks ago.


I was on my class field trip
havin' big fun.

Man, this place is
off the hook.

Yeah, but I can't believe
they're still open

While they're makin'
all these renovations.

How do you think
they're payin' for
the renovations?

I'm just glad
they didn't shut down
the lavaland ride.

Ho ho! Look. Yes!

Some of the lava
spewed on my shirt.

That's nacho cheese,

[Sniff] eh...

Different eruption.


Don't remind me.

There you are, daisy, honey.


Wanna take some photos
at the you-oughta-be-in-
pictures booth,

Make some funny faces
to scare your father with?

but aren't you supposed
to be chaperoning?

I can't chaperone
my own daughter
for a couple of minutes?

Catch up
with you guys later.

Eh...daisy's mom's
cool, isn't she?


You're right, daisy.
That virgil is cute.


Hee hee hee!

Well, come on, v.

We've got to get ready
for our screen test.

All right, actors,
time for wardrobe.

Come on, thomas.

This isn't lecture hall.

Yeah, man, it's
an amusement park.

Amuse yourself.

This is still
a class field trip, guys.

We're supposed
to be learning something.

Uh, somehow, I don't think
any of this is gonna end up
on the finals, thomas.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Of course you realize,
this means w*r.

Food fight!


Food fight!



Get her!

Ah! Oh!

[Laughter and screaming]

One at a time, children.
One at a time.

Man: how's it comin'?

Just need to disconnect
one more wire,

And the trams
in the north sector
will be offline.

[Alarm sounds]


Whaddya mean, "uh-oh"?


What's wrong?

Even einstein
took a break
once in a while.

But thomas kim?

Work, work, work,
work, work!

Dude needs balance
in his life, no doubt.

Maybe we should invite him
to go bowling with us.


Both: maybe not.

Whoa! That's
a transport tram.

Shouldn't be goin'
that fast.

Look out!

Shouldn't be doin' that,


Move away!

Whoa! Huhh!

What's it made of,

Nothin' like
a little pressure.

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

Hey! Hey! ♪

Look out!


Aw, come on!



[Sounds of relief]

Oh! Look.


Now the doors open.

How'd you do that?

A little something
called magnetic induction.

I zapped the first piece
of track, and it
magnetized the others.

Hmm, and I thought
it only worked
with paperclips.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you!

That was so great.
Ha ha!

Whoever you are,
your mother must be
really proud of you.


Yeah, she sure would be.

Now, don't take this
the wrong way, moms.

When I got home,

The last thing I wanted
to think about was you.


What are these videos
doing in the middle
of the floor?

Virgil. Hey, son.

Need more burgers,
virgil. Stat.

On it, pops.

Hey, son. How was
the movie park?

You've seen one
runaway train,

You've seen 'em all.

The videos, pops?

We're gonna go
through them for
that compilation tape

We're making
about your mother.


It's for mom's
memorial service.

I know we told you
about it, virgil.

Oh, yeah.

Aren't you gonna
help us screen them?

Uh, I'd like to, pops,
but I got a ton of homework.

They gave you homework
on field trip day?

That's how it is.

They give you
one day of fun,

Then double
the workload the next day.

I better get to it.

Hmm. I thought he'd
be psyched to do this.

Sharon: I can't believe

She ever wore
that tacky polka dot dress

You bought her, daddy.

Robert: yup,
that's love all right.

Ha ha ha.

She looks
pretty anyway.

Yes, she does.

I wanted
to help 'em, moms,

But it just
hurt too much.

I had to get out of there.

So I went on patrol,

Thinking it would
clear my head.

All: ahh!


Man, who smacked
this place down?

What the...?

[Breathing heavy]

Sorry I asked.

Hey, baby!

You call this playin'?

Looks more
like mess hall.


The party's over,


Bad, bad, bad!

Bad? You totally trash
a -star restaurant,

Somebody got up
on the wrong side

Of his alien pod
this morning.






Anybody get the license
number of that bang baby?

It was wild, moms.

No matter what
I threw at it,

This thing
was impervious to pain.

I was telling richie
all about it the next day.

And he even
had purple skin

And orange hair.

Ech. Bang babies,

They just have
no fashion sense.

The worst part was
ever time I hit it,

It just got
madder and madder.


Perhaps you'd
like to share

Your story with
the class, virgil.

Uh, no, thanks,
ms. Pettibone.

I hope I won't
have to separate
you two again.

Class, I'm handing back
your essay tests.

Undoubtedly, some of you
will be happier

With your grades
than others.

Oh, yes! I'm happy.

What about you, rich?

I'm one
of the others.

Uh, ms. Pettibone?

I think there's
a problem here.

Excuse me, thomas?

You gave me a ,

But I didn't get
anything wrong.

You made
a grading mistake.

[Students laugh]

Girl: you made
a grading mistake.

Boy: crazy brainiac.


Let me see
your essay, thomas.

Ah. You made a slight
grammatical error.

In this sentence,
you're using "its"

In the possessive form.

But you've incorrectly
placed an apostrophe there.

I'm sorry.

But what am I gonna
tell my parents?

You got the highest
grade in class.

That's what you tell them.

Whoa, dude.

actually bummed

getting a ?

Trade ya.

[Students laugh]



What in heaven's name?

You wrong. Wrong.


Holy creature feature.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

I'm wrong about what?




What is that thing?

Whatever it is,
it's no teacher's pet.

Run, ma'am.
Call the police.


Man, that was
a double taser shot.

What does it take?


Bad man gone.


Where's a full-body cast
when you need one?

After that throw-down, moms,

Even my aches and pains
had aches and pains.

At least I was
alone in the house.

I mean, the peace
and quiet was really
doing me some good.

And then she walked in.

So, now you
turn up home, baby bro.

I've got your speech
slotted for minutes,

So don't run off
at the mouth

Like you normally do.

What speech?

For the memorial

No one told me
I had to speak.

I took it as a given

That you were
gonna do this.

And that's
the problem right there.

No one asked me
about this from jump!

No one even thought
about how I feel

About this whole thing!

This isn't about you,
virgil. It's about mom!

Now you're gonna
stop being a brat

And do this speech!

You can't make me!

You can't make me
do anything!

Make the stupid
speech yourself!


Please don't
make me do it, pops.

I don't want
to make a speech.

I would never force
you to do that, son.

And about what
I said to sharon...

Forget it.

We all lose our cool
now and again.

In fact, I may owe
an apology.

For what?

I thought you'd
come to terms

With your mom's
death all this time.

I was wrong
about that, huh?

Pops, i...

Wanna talk about it?

Maybe later. Ok?

I understand.

It took me
a long time

Before I could
even say her name

feeling pain.

Whenever you're
ready, son.

It would be nice
if you did speak

At the memorial,

If for no one else,
for your mom.

Just think about it.

[Telephone rings]


Virgil, it's me.

I just came back
from the school parking lot,

Multiple tow truck
action, man.

I was there, rich.

Tell me something
I don't know.

Ok. I found something
on the scene, v.

It's gonna blow your mind.

It's the smoking g*n, v.

Iron-clad proof
that thomas

Is mr. Tall, dark,
and ugly.

What if thomas
dropped it there?

Come on, v.

Thomas is
the kind of dude

Who keeps track
of everything he has.

He wouldn't just
lose an "a" paper like that.

I know.

But we have to be
absolutely sure

Before we break
the news to his peeps.

Wait a minute, bro.

If we're right about thomas,

Isn't he the last person
we should be going to?

To paraphrase
one of your favorite
sayings, moms,

If superheroing
were easy,

Everybody would do it.

Once more, thomas.

What event triggered
the start of world w*r i?

The assination
of the arch duke

Hmm. Now, the name
of that assasin?

[Doorbell rings]

I...i don't think

That will be on
the test, father.

That attitude
is the difference

Between a perfect score
and a .

Excuse me, dear.

Thomas has visitors.

Hey, thomas. Mr. Kim.

Virgil? Richie?

Hey. Yo, thought
we'd come over
to hang.

Hang? Hang what?

You know,
like, visit.

If that's ok.

Of course it is.

But dear,
thomas' studies--

Can wait.
Our son has friends.

Come on.


Ooh, first place.

So you were
a pretty big brain

Even in
the first grade, huh?

Academic achievement

Cannot begin
early enough.

Please don't
sit there!

Oh. Uh, sorry.

So, thomas, we found
something of yours.

Your essay test paper.

Yeah, it was
in the school parking lot.

Ring any bells?

What are you
talking about?

My test is right...


You must've dropped it.

But I was never
in the parking lot.

You sure about that?

Yes! What are you
trying to say?

Easy, thomas. Easy.

Last thing we need
is you throwing a tantrum.

A tantrum? Me?

I would never do that.

And I don't appreciate

The of you goofing
on me like this.

Hey. Yo, dude,
get a grip.

Get out of my house!

[Heavy breathing]

If he's a bang baby,
he has no clue, rich.

Maybe he's like jeckyll
and hyde or something.

[Baby crying]

Mommy? Mommy?

Drop that remote!

Oh, yeah, right.

Like I'm really gonna
miss you going postal.

I mean it, rich!

Ah, ah, ah.
Just sit back

And take your
embarassment like a man.

Mommy, virgil
is being bad.

Punish him.


[Stops crying]


Mommy, why you
didn't punish him?

He's being bad.

Oh, he's not bad,

He's just cranky.

Doesn't even know why.

you have to let 'em

Work through
that crankiness.

See? All better now.

He's my good boy.

Now I see why you didn't
want to look at this.

She was so great,
and now she's gone.

She really knew what
made me tick.


Hey, we have a
doorbell, you know.

You tease me!


Yo, richie, get
ready to move.

Right, v.

Now thomas,
old buddy.

It is you,
thomas, isn't it?

You can take
a joke, right?

No jokes. Bad!

Well, then...

How 'bout a sight gag?



Let's take this outside.


If he's gonna
be like that,

I got to get him
out of here.

Yo, thomas!

Come and get me!


Bloke. Not thomas!

Thomas weak!


I hope this works.

Missed me.



Maybe this
wasn't such a hot idea.

Yeah, it's working,
all right.

Just like with moms.

What happened?

He just had a tantrum.

But he's feeling
much better now.

Thomas never
actually knew he
turned into a creature.

But now that his
parents are clued in,

He's getting
the best of care.

If you hadn't shown me
how to calm him down,

I don't even
want to think about it.

[Car honks]

I'll come back
soon, moms. Promise.


Thanks for everything.

For the longest time,
I missed my mother so much,

I forced myself
not to think about her.

But now I know
that was wrong.

I've learned something
just recently

That's very important.

My mother's physical
being may be gone,

But her spirit is still
very much alive within me,

And it always will be.

Thank you.

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ My soul looks back
and wonders ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ My soul looks
back and wonders ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ Oh, yes ♪

♪ To that sweet
promised land ♪

♪ Oh, yes ♪

♪ I'll be lookin'
at my love ♪

♪ And they'll take me
by the hand ♪

♪ Oh, yes ♪

♪ My soul looks back
and wonders ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ How I got over ♪

♪ My soul looks back
and wonders ♪

♪ How I got over ♪
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