01x23 - Metamorphosis: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Justice League". Aired: November 17, 2001 – May 29, 2004.*
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Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and other superheroes join forces to battle crime and otherworldly threats, keeping a watchful eye on Earth from their orbiting space station.
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01x23 - Metamorphosis: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Green lantern: previously
on justice league...

I don't believe it.
Rex mason? Hey, john.

Meet my fiancee sapphire stagg.

You're dating the
boss' daughter?

I've accepted a job
offer in chicago.

And I'm going with him.

But you can't!

Daddy, I'm not your
little girl anymore.

I made you,

And I can just as
easily unmake you.

No. No!

Please, you're his friend.
You have to help us.

I'll find him, I promise.

Thank you, john.

It was no accident, simon,

And I want to know
who's responsible!


I want them to see what
my creation can really do.

I knew you were jealous,

But I never thought
you'd go this far.

Mase, stop. I never...

I don't want to hear it!


Relax, I've got him.

Come along quietly, or I'll...


Mase, don't! You're k*lling him!

What's happening to me?

Hawkgirl: let him go!



He's more powerful
than I ever imagined.


Stay back, all of you!





That's not going to
hold him for long.


How could you?


You heard me.

How could you dump me like that?

What are you talking about?

My so-called buddy
green lantern.

But who wouldn't rather
be with a superhero

Instead of a freak like me?

How could you even think that?

Don't bother denying
it. I know what happened.

Shut up and get this through
that thick head of yours!

I love you, you big dope,

And I always will,
no matter what.

But the pictures... I saw
you and john together and...

Whatever you saw was a lie.

Who showed them to you?

It was...

Good lord.

How could I have been so blind?!

Rex, wait. Come back!



Simon: well, is metamorpho
everything I promised?

Everything and more,
simon. We want him.

I thought you would.

Let's set up a
meeting for next week,

And bring your checkbook.

A toast, java,

To unbridled capitalism.

I don't get it, boss.

How are you going to
get mason to work for him?

Mason? He was just a prototype.

Now that I've
perfected the process,

I don't need him anymore.

So, I'm just a guinea pig, huh?

Keep away from... Uhh!

Why me, simon?

Was it because I asked too many
questions about your pet project

Or because I took your daughter?

You leave her out of this.

I'll never let you
touch her... Never!

Aah! Uhh!

Fun science fact:

All chemical reactions stop
at sub-zero temperatures,

Even yours.

Good work, java.

What do you want
me to do with him?

Dump him.

And then he just turned
into smoke and disappeared.

Can you think where
he might have gone?

No. He wasn't rational.

There's no telling
what he might do.

Don't worry. We'll find him.

I see why he always
looked up to you.

To me? He was the
one who had it made.

No. I've seen him
watching you on the news.

The way you're
always helping people...

I think he'd trade places
with you in a second.

Hmm. Guess the grass
always looks greener.

I'll bring him back
safe, I promise.

So I told my broker,

"Industrial waste management...

That's a growth business."

Am I wrong here?

Like they say, garbage
in, garbage out.

That's exactly what
I'm talking about.

What was that? Aah!

Mind if I take the wheel?

What is that thing?!

It's toast!

Think we got him?

Hey, is that the stuff?

Luckily, I was able

To get another
shipment of the mutagen...

No thanks to you.

Now we can shift into
full-scale production.

Not if I can help it.

Stop him!

Not this time, flintstone.

Haa! Huh?

You did this to me, simon,

But you won't do
it to anyone else.


Mason, don't!


Simon? Simon, can you hear me?

Looks like we're too late.

Maybe not.


Thank heavens you're here.

Let me go.

Haven't you done enough damage?

It wasn't me.

Stagg made some kind
of synthetic monster.

You've got to believe me.

After you tried to
deep-fry me? I don't think so.

Look, I'm sorry I
went off like that.

I was wrong,

But we can hash that out later.

Right now, there's another
monster loose out there.

Did you feel that?

What was it? Felt
like an earthquake.

Open fire!

Pull back!



It's like punching dough.

Hawkgirl confirms
finding another monster.

See? I'm telling the truth.

Let me help.

So, what do you know
about this monster?

Stagg was working with a mutagen

When I smashed the controls.

The chemicals came to life.

I think it's the same
compound he used on me.

Ok, we'll take it from here.


You can't beat it by yourself.

Let me go with you.

I don't know.

Batman: he's right.

We're gonna need all
the help we can get.

You two go.

I'll stay here and
test this residue.

Maybe I can find a weakness.

All right, but I'm
keeping my eye on you.

That didn't work.


Are you hurt?

Only my pride.

Uh-oh, more trouble.

No, he's here to help.

I see you've met
stagg's synthoid.

Learn anything?

Yeah... Don't hit it
with an energy mace.

Maybe we can talk
to it... Reason with it.

Not a chance. It's
totally mindless.

J'onn: no, I sensed a mind
within the creature...

Incomplete, irrational,

And driven only by base desire.

Maybe the feedback
from the accident

Transferred part
of stagg's mind into it.

So, what's it after?

Oh, no.

Newscaster: a gigantic creature

Has defeated the justice league.

Now it's continuing its rampage

And heading relentlessly uptown.

Residents are
advised to evacuate.

Oh, rex, what's happened to you?




Look out!

He's got sapphire!

I'm coming for you, honey!

Let's see how it
likes an acid bath.

Green lantern: no good.
He's neutralized it.

Hawkgirl: look out!



I'm ok. Keep going.



Thanks, but this is
getting us nowhere.

Batman: lantern,
I've got something.

The creature's composed
of artificial protein.

We can destroy it with
a complex polypeptide.

Green lantern: like a
designer amino acid?

How soon can you
whip up a batch?

That's the problem.

It'll take days to synthesize.

We don't have that long.


Tell me what's in the
stuff. I'll do the rest.

Change into the polypeptide?

Not a chance.

If you come into
contact with that thing,

The chemical reaction
will destroy you both.

Yeah, you're probably right.

But I don't have time to argue.

Sorry, pal,

But sapphire needs me.

Batman: lantern,
are you still there?!

He's resting.
What's the formula?

Rex, please, you don't
know what you're doing!

What I wouldn't give for a
couple of biplanes right about now.





It's over, old man. Let her go!



Daddy, don't!

I love you, saph.



The crazy fool!


I'm so sorry.

He was a good man
and a real hero.

It would have meant a lot
to him to hear you say that.


Here we go.

Heads up, people!

I wouldn't want
to do that again.


You're alive!

You can't get rid
of me that easily.

Come here, you big ape.

Still dreaming about
the road not taken?

What do you think?
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