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02x10 - Vendetta

Posted: 03/07/23 11:00
by bunniefuu


You here?

Tommy, no!


What happened to our crowd, huh?

I suppose they just
ran off someplace.



Oh, I thought
they'd never leave.

There's still two hours

before you have to go to work.

Well, what are we going to do?

Are we going to
talk away the time

or are we going to...

get this stuff together

and go back to my apartment?

Hey, Hutch!


You've got a 10-40.

A what? A 10-40.

Isn't that what you always get

when we're in the middle

of a good time?

No, sweetheart.

That's what you get
for waiting too long.

We didn't even get
to pour the wine.

We didn't even get the cork out.

Don't tell me, Starsk.

I see the end of
a beautiful day.

You got it.

Dobey wants us in early.

He's got another
body beaten to death.

Like the others?

This one's a kid.

How old?


Yeah, well, that's
the way it was.

Six-one-three, please.

Found him laying in
an empty warehouse

two days before we got him.

Name's Jimmy Shannon.

He was arrested
a couple of times

for petty theft.

Heavy blunt instrument.

Head, shoulder, and legs broken.

Sound familiar?

Sounds like an epidemic.

Three in 30 days.

This guy gets around.

No wallet, huh?

Nah. Nothing.

'64 JFK.

What's that worth now?

A dollar?


Hotel Bremen.

Artie Solkin's blood bucket.

Captain of the Bells.

Wonder how many guys
he's got working for him now.

Probably one less

than he had two days ago.

Thank you.



Can you hear me?

It's me, Artie.

Come on, kid.

Pull it in.

I just made a score.


Can you hear me?

Nice to see you up and around.

What time is it?


Want to go to work?

I just made a score.

50 bucks apiece for each of us.

You want it?

What kind of work?

Your kind of work.

Strawberries and whipped cream.


this time, we only
have to bust his legs.


Tonight. Any time.


Hey. Here.

Eat something.

You look like a ghost.

You're not still
mad at me, are you?

We can live with it.

All right.

What a terrific place
to spend your last days.

Jimmy Shannon.

What do you know about him? Who?

Jimmy Shannon.

Oh, you mean Jingo.

All right. Jingo.

What's to know?

Ain't seen him in
a couple of days.

What happened? He all right?

America's answer
to Fagin around?


Artie Solkin.

Oh, Artie. Yeah. He's upstairs.

You want to talk to him?

We'll talk to him
in Shannon's room.

Get him there. Please.



What do you want?

Couple of cops.

They want to...

talk to me in Jimmy's room.

Don't go to pieces.

I'll see you later.


I'll get the bureau.

Hi, Artie.

You just pulled
me off a good job.

What do you want?

Jimmy Shannon.

Died like a man

in the pursuit of happiness.

What do you mean? He's dead?

What kind of happiness, Artie?

Come on, Artie.

Pull yourself together.

You know what Jimmy
said just before he died?

He said, "Tell Artie

not to worry."

Don't do your numbers
on me, all right?

What do you want?

Something else

besides Jimmy Shannon's
last-known address.

He's got a mother in Cleveland.

What else you want?

The name of the guy
who beat him to death.

Is that how he got it?

Yeah, that's how
he got it, Artie.

And you know something else?

That's the third
time this month.

Now, you wouldn't know anybody
that'd do something like that,

would you?


What do you mean? You crazy?

What'd we get on
you last time, Artie?


to the delinquency of a minor.

Aiding and abetting.

What else?

Forget the history, right?

We forget nothing, Artie.


Fagin, faigelah.
What's the difference?

You're vermin.

You've got no right
to talk to me that way.

What's the matter,
scum? I hurt your feelings?

You know something?
You make me sick.

Right from that
rancid black grease

you wear in your hair

down to your two-tone shoes.

You're trying to get me mad
so I'll take a punch at you

and then you'll run me in.

Oh, heaven forbid, Artie.

You don't think

we'd do something
like that, do you?

Hey, look,

all we want is a short list

of Jimmy Shannon's
last known associates.

You know, like someone

who gets their kicks, maybe,

from beating other people.

I told you,

I don't know anyone like that.

No, huh?

Now, if you're done with me,

I got some work to do.

Get out of here.

I can't take you
out anymore, Hutch.

You keep insulting my friends.

Starsky, he knows who did it.

Yeah, well, if he doesn't,

I got a feeling

he knows where to look.

Is there anything else

in here?

Not the way I can see it.

We still working?


Leave it on, all right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, we're still working,

only this time, I think
we've got two jobs.


Part one is a guy
named Eckworth.

Lloyd Herman Eckworth.

Owns a nightclub.

Uh, we break his legs

and put him up in a wheelchair

where everybody can see him.

Part two is a blond cop

named Hutchinson...

but him we do different.

Uh, sir, sir,

please, uh...

could you spare
some small change?


I need a drink very bad,

honest to God.

Yeah, yeah, sure.
You're... you're a prince.

Yeah, sure.

You're wonderful.
Bless you, sir.

Uh, excuse me, sir,

Uh, pardon me.

Do you have change
of a dollar? Huh?



Is he dead? No.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Well, then it's blond cop time.

Here's the man himself.

Arthur Fingal Solkin.

53 years old, white male.

Four counts,


to the delinquency of a minor.

Make that four minors.

15, 15, 16, and 17.

Aiding and abetting
the runaway status of,

et cetera, et cetera,

et cetera.

That's it.

Your friend and
mine, Artie Solkin.

Housemother at the Hotel Bremen.

Some kids have
all the luck, huh?


Okay, but how do we hang
him with the beating murders?

Jimmy Shannon was

one of Fagin Artie's
artful dodgers.

That still doesn't cut any ice.

The first of the two priors

was a 38-year-old man
in the laundry business.

The second was
a 48-year-old man.

Uh, a pimp named
Billy Chartreuse.

What does he have in common

with a...

with a 17-year-old juniflip
named Jimmy Shannon?

Broken legs...

and maybe, if we're right,

Artie Solkin.


I'm tired.

Want to get a hamburger?

Are you kidding?

No, I'm not.

See you tomorrow.

Well, how would
you like to eat alone?

It really doesn't
make any difference.

See you in the morning.

Hello, plants.

Nice neighborhood.

Leave a note?

Oh, you're a scream.

Look, why don't you

get something yourself
something to eat?

I've got some great new goodies

in the icebox.

Oh, that's a good idea.


So, what'd he look like?

Tall, short, fat, skinny?

Did you get an M.O.?

I didn't get that close.

Oh. Well, maybe next time.

Either your eating habits
have changed drastically

or you've got some
very sick people

mad at you.

You know the one
thing that bothers me?

You're out of ketchup?

Whoever put the
rat in that icebox

has got a way
through my front door.

Any ideas?

Not a clue.


You and Starsky get over to
Mid-Town Memorial Hospital.

See the owner of the
Home Plate Nightclub.

Name's Lloyd Eckworth.

Lloyd Herman Eckworth?

Used to play with the Yankees,

then the Chi-Sox?

Why don't you ask him?

Somebody broke
his legs last night.

Was it done by our same friend?

We suspect, with one exception.

Eckworth's alive
to talk about it.

Better get on it, will you?

Wait a minute, wait a minute.


Lloyd Herman Eckworth?

Yeah, utility infielder.

Came up with the Yankees

in, uh, '49.

Traded to the Chi-Sox in '54.

I used to collect
baseball trading cards.

Lifetime batting average,




Wait, wait. Wait a minute.


How do you know that?

Some things you never forget.

Yeah. Yeah.

Look, look, look.


I've already talked
to the doctor.

Honey, he says...

he says if I'm careful...



Hold on, Janet.

Now, what is it?

Detectives Hutchinson
and Starsky.

We'd like to talk to
you, Mr. Eckworth.

Look, I've already given
my statement three times.

I know. We'd like
to hear it again.

But there's nothing to tell.


For crying out loud...

Janet, pick me up in 30
minutes or I'm taking a cab.

Then I'll take an ambulance

if I have to.

I'm getting out of here today.


Mr. Eckworth?

You want me to tell the story.

I walked out of my
club into the garage.

There was this bum
asking for money.

I gave him a buck,

he tells me God bless you.

I turn around, whack,

I'm looking at this ghost

swinging a
sawed-off baseball bat

into my face.

That's it?

That's it.

An inside-the-park home run.


An inside-the-park home run.

I saw you hit one

when I was nine years old.

Against Fuller.

You were playing the White Sox.

You remember that?

Sure I remember that.

It was the second
half of a double-header.

Hotter than hell out.

I drank so many
sodas I almost got sick.

No kidding.

Yeah, that...

that was some ball game.

That was some hit.

You damn near

ran that third-baseman
right down.

The guy that hit you,
you remember him?

The guy that hit me?

With the baseball bat.


He looked like, uh...

Stan the Man.

You know, a young Musial,

when he first come up,

only his eyes were all screwy,

like what he was doing to me

was all in a day's work.

Building a house.

Cooking hamburgers.

You know, it didn't
mean nothing to him,

what he was doing to me.

Mr. Eckworth, can
you think of any reason

why somebody would
want to do this to you?


and I've been thinking,

but then again,

the screwballs running
around these days,

who needs a reason
for anything any more?

If someone's bothering
you, we could help.

No, there's no one bothering me.

Okay. Thank you.


Mr. Eckworth, if
there's anything at all,

we'd appreciate a call.


Oh, there is one more thing.

Your lifetime batting average.

.247, why?

Just wondering.

Something doesn't
make sense, Starsk.

Aw, that's what you say

about all our busted leg cases.

Oh, come on, I'm serious.

All right.

Someone's set himself up

in business

with a baseball bat, right?

Okay. Uh-huh.

Now, whether Eckworth
can think of a reason or not,

he was just

a cash-and-carry
tap on the legs,

and we can probably
say the same thing

about Billy Chartreuse
and that laundry dealer,

but who'd want to pay a nickel

for Jimmy Shannon?

Think you're in for
a run of bad luck?

What are you talking about?

Those are my brand new recaps.

You know what I
paid for these, Starsk?

Probably more

than the whole car's worth.

Yeah, well, at least
I don't drive around

in a striped tomato

you got to tune up

every time you drive
around the block.

Yeah, well, with
this hunk of squash,

I imagine every 50 to
70,000 miles is okay.

Watch it.

Don't get excited.

It's only flat on the bottom.

It's okay.

Come on. Come on.


Come on. Come on.

It's okay.


All right, when did this start?

It started last night, Captain.

Somebody put a
rat in my cold cuts.


That's what burns my fuse out.

How come I don't
hear about these things

before the bombs go off?

You were telling us about
Lloyd Eckworth, Captain.

I thought that was
more important.

Would you open that, please?

With pleasure.

No, you didn't.

You wanted a private party,

and rule number
one in this precinct

is no,

absolutely, flat-out
no private parties.

Do you hear me?

Talk to Starsky.

He ate the rat.

All right, Hutchinson.

Do you have any
idea who started this?

I wish I did, Captain.

What's scary

is to try to think back

over six years on the force

and try to remember

all the weirdos
you've alienated.

If you think six
years is something,

wait till you get 26 years in.


By the way,

you guys had a
call from Eckworth.

Says he remembered something

about the bum who
asked him for money

wearing a pair of
two-tone shoes.

Grease in your hair
and worms in your toes.

Would you mind
interpreting that?

Artie Solkin.

Where's my jacket?

I thought you had it on.

Artie Solkin. What room?

Hey, come on.

The guy's up all night.

He's sleeping now, right?

That's all right. We don't mind.


Nice guys you are.

Keep your hands off the phone.

We're gonna surprise him.

Artie. What?

Thank you.

Hi, Artie.

Say, this is

a nice-looking
place you got here.

Too bad you don't got
a couple of kitty cats.

Can the birdseed.
What do you want?

Well, straight out,
we'd like to apologize.

We're sorry we stepped
on your rosebush.

I told you, can the birdseed.

What do you want?

Don't be like that, Artie.

We got a whole new can of worms,

like where were you and
your shiny wing-tip shoes

last night, huh?

Let's go.

Don't you guys

ever get tired of bothering me?

It's no bother, Artie.


we love you.

All right, Bob.

Take one step forward.

Still can't

keep your raincoat
buttoned up, huh?

All right,

give us a quarter-turn
to the right.

You're doing fine, Bob.

Now, give us

a half-turn to the right.

There's not one face up there
that you vaguely recognize?

All right, give us

a quarter-turn
to the right, Bob.

Okay, step back.

Next man.

Arthur Solkin.

It's been a while since
we've seen you, Artie.

Still got all your
little pack rats

stealing for you?

You never proved
anything ever on me.

Okay, Artie, why don't you

just give us a
cute, little profile?

No. I'm afraid not. I...

I just can't remember
the guy's face.

Quarter-turn to
the right, Artie.

You can remember

a pair of two-tone shoes,

but you can't remember the face

of the man who set you up?

Yeah, I guess that's it.

Quarter-turn to
the right, Artie.

What does it say for us?

Just a bum.

Give him some
money, that's easy,

but don't look him in the face.

Might recognize a human being

if you do that.

Quarter-turn to
the right, Artie.

Sorry, I... I...

I can't help you.

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

Okay, step back.

Is that it?

Get them out of here, Mike.

All right, you heard the man.

Let's boogie.

You get the feeling
that Eckworth's

not telling us all he knows?

You know,

when I was nine years old,

and I saw that guy hit

that inside-the-park home run?


I thought

he was about the greatest man

that ever lived.



Artie. They told me
the cops took you away.

They can never
prove nothing on me.

You're glad to see
me, aren't you, kid?


We got work to do.

She's pretty.


He never should have
arrested me today.

He should have known.

I'm the kind of guy
that does his homework.

Her name is Abby.

A blond cop's blond girlfriend.

He has the tuna. I
have the pastrami.


You want something to drink?

Yeah, ice tea, please.

Ice tea and milk, please.

You don't want some mustard?

Uh, no. You sure?


Not hungry.

Okay, so the guy couldn't
identify your suspect.

Maybe he wasn't the right guy.

Abby, we've got the right guy.

Solkin's involved
in those murders.

Want to know something?

Here's Huggy.


I don't care.

I want you to catch that crazy

who's blowing up your car

and putting rats

in your refrigerator.

We will, sweetheart.

We will.

What's happening?

What'd you hear
about Jimmy Shannon?

He died a perfectly
natural death...

in a warehouse

frequented by his
own best friends.

I'll have dinner ready by seven.

Eckworth. Lloyd Eckworth.

Nothing special.


I'll be there, sweetheart.

Word is,

Eckworth made the mistake

of refusing a partnership offer

somebody made him.

Happens all the time.

That explains a lot.

Like what?

Like all those sudden
lapses of memory.




Abby, I promise. I'll be there.

I'll be there for dinner.

We just have one
more guy to see.

Hey, Billy. Sit down.

What do you guys want?

Well, Billy,

we'd like a little

about Artie Solkin.

Hey, I'm clean.

I ain't got nothing to
do with him anymore.

Oh, we know that.

That's why

we're talking to you.

But you used run
with Artie, right?

Yeah, but that was
before the Spook.

The Spook?

The Spook.

Name's Tommy something,

and let me tell you,
this is one crazy dude.

I mean, all he does
is lay on his bed

all day long,

looking up at the
lightbulb in the ceiling.

Interesting, huh?


Do you think this
guy could k*ll anyone?

It's all right, Billy.

Well, one night we was sniffing

and drinking a
little red wine, right?


And Tommy told me that
he k*lled his whole family

someplace back in Indiana.

You believe him?

I moved out the next day.

Artie Solkin. Get him down here.

He ain't here right now.

How about his friend Tommy?

He's with Artie. I don't
know where they went.

What's his room number?


How about the key, huh?

It's always open.

Guess who's working nights.

Oh, I'll get the bureau.



What does a spook
wear on Sunday?





I guess he wasn't
lying to Billy Ryan,

was he?

Let's get out of here.

I know that, Donna,

but even cops
have a personal life.

With Hutch,

all I know is I'm going to
talk to him about it tonight.

Yeah, I'll let you know.

Got to go. Bye-bye.

Be smarter just to k*ll her,

wouldn't it?

I don't want you to k*ll her.

I want that blond cop

down in the street
looking up at me.

Maybe I'll throw him a quarter.

Maybe I'll walk on him.

Go on.

Enjoy yourself.

I just got this from R&I.

Indiana's had an
APB out on Marlowe

for the last six months.

k*lled his whole family.

What's he doing on my phone?

Trying to explain
to his girlfriend

why he's an hour
late for dinner.

Line's still busy.

She's probably
talking to her girlfriend.

You say this Marlowe kid

stares at a lightbulb all day?

What's happening with him?

Maybe he's just

going through his
brain with a blowtorch,

trying to burn out old memories.

Dobey here. Meanwhile,
we got enough here

to bring in Artie Solkin

and break his little heart

over a chair.


Somebody's hurt Abby.

Hey. She's all right.

She's alive.

She'll be all right.

What? Hey, look,

I don't want to
blow you guys out...

What? Come on, easy.

He broke her up pretty bad.

Did he r*pe her?

Well, it looks like he tried.

I don't think he made it.



Oh, Hutch...

Oh, Hutch, I'm sorry.


don't be sorry.

It's my fault.


Easy, easy, easy.

What do we got? Anything?

Well, from the
junk on the floor,

we got this.

A piece of material.

She must have
ripped his pocket out.

Want to see it?


From the hold she had on it,

they could hardly
get it out of her hand.

I never should have
let her come up here.

Not after

what happened the other night.

Don't do that to yourself.

Hey, you remember

what Jimmy Shannon had on him?


JFK '64.


Abby grabbed his
pocket and pulled this out.

'64, JFK.

Artie Solkin

has a jar full of those.

Come on.


Go on.

Get some rest.

Give me the phone.


Give me the phone!


Sit down and shut up!

I'd do what the man says.

What do you think
you're doing here?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, '64.

My girl ripped it
out of his pocket.

Artie, I'm going upstairs now,

and I'm gonna
give your boyfriend

a shock treatment,

and then I'm gonna talk to you,

so put some coffee
on and pour us a drink.


Tell me about Jimmy.

An Irish kid from Cleveland.

17, going on 100.

What happened?

Tommy k*lled him.

I didn't k*ll him.


Artie, I can't...

What are you mad about?

What are you mad about?

I didn't k*ll her.

I swear to God,
I didn't k*ll her.

I swear to God.

I did exactly like you said.

I didn't touch her.


Honest, Artie. Honest.

Don't be mad at me.
Don't be mad at me.

You're all I got.

Wait a minute.

I want to show you something.

Look, look, look.

I brought the
picture back for you.


Look, I brought
the picture for you.

I brought it for you.

I thought you'd like it.

I could take it back.

Artie, I could take...


No, don't go away.

Don't go away.


I'm here.

I'm not going anywhere.

I didn't mean to make you mad.

I could bring the
picture back somehow.

No, you keep it. It's all right.



I'm scared.

I can't see.

Hutch, there's something
I have to tell you.


but first you've got to taste

some of this great wine.

I got some of that
Norwegian cheese.

Your favorite.

Isn't it a beautiful day?

Hutch, it's important.

I'm sorry, Abby. What is it?

Hey, is that your brother?


What's he doing
here? I didn't invite him.

I'm going home, Hutch.

What? Home?


I have to.

I was really scared.

I guess

I never thought
about dying before.

Hey, there you are.

We've been looking
all over for you.

It's not easy hauling
this junk around.

Pick a card, any card.

Starsky, what's that?

My baseball trading cards.

I dug them out last night.

Will you pick a card?

Come on.

Well, what am I supposed to do?

Read the card.

Read the name on the card.

It's Minnie Minoso.

Saturnino Orestes.

That was his real name.

Saturnino Orestes.

His nickname was Minnie Minoso.

Started out with Cleveland

in '49,

and he switched on and off

with the Chi-Sox till '61,

finished out his career in '62

with the Cleveland Indians.

Batted .303

for a lifetime average.

Starsky. Starsky. Mm-hmm.

She's going away.

I know that.

What do you mean, you know that?

She told me.

That doesn't mean
she doesn't love you.