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08x16 - New Beds

Posted: 03/18/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
Quiet, everyone! Muscle Man, status report! Okay, okay! We're out of range! I can't believe what just happened! Sureshot, Rawls! Do you think they're Let's not think about that now.

I I'm sure they're fine.

But what's the deal with that Anti

-Pops guy?

Why is he out to get us?

! Not us Pops! I don't know why he'd be after me.

Does he think I owe him money or something?

We've got our coordinates we should keep going on our mission.

Full systems check! Dome integrity at 100%! No damage to engines! Power systems and shields at full capacity.

Whoa, seriously?

We didn't get hit at all?

Wait a sec It actually looks like there's one place we sustained damage.

My bed! How did this happen?

I guess we'll never know.

Ugh, I need a new bed.

You know, I need one, too.

I never had a bed at the park! My bed turned into a computer.

Ugh! As if it wasn't enough for them to blow up the Space Tree and chase us halfway into the next sector, most of us don't even have a place to sleep! Before we continue our mission, we're gonna get new beds.

Eileen, plot a course to the closest bed store! Uh, I'm not 100% sure how to do that.

Eileen, figure out how to plot a course to the closest bed store! Whoa! This is the biggest UMAK I've ever seen! I can't wait to have some of their meatballs.

Okay, you guys guard the dome while we're gone.

All right, Captain Benson, bro! Maggie?


! Has anybody seen my girlfriend?

! Now stick together.

We don't want to get lost Howdy, folks! Welcome to UMAK's intergalactic flagship your source for modern furniture that's not only inexpensive, it's durable, too! Wooden butt.

And make sure you check out our cafe and have one of our famous meatball subs.

It's meat! What's the question mark for?

Never mind that! Here's a map! There beds sector 1



Is that far?

Yes! Now, you better get moving! Rigby, there's no way I'm buying that bed! Aw, come on! It's the thrill you've always wanted in a bed! Hmm.

I'm not sure about this one.

This one's cheap.

I'll take it! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't just buy the first bed you see! You gotta sleep on it every night.

This is one thing you don't skimp on! You know what, you're right! I'll take the full! Uh, excuse me, we're ready to check out.

Then go to the checkout.


You take the card with your bed's item number down to the warehouse, and that's where you get your beds.

Where's the warehouse?

So, ya know, all the way back where you came in?


Further than that.

Hey! You know what I could use right now?

Some meatballs! It does feel good to rest a bit.

We shouldn't be out in the open this long! This was supposed to be a quick mission! What if there's somebody after us?

Oh, lighten up, Benson.

Mmm! Mmm! Nice.

Oh, yeah.

Real good.

Ugh! It's only two space creds what do ya expect?

! Enough with the meatballs already! Let's get those beds! Ma'am, you need to bus your tray.

Bus this! Come on! I don't make the rules! I think someone is following us! Really?

Eh, it's just a really ugly chair.

Let's keep moving.

Phew! Hey, have you seen a girl named Maggie around here?

Shh! You see, I went to the bathroom a couple months ago, and Pops, you're coming with me! What?

! Run! Man, who buys this stuff?

! Who cares?

! Come on! You can't run forever! Aagh! A dead end! What are we gonna do?

! Oh, man, the bounty I'm gonna collect after catching you guys is gonna be as big as this big furniture.

We're trapped! Get in! What?

! I said get in! Don't worry, you're safe now.

Who are you?

Show yourself! I am the armoire you're hiding in.

My name is Glomb.

What's going on?

I can't believe my drawers! It is you the chosen one.

It's an honor.

The chosen one?

But I'm Pops.

Heh! What an unusual name.

Yeah, whatever you say, Glomb.

Who are you, anyways?

I'm one of many operatives stationed throughout the galaxy sworn to protect the chosen on er, Pops.

The galaxy?

They all know who I am?

Of course! The resistance exists solely to aid you in your quest to defeat He Who Will Erase Us.





Oh, yes! I get it.

How do we know we can trust you?

And why do you think our Pops is the "Chosen One"?

I recognized him from the sacred mark I bear the symbol of the resistance.

A tattoo of me?

Oh, my! So permanent.

And it hurt like heck which will go the same for you if that bounty hunter catches you and delivers you to He Who Will Erase Anti


Yes, exactly! It's imperative we get you out of here as soon as possible! Here! Behind me is a shortcut to the exit.

Sorry, it gets stuck sometimes.

I'm very cheaply made.

Go! Go quickly! I I don't know what to say but, thank you very much! The honor was mine.

Now, fly! Fly, you fool! We're almost to the exit! Come on! Wait! We're not leaving without those beds.

Okay, last one, then we're out of here.

Why'd you have to get a metal bed, Pops, hmm?

I heard it's good for your back.

You should've left when you had the chance.

I know.

Well, now you don't have to worry about it.

Because even without those beds, I'll make sure you get a good night's sleep.

Oopsy daisy! Looks like we've been getting some complaints from our employees what with you sh**ting 'em and all.

Run for it! Hey! See what I mean?

Quick! Into the clearance section! Everybody, split up! Just give me Pops and this'll all be over! Never! Uh


Pops, can you use your powers to try and stop her?

It's not working! Never mind! Just keep running, Pops! You might be the only one who can defeat Anti

-Pops! We'll try to hold her off! I'm not running! If all my friends are fighting, I'm fighting, too! Oh! Get ready.

Rigby, watch out! Let me out of here! No! So how was the store?

We got chased by a bounty hunter and almost died.

How was it here?

Oh, wow! Me and Muscle Man were gonna eat burritos, and we thought there was only one.

But turns out there was a second one hiding underneath, so it all worked out.

That was a close call, guys.

Glad we got out of there.

Yeah, for now! How many more bounty hunters are on the lookout for Pops?

It doesn't matter! As long as we're working together and we got each other's backs, I think we'll be fine.

Yeah, like how Muscle Man and I worked together to fix that thing with our burritos! Yeah, that's sort of the idea! Great! Now, does anybody know how to assemble these beds?
