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05x216 - Sacrifice

Posted: 03/19/23 12:51
by bunniefuu
Boruto, where are we?

I don't know!

I figured if I used the Karma,

I could whisk us away to another dimension

just like how the Otsutsuki do.

Damn it!

I guess you got that "act first, think later" attitude

from me, huh?

His lifespan should only last about two days...

Do everything we can to prevent him from leaving this place!

Amado told you that, didn't he?

How foolish.

He needs to be appropriately punished.

But before I do that...

Naruto, above you!

Momoshiki's Vessel, Boruto Uzumaki...

Your Otsutsukification has progressed further than I expected.

It's already ... maybe even percent complete.

How much power hides within you?

Show me!



That detestable Rinnegan...

You're in the way.

I never thought you would be the one to impede me,

Boruto Uzumaki.

I could easily go back using Transportation Ninjutsu,

but we'll just continue going back and forth.

I should just get rid of you all here,

where no one else can interfere.

Then, I can take my time looking for Kawaki later.

With the Hokage and the Uchiha dead,

the people of the village will surrender

and willingly divulge where Kawaki's located.

Don't underestimate us, ya know!

Things aren't gonna go that easily!

You have nothing...

You are empty...

And more than anything, you loathe your empty self.

There is a hole in your heart.

Nothing you gain will ever fill it.

It will only just spill through that hole.

That's precisely why I bestowed the Karma upon you.

It's the only thing that can fill your punctured heart...

It's a special mark.

You awake?


You're finally awake, huh?

Where am I?

While you were out,

Isshiki revived and showed up here in the Leaf

to find you.

Don't worry.

This place is safe for now.

The Hokage and the others are above fighting to take him down.

Technically, they're not above us.

Lord Shikamaru!

Naruto and Sasuke followed Isshiki into another dimension.

It seems that Boruto dragged Isshiki there

using Transportation Ninjutsu.

The Young Lord did that?!

The Sensory Team is doing everything they can

to track their whereabouts.

Damn it!

What do you think you're doing?

Isn't it obvious?!

I'm going after them with my Karma!

Calm down and look closely.

It's gone!

There's no trace of my Karma!

Your Karma was meant for Isshiki's resurrection.

However, he resurrected using Jigen's Karma instead.

Just as Koji and I had schemed.

And once resurrection occurs, all other Karma get deleted.

In other words, you're no longer his Vessel.

You are officially free.

The reason why he came to the Leaf was so that

he could implant another Karma into me,


Yeah, that's right.

Then I'm not officially free.

Gimme a break.

Lord Seventh and the others are desperately fighting

to prevent that from happening.

For now, let's be patient and have faith in them.

But they're facing a monster worse than Jigen, right?

Monster he may be...

But he's one the God of Death already has his eye on.

He only has about one or two days left...

Even a monster can't escape death.

If we can avoid him

implanting you with another Karma before his life runs out,

we win.


Got him!



Only my shadow clone was hit!

Anyway, be careful!

I've lost sight of him!



You bastard!


Damn it!

You bastard!

I'll get you all, one at a time.

You're up first.

Next up...

Mr. Sasuke!

Are you okay?


Hold on a second. I'll get these rocks off you!

Honestly, when it comes to the both of you...

Like father, like son...

I figured you would do that.

My plan won't be diverted even one millimeter.

His plan?

Still, even if his life is coming to an end,

they've lost to him before.

Even if it is Lord Seventh and the others we're talking about,

will they be able to hold him off for two days?

Looking at their raw strength, I can see why you'd be concerned.

But it's not as if they don't have a chance.

However, this all depends on whether Boruto has become aware

of what hispotential value against Isshiki is.

Don't move from that spot... Sasuke Uchiha.

That being said, I don't think you can.

Mr. Sasuke!

What do you mean by "potential value"?

As I said earlier, the Ten Tails is the seedling

necessary for growing a Divine Tree,

but this is no ordinary planting, of course.

You can't just bury it in soil and add water.

For Ten Tails to become a Divine Tree,

there is one special condition that must be met...

A very special requirement that must be fulfilled.

Why did you stop?

That was your chance...

to k*ll both of us at once.

Damn you.

I knew it...

So, I was right.

You can't k*ll me, can you?

What do you mean by that, Boruto?

Boro mentioned something before.

That thanks to me,

the time limit on their plan might as well been lifted.

Their plan?

The one involving the Divine Tree that Amado mentioned?

That's probably it.

They plan to use me as part of that plan.

In other words,

he can't afford to have me die!

A special requirement?

Quit stalling and just spill it.

You need to feed the Ten Tails...

a living Otsutsuki.

Kunai are useless.

Don't move!

Don't even move a finger.

I won't hesitate to do it.


Is that supposed to be a threat?

If you think I won't go through with it, you're wrong.

I've been prepared,

ever since the moment I entered this battle!

You bastard!

Run, Boruto!

But Mr. Sasuke!

Our only choice is to wait until his life runs out!

Try to buy us enough time until—

Mr. Sasuke!

You have to feed the Ten Tails an Otsutsuki?

That's right.

That's the only way

the Ten Tails will transform into the Divine Tree.

This is the most likely reason why the Otsutsuki

invade a planet in pairs.

One of them becomes a sacrifice, huh?

One gets eaten to cultivate the Divine Tree

and the other watches over and guards the tree's growth...

Until the Chakra Fruit develops, that is.

I can't believe they would sacrifice their own lives

to obtain this fruit!

Indeed, it can only be described as bizarre.


They have the Karma.


The sacrificial Otsutsuki uses Karma

to prepare a Vessel ahead of time, for resurrecting later.

That's what it's for.

It's convenient.

Does that mean that Isshiki and Kaguya intended on doing

the same thing long ago...?

Kaguya, being lower ranked, would have been the sacrifice.

That was how it was supposed to go.

But that was stalled due to Kaguya's betrayal.

And Isshiki was forced to live as a parasite inside Jigen's body,

and go on with the plan without Kaguya.

By that, you mean that Isshiki would have to

feed himself to the Ten Tail to make the Divine Tree grow?

That's right...

Since there were no other Otsutsuki around.


What's the matter, Sumire?

Could it be that as a substitute, Isshiki plans to—?

Excellent deductive skills, Miss Sumire Kakei.

I don't intend on k*lling you.

I'll admit that, Boruto Uzumaki.


I apologize for any misunderstanding.

I have no qualms about hurting you.


Didn't you say you were prepared to die, Boruto Uzumaki?

That makes things simple.

I'll let you in on the plan in advance.

You're going to get eaten...

by Ten Tails!

Are you saying Boruto is going to be Ten Tails' food?!

That's right.

According to the Kara's plan,

Isshiki was going to sacrifice himself.

Because there were no other options.

But when Boruto showed up...

they were given a new choice to sacrifice him instead.


apparently there are variations to Chakra Fruit.

Just as with apples and oranges,

where a healthy tree will bear good fruit,

a vigorous Divine Tree will beget a good Chakra Fruit.

A young and healthy Otsutsuki would make better sustenance

than a decrepit one whose death is approaching...


Oh no... Young Lord!

I now get why he wouldn't want to k*ll Boruto.

But that alone probably won't be enough

to give us an opportunity to defeat him.

So, what does Boruto intend to do?

Who knows?

We just have to let things play out.

Hey, Amado!

Tell me how much of this is going just as you'd schemed?

What was that?


If Lord Seventh and the others are defeated,

you're dead as well.

So, how come you're not sweating?

How are you able to sit there

with such a calm expression on your face?

I don't really sweat that much usually.

What the hell kind of an answer is that?!

Damn it, you brat...

Why are you so irritable?

Calm down!

Taking your anger out on him won't do any good.

Is this really the best plan?

Was there really no other way?

I simply make what appears to be

the best choice available to me at the time.

Just like everyone else.

What's critical is that you are always prepared to accept

whatever result that choice yields, no matter what it is!

That Karma you loathed so much is gone.

Which also makes it possible to defeat Isshiki.

Sure, the Hokage and company's chances are slim,

but it doesn't change the fact that this was our one and only prospect.

I understand the frustration of being unable to do anything.

But right now,

waiting patiently here may be your best option, Kawaki.

Is it powerlessness that's irritating you?

Or is it grief over losing your powers?

What did you say?!

Never mind. Forget I said that.

What a sorry state you're in, Naruto.

You plan on just dying like this?

Shut up.

I'm the Hokage!

Protecting the village and everyone is more important than my life.

I'll keep clinging to him and never let go,

not until that bastard's life runs out!

So, what's your plan against someone

whose strength is on an entirely different level?

So, no real plan, huh?


You're really prepared to die, aren't you?


I'm sorry, Kurama.

In that case, there might be a way.


It's a do or die, last stand, final secret w*apon sort of thing.

Rather than getting k*lled disgracefully,

it's worth giving it a try.


If you had something like this, why didn't you say so sooner?

Because you'll die.

Do this and it's over.

But if you don't do it, you'll die anyway.

Even so, it's not a choice to be made lightly.

So, you decide.

Kurama, I'm counting on you!

Are you sure?


I've been prepared for a long time.

From the day I became Hokage...

No, actually...

ever since I decided I wanted to be the Hokage!

You'll be devoured by Ten Tails and die,

in order to cultivate the Divine Tree.

But there's no need to despair.

The Divine Tree shall consume all life on this planet anyway.

The only difference lies inwhen you'll die.

It can't be!

Is it him?!


Dad, your appearance—?!

There's no need to worry anymore, Boruto.

I'll take him down.

I never knew he had such a jutsu!

Naruto, you're not planning on—?!

How could he still have such an ace up his sleeve?

Even still, I'll be the one who wins!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:



Bring it on, Otsutsuki.

I'll show how serious I really am.