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05x232 - Captain Denki's First Mission

Posted: 03/19/23 13:14
by bunniefuu

So, Lord Seventh... What does the mission entail?


I'd like Team to deliver

a newly-developed range of fully-automated puppets

to a mine in the Land of Water.

Yes, sir.

Will we be accompanied by researchers

who can use the puppets?


Katasuke and the other researchers who developed them

have other jobs to handle in the Land of Water.

They're scheduled to join up with you later on.

This time, we'd like just the three of you to transport them.

This is a B-rank mission.


These fully-automated puppets are the latest model.

There's a good chance that someone might come after them.

Denki, we've determined that your team

is perfectly suited to handle this mission.

We're counting on you.

Yes, sir!


Aw man...

{\i\pos(,)\fad(,)}Captain Denki's First Mission

I wonder if we'll get a big mission this time around.

What do you mean by a big mission?

A mission that does not involve finding a lost pet.

That's right.

You guys have been handling difficult missions,

so why are we the only ones who haven't gotten anything flashy?


Well, it must be because of Team 's abilities and competency!

You couldn't even make it to the Chunin Exam...

Don't bring that up!

But Lord Seventh called him in, didn't he?

I'm guessing it must be an important mission.

Yes. I think so too, but...

– Oh! – Oh!

How was it?


Hold on!

Don't tell me we're looking for another pet or something.

No, we're not!

It was a B-rank mission!

Oh man, a B-rank, huh...

– What?! – What?!

– A B-rank?! – A B-rank?!


I'm glad you're here.

Let me explain the details of this mission.

This is Dotou Island in the Land of Water.

For quite a long time,

fishing has been this island's main industry.

But ever since gold was excavated

from the mountain at the center of the island,

gold has become the island's main source of income.

However, the ground there is soft,

so excavation comes with great risk.

And thus, comes the need for...

...these fully-automated miniature puppets!


What are those?!


Are these the ones you talked about?


And once you've transported them to Dotou Island,

I'd like for you to run some test runs

and adjust their movements

until the researchers and I arrive at the island.

What?! But why me?

Well, the truth is that

the researchers who will be participating

are data analysis specialists,

so they're not great at maintenance.

But still!

Could you do this as a favor to me?

Our captain is great at stuff like that!

Please leave it to him!

But it's not that simple!

Please, Denki!


Well, if you insist.

Thank you!

I'm counting on all of you.

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!

I shall now explain the system in detail

that's been compiled in this -page summary.

First, this is the basic algorithm that this system uses.

My stomach is starting to hurt...

Mine too.

It's okay, you guys. You can leave without me. that completes the basic specifications

of these fully-automated puppets.

I'll send you a list of the minor things that

you need to be careful of to your device.


For the most part, please operate it using this controller.

Basically, their basic movements are like this.

Do you have any questions?

I think I have a grasp of it.

As expected, you absorb things quickly.

Umm... I have a question that's unrelated to the mission.

Of course! Go on!

When you created this,

what was the most difficult part of the process?


What? Everything?!

This isn't just limited to these puppets,

but wanting to scrap things midway happens quite often.

But in the end, with each failure, one can make new discoveries.

Failure is the foundation of success.

Also, in order to succeed,

you need to adapt to any changes that arise as you go.

One needs to be able to play it by ear...


Thankfully, I managed to complete them somehow.

I feel very honored

that you would entrust us with something so valuable.

This is quite the responsibility.

I wanted you to be the one to handle this.


I saw your Chunin Exam.

The match is over!

The winner is Denki Kaminarimon!

In that moment, I felt...

that you showed me a world of possibilities

for Scientific Ninja Tools.

So, now that you're the captain of Team Five,

I wanted your team to handle this mission.

I see.

If it were just a matter of transporting them

to the target location,

I could have asked any other team.

But I felt there was no one better to act in my place.

It's encouraging that you thought of me, Mr. Katasuke!

I'm counting on you.

Yes, sir!

The first day of our mission has finally arrived!

Let us depart, full of vigor!

What's going on?

We haven't left yet and you're already sleepy?

Did you not get enough sleep last night?

Um, kinda.

Man! You couldn't sleep because

you were too excited before your first big mission, huh?

Are you a kid or something?

Are you sure you are not referring to yourself, Iwabe?

Hey! That's not me!

We're counting on you, Captain!

Uh, okay!

It has arrived!

We haven't done this since our field trip.

I see.

Are you boys going to Gold Mountain, too?

Yes, well...

No, we're actually—

Iwabe, that's top secret.



I know, I know!

Iwabe! Don't do that!

The fully-automated puppets are right there—!

Hey, you ended up saying it yourself.

He sure did.

I heard that there's so much gold coming out

from that mountain on the island

that they can't excavate it fast enough.

People are gathering there from all over!

Look, it's coming into view!

Whoa! So that's Gold Mountain, huh?

We have finally made it!

Hey, Denki, you don't seem very excited.

Are you not feeling well?

I'm just a bit nervous.

But I'll be fine.

Keep it together, Captain!

Please do not push yourself too hard.

I've been waiting for you.

You're the shinobi from the Hidden Leaf, right?

I'm Oonami, the chief of the excavation site.

I'm Denki Kaminarimon.

This is Iwabe Yuino and Metal Lee.

So... are you the only ones here?

That's right!

He's our captain.


A young boy like you?

Will you be able to handle this?

What do you mean by that?


It's just that... the puppets we ordered

were supposed to be the latest model!

What matters is that he can do the work, right?

Um, the developers will be coming later on.

I was trained on how to fine-tune them,

so please rest assured!

Well, if you say so.

Then I'll guide you to the excavation site.

Yes, thank you!

I need to make him acknowledge my efforts

as those that befit a captain...

That'll also fulfill Mr. Katasuke's expectations...

Now comes the hard part.

From here until the mine entrance,

we'll be on a rough and steep trail,

so prepare yourselves.

Yes, sir!

I thought I was prepared for this...

but this is pretty rough!

Denki, you're falling behind.

You're all worn out!

Would you like to rest for a bit?

Are you...

really a shinobi?

Yes... I'm so sorry.

Oh, in that case, shall I carry your things for you?

No, that's all right.

We have only a little further to go, after all.

What's this?!

Denki, you have acquired a lot more stamina compared to before.

No, I still have a long way to go!

This is the entrance.

It is totally evening now.

Thanks for your hard work, Chief.

Sorry, I'm late.

Let's trade off.


Well, see you again tomorrow morning.

Aren't you going to close the entrance?

Well, we have a two-shift system,

so if we close it for security,

we'll be trapped inside

until the next staff member comes to trade off.


Ah, Chief! Welcome back!

Where were you?

Everyone, gather around for a bit.

I have some very good news.

Could you show them?


Everyone, don't be shocked when you see this!

I've decided to bring in the latest technology

from the Land of Fire...

They're fully-automated puppets

that'll do the dangerous work that you've been doing.

Could you make them move?

That should be no problem.


This is quite amazing!

You're controlling them so easily.

Operating them is not an issue once you get used to it.

That being said, if I don't make some adjustments,

you won't be able to make use of them.

I see. We're counting on you.

What do you think?

Our captain is quite amazing, isn't he?

He sure is!

How's this?

I think you should tighten it a little more.


Shall I do the same for this one as well?

Yes, please!


Just wait!

Okay! That should do it.


Shall we resume the test run?

Sounds good.

Now let's return to the excavation spot.

What's going on?!

What's the meaning of this, you two?!

This is exactly what it looks like.

We're going to take this gold.


Just because you were shorthanded,

it was a mistake to hire people

without running any background checks.

We were secretly hoarding it away,

but that puppet and those kids ended up finding it!

All of our hard work has gone to waste!

Well, this is our chance.

Let's go.

Don't move!

I'll go on ahead!


Damn those guys!

You're not getting away!

Earth Style—!


If you use Earth Style here, this mine could collapse.

Damn it!

See you later!

Mr. Oonami, please open the door!

I can't.


This door was meant to prevent any workers from stealing gold.

It can't be opened from the inside.

Are there any other exits?

This is the only one.

It won't open until the next staff member comes

to trade watch tomorrow morning.

No way!

This is—!

Damn it, they sealed the air vents

and turned off the ventilation system.

Which means that we're sealed in.

At this rate, the air will gradually grow thinner.

By the time the door opens tomorrow...

What do we do?

If the door can't open,

then we just have to create an exit.

Create an exit? But, if we do that—!

I can't use my Earth Style, right?

Think... Think!

Even if I use the puppets to continue digging from here...

it'll take quite some time before they reach the lowest stratum.

Is there any other way?

There is!

If we dig along the thin, but stable stratum

that's connected to this tunnel, it shouldn't collapse.

Are you sure this is going to work?

It will!

Knowing our captain, it will!

We're counting on you guys!

We have an exit now!

We did it.


You saved us!

No, not yet.


We're going to get the stolen gold back.

We're going to have them look for it.


We'll use their gold-detecting function.


I can't believe they came after us.

They're so stupid, aren't they?

Those kids should have just stayed put.

Water Style!


So, they were ninja?!

Water Dragon Jutsu!

Earth Style!

Mud Wall!

The puppets!

Did they break?

Thank goodness! They seem to be okay.

They're done with their job, right?

So, put 'em away!

Why you—!

You need to adapt to any changes that arise as you go.

Play it by ear...

All right, that's good!

One more hit!

Damn it!

Earth Style: Stone Brick!

Leave this to me!

You bastard!

I will deal with this one!

Leaf Hurricane!

Thank you!

I don't know how I can express my gratitude!

Also, I'm sorry for all the rude things I said.

It's fine! I'm just glad that everyone's safe.

With our captain's brains and our brawn,

we're the strongest team of shinobi in the Leaf.

That's a bit too much, Iwabe.

I'll let you take care of the rest.

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!

Good morning!

I've brought the researchers from the Hidden Leaf with me!


Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Thank you for all your hard work!

Looks like our job here is done.


That said, Denki, you're amazing!

I cannot believe you knew so much about this mine.

I had heard the geological stratum of this mountain

was quite complex,

so I did some research.

So, that's why you were so sleepy.

I figured I had expectations to live up to.

That makes sense.

Anyway, our first B-rank mission was a big success.

It's not over yet.

Now that the researchers have joined us,

there's a lot we have to do!

As of today,

Kawaki will now be under the supervision of Team .

I know it makes for an unusual team set-up,

but I believe it will produce great results!

Looks like things are going to get interesting.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Don't hold me back, you got that?!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"The New Team Seven Jumps Into Action"

Hey! You've got some nerve even though you're still a newbie!