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04x06 - (D) An Unpleasant Talk

Posted: 03/26/23 15:43
by bunniefuu

Uh-- Midoriya! Good morning.

Are you headed off to

your work study, too?

Cool, so'm I!

Yeah, I finally got

called in again.

Feels like it's been forever.

I wonder why they said not

to wear our costumes, though.


Oh! Good morning, guys!

You going in today?

--[IZUKU] Yeah.

--Huh, so are we.

That's kinda weird.

Hey. Us, too!

Wanna walk to the

station together?

[OCHACO] Ooh! Please!

I mean, if you don't mind.


We appreciate it!


What's with all the heroes?

Wait, we're going the same way?

I thought you were

working in Kansai.

Usually, yeah,

but I guess we're meeting

someplace different today.

What a coincidence. Us, too.


Everyone's on the same train.

Going to the same station.

This is kinda weird.

[IZUKU] We're going

in the same direction.

Even turning at the same corner.



The Big Three are all here?

What in the world?

What's going on?



Gran Torino? And Mr. Aizawa?

The Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu.

The BMI Hero: Fat Gum,

Rock Lock, Kesagiri Man,

and Mr. Brave.

All these incredible

people in the same room.

From big-shot pros to

more minor, local heroes.

This is amazing!

Whatever's happening,

it must be big.


Hey, what's the scoop?

What's going on?

Talk to me, Ryukyu!

I mean, I know you said there's

a meeting, but what's it about?

Patience, Nejire.

You, too, Mr. Aizawa?

I'm confused. Why are you here?

I was called in last

minute for this thing.

I think I've got a rough

idea of what it's about.


You should, too.

Remember what I told you, girls?

Students or not, you've already

proved yourselves

to be valuable assets.

We may even have a role for you

in a new case that's come up.


It's about the new case!


We're all here, Nighteye.

Let's get started.

Thanks to the information

provided by all of you,

our investigation has

progressed substantially.

We've invited you all here

for a joint conference

to share the intel

we've acquired.

Regarding the yakuza

group Shie Hassaikai

and what we believe

they might be planning.

Hold on, I feel like

I'm missin' something

really important here.

Shie H'what now?

Some bad guys're planning

to do some bad things.

And they've called a meeting

so we can talk it all out.

Trust me. You two are

very much involved.

[BUBBLE GIRL] All right,

let's begin at the beginning.

For the past couple

of weeks now,

those of us at Nighteye Agency

have been conducting

an investigation

into Shie Hassaikai,

a small but organized

group of criminals.


What prompted this?

[BUBBLE GIRL] An accident

involving a g*ng of thieves

called the Reservoir Dogs.


Yeah, I heard about that.

[BUBBLE GIRL] The police thought

the whole thing was an accident,

but there were a number of

details that didn't add up,

so we began tailing them.

[CENTIPEDER] In my capacity

as a Nighteye Agency sidekick,

I began following leads

to see what I could uncover.

I found that, in the past year,

the members of Shie Hassaikai

have had increased contact

with those outside

of their organization,

including other groups

whose business dealings

are less than reputable.

Their aim seemed to be expanding

their organization and

enriching its coffers.

Shortly after our

investigation began,

they made contact with a member

of the League of Villains.

Jin Bubaigawara,

villain name: Twice.

They were wary of being tailed,

so I was unable to follow them,

but with the help of the police,

I confirmed that an

altercation had occurred

between the two groups.

That'd be about

when they decided

to reach out to

Tsukauchi and me.

Figured we'd be able to assist,

given the League's involvement.


Where is Tsukauchi?

Follow-ups with some

other eyewitnesses.

Y'know, cop stuff.

Sorry, kid.

I didn't see something

like this coming.

I've got a bad feeling

that things are

about to get ugly.

I don't care if they

do. I wanna help.

Hold up, you know him?

Oh, Grand Torino? I did

my internship with him.

[KIRISHIMA] That's the old man

who was with All Might

in Kamino! Midoriya

knows some big g*ns.

Go on, Bubble Girl.

So, after all that went down,

we posted a notice on the

HN requesting assistance.


I think we can skip that part.


What's the "HN"?

Stands for Hero Network.

It's an online service that can

only be accessed by pros.

You can see what all the

heroes in the country are up to,

and you can ask for help

from people whose Quirks

might come in handy.

Does anybody wanna tell me why

a buncha high school kids were

invited to this conference?

I don't care if

they are from UA.

If we have to keep stopping

to explain this stuff,

we'll never get

to the actual plan.


Don't say that.

These two have important

information to pass along.

Um, we do?


I wanna go home.

Anyway, I see a lot

of new faces,

so let me introduce myself.

Nice to meetcha. I'm Fat Gum.


He's so cute and squishy.

Hah! Who wants candy?

Hassaikai's movements

are hard to trace,

but we suspect one of their

main sources of income

is illegal drug sales.

So I requested

help from heroes

who have some expertise

in that area.


Oh, yeah, he said something

about catching smugglers.

Yup, I brought in my

fair share of drug dealers

back in the day, and at

Red Riot's debut fight,

he proved he could, too!

[FAT GUM] Tamaki was shot,

and the b*llet contained

some kinda drug I've

never heard of before.

One that destroys Quirks.


Destroys Quirks?

Whoa, what? Tamaki,

you're okay, right?

Yeah, the stuff wore

off while I slept.

Here, look.

I've got this cow

hoof and everything.

[MIRIO] Guess we know what

you had for breakfast!

I'm glad to know the effects

aren't permanent at least.

So this stuff doesn't

zap a Quirk for good.



But Eraser Head has

some further insight.

It doesn't seem

to function exactly

like my Erasure does.

Since I'm not actually

attacking the Quirk directly.

What we call a Quirk

is an extraordinary addition

to an ordinary human body.

Those additions are collectively

referred to as "Quirk genes."

I can shield those

genes and temporarily

block their expression, but I

don't actually damage them.

But after Tamaki here was shot,

we brought him to the

hospital, and they found

that his Quirk genes

had sustained damage.

Fortunately, they seem to

have healed on their own,

and he's back to normal now.

What do we know

about the substance

he was shot with?

[FAT GUM] Whatever it was didn't

harm the rest of his body.

Nothing but his Quirk

was impaired in any way.

The guy who shot him clammed up.

He won't say a word.

And the round that hit

Tamaki was totally spent.

However, Kirishima

bravely defended Tamaki

from a b*llet, which then

bounced off his own body

and should now provide us

with a viable sample.

Whoa, I did that?

Really? That's crazy!


I have no idea what's going on.

Wow, awesome job, Kirishima!

That's so cool!

Oh, yeah. His Quirk.

It's Hardening, right?

And when we analyzed the

substance from the b*llet,

we discovered something that

made me sick to my stomach.

It contained human

blood and cells.



Human blood?


Sounds like something

out of a scary movie.

In other words, that effect

came from a person.

From someone's power.

A Quirk that can destroy Quirks.


connecting the dots, here.

How is all this

related to Hassaikai?

[FAT GUM] The man who shot

Tamaki used an illegal drug

to boost his Quirk during

his fight with Kirishima.

The distribution channels

for stuff like that

are complex. Although things've

shrunk since the old days,

dr*gs still pass through

various people and organizations

before they finally

reach the end user.

There's no concrete

evidence that Hassaikai

handled the drug, but we know

for a fact that they interacted

with one of the middlemen

responsible for moving it.


That's all?

[SIR NIGHTEYE] The other day,

Ryukyu's team broke up a fight

between two villain groups.

One of those groups

was controlled by

the intermediary organization

that Fat Gum just mentioned.

[RYUKYU] One of the two

giants had been given

an inferior drug that

didn't last long.

[KESAGIRI MAN] There have

been a rash of g*ng-related

crimes recently, and

most could be connected

to the Hassaikai if

you tried hard enough.

[MASKED HERO] Which is what

it seems like you're doing:

trying to make them guilty.

Don't you have anything that

implicates them more clearly?

[BOTH gasp]

[SIR NIGHTEYE] Their young head,

Chisaki: Quirk, Overhaul.

With this power, he can

disassemble things

and then reassemble them.

A Quirk that allows him to

completely break down matter.

And a b*llet that can

break down Quirks.

[BOTH gasp]


Please... Please don't go.


has a daughter named Eri.

There are no records or

details about her birth.

But when Miro and Midoriya

encountered her,

they noticed there were bandages

wrapped around

her arms and legs.

Could he really do

something so horrific?

Unfortunately, yes.

In a world of superhumans, if

you can dream it, you can do it.

Hold on, what are

they talking about?

Once again, why do we have

children in this meeting?

I'll say this one time:

We're wondering if

this Chisaki bastard

is turning his daughter's

body into b*ll*ts

and selling them on

the black market.


Oh, don't tell me...

To be clear, we aren't certain

that he's actually

selling the b*ll*ts.

At this point, their efficacy

appears to be questionable.

It's possible that they're

still in the testing phase,

and he's giving them

out as samples

to rally more people

to his cause.

We have no hard evidence,

but we do know he's

gathering allies

and funds from

across the nation.

If the completed drug

allows him to annihilate

someone's Quirk entirely,

imagine the devastation

he could cause.

Just talking about it's enough

to make my blood boil.

Let's go get this monster!

Tch. Woulda saved us

a lot of trouble

if these two amateurs had just

gotten the girl away from him.

I take full responsibility.

The blame should

not fall on them.

Even without knowing

the whole story,

they acted to save the child,

each in their own way.

Midoriya was willing

to bear the risk

of taking her then,

while Mirio chose to wait

for another opportunity, when

success would be more likely.

[IZUKU] "World's greatest

hero." Not even close.

[MIRIO] Save , , people?

I couldn't even save her.

I assure you,

nobody in this room

is more frustrated

than they are.


We'll get Eri away

from him next time...


...and we'll protect her!


That's precisely what we've

come here to discuss.

We'll get Eri away

from him next time...


...and we'll protect her.


We'll save her!


We won't let her down.

[ROCK LOCK] Huh. You kids

wanna talk big, that's fine.

But if what Nighteye

is saying is for real,

that little girl

is at the center

of Hassaikai's entire

underground drug operation.

She may have managed

to get away

from Overhaul for a few minutes,

but she got herself seen

by a couple of heroes.

You think he's still

gonna keep her

at home after that? Hell,

I know I sure wouldn't.

And if we go bustin'

into their headquarters

and she's not there,

they're gonna know

that we're onto them.

We gotta be sure of

where he's hidin' her.


He's has a point.

Do you have a plan

for that, Nighteye?

That's our conundrum.

Since we don't

currently know how far

they've taken their plans,

the success of our

initial strike is crucial.

To that end, we've

made a thorough list

of groups with connections

to Hassaikai,

as well as properties

owned by the organization.

This is our starting point.

I would like you

all to investigate

each coordinate on this map.

It is the most logical way

to narrow down our targets.

So that's why you

asked minor heroes

like us to join you.


What do you mean?

Go on. Look.

The heroes in this room all

operate in one of those locales.

We know the areas

better than most.

[FAT GUM] Didn't expect someone

who worked with All Might

for so long to be such

a careful planner.

Let's just go bring 'em down!

While we're takin'

our sweet time,

that abused girl's out

there crying somewhere.

We can't do this

like All Might would.

That's why we must be meticulous

about our strategies

and predictions from the outset.

So we have the highest

chance of saving her.


He's right. We shouldn't rush.

If we show our hand and then

don't end up rescuing her,

then we'd just be

throwing gas on a fire.

Like how Stain's

capture was a beacon

that led criminals to seek

out and join the League.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised

if they handed out

Quirk-destroying weapons

to those hoodlums in order

to increase their recruitment.

You're thinkin' too dang much.

If we keep sitting here

yappin' about it,

we're never gonna

get anything done!


Excuse me. I've got a question.

I don't know the specifics

of your Quirk, Nighteye.

Feel free to correct.

But from what I've heard of it,

your Quirk, Foresight allows

you to see into the future.

So why not use it on us.

That's logical, right?

I'm sorry. But I cannot.

My Foresight has

some limitations.

I need a full hours

between activations.

That means I get one person,

and then I'm spent

for the rest of the day.

Additionally, the future

is played in my mind

like a flashback.

[SIR NIGHTEYE] Think of it

like viewing a filmstrip.

For one hour, I have the power

to watch a person's

life as a movie.

The issue is, everything I see

is from a tight perspective

on the person in question.

This severely limits my

capacity to interpret context.

That should still provide

more than enough

information to be useful,

don't you think?

And it doesn't explain

why you can't do it.


What if I saw imminent death

in your near future. Worse...

What if it were a cruel,

merciless demise?



This is...

...because of what

happened with All Might.


Please! Stop!

If you continue

like this, I swear,

you'll face off against

a villain and die

an unspeakably gruesome death.


should be employed only after

we've confirmed the highest

likelihood of success.

Then it can help

ensure our victory.

It shouldn't be relied upon

when there are still

too many uncertainties.

Whoa, whoa, whoa hold up.

Death is still information.

If we know what's comin', we

can figure out how to survive.


You don't understand.

It's possible what

I see is unavoidable.

Bro, that's the only

excuse you have, for real?

Oh, hell no, just

use it on me now!

I'll show you I can beat death.

I can't.

Yeah, all right.

[sighs] We should get started.

There's a child in trouble.

That's what's important here.


confirm the girl's location

and take her into our protection

as quickly as possible

using the most accurate data.

I'm counting on your

help. All of you.


If only I'd rescued her then,

even if I had to use force.

At least she'd be safe.

Aw, man. So that's

what happened that day?

So frustrating!

We know you tried, Deku.

[AMAJIKI] I've never seen

Mirio look so down before.

[ROCK LOCK] We're wondering

if this Chisaki bastard

is turning his daughter's

body into b*ll*ts

and selling them

on the black market.


Poor Eri.

Is this a funeral or something?


Mr. Aizawa, hello, sir.

Ah. Call me Eraser Head

outside of school.

You know, it's just my luck.

Before you got involved in this,

I was going to recommend that

your work studies be suspended.

What? Why would you do that?


You were listening when he said

the League of Villains

is involved, right?

That changes things.

[IZUKU] We'll get Eri

away from him next time,


...and we'll protect her.

Here's the deal. Midoriya.

You still haven't proven

I can trust you again.


[AIZAWA] In order to

regain our confidence,

you'll need to obey every rule.

I mean to the letter.

Be model students.

[AIZAWA] Unfortunately,

I'm positive that if I try

to stop you now, you'll

do something reckless

and attempt to take things

into your own hands.

So, I'll watch you.

If you're going to

see this through,

you gotta do it the right way.

Use your head.

Ya hear me? Problem child?

Mirio, please, will

you try to smile?

Hey! Hey! I know

what'll help you!

Just remember! Regretting

something and getting frowny

doesn't change things.

You know it?


I'll only say this once,

in case it gives you

a little peace of mind.

Just because you didn't

hold onto her this time,

doesn't mean you

didn't give Eri hope.

So keep looking forward.


Mr. Aizawa!


I said I'm Eraser here.

I'm your man for the rest

of my life, Eraser!


Ugh, not interested.




Take it down a notch, Kirishima.


Yeah, I know.

Hey, Midoriya. Next time

we'll definitely save her.

Right! No matter what!


Now I understand. Of course.

You sent Midoriya to me in

the hopes that he would help

mend my relationship

with All Might.


Heh. I thought it would give you

an excuse to talk, at least.

When you get old, it's your job

to help stubborn

youngsters. So, the kid.

What are your honest

thoughts about him?

I think he and All Might

are very similar.

Especially when it comes to the

madness living deep within.

The one I could

never understand.

I see that in them both.

Yo, Eri. Relax, it's just me.

I'm just checkin' to make sure

you're doin' okay in here.

What? You haven't touched

any of your toys.

And after I bought

'em special for you.

Wouldn't hurt to

let your guard down

a little, you know.


Look happy or I might be the one

who gets k*lled

next time, ya brat.

See, I'm not scary.

There anything you

want me to bring you?

No worries.

If I'm in the way,

I'll leave you alone.

[CHISAKI] You're going

to be her new caretaker.

Make sure she doesn't

want to run away.

Use the carrot, not the stick.

Be someone she trusts

and feels comfortable with.


I'm a dead man.

Like I have any idea

what kids like.

Maybe I'll grab her one

of those magical girl dolls.


So strange.


So completely different.

My entire life,

no one's ever reached out

to me like that before.

[IZUKU] Whoa, I'm sorry.

You took a tumble.

Are you okay? Can I help you up?

Her whole body's shaking,

but she's not making a sound.

What are you doing to this girl?


He felt so kind.

So warm.


Here's the preview.

Those of us in work studies

are instructed to stand by

while Sir Nighteye

and the other pros

try to figure out where

Eri is being kept.

My head is a mess as I'm

forced to wait for news.

I can't stop thinking about

All Might's future,

Nighteye's words,

and Eri's safety.

Then, finally, we're

able to make a move.

Next time: "GO!!"

Eri, I'll definitely

save you this time.

Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!