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04x09 - (D) Red Riot

Posted: 03/26/23 15:46
by bunniefuu

The neurotoxin should

be circulating

throughout your bodies

at this point.

You're not gonna

die, but I doubt

you'll be doing any

running for a while.

Oh, and I'll be taking

these masks with me.

Who knows what kinda tricks

you might have

hidden inside them?

[AMAJIKI gasps]


That took me too long.

Wonder how far ahead

the others are now.

I need to catch up.


[AMAJIKI] Huh. I guess I was

hurt worse than I thought.

[AMAJIKI] Huh. I guess I was

hurt worse than I thought.

[POLICE, HEROES panting]


Oh, man. Amajiki.

I'm really worried about him.

[FAT GUM] Not even the first

years think he can do this.

Guess one moment of confidence

doesn't mean much

if they haven't seen

him do anything

to back it up, but still.


You've left a comrade

to guard your back,

and if you're a real man,

you'll trust him!

Yeah, he'll handle

it, no problem!

It doesn't take much to

change your mind, does it?

[KIRISHIMA] Fat's right! All we

can do is have faith in him!

[FAT GUM] We can't afford

to waste a second

of the time Suneater bought us!

All right! Let's go!


Kid needs to calm down.

[AIZAWA] Strange. The guy

who was manipulating

the building seems to have

eased off for some reason.

Yeah, you're right.

It's not twisting anymore.

[AIZAWA] I'd expect him

to throw as many obstacles

in our way as he

could to trip us up.

If he's not, maybe that

means his awareness

and control don't extend

through the entire place.

There's also the police

squad up above.

It's possible he decided

to focus all his attention

on them instead.

So there's a limit to how much

of the building

he can keep tabs on?

[AIZAWA] It's just a theory,

but maybe rather than having

been assimilated into it,

he's moving around inside

the walls to monitor

what's going on.

So when he does take

control of an area,

perhaps his true body is nearby.

[MIMIC] They only managed

to stop one of the heroes?

Garbage or not, those three

are supposed to be strong.

[AIZAWA] If he pokes an

actual eye or an ear out

to keep track of us,

that'll be all it takes.

[MIMIC gasps]

That's right.


I just need to see him.


It's his fault!


I can't believe you all came out

to try and stop us.

It seems crazy to me.


Well, it's not.

Fighting you people was

the only sane option.

We couldn't just sit it out.

If we did, Overhaul would've

k*lled us without a thought.

Overhaul. You're

talking about Chisaki?


it's what he started callin'

himself after the boss got

sick and he came to power.

The boss valued the old ways.

He wanted the yakuza

to stay as we were,

even in these new times.

We're not like villains;

the Hassaikai have integrity.

He didn't want us to

be seen as just another

group of low-life thugs.

He's who we respected.

We trusted him.

The young head gave

himself a villain's name.

Allowed scum to join us.

He makes decisions on his own,

doesn't care what

the rest of us want.

Thinks he's the only one

whose vote matters.

The boss's in bad shape.

Can't even talk, and

we know who to blame.

Watch it.

As much as you dislike Chisaki,

you seem pretty sure that

we're not gonna catch him.


You don't stand a chance.

Whackjob like him?

Doesn't care about consequences

or even his own future?

Those are the ones you

have to watch out for.

It's what makes

them so dangerous.


[AIZAWA] He wants to

knock me out of the fight

before I can get eyes on him.

[MIMIC] If those idiots

can't handle their job,

I'll just have to take

care of these guys myself!




If we don't stop this guy,

then Tamaki will've

stayed behind for nothing.

Come on, Eraser,

time to do your thing!


Be careful, Fat!

[KIRISHIMA muffled grunting]

Where'd you come from?

I jumped out in

front of Mr. Aizawa.

[KIRISHIMA] I figured I

wouldn't take any damage.

But then you jumped

and I kinda got stuck.

Well, nothin' we can do now.

Get ready. We're not alone.


Go ahead, punch me.


I'll smash your fist to pieces!

[KIRISHIMA grunts]

[FAT GUM gasps]

You good?

[FAT GUM gasps]


No. My arms are...


You know what I think?

Knives and g*ns got

no place in a fight.

Anyone can win if

they got a w*apon.

That's the coward's way.

A real fighter kills

his opponent using

nothing but his own strength.

You a real fighter?

[FAT GUM] You're not gonna

take us down that easily!

[FAT GUM gasps]



Looks like some kinda barrier.


So, we have Fat Gum and a boy

with a hardening Quirk.

Mm... They're both better

suited for defense.

Disappointing, isn't it, Rappa?

[RAPPA grunts]


[FAT GUM] I can feel his

blows even through my fat.

Each punch is like a b*llet.


You call that a good defense?

They're both lookin'

rough already.

I mean, they're not

mincemeat yet, but still.

[FAT GUM] These two weren't

on the Quirk list we got.

Did they bring in outside help?

One makes a barrier and the

other rains down punches.

This'll be a tricky

pair to fight.


We are a spear and a shield.

Whereas you are

simply two shields.


Wait, hold on.

Who'd wanna fight with

two shields? Sounds lame.

[TENGAI] To be fair,

I don't know whether that boy

even qualifies as one.


My arms cracked. Man, it hurts.

I couldn't absorb the blow.

Another barrage like

that, and I'm done.

I thought I'd gotten stronger.

Damn it! I'm still weak.


Remember, you're unbreakable!


If you let them

break your spirit,

that means you've lost!

When you're up against villains,

the key is making 'em lose

their will to fight first!

You can't lose your

drive before they do!

Now, let's take

those two fatheads

down and get outta here.

The others are waitin' for us!


They believe they can defeat us.

You must be thrilled.

[RAPPA] I like the way

that fat guy thinks!

All right. This is

startin' to get good.

Get rid of this

damn thing, Tengai.

I don't need a stupid

bubble to keep me safe.


Rise above your own desires.

Remember what

Master Overhaul said.

He paired us for a reason.

Our skills complement each

other, ensuring victory.

[RAPPA groans]

[TENGAI] What do you hope

such v*olence will accomplish?

[RAPPA] Overhaul didn't ask if

I wanted to team up with you.

[TENGAI] "Master Overhaul."

Show some respect.

[RAPPA] Who cares? All I

want is a good deathmatch.


Very well.

If you think you can

take them yourself,

by all means.


That's more like it.

You're not so bad after all!

[FAT GUM] When I get in close,

I can't dodge his hits.

And there's so much

strength behind them

that not even I can

absorb all the damage.

He'll wear me down till

I've got nothin' left.

They were arguing

before, but I'm sure

the other guy'll put up a shield

if his partner needs one.

It felt like an iron wall

when I punched it earlier.

My power isn't enough

to take it down.

We won't be able to win while

that guy's still standin'.

Despite what I said,

Kirishima's in rough shape

But I've got no choice.

I have to face them. Get this

wrong, and I might die.

But if I don't try at all,

we're dead for sure.

Fat Gum.


Your name's Rappa, right?

It's been a while since

I've been hit that hard.

And I've done a decent amount

of fighting over the years, too.

In the end, it's all

gonna come down

to what happens first.

Your arms get tired

or my body gives out.

Which is stronger?

Spear or shield?

I guess we're about to

find out, aren't we?

[RAPPA] All right! You

totally get me, Fatso!

Tengai, remember.


No barriers.

[RAPPA] Yeah! This is

gonna be awesome, guys!


Fat. He's protecting me.

Even though those

punches are obviously

wearing him down.

What is wrong with me?

I was so sure I'd gotten

stronger! But then...

He broke through

my ultimate move

with a single attack.

And now I'm just in the way.

[FAT GUM] He keeps getting

faster and each hit hurts

worse than the last.

Am I gonna be able to

hold out long enough?

[RAPPA] Come on,

Wideload, hang in there.

You can't pass out on me yet!

We've got a long way to go and

I'm just gettin' warmed up!

[KIRISHIMA] Damn it.

I can't just stand here.

I have to do something.

Fat Gum's gonna die!

Because of me!

Useless bastard!

Your Hardening cracks

and there's nothing

worthwhile underneath!


Can't I do anything?


The boy won't be a problem.

He's already finished.

You can see it in his eyes.


It's just like it was back then.

Nothing's changed. Nothing.


Hey, there. We heard about you.

You're the guy who can change

leaves into money, right?

Nice Quirk, man.

So make these into

some bills quick, dude.

We're kinda short on cash.


I can't do paper bills!

And anyway, it wears

off really quickly.

[DELINQUENT A] Then we'll

just have to spend them

really quickly, won't we?

I can't! You guys, seriously!

What's up?

You bullyin' a kid for

some chump change?

That's not very manly, jerks!

Who's that?

Third year. Kirishima.


Here he comes!


I got him.

[KIRISHIMA grunts]

He's not actually that strong.

His Quirk just makes his

body a little bit harder.



Now let's go.


Get back here!


Forget about it, Kirishima.

You were watching?

Why are you always sticking

your neck out like that, man?

It doesn't matter

what your Quirk is

if you have an honorable heart!

That's what the Chivalrous Hero:

Crimson Riot believes!

No one believes stuff

like that anymore.

Like the pros say.

Your body moves before

your brain can think!

Which means...


It's Mina Ashido, from Class .


She's really laying into 'em.


And now they're getting along?


Hold on, are they break dancing?


They're leaving!


And no one got hurt!

What in the world just happened?

Hey! There you are!

Mina! We're going

shopping, wanna come?


I hear that Ashido

is applying to UA.

Her Quirk's strong and

her reflexes are great.

People like her, and she's

got a super flashy look.

It's all about

entertainment value

and approval ratings these days.

That's what people are

looking for in a hero.

Yeah, and Ashido's

got that covered.

She's definitely hero material.


What about me?

My Hardening is pretty weak,

and it's nothing flashy.

Kinda boring.

But if you have

a chivalrous heart,

it doesn't matter

what your Quirk is.

Train your body as

hard as you can

and your spirit will make up

for your Quirk's weakness!

Or at least that's

what I thought.

Hey, speaking of high school.

I'm kinda thinking

I might go for UA, too.

Please. Normal people like us

don't grow up

to be heroes, idiot.

Hey, E. You wanna apply

to Droid Tech together?

Oh. I dunno.

I haven't really thought about

it that much, so... Heh.

[KIRISHIMA] As lame as it

sounds, seeing somebody

like Ashido in action

got me thinking.

What if I had a flashier Quirk?

Would that give me

the confidence I need

to apply for the

hero course at UA?

[DJ A] We're looking at

another sunny day tomorrow...


What... is that?


The Springer Hero Agency.

Tell me where it is.

[STUDENTS gasping]


You're not gonna answer me?

[KIRISHIMA] Crap, why aren't

there ever any heroes

patrolling at times like these?

Someone... No.

I can do it!


It's a simple question.

Why won't you tell me?


Move! Come on!

Around that corner and then

make a left at the big street!

The agency's two

kilometers away!

Thank you very much.


Everything is for my master.

You guys! That was scary!

Thank you! You saved us!


If you hadn't stopped him,

he would've squashed

us for sure!

[ASHIDO] I lied and

sent him to the police,

let's hurry and get out of here!


I froze. Why didn't I go? Why?

[KIRISHIMA] In the spring,

guy the same age as me

was in the news for fighting

back against a villain.

Everyone was talking about him,

but there were witnesses

who said that just before

All Might showed up, another

kid--his friend, maybe--

rushed in to help.

My spirit's not making

up for anything.

When you're really scared...

When your life is

really on the line...

That's when your

true colors show.

Facing danger,

and choosing to take

that next step forward,

that's what makes

a person hero material.

I'm not a hero.

I'm not even a man.

[KIRISHIMA] My mom told

me that the first time

my Quirk appeared,

I accidentally cut my eye.

For a while after that,

I whined and cried about

how much I hated my power.

Thinking about it now,

that's probably

why I admired him so much.

I hated my own Quirk,

but his was similar.

He stood tall and risked

his life to save others.


That's not it, is it?

--[KIRISHIMA gasps]

--[MC A] No, I'm sorry!

[KIRISHIMA] Oh. That came

with a book on great heroes

I got for my birthday

a while ago.

Guess I never got

around to watching it.

[MC A] If you're ready,

we'll start the interview.


Right, hit me!

[MC A] Even among heroes,

you have a reputation

for being a bit... reckless,

often rushing

headlong into danger.

Tell me, are you ever

afraid in those situations?


What kind of question is that?

Of course I'm afraid!

Show me somebody who's not

afraid of facing death,

and I'll show you an idiot!

[KIRISHIMA] I never understood

what he was about before.

Not really, anyway.

I just thought he was cool

for charging full-force

into everything.


I'm where I am now because

when I was a sidekick, I failed

to save someone in peril.

[MC A] I heard about that,

but it wasn't your fault.

With the crime rate as

high as it is, there's--


I don't think you understand.

That day, I hesitated,

and somebody lost their life

because my spirit was weak.

Yes, I'm frightened

when I fight a villain,

knowing it could

end in my death.

But there's something

I fear more.

The look on someone's

face as they die.

That's far worse.

It's the fear of seeing that

look again that drives me.

[MC A] Can you tell me

what chivalry means to you?


Having a strong spirit.

It isn't a matter of being bold,

or confident, or fearless.

I'm a hero and I've

sworn to protect people.

It's a vow I've written on my

heart and one I'll die to keep.

You want to know what

chivalry means to me?

Living a life with no regrets.


You serious, E?


Yeah, I am.

[KIRISHIMA] I won't freeze

like that again. Ever.


I'm sorry!

I saw that guy threatening

you, but I panicked.

I was too scared to move.

Um. Who is he?

Pretty sure he's in Class .


Don't worry about it.

Anyone would be scared.


Mina's just special, that's all.

[KIRISHIMA grunts]

[screams] What is up

with that hair?

Get a new look for high school?

You've got horns, like me!


Yeah! So what if I do?

I'm not gonna regret

stuff anymore.

Not ever! I'll protect

people, like a hero!

I'm not the pathetic

loser I used to be!

[ASHIDO] What happened

that day, with the villain.

It was really tough on you.

More than it was on us.

So? What's it to you?

[ASHIDO] Don't be too eager

to change who you are!

That hurts!

Actually, it doesn't,

but what the heck?

Once you get over yourself

let me know, okay?

I'm being nice and

holding back for now.

But someday I'm

gonna tell everyone

about your little

makeover. He, he, he!

Thank you.

[KIRISHIMA] I've been in a ton

of scary situations since then.

But one thing's

always frightened me

more than anything else.



You're kidding, right?

How are you still standing?


You think I'm just a shield,

and that mistake's gonna

cost you this fight.

I've been absorbing

every blow you dealt me,

sinking each one into my

body and storing its power.

Doing that takes energy

and burns the fat

that protects me from

taking serious damage.

So my defense is getting weaker,

but I'll take those punches,

and forge a spear that

can shatter any shield!


Rappa! He's up to something!

Finish him, quickly!


It's time to strike.

But he's worn me down

more than I expected.

Not sure I'm ready to unleash

the power I've absorbed!


Show me what you've got!

Don't hold anything back!


[KIRISHIMA] I won't regret

anything! Now or ever again!


I'll do it. I'll become a hero.

I'll protect people!

[RAPPA] He was blown away

so easily earlier!

[KIRISHIMA] If I crack,

then I'll harden again!

Stay strong! Protect others!

Even if it means your life!

All right, kid! Let's go!


A shield, now?


Of course. Don't be a fool.

Nothing can overcome the

strength of my defense.

The boy's attack was in vain.


It wasn't in vain!

[TENGAI gasps]


Thank you, Red!

You bought me the time I needed!

Tengai! Take this thing down!

The two of you are gonna lose.

Do you wanna know why?


My wall will stand!


I'm not so sure.

[FAT GUM] You made a

mistake. And so did I.

We underestimated the

hero named Red Riot,

and his chivalrous spirit!

A spear and a shield.

The victory is ours.


Here's the preview!

We're moving as quickly

as we can to save Eri,

but Hassakai's Irinaka

used his Quirk

to trap us in

an underground maze.

Ururaka and the others.

Amajaki. Kirishima.

They've given their all

to get us this far.

I won't let the

Hassakai stop us now!

Next time: "Temp Squad."

Wait, what are these

guys doing here?

Go beyond. Plus Ultra!