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05x06 - (D) Foresight

Posted: 03/27/23 10:47
by bunniefuu

Look who we have here.

Relaxed and full

of yourselves as always.

Obviously you underestimate us.

Come on, Class A!

Let's see who's best

once and for all!

[IZUKU] Classes -A and -B

from the hero course at UA high

are battling it out against one

another in team combat training.

In the first match, special

guest Shinso succeeded

in disrupting his opponent's

ability to communicate.

[IZUKU] It ended with a win

for my classmates.


'Kay team! Let's go!



[YAOYOROZU] We'll start

reconnaissance immediately.

If you please!


Roger. Now, Dark Shadow!


Got it!

[TOKOYAMI] Report back

when you find the enemy.


Leave it to me!

[IZUKU] With that,

the second match started.

Into the abyss.

Stand back!

[IZUKU] Class B's Kuroiro

caught Class A by surprise

with an attack from the shadows.


[IZUKU] But Tokoyami caught up

to him thanks to his new move,

Dark Fallen Angel.

[IZUKU] It's unclear who

has the upper hand now.

This is still anyone's match.


Navel Buffet!


There he is, Hagakure!


I see him! Let's nab him!


That's as far as you go!


We won't let you escape!

[YAOYOROZU] Launching

a surprise attack alone.

Bold move. And

certainly unexpected.

No matter. Because I

expect the unexpected.

Oh, I don't know about that.


Stand down!

[HAGAKURE] You don't know

when you're beat!


[HAGAKURE yelps]

Mushrooms? What the heck?

[laughs] So it's true.

Kendo is better than you.


It's just like our brilliant

class rep said, shroom.

If we see too much light,

then plan A failed.


So we start plan B.

Cute little mushrooms

for everybody.

There's more?

[HAGAKURE yelps]

Not cool! Not cool!

You can see my body!

[HAGAKURE screams]


These must be her Quirk.

These Fungus fields

are cropping up

on every surface.

This mess of

champignons . Is it...?

Yes. A planned attack.


Mr. Ionomidotis frondosa.

Little Tricholoma equestre.

Flammulina velutipes!

Coprinopsis atramentaria!

That's it! Grow up strong!

Let's make the world a

shroomier, fungier place to be!

[PRESENT MIC] Kinoko Komori.

Hero name: Shemage.

Quirk: Mushroom.

She can release

spores from her body

and instantly grow mushrooms

anywhere she wants!

The more humidity in the air,

the stronger she is!

[MINETA] Uh, they've got shrooms

growing on their bodies?

This is like a

serious horror movie!

Don't worry, the fungus

up and disappears

in two or three hours tops.

Your teammates'll be fine.

Which is why she doesn't

hold anything back.

Look, they're growing

over the camera!


[KUROIRO chuckles]


Here's Plan A.

Up first is Kuroiro.

He's gonna hijack Dark Shadow!

The other team will

send Tokoyami's Quirk

to look for us as part of

their initial reconnaissance.

It's a smart, low-risk

move on their part.

They probably don't realize

Kuroiro has leveled-up

his power and can manipulate

all sorts of darkness.

We'll turn that bird

against them!


That's easy for you to suggest.


But what if I

fail at this task?

I'll be left out in the open.

They'd have to attack

you using lotsa light,

so it'll be obvious to us

if you're in trouble.

The lights will be

a beacon pointing us

straight to you and them.

Plus, it can't be too bright or

Dark Shadow would be powerless.

Even if Kuroiro fails,

we can spring another

attack on them!


Plan A was a bust.

My only choice is to

fall back for now.

[KENDO] Plan B it is.

Kinoko, we're counting on you.

[HAGAKURE] They won't stop

growing! I hate this!

What's goin' on?!

[YAOYOROZU] They planned

a two-pronged operation

that anticipated how

we'd respond to Kuroiro.

A wise strategy, Kendo.

Calm down and stay focused!

We just need to regroup, okay?


Whack! Thud!


Ahh! Bam! Crash!

[HAGAKURE screams]


Another as*ault?

[HAGAKURE] Why are there words

comin' outta the ground?


I am killin' it today!

The "bam" effects

were extra "Whabam!"

when they went off.

It's making my heart

go bu-dum, bu-dum.



Class B, Manga Fukidashi.

Hero name: Comicman.

Quirk: Comic.

He makes sound effects

and onomatopoeia

in comics come to life!

He can also add an extra

zing to certain words

as they "Splat! Bang! Zow!"

across the b*ttlefield!


Fwoosh, fwoosh! Pow, pow!

Thud, thud, thud!

That Quirk. This is madness!


Yao-momo! Where did you go?

Not even my laser can

scratch these word things!


Damp, damp, whoosh.

Damp, damp, whoosh.

[HAGAKURE yelps]

Yuck, did that say "damp"?

[screams] It's a creepy

word humidifier!

The mushrooms are multiplying!

There's fungus everywhere!

Don't worry, Invisible Girl!

This is super gross.

[VLAD KING] Komori and Fukidashi

came to Kuroiro's rescue.

Now, attacking in waves,

they're giving Class A's team

a hard time from a distance.

My kids are showing

their superior strength!

Again with the

biased commentary!


Yeah, stop!

It's gonna be hard to break

those wide-range att*cks.

Also, if we go overseas,

do you think Fukidashi

will need a translator?


No clue.

Deku. The arena!

[IZUKU] Mm-hm. The word wall

separated Yaoyorozu

from the rest of her teammates.

Don't tell me; was that

their plan from the start?


I have no idea where anyone is.

Their att*cks were leading

toward this specific outcome.



We cut off the brain.

Now I just have to

defeat you with brawn!

--[YAOYOROZU gasps]

--[KENDO yells]

[YAOYOROZU] She crumpled the

tungsten shield with one hit!


Itsuka Kendo.

Hero name: Battle Fist.

Quirk: Big Fist.

Her hands get huge

when she att*cks!

The bigger her fist, the bigger

the punch it packs, obviously!

I won't give you time

to plan anything!

[KENDO yells]

We can make this an endurance

test if you want to.

But you have to use materials

from your own body

to create things.

So there's no way you're gonna

outmatch me, Yaoyorozu!


Gotta stay on the offensive.

I learned that from watching

her at the sports festival.

I'm finished if she

has time to think.

Brute strength is the key!

[KENDO yells]


She designed a situation

where she's got

a total advantage.

Her plan was right on the money!

What did I say?

Our girl is smart and decisive

even when she's under pressure!

That's our brilliant

rep Kendo for ya!

I'm not convinced this was

the smartest move on her part.


If Yaoyorozu was separated

because they feared

her planning,

then they might've

misjudged her.


Yaoyorozu. You've got

a plan, don't you?

Your plan didn't work,

so there's no way

mine will be any good.

We're both going to fail.

Spit it out already!

I'm saying that you're the one

who's better at this

kinda stuff, not me!

When we were voting

for class rep,

you had two votes, remember?

One of those votes was mine!

Because I thought you would be

best at leading our class!

You're right. I have an idea.

A plan for us to win!

We can still beat Mr. Aizawa!

I've been thinking about it

from the beginning.

His weakness.

If they were so worried

about Yaoyorozu,

then their team should've

tried to disrupt her strategy

from the very start.

This predicament

is still well within

what she could have anticipated.


Your grades and Quirk

are both better

than mine, Yaoyorozu.

I wanna be my own hero.


Kendo. You've got it wrong.

The truth is that I'm actually

still the inexperienced fool.

Not you.

Even so, you humbled yourself

and deemed to call me better,

so I can't let you

see me looking pathetic!

And since it's within

her expectations,

she should be able

to create a path

that will lead her to victory.

This is what Momo

Yaoyorozu excels at!



You can do this!

Think of everything you've

cultivated to this point.

And prove to yourself

how much you've grown.

No way. A frickin' cannon?

I held you at bay

so I could buy time.

It takes a while to make

something this large.

There's still no

sign of Class B.

And I've lost Hagakure's

location as well.

Shall we regroup with Yaoyorozu

on the other side of the wall?

If we can.

Oh, no! Can't Stop Twinkling!

[KUROIRO laughs]

[AOYAMA screams]

The fungus among us

is how we will win!

[gasps] Cursed, mushrooms.

Slowing me down.




[FUKIDASHI coughs]

Ah! My throat's

getting a little hoarse.

[HAGAKURE whimpers]

What nightmare is this?


Yaoyorozu is missing.

Aoyama is gone.

On top of that, the enemy

has hidden themselves

and are attacking indirectly.

Quite the predicament.

They'll be difficult to best.

Komori. Fukidashi. Kuroiro.

If we cannot determine

the location

of these three opponents,

this will be the end.

We need a plan to

pull ourselves together.

No way. A frickin' cannon?

I held you at bay

so I could buy time.

It takes a while to make

something this large.


Is she insane?

Who's she trying

to k*ll with that?

Again, huh?

That girl really

likes her cannons.

That looks like it

packs a big punch.

Hold on.


This has to be a bluff.

Is she planning on

breaking through the wall?

[KENDO gasps]


I apologize for threatening you.

Gotta stop her.

[KENDO] I'll enlarge my fists

at the moment of impact.

That might work!

Double Jumbo... Fist!



She wasn't aiming at the wall?

Then what was she sh**ting?

[YAOYOROZU] When this turned

into the kind of fight

that you're good at,

I could tell my

defeat was likely.

So, in order for us to win...!


That expl*si*n just now

didn't sound like

Fukidashi's work.

It came from the

other side of the wall.



Is that... from Yaoyorozu?


Dark Shadow!


Got it!


What's this?


Hey, Komori.

Speak up, silly,

I can't hear you!

Um. I managed to catch the guy.

Twinkles. He's in jail.

Really? Nice, Kuroiro!

I'm counting on you for

the other two toadstools.

[KUROIRO] I can't believe

I impressed her!

[KOMORI] Our not-so-fungus

opponents don't know

where we are, so we

can keep attacking them

with mushrooms like this!


Yeah, of course.

Uh. Hey. Komori?

Yes, shroom?


You don't think, um,

Class A knows about

this place, do you?


Thermal goggles!

Much easier to locate our

enemies when I have these.

Now when I stare into the abyss,

the abyss stares back at me!

Lucky bag? What is this?

Some kind of loot drop?


I'll hold onto it.


We've got... some goggles?

And ethanol? This is

a disinfectant spray!


Looking at those fancy specs,

I'd say they were designed

with you in mind!

[TOKOYAMI] Even without words,

she conveyed her intent.

Calm down and stay focused!

We just need to regroup, okay?



Did you have this backup plan

in your head the entire time?


What the what?

Tokoyami is heading straight

towards where Komori is!

What's he up to?


And I'm the one after you.



[HAGAKURE] I thought it

was strange the mushrooms

didn't grow on you guys.

But that's 'cause you

disinfected yourselves, huh?


Uh... Where'd you get that?


Nuh-uh-uh. I'm not telling!

[HAGAKURE grunts, yells]

[TOKOYAMI] Now we can strike

at our discretion.

It definitely looks like

he's heading straight for us.

[TOKOYAMI] I will not

allow you to escape or hide

from the storm you have wrought.


According to Hawks...


...speed can easily win

against strength.


Black Abyss.



Komori, no!


He's too fast. Can't stay.

Have to sink into the shadows.

Is it darkness that

you're searching for?


Then you can borrow my cloak.


No fair.

If there's nowhere

for you to move,

then there is no need

to fear your abilities.

Fumikage, I caught

the spore girl!

[MINETA] Whoa, dang,

he caught two enemies!

He's turned the tables!

They couldn't have done it

without Yao-momo's items!

Hagakure's doing awesome, too.

If they keep going like this,

they can win it four-to-one.

Quick, Dark Shadow.

Take these two prisoners to--


Hey, are you all right?

It's not a cutie.

So I made sure to keep it

hidden away until now.

I'd be such a bad 'shroom

if I didn't use it

when we were about

to lose, though.


My windpipe.

Lungs feel bad?

That's little

Schizophyllum commune.

[MONOMA] Komori doesn't have

a Quirk that screams combat

and yet, she's scary.

Did you think we'd hold back

because this is just training,

you stupid bird?

You should've knocked

her unconscious.


Take this!


It's like I'm fighting a ghost

that punches really hard.

[HAGAKURE] I need to hurry up

and finish this dude off.

Then I can help the others!

I'm worried about how Tokoyami

and Yao-momo are holding up.

Invisible Girl

is also invincible!

[ALL gasp]


Sorry it took me a while.


Kendo! Boom. I'm saved!

Huh? What's happening here?

[KENDO] Well, I knocked her out,

but not before she got me.

We're kinda stuck together.

She could have done me solid

and let the cannon fall off.

It's hard to drag all

of this stuff around.


Everything she created showed

that she was looking ahead.

Covering her bases.

I don't really feel like I won.

Hey. Thanks for

getting me out of this.

It's only natural to save

your teammates, shroom.

Kendo, Fukidashi.

You two are okay?


I think so. Somehow.


Hey. Please don't die.

You really pulled out

the big g*ns, Komori.

If I hadn't, we would've

lost the round.

Yeah, that's true.

Class A's tough.

They easily could

have beaten us.

We sure lucked out today.

Luck has nothin' to do with it!

It was all Kendo's plan!

All right!


Yaoyorozu, I hope you don't

get discouraged by this result.

Our Creati will grow into

a top-class leader one day.

All these "Plus Ultra" moments

are oh-so stimulating.

[IZUKU] They might've lost,

but Tokoyami got to use

his new move, and

Yaoyorozu never stopped

looking ahead

throughout the match.

It's obvious that

everyone has improved.

There's no doubt about it!

[ALL MIGHT] With every step,

these kids get closer

to embodying what they

want to be in the future.

[IZUKU] We're striving to

live up to those we admire.




Second match!

Class B nabs a crushing victory

with a score of four-nothing!

Words can't describe how

impressive this showing was!

This is getting

seriously ridiculous!



I'm so proud of you!


Here's the preview!

As we head into the

third training match,

Class A and Class B each have

one win under their belts.

With Iida's speed and

Todoroki's Half-Cold Half-Hot,

they should have an

advantage in the round.

Unless something totally

unexpected happens.

Come on, guys! Do your best!

Next time: "Match ."

Honenuki from Class B shows off

his Quirk's flexibility.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!