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07x11 - The Family in the Feud

Posted: 05/07/12 09:30
by bunniefuu
MAN (panting): Oh, yeah! Come on, baby!

Show me what you got!

That's it!

(laughing): Oh-ho-ho, you sexy beast, you!

(pig grunting loudly)

Come on! Come on, Penny!

Find me those truffles!

That's it, that's it!


Whoo! What, you got something?

Huh? You find some truffles there, sweetheart? Huh?

(whispers): Come on, let's see what you got.

(low grunting)


Oh, you struck gold this time, sweetheart.



Go on, find some more, find some more.

(low grunting)

What you got? Huh?

(Penny squeals loudly, grunts)

Oh, Lord.

(gulps loudly)

(high-pitched scream)

(Penny squealing)

Run, Penny!


(man yelling in distance)

I just don't understand why we just didn't hire that fourth sitter there we interviewed.

She was like Mary Poppins, Bones.

She didn't know the difference between Montessori and Waldorf educational theory.

Looking for new day care? We believe the one-on-one attention Christine will receive from a nanny is preferable to the dynamics of a group environment.

Christine was expelled by the Jeffersonian day care. Suspended.

I'm appealing the decision.

How does a baby get suspended from day care?

I don't know, might have something to do with her mom questioning everything that the staff and the directors do.

Why did you say "oh" like that?

I didn't. I just said it like, "Oh."

BOOTH: They felt that Bones was turning the other parents against the staff.

No, we all agreed the multicultural, multilingual song time is not too much to ask.

Oh. You did it again.

Don't think I did. Didn't he?

Bones, now, we've gone through two nanny services, four childcare providers, three PhD candidates from American University, because you care so much about our daughter.

Who's watching Christine now?

A medical student-- but today's her last day.

I don't know why she's leaving.
(laughs): Really?

BOOTH: Okay, Bones, you know what, if you don't make a decision by the end of the day, I'm gonna hire someone. Booth.

Is it possible that your inability to find adequate childcare is because you're feeling anxious about separating from Christine?

That's absurd. Great. Okay, on our way.

Okay, got to go. We have a case in West Virginia.

You can't make a decision like this on your own, Booth. What, you don't trust me now?

I'm not a good enough dad? Yes, but...

No more interviewing-- it's starting to feel like Charlie Rose, right?

You have to admit. Okay, come on.

♪ ♪

We are really out in the sticks, aren't we?

(pig squealing)
Whoa, what was that?

Oh, the man who found the remains was out here with a truffle hog.

It ran off when it saw the remains. Truffles?

There's truffles out here? All right, just relax there, Bog Boy-- let's finish the investigation.

You can dig for all the truffles that you... want.

Oh, wow, talk about dead guy standing.

HODGINS: Yeah, his overall strap got caught in this branch.

Large, projecting mastoid process, broad chin and high nasal root indicate the decedent was a Caucasian male.

I heard that they were cultivating Tuber melanosporums in Rixeville, but I had no idea that the spores had made it this far south.

What's he talking about? What are you talking about?

The truffles. Listen, the pig's owner said the skull had eyes that glowed red.

Ask me, I think this guy was just tanked on moonshine.

Nope. It is because of these guys.

What's that? Coleoptera phengodidae, also known as railroad worms.

See, the females, right, they glow green to attract the males and red to frighten off predators.

That's exciting. Judging by the porosity of the exposed ulna, the decedent was approximately 80 years old.

Oh, well, maybe he just got hung up on the branches there, he couldn't unhook himself, and he just d*ed of natural causes. The high volume of dried blood on the victim's clothing indicates that he bled out from a penetrating trauma to one of the major blood vessels.

That would indicate as*ault.

All right, let's get it back to the Jeffersonian, then.

Let's cut down Grandpa Walton here and...

Bones, what are you doing?

I do trust you. I just want you to know that.

You're an excellent father.

(whispers): Right, but this is a professional setting, Bones.

Not for me.

There's nothing more I can do until I get back to the lab. Oh.


Wow. What was that one for?

Well, I enjoyed the previous one so much, I wanted one more.

I'm done now.

I'm not done.



♪ Bones 7x11 ♪
The Family in the Feud
Original Air Date on April 30, 2012

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

Ms. Wick, I'm going to need the clothes removed and the bones cleaned as soon as possible.

DAISY: Dr. Hodgins was gonna swab the overalls.

BRENNAN: There's no reason for the shoes to be on.

He clearly wasn't sh*t in his feet.

Of course. MONTENEGRO: I'm gonna need an age for the facial reconstruction.

80 years old.
40 years old.

I hate to disagree with you, Dr. Brennan, but based on the robusticity of the muscle attachments, he was closer to 40.

The porosity of the bones indicates a male closer to 80-- it's in my field report.

You are misreading the musculature.

I've been reading musculature and tissue anomalies for 16 years.

So the misreading of the evidence is yours.

He's 40.

He's 80.

(chuckles) I hate it when Mom and Mom fight.

I'm sure once you settle your babysitting issues, you'll be a lot less cranky.

Why are the decedent's shoes still on?

SAROYAN: I'm gonna test the striated muscles to show the elasticity of the myosin myofibrils.

That should give us a definitive age.

BRENNAN: And I will carbon-date the bones, which will be even more accurate.

DAISY: He's a polydactyl.

MONTENEGRO: Will that tell us how old he is?

Just means that he has six toes.

It's a congenital anomaly common in Egyptian nobles and heritage chickens.

Well, since he's neither royalty nor chicken, getting an I.D. and a correct age should be a piece of cake.

MAX: She is adorable.

I have missed this so much.

She likes you.

What's not to like?

She doesn't know I have a record.

You think Tempe's gonna be okay with this?

She'll be fine with it; you're the grandfather, right?


Family, Max.

Okay, I got the diapers, the wipes, and, um, the batteries for the moni...


Hey, baby.

Uh, boy, she's getting big.

BOOTH: Uh, Max here is gonna help out with Christine till, you know, we can find someone or she's allowed back into day care.

You should have told me, Booth.

Well, I'm telling you now, right?

We don't have anyone-- and look at that.

She loves him.
(sniffing) Uh-oh, uh-oh.

I think that we have just made a deposit here in the diaper bank.

Oh, I can change her.

No, allow me, please.


Be back in a jiffy.

I got it.

What, you said you trusted me.

That's the man who abandoned me as a child, Booth.

You know, he risked his life, you know, to come back into yours.

Look, he loves her.

You can't get that, no matter how much you pay, Bones.

(phone rings)


Hold on, hold on.


Okay, just text me the rest of the information.

What was that?

Got the I.D. from one of the local hospitals.

The sixth toe was a giveaway.

Tug Babcock, 65.

No, that's not possible.

The bones indicated that he was at least 80.

Okay, well, but you were 15 years off, and Cam was 25 years off, right? If I were you, I would just hang my hat on "margin of error."


There she is. There she is.

She's just like you-- you were exactly like this.

Happy all the time.

(Christine laughing)

It's perfect.

(exclaiming happily)

Oh, man.

It appears the victim was sh*t on the left side.

At a range of less than 15 feet, based on the powder burns on his clothes.

The b*llet traversed through the body, from left to right, nicking the L4 before hitting the pelvis.

So you're saying that because he was sh*t at such close range, it shattered the right half of the pelvis?

Yes. I did a great job, didn't I?

And by the way, I'm so sorry both you and Dr. Brennan were wrong about the victim's age.

I know that caused a lot of tension.

But you chose to bring it up, anyway.

SAROYAN: When will you have the rest of the pelvis reconstructed, Ms. Wick?

DAISY: It's in a million pieces.

And we already know that he was sh*t.

You wouldn't want to miss anything, would you, and wind up like me?

Oh. No. I mean... you're wonderful, brilliant...

Did you find the b*llet?

No, ma'am.

It's probably still at the crime scene-- we're gonna need it if we're gonna find that w*apon.

I'll send some techs out.

I'm available.

So is Angela.

We'll go. It's no problem.

Let me know when you finish that reconstruction, Ms. Wick.

We found him in the woods off rural route 6.

MAN: We just thought Daddy was out camping.

Sometimes he'd be gone for days and... then come back... with a bunch of dead things.

Mama's a supermarket girl.

MAN: Daddy used to love teasing Claire.

Said ever since she come back here after law school, she lost her appreciation for fresh-k*ll meat.

It's not the meat.

It's the sh**ting.

I didn't miss that when I was in the city.

But I sure will miss Tug now that he's gone. Well, I am, uh... very sorry for your loss.

Can you think of anyone who'd want to k*ll your father?

ALL: The Mobleys.

The Mobleys?

The family lives across the valley.

Tug recently won a property lawsuit against the Mobleys.

I represented him.

The Mobleys hate us Babcocks.

Been making our lives miserable for over a hundred years.

Just like the Hatfields and the McCoys?

That was a story.

There's nothing made up about the Mobleys and Babcocks.


Those hillbillies have been going at it tooth and nail...

I got it.
(grunts) since the 1800s.

That's all the Mobleys and the Babcocks?

(groans) You know it, cherie!

They used to just k*ll each other and call it a day.

Then they moved on to mule theft, blown-up stills, aggravated assaults, and lately, since we're civilized, nuisance lawsuits.

Well, tribal feuds tend to be generational, because the feud itself becomes a cultural identity for them.

Well, for Lady Justice, it's a boil on her butt.

That's why she never sits down.

Yeah, your boss thinks you throw one of these bozos in jail, they'll stop.

Yeah. The Justice Department tends to frown on m*rder.

The Mobley clan is run by an old man, a Norbert Mobley.

Got to be close to 70.

Wow, look at all these weapons charges.

Well, you wanted to be a G-man.


(oscillating sound)

I want to make sure that I understand this.

I was in my nice temperature- controlled office having some "me" time, and I was suddenly dragged out here to do all the work while you look for truffles.

Hey, you need the b*llet to find the w*apon, right?

I don't even like truffles.

What are you talking about?!

Have you ever had a fresh truffle?

I mean, fresh?

Sorry to disturb you, but I found something, Truffle Man.

HODGINS: Oh, yeah, that is definitely a b*llet.

(detector oscillating)

He was only sh*t once, right?


It's weird. This thing keeps going off, and there's nothing there.

Well, it's because there's a lot of metal in the ground.

See, this area was known to have a lot of copper deposits.

And a lot of copper means a lot of money.

Yeah, well, a lot of money means a lot of motive.

Hold on a second.

What is that, copper?

(reverently): No, Truffle.



This Babcock/Mobley feud is actually quite tame.

The Garos of India would have a duel with an opposing family member, and then feast on the loser.

Their cannibalism was responsible for some excellent recipes that are still used today.

You know, you always look on the bright side of things, don't you?

What are you doing?

I'm attempting to get cell phone reception.

You can call the lab when we get to the Mobley place.

No, I have no reason to call the lab.

Oh, Max. You're trying to call Max.

I told him I'd be calling.

He's fine. He knows his way around a baby.

I mean, look, you turned out fine.

Bones, will you get back inside?

I can't hear you! Oh, it's ringing!

It's working.

Dad, Dad, hi. How is Christine?

Uh! Great, good.

No, I'm just hanging out of a car, that's all.

Will you, will you give her a kiss for me?

Okay. Bye.

She's fine, so...

Fine. Was that worth it?

Yes. If you need to make a call, I can drive.

Seriously, who locks their gate you know, a mile from their house?

Well, tribal feuds are usually about territory.

Wow. Okay, I guess it is territorial.

Get the hell off my land or I'll sh**t you!

All right, look, I want you to stay here.

I don't want Christine to lose both parents.


(chickens squawking)

Okay, he's inside.

Stay here.

Norbert Mobley, come out with your hands up! FBI!

Boot, be careful.

Just stay behind the tire.

(goat bleats)

I'm warning ya.

I'll fill you full of lead!

And I'll like it!


Norbert! Easy.
(chickens squawk)

Get the g*n up. Up.

What, are you crazy?

Give me the g*n, will ya?

No! It's my g*n!

I'm FBI! This is my land!

You got no rights.


You are crazy.

(fist lands)

How 'bout you let her cuff me?

She's pretty.

Y'all were trespassing!

I'm with the FBI, okay? I announced myself.

We just had a little harmless gunplay.


The law's always poking its nose where it shouldn't.

What happened to your house?

Tug Babcock happened to it.

Claimed part of it was built over his property line.

Damn court sided with him and his lawyer daughter-in-law.

So you're saying they just took that piece that was over the line?

Thought I'd move. I showed the rat bastard.

No Babcock is gonna best a Mobley.

Sounds like motive to me.

Motive for what?

To k*ll Mr. Babcock.

You clearly like to sh**t at people.

Tug is dead?

He was found sh*t, hanging on a tree less than a quarter of a mile from here in the woods.

Damn, there is a God.

You do realize you're a suspect, right?

Given our history, I'm sure I am, but sorry to say I can't take credit for putting Tug down.

What is that history, Mr. Mobley? Do we have to go over the history right now?

Lengthy feuds often have unique origins.

It might inform our investigation.

Feds are never interested in the truth, darling.

Fine. Just tell her the history, will ya?

Tell her the history, give her what she wants.

Come on!

One of them Babcock girls used her wiles to trick my great-great-great grandpa into marrying her.

Then she poisoned him to take his his land.

But when they found him, she was poisoned, too.

Stonewall wouldn't go peaceful.

Gotta love him for that.

So you've been fighting over the land ever since.

Babcocks is savages.

Babcocks are savages.

See? She gets it. They think those lawsuits would wear me down, but I don't pay 'em no never mind.

Then why are you sneaking around the woods sh**ting at people, pal?

On account of the folks been lurking round at night, digging holes in my land over there.

Please say you have something good for me, cher, because I don't want to be swimming in this hillbilly moonshine for another 120 years.

Angela is seeing if Norbert's g*n matches the b*llet that we found.

See, I think that Booth should take me out in the field more. What do you think?

Would you like him playing with your bugs?

What about those holes Booth found in the ground?

He said you knew what they were.

When I found the b*llet, I also found a vein of copper on the land.

So those holes were from someone taking soil samples.

So someone else knew about the copper?

It seems that way.

There's a small mining company that has an option to drill on Tug's land, but only after Tug's death.

The company's run by a guy named Dennis Timmons.

So maybe Timmons helped old Tug into the grave.

It makes sense. From these survey reports, the copper could've been worth a few million.

I like where this is headed, cher.

Really? Can you drop a hint to Booth about me getting some more fieldwork?

What? Is it so terrible to have a dream?

No, not when you're in bed.

Hello? Hi, Dad.

Hi, sweetheart.

Oh, you cooked?

Yeah, I made lasagna.

When did you have the time to do that?

When she was taking her nap.

You got her to take a nap?

Yeah, I sang to her, and that would put anyone to sleep.


And I gave her a bath and washed her hair.

Wow, you really are good at this.

Yeah, I am. You're my proof.

How was, how was work today?

Oh, seems to be a m*rder between feuding families.

Oh, gee, I guess there will be lots of suspects.

Yes, and the bones aren't telling us enough yet.

I hope you know that I'm just trying to help you do your job.

You're not worried, are you?

I mean, I'm walking the straight and narrow, you know that, right?

(baby cooing)

Sure. Christine seems very happy.

That's because she's got a great mom.

(Max chuckles)

Hey, how's Max working out?

Max is doing great. You know, he's doing everything that Bones wants him to do.

I mean, if he was a pro, he'd be getting paid.

Great. That's great.

Does Dr. Brennan feel the same way?

Yeah, yeah. Listen, Max is doing a great job, okay?

Don't go ruining this by shrinkifying it.

Oh, I'd just advise you to temper your enthusiasm.

I mean, most people tend to exceed their baseline performance during the initial days of a new situation.

Sweets, this is working, okay? It's working great, okay?

Christine gets to spend more time with her grandfather.

Max gets to spend more time with Bones that he missed out when she was growing up, and I don't have to interview all these nannies.

You seem irritated.

Well, you're irritating me, okay?

They didn't teach you, you know, how not to be irritating at shrink camp?

It was a university.

You can't really graduate Phi Beta Kappa from camp.

Okay, fine, Mr. Phi Beta Kappa guy.

You can go question Mr. Timmons all by yourself, all right?


Come on.

Yeah, I had a deal with Tug.

It's all legal. You can see the paperwork.

Tug Babcock is dead.

I didn't do it.

Why do you assume I suspect you?

Because my business is in bankruptcy and I only get access to the land after Babcock dies.

That is very forthcoming. I'm supposed to tell the truth, right?

Why are you looking at me cross-eyed?

So you admit to digging up the land?

Yeah. I was broke.

I was gonna lose everything, so I dug up some copper samples to get a bridge loan from the bank.

At night?

I was trespassing.

Night seemed a good time not to be seen, but I didn't k*ll him.

Look, the person you want to talk to is that girl who's always walking through those woods at night.

Who? What girl?

Beats me. All I know is that she took a sh*t at me one time.

I had to run for my life.

And you didn't report her?

I was trespassing, okay? What else do you want from me?

There's no need for hostility.

Unless you're masking something you don't want me to know.

Look, I'm telling you everything.

I don't know who she was.

Just some blonde, maybe 20 or so, it was dark.

But I did see her take off, though, in a old blue pickup.

It had a rusted hood, only one taillight.

Excellent. Thanks.

MONTENEGRO: So, Hodgins and I found the casing as well as the b*llet, but they don't match the old man's g*n.

It could belong to the mystery woman in the woods.

You really do excellent work.

(chuckles) Thank you, Daisy.

Wait a minute. What's this? Can you enlarge this image?


Oh, that's just white powder on the b*llet.

There's some trace in the casing, too.

There are tiny fragments.

This is bone!


But, huh.

But what?

These bone fragments from the b*llet should match the victim's bones.

Of course.

But look.

DAISY: The colors don't match.

The bone on the b*llet is a different color, a different porosity.


That's bone from another person?

I think we might have two victims.

BOOTH: Two victims?

BRENNAN: That's what it appears.

The bone matter that Ms. Wick found is definitely not from Tug Babcock.

So we're looking for another body?

I'll look for environmental markers when I examine the bone.

It could potentially give us the location for the other remains.

My father's not answering.

Oh, you know, he probably just put Christine to bed.

No, she should be up from her nap already.

Anyhow, listen, I talked to the local PD in West Virginia about helping us search for that blue pick up truck.

They're not too happy about getting involved.

Well, it's m*rder. They don't have a choice.

I think the cops are actually glad that they're k*lling each other off.

I think they've had it with this feud.
You're calling again.

Yes, and I called five times before that.

Bones. Why isn't he picking up?

Well, there could be millions of reasons.

That's right, and not all of them are good.

Bones... This is a man who walked out on me and my brother... without warning.

Just left. You think I didn't try calling then, too?

It's different. Is it? Why is it?

I told him d be calling.

I told him to keep his phone close.

What if he just left again?

He wouldn't do that, okay?

He's probably out for a walk with her.

Don't patronize me, Booth.

(phone rings)

I told him I'd call.

Okay, wait, hold on for a second.

Booth. Great.

Okay listen, they found the blue pick up truck.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.

I got a buddy at the D.C. police, I'll give him a call and I'll ask him to look for Max, okay?

Okay. Thank you.

And I'll go home and wait for them in case they come back.

I can do the preliminary work on my bone fragments there.

Call me when you find him.

Danny, it's Booth.

Listen, I need you to do me a favor, will ya?

SWEETS: So you put that whole pelvis back together?

That must have been like a million pieces.

Yes. Pretty amazing, right?

Oh, and look what I found.

You see this little hole on the superior iliac crest?

Two millimeters.

That size matches a biopsy needle.

And since there's minimal remodeling it must have occurred within days of his m*rder.

So you think he was sick?

I'm having Dr. Saroyan run tests for me on the marrow.

You're having me run tests for you?

Oh, hi.

No. I meant, you're running tests.

Even though you wouldn't have a reason to if I hadn't found the hole.

Which you wouldn't of found had I not insisted that you reassemble the pelvis.

SWEETS: Hey... there's no sense in fighting.

I mean, this isn't a competition.

Oh, that's where you're wrong, Dr. Sweets.

It is, and I've won.

I have... the results from the marrow test.

SAROYAN: Osteogenic chondrosarcoma.

Tug Babcock had bone cancer?

Stage four and widely metastatic.

He had maybe a month to live.

He was sh*t with only weeks left?

That's so sad.

I'm gonna tell Booth and Dr. Brennan.

This Mobley/Babcock feud k*lled an old man who just wanted to live out a few more days.

It's crazy.

Yeah. Well, given their long history and the dynamics of a complex interpersonal relationship...

It has to end, Lance. Look at this.

Each one is a different version of how the feud started.

SWEETS: Carlene was a witch who gave Stonewall a potion that turned his liver into worms.

Stonewall poisoned Carlene because his diner was cold.

There are 50 of these.

I have to find the truth.

I can use the bones, environmental factors, historical records...

Don't you have other work to do?

Lancelot, this is about bringing peace and restoring trust in human goodness.

Don't you think that's important work?

Of course.

I was looking through the bone dust and I found a few particles that have enough mass to examine.

HODGINS: So what am I looking for?

There appears to be tunneling in the bone.

That could indicate insect activity.

This could have been caused by mites.

But I usually only see tunneling like this at archeological sites.

Could the mites have left any environmental markers?

I mean, they could.

They frequently shed their outer shells.

Okay, I will get these samples back to you as soon as possible.

You can send them for carbon dating so that we can determine when the victim d*ed.

(doorbell rings)
I have to go, Hodgins.

Thank you.

Hello, Dr. Brennan, Seeley wanted us to bring him here personally.

Thank you.

I got it, pal.

I'm, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

My cell phone must've fallen out of my jacket when we were playing in the park.

Give me Christine. Oh, please, I said I was sorry.

You disappeared. Just like before.

I had no way to get in touch.

But she's fine. She's more than fine.

I can't go through this again.

I can't have another day like this.

You wont.

I have to call Booth to let him know that Christine is back.

You should leave.

Oh, listen, please, honey.

Please leave, Dad.


Okay. I love you, too.

Give Christine a kiss for me. Bye-bye.

I really got to get chained up to listen to that?

I'm sorry. You might want to be a little bit nicer, okay? You're a m*rder suspect, SueBob.

I haven't k*lled no one. Really?

Because we know that you were taking pot sh*ts out in the woods the other night.

Maybe you were aiming at Tug Babcock?

I fired a few warning sh*ts, that's all.

There are bears in those woods.

But I checked, I didn't hit no one.

Okay, so I'm supposed to believe that you were sh**ting at bears?

You're gonna have to do better than that.

I don't have to say nothing.

Fine. I'm taking you in.

All right, boys, take her in.

I was going to see Junior.

That's what I was doing in the woods.

All right.

Junior Babcock?

Let me get this straight. You... were going to see a Babcock?

Junior and me...

I love him, okay?

And he loves me.

We couldn't just come out with something like that.

Tug would've started a w*r if he found out.

Maybe Junior k*lled Tug.

No way.

Junior would've k*lled himself before he would've hurt his grandpa.

I swear he dropped from heaven that boy.

Seems like you're a regular at the sheriff's department.

Isn't that right, Junior?

Look at this. Burglary, arson, vandalism, barn burning--
Now how is barn burning different from arson?

One's a misdemeanor and, uh... the other's a felony.

Right. You sure are a lawyers son, aren't ya?

Where is this leading, Agent Booth?

All those charges were dismissed.

Right, and you kept, uh, BOOTH: clogging up the county courts.

As long as I have to live in that backward hellhole I will use my legal training to reduce the v*olence and move this dispute to the courts.

You're acting like that's a crime.

No, but m*rder... that's a crime and it's not a misdemeanor.

I loved my granddaddy.

I'd never hurt him.

Grandpa taught me to sh**t.

It's probably not the best thing to admit right now, Junior.

So, you and SueBob?

You met in the woods that night, didn't ya?

How'd you know about that?

You met SueBob Mobley?

Why in the hell would you do that?

Well, probably because the two of them, they were, you know, getting it on, right, Junior?

I'm sorry, Momma.

I love SueBob. I wanna marry her.

What?! You know the rain of hurt you'd be bringing down on your family?

Yeah, and grandpa, he wouldn't have been too happy about that either.

What'd you two get into a fight?


We're done here.

And you ended up k*lling him in self-defense?

Don't you answer that!

You got it wrong. Grandpa gave me his blessing.

His blessing?

He said he was sick of all the fighting.

He was happy for me and SueBob.

SueBob doesn't know it yet, but he gave me money for a ring.

A ring?

Tug Babcock was gonna die in weeks.

It's common to reevaluate your life when it's about to end.

So he wanted the feud to end so the kids could be happy.

That's really sweet.


Another e-mail from your father?

Yes. That makes 12, but it's not gonna work.

I can't believe that you fired your dad.

That is harsh, honey.

SAROYAN: He lost his cell phone.

It was a mistake.

All right, honey.

You should just forgive the old guy.

It's the results from the radio carbon dating of the bone dust. This is remarkable.

The bone's 120 years old?

How is that even possible?

Because there wasn't a second victim that night.

The bone dust was packed into the amm*nit*on.

SAROYAN: Why would someone put a dead person's bones inside a b*llet?

It's a custom in certain societies, especially American rural communities.

BRENNAN: It's a way of honoring their ancestors.

Much like some tribes which construct their homes out of the remains of their relatives.

I mean, if someone made these b*ll*ts we should be able to find out who bought them.

DAISY: I'm thinking that the whole feud started from the wrong premise.

The poisoning makes no sense.

And why would they have to get married first?

The families harbored no animosity...

It's not your problem, Ms. Wick.

But it is.

These two families are tearing each other apart for no reason.

And you think that you are gonna be able to repair the damage when no one else could in the past 120 years?

Perhaps it's too big of a challenge for you.

Fear of failure.

It happens. Excuse me?

I was thinking I could see what chemicals are in the old bones and... you could analyze the soil and water tables, but if it's beyond you...


No. That is not it. Oh, oh, it's the truffles. They take precedence.

I understand.

Fine. I will help you.

But don't dis my truffles.

Here, taste.


Are you out of your mind?

I love truffles but those... taste awful.

You're a scientist not a cook.

That doesn't make sense, You want to know what's in that soil? Fine.

I'm gonna run this through the mass spec and find out what's making my truffles taste like poo.

Oh, oh, don't say "poo,"

I just ate that.

(both gagging)

Don't do that.

BOOTH: I'm gonna need a warrant to search

Norbert Mobley's house.

You have something to get me out from under this case?

Yeah, yeah, the b*llet that k*lled Babcock it was purchased by Mobley.

How can you be sure about that?

Because we found the g*n shop that made the b*ll*ts, and it was filled with his great, great, great grandfather's ashes.

Leave it up to hillbillies to figure out a way keep on k*lling after they're dead.

Very well; Norbert ordered 30 rounds of Stonewall Mobley a*mo.

So, you can match the b*ll*ts you found to the batch that was made for Norbert?

The a*mo's in the house, yep.

I'll get you your warrant, cher.

And get ready to pucker up, because if you solve this one, I'm planting a little bit of heaven on you.


I am not going to out with you to get more truffles.

Not so sure I want anymore.

(computer beeping)

Oh my, that's not good.

HODGINS: Arsenic, cadmium, lead and copper. Ugh.

That's great. You were going to poison us.

It's probably because of the copper vein.

I mean, it was mined at the end of the 19th century.

The acid rock drainage, probably contaminated the water table with toxic runoff.

If your truffle is toxic years after the area was mined, it must have been deadly in the 1800's.

Wait, why do we care about the 1800's?

Because that's when Stonewall and Carlene d*ed.

I have to find out where their bodies were found.

BOOTH: Bones, I thought you didn't trust any of the sitters that we interviewed.

I didn't. Not on their own.

So, until we find someone suitable, I hired two. Two?!

What, one to watch Christine and the other to watch the first sitter?

Exactly, I thought you wouldn't understand.

BOOTH: Bones, that doesn't make any sense.

Oh, my sweetheart's back.

You didn't have to bring him, you know?

Well, actually I did.

He has the search warrant.

Here you go, here's the warrant.

You bought the a*mo that k*lled Tug Babcock.

a*mo was filled with cremains from your great-great-great grandfather, Stonewall.

So, you going to go get me the a*mo, or... am I have to go inside and get it myself.

Good luck with that, those b*ll*ts were in my parlor.

And my parlor's gone.

BRENNAN: You didn't remove your possessions before your house was demolished?

I wasn't gonna give no Babcock the satisfaction of watching me scramble.

I let that lawyer bitch take those b*ll*ts, along with everything else.

Claire Babcock.


Look, Claire Babcock just doesn't seem like the type to plug an old man. She'd get her revenge in court.

Yeah, that's why she's a good suspect.

All right, look, Tub's a Babcock.

Claire's a Babcock, right?

Babcocks, uh, they k*ll Mobleys, not other Babcocks.

But she has the best motive.

This feud's costing everyone a lot of money because of those lawsuits, right?


Well, a ton of that of that money goes to her.

So, if the Tug's cancer made him decide to end the feud, then he would have told his lawyer to stop the lawsuit.

There goes all the money she was going to use to get out of here.

You know what? Good job, Sweets!

Thank you. Yeah.

I like it when you appreciate my work.

Not a problem, see ya later.

'Cause a lot of people don't understand the training and the skill that goes in to what I do, based on...

Bridge too far. You think?

Yeah. See ya.

This warrant was issued without enough cause.

I could file a harassment suit.

That's between you and the judge.

Booth? BOOTH: Yeah?

This is made by Ashes to a*mo.

It says their cremains are from Stonewall Mobley.

That's the same type that k*lled Tug.

BOOTH: Oh, look. There's a b*llet missing too.

Then I guess you should arrest Norbert.

Those are his b*ll*ts.

And he sure as hell wanted Tug dead.

Not as much as you did.

Those lawsuits dry up, so does your income.

You're reaching, Agent Booth.

That looks like the riffle, Booth.


BOOTH: Any chance I'm going to find your fingerprints on this?

CLAIRE: A very good chance.

I had to talk all this crap out of Nor bet's place.

But I don't sh**t.

Ask anyone.

Which means that if you had used the riffle, You probably would have injured yourself on the recoil.

BRENNAN: Is this hurting you?

This is all circumstantial.

I was no where near those woods that night when Tug was k*lled.

And you can't prove that I was.

Now, I can't stop you from looking through all this, but I certainly don't have to talk you.

CAROLINE: That looks like something, can you use that? What is it?

It's just an age fisser.

I noted it in my initial examination.

It's of no value to the case.

Can't you build a circumstantial case?

Everything points to Claire Babcock.

My boss wants something definitive.

He doesn't want this case dragging on in appeals.

And neither do I.

Because if it did, you all would be dragged along with me.

Can't you get your government-funded asses in gear and find me something?

I'd like to remind you that you're a guest here in this lab.

Prisoner's more like it, cherie.

HODGINS: Did you know that the life cycle of a truffle relies on a complex chain of symbiotic relationships?

Truffles?! See this is why we can't catch the k*ller.

No, no, no. It's the reason we can.

Tug was k*lled right in the middle of truffle season.

See, that's when the spores are out.

Of course, and the grove, where Tug was k*lled, is the only one with truffles.

If Claire Babcock was there, she would have been covered with spores.

So, all we have to do is subpoena her clothing.

Okay, now I am liking truffles.


Dr. Brennan...

She lied, she was there.

Tug came to tell me he wanted to end the feud.

If I just could have made a little more money from those lawsuits, we could have had a good life away from here.

CLAIRE: What's wrong with that? I hate this place.

DAISY: I tug through all the records for the area,

The tree where Tug was found, that is where Stonewall and Carlene's cabin was, right by a stream that's all dried up now.

So, the water in the stream was toxic.

In 1892, there was record rainfall there.

The toxins from the runoff from the copper mine, would have contaminated their stream.

Stonewall and Carlene didn't poison each other.

They drank from their water.

And d*ed from acute heavy metal toxicity.

You did it. You figured it out.

Stonewall and Carlene, they were in love.

Their deaths were an accident.

And the feud, a stupid misunderstanding.

How did SueBob and Junior react when you told them?

They want to have a barbecue for the two families to make peace.

Good. There was a bit of a disagreement about whether they would serve chicken or ribs.

Apparently, there's some kind of family tradition involved on both sides. They fought?

A lovers' squabble.

They calmed down when I called security.

(chuckles): Oh. But... love always wins in the end.

Doesn't it, Lancelot?



♪ ♪


(doorbell rings)

(door creaks)



Hi, Dad.

Uh, I, um, I found this in my jacket, and I... I know that Christine doesn't like to go to... to bed without it.

(chuckles softly)

I'm really sorry, honey.

How could you let that happen, Dad?

(sighs): Vanishing like that.

You know what it's like for me.

You have every right to feel this way.

So what happened?

You knew that I would be calling every hour-- you agreed to that-- so when I didn't call, why didn't you just call yourself?

I thought that you didn't call me because you trusted me.

I won't make that mistake again, I promise.

Don't say that.

I don't want to lose you again.

I'll do whatever you want.

I just...

I want to forget about this.

I want you to be Christine's grandfather.

I want us...

I want us to be a family.

It's funny, that's what I want.


Hey, look at this, huh?

MAX: Hi, Seeley.

I'm just leaving, okay?

No, Dad, uh, we were just gonna have dinner.

We have plenty.

It's okay. BOOTH: Max, don't be ridiculous-- come on inside, huh?

Come on.

Okay. BOOTH: All right? There you go.

Hi, honey. I'll go set another plate.

All right?


♪ ♪

Oh, boy, that's you.

That's you, all over again.

Same smile.

You want to hold Christine, and I'll help Booth?


(Christine cooing)
I gotcha. I gotcha.


Well, hi.

Well, whatcha got in your mouth?

(Christine cooing, Max speaking quietly, laughing)

You are amazing.

(both laughing)

What's so funny?

(whispers): She definitely has your eyes.

I thought she had your eyes. You think?

Yeah. Yeah, a little bit.