06x03 - (D) One's Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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06x03 - (D) One's Justice

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Every available hero

in Japan has been mobilized

to rid the world

of a dire threat.

The police split this legion

of pros into two groups.

They've been tasked with

capturing every member

of the Paranormal

Liberation Front,

as well as Dr. Kyudai Garaki,

creator of the Nomu.

[AIZAWA] Those you've toyed with

and those who cared for them.

Do you know what they all say?

It's our turn to take

something away from you.

[ENDEAVOR grunts]


In an attempt to escape,

Garaki woke up his

High End models.

[IZUKU] Team Endeavor now

faces a horde of Nomu

standing between them

and their target.


Meanwhile, the raid on

the Paranormal Liberation

Front's hideout

officially begins as

Cementoss rips open

the front of the

Gunga Mountain Villa.


Not one villain gets away!

Your numbers are meaningless

when facing my Quirk.

Supreme Discharge.


[gasps] The hell?

The attack is being absorbed?

Aw, yeah.

That's one scary leader

rendered powerless. Ha!

All right, pros,

you think you can finish

this up really quick?

I don't want anyone in

the back worrying about us.

Incredible, Charge. Well done!

Thanks! Just glad I could help.

[OPERATOR AA] Team Edge Shot

has taken the villa by surprise.


Squads are sealing off

multiple enemy escape routes.


The exits are blocked!

[OPERATOR BB] The villains

can now only reach the surface

through the compound's

main building.

It would appear that

Mr. Skeptic's regiment is tardy.

I'm sure they'll arrive

before we start.


Re-Destro! Emergency!

There's no need to shout.

What's the problem?

[HANABATA] We're about to

begin an important meeting.

Please don't interrupt.


The heroes are attacking!



A ton of 'em.

They're rushing the

front gates head-on.

The mansion's already

half destroyed.

And they've sealed off

our escape routes!

Things are looking bad.

We're completely surrounded!



This Quirk.

You call it Electrification.

But, how many millions of volts

can you take before

you reach your limit?



Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce!



I put a small hole in your lung.

Move about too much

and it could be fatal.

Remain still and

you'll soon heal.



Nighty-night, naughty villains.


Pre-emptive Binding.

Lacquered Chain Prison!

Damn, this is a mess!

Hey! We need

reinforcements right now!

What? How?


[g*ng ORCA]

Nice work, Mudman!

Wow. Thanks!

I got him.





Leave the crowd control

to Mudman and me,

and my army of mushrooms!

[g*ng ORCA]

You've done us proud!

Leave the rest to the pros!

We'll hit them with everything

we've got while they're stunned!


Wait. What's going on?




I told the Safety Commission

when to attack in code.

It was a whole thing.


Our strategy this mission

is to overwhelm with numbers.




So obviously I had to make sure

you didn't have a chance

to start Doubling yourself.


Hey, wait. No.

[HAWKS] I needed to keep

an eye on you at all times.

"Twice, bro.

We should totally review

before the meeting."

I'm not a bad actor, huh?




Please don't put up a fight.

I'd like to keep

you nice and safe

until I can hand you

over to the police.

[TWICE panting]

[TWICE] Wait, hold on.

This can't be right.



He k*lled Big Sis Mag!

And he took Mr. Compress' arm!

Did you just forget?


Not again.

It's my responsibility!

Why does this always happen?

[TWICE] It was me.

I'm the one who brought him in.

Because of me. My friends.


No, please, not again!

You sure know a ton

about the Liberation Army

for being a pro hero.

Why is that?

Because I believe

in what they preach.

Look, I wanna fly free.

I can't do that

as things are now.

[TWICE] I thought...

I thought I had to trust you.



Any advice for someone like me?

Find some people

who will trust you.



Heh. Like-minded folk.

Trust me on this.

There are plenty of

people in this world

who think the same way as you.

[TWICE] I thought, if I

didn't believe in you,

I'd be giving in to

the darkness again.

I didn't want that.

Thank you.

[HAWKS] In the end, I guess

it comes down to bad luck.


Did I make a mistake with you?

If you did, well, so what?

Not your fault you were born

with the crappiest luck.

Atone for your crimes

and start over.

[TWICE] The best people are

those who help their friends.

Don't you agree?

Yeah, I thought so.

Let's fly where

we want together!

I'm happy to help you

build a new life.

'Cause I think you

are a good person.


Shut up. Is this what heroes do?

Don't get up.

[TWICE] What do you mean,

"start over"? Huh?




I stopped giving a damn

about myself a long time ago.

The last thing I wanna

do right now is fight.

Just come quietly.

[TWICE] I don't really

care what you want.

[TWICE] The only reason

I'm alive is them.

All my friends.

I just want to make sure

they're happy.

[FATGUM] It's Tsukuyomi, right?

C'mon, you're joinin' me.


Yes, sir!

From what we've heard,

a whole mess of enemies

are gathering deep underground.

Several passages lead

to the surface level,

but most of those have

been blocked off already.


There are only five exits left,

each of which lead

up to the villa.

Bad news is, they're out

of Cementoss's range.

Someone needs to seal them off.

Bingo! You got it, my man.


Let's do this!

How do they know

their way around inside?

We cannot let them through!

This is a job for Suneater.

Right! Vast Hybrid.

Chimera Centaur!

Apologies, but I need

all of you to stand down now.


Nice line! You sound cool!


Leave me alone!

No need for you to hold back.

Then I will not.

That's what I like to hear.

I wanna see your

full power in action.

Seal off this escape route,

and then we bounce.

Dark Shadow!






Re-Destro! Get down!


[DARK SHADOW growls]

Something's in the way.






The hidden passage!




Hey, you're pretty awesome!



There's something

bad down there.


I know.

Someone was able to

stand against Ragnarok.

[DARK SHADOW] No, not that guy!

I saw a real monster!

A monster?


Don't worry about him!

According to our source,

he's not gonna be a problem.

The big guy only takes orders

from the enemy leader.

And that troublemaker is

currently taking a nice long nap

somewhere far away from here.


How do we know this much?

It's an absurd amount of intel.

Hawks found out while he was

working here undercover.

Hawks was here?


Go time! Hop in my stomach!

Wait, what?

Who'da thought I'd be

a Taxi service, huh?


Is Hawks part of the raid?

I don't know

all the particulars.

But I bet he's smack dab

in the middle of this fight.


I'm not interested in training

the next generation or anything.

It's good to put effort

into beefing up

your short-range

combat weaknesses,

but you shouldn't forget

about what you're good at.


I trained as you told me.

I'm going to become

an even stronger hero.

Hawks, if you're

here right now...

...I hope you get to see

just how far I've come.

[TWICE] I'll take

responsibility this time!


Hero! You will die!

[TWICE] I'll take

responsibility this time!


Hero! You will die!

[HAWKS] You're multiplying

at an insane rate.

But since you're making

copies of copies,

they aren't very durable.

Some melt and some

don't, even though

they're being hit by

the same type of feathers.

[TWICE] I can't keep up.

They're too fast.


I won't make a mistake because

I let emotions get

the better of me.

If you'd done as I said,

we could have salvaged this.

I really do like you, Jin.

[TWICE gasps]

These are my only friends!

You don't get to act

chummy with me.

Use every last feather.

I don't even care, bastard!

[HAWKS] I like to take

enemies out quickly.


Do you know why that is?

Because a villain

who refuses to quit

is the most terrifying

thing a hero can face.

I've seen it.

The strong-willed

are hard to knock out.

Shut u--


That's why.

If neither side will give up,

someone has to die.

[TWICE] You people

call yourself "heroes."

But when things get tough,

your kind always abandons

the people who are the lowest.

Not my side.

When I fall apart,

Toga wraps me

in her handkerchief.


And you know what?

This isn't even the first

time I've screwed up.

Not long ago,

I got everyone hurt.

But they still kept me.

[TWICE] I don't think Toga's

gonna wrap me up today, though.


But that's fine.

All I want is to make sure the

people I care for end up happy!

I'll be sure to

let them know that.

[HAWKS yelps]


That won't be necessary.

I heard him.

You didn't notice me

did ya, Hawks?

Guess you did get distracted.

Something you'll

definitely regret.


Hey. Dabi.


Don't feel bad, Twice.

You didn't make a mistake.

It's the self-righteous heroes

who are in the wrong.

As usual.

He dodged that?

It doesn't matter.

How're you gonna fight

with burned-up feathers?

[HAWKS] That blast woulda

k*lled your friend, too.

Wrong again.

You can always count on a pro

to prioritize someone

else's safety.


Answer me this, will ya?

You act like you're

not surprised

that I betrayed

you and your crew.

How'd you figure me out?

Didn't really have to.

See, at no point

did I ever trust you.

Even though I did

so many awful things

to prove myself loyal.

[DABI] You're right.

You were helpful, weren't you?

Gee, thanks.

[HAWKS] I don't see much

of a way out of this.

It's a small space and

my feathers are scorched.

Fire and I don't mix, but I

still have a goal to accomplish.

I've weakened

Bubaigawara by slicing

muscle and bone while

avoiding major organs.

He can't do much damage now.

I'll carry him out

alive and then...

Don't do this!

Dabi! Roast the bird!


That's hot! I'm freezing!

Time for you to let loose.

Put the advantage

back on our side.

Go wild! Everyone's

waiting for you!

Yeah. I'm on it! Thanks!



He flew out ahead of the flames

and circled to the back!

He's too fast!

Outta my way!


Keigo Takami!


He knows my name?

Who is this guy?



Time for you to let loose.

Put the advantage

back on our side.


Have to help everyone!

Protect them, Twice!

Defend your friends!

They accepted you as you are.

And all you've ever done

is cause them pain!

[TOGA gasps]



Two of their

lieutenants neutralized.

You reading? I've got them here.

[MR. COMPRESS] Its seems

your detection-evading

techniques failed!

These hideous beings must

have heightened senses!

Ew, gross! Put me down!

We won't let you

destroy this world.

This is where your

plotting ends.

You'll spend the rest

of your lives locked up.

Your League is ended.

The heroes win!

Jin! Yay!


Let them go.

Drop. Them.


Bravo! Perfect timing!

Twice, get to Doubling!

Toga, we should

head underground!


Sorry. Compress.



[TWICE] I can't. I can

barely manage this shape.

It's no good.

[TWICE] Like when you're

trying to hold in a dump.

I've been beat up too bad.

I can't keep it together.

[TWICE] Forgive me, you two.

It was my fault again.

Hawks got me. I ruined

things a second time.




[TWICE] It's my fault your

adorable face got hurt.


Take this. Your hankie.

[TOGA] You should feel whole now

that you're covered up again.


It's true that, in my life,

I kept falling and failing,

I got tricked, lost a friend,

and still ended up

getting fooled again.


I musta looked pretty pathetic

and worthless to other people.


I... can't make more.

[TWICE] Constantly trying

to find myself.


Sorry. For everything.

I'm to blame.

[TWICE] But I was blessed

with people I cared about.



Thank you for

saving me, friend.

[TWICE] Who could ask for

a better life than that?

I hope you die, Hawks.

What right do you have to look

at me and call me unlucky?

I was happy with my life.

With them.


Here's the preview.

A furious Dabi lashes out

at a weakened Hawks.

Meanwhile, at Jaku Hospital,

the newly released Nomu

bare their fangs at Endeavor

and the rest of his raid team.

Is there any way

to beat a High End

that can resurrect itself

with Super Regeneration?

Next time: "Inheritance."

Mr. Aizawa and his Erasure Quirk

may be our last

chance at victory.

If he's not too late!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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