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09x14 - The Master In The Slop

Posted: 01/30/14 20:44
by bunniefuu
Ah, you know what? Just remind me.

I got to write a thank-you note to the guy who invented waffles.

The recipe first appeared in Le Ménagier de Paris, a book a husband wrote for his wife in the 14th century.

Since he's dead, a note would be pointless.

I pity the men who aren't married to you, Bones.

Booth, did you see what Christine brought home from preschool?

Hey, look at that, huh?

15th place winner in an egg race. Huh.

Our little girl's a champion.

Booth, there are only 15 children in the class.

What do you want me to do?

Get her a trainer so we could work her harder?

If she's 15th, that means that she lost.

Children need to understand what losing means.

It's an egg race.

When I was a child, I played blackjack with Max, and he never let me win.

I lost my allowance, but I got a realistic view of the world.

Your dad took your allowance?

Won it. Actually, he won the marker he gave me that said he owed me the allowance. I don't think we should use your father as an example here. It's not...

(phone ringing)
Oh. Brennan.

Okay, I'm on my way. Wait. Wait. Wait a second.

What about the waffle I just made you? Sorry.

A body's on its way to the lab.

More for you. I'll call if it concerns you.

I got waffles flying all over the place here.

That's hot. That's hot.

The remains are in the pig troughs?

Yes. I am setting up a filtration system that will allow us to separate liquid in the pig slop from any human remains, such as tissue, bones, organs...

But you're not waiting. I was told the body was dumped on a pig farm in Virginia.


So the noise of the pigs feeding woke up the farmer, so he was able to stop them before they finished eating all the human remains.

I need an intern. Where's Oliver Wells?

Out of town on family business.

Dr. Brennan, Dr. Hodgins, you remember Dr. Filmore?

HODGINS: It's our favorite Canadian forensic podiatrist.

Hello, Dr. Hodgins.

Dr. Brennan, it's a pleasure to be working with you again.

I'm afraid there will be no pleasure, Dr. Filmore.

His field is forensic podiatry.

Dr. Filmore is writing a report at the request of the FBI and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on cooperation between the United States and Canada in the field of forensic sciences.

It's the first trans-border study in forensic cooperation between our two great nations.

No. I can't allow that.

We're in the middle of an investigation.


What are you doing?

Notes for my report.

"Check American definition of 'cooperation.'"

SAROYAN: Dr. Filmore will be your intern so he can observe firsthand that our definition of cooperation is the same as our neighbors to the north.

BRENNAN: By his own admission, he's familiar with only 25% of the bones in the human body.

Actually, I just completed my PhD in forensic anthropology, so I am now fully qualified to work with you... as a peer.

SAROYAN: Then that settles it.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

BRENNAN: Put on some gloves.

We're looking for human remains in these troughs.

We might not be able to recover a complete skeleton because...

Because pigs eat human bones.

I grew up on a farm in Manitoba.


Oh, hey. I can't do anything until I have a skull, so I thought I'd just create something alive.

Not why I'm here.

It's, uh...

Science Monthly just contacted me about their Outstanding Women of Science issue.

Oh. Brennan again?

No. Me.

They want me this year.

Oh, my God! Cam, that's fantastic!


I should be happy, but I just feel uncomfortable.



Yeah. She can sometimes feel...

I don't know how to say it.

That all awards should go to her?

And I don't really care.

I could just tell the magazine no.

Oh, no. Don't be ridiculous.

This is... this is a huge honor, and we're all going to celebrate this, including Brennan.

You have to enjoy this.

Smile. You deserve it.


Aah. This will be easier.

So, the pump creates suction and delivers the contents of the troughs into this sluice box, which will separate liquid from particulates greater than .03 millimeters.

Quite the impressive contrivance, Dr. Hodgins.

HODGINS: Right? All right.

Here we go.


Yeah! BRENNAN: Oh!

It appears to working.

FILMORE: You know, this death might just be an accident.

We had a farmhand who fell into the trough after drinking to excess. The pigs must have thought he was delicious, because there was nothing left.

Well, considering this person was dismembered, I would rule out an accident.


Oh. Ah.

Dark brown hair. Definitely human.

BRENNAN: Well, the greater sciatic notch indicates a male.

The auricular surface indicates an age range between 29 and 35.

Huh. A central incisor.

Not in any way connected with the foot, of course.

This spatula shape indicates the victim was Caucasian.

Told you it would work, huh?

(rattling, gurgling)

Well, it's not the filter.

Can you hold that? Yes.

It's got to be the hose.

Hey. Good news.

Cam got a call from Science Monthly.

They announced this year's Outstanding Women of Science award.

Why did they call Cam?

Why didn't they just call me directly?

Because Cam is getting the award, sweetie.


That's great. Yes, I'm very happy for her.

And you're happy for her, too, Brennan.

Very happy.

Because she's your friend.


Just the-the descriptor is "outstanding."

All right, we're all good to go.

You know, Science Monthly is an exceptional mag... Oh! My.


BRENNAN: Don't move, Dr. Filmore.

You're covered in evidence.

It's no problem.

Just like being back on the farm.

Oh, here's a piece...

Thank you.
...that's important.

♪ Bones 9x14 ♪
The Master in the Slop
Original Air Date on January 24, 2014

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

A foot!

A foot is not necessarily the solution to this forensic puzzle.

I see you haven't lost your conviction that you have all the answers.

Well, I am outstanding and without peer in my field.

I assume that is why your government wanted you to observe me.

What are you writing now?

Oh, just an observation that Americans are hubristic, and Canadians must deal with this challenge in future cooperative ventures.

Facts are not hubris, Dr. Filmore.

The left side of the frontal bone, including the supraorbital foramen, as well as the maxilla, and the right zygomatic are all missing.

Facial reconstruction would prove difficult for Angela.

It appears there's a fracture on the occipital, and avulsion fractures on the left mastoid process.

Confirming that a hit and tear from the occipital to the mastoid as a possible cause of death.

Hey. So, the hair sample carried traces of beeswax and hempseed oil.

Think our victim had dreadlocks. Victim had blonde hair.

That dark brown hair could belong to the k*ller.

All right, well, Cam's running a DNA on both samples, but I also found traces of chestnuts imbedded on the victim's clothing.

FILMORE: You know, at our farm, when the pigs wouldn't eat, my father used to sweeten the slop with chestnuts.

So it's possible the k*ller knew how to get the pigs to devour the victim.


Hey, Sweets, got the DNA results from the hair the squints found in the pig slop.

Jarrick Henry.

Who? Jarrick Henry.

Oh, right. He's the guy who fed his victim to pigs, right? Nice fella.

Yeah, and with no body, the lawyer got an acquittal.

Didn't think he'd pull that M.O. twice.

You mean feed another victim to pigs?

He's a high-risk repeat offender.

He got away with it once.

Probably figured he could get away with it again.

You felt the honor from Science Monthly should go to you, eh?

It's called "Outstanding Women of Science."

I have the utmost respect for Dr. Saroyan.

I can only surmise the editorial staff consists of laymen.

You know, in Canada, we have a saying.

"Wait your turn.

"If you are truly deserving, an honor will eventually come to you."

That's why I don't live in Canada.

There are striations that indicate a reciprocating saw was used to sever the head of the femur.

And here, the same striations.

There are false-start kerf marks on this radius.

The blade broke. And here, the striations from the new blade.

So the k*ller used a reciprocating saw to cut up the body.

You know, that moment there where we were working together seamlessly in true harmony and cooperation-- it was... almost Canadian.

You should write that in your little book.

We found the saw in your garage-- the one you used to cut up the victim.

Ballistic fingerprinting for a saw blade? I don't think so.

You also broke the blade when you were cutting him up, smart guy. See, that does leave a fingerprint on the bone.

Look, okay, I'm being set up, all right?

Somebody tossed a dead guy over the wall into my backyard.

I didn't even know him.

I'm confused. Why didn't you call the cops when this dead body showed up?

Come on, man. If I reported him to the cops, I'd be their number one suspect. No, no, no, no, no.

Now you're the number one suspect.

We have your DNA on the victim.

We also got you for illegal disposal of human remains... I didn't k*ll him.

It's the dreads, baby.

You're shedding like a husky in the summer.

You got away with it last time.

You're not getting away with it this time.

Wait, wait, wait. You never mentioned the name of the dead guy.

And I'm thinking that's 'cause you don't know.


I got that right.

Listen, all right, I didn't k*ll him.

All I did was feed his body to the pigs.

But I saw his face before those pigs ate it.

I can get you a description.

So... you ready to deal, G-Man?

So, labs came back negative-- there was no blood found in Jarrick's trunk. Well, he was meticulous.

He was careful not to bleach the saw blades, so he probably used plastic sheets, right?

No. Guy-- he's got no motive. Forget him, okay?

But Angela got an I.D. based on Jarrick Henry's description.

Oh, my God.

You know him? That's Albert Magnuson.

The chess guy?

Anyone who knows chess knows Albert Magnuson.

I used to be a serious chess player, till college.

Then I became a little obsessed, had to give it up.

But Albert's a genius, brilliant.

Turns out, Magnuson was bringing in some serious cash.

Angela found out this information.

Check out the Web site here, huh?

Your chess champion-- he was bringing in some serious merchandise.

And there's some big companies thought they could cash in if chess made it into the Olympics.

They were buying the master. Yeah.

But all the names and likeness of Albert Magnuson, all the merchandizing and the sponsorship-- that just goes to Levitt Holdings.

All right, so?

There's only one chief officer of Levitt Holdings--
Suzanne Levitt.

Oh, and with Magnuson gone, she gets to keep all of his money.

Right. I'm bringing her in.

I can't believe this.

Who would m*rder Albert?

Well, that's what we're trying to find out.

When was the last time you saw him?

Two days ago.

We had lunch, then he went to the chess club, and I-I didn't see him after that.

Your relationship with Albert wasn't just business though, was it?

He lived with me and my son Tim.

We were going to be married.

In going over his life, we've red-flagged a couple of issues regarding his finances; you controlled all of the finances, right? All of it.

Well, all Albert wanted to do was play chess.

You're saying it was out of concern for Albert that you controlled all of his money?

I didn't k*ll Albert.

I loved him.

And you made him all of his money.

Right. Magnuson chess boards, TV appearances, chess retreats...

I had a background in marketing; why shouldn't Albert capitalize on his talent?

And where were you two nights ago?

Home. Alone.

And unless my cat can talk, I have no alibi.

But you should really be talking to Albert's ex-wife.

She hated him.

She b*rned down his apartment.

So, Magnuson's ex-wife Ingrid is a member of the Dutch Reformed Church.

He wasn't; that caused the couple to drift apart.

Well, it's a very strict religious sect.

Right. Well, you know, she was here on a visitor's visa.

It expired and... it was never surrendered.

She's living under the radar; she'll be hard to find.

We'll find her. We will find her.

Booth, do you think I'm being small-minded about Cam getting the award and not me?

(clears throat)


You might want another answer, but I can't give that to you.

But I'm clearly the best scientist.

And are you a worse scientist because Cam's getting the award?

Of course not. See?

Yeah. So you're just being petty because you want to win.

I thought you would take my side.

I am on your side, okay?

I'm on your better side.


Much better side. Oh, hey.

Hey, guys. Yeah.

So, I called the Mayfair Chess Club where Magnuson was last seen.

I know some people there from my chess days.

Apparently, Magnuson had a lot of enemies in the chess club.

You think that the k*ller could be a chess player?

Yeah, I think it's very possible.

The k*ller did use Jarrick to dispose of the body, basically sacrificing him like a chess piece, right?

There's a strong connection between chess and the logic and forethought needed to plan and execute a m*rder.

Look, I'll tell you what, why don't you go to the chess club and see what you can dig up.

So you're saying that I'm the lead on the case?

No. You're the... chess nerd on the case.

Lead chess nerd-- good enough for me.

(elevator bell dings)

(chuckles): Hey.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you here.

Dr. Sweets, this is my son Tim.

Y-You're investigating Albert's m*rder, aren't you?

Do me a favor, keep it on the down low.

Sure. SUZANNE: I have to go, Tim.

Call me when you're done?


You don't drive?

Uh, Mom's been trying to spend more time with me.

Especially since... you know.


Were you and Albert close?

My mom met Albert through me.

He was kind of my mentor here.

Like-like a second father to me.



Hey, Romanov, good to see you.

You have been conspicuously absent for the past decade.

Whoa, Sweets! Hi, Lance! Hey, guys.

These-these guys know you?

Ten years ago, Sweets was one of the youngest chess masters in the federation.


Yeah, I'm probably very rusty at this point.

Ah, I think not.

Remember the old Russian saying:

"You cannot drink your glass away."

I look forward to sitting opposite you again, Sweets.

You want to show me around?



You are good.

Yeah, good and rusty.

I'd like to be as rusty as you are.

Sorry about Magnuson, son.

I hope he didn't misinterpret me the last time we spoke.

No, sir, it was very clear how you felt.

Seems like a lot of people here had an issue with Mr. Magnuson.

Sweets, right?

Dimitri told me about you.

Magnuson was a good player.

Great, even.


But nothing.

Mr. Wakefield used to be my teacher.

And then you started studying with Albert.

Before you jump to ugly conclusions, I never liked Albert, true, but I was with Tim when it happened.

At the deli.

I wasn't accusing you of anything.

I'm sorry for your loss, Tim.

If you need my help again, just let me know.

(elevator bell dings)

Magnuson was last seen headed here.

His parking's spot somewhere over there.

Where, in the dark?

BOOTH: Lights are broken.

Any suspects at the chess club? Well, you know, like a lot of brilliant people, Magnuson had a huge ego, left little room for others.

Ah. So no one was, uh, mourning his loss.

Oh... look at that.

Broken glass.


Light's broken.

Hold up.

Broken lights all over the place.

A good place for an ambush.

Lot of water on the ground here; must be a busted pipe.

Yep, there it is.

Security camera-- hopefully it's infrared.

Could be our lucky day.

Get some footage off it.

SWEETS: Found his parking spot.

Look at that.


This is where Magnuson was k*lled.

SAROYAN: I've got more blood over here. Impact hit?


Spatter pattern looks like someone may have smashed the victim's head against the wall.

This may match the skull fractures we found on the occipital.

Looks like water evaporated, leaving rock salt. WAKEFIELD: Excuse me, sir.

Yeah? I'm wondering how long you're gonna be tying up our parking garage?

As long as it takes, I'm afraid.

Some of our members had to park in the street, and my car is blocked in over there.

Yeah, m*rder's such an inconvenience, right?

The hard drive from the surveillance camera is totally fried.

Our k*ller was pretty thorough.

I did manage to get the time that it was fried though.

2:30 a.m. on the night that Magnuson was m*rder*d.

That syncs up with Jarrick Henry's story.

He said the body was dumped at his place at 3:30 a.m.

I'll tell Booth.

I... called...
Science Monthly.

Oh. You didn't turn them down, did you?

Not exactly. But I did tell them that if they didn't honor you and Dr. Brennan as well, that I couldn't accept the award.

You... you told them to honor me?

Oh, my gosh, you're so sweet.

Hey, we're nothing without each other, Angela-- that's a fact. You're amazing.

Wait till I tell Brennan.

I'd like to tell her myself-- if this all works out.




You have not lost your edge, Mr. Sweets.

Thank you, Dimitri. It's my pleasure.

Bishop's pair checkmate-- that is so cool.

Yeah, I saw Kasparov do that.

Study the greats-- that's what Magnuson taught me.

WOMAN: Well played.

Well played.

He's a master.

Uh, this is An Ni.

It's nice to meet you, Annie.

Not Annie. An Ni.

An, first name; Ni, last.

TIM: You guys'll have to excuse me.

I have a game starting.

Is that you up there, Annie-- uh, An... An...

Ni. Ni.


I had a good year.

They let me hold the plaque.

When was the picture taken?

A month or so ago, I think-- I'm not very good with time. Oh.

What happened to Magnuson's hand there?


Tiffin Olin. He broke it with a clock timer.

Is Olin in the photo?

No. He got kicked out of the club for that.


That's him.

When did you last see Olin?

You ask so many questions, curious guy.


Weeks ago.

Olin plays in the park now.

Tiffin Olin.

FBI. Special Agent Seeley Booth.

Need to ask you a few questions about Albert Magnuson. I'm playing.

When I finish these games.

Take a break.

Albert Magnuson was m*rder*d.

We know you broke his hand in the past.

Why'd you break his hand?

Oh, God.

Oh, no. Whoa, easy, easy!

Hold it right there.

Nice and slow.

Don't do anything stupid.

On the table.


What is that?

A sandwich?

When I get stressed, I eat.

You're accusing me of k*lling Albert, so I'm stressed, I want to eat.

Okay, listen, you can eat after we talk.

Magnuson was crazy.

He told everybody that my cell phone gave off vibrations in Morse code a-and that's how I was winning.

Well, was it?

Are you crazy?

He just wanted me out of the tournament because I was his only serious competition.

Where were you three nights ago?

It's embarrassing.

More embarrassing than sitting in an FBI holding cell?

I'm lonely.


I got arrested for propositioning a prost*tute who turned out to be a cop.

I spent the night in jail.
(phone ringing)

I-I'm sure you can verify that.


I found Magnuson's ex-wife Ingrid through her church.

She's in McLean, Virginia, working as a nanny for a church family under her maiden name...

Ingrid Vanderlube.

C-Can I have my sandwich now?

Yeah, you can have your sandwich.

Okay, I'll go bring her in.

INGRID: I thought my life with Albert was good.

But getting those pictures in the mail... was a real wekroep.

I'm sor... A real what?

Wake-up call.

It's Dutch.


Wow... whoa.

What was going on in those photos was unnatural.


And this is Albert and...

The hellhag.

Suzanne Levitt.

She sent them.

The hellhag.

Right, you saw these photos, and, uh, you got upset and you... b*rned down his place.

Albert betrayed me.

He became an unholy apostate.

A phallacist.

Right, that sounds dirty.

His apartment needed to be cleansed by fire.


So you got off the grid.


Earthly laws shouldn't apply in that situation.

All right, well, you live on Earth, Ingrid, and those laws do apply to you, so...

Where were you three nights ago?

At the house where I work.

The family was out, but I was there.

(clears throat)

Please, d-don't tell them about this.

I need that job.

Well, I wouldn't get your hopes up.

I mean, um, your visa's expired and you burn down apartments.

SAROYAN: DNA confirmed that the b*rned flesh found in the pig slop was from the victim.

And take a look at this.

There are microblisters in the stratified squamous epithelium and the external horny layer.

And enlarged vacuoles within the epidermal cells.

The cells are flattened.

What part of the body was this tissue taken from?

The feet.

FILMORE: Ah. Now, see, these phalanges may show signs of avulsion fractures due to subluxation.

You're right, but it's not subluxation.

There's a complete separation there.

BOTH: I think I know what happened!

This is wonderful to see.

Note the capsular ligaments and coracoacromial ligaments show signs of stretching and abnormal position.

If you add these findings to the stress fractures and numerous avulsion fractures... We will find that the answer to how our victim was k*lled came from the feet.

The feet.

My, my, my.

I'm surprised to see such a patriotic Canadian gloating, Dr. Filmore.

You're absolutely right.

I'm sorry.

A negative note about a Canadian, Dr. Filmore?

Oh, yes.

A report without negative comments about a Canadian would be unacceptable in Canada.

Excuse me.

What's going on in here?

Well, let's see if you're as good as you want us all to think you are, Sweets.

There were actually people who...

I have seniority.

You take white.

I won't need the advantage.

All right.

("Sweatshop Boys" by Battle Tapes playing)

♪ I heard that girls like you were hard to find ♪
♪ I'm sure it's something that just takes some time from... ♪



♪ Your motivation's not that hard to see... ♪

What's his problem?

How's it going?

♪ Real interesting

♪ From tearing out your heart

♪ That's b*ating like a drum

♪ From dancing to the tune of

♪ I don't even know who you are... ♪


♪ And you know you will get what you want by now ♪
♪ And you want it now...


♪ And you know you will get

♪ What you want somehow

♪ And you will somehow, you will somehow... ♪

Big mistake.


Mate, Annie.

An Ni.


I will study this game and b*at you next time.

Patterns. Patterns.

Do you know what I'm saying?



♪ That's b*ating like a drum

♪ From dancing to the tune of... ♪

Guess it's my turn.

♪ And you know you will get

♪ What you want somehow

♪ And you will somehow, you will somehow... ♪

(music fades)



You know my game play.

I've been watching you.

And I looked up your old games on the federation database, just like Albert taught me.


Hey, Hodgins found clamp marks in the 480-volt main in the parking garage where the k*ller tied into the panel and created his own circuit.

Because of Dr. Filmore, we know the k*ller planned to electrocute Magnuson as he got into his car.

No accolades, please; they embarrass me.

That was merely a statement of fact.

Hmm. So, uh, how did the k*ller connect the circuit to the victim?

According to Hodgins, the k*ller poured water and rock salt onto the garage floor.

Creating an extremely conductive electrical environment.

Uh, this should be an accurate reconstruction of the m*rder.

As Magnuson returned to his car, the k*ller placed the live end of the circuit into the water and fried him.

And the shock was so traumatic, it literally blew the victim's toes off. And created stress and avulsion fractures throughout the body.

And launched him into the wall where we found the bloodstains.

Breaking bones of his left hand when it hit first.

The surge of power fried the surveillance camera hard drive.

And blew out the jelly jar lights.

The only problem is that none of our suspects could have been there when this happened.

Except the woman he was going to marry.

(timer ticking)

Well, you-you had me there.

Why didn't you sacrifice your queen?

I didn't see it.

I don't believe that for a second.

(whispers): What's he doing?

Make your move.




You want to take a nap?

No, I'm fine.

(timer clicks)

(timer clicks)


(timer clicks)


You're playing way above your rating.

Magnuson wasn't your mentor.

He thought he was.

All right.

All right.



(crowd murmuring)

WOMAN: Wow, nice.

MAN: He did it.

Tim Levitt, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Albert Magnuson.

(crowd murmuring)

You arrested this kid

'cause he b*at you at chess?

Listen, he could've won much earlier in the game, but he refused to sacrifice his queen.

His queen? Okay, do you know how crazy you sound right now?

It's symbolic of Tim not wanting to sacrifice his mother.

The two of them are too close.

Plus, he didn't yawn when I did.

That's not gonna hold up in court.

It's a test for sociopaths. A normal person, when they see someone yawn, they yawn.

Sociopaths don't 'cause they don't have empathy.

The kid has an alibi. He was at a deli, but his mother...

The mother was going to marry Magnuson.

To Tim, he was being replaced.

He's guilty, Booth.

He's guilty; I know it.

Fine. Let me go talk to him.

No, no, no, let me. No.

We got him for six hours before we have to release him; let me at him.

No. You're a shrink; I'm a trained interrogator.

But this isn't a normal interrogation, is it?

To Tim, this is chess.

And every move he's made so far has been a brilliant and careful calculation.

Okay, one sh*t. That's it.

If I see you going south with this, or you're screwing it up, I'm gonna pull you from the room.


TIM: It's been two hours.

Why are you keeping me here?

I haven't done anything wrong.

Sit down, Tim.

SWEETS: Let me tell you what we know so far.

Is that the k*ller? He's so young.

Yeah, and very smart.

You dumped the body at Jarrick's house because you knew he'd get rid of it for you.

You introduced me to An Ni 'cause you knew she'd lead us to Tiffin Olin.

You've been playing us all from the beginning, like we're your chess pieces.

Dr. Sweets, I didn't do anything like this.

Let me tell you what I think. BOOTH: See, that's good.

He's staying in control, not letting him say that he's innocent.

Take his coat off; it says that, you know what, he ain't going anywhere.

TIM: Dr. Sweets, I loved Albert. I would never do any...

You didn't love Albert.

Nobody did.

Even your mom said that he was volatile and had a temper.

People would say that you did the world a favor by taking him out.

What Sweets is saying is absurd.

It's called developing themes.

He's giving him alternative versions of the crime so he might admit to it.

But it's not working.

Well, of course it's not.

I mean, if he was guilty, he'd be leaning back.

Oh, right.

Because kinesiology suggests that he'd maintain as much distance from his accuser as possible.


So, I managed to retrieve a partial image from the surveillance camera hard drive.

Now, this is the moment when Magnuson was electrocuted.

Take a look at this.

On the left is Magnuson, and on the right is the k*ller.

But look at the time stamp.

He was k*lled two hours earlier than we thought.

Wait. But your analysis of the hard drive showed it was fried at 2:30 a.m.

Because there were two power surges.

There was one at 12:30, which k*lled Magnuson, and another at 2:30 which fried the surveillance hard drive.

How did he cause the second power surge when he was at the deli? My guess: he isolated the circuit for the surveillance camera, put it on a timer, and came back later and removed the evidence.

Tim has no alibi.

Unfortunately, this is not enough evidence for a conviction.

We need a confession.

I'd like some more water, please.

You've had enough water, Tim.

Setting that trap to electrocute Albert-- now, that required a lot of expertise.

You could have k*lled yourself.

Lucky for you, you took that electrical engineering course in school.

Mr. Wakefield worked as an electrician for years.

Maybe you should talk to him.

He's countering every move Sweets makes.

This is like chess.

He's playing this perfectly.

Your mom had a couple of boyfriends before Albert, and those ended badly, too, huh?

Too? My mom and Albert were happy.

His temper, the fighting, his wanting you to move out.

He didn't want that.

We were close, all of us.

That's not what your mother said.

You're really reaching, Dr. Sweets.

And you're leaning back, Tim.

If I could hit the timer now, I would.

Boom. That was good.

SWEETS: You're the only one that your mother could count on, right?

You're the only one that can make her happy.

Albert made her happy.

Albert made...? Okay.

Well, taking these photos of Albert and your mom and sending them to his ex-wife Ingrid-- that sounds like a happy family, right?

I didn't take any photos, Dr. Sweets.

You would do anything to protect your mom.

That's why you refused to sacrifice your queen.

That's why you k*lled Albert, isn't it?

Sweets' logic is quite manipulative and very impressive.

You're inventing a motive based off of a chess game we played?

Really, Dr. Sweets?

I thought you were smarter than that.

Game play mirrors the personality of the player.

Didn't Albert teach you that?

All I can say is the same thing I've been saying for the last three hours.

I did not k*ll Albert Magnuson.

Well, I'd advise you to call your lawyer, Tim.

Why? I haven't done anything wrong.

I really would like that water now, please, if that's all right.

I just need one more sh*t with him.

Trust me, Sweets, this is gonna work, okay?

Booth is right. It's like the queen sacrifice Marshall used against Levitsky in 1912.


He wouldn't see that coming. How'd you know about that?

I play, too. Not like you, of course.

I've been trying to teach Booth, but he keeps referring to the knights as "horsies."

That's great. Can we just move this along?

Okay, chess is a one-on-one game, but in a real w*r, you need a platoon, and that's what we are right now, okay?

So let's move out.


(door closes)

I'd like to apologize, Tim.

You're free to go.

We found the k*ller.


I was mistaken, and I'd like to offer my help, because this could be very difficult for you.

I don't understand.

Your mother had access to your electrical engineering books.

That doesn't mean anything.

There's more, Tim.

We have a partial DNA match from the trunk of the victim's car.

It's either yours or your mom's.

You have an alibi, and she doesn't.

My mom wouldn't do that.

This is clearly painful for you.

I-I misunderstood your relationship with your mother.

She was the one who'd do anything to protect you.

She felt that Albert was taking you away from her.

No, you've got it all wrong.


She confessed.


SUZANNE: Tim! Timmy!

Mom. Tim, call a lawyer.

Hold him back, Sweets.

Timmy... Hold him back! Hold him back!

Call me a lawyer!

You-you can't do this.

It wasn't her! I did it!

I set a timer. That's how I got my alibi.

It wasn't her!

I k*lled Albert!

You did what?

I did it! That-that was my DNA!

I... I'll-I'll tell you everything!

Just don't take my mom. No.

I had to.

I had to protect you.

I couldn't let another guy take you away!


Tim, what have you done?


What have you done?

You were right.

He couldn't sacrifice his own queen.


(clears throat)

Dr. Brennan, I just thought I'd drop by your office before I leave.

You've finished cleaning the bone room already?

Well, actually, I won't be cleaning the bone room, Dr. Brennan, and I thank you for that.

That makes no sense.

I'm asserting myself-- something I learned from you, which I intend to share with all my Canadian colleagues.

I've decided, like you, I'm too extraordinary to clean.

But... You've been an excellent example to me, Dr. Brennan.

Be confident, be stubborn, and shout down the opposition, eh?

Well, I... I must go now.

And you're welcome for my outstanding expertise.

Oh, you're also welcome.

What's this?

This is from Science Monthly.

Oh, Cam, I'm actually very happy for you.

Apologies are difficult for me.

No. I appreciate that, Dr. Brennan, but they actually want to honor all three of us.

Oh. Really?

Because Cam insisted.

We're nothing without each other.

Well, agreed, but I've never heard of them honoring three women before.

Well, uh, this year, there are 12.


They, uh... they sent us these for a photo sh**t.

They're doing a calendar this year.

12 Outstanding Women of Science showing a lot of skin.

Magazine's having budget problems, and they thought this would help.

I can tell them to call three other scientists.

Who are the nine scientists who agreed to this?


Oh. Dr. Katherine Kasarinsky...

Oh, she's a brilliant quantum physicist.

Dr. Jennifer Austin.

She won the National Medal of Science.


Dr. Sun Yoon Chang...

She's a Delta Science Fellow.

So they actually are outstanding women of science.

I would hate to think of three less outstanding women replacing us.

But we'll be hanging in labs all across the country.

BRENNAN: Exactly.

We have a duty to show the scientific community that the Jeffersonian is an institution where pulchritude is as abundant as brilliance.

I never thought that I would be honored in this way.



Oh, my God.

Dr. McClintock looks wonderful on your breasts.

Lookin' good.

Oh, my God.

I'm glad I got Madame Curie.

I can't...

(crickets chirping)



Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What?

You can't make that move. Why?

Bishops can only move diagonally. I thought that was the castle.

That's a rook. It's called a rook. Chess is like school.

Why can't we just play checkers?

No, there's no sophisticated strategy in checkers.

How about we have a game of Ready, Set, Fun?

What? Christine's game? Yeah.

No, it's for children.

What, you think I'm gonna kick your ass in the Happy Hideaway?

No, we're playing chess, Booth.

Right. It's my move.

Here we go!

I'm not doing this, Booth.

Come on.

I'll be Tom Foolery...
(growls playfully)

...and you can be Wendy Whoopee!

No, no, no.

I'm always Hildy Highjinks.

Hildy Highjinks, right. You're getting into it, right?

Okay, tell you what: if you pick a card that says Two Giggles, you got to do a sh*t.

One game.

That's all it's gonna take.

Ready, set, pick.


I think I should come to the photo sh**t with you.

Ooh... I really do.

Not going to happen.


Dah! Two Giggles! Drink!

No, it's your card. You drink.

Hey... we both drink.


There it is.
(glasses clink)

Down the hatch.

Mmm. You know what?

I want to come to the photo sh**t with you.

You know, for science.


Look who's going to Happy Hideaway. (laughs)

Who's giggling now? Isn't this a lot better than chess?

What's that mean?