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03x05 - Unfinished Business

Posted: 04/02/23 11:58
by bunniefuu
Attention Sigma
-17 crew.

We are now entering the last quadrant on our patrol.


I can't wait to get back on Cybertron again.

All this flying makes me cranky.

So, what's your excuse on the ground? I think it's beautiful out here.

So mysterious and quiet.


That's the emergency channel.

Blades, patch the message through.

Damage Can't Need help We've lost contact.

Call HQ.

This patrol just became a rescue mission.

Cybertron isn't responding.

We must be too far out of communications range.

I might be able to boost the signal manually.

I'd have to go outside the ship.

No time.

Chase, follow the coordinates of that distress call, Max velocity.

Affirmative, Heatwave.

Looks like we might be too late.

Chase, stay here and keep trying Cybertron HQ till you get through.

Blades, bring your medi
-kit for survivors.

Boulder and I will stabilize their ship.


Our radar is detecting a strange object nearby.

And getting nearer.

It'll have to wait.

We've got a job to do.

Rescue Bots, power to the rescue.

Aah! Energon eater! Run! Oh, come on.

You can't stop the story there.

What happened next? A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots So there we were, in space, the Energon eater so close I could feel its stinking breath.

What happened? You were there, Blades.

I'm invested in the story.

Oh, boy.

Back to the ship! Hurry! I never knew Energon eaters were real.

I've heard the stories, but no one's ever seen one.

Or maybe they just haven't lived to tell about it.

You two make a run for it.

I'll hold this thing off.

No, Heatwave! You can't! Quickly! Inside! Thanks for the save, Chase.

Now let's get out of here.

The Max velocity drive requires more time to charge.

Initiating cloaking shield.

You think we lost it? I've heard once an Energon eater gets your scent, it never stops hunting you.

It is said the creatures can smell flowing Energon.

So any bot that crosses their path is dinner.

Hold on to something! Our ship can't take many more hits like that.

How long until the velocity drive is ready, Chase? At this rate of attack, too long.


Can't we hide our smell somehow? A gas cloud? Lots of blankets? Stasis.

If we freeze ourselves in the emergency pods, our Energon will be solid, not flowing.

That thing won't be able to scent us.

But our ship runs on flowing Energon too.

We'd have to shut it down.

Then how will we get home? I'll program the Sigma to restart when it gets a priority prime message.

Cybertron will send one as soon as we miss our check

Less talking.

More freezing! Heatwave.

We have not yet answered that ship's distress call.

Rescue Bots exist to provide aid, no matter how dangerous the circumstances.

We won't be able to do anything if that Energon eater gets us.

Into the stasis pods, now! Chase! That's an order! And the next thing we knew, our craft was headed to Earth.

If Optimus hadn't called us, we would have drifted in space forever, ever, ever, ever Forever.


Best story night ever, guys.

I didn't know space had vampires.

Nor did I.

What are vampires? They're creatures that live by sucking your blood.

Uh Energon.

I know about those.

They're called mosquitoes.

Uh, not exactly, Boulder.

Ooh, I've seen vampires on TV.

Energon eaters are way more scary.

They don't brood handsomely.

So, what happened to the other ship? The one that needed help? We left it behind.

The one mission we did not accomplish.

Some days I find it hard to call myself a Rescue Bot.

Emergency, team.

The river's flooding, and the area has to be evacuated now.

Cody, I'll need your eyes in the command center.

On my way, dad.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue.

Help! A little bit lower! I can't carry that many people inside.

How are we supposed to choose who to save? We don't have to.

We can carpool.

What are you doing? Come back! Over here! All citizens without gills and/or fins must evacuate this area okay, folks, the river's rising and there's not much time.

We'll secure your houses.

Get to City Hall and take only what you need.

Get in, and don't forget to buckle up.

Unh! Help! Quick! Is anybody near the falls? Mr.

Levy's about to go over! I got this.

Let's move, Heatwave.

Oh, you mean we got this? Doy.

You're my sidekick.

Your side will be the second place I kick.

All right, gotcha.

Bet you're not used to being the one getting caught, huh? Heh! Ah, just come on.

Help! Help me! I got this.

Cody, tell my sidekick I'm sorry.

Sorry about whoa! Ohh! Mrs.

Neederlander? That was too close.

All right, team.

We need to set up a new water break.

Most of town's flooded.

Let's start cleaning up.

Hey, guys.

I just heard from the Mayor.

All the townsfolk are safe and accounted for.

Finally, a little good news.

Hit the showers, team.

No thanks, dad.

I don't want to see any more water for awhile.

You better get used to it.

It'll take us weeks to clean up after that flood.

And a lot of rebuilding.

It is unthinkable.

We have failed our first mission on Earth.

What are you talking about? Didn't you hear Cody? We saved everyone.

This is high
-five time! No one? But we were unable to stop the river from flooding the town.

We can't control nature, Chase.

And our job isn't over yet.

It might take us some time to get the town back to normal, but we won't give up on our mission.

I repeat, rescue force Sigma
-17 to damaged transport ship, do you copy? Do you copy, transport ship? Damaged transport ship, do you copy? Uh, Chase? What are you doing? Attending to unfinished business.

Please respond.


You're trying to contact that ship you guys couldn't save.

I have never forgiven myself for abandoning them in need.

Chase, you had to.

The Energon vampire probably already got them, and it would've eaten you too.

Perhaps you are right.

It seems I must learn to live with my failure as a Rescue Bot.

Damage Can't need help No way.

That's the same message from your story.

Those aboard the ship must still be alive and in need of rescue.

We must return to space immediately, Heatwave.

Hold on.

You expect me to believe that damaged ship's been in danger all this time? That's kind of a long emergency.

Maybe the ship's crew went into stasis, like we did.

Then Chase's message woke them up.


This is our chance to return and finish our mission.

What about the mission Optimus gave us here? We may be the only ones to ever hear this message, Heatwave.

My spark insists I must attempt to help.

Whatever the consequence.

No, Chase.

And that's an order! Wait, Heatwave! I don't want him to go either.

But we have to let Chase do what he believes in.

It's part of why he's such a great Rescue Bot.


We'll cover for you here.

But be careful.

You'll need backup.

I'm going too.

Uh, if that's okay, Heatwave.

What? Oh! No way.

Not leaving.

But definitely rooting for you.

Graham and I need to make a few modifications to the ship before we go.

This time, we'll be prepared.

Remember, Boulder, as soon as your ship's in deep space, turn on Doc's odor
-blocking shield.

Hey, can we get some of that technology for Kade's feet? My feet don't smell.


Thanks, Graham.

If that Energon vampire's still out there, at least it won't be able to catch our scent.

Goodbye, everyone.

Sir, it has been an honor serving with you.

One I plan to continue.

Be careful, and come back soon.

That's an order, Chase.

- Take care!
- Good luck, guys! Aw, we'll miss you! You guys got this! I'll visit leafy for you! Bye Chase! Bye Boulder! Make us proud.

Oh, come on.

You call that a tap
-dancing cat? I've seen squirrels with better rhythm.

Hey, dad, what's up? It's time for me to go out on patrol.

Blades, would you mind filling in as my police partner? You mean it? We'll get donuts together.

Oh, and tell inside jokes and exchange stories about our toughest cases.

We might even enforce the law.

Uh, wait, chief? Am I the good cop or the bad cop? We're police, not cops.

And we're both good.

Follow that car! I'm so excited! My first pursuit! Uh, Blades? What are you doing? Oh, I don't have a siren, so I'm making one.

Why don't we try this in stealth mode? And I'm gonna need you to fly lower and faster.

Lower? But there are trees down there.

Just weave your way through them.

Now I know where Dani gets her stern voice from.

I am definitely the good cop.

Hey, Kade, can I borrow Heatwave for a ride to the airfield? N

He won't even drive me to Hayley's.

It's Graham's turn with him.

Just hold her still, buddy.

Uh, er, Heatwave.

Here, let me help you with that.


Uh Maybe I should start on my Gremski Tech homework instead.

I can help with that too.

Uh, that's okay, Heatwave.

I'm filling in for Boulder.

This is what he does, right? Well, yes, but You can read me the equations as I put them on the board.

Um, squiggly sign, x, upside down two, triangle This is supposed to make sense? Cody? It's time for dinner.

I know they're too far to see.

But I miss Chase and Boulder.

Me too, son.

Me too.

We should be nearing the coordinates of the damaged ship.

I will check the visual.

More space wrecks? It seems our rescue services are desperately needed.

Lowering odor
-blocking shield for deployment.

Hello? Anybody here? Hello? This is the Rescue Bots.

We are here to assist.

I am Chase.

If you are in need of help, please respond.

We are not selling anything.


Look at this.

It's the Captain's log.

"No one responded to our distress call.

" The ship has malfunctioned beyond repair.

All my crew escaped in survival pods.

I am taking what cargo I can and abandoning this vessel.

"End log.

" But the time stamp on this entry shows it was made before we received the ship's original emergency call.

Long before.

How could anybody have contacted us if no one is aboard? Damage Can't Need help The message.

Where is it coming from? I'm not sure.

This computer shouldn't even have power.



Cody's Energon vampire.

It's using the stored Energon in its tail to power up the ship's computer.

The creature is the one sending those distress calls.

And I flew us into its trap.

Guess we're not the only ones here to finish a job.

I could almost respect the vampire for that.

Were it not diabolical, lawless, and about to eat us.

This time it won't get a chance.

Power up and energize! Eat our stardust.

Powering up odor shield and setting a course for Griffin Rock.

That's odd.

The ship is not responding to my commands.

The vampire sucked the Energon out of our power core.

There's no way to activate the ship's shields or go home.

Perhaps one of the wrecks outside has Energon we can use.

I don't think so.

The vampire probably lured those ships here to feed on them.

The only Energon around is inside that creature.

Then that is what we'll use.

We'd have to catch that thing first, and it's fast.

Thanks to chief, I am excellent at high
-speed pursuits.

Cover me.

You are under arrest for Energon theft and general unpleasantness.

It appears Cody was incorrect.

Energon vampires are much more persistent than mosquitoes.

Chase! Transform! Hope this works.

Otherwise, we're stuck here forever.

I thought you enjoyed space.

Not enough to change my address.

- Yes!
- Outstanding! Once our ship's powered up, I'll patch up the damage.

We'll have just enough Energon to get home.

The question that remains is, what do we do with sparky? I think that's a question for Optimus Prime.

Then I believe we can declare this mission accomplished.

Welcome home! Finally! Oh, we missed you! Good to see you, bud.

What happened? Did you help the people who sent the message? Did you see another Energon vampire? See it? We caught it.

Pictures, or it didn't happen.

Aah! It happened! It happened! But how? You visited Optimus? That is a tale for story night.

In the meantime, it is good to be home.

And we're glad to have you back.

Really glad.

You have no idea.

Could not do it without you, bud.

I hate being a cop, good or bad.

Does that homework stuff actually make sense to you? Guess this mission will keep you busy for a long time.