04x08 - Crusade

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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04x08 - Crusade

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SWAT ANNIE: She's having the same nightmares again.

Ever since our house got shot up, I What are we supposed to do?

I booked a session tomorrow with Dr.


For the last few months, I've been working with Agent Carr in the FBI's counterterrorism division to monitor a new crop of white supremacist groups popping up in L.


Hate crimes have been on the upswing the last few years.

We're trying to get ahead of their darker urges.

- Great job at the sh**t house.

- Thanks, Erica.

It's nice seeing you in a SWAT uniform.

Learn everything you can,

- and you'll move up the ranks.

- How'd you do it?

I look for every opportunity, like the TLI liaison thing.

Tan's got one more cadre than me.

Street's been central to huge undercover ops.

I should have beat him.

When I first met Street, he was the guy with the crazy mom who then got kicked out of SWA and barely made it back.

Now he's got it all figured out, and I'm in my 30s and still living in my uncle's garage.

I've been looking around, for a new place.

Might be able to lock down something swanky with a roommate to share costs.

So, what do you say?

- Are you kidding?

Hell yeah!

- Oh, great.

NEWS ANCHOR: Breaking news.

LAPD officers are in pursuit of an armed suspect who reportedly just robbed a gas station, sh**ting and k*lling the owner.

The suspect has continued to fire on police during the wild pursuit.

But now it looks like they have him pinned in.

(SIRENS WAILING) CHRIS: Suspect exited the vehicle, is heading into the quarry! In foot pursuit! I'm a minute out.

Stay on him.

TAN: I see him! He's on the pallets.

He jumped over to the east side.

We got to go around.

Suspect jumped over the east side of the wall.

We lost visual.

We need eyes in the sky.

PILOT: Air 3.

Suspect spotted.

He's heading for the main building.


- Up there! Chris, Tan, take the stairs.


Street, we'll take the exits.

Let's lock him down.

Police! Stop! (g*nf*re) Split.

I'll take the ladder, cut him off on the right.

Take the left.

(g*n FIRES, CLICKS EMPTY) (g*n DROPS) Suspect is heading outside on the conveyor belt.

He's on an ATV headed north! Roger that.

DEACON: Hondo, he's trying to slip us.

I'm on him.

I can't get a safe shot at the tires.

I'm gonna give Hondo some backup.

DEACON: Hondo, I'm in the Tahoe.

Where do you want me?

Deac, we're coming back.

Help me cut him off, and we'll pin him in.

HONDO: Airship 3, I need you to hover low enough to kick up a dust cloud.

Copy that.

You're under arrest.

You the one that took him down?

Nah, I can't take credit, Durham.

Hondo got him.

Guy was like the Road Runner.

Except the Road Runner never got caught.

Well, this shift is officially over.

I think we all deserve a cold beer.

I got sand in places you do not want sand.

Shower first, then beer?

I can't.

Erika and I still have some unpacking to do.

- HONDO: How's the apartment?

- Sweet.


-site gym.

Rooftop pool.

What's not to love?

You're coming to the housewarming, right?

Yeah, no doubt.

Street wants to know if he can bring his floatie.

It's an Inflatabull.

Figured we could have a little rodeo contest.


You know you want to be rodeo queen.

Hey, Hondo, you got someone to cover for me tomorrow?

I haven't checked out the roster yet.


Are you not riding with us?


I got to take the day off.

Family business per the wife.

This the private school tour?

What's wrong with public school?

- Nothing.

Don't get me started.

- CHRIS: Erika could cover for you.

Rocker's team has tomorrow off.

She'd be down for it.

If she wants in, Chris, I'll clear it with Hicks.

DISPATCHER: Armed robbery in progress at Osborne and Grant.

- When it rains, it pours.

- TAN: Our shift's over, but that's pretty close to here.

Let's roll.



Arrived at location.

Building's on fire.

Deacon, Chris, check the three side.

- Anyone inside?

- Fire department's on its way.

- Tan, keep everyone back.

- LAPD! Let's go.

Back up.

Back up.

Let's go.

I see someone.

I'm grabbing the Halligan.

Go, go, go, go.

- I got you.

- I got shot in my leg.

- Can you stand?

- I'll try.

- Come on.


(SCOFFS SOFTLY) RHD pulled security camera footage from the convenience store robbery yesterday.

They I.


the sh**t, need us to bring him in?

Not yet, but check this out.

Give me the money.

Let's go.

Come on.

The guy I arrested yesterday was wearing the same kind

- of bandana.

- Exactly.

Same bandana, different creep.

The guy you busted is named Christopher May.

There's no priors, so we don't know much about him.

But look at this.

TAN: The two robberies are linked?

There's been a spate of armed robberies and arsons the past few days.

Bodega, Indian supermarket, two Chinese restaurants.

So far, there's three dead.

Two other victims are in the hospital in critical condition.

The att*cks are all against minority

-owned businesses?

The owner of the convenience store Wasn't he a Filipino immigrant?

Yeah, and the gas station owner who was k*lled yesterday was Asian American.

Well, witness reports for the bodega and the supermarket robberies say the suspects were white, and they were also wearing American flag bandanas.

Both robberies happened around the same time we were chasing down May.

So there's other suspects out there.

Yeah, but these aren't just run



-mill smash


-grabs like we were thinking.

No, they're coordinated hate crimes.

I've already called Agent Carr.

You think this is the white supremacist group

- she's been chasing?

- What were they called?

The Imperial Dukes.


That's my worry.

RHD said he clammed up like a bad oyster when they tried interviewing him.

Oh, shame.

I was really looking forward to hearing his views on race relations.

- I hear ya.

- You think his, uh, buddies watched you take his ass down on live TV yesterday?

Wonder what they think of him now.

HONDO: You were looking at armed robbery and a homicide charge.

That's a life sentence right there.

But now we know it wasn't any old robbery


It was a premeditated hate crime, which means a federal charge, supermax prison.

Come on.

You're not gonna let us hear how smart you are?

Not even just one word?

I don't have one word for you.

I got 14.

HONDO: (SCOFFS) An Iron Cross.

- Subtle.

- You won't replace us.

And very soon, you're gonna see what happens when you try.

14 words.

White supremacist slogan.

And the Iron Cross is a n*zi symbol.

Guess we know who we're dealing with at least.

But not what we're dealing with.

Got that buzzy feeling in my stomach like first



-school butterflies.

You're already playing in the big leagues.

You're just switching teams for the day.

Nothing to be nervous about.

Took me a few weeks to get in the rhythm of Rocker's team.

Don't want to mess up my chance to impress.

You won't.

By the way, what happened to that guy last night?

The Michael B.

Jordan look

-alike you were chatting up at the, uh, restaurant.


You got his number?

Did you go home with him?

(LAUGHS) (CHUCKLES) Judging by that grin, I'm guessing you had fun.


He even made me breakfast in bed.

He's a chef at this fancy restaurant with a Michelin star.

Makes a k*ller eggs Benedict.

Didn't you guys go to Bootie's last night?

You know that place is a badge bunny hangout, right?

Guys can't be badge bunnies.

That's not a thing.

Are you kidding me?

It's totally a thing.

There are a lot of dudes who find women in uniform very sexy.

He was not a badge bunny.

If you say so.

(CHUCKLES) EVANS: We have a state



-art robotics lab, three science labs, an Olympic

-sized swimming pool, two libraries Do you offer Mandarin?

EVANS: We do, as well as Japanese, French, Spanish, ancient Greek and Latin.

Ancient Greek?

Well, that's useful.

We also have an organic juice bar and coffee cart on campus.

Ah, what a relief.

Wasn't sure how Lila was gonna cope without her double

-shot macchiato to power her through recess.

How many of your students are eventually accepted into an Ivy League college?

Approximately 29%, which is among the highest in the country.

Now, over in the distance you can see our science lab, paid for by generous donations of our parents.

The fees alone, you could buy yourself a small island in the Caribbean.

You got to make donations, too?

- David, shh.

- I know you have our information packets, but I want to assure you that I'm available throughout the tour and after to answer any questions.

Uh, I

-I have a question.

How much do you need to donate in order to secure a spot for your kid?

We take a number of factors into account, not just a family's ability to contribute to our fundraising campaigns.

We look at whether the whole family, and not just the child, is a good fit with the school.

Shall we continue?

Hey, Santos.

I was just coming to find you.

- How you doing?

- Doctor says I'm lucky.

Not sure I feel it.

Please, tell me you caught the man who robbed me.

Not yet, but we think it was a racially motivated crime.

I won the lottery, you know for a green card.

It's all I ever wanted To come to America.

My family pooled their savings, everything, to buy me a ticket here, to help me start a business.

I had no idea it would be like this.

I don't have enough insurance to cover the damages.

This will break me.

Do you have any family or friends,

- anyone who might be able to help?

- No.

All I've done since I came here is work.

Now I've got nothing.

How do I stay?

The only helpful thing I can say right now is, we're doing our absolute best to find this guy, and you'll be the first to know when we do.

All right?

I can't believe we're having this conversation.

She's not going there.

Since when do you make unilateral decisions about things that concern our children?

Annie, come on.

How can you think that sending her to that stuck

-up place

- is a good idea?

- How could you think it's not?

Kids need to grow up around other kids from different backgrounds.

That's how you get them ready for the real world, not with $15 green tea

- and ancient Greek.

- I agree.

And our public school is fine.


-And for the other kids, that's the way we'll go, but Lila is struggling.

Her grades are dropping, and

-and she hasn't been herself since our house got shot up.

You don't realize the impact this has had on her, David.

How can you say that?

Because every time I bring it up, you say "kids are resilient," but that's not always the case.


-and this year's been brutal on her, with the school closures, I mean, on top of everything else.

(SIGHS HEAVILY) I thought therapy was working.

Her therapist is the one who recommended she move schools.

And this school has a counselor who's trained in supporting kids with anxiety.

They have small classes, one


-one support.

And then there's the theater and art programs, which she thinks will really help Lila's confidence.

What about the academic pressure?

I mean, you heard that parent today asking about how many of their students get into Ivy League schools.

- His kid's going into pre


- I've done my research.

Autrey is much less pressured than the other private schools.

And Lila's smart.


-I'm not worried about that.

I'm worried about her hating school so much that she's just gonna stop engaging altogether.

- What about cost?

- We can afford it.

The security business has taken off.

You said so yourself.

We've paid all our debts.

We have money in the bank, which I'm so grateful for.

But what is the point of you working so hard if we can't spend the money on our kids?

(STAMMERS) Hey it's not a luxury.

If she gets in, she's going.

That's gonna take a miracle now that you've pissed off the head of admissions.

(SIGHS) So, housewarming.

I'll handle the margaritas.

You handle the music.


Let's hope they deliver the sofa by then, or else we'll all be sitting on the floor.


There you are.

Hey, what's this I hear about you and a badge bunny?


It wasn't a secret, was it?

TAN: So, it was a guy.

Does that make him a badge Bugs Bunny?

(FORCED LAUGH) That's very funny.

CHRIS: Ignore them.

They'll eventually get distracted by loud noises and wander off.

STREET: On the straight though, I have heard some horror stories.

There was this one woman down in Long Beach, she used to drive around until she passed a patrol car, and then she'd tap the gas and then go speeding by, just so that

- they'd pull her over.

- You hear about that rookie cop who went home with that woman he met on patrol?

Next day she shows up at the precinct with a plate of cookies, iced with the LAPD logo.

STREET: Yeah, yeah, yeah.


-then she started posting poems on his social media, sending him love letters.

Finally, they put a restraining order on her.

So she drives her car into the precinct, smashes through the wall, leaves her underwear on his desk.

Now she's writing him sonnets from prison.

I was coming to find you.

There's been another attack.

This time it looks like an attempted mass sh**ting.

- Where?

- Your neighborhood, South L.


Hair salon on Fremont.

Faith and Glory's.

Yeah, I know the place.

My mother's been getting her hair done there for 30 years.

- Wait a minute.


- Don't worry.

No one got hurt, except the suspect.

He got k*lled by a customer, ex


Happened to be carrying concealed.

Suspect managed to get a few sh*ts off, but luckily didn't hit anyone.

STREET: Got an I.


Tobius Young.

Few priors for misdemeanor as*ault.

Take a wild guess as to what he was wearing.

Flag bandana.

- Yep.

- Look at this.

May has the same tattoo on his arm.

HICKS: An Iron Cross.

That's not uncommon with this crowd.

- No, but it's the exact same design.

- (PHONE VIBRATING) I bet both tattoos were done by the same artist.

I'll look into it.

This is Agent Carr.

Let me patch her through.

Agent Carr, thanks for joining us.

No problem.

I read the files you e

-mailed over.

You think it's the Imperial Dukes?

Certainly looks like it.

So far their M.


has been to carry out arson att*cks and robberies against minority businesses, but we've been tracking talk online, and it suggests they're escalating.

Calls for mass sh**t and att*cks on places of worship.

We've identified two suspects so far, trying to I.


the remaining ones.

Could use your help.

None of these guys are on our radar.

The problem with the Imperial Dukes is they operate in independent cells, each comprised of between four and eight individuals.

Makes it hard to I.


anyone and even harder to connect the cells.

How many cells we talking about?

Oh, we estimate that nationwide there are hundreds and growing.

In L.


, we guess there are currently three or four active cells.

Now, given the timings of these att*cks and the fact they seem coordinated, I'd guess that so far, it's probably the work of just one cell.

So there could be six or seven other suspects out there?

All armed and willing to carry out similar att*cks?

Yes, but the danger is the other cells will see this as a call to arms.

Well, we fight these guys today, more spring up tomorrow.


They aren't going away.

If anything, they're growing stronger.

Every time we take down a new cell,

- another one takes its place.

- What can you tell us about 'em?

Oh, think of the Imperial Dukes as neo

-Nazis crossed with the KKK.

Um, swastikas and as*ault r*fles instead of hoods and burning crosses.

They believe America is a white Christian nation and that it's under attack.

From people of color.

Don't forget the Jews and Muslims.

Basically, anyone who doesn't fit their narrow idea of what an American should be.

They have a leader?


Posts his screeds online, calling for his followers to "rise up and exterminate the vermin before the country is overrun.

" That their ultimate goal?

Hitler's final solution?

Their manifesto calls for a crusade.

Terror and mass killings, all in the hope it will kick off a race w*r.

Deac, thought you had the day off.

Yeah, just a couple things I need to do.

What's happening?

Just waiting on an investigation into something.


Can I ask you something?

Yeah, sure.

You went to private school, right?


From middle school on.

- Was it worth it?

- You mean, was it worth my parents spending all that money on my education?

I don't know.

Why do you ask?

Well, we went on that tour today, and, uh, Annie's convinced that Lila needs to go there.

But you're not.

(SIGHS) I mean, the parking lot was full of Porsches and Beamers.

And every kid that goes there seems to have their own YouTube channel.


-I think it's the wrong environment.



private schools are a whole new level of crazy.

Look, I was one of three Asian kids at my school, and I got along just fine, for the most part.

If anything, it was my parents who felt like the odd ones out.

We weren't as well

-off as some of the other families, and they didn't speak great English back then.

But they still made it to every game and parent conference.

Thinking about it now, I guess it was worth it.

Definitely gave me a lot of confidence.

You should've seen me before I went there.

I was the shyest kid in my class.

You expect me to believe that?

Let me know what you decide.

Miss Faith.


Look at you.


- No.

Come on, now.


- Look at you.

How you doing?

I heard about your hair salon this morning, and I'm so sorry.

Not as sorry as that man laying dead in my shop.

Grateful though.

Could've been a lot worse.

Shop's a mess though.

And I had to come in and give my statement.

How long are you gonna be closed for?

I'll be open by tomorrow morning.

(CHUCKLES) Can't disappoint my customers.

(CHUCKLES) You know, my grandfather was a preacher.

Knoxville, Tennessee.

His church was burned to the ground.

Back in the '60s?


Remember all those, uh, arson att*cks?

Black churches?

Yes, I do.

He built that church three times over.

They kept burning it down.

He kept building it right back up.

So I have no excuse.

Well, if there's one thing I know about you, Faith, is you come from a family of fighters.

Do I have any other option?

(CHUCKLES) You tell your mama I'll see her on Friday.

You're welcome to pop on by anytime you want.

- Door's always open.

- All right.

- Yes.

- You stay safe out there.

But you know if you need anything, I got your back.

Thank you.



Uh, you remember Vanessa.

Her daughter goes to day care with Victoria.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

Nice to see you again.

- You, too.

- Her children go to Autrey, so she's helping me fill out this application form.

Mind if I join?


So, uh what do we got to do, just fill this out?

I think I should maybe prepare you.

I hate to say it, but you have more of a chance of being selected for a NASA space mission than you have of getting her into Autrey.

It can't be that hard,

- can it?

- It is, believe me.

But if you hold certain cards and you know how to use them,

- then you definitely have an advantage.

- Let me guess: Making a six

-figure donation to the school's capital fund?


There are other cards, though.

Does Lila have any skills or special talents?

Like, does she speak a second language?


Does she code?

Uh, does she play an instrument, maybe?

- She plays the clarinet.

- Oh.


But not very well.

- No.

- Okay, well,

- what about sports?

- She takes after me, not David, in the sports department,

- so

- You also need people who can vouch for you.

I mean, obviously, I can put in a word, but if you know anyone on the board (SIGHS): Ultimately, though, it's the head of admissions you need to win over.

I mean, those people are like Saint Peter guarding the gates of heaven.

Uh, and Marian Evans may look like a pushover, but believe me, many people have tried to win her over and failed.

I guessed it was prison ink from the stippling I was right.

May got his tattoo in jail.

Showed up on his inmate record.

I ran the names of other prisoners he was inside with and found this guy.

Jedd Barstow.

Barstow did five years for gunrunning.

He's out now, and he's got a tattoo parlor in Chatsworth.

Big biker hangout.

Some motorcycle gangs like to mix the open road with a little white supremacy.


This is the guy's website.

He's got an online gallery full of r*cist ink.

Let's see what he knows.

He's done time on weapons charges.

SWAT needs to be the ones that bring him in.


Let's get on it.


Yeah, what?

Oh! (GRUNTS) Stop squirming like a baby.

You're under arrest.

But it's not finished She's only got one wing.

Guess she'll be flying in circles, then.

Come on.

Barstow's not talking, either.

You only run from SWAT if you're incredibly stupid Or you think you got nothing to lose.

You see the tattoo wall of fame?


- More like wall of shame.

There's a break in the wall.

Looks like a door.

Check out all this stuff.

The Imperial Dukes are definitely meeting here.

Interesting version of church.

Guess I'm at the top of their hit list.

My dad's Black and my mom's white.

CHRIS: I'm a bisexual Latina from an immigrant family, sure they love me.

Yeah, all of us.

I don't even know what a race w*r is.


Guess they figure if they push hard enough, eventually people are gonna push back.

Cue riots.

End of days.

The U.


suddenly becomes a white Christian caliphate.

- Totally makes sense.

- It's just propaganda.

They need someone to hate, 'cause they know they're on their way out.

Power's slipping away, and they know it.

Happy to speed that process up.

The danger is to all the people who are gonna get hurt before we stop them.

TAN: There's nothing here that gives us any clue as to what they might have planned next.

We don't even know who the other members of the cell are.

If this is their sicko version of church, you think they have meetings on Sundays?

That's the one day the tattoo parlor is closed.

We can ask for a geofence warrant, get a list of all the active cell phones within the area on Sundays.

Should get us I.


s of everyone who attends church.


Then we can bring them all in for confession.


- Oh, God.

- What?

It's him from last night.

He's texting me.

Michael B.


- What does he want?

- Another date.

- Hey, that's a good thing, right?

- I don't know.

To be honest, you and Street kind of have me freaked out.

What if he's got some kind of cop fetish, and it's more about the uniform than me?

You said you had fun with him.

Yeah, he was super cute.

TAN: And he hasn't plowed through HQ's walls not yet, at least.

Geofence warrant came back?

Cell phone records confirm that Tobius Young The hair salon sh**t And Christopher May The gas station robber Both met at Barstow's tattoo parlor, along with these two.

HICKS: Abel McConnell.

From his height and build, we think he's the convenience store robber.

Then there's Julian Matthews, Army veteran, dishonorably discharged for a violent hazing

- against a Black cadet.

- His social media is full of, uh,

- well, exactly what you'd imagine.

- He's also posted links to t*rror1st att*cks

- in other countries.

- We found the last known address for him Place out in the Valley.

I'll call Agent Carr, have her meet us out there with her team.

Let's go, then.

There's no sign of Matthews.

We did a full search, but the place is a maze Half a dozen outbuildings,

- piles of junk everywhere.

- We found a g*n safe in one of the buildings Managed to get it cracked.

He's got more weapons stockpiled than the National Guard Armory.

HICKS: Might be an idea to put the place under surveillance in case Matthews or anyone else comes back.

CARR: Agreed.

I'll pull my team out and put agents on round


-clock watch.

TAN: Hey, check this out.

I found Matthews.

He's livestreaming right now.

I told you we'd be back.

The Imperial Dukes are on a crusade.

And now it's time for the first skirmish

- against one of your enemies.

- HICKS: Where is he?

I have no idea.

Wait a minute.

I recognize that building.

Yeah, that's the Weiss Jewish Community Center.

I'll call them and tell them you're on your way.

Go! All 20

-Squad, get to the Gurkha, ASAP.


Is that g*nf*re?

Stay down.

Stay down.

Don't move! Come on! (g*nf*re CONTINUES IN DISTANCE) We need to call the police.

They're on their way.


(ALARM CONTINUES BUZZING) I know you're in here! Can't hide forever! (ALARM CONTINUES BUZZING) HONDO: He's still livestreaming.


-David to 24

-David, he's in a large hallway.

Heading into the east wing.

(PANTING SOFTLY) Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

! Come out, come out, wherever you are.



Keep it down.

(SHUSHING) Keep it down.


Baby, you got to be quiet.

He can hear us.


Kitchen area.

(MUFFLED CRYING) (CRYING QUIETLY) (MUFFLED CRYING) You hear the piggies squealing?

Well, they're gonna squeal a whole lot more.

HONDO: LAPD! Put it on the ground! Put it down! On the ground.

And the phone, too.

Get your hands off me, you n Finish that sentence.

Finish it.

HONDO: Commander, any word on the last suspect, McConnell?


But you'll be the first to know as soon as I hear something.

Yeah, I'm not sure I would have been able to keep my cool if I was in your shoes.

You're not in my shoes, sir.

Well, true.


-I only meant that I wouldn't blame you if you were angry.

Who says I'm not?

What, because I didn't beat that guy's ass when I had the chance to?

Sir, I live being Black every day.

They want us to get angry.

They want us to react.

They're trying to provoke us into fighting back, but I just ain't into giving these clowns what they want.


I'm I'm sorry you had to go through all that.


- Erika.

- Hey.

Hey, listen, it was good having you out there with my team today.

Now I can see why Rocker's a little worried that I might steal you for 20



(CHUCKLES) Good job.

Your ride?


Still got some payments left,

- but this is my baby.

- Sweet.

Where you zooming off to?

I thought I'd go to that convenience store while we got some downtime.

The one that got firebombed by McConnell?

Yeah, I wanted to tell the owner that we caught the guy that robbed him, but seeing as I can't do that, figured I'd at least lend a hand cleaning up the mess, you know?

Well, you want some company?


Yeah, that'd be great.


Maybe we should ask the others.

- Many hands make light work.

- All right.

- Mr.


- Hi.

I was actually just coming to see you.

Um, you got a minute?

You can walk me to my car.


-I just I need to apologize.


-I came into this process with the wrong attitude.

See, I work in public service, and

- and I believe in public schools.

- I understand.

Autrey isn't for everyone.

Well, that

-that's the thing.

Um, see, I

-I really do think that

-that this is the right place for Lila.

She's been struggling where she is, and, to tell you the truth, it's my fault.

I brought my work home with me, and it's affected her.

I know.

I read about what happened in the paper.


Well, she's

-she's still shaken up by it.

See, my wife and I, we agree that she could really benefit from coming here.

All right.

Well, um, if you fill out the application and she does well on her ISEE Um, I

-I should warn you, though,

- the application process is very

- Competitive.

No, I know.


-I'm not worried about Lila's scores.

She's a smart kid.

I am worried that as a family, we wouldn't score as high as others.

See, I

-I can't, um I can't afford to write a blank check every year to f

-finance a new science wing.

But I can contribute in other ways, ways that are more valuable.

For example, there are critical errors

- in your security plan here.

- Excuse me?

You don't have a relationship with a public safety official,

- as recommended by the state.

- Yes, we do.

Ken DeMarco.

Yeah, he's listed as your liaison, but, well, he retired from LAPD last year.

When was the last time you had SWAT run a rapid response practice here?

I looked it up.


-It was five years ago.

And since then, you have added a science block.

You've added a cafeteria.

The blueprints and the floor plans that LAPD has for this school, they're out of date.

Now, I could volunteer my time, be your SWAT liaison.

I could take some time to look over the security plan, make sure it's up to par.

I'm sure the parents at this school are very security

-conscious with the way the world is.

Thank you.


-I'm sure the board would appreciate that.

You're welcome.

- I'll

-I'll get right on it.

- Okay.

Um, Mr.


I meant what I said.


-I look forward to seeing Lila's transcript.

And if it's good and she scores well, we'll be happy to consider her application.

Thank you.

STREET: So, you text that badge bunny back yet?

(SCOFFS) You guys tell each other everything?

No secrets between family.

And now you're an honorary member of the 20

-Squad family,

- so get used to it.

- TAN: So, what's up?

Are you gonna see this guy again or what?

I think I'm gonna politely decline.

Hey, I met my girl at a coffee shop.

She flirted with me, asked me straight up for my number.

Later, she told me it was the uniform that did it for her.

Wasn't like she was into cops, though.

I was the first one

- she'd dated.

- And the last.

They're getting married.

- Oh, congrats.

- STREET: Tan's right, though.

Don't let us put you off.

I mean, we're just teasing.

Yeah, if you like this guy, you should give him a shot.

And then report back to us on how it went.

TAN: And if he does turn out to be some crazy dude who's into poetry, we can help you fast

-track the restraining order.

(CHUCKLES) Thank you.

I don't know what else to say but thank you.

I just called my family to tell them.

They all say the same.

You gonna be able to get back in business?

My father says to ignore the haters and never quit on my dreams.

I'll find a way.

(PHONES BEEPING) TAN: All right, sorry, Santos.

We got a hit.

We'll try to swing by later.

McConnell was spotted entering the compound

- about 40 minutes ago.

- Guys doing surveillance thought they heard a single g*nsh*t not long after.

And McConnell hasn't responded to multiple attempts at contact since.

- You think it's su1c1de?

- HICKS: Maybe.

Or he could be barricaded inside somewhere, waiting for us to make a move.

I mean, we got helicopters, but there's no way of getting eyes on him.

All the windows are boarded up.

CARR: If he is still alive, we don't want this turning into a siege that he can then turn into a press conference to promote their agenda.

It's better we go in sooner rather than later.

FBI has asked SWAT to do the honors.

Their HRT is on a mission down in Long Beach.

I'll ready my team for entry.



-David, no sign of the suspect.

(THUDDING) I hear movement.

Someone's going up the stairs.


-David, we've got movement on the stairs.

Give me two! (g*nf*re) sh*ts fired! Coming from the attic.

He's above us.

Somewhere in the ceiling.

- What's happening?

- He's in the attic! We need cover! (SHOUTS) I'm hit! EMT and an ambulance are standing by.

- Tell me when you're Code 4 for entry.

- I'll cover you.

Go! Go! Get him out! Cease

-fire! Street.

(expl*si*n) Suspect down.

Clear for entry.

Let's go.



Another scar to add to the collection.

(CHUCKLES) You okay?


I think I was hit, too.

We need a medic! CHRIS: Come on.


- Over here! Now! CHRIS: Erika! (GRUNTING) Come on! Come on.

(PANTING) Don't stop.

You got to keep going.

- I'm really sorry.

- Don't stop.

- Don't.

- I'm sorry.

(GRUNTING) Come on! Stop.

She's gone.

She's gone.

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