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03x14 - No Good Deed

Posted: 04/17/23 10:07
by bunniefuu
- Previously on The Equalizer...
- You know what to do, man.

JACKSON: It's not like it's
a full-time hustle, all right?

Every now and again I get paid
to deliver these packages.

When you take shortcuts,

eventually you get cut short.

- Just don't tell Manny, all right?
- I won't.

But maybe you should.

No business is conducted near my gym.



You want some more of the old man combo?

I did get into it with a guy at the gym.


Give me a name.



MAN: Why is this bus stopping here?

- Are they lost?
- WOMAN: I don't know.


ELENA: This is a shameful stunt.

These people have fled
unthinkable situations,

only to be greeted in the U.S.
by a calculating prankster

posing as a caring politician.

They're human beings,
not political pawns.

And they need our help.

That's why I've invited
Jaime and Marisol Perez

into my home,

to give them the support they need

until they can get on their feet.

I'm trying to lead by example

and inspire others to do the same.



Jaime? Marisol?

♪ ♪





Who's in there?

Get away from me. Let go.

- Stop!
- (g*nshots)


DELILAH: Morning.

- Morning, Auntie.
- VI: Morning.

You ate already?

Early bird catches the worm.

And the eggs, apparently.

I'll make you some fresh.

Oh, that's pretty good.

- A student's?
- VI: It is.

Everything all right with
that new teaching gig?

Oh, it's wonderful.

Students are great.

- Very talented.
- Mm.

I'm sensing a "but" coming...

I'm concerned about this one student.


I think there's trouble at home.

Look at this.

He always paints a happy family,

but there's always
this figure in shadow,

separate from everyone else.

You talked to him about it?

I don't even know how to begin.

He just... he's so quiet.

He hardly says a word in class.

Yeah, it sounds like
he may need some help.

Lucky for him,
he has you as his teacher.



I got a client meeting.

But Dee is right.

You should talk to him.

If anyone can get through to this child,

Aunt Vi, it's you.

♪ ♪

Let's start at the beginning.
Tell me what happened.

My husband Jaime...

...the police said that he tried to k*ll

Elena Acevedo.

The congresswoman?

I've been following that story.
She's in critical condition.

- But he didn't do it.
- The news said

he was covered in blood
when the cops found him

fleeing the scene.

How do you explain that?

He heard a g*nsh*t.

He went downstairs and found Elena.

He called ,
but he got scared and ran.

He knew nobody here would believe him.

And where were you at the time?

I was helping out at the shelter.

This is surreal.

Back home in Venezuela,
we were respected.

I was a teacher,

Jaime had his MBA.

Since we've been here,

people treat us like we're dirt.

Sorry about that.

We weren't
even supposed to be in New York.

They told us we were going to Boston,

but like everything else,
that was a lie.

Wait, you came up on those buses

that were sent up from the border?

Now I wish we'd never come, but...

we didn't have much of a choice.

I love my country,

but it is broken...

crime, poverty, food shortages.

We kept hoping things would get better,

but it only got worse.

We spent every penny that we had

just to get to the border.

We traveled on foot for weeks.

Starving. Many didn't make it.

Sounds like hell.

It was.

I never would have survived
if it wasn't for Jaime.

My husband is a good man.

We have nowhere else to go.


will you help us?

They were so hopeful
when they boarded that bus.

Now they're living a nightmare.

The congresswoman was

one of the few people
who was really trying to help.

Any word on how she's doing?

Last I read, she was in surgery.

Reports are saying
it could go either way.

Why would someone want to k*ll her?

She was really outspoken...
made her pretty divisive.

She's made a lot of enemies.

And there's no evidence

saying that Jaime is one of them.

But the press and the public

seem ready to convict him
even before he's tried.

I'll talk to Dante,

find out where NYPD is at
with their investigation.

Maybe he can arrange for me
to talk to Jaime.

Hear his side of things.

Evidence against Jaime's only
circumstantial so far.

What do you have?

Jaime was living in the house,

and there were no signs of a break-in.

What about the m*rder w*apon?

w*apon's MIA.

But Elena's . is also missing.

And based on the initial ballistics,

Elena was sh*t with a ., so...

So you think she was sh*t
with her own g*n?

I'm about to speak to her husband,

see what he can tell us.

Husband have an alibi?

He was out of town
when the sh**ting happened.

No unusual bank activity,
phone records are clean.

I'll let you know
if I find out anything.

Pharmacy, pick up .

Pharmacy, pick up...

Mr. Acevedo?

I'm Detective Dante.

I know this is a difficult time,

but I have a few questions for you.

I thought you had Jaime in custody.

We just want to make sure
we got the right guy.

Was there any animosity
between your wife and Jaime?


I mean, he seemed nice,
but we didn't really know him.

Now I feel like an idiot for leaving.

Thank God our son was with
my parents for the weekend.

I don't know
what I'm gonna tell him if...

I understand you were
in Chicago on business

when it happened.

I rushed back as soon as I heard.

When you got home,

was there anything missing
or out of place?

I haven't been home yet.

I don't think I can go back there

without Elena with me.

DOCTOR: Mr. Acevedo.

That's Elena's doctor.


I've been sent to help you,
but I need to know something.

Did you sh**t Congresswoman Acevedo?


Why would I hurt her?

She's the only person giving us hope.

Look, I want to believe you,

but you got to help me out.

Did you see or hear
anything suspicious that night?

Any indication that there was
someone else in the house?

No. I...

I was exhausted. I-I fell asleep early.

All I remember is a g*nsh*t
woke me up and then...

I can't stop thinking about her
lying in all that blood.

I tried to help her.

I would never hurt
Congresswoman Acevedo.

I swear.


Dante, what's up?

Bad news.

Congresswoman Acevedo just d*ed
on the operating table.

- I'm so sorry.


DANTE: You know what this means.

Charges against Jaime Perez
are being upped... m*rder.

If we're gonna exonerate Jaime,

the best bet is to find the real k*ller.

I checked all the cameras in
the vicinity of Elena's house.

Coverage was spotty.

A Ring cam caught him
running down the block.

ROBYN: I know it doesn't look good,

but I've seen plenty of K*llers.

And he doesn't strike me as one.

So, if it wasn't him,
who would want to hurt Elena?

I mean, that's a long list.

Her office says that
she was getting threats daily.

Didn't I read a headline
recently about a dispute

between her and a former roommate?

HARRY: Oh, yeah,
something about the roommate

threatening to sell pics to a tabloid.

I'll look into it.

And let's talk to someone
in Elena's office.

Her staff must keep a list
of the worst offenders.

This traffic is a mess.
I'm at least an hour away.

Well, her office is nearby.
I'll head over.

I'll see what I can find.


GREY (OVER TV): Representative Acevedo

was an esteemed colleague,

a valued member of the House,
and she will be missed.

LACEY: Can I help you?

MEL: Hi, I'm Annalynne.

I'm an investigator
looking into the m*rder

of the congresswoman.

Are you NYPD?

I work alongside them.

I'm Lacey Young, Elena's chief of staff.

I'm sorry.

We're all a bit distracted today.

And now this.

...not set a precedent

as long as I'm in Congress.

Suddenly Elena's an
"esteemed colleague."

I won't take up too much of your time.

Does your office keep records of threats

- against the congresswoman?
- We've got a whole list.

There were so many of them.

People can be really nasty, too.

Yesterday I saw a lawn sign
shaped like a snake

that said "Acevedo is poisonous,
cut off her head."

- Who would make that?

Used to be you could
disagree with someone

about politics and then go get a drink.

Now it's either "You agree with me

or you're my enemy."

You mentioned a list.

- Any chance I could get a copy?
- Sure.

- Let me print it out for you.
- Thank you.

And is there anyone else
you can think of

not on the list?
Anyone Elena had an issue with?

No, no one comes to mind.

But you know who you should ask?

Carmen Santos.

Who's Carmen Santos?

LACEY: Community activist.

She was helping Elena
draft her migrant aid bill.

It was Elena's top priority, so...

Carmen saw more of her
lately than I did.

I've been chained to this desk.

I hadn't seen her at all
the past few days.

But, turns out,

all that work on the bill
was a waste of time.

What do you mean?

Congressman Jennings called
not ten minutes ago,

said he had a change of heart.

He's voting for the
anti-migrant bill instead.

- Why the sudden shift?
- Let's just say

her death at the hands of
an immigrant isn't really

helping things.

If Elena were alive...

she would have fixed this.

Thank you for your help.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Hey, Rob, I got the list.

- ROBYN: Who's on it?
- Who isn't on it?

I'm looking at everyone
from disgruntled voters

to fringe podcasters
to K Street lobbyists.

The good news is, there's
someone we should talk to.

She might be able to narrow this down.

Just remember...
concentrate on your own process.

And above all,

just don't compare yourself
to the person next to you.

Focus on your own work.

Good class.

See y'all next week.


This piece is really
coming along, Robby.

I noticed you like to paint a tagger

into all of your work.

That is such an interesting choice.

Can you tell me about it?

Just something I like to do.

You also like to paint him in shadow.

Why is that?

I don't know.

I'm kind of in a hurry.

See you next week, Ms. Marsette.

I could give you a ride, if you like.

Faster than walking
if you're in a hurry,

but... it's up to you.




Carmen Santos?

Mm-hmm. Yeah, there.

- Excuse me, Carmen Santos?
- Yes?

I'm looking into the m*rder
of Elena Acevedo.

Are you police?

Family friend.

- Can I ask you a few questions?
- Of course.

I still can't believe she's gone.

She was a hero to our people.

- Your people?
- Migrants.

I came here three years ago
to apply for asylum,

still waiting for an interview.

Process shouldn't be that complicated.

It's why I started this place.

To help others apply for asylum

and find housing,

sometimes just give them
a sense of community.

The loneliness can be the worst part.

I can imagine.

When you were working with Elena,

- did you meet the Perezes?
- Of course.

I introduced them to Elena.

She wanted to take them in,
to set an example.

I have to ask this.

Do you think there's any chance
that Jaime did this?

Absolutely not.

Jaime was grateful to Elena.

He would not have
harmed her, I promise you.


Excuse me.

Hey, Dante. What's up?

Elena's husband called.

He finally went home, looked around.

Said one of her necklaces was missing.

A pretty valuable one.

Someone broke in
and only stole one necklace?

Maybe Elena surprised the burglar

before he had a chance
to steal anything else.

Her husband send you
a picture of the necklace?

He did. I'll text it to you.

Yeah, I'll have Harry look into it.

The case file you asked for, Detective.

Thank you, Schaffer.

Where are you hiding, Lo-Lo?

You're very talented, Robby.

But to get where I believe you can be,

you're gonna need to practice.

There's a wonderful
fine arts program at Pratt.

I think you'd do well there.

I have a friend at the school
I could put you in touch with,

if you're interested.


If it's no trouble.
It's no trouble at all.

All right.

How long has your family lived
in this neighborhood?

A while.

Any siblings?

♪ ♪


A brother.

That's it. Right up there.


I'm always in the studio
an hour before class,

if you ever want to
stop by early to work.


♪ ♪

VI: What is going on with you, son?

Robby, what are you running from?

MEL: Hey.

Any luck with the list
I sent you from Elena's office?

- Mm. Not yet.
- What about the former roommate?

Well, turns out there weren't
any photos to sell after all.

Plus she lives in Alaska.

I did get a hit
on Elena's stolen jewelry.

Oh, what'd you find?

It was sold to a shop
in the Jewelry District

two days ago.

- The day before Elena's m*rder?
- Yeah, exactly.

I'm hacking into the security
footage of the shop right now.

This is the time of the sale.

Okay. Who do we have here?

MEL: That's Carmen Santos

and that's Marisol Perez.

Why is Jaime's wife
selling Elena's necklace?

- That's a good question.
- I hate to say this,

but maybe we got this one wrong.

If Elena's necklace was stolen,

and she found out, and confronted Jaime,

maybe he's not so innocent after all.

♪ ♪

We've got surveillance footage of

Carmen Santos and Marisol Perez

selling Elena's stolen necklace.

HARRY (OVER PHONE): Rob, we're
starting to doubt Jaime's innocence.

Well, it definitely doesn't look good.

Well, so what? The three of
them were in on it together?

Carmen did say

she connected
Marisol and Jaime with Elena.

Okay, so Carmen orchestrated
the whole thing...

a scam to steal from Elena.

But then it spiraled out of control.

You know, I think you might be
on the right track.

Carmen's bank statements
show a series of

large cash deposits
going back months.

That's a lot of dough
for a nonprofit worker.

So this wasn't her first scam.

No, definitely not.

I got Carmen's arrest record
here in Venezuela.

She served time for
"administrative irregularities,"

aka fraud.

What do you think, Rob?

I think I'm about to get some answers.


♪ ♪

Un momento, por favor.


What happened? Is it Jaime?

No, I'm here about something else.

Elena's husband said he noticed

one of her necklaces was missing.

You want to tell me about that?

Somebody better start talking right now.

I know how this must look,

but we didn't steal the necklace.

Elena gave it to me.

Jaime and I needed the money.

We wouldn't be able to get
our work permits for months.

CARMEN: And I sold it for them

because they don't yet have valid IDs.

If they'd tried to
sell it on the street,

they'd only get a fraction of the price.

You don't believe us, do you?

You don't exactly have proof.

And the one person who could
verify your story is gone.

And then there's the matter of
those large cash deposits

in your account.

Many of our donors
send money to me directly,

so I can get it to the people here

without the usual red tape.

You mean without following the law.

And what about your prison
time in Venezuela?

I spoke out against
corruption in the government,

so they trumped up a charge
and they threw me in prison.

As soon as I got out, I came here.

I'm lucky to be alive.

- This is all very compelling.
- WOMAN: It's true.

Carmen is the kindest, most
honest person I've ever met.

She fed my family after
we'd been on a bus for days.

She took my children to the zoo,

so they got to be normal
kids for a few hours.

Everything that we are saying is true.

Please. Don't give up on my husband.

I won't.

I'm still on the case.

Thank you.


Never thought when we finally
made it to America,

we'd be despised by everyone.

Not everyone.

It feels that way.

At Elena's home,
protesters stood outside

just to yell insults...
"Stop the alien invasion."

One guy showed up every night,

just kept saying it over and over.

Every night?

Can you describe what he looked like?

I remember he was tall,

with a, um, a goatee

and a birthmark above his eye.

Hey, so I cross-referenced
Marisol's description

with the list from Elena's office

of people making threats.

Texting you a pic of Clay Miller.

What do we know about this guy Clay?

NRA member, active hunting license

and he was on an extremist
podcast last month,

voicing his very strong viewpoints

about the migrant crisis.

And let me guess.

He wants to welcome them with open arms?

Yeah, more like firearms. And get this,

this guy took particular aim at Elena

saying that people like her
should be taken out

in order to preserve American values.

Can you track this guy down,

have a little chat?

Yeah. Always up for a field trip.

Come on, come on. Where are you, Robby?




Let's go! Come on!

VI: Robby?

You okay?

Get in the car, get in the car.

What are you doing here?

How'd you know where I was?

I've been looking for you for hours.

Why did you leave that house
after I dropped you off?

Is that even your home?

Do you live on the streets?

Is that what's going on?

If you tell me the truth,
I might be able to help you.

I don't live on the streets.

But my brother does.

♪ ♪

I spend a few hours every day
looking for him.

I don't understand. Why...?

Why doesn't your brother live with you?

Our parents d*ed
in a car crash five years ago.

We got put in the system.

- You were separated?
- Not at first.

We were placed together, but...

our foster father, he drank a lot,

and then he'd come after us.

Darius usually got the worst of it.

After a few months Darius said
we needed to get out of there.

So we made a plan to leave that night,

while everyone was asleep.

Darius went first,

hopped out our bedroom window,

climbed to the ground, but...

our foster dad, he woke up.

I heard him coming down
the hall and I...


I just froze. I was so scared.

Darius waited as long as he could,

but he had to go.

Without me.


I'm so sorry.

Are you still in that home?


I got placed in a new one.

They're awesome, but...

now that I'm in a new home,

Darius can't find me even if he tries.

Darius is the graffiti artist
in your paintings,

standing by himself,

away from the family.

I've got to find him.

I was hoping that...

You were hoping that
those boys might know him.

It's not your fault.

You were just scared kids.

Let's get you home.

I wouldn't want your
foster parents to worry.


♪ ♪

We should wait outside for him.

I'll protect you.

Clay Miller?

Who's asking?

Just fellow g*n enthusiasts.

HARRY: We heard you on that podcast.

You had some very
insightful things to say

about Congresswoman Acevedo.

So what? Last I checked,
it's a free country.

Yeah, no, you're right,

which is why you had
every right to protest

in front of her house several times

before, you know, she got k*lled.

Look... I don't know
who the hell you are,

but unless you got a badge or a warrant,

get lost.

If you'd prefer to talk to the cops,

we can certainly arrange that.

Are you threatening me?

'Cause I got to tell you,

I'm a little tired of sh**ting
at these paper targets.

I'd be ready for the real thing.


Cease fire! Cease fire!

What the hell's going on here?
Clay, you okay, man?

These two are trying to
pin a m*rder on me.

You might want to
get the hell out of here.

We just need a word with Clay here

and we're gonna get out of your hair.

Like hell you will.



Stay right there.

♪ ♪

MEL: Okay, easy, Clay.

You don't want to make
a mistake you can't take back.

Shut up! I need to think.

We honestly just want to talk to you.

Back off. I'm backing up.


You really blew this one, babe.

I mean, I can't believe you thought

this was gonna work.

- CLAY: Quiet.
- HARRY: Of all the stupid ideas...

and you've had, like, some doozies...

l-like the time you hired
your ex-boyfriend to install

surveillance cams and
then he hacked the feed?

- Shut up!
- And that was pretty boneheaded.

Don't talk to me like that.

- CLAY: Quit it already.
- I told you we should've

waited for him in the parking lot.

Yeah, because that stroke of genius

would've made all the difference.

So typical Mel!

You know, always
deflecting with sarcasm!

You know, you never admit
you make any mistakes!

- CLAY: Enough!
- You want to hear a mistake?

Marrying you!


That was the biggest mistake of my life.


Shut the hell up!

Nope. No, you don't.


Nice job, babe.


You've been watching Moonlighting
reruns again, haven't you?

It was so much better
before they got together.

Well, have Dante pick him up.

Sounds like he earned
a night in holding.

- Hey.
- Syrah.

What happened?

You know the student I told you about?

He almost got himself b*at up tonight.

And I know it's gonna happen again,

and there's not a darn thing
I can do about it.

Well, what's the problem?

He's trying to track his brother

who ran away from their foster home.

His brother's a... a graffiti artist,

so every night,
my student is going out there

asking taggers if they've seen him.

You know...

NYPD keeps a database of taggers.

Names, known addresses.


Would you ask Detective
Dante to look into it for me?

Sure. I'll call him in the morning.

No guarantees.


You are the best.


♪ ♪

DANTE: You were spotted outside
Congresswoman Acevedo's house

several nights before she d*ed.

- It's a public sidewalk, isn't it?
- Sure is.

So tell me, what happened next, Clay?

Decided to kick your protest up a notch?

You got it all wrong.
She's the culprit here, not me.

Care to elaborate?
I missed your guest spot on the podcast.

I owned a construction
business for years.

Then these migrants start coming in,

and I start getting underbid by
crews using their cheap labor.

- I lost everything.
- So, you were angry?

Damn right I was angry.
I've got a family to support.

And Acevedo's out there
protecting illegals?

How's that fair?

Ever stop to think Acevedo's policies

would've given those migrants
the right to work?

How's that help me?

If those migrants weren't forced
to take low-paying,

under-the-table jobs just to survive,

your competitors
wouldn't be able to outbid you.

Helps you just as much as them.

MEL: The guy had a g*n to my
husband's head a few hours ago,

and now he's playing the sympathy card?

No one wants to be the villain
in their own story.

Clearly this guy has a lot of hate.

Question is, how far did he take it?

DANTE: So, you blamed

the congresswoman
for losing your business,

and you decided to do something
about it, that it?


But I didn't want to k*ll her.

You just wanted to hurt her.

No, I just wanted to
force her out of office.

That's why I was protesting
in her neighborhood

and putting up my yard signs.

- Yard signs?
- That's right.

I took a new batch every night.

Every night? That's dedication.

Damn right.

And the day she d*ed,
I put up my new serpent signs...

shaped just like a snake.

Said, "Acevedo is poisonous,
cut off her head."

And you think this proves you
didn't m*rder the congresswoman?

I didn't.

Look, the news said
she was k*lled around :.

Well, I went straight home
after I put those signs up.

Got back no later than :.

Don't believe me? Ask my wife.

An unbiased witness.

You can wait in a holding cell

while I verify that alibi.

OFFICER: All right, let's go.

ROBYN: Something on your mind?

What Clay said about his sign.

Elena's chief of staff
mentioned something

about a serpent sign.

So? She probably heard
about it from Elena.

Yeah, but Clay just said
he put the sign out

the night Elena was k*lled.

And you told me Lacey hadn't
been to Elena's in days.

At least that's what she claimed.

So, how'd she see the sign?

And why'd she lie about it?

♪ ♪

HARRY: All right,
I just hacked into Lacey's GPS records.

Her phone didn't leave the house
the night of the m*rder.

That doesn't mean Lacey
didn't leave her house.

She could have left her phone at home.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's this?

She's got an encrypted
texting app on her phone.

Does that mean we can't see
who she's texting with?

Yeah, but we can read her messages.

This one was sent the day Elena d*ed.

MEL: "Package received.

Will be delivered
to her office tonight."

The package? What does that mean?

I don't know. These were sent
yesterday and this morning.

MEL: "Need to talk ASAP. Emergency!

"Freaking out. Need to talk now.

Please do not ignore me."

Sounds like she was scared, desperate.

We can use that to our advantage.

We need to ask Dante to
bring her in for questioning.

Any chance you can trace
who Lacey was texting with?

Over an encrypted app?
(CHUCKLING) It's impossible.

For the average hacker.

I'll, uh, I'll see what I can do.

It'll take me a minute.

- Dante's on it.

Okay, meantime, we need to find
out what was in that package.

Well, whatever it was,
Lacey said she would deliver it

to Elena's office
the night she was k*lled.

Which means it might still be there.

♪ ♪

You find anything?

I'm coming up empty.

Nothing yet.

♪ ♪

You found something?

No. Nothing.

Just more books.

As a matter of fact, I think
this whole thing is a bust.

We should just pack it up
and get out of here.

Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

HARRY: So, maybe we trace

whoever the bug is being broadcast to.

ROBYN: It's not that kind of device.

It transmits over a radio frequency.

All right, so whoever knows
the frequency can listen in.

Okay, so who would want to spy on Elena?

I mean, most of Congress hates her,

half of all registered voters,

every single conservative media outlet.

Let's start with Congress.

If anyone has access
to this kind of equipment,

could be someone there.

And Elena's migrant bill was her most

high-profile piece of legislation.

- So, who was her biggest opposition?
- Well...

probably the guys drafting
the opposition bill in play...

Darrin Nicholas,
Walter Grey and Jim Bristow.

What are their stories? Any red flags?

Nicholas is a former ophthalmologist,

joined Congress in
during the Tea Party wave.

Walter Grey represents

a district upstate,
middle of his second term.

Oh, and get this...

before joining Congress, Walter Grey

was an FBI field agent

who specialized in tactical

Sounds like he'd know
a thing or two about bugs,

and encrypted text messaging
for that matter.

He's got a history of turning
some really vocal opponents

to flip at the very last second
and support his bills.

I mean, I don't know,
maybe this is how he does it.

Spies on his enemies, then
blackmails them into submission.

Wait a minute, Lacey mentioned that

Bernie Jennings switched sides
on the migrant bill.

Seemed odd for someone

with such a progressive voting record.

This might explain why.

So Grey uses Lacey to plant his bug,

Elena finds her in the act.

Things get heated, they struggle,

and Lacey winds up
sh**ting Elena with her own g*n.

But why would they leave the bug?

Why not send someone to grab it?

Probably didn't get a chance.

This place has been crawling
with cops since the m*rder.

HARRY: Well, h-hold on a minute.

If the bug was active
during the sh**ting,

maybe there's a recording of the m*rder.

And that tape would prove
Jaime's innocence.

Yeah, but I mean,
how are we gonna get it?

It's not like Grey's
just gonna give it up.

I can think of someone
who might know where it is...


Maybe we can get her to flip.

Hi, Marcus.

DANTE: Was just about to call you.

Did you find Lacey Young?

We have a few things she
might be able to help us clear up.

Yeah, I found her.

Don't think she'll be
very helpful though.

Why's that?

Because she's dead.

♪ ♪


Lacey was sh*t in her apartment.

I'm not saying it was
Congressman Grey, but...

If we find that recording,

we can still link him to the m*rder.

How do we find that without Lacey?

I mean, the guy's got
four residences in his name,

he's got an office in New York,
another one in D.C.,

he's got bank deposit boxes...

it could be in any one of those places.

Getting all those search warrants

for a sitting congressman
isn't gonna be easy.

We may not have to.

What are you thinking?


I'm not gonna be able to
support you on the migrant bill.


We did have an agreement,

but... Elena's death
has changed things for me.

Forced me to reexamine my conscience.

You pull your support now,

there'll be consequences
neither of us wants.

JENNINGS: I understand the risk,

but this is something I need to do.



Jennings is threatening to defect.

What do you want to do?

Remind him why that
would be a very bad move.


Thanks for your help, Congressman.

I'm taking the risk
because I owe it to Elena.

But your plan had better work or...

(SIGHS) I had one weak
moment and Grey caught it.

If he exposes me... my career is over.

♪ ♪

I'll take that.

Give it to me, now.

Put the g*n down now.

Put it down, lady, or I'll sh**t.

I'm in law enforcement.
Let me see your badge.

I don't have it on me.

Then put the g*n down. Now.

Stay down.



You won't be needing these anymore.

Representative Jennings.

And what do we have here?

I'm calling the police.

LACEY: Elena, please don't.

I didn't have a choice.
He made me do it.

ELENA: We always have a choice.

LACEY: Put down the phone. Please.

ELENA: Get away from me.

- Let go. Stop!


By the time Jaime walked in, Lacey fled.

We all know what happened next.

Why did she do it?

Turns out Congressman Grey
had proof that

Lacey was stealing from
Elena's campaign fund.

He threatened to end
her career in politics.

Did they arrest this man? Grey?


We found this recording
on the congressman's aide.

And his b*ll*ts matched
the one that k*lled Lacey.

They're both going to prison.

And Jaime?



(CRYING): Gordito.

♪ ♪

How can we ever thank you?

It's not just me.

Carmen is working on
finding you a place to live.

And I've already found Marisol a job...

tutoring some of the children
in our community.

I don't know what to say.

You've shown us such love.

Such generosity.

We'll be grateful forever.

You never should have been
in this position to begin with.

I'm just happy to see
a little justice done.

Why're you bringing me here?

Hey, man, I told you
I didn't do nothing.

Yeah, that spray paint just
happened to be in your hand.

- Got a live one here, Detective.
- Thanks for bringing him in.

- I didn't tag that wall.
- Calm down. Not why you're here.

Have a seat.

I don't understand,

why are we in a police station?


I thought I'd never see you again.

- I missed you, little man.
- I missed you, too.

Man, you got big.

Thanks for helping me out.

We're lucky Darius was in the database.

And Robby's lucky
to have you in his corner.

I appreciate that.

It's good to see you again, Detective.

Under better circumstances this time.

Oh, thank goodness.


You know, I never got a chance

to really thank you for
everything you did

for our family...

(SIGHS) when Robyn was taken.

♪ ♪

Just a little token of my gratitude.

Ms. Marsette...

anytime you need a favor,
please feel free to call.



Excuse me.

This is Dante.

Detective Hutchens over here at the -.

I heard you were looking
into the Manny Ramirez case.

Not sure what you're after...

Whoa. Not going after anything.

Just trying to put a k*ller behind bars.

Yeah, well, that case
is our jurisdiction,

and you're a little too close
to the victim anyway.

So back off, Detective.

♪ ♪


It's kind of a miracle
that you found him.

VI: You know, I-I do love a miracle.

- What's going on in here?
- Hey.

Well, my student and his brother were

reunited today,

and Robby's foster parents

have agreed to take his brother in, too.

Nice job, Auntie.

Yes. Thank you.

And I saw Detective Dante
at the station today.

He says you've been
working hard on a case.

Yes. A man was falsely
arrested for m*rder

and his wife asked me for help,

and today, he was released.

- What?
- Well, look at that.

Families being reunited left and right.

That's amazing, Mom.


DELILAH: I cannot even imagine

being separated from my family.

I mean, some kids, they have
no one to count on.

I'm lucky to have so many
people that I can turn to.

We will always, always
be there for you, baby.


I love you both.

- Oh!
- ROBYN: Aw...

- Here she comes, Mom.
- Mm-hmm.

- ♪ F-A-M-I-L-Y ♪

♪ Family song. ♪