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01x06 - Don't Poke the Bear

Posted: 04/21/23 06:22
by bunniefuu

Bonjour, tout le monde,

welcome back to
Questionable Call,

brought to you by Bro Dude Energy.

I'm your host Anik Archambault

alongside panellists
Tessa Bonhomme, Jay "Onray"--

- Onrait!
- And the man they call RA.

As we bring this episode
to a close,

we thought we'd update the audience,

as well as our panel,
on what's become a bit

of a fan favourite topic around here.

- Ah, Shoresy.
- Shoresy!

- Shoresy?
- f*ck you, Shoresy.

Our boys had a busy
few weeks up in the NOSHO.

I don't doubt it, Anik.

After losing games,
he publicly declared

that the team would never lose again.
If they lose, they fold.

- So they folded?
- The Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs

have won straight, with one
game remaining on the campaign.

- Two's a streak.
- Hold on.

Yeah, last time I checked, the
Bulldogs weren't... garnished.

- The Blueberry Bulldogs?
- You heard it here first.

The Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs?

Turn up your hearing aid, Jay.

The Fruitcup Fox Terriers
would sound tougher!

Dingleberry Dachshunds.

- What did he do for the Ws?
b*mb threat?

- Blackmail?
- Steroids?

Wouldn't put any of it past him.

So, if they lose the final, the fold.

So what happens if they win?

I think the question is,
what happens if they never lose?

- They win a ship.
- They're in a double-header

against first-place Soo Ste.
Marie to run off the season,

and they beat 'em up
pretty good in game one.

The Soo, they're always so good.

Oui, mademoiselle.

But the big story out of Sudbury,

is that they may have poked the bear.

Don't poke the bear.

The Soo are resting their big
wheels for playoffs, but now,

the big wheels will play the season finale.

- Don't poke the bear.
- Yeah, sometimes,

it's best to just let the big boy sleep.

Yeah, no. They may be
the Bluebally Bulldogs,

but they're still from Sudbury.

Sudbury's as tough a town
as you've ever been in.

And, Sudbury's loaded up
and won three straight.

There's an impossible amount
of good-looking girls in Sudbury.

- Hit the showers, Onrait.
- Respectfully!

So, who's the bear?


Why are you looking at me like that?

- Like what?
- Like it's the first time

you've ever seen me.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

You're so f*cking cute, Sanguinet.


You know, I remember
the first time I saw you.

Do you?


HITCH: Well if we loses the game,
we loses the team.

There's nothin' you can
do's about it, no b'y.

It's all got to be.


Hey, we're leading
the league now, eh bud?

- In what?
Passes into the skates?

- f*ck you, Shoresy.
- In what?

Clappies into the shin pads?

Hey, Cory, I hear the scouts
are calling you

- Mark Scheifele-Stempniak.
- f*ck you.

Do you have a tough friend
here or something, Cor?

- We're in--
- Huh?

Like, do you know somebody
here who's tough?

- 'Cause you're not.
- We're first, idiot.

What's more important
is that you're continuing

- to grow as a person.
- First in the league.

That's great, Cor,
but did you know that Clearasil

removes dirt and oil from your pores

leaving your skin feeling
smooth and refreshed?

Undefeated in three, bud,

taking a page out of the Bulldogs' book.

Well, look at you, Liam,
you've put the cute in Accutane.

You worried you poked the bear?

- Who's the bear?
- The Soo is so good.

The Soo poked the bear
when they dressed a team

of call-ups against a team
on a win streak.

- You weren't on a streak.
- Two's a streak, you bozo.

The second was a disqualification.

Yeah, well, they don't ask how,
they ask how many.

- Just cut the lip.
- Yeah, cut the lip,

you'll get a break out.

When are you changing your name
to the White Grape Weimaraners?

When you change your name
to the Sudbury Blackhead...

Dermabrasions, you f*cking pepperoni face.


- Your chirp game needs work.
- Huh?

You didn't chirp one guy
last game, my man.

Yeah, I did, what are you
f*cking talking about?

Why are you sitting right beside me?

- I mean--
- Huh?

I mean, you didn't chirp

one guy on our team last night.

Decent result.

- Decent?
- Big dub.

- Big W.
- Real big W.

- Real big dub now.
- All the boys firing.

The useless played like...

- Useful.
- Hm. Wouldn't go that far.

Your leg is touching my leg now.

Positivity's the superior motivator, my man.

I think you're learning.

Give your balls a tug, tit-fucker.

- He has a mouth on him.
- No argument there.

Is he still pushing up on you?

The consistency's kind of charming.

He can step on a landmine
and talk himself out of it.

I know you have a soft spot for him.

I do.

I love that photo.

It's not just him.

- It's hockey players.
- Why?

They take losing so personally.

They don't just accept blame
for a loss, they claim it.

They take that burden off
of their teammates.

"I f*cked up, I cost us the game.
I need to be better."

But when they win,
it's never personal.

They never take credit.
They never say "I."

They share it.

In other sports,
it's, "Me, me, me."

But in hockey, it's "We".

- It's a team.
- You trying to write

the piece for me?

They can be irritating
at times, and... over the top.

But they're...

- Dumb?
- Ugly?

They're sluts.

But there's a humbleness there
and a responsibility.

- I respect it.
- If it's a loss tonight,

will you take responsibility?

- If we lose, we fold.
- Even if it's a packed barn?

We do what we say we're gonna do.

You already printed it, didn't you?

Is that a problem?


Whew! Smells like some
of that pakalolo dank in here.

Ya got a dip?

Why are your f*ckin'...



- BIG SEXY: Tit fucker.
- Big Sexy.

Who is it?


Hey, Frankie, I'm doing
a Krispy Kreme run--

- Tabarnak, Shoresy!

Who is that?

- Is she pretty?
- She's super f*cking pretty.

- Is she hot?
- She's super f*cking hot.

A bit young, but--

- Yeah.
BIG SEXY: Tit fucker.

Big Sexy!

- It's not Laurence?
- No.

- No.
- How do you know?

- She doesn't have red hair.
- No?!

- No.
- What colour is her hair?

Who f*cking cares?

- You got a dip?
- What?

- Got a dip? I need a dip.
- It's in there.

- f*ck off.

- BIG SEXY: Tit fucker!


- BIG SEXY: Tit fucker.
- Big Sexy!

- LAURENCE: Shoresy!


Where's Goody?

LAURENCE: And, the last one,
whatever your f*cking name is.

B'y, she don't even know me name.

LAURENCE: Um, Twelve Inch c**t.

- Been called worse.

LAURENCE: Just, open the door.

Yeah, so.

- Where's JJ?
- BIG SEXY: Tit fucker!

- Who said that?
- Big Sexy.

Where's JJ?

- Tit fucker.
- Go easy, Big Sex.

Look, I know he's in there
with Lysandre Nadeau, okay?

- What colour's her hair?
- How do you know?

- Because her Range Ro--
- Huh?

Because her Range Rover
is parked out front.

- So dumb.
- JJ!

BIG SEXY: Tit fucker!

Big Sexual?

- Goody, you got a dip?
- Settle down.



You tell him to come get his Siamese cat,

because I'm leaving it
outside my front door.


f*cking Frankie has a Siamese cat?

That's cultural appropriation.

f*cking loser.


Need you lights f*ckin' out tonight, Michaels.

That's why they call me--

- f*ck's sake, Shoresy.
- Grab the Jims.

- You grab 'em.
- You grab 'em.

- You grab 'em.
- You grab 'em.

- Jim.
- Yeah.

- Jim.
- Hi.

- Jim.
- Pretty good, Shoresy.

- Wait, what'd you say?
- Come here.

- Alright, Jim.
- Yeah.

- Jim.
- Hi.

- Jim.
- Sup, Sanger?

What's going on, buddy?

You guys have been huge for us,

helped us swing momentum,

change the course of the game.

You've been instrumental
these past three dubs.

And he means it,
you've been critical, Jim.

- Yeah.
- Jim.

- Thank you.
- Jim.

- Thanks a lot, Shoresy.
I really appreciate it.

But the Soo are dressing
their studs tonight.

Priority is to run 'em up,
not fill 'em in.

So, I'll largely be parkin' ya.

Yeah, so.


We know our role, boys.

- Jim?
- Love our role, boys.


When the boys need us,
we'll be there.

f*cking Jims are such f*cking beauties.

All the time, they're so good...

Hold on a second,
it's driving me f*cking crazy.

- Hey! What are you doing?
- Whata y'at?


- The bikes.
- Settle down.

The biking.

Yes, those bikes, quit it.

I mean, we got three bikes
and you don't want no bikin'?

Well, I can barely hear the Jims.

It's turned into a bit
of a f*cking moment here.

Yeah, but the coach is talking.

And if the coach is talking,
you shouldn't be biking.

B'y, I've seen plenty a b'y bikin'

- when the coaches is talkin'.
- What?

You ever bike BMX?

I'm about done with the Jims

and I'm not gonna stand in
the way of the boys biking.

Let's get the blood flowing,
love to see it,

- get your legs under ya.
- Well...

- Are they good for biking on?
- She's pretty good bikin'.

You like that bike too?

Are they all the same bike?

Shoresy. One slut, two slut, three slut.
Where's your fourth?

- Running late.
- Why?

'Cause manatees move slow.

He'll be here.

He f*cking better be, Sanguinet.

- GM wants to see you.
- You too, Sanguinet.

Schwinn makes a phenomenal bike.

- You haven't lost.
- We'll never lose again.

Don't count your chickens, slut.

You've got bums in seats.

More than an eighth full tonight?

- Approaching a quarter.
- Oh, you know who'd love that?

I got you something to mark the occasion.

I'd give Sanger a blowie
for a fresh dip right about now.

- Your new sweater.
- Oh my God, what f*cking

Sudbury exports hopped on board now?

We'll be the f*cking...

f*cking... Porchetta Puggles?

Are we the f*cking Big Nickel Basenji's?

What, the f*cking Peppi Panini
Portuguese Podengos?



Told the boys you got the C back.

They love it.

Congrats, cap.

But if you lose, we fold.

SHORESY: Where the f*ck is JJ?

What happened to elephants
move slow, my man?

- I said manatees.
And if he chased her

all the way back to Quebec,
that f*cking sperm whale.

Hey, Fish is ready.

He's paid the price for this team.

He plays his role and has done
exactly what we asked of him.

- And if JJ's not here--
- Well, go f*cking tell him.

You tell him.

It's your f*cking stupid idea,
why don't you go tell him?

I remember the days when players

listened to their coaches and--

I remember when coaches
had good ideas, Sanguinet.

- Hey, Fish, you got a dip?
- Nope.

That's going great.
You're playing with me and Goody.

- Why?
- Who f*cking cares?!

- Shoresy!
- Just till JJ gets here.

- Where's JJ?
- Oh, we can't find him

right now which is a bit embarrassing
'cause he's big as the moon, but...

Yeah, so...

Noticed you sacrificing your
body for the boys out there.

Paying the price.

It's almost like you love winning.

No. I hate losing.

- SANGUINET: Fish, you ready?
- Ready, Sanger!

- Good, 'cause you're goin'!

- Goody, you ready?
- Ready, Sanger.

- Good, 'cause you're going.

- Hitch, you ready?
- Yes, b'y.

- Good, 'cause you're goin'!

Dolo, you ready?

You're goin'!

And hey, boys,

captain of the Sudbury
Blueberry Bulldogs.


Shoresy, you ready?!

Give your balls a tug, tit fucker!

- You're f*cking going!

And Michaels.

Sorry I got a squeezy from your sweetie

off the side of a party island
in Wasaga Beach, buddy.

I think she was yours all along, buddy.

- You ready?
- Always, Sanger.

- You're going!

Season finale, boys,
let's run 'em up! Whew!






These guys are so f*cking good.


These guys are so f*cking good.


Remy Nadeau.


- f*cking sorry, guys.
- It's not your fault, Michaels,

we're letting 'em pepper ya'.

Those guys are so f*cking good.

Holy f*ck.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

Boys, you can't score goals
if you don't sh**t the puck.

sh**t the f*cking puck!







Holy f*ck, holy f*ck.




- f*ck.
- f*ck!


- Give 'em the Jims?
- What, so they can fight

and f*cking go to the box, Sanger?

f*ck's sake.
It's do or f*cking die and we need goals.

And get the f*cking door next
time, you're f*cking useless.




- They poked the bear.
- Poked the bear.

Remy Nadeau.

Don't poke the bear.





- Where the f*ck is Frankie?
- Quebec. He's not coming.





We're not beating the Soo tonight.

The Soo are so f*cking good.

The Soo aren't that f*cking good,

you just run into a hot goalie and--

Michaels, you've stood on your head.

Yeah, Michaels had more sh*ts
in two periods

than most guys get in two f*cking games.

You're playing like, buddy...

Well, you're playing like...


We can't just lose.

It's the last game in this barn,
gotta win something.

It's the Bulldogs' last game in this barn.

We gotta give 'em a show.

So, boys...

Let's give 'em the f*cking lumber.

We're winning that physical battle, boys.

If you can't run 'em up...

- If we can't run 'em up?
- ALL: Fill 'em in.

Boys, let's just give 'em
the f*cking lumber out there.


One period to make their lives hell.

Jims, they're not gonna wanna
go, not worth the risk.

They've got playoffs up the road.

So your job is to score us a goal.

The rest of the boys are gonna make room

for you guys out there for a change

'cause you guys are scoring us

the last goal in Sudbury Bulldogs' history.

- Well, what do you think, Jim?
- Yeah.

- Jim?
- Yes.

- Jim?
- Sounds good, Shoresy.

- It should be fun.
- Thanks, Jims.

Boy, I f*cking love winning.

f*cking hate losing more.
Got a dip?

Hurry up, Fish!

The last game in this barn.

Let's give 'em a show, boys.


Let's give 'em
the f*cking lumber.

♪ He's uptight ♪

♪ He don't know nothing new ♪

♪ But he ain't cheap
He just can't afford to ♪

♪ But she don't mind ♪

♪ He's a rare thing ♪

♪ Anything for you ♪

♪ Everyday just trying
to get by ♪

♪ No time to cry
No he can't afford to ♪

♪ And she waits,
through everything ♪

♪ Anything for you ♪

♪ That's what you call ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ That's what you call
True love ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ True love ♪

♪ Working late ♪

♪ 'Cause she never
finished school ♪

♪ She ain't a fool
She just didn't like it ♪

♪ Well he don't mind
She's his everything ♪

♪ Anything for you ♪

♪ Every time
She tries to fight ♪

♪ But she knows he's right
She just didn't like to ♪

♪ And he waits
Through everything ♪

♪ Anything for you ♪

♪ That's what you call
True love ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ True love ♪

♪ That's what you call ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ She wants to know ♪

♪ Do you do you
Do you want me ♪

♪ He wants to know ♪

♪ Do you do you
Do you want me ♪

♪ She'd love to know ♪

♪ Do you do you
Do you love me ♪

♪ He'd love to know ♪

♪ Do you do you
Do you love me ♪

♪ She needs to know ♪

♪ Do you do you
Do you need me ♪

♪ He needs to know ♪

♪ Do you do you
Do you need me ♪

♪ Like I need you ♪

♪ It's what you call ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ It's what you call ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

♪ True love
True love ♪

f*ck you, Shoresy!

- For what?
- What do you mean, for what?

- Huh?
- You know the deal.

We had a deal.

And I do what I say I'm gonna do.
Always have.

Alright, f*ck,
what do you want me to...

Those guys are so f*cking good.
They thumped us.

And you still think we can beat them?


SHORESY: Where the f*ck is Frankie?

- Quebec. He's not coming.
- Ugh.

Shoresy, we've got a new plan
for this period.

We all plays like you out there, me son.

- What?
- We're a full team of Shoresys.

Real dirty.

Let's get all the g*dd*mn boys running around.

Leave a mother-f*cking impression.

It's a bit late for making
a f*cking impression, boys,

there's no f*cking room
out there anyway.

Hit 'em enough and they'll
stop going where it gets it.

Chop 'em enough, and they'll
stop going where you gets chopped.

Bet they gives us a lot more
room out there next game.

What are you talking about, next game?

- Don't be a f*cking idiot.
- They've got a hot tender.

Let's let the league know
your tender's hot,

we'll run 'em to the back
of the f*cking net.

- What are you f*cking...
It's too f*cking late.

For this game.

Let's get 'em in playoffs.

NAT: If we lose, we fold.
That was the deal.

That's when you had
one f*cking guy on this team

who said we'd never lose again.

Now you got of 'em over there
in that dressing room.

You got a barn full of fans
who can't wait to see it.

You think we can beat them?

Those guys are so f*cking good.

But they won't be the same
team after that period.

No f*cking way.
They wanted nothing to do with the Jims.

We'd have Frankie back next game.

The Soo is so f*cking good.

But they do not like the lumber.

You know what you get in the playoffs.

- The lumber.
- You get that high heat.

- Hell yeah.
- Hell yeah, f*ck yeah.

Well, what are you gonna do differently?

- Me?
- Oh my God.

- Huh?
- You say the boys

are gonna play like you,
but the chirping and the lumber

and the running around have
always been your game.

So if I keep this team going,

how are you gonna raise your game?

What are you gonna do differently?