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03x04 - The Haunting of Hanley Barn

Posted: 10/26/09 22:46
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":


Why don't you get your butt home where you belong?!

Don't you tell me where my butt belongs!

Glad to hear that, for the most part, the kids were well-behaved.

Mallory: Her date is really cute and really rich.

He goes to some private school.

Frat boy.

Are you ready to go?

Mallory: It's already had almost 3000 hits.

You're famous.

I didn't ask for this to happen.

Of all the people I know, you're more than capable of dealin'.

(Truck rumbles along)

(Crows caw in the distance, thunder rumbles gently)

I don't think you should go in there.

Mallory, I just have to go take a look at Mr. Hanley's horses.

What about...

You know, what they say about this place?

What, all those stupid ghost stories?

Don't worry about it, okay? I'll be right back.

Amy! Have you ever seen a scary movie?

You are never supposed to say "I'll be right back."

People who say "I'll be right back" never come back.

I'll be right back.

(Horse nickers)


(Horse nickers)


Mr. Hanley?

Miss Fleming, I've been watching you.


On the Internet.

I saw you save that horse.

Very impressive.

Thank you. with the horses.

What seems to be the problem?

Every night it's the same: Neighing, hooves banging against stall doors.

By morning the horses are so worked up no one can ride 'em.

I've already lost four boarders, and I can't afford to lose any more.

Do you think you can help me?

Well, um...

I'll see what I can do.

But it could be a range of issues.

I'll leave you to it, then.

(Horse nickers)

Uh, Mr. Hanley, I...

(Horse nickers)


I can't stay, but I'll come back tomorrow.

(Object clatters in the stable)

(Metallic scraping)

Um... Mr. Hanley?

Is that you?

(Amy gasps, cat screeches)

Ahh! Mallory!

You scared me!

I scared you?!

Can we go now?

We were supposed to meet Ty like 10 minutes ago.

Plus, this place is giving me the serious creeps.

Yeah. Let's go.

Ashley: I heard he lost his mind, so he m*rder*d his wife.

And her body is hidden upstairs in the loft.

Amy: Okay, guys, Mr. Hanley might be a bit eccentric, but he's definitely not a m*rder*r.

Ty: Whoa. Who's Mr. Hanley?

Mallory: Who's Mr. Hanley? Are you serious?

Mr. Hanley's barn is Hudson's favourite ghost story.

It's practically campfire 101 in these parts.

See, the original barn burnt down in the 1940's.

And there used to be a stable hand that worked there.

He was supposedly homeless and drifted from town to town...

But this job would be his last 'cause one night when he was fast asleep, the barn burnt to the ground.

And not only did all the horses die, but so did the stable hand.

Amy: And then a few years after the fire,

Mr. Hanley's family moved into the farm.

And well, they built a new barn on the exact same spot where the old one stood.

And let me guess, it's now haunted by the ghost of the stable hand.

That's right. They call him the drifter.

He wears a long black coat.

But if you take the hood down, he has no face because it burnt right off.

Amy: Ok, Mallory, no one really believes that story, okay?

At least, no one in their right mind.

(Diner door opens, wind gusts)

Mallory: (Gasps)


That's some real bad weather blowin' in.

Hey, guys!

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ you dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

Mrs. Bell: I can't thank you enough for letting me use your kitchen.

It's no problem, so long as we get a jar of that famous jam of yours.

I'll make sure you get the best of the batch.

Lou, here, she'll be happy to help you out with the canning.

I will?

That is so nice of you, dear.

It'll be so much fun to spend the whole day together.

The whole day?

Aren't you coming inside, Mrs. Bell?

Oh, no, I've gotta go get the rest of the strawberries.

There's more?

Oh yes, dear.

And by the time the strawberries are done, the saskatoons will be ripe for the picking.

Come on. Y'ah, y'ah.

Thanks again, Jack!

Yeah. Thanks, Jack.


Hey, Ty.


You know these apples are rotten, right?

That's because they're for the horses.

What're you doing here?

What? No hug?

(Object clatters in barn, horse nickers agitatedly)

Hey, boy.

You're okay.

(Clattering sounds in the loft)

It's all right. It's probably just a squirrel.

(Dragging sounds)

(Horse whines)

A really big squirrel... wearing chains.

(Horse nickers)

(Door slams shut, horses whinny and nicker)

It's okay. It's just the wind.

So, I arrive in Denver at eleven.

We'll just meet at the gate, right?

No, no plans this time.

Yeah. Just the whole day together.

All right, I can't wait to see you.





Yes. Peter's been travelling a lot lately for work, and he has a layover in Denver, so we're going to spend the day together before he flies off to Louisiana.

Doesn't that seem like an awful long way to go just to spend the day.

Actually, I'm looking forward to it.

Well... you be careful.

"Be careful" as in wear sunscreen?

Or "be careful" as in you don't approve of cross-border dating?

I just mean that Denver's an awful long way away and I want you to be careful.


Ty: Does Clint know you're here?

Badger: Yeah, he dropped me off. Told me to have a good time.

So you ran away?

Um... More of a vacation.

Do you have any idea what they do to kids on probation who run away?

Hey, I'm talking to you, man!

You think your group home's bad?

Wait 'til you see what they lock you up in now.

So call Clint. What're you waiting for?

If you don't drop that attitude, man, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

You know, it must be nice... Being all superior.

Like you've got everything figured out.

I think I liked you better when you didn't talk.

Wait, Ty.

I just need a place to spend the night.

After that, if you want, you'll never hear from me again.


Just please don't tell anyone.

(Horse grunts softly)

(Agitated grunts)

It's okay... it's okay.


I know, I wouldn't wanna go in there either.

Brent: Come on, Levon.

You know as well as I do, nobody's gonna make you a better offer.

Why wait for the bank to foreclose when you could sell it to me right now?

You get off my property.

Brent: No need to get hostile.

Just trying to be a good neighbour.


Brent: You have yourself a good day.

Any luck with the horses?


Well, these things, they do take time.

The horses, they seem...

I don't know, spooked.

Look, I know people talk about this place.

I've heard the stories.

But this is my home.

And I need people to board their horses here or I'm gonna lose it.

So I need you to let me know there's some kind of hope here.

Some kind of rational explanation for all this.

I'm gonna do everything I can.

I promise.

Badger, is that you?



Wow. You look so...

What're you doing?

Oh, just messing around.

You're an artist?

No, I suck.

Can I see?

It's, ah...

It's not very good.

You're right, it's not very good.

It's incredible.

You think so?

Yeah, I do.

So, how's Tara?


Tara, the girl you were...

Oh. Uh...

I don't know.

I mean, I haven't seen her for a little while.



I don't believe it.

Ty ratted me out.

Ty: Clint. What brings you all the way up here?

Hope you're not checking up on me.

Badger ran away and I had a hunch he might be headed out this way.


Ty, if he's here, I gotta know.

It's for his own good.

I can't help the boy if I don't know where he is.

Mallory: Um, he was here.

He actually just left.

Said something about hitchhiking to the bus station.

He couldn't have gotten far.

I'll come with you.

Lou: Oh, hey.

Mallory, you're just in time.

Grab a ladle,

Mrs. Bell could really use your help with this canning.

No can do.

I got places to go and horses to ride.

Hey, Mrs. Bell.

Hello, dear.

Mallory, come on, help me out.

If I have to hear one more story about Sugarfoot, I'm gonna get diabetes.



(Sighs heavily)

Just like a teenager, eat you out of house and home.

Lou: Yeah.

Mrs. Bell: Reminds me of my Sugarfoot.

Did I ever tell you about the time he got his head caught in the refrigerator?

No. But I can't wait to hear all about it.

Mrs. Bell: It all started when he found out...

(Muttering to herself)
Every excruciating detail.


I got you... water, yogurt, and a pack of... sour cream.

Uh, sorry. I guess I panicked.

Thanks, Mallory. You're awesome.

So, where are you gonna go?

I don't know yet.

But... wherever I end up?

I hope there's a really big baked potato.


Am I ever gonna see you again?

Count on it.

(Floorboard creaks, chains rattle)

(Amy's footsteps creak on stairs)

Mr. Hanley: Looking for something, miss Fleming?


Actually, I was just looking for you.

I was thinking...

You know, the horses seem worked up at night, it might be because they're eating too many carbohydrates.

I've already been through this with the vet.

It's not the feed. It's something else.

Well, I don't know what to tell you, Mr. Hanley.

I mean, yes, the horses do seem a little antsy, but other than that they're fine.

Perhaps you should come back here this evening and see for yourself what I'm dealing with.

H-here at night?

Um... well, I don't know.

I'd have to ask my grandpa.

Do that.

Oh, and one more thing.

The loft is strictly off limits.

He's sitting in your section.

What am I supposed to say?

Tell him I'm cleaning the bathroom.

He's never gonna believe that.

Make something up.

Tell him I have the flu or jury duty.

I don't care.

I can't deal with him right now, okay?

Hey, Caleb. What'll it be?

No offence, Soraya, I was sort of hoping somebody else would be serving me today.

Right. Uh, Ashley.

She would, she's just, um...

Cleaning the bathroom.

(Half laughs)
Yeah. I bet.


Look, maybe you just need to give Ashley some more time.

I have given that girl all the time in the world.

And what do I get in return?

She goes to the school dance with some frat boy.

Drove you crazy, huh?


Well, come on admit it, it did a little bit.

'Kay, maybe a very little.

So what're you waiting for?

I mean, just tell her how you feel.

How am I supposed to do that? She won't even talk to me.

Well, you have to wait for the right moment and then say something sweet, and smile that smile of yours, and everything will be okay again.

You'll see.

You know, the truth is, things between me and Ashley have never really been okay.

I'd be better off forgetting the whole thing.

I don't know, Amy.

Spending the night at the Hanley barn doesn't seem like a very good idea.

Well, I wouldn't have to spend the whole night, Grampa.

Just until I find out what's wrong with the horses.

If I said yes, and that's a mighty big if, I don't want you there all alone.

I'm sure Ty would come with me.

Exactly what I was afraid of.

Grampa, I'm not a kid any more.

Okay? I'm 17-years-old and I think I'm responsible enough to handle this.

Mr. Hanley hired me to find out what's wrong with his horses, and, well, I can't do my job unless I can watch them overnight.


So, let me get this straight.

You're allowed to spend the whole night, unsupervised, in a haunted barn with the ranch hand slash former juvenile delinquent slash your boyfriend.

Meanwhile, every time I so much as mention Peter - my stable and gainfully employed bf, I might add, Mrs. Bell - grandpa basically reaches for his shotgun.

My father didn't approve of my first beau either.

Do you mean Mr. Bell?

Oh no, dear, I had many sweethearts before Mr. Bell came along.

There was one boy in particular.

I gave him a jar of my jam.

I think that's why he fell in love with me.

Must be some pretty good jam.

He returned the empty jar to me with a butterfly inside.

Oh. That is so romantic.

So, what happened?

It was quite the romance.

We nearly got married, but it didn't work out in the end.

That was a very long time ago, but every year around canning season I find myself thinking 'bout that boy and his silly butterfly.

Here. I got it, Jack.

Where you been?

Out. I had some stuff to do.


I think I saw that boy Badger down by the pond earlier.

Is everything all right?

He took off.

I tried talking to him, but he wouldn't listen.


A kid like that's got to be dealing with a lot.

Things a boy his age shouldn't have to, I reckon.

Yeah, well, he's Clint's problem now, not mine.

Maybe so.

But if he's here, he came back for a reason.

And I'm bettin' it's not because he misses Lou's cooking.

Look, if he wanted my help, then why didn't he ask for it?

Well, maybe you were too busy talking, were ya?

You don't understand, Jack. Okay?

He's different now.

He's got all this attitude and...


Reminds me of someone I know.

Mallory: Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now?



(Startled gasp)

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Jake, I can't talk right now.

Hey, you didn't forget about our plans, did you?

No. Of course not.

I just got sidetracked.

Do you mind if we go riding tomorrow instead?


Okay, um...

Great, I'll see you then.

Okay. Two o'clock.

Don't be late.

I won't.

(Dialing beeps)


I can barely hear you.

Amy, you can't stay overnight at the Hanley barn.

I get it, Mallory.

I'm just a little too old to believe in ghost stories.

No, you don't understand.

My mom used to volunteer at the town archives.

There really was a stable hand that d*ed in the fire.

Okay, and even if it were true, it doesn't mean that the barn is haunted.

But there's official city documents saying that the cause of the fire was arson.


So that means the story's true - that the stable hand fell in love with the farmer's daughter.

But the farmer didn't approve.

So one night when the drifter was fast asleep in the loft...

He set fire to the barn.

We've all heard it a million times.

A million times.

They say the drifter doesn't know he's dead, so he haunts the barn waiting for the farmer's daughter to come back to him.


What do you think, Mrs. Bell?

Do you believe in ghosts?

In my experience, it's not houses and barns that are haunted.

It's the people who live inside them.

Hey, Ty.


You know, Grandpa told me what happened.

It's not your fault that Badger ran away.

I just hope he's okay.

Hey, um, I know this is really bad timing, but I kind of have a favour to ask of you.

Yeah, sure. Anything.

Well, before you say that, you should probably know it involves a haunted barn.

How many flashlights do you think we're gonna need?

Well, I'd just rather be safe than sorry.

You sure you're not letting Mallory's stories get to you?

I can't believe you guys are actually going through with this.

Yeah, I mean it's not like I believe in ghost stories or anything, but Mr. Hanley comes in here a couple of times a month and he seems a little bit crazy.

Oh my God. The last time he was in here, he bought an a*.

Guys! Stop, okay?

Mr. Hanley is not crazy and his barn is not haunted.

Come on, Ty, let's go.

Oh! Help me!

This is so Texas Chainsaw m*ssacre.

Man, I love that movie!

Soraya: Me too! I had to rent it twice 'cause the first time I watched it like this.

Both: (Laugh)

What time does your shift end tonight?

Soraya: Um, in about half an hour. Why?

I'm thinking maybe we should go check out just how "Amityville" that barn really is.

What do ya say?

You're on.
Mrs. Bell left something for you there.

Oh, I've been waiting all day for this.

And as far as I'm concerned, Mrs. Bell makes the best jam in the whole darn country.

Uh, correction.

Mrs. Bell and Lou Fleming make the best jam in the whole darn country.

You know, I know I was hesitant about this whole jam making thing, but I'm starting to see some serious business potential here.

What? No.

I mean it. I mean Mrs. Bell's jam could be the first in a whole line of Heartland country products.

I mean, tourists go crazy for this stuff.

Well, don't you already have enough on your plate?

What do you mean, enough on my plate?

Well, it's just that you're so busy these days, what with the dude ranch and flying off to God knows where.

Lou: I am going away with Peter for the day.

What is the big deal?

Well, it's a little unusual, don't you think?

Most folks tend to date a little closer to home.

No, you know what's unusual?

You letting Amy spend the night with Ty in the Hanley barn.

Amy is a responsible girl. I trust her.

Oh, and I'm not?

(Wind howls)

Well, no wonder people think this place is haunted.

Are you sure you wanna go through with this?

You're not afraid, are ya?

No way.

Lions and tigers and bears!

You stop that, or I'm gonna leave you here.

Oh, I can see how someone who's afraid might think that.

You shut up.

I'm not going anywhere, okay?

All right.

Besides, getting the chance to spend a whole night alone with you is well worth a few ghosts.

(Thunder rumbles, lightning crashes)

You know, somehow I pictured spending the night in a haunted barn to be a lot less...

Boring? I know.

It's kind of romantic in theory.

It is?

Well, dark barn, thunderstorm...

Hidden dangers lurking around every corner...

The smell of manure.

Oh God. Just kiss me.

(Eerie, whispering sound from loft)

Ty: Did you hear that?

Amy: Yeah.

(Horse whinnies, agitated)

(Eerie whispering)

Amy: Hello?

(Unintelligible whispers)

(Lightning crashes)

(Horse grunts)

Here's Johnny!


Soraya: (Laughing)
Oh my God!

Amy: Caleb, you are such a jerk!

Oh man, you guys should've seen your faces.


I couldn't resist.

Ty: Yeah, real funny, guys.

(Lightning crashes)

Please tell me that's Mr. Hanley.


Should we run?

Don't worry, I got an a*.

It's better than a hook.


You guys are so easy.

(Mock evil laughter)

Mallory, it's late. What're you doing here?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yeah. I guess I do.

What about love at second sight?

(Half laughs)
Um, I don't know.


Because I have this "friend."

And when I say "friend,"

I'm actually talking about a friend.

Unlike when some people say "friend" and they're really talking about themselves.

No, this is a real "friend."

Um, I could show you a picture of her if you want.

She's super pretty.

Yeah, Mallory, I, I get it.

Okay, so, um...

This friend just met this guy for a second time and she can't stop thinking about him, although he's totally wrong for her and nobody would approve, especially not her parents.

She can't help it. It's like...

Every time she closes her eyes, he's there, so...

What should she do?


Well, if this "friend" really likes this guy, then maybe she shouldn't worry so much about what other people think, you know?

I mean, you can change someone's mind, but you can't change your own heart.

Thanks, Lou.

Um, I have to go do something important that's completely unrelated to what we were just talking about.


Ashley: So...

This is the famous Hanley barn.

Let's check out the loft.

Amy: No, Ashley. Ashley, please.

Look, guys, if Mr. Hanley comes and finds you here, he's gonna tell my grampa and he'll never trust me again.
Please, just go.

Yeah, come on, guys. Party's over.

Soraya: Okay.

Let's leave Ty and Amy alone to horse watch.

Caleb: (Eerie moan)

Ashley: Boo! (Laughs)

(Lightning crashes)

(Wind gusts strongly)

Caleb! Caleb!

Remember that "right moment"
I was talking to you about?





(Lightning crashes)

Well, you haven't kicked me out of the car yet.

I'd say that's a pretty good sign.

So, did you have a nice night with Soraya?

Yeah. That was awesome.


Wait a second.

You followed me and Soraya out here, didn't you?


You're jealous.

No. Soraya's jealous of me.

Right. Because you work for her mom, you live in a trailer - my trailer.

She's definitely the jealous one.

So what, now you're defending her?

She's my friend.

Yeah, I can see that.

You're jealous.

Okay, now I'm kicking you out of my car.

It's too late now.

Looks like you're stuck with me.

(Shrill shriek)

Whoa! Whoa! What?! What?!

There's someone out there!

(Lightning crashes, thunder rumbles)

I don't see anyone, Ash.

Just forget it.

Let's just get out of here, okay?

(Car rumbles off)

(Horse nickers)

Amy: You know, I don't get it.

We've been here for what, over three hours and the horses seem fine, even in the storm.

Maybe everyone's right.

Maybe Mr. Hanley's just a crazy old man.

(Thunder rumbles, electricity fizzles)

Ty: There's a breaker box at the front.

I'll be right back.


(Agitated nicker)

All right.

(Switch clunks)

(Horse snorts nervously, eerie, ghostly whinny nearby)

(Switch clicks)

(Eerie whinnying)

(Crickets chirp, wind gusts)

(Floorboards creak in the loft)


Come on, man.

(Footsteps thud heavily, stairs creak)

(Leaves and grass rustle in the wind)

Ty: Anyone there?

(Wind gusts)

(Thunder rumbles)




(Thumps hand)





Uh, nothing. I...

Ty. Ty, look at this. See this grave?

This is the grave of those horses who d*ed in the fire.

And look at the date.

Check out this one.

Thomas Ritter.

Ty: So?

So! He d*ed the same year the horses did in the fire.

This must be the grave of...

The drifter.


(Lightning crashes, thunder rumbles)

You know, maybe Mallory was right.

Maybe those stories are true.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

Come on, let's get inside before this storm gets any worse.

(Thunder rumbles)

(Horse grunts softly)

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I just...

I feel kind of silly, I don't know.

I'm just letting this place get to me.

(Floorboards creak, chains rattle)

There is definitely someone up there.

Or something.

(Thunder rumbles outside)

Come on.

(Horse grunts)

Ty: Hello?


Be careful.



Hey, guys. Pretty crazy weather, huh?

What're you doing here?

I think we found our ghost.


Badger: Ungh!


Ty: Wait!

Why, so you can call Clint again?

I didn't call him. He just showed up.

Badger: Yeah, right, Ty!



So you're the one who's been messing with my horses.

No, Mr. Hanley. Look, these are my friends.

They didn't touch your horses, I swear.

Mr. Hanley: I saw flashlights upstairs.

I thought I told you the loft's off limits.

There's dry rot. The floor's not safe.

And what is this, a party?

I'm really sorry. They were just leaving.

I hope I didn't make a mistake hiring you, miss Fleming.

Mallory, Badger, get in the truck.

Mallory: I'm so sorry, Ty. I...

I don't wanna hear it! Now get in the truck!

(Horse whinnies, wood breaks)

Mallory: (Shrill scream)

Ty: Badger, take Mallory and go. Now!

(Horses whinny and nicker)

Amy: There gonna kick the walls down.


Ty, I have to let the horses out.

I'm going with you.

(Horses whinny wildly, kicking against stable walls)

Whoa. Easy, boy.

Hold on, hold on.

(Horse grunts)

Amy: Come on, come on. Steady now, steady.

(Horse whinnies)

(High whinny)

(Hay rustles, Ty and man grunt)

(Struggling grunts)


Ty: Who are you?!

Amy: You were here yesterday, talking with Mr. Hanley.

Brent: Get your hands off of me!

Ty: Not until you tell me what you're doing here.

(Electricity powers up)

It's a glycogen loader.

What's that?

It's like a sugar b*mb used for racehorses to energize them.

You have been putting this in Mr. Hanley's horses feed.

It's why they've been so antsy.

Get off of me!

Mr. Hanley could've lost his business because of you, his home!

Brent: The sooner he leaves the better.


Have you got something to tell me?


Well, I'm just glad to hear you're okay.

All right, you come home soon now.


(Phone beeps off)

Uh, that was Amy.

Sounds like they had quite the night, but... she's okay.

You were up all night worrying about her, weren't you?

Well... She's all right, and I guess that's all that matters.

Well, like you said, she's a responsible girl.

Uh, look. Uh, Lou?


I know it might seem like sometimes I'm too easy on Amy.

It's just that...

She reminds me so damn much of your mom.

And if I'm too hard on you, it's because you remind me of...

Great. I remind you of dad.

I get it.


I was going to say that you remind me of me.

Well, you're sure stubborn like me, and independent, and...

So independent that I wonder how long it's gonna be before you go flying off to New York or Denver, or, God forbid, Toronto, and never come back.

And as for Peter...

It's not that I don't approve.

It's just...

Well, I don't want him to take you away, that's all.


(Luggage thuds onto floor)

No one is taking me away. Okay?


Now don't you make promises you can't keep.

And that will be the last time I ever tell you what to do.

Don't you make promises you can't keep.



Can I get a ride to the airport?

(Birds chirp)

Maybe you could put a good word in for me with Clint.

You know, soften him up a bit.

Well, that depends.

Are you gonna tell me what happened?

This whole running away thing...

I didn't plan that.

I just felt like going home.

My real home, I mean.

Just to visit.

Take it it didn't work out so well?


When I got there the place was empty.

My parents had moved.

They didn't even bother to send me a forwarding address.

After that, I couldn't go back to that group home.

So... I came here.

I know. Stupid.

No, it wasn't stupid.

But next time things get really bad, you come here, cool off for a few days.

No more running, okay?


And no more hiding out in haunted barns.

Both: (Laugh)

Clint's gonna k*ll me, isn't he?

I wouldn't worry about Clint.

He's all about eye contact.

Just look him in the eyes.

Start with something like, uh...

"I'm truly sorry for what I've done..."

Recently I've made some very bad choices and I realize there'll be re...

(Mouths "repercussions")


But if you give me a second chance,

I promise to make better decisions and work towards improving my future.

Well, I'm glad you understand the gravity of the situation.

Running away, I mean, as you know, that's a very serious offence.

However, I am impressed by the mature attitude that you've demonstrated here today.

So, duly noted.

Clearly, this experience has taught you something important.


I waited for you at Clairdale Ridge.

You never came.

Ah, Jake, I'm so sorry.

I totally forgot. I'll make it up to you.


We can go get some ice cream this afternoon.

My treat.

You know, I don't think so.

I actually have a pretty busy afternoon.

But you have a good day now.

Jake, wait.

I don't have any more time left to wait for you, Mallory.

Mr. Hanley: Brent's been after me to sell this place for years.

Guess he got tired of waiting.

Well, the good news is the horses are gonna be fine.

I wish I could say the same about this place.

Fact is, I've been facing foreclosure long before Brent's little schemes.

He just sped things along.

Mr. Hanley?

I'm gonna recommend you on our Heartland website.

We get a ton of hits and I'm sure it'll fill up your stable.

Why would you do that for me?

'Cause you care about horses.

That says a lot about a person.

(Jingling sound)

Mrs. Bell: Whoa.

What's Mrs. Bell doing here?

She stops by this time every year.

Her family used to own this farm before my dad bought it.

Must be some loved ones buried out there.

(Grass rustles in the wind)

How did it go with Clint?


I'm pretty much grounded.

Could've been a lot worse.

Look, I, uh...

I hope I didn't get you into any trouble.

No, I'm good, I can pretty much talk myself out of anything.

I have a confession.

I looked through your sketchbook and you drew me.

I mean, you could've drawn anyone, but... you drew me.

(Car horn honks)

That's Clint.

I better go.



Hey, you ready to go?

Mrs. Bell? What's she doing here?

Amy: You're not gonna believe this,
but Mrs. Bell is the girl in Mallory's ghost story.

Thomas Ritter is her first boyfriend; The one who gave her the butterfly.

You know, all these years it wasn't the barn that was haunted.

Ty: Come on, let's get outta here.

I've had enough ghosts for one lifetime.


(Birds sing)

I, uh...

I forgot something.

Right, your pencil crayon.


You don't want to forget that.

Uh, actually, I never use that colour.