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02x38 - Bluefoot

Posted: 04/23/23 17:22
by bunniefuu
- Here are your five words.


Evidence is information or clues

that show something's true.


An expert is someone who is

really good at something.


You use a microscope to see

things that are really small.


Skeptical is when you're

not so sure about something.


If you're gullible, you

can be tricked easily.

So, we have evidence,

expert, microscope,

skeptical, and gullible.

Watch out for these

words in today's show.

(upbeat music)

- Hello, this is Harry


reporting from Earth to my

friends on the planet Skelecki

on this new episode

of Real or Fake.

And here to talk to us today

about the mysterious creature,

Bluefoot, is the man who

knows everything about him,

our very own expert

Mr. Hector Ruiz.

Now Hector, as the

Bluefoot expert,

please answer the question.

Bluefoot, real or fake?

- Well Harry, I

have to say fake.

To become a Bluefoot expert,

I had to study

everything about him

and there's nothing

that I've seen or read

that makes me believe

that he's real.

- So you're an

expert in something

you don't think is real?

- I guess so.

- And there isn't

one piece of evidence

that might suggest

Bluefoot is real?

- Nope, not one

piece of evidence.

Let me show you.

This is a picture that appeared

in the magazine,

The National Rumor.

- Well, it looks

like Bluefoot to me.

- Yeah, but examine the

picture more closely.

- Oh, there's a Blue Ranger.

They're a scouting

group here on Earth.

- You can also see the

Rangers roasting marshmallows.

- Oh, that would explain

the smell of marshmallows

Bluefoot supposedly

leaves everywhere he goes.

- Exactly.

- But how do you explain

local resident George Vlyer

who said he just saw

Bluefoot two blocks away

eating all the

flowers in his garden?

- All he had for evidence

were half eaten flowers.

- So you're basically saying

you don't think

Bluefoot is real?

- Until there's real evidence,

I have to say that

Bluefoot is fake.

- We have incredible news.

- We just saw Bluefoot.

- What?

- What?

- Down the block.

Luckily I took a picture.

(dramatic music)

- See?


How's that for evidence?

- Well Skeleckian viewers,

it looks like we have

three Bluefoot experts.

- Hey, you guys!

(upbeat music)

Come on, yeah

Think the power, fuel

the power, feel the power

Yo, and plug it in

It's electric

Electric Company

Get connected

Electric Company

It's electric

Electric Company

Get connected

Yo, yo, yo, yo

The power we perfected

Is electrically connected

So use it as directed

And expect to be respected

Turn it on

And you will see

You belong in the company

Feel the power

Feel the power

Feel the power

Yo and plug it in

Plug it in, everybody

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company

- Welcome back to Real or Fake.

Hector's examining all

the Bluefoot evidence,

from Francine Carruthers

and Manny Spamboni.

Is it real, or is it fake?

Who will we believe?

- I cannot believe

you actually think

we would make all of this up.

Why would we make up a

whole story about Bluefoot?

- To get attention.

- To make Hector look foolish.

- Because you were bored.

- Yeah, and the photograph

Francine showed us is blurry.

You can't even tell

if it's real or not.

- Ha!

So that means that you can't

prove that it's not real.

Can you?

- Well, no.

But that--

- A first piece of evidence.

- No, no, no.

I didn't say that, okay?

I just said that it's

a blurry photograph.

That doesn't mean anything.

- Yeah? Well...

What about this

piece of evidence?

Bluefoot's paw prints

that we found in the mud.

- Come on.

Come on, man, do

you really expect us

to believe everything?

Do you think we're

that gullible?

- I'm not saying yes,

but I am not saying no.

- You guys could have

just made this yourself.

How do we really know

if this is Bluefoot?

- Well, how about this?

Bluefoot's fur.

So there.

- If only there was some

way to study this fur

a little bit closer.

- Actually, I have a

microscope right here.

So I can do just that.

- Microscope?

How funny is that?

- There, I'll take one

of Bluefoot's hairs,

and one of my hairs,

and compare them.

Oh, and would you

just look at that?

It looks like Bluefoot's

fur is just like human hair.

- Nice move with the

microscope, Hector.

- All that means is Bluefoot's

fur is similar to our hair.

- That's an interesting

point too, Manny.

- Oh, look.

Bluefoot's fur is painted.

(group oohs)

- No, it isn't!

This happens to Bluefoot's

fur every year at this time.

I mean, I can't believe

you didn't know that.

Fellow Skeleckians,

don't you just love

the back and forth

between the experts?

It's so exciting.

- They are not experts.

I'm sorry, Harry, but none

of this evidence is real.

- Oh yeah?

Well, then, you

and your microscope

can just come to

the library tonight,

and see Bluefoot for yourself.

- What?

- What?

- What?

- What?

- Yes, because, that's

where he will be.

- Mm, no.

How do you know that for sure?

- Because I know the secrets

on how to bring Bluefoot

out of hiding.

Not you!

I will get him to come

to the library tonight,

not you, because I am

the real Bluefoot expert.

Not you.


(laughs maniacally)

- Well, tune in tonight

to see if the Bluefoot

is real, or fake.

(energetic music)

- Ee!

- Ee!

- [Both] Ee!

I need that ee, ee, ee

Ee, ee, ee

To make a step less steep

I need that ee, ee, ee

To turn met into meet

No, Celisse, I agree

We need that ee

Without that sound,

we couldn't even see

Or climb a tree

Live in a world that is free

We owe it a big thanks

We should pay it a fee

Or maybe we should

just stop acting cheesy

And say it out loud,

truly, badly, deeply

We love that sound, and

we'll always keep ee

Ee, ee, ee

I need that ee, ee, ee

I need that ee, ee, ee

I need that ee

- Hello Josephine, are you

raising money for you school?

- Yes Mr. McGee, would

you like to buy a tree?

- I already got one of those.

- How about your

very own street?

- I love it!

But I already live on

my very own street.

- That's pretty much

all I have Mr. McGee.


- How about if I

buy your sneeze?

- What?

I can sell you something

normal like a tree,

but a sneeze is

just plain weird.

- I'll give you

five bucks for it.

- Sold.

- [Announcer] Welcome

to Swimming Spell-Off!

First up is the Red Team.

The word bee.

We'll be seeing a

lot double-e today.

This bee goes buzz!

And there it is, the word bee!

The Blue Team is up

next with freedom.

This is harder as double-e

comes in the middle of the word.

Will they make it?


Freedom, and it feels so good.

Next, sweeten, like

sweeten the lemonade.

Another one with

double-e in the middle.

Can they pull it off?

Yes, sweeten!

Blue Team's back with sneeze.

Time is running out.

Can they...


Yes, sneeze!

- When I was younger in

Ms. Cornbender's class,

I wrote a story about a

sheep who could speak,

and you know what she did?

She put a big X

over the word "speek"!

It turns out that speak is

spelled with an "a" in it.

"Ee" makes the E sound in sheep,

but if you want to make

the same E sound in speak,

you have to use the

"ea," and so I said,

"Well, how will I know which

one to use, Ms. Cornbender?"

And she said that she

would teach us these

one word at a time,

and so I sat in my seat

without a peep, and I learned

sleet, and sleep, and feet,

and fleet, and weed, and

need, and all the words

the use "ee" and then I

learned speak, and read,

and mean, and lean,

and clean, and bean,

and all the words that use "ea"!

And that just made

me want to scream!

In fact, I think I will!




- We're here in the

library, camping out,

and we're prepared to

stay up all night to catch

a glimpse of Bluefoot.

- Hi, Harry.

- It's Manny Spamboni,

Bluefoot expert.

Now, Manny, is it true

that you are a believer?

- I am indeed, Harry.

- Well, you're not the only one.

Our viewers at home voted,

they phoned in, they texted,

and nine out of

of you, that's right,

% believe that

Bluefoot is real!

- Well, if % of all of

you out there believe it,

then it must be true!

- So, Manny, what do

you say to those people

who are skeptical and still

aren't sure if Bluefoot is real?

- Well, all of you

skeptical people out there

who don't believe that Bluefoot

is real right now, (laughs)

just stay tuned!

Bluefoot is coming, and

you'll be able to see him

with your own two eyes.

- Well, I am still skeptical,

because we've been here

over an hour, Manny, and

there's still no sign

of Bluefoot anywhere.

- Well, that's because

Bluefoot is afraid.

We need to create

the proper conditions

so that Bluefoot will

want to come out.

- Fascinating.

- Okay, like what?

- Like, um...

- Humming!

- Humming!

- Everyone knows that

Bluefoot loves humming.

- Right, because the

mother Bluefoot would

wake them up every morning.

- That's right.

- By humming?

- Yes.

So, everyone,

hum now!

(group hums)

- He's still not here, Manny.

Why don't you just admit that

he's not going to appear.

That you made up this whole

thing, just to get attention.

- Because he is going to come.

We just forgot the most

important part of making him

feel comfortable.

- And what is that?

- The friendship call!

- What?

- What kind of expert are you?

Birds have bird calls, right?

Well, Bluefoot has

the friendship call.

Which I just happen to know.

Keith, grab your guitar.

Let's go.

(upbeat guitar music)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, Bluefoot

Don't be lonely and blue

We're gonna do some humming

Like your mommy used to do

We're gonna do

some strumming

'Cause we know

you like that too

Singing, hey, hey,

hey, hey Bluefoot

Come dance to the

sound of the guitar

Hey, hey, hey, hey Bluefoot

Come out, come out,

wherever you are


It's Bluefoot!

- Can you see it, my vloggers?

Bluefoot is dancing to

his friendship call!

- Wait, leave him alone.

Bluefoot doesn't

like it when you...

Unmask him.


- Francine.

- I told you it was all fake.

- How could you?

- Yeah, and wasting

all our time?

- I wanted attention.

- I wanted to make

Hector look foolish.

- I was bored.

- Well, everyone at

home watching my vlog,

looks like Hector was

right to be skeptical.

This was all just

a Bluefoot trick.

- Just goes to show

you that no matter what

you want to believe,

Bluefoot is not real.

- Hey guys?

Do you smell marshmallows?

- [All] Bluefoot!

- [Announcer] Today on

the Big Face Face Off,

it's Hector vs. Danny!

- In this duel, I will

use the "ea" sound.

- [Crowd] Ea, ea, ea!

- I will use the

"ea" sound as well.

I love a good feast.

- That's funny.

My beast loves a good feast too.

(beast roaring)

- That's funny.

Um, my duck will

freak out your beast.

(duck quacking)

- How is that waddling duck

going to freak out my big beast?

(duck quacking viciously)

- Stay away, or I'll scream!

(duck quacking)


- That was pretty neat.

You hungry?

(duck quacks)

Have a seat.

(duck quacks)

- [Announcer] Ready.



- [Driver] Ea?

- [Car] It's ea, ea

as in take the lead.

- [Driver] I'll take

the lead, all right.

- [Car] Oh boy, meatballs.

- [Driver] Meatballs?


- [Car] Meatballs are bad.

He's cheating.

- [Driver] He is cheating!

- [Car] Clean off the meatballs.

- [Driver] Yeah,

see ya, meatballs!

Now we're back in the lead!

- [Car] Nice teamwork.

- [Driver] Thank you, Bob.

- What do watermelon

and cake have in common?

Let's sound this out and see.

This first word

has that double-e,

so that's gonna

make the ee sound.

So, from the beginning, s-w-,




And now, tr-, and then

ea, oh, guess what?

Ea makes the ee sound

too, just like double-e.

So trea-t.


Sweet treat!

Yeah, watermelon and cake

are both sweet treats!

(energetic music)

(man grunting)

- Ea, ea, ea, ea, ea, ea, ea.

P, p, p, pea.




(elephant blows trunk)


B, b, bea.





St, stea.

M, steam.





R, clear.



(watch beeps)

- Well, folks, looks

like Bluefoot might

have put his best foot forward.

- He seemed so gentle.

He just ran right by us like,

like he was more scared

of us than we were of him.

- Wait, so now you

believe in Bluefoot too?

- Well, we caught

Francine faking it, so.

What else could it be?

- It seems awfully real to me.

- I smelled the marshmallows.

- So did I.

- It was very strong.

- Come on, guys!

You cannot believe

everything that you see!

You can't be so gullible.

- We are not gullible!

We don't believe in everything.

Just Bluefoot.

- There has to be

another explanation.

- Like what?

- Well, we know you and Manny

were making the whole thing up

just to get attention.

- And because we were bored.

- Okay, hold on,

hold on a second.

Why would anyone

want us to believe

the Bluefoot was in

the neighborhood?

- I don't know.

- Let's go to the library and

see if we can figure this out.


- You know what, real

or fake, I cannot

spend another minute

chasing down Bluefoot.

I've got tons of homework.

- I'm with you.

Let us know if you

find any more evidence.

- Okay, I'll catch you later.

- Sorry.

- Stay with us, as Real or Fake

continues the Bluefoot


- For true Bluefoot believers.

Get your Bluefoot

action figures here.

Collect the whole

set, only $ . each!

Or, get your picture

taken with Bluefoot,

only $ . .

Hey, put the boxes

over there, kid.

Thanks a lot, thanks a lot.

Or, get the Bluefoot

comic book, only $ . .

- Hey, that guy looks

awfully familiar.

Hey, you're George Vlyer.

You're the guy who said he saw

Bluefoot eating his flowers.

- Who's George Vlyer?

I don't know what

you're talking about.

Would you like some

Bluefoot slippers,

perfect for the winter?

- Wow, seems like business is

going pretty well ever since

people started

spotting Bluefoot.

- Ah, I get it.

You're one of those

skeptical people, right?

Just out to spoil

everyone's fun?

I, however, am a true

Bluefoot believer.

I just want to share my

passion with the world.

- Oh, whoops!


What's this?

- It's marshmallow-scented

air freshener.

- Who doesn't like the

nice smell of marshmallows

sweetening up their home, huh?

Give me my Bluefoot costume!

- (gasps) You are such a Vlyer!

- How could I resist?

You know how many

t-shirts and mugs

I've sold over

the past two days?

You people are so gullible,

you'll believe anything.

- We are not gullible.

We're just open-minded.

- All I had to do was

put on a furry suit,

and I almost fooled you.

- Okay, we were pretty gullible.

- How could you?

- I almost had you

going for a while.

Admit it!

I had you going there.

Are you sh**ting this?

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

this is your lucky day.

All sorts of

Bluefoot merchandise,

and the prices are

drastically reduced.

Come see me at the library

steps while supplies last.








Pick up a letter

Pick up a letter

The letter slides

The letter slides

Pick up another one

and drop it on the side

That's the way you

do the slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Do the slide and drop

Pick up a letter

Pick up a letter

And let it slide

And let it slide

Pick up another one

and drop it inside

That's the way

you do the slide

And drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Do the slide and drop

Chilling with your friends

Play a little ball

Shopping with your folks

Over at the mall

You slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Take a second to

slide and drop

Slide the two Ls

Now you're on the path

Drop a T, H, you

get bath or math

It's a slide and drop

Slide and drop

Everybody can slide and drop

It's really easy

To try out

You pick the word

Now you see how

You can slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

It makes the

world turn around

Way up in the sky

Look up at the stars

Slide the S and T,

drop a C, that's car!

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Now you're on the ride

Words everywhere

And it don't stop

Yup, even in your chair

You can slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Ah, pick up a letter

Pick up a letter

And let it slide

Pick up another one

And drop it inside

It's the way you do

the slide and drop

Slide and drop

Slide and drop

Do the slide and drop

(marker scratching paper)

- [Voiceover] Mb.

- L.

- Imb.

- [Both] Limb.

- L.

- Amb.

- [Both] Lamb.

- Cr.

- Umb.

- [Both] Crumb.

- Cl.

- Imb.

- [Both] Climb.

- Th.

- Umb.

- [Both] Thumb.

- Thumbs up to you!

- Good job.

- Aw, you're great.

- You were really good.

- You're fantastic.

- You're the best.

- You're awesome!

- Thanks, I know.

- What's the game today?

- Well, I don't know.

- Mb, like, mb in numb.

- Oh, tricky, a little silent B?

Thumbs up!

- Oh, I get it.

Thumb, I use my thumb

to eat this tasty crumb.

- (laughs) Okay,

time to comb my hair.

- Oh, nice hair.

Time for me to

climb this ladder.

- Climb!

Oh, you already said that.

This is hard.

- Yeah, mb is like level .

I'm all out of words.

(sheep bleats)

- [All] Lamb!

(group laughs)

- Oh, man, that lamb is crazy.

(beatboxing sounds)

- Thumb.

- (beatboxing sounds)

Thumb, thumb, thumb.

- Comb.

- (beatboxing sounds)

Comb, comb, comb.

- Climb.

- (beatboxing sounds)

Climb, climb, climb, climb.

- Lamb.

- (beatboxing sounds)

Lamb, lamb, lamb, lamb.

(both imitate sheep sounds)

- So, our viewers at home

have revoted, and % of you

now believe Bluefoot is fake.

And you make think,

my fellow Skeleckians,

that this Bluefoot

episode simply means

Earthlings are gullible

creatures, but let's not forget,

these are the same

adventurous Earthlings

that put a man on the moon.

Granted we did it

thousand billion years before,

but that's besides the point.

Anywho, see ya next

time on Real or Fake.

- Well, I'm glad this

whole Bluefoot thing

is finally settled.

- Me too, even though I

did get kind of excited

thinking there might be a

Bluefoot in our neighborhood.

- Well, remember this, until

there's solid evidence,

Bluefoot is just one

big made up animal.

(dramatic music)

- Did you see that?

- Guys, it's just the

little Blue Rangers.

- Those little guys

are everywhere.

- I know.

- Yeah.

- What are you doing?

Go online now to,

and play some Electric

Company games.

You can win points for all

of your favorite people,

or your most favorite

person, me, Manny Spamboni.

Now go, because the

next time I see you,

I better have more points.

(beatboxing sounds)

The time is now,

the day is here

The rhythm that

you're feeling

The music in your ears

The charge is electric

And all you gotta

do is plug it in

Plug it in

Just imagine a world where

everything around you

Every sight and sound

will astound you

Surround you, and

before you know it

Even you'll have the power

to bring the word to life

That's right

That's right

That's what we do in

The Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write

And learning to read

We have a good time

While we plant the seed

And once you get it

You have to share it

Discovering your power

Ya own it, you wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric Company

Is in town, oh!

- Yeah!

- Whoa!


We's bad!

- Crazy, we got bad.

- Yo, yo

- We got bad on camera.

- Mm-hmm.

- [Group Singing]

The Electric Company!

- Here to talk to us today

about the mysterious creature.

(makes choking sounds)

You saved my life, dude!

- I got you, man.

- Hector, as the Bluefoot

expert, please tell us,

the truth is--

- [Director] Cut.

(group laughing)

- [Manny And Jessica] Bluefoot!

- Bluefoot!

- Gosh, Keith, why

are you always late?

(group laughs)