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03x47 - The Wordball Games

Posted: 04/23/23 17:29
by bunniefuu
you try your best to win

a contest or a game.

Score -- the score is

the number of points

made by each team in a game.

Equal -- when things are equal,

it means you have

the same amount.

Add -- when you add numbers,

you put them together.

Penalty -- if you break

the rules in a game,

you get a penalty, and you

have to give something up.

So we have compete,

score, equal, add,

and penalty.

Watch out for them

in today's show.


Marcus, would you

do the honors?


I can't believe I'm actually

gonna get to compete this year!

Oh no, I just

remembered something.


Before you can join

The Electric Company team,

there's a very important

question I must ask you, okay?

What is your

favorite number?

Easy, !

I mean .

No, no, .

Who doesn't love ?


, !

Yeah! Now, you can be

a part of the team,

and you can help

us win that.

The Ridiculously

Big Trophy!

Why is it so

ridiculously big again?

Because the Wordball Games

are a ridiculously big deal.

If The Electric Company loses

to the Pranksters, the people

could lose faith, they'd be

less likely to call on us

and everything would fall apart!

Okay, new guy,

totally freaked out.

I'm just playing, man.

You'll be great, dude,

and besides, not to brag,

it always comes down to

the last event, which is

the word obstacle course,

which I always win.

Seriously, how can you lose

when you got moves like this?

Ahhh...oh no!

Hey you guys!

Ow...and a doctor.

Feel the power

feel the power

feel the power, yo

and plug it in!

It's electric

(Electric Company)

get connected

(Electric Company)

it's electric

(Electric Company)

get connected

(Electric Company)

the power we perfected

is electrically connected

so use it as directed

and expect to be respected

just turn it on

and you will see

that you belong

in the Company!

Feel the power

feel the power

feel the power, yo

and plug it in!

Plug it in, everybody!

Electric Company

Electric Company

Electric Company...

Electric Company!


Hector, I've got good

news and bad news.

What's the good news?

I'm getting married!

The bad news is you

sprained your ankle

and can't play

in today's games.

Well, I gotta go.

Poor, poor Hector!

We heard about your

little accident.

So we bought candy and

flowers and magazines.

These are half-eaten.


These are for us!

We bought them

to celebrate!

I had a chocolate

stripy one.

Celebrate what?

You need four players.

If Hector can't compete, that

means The Electric Company

has to subtract one,

which leaves you with...


And I had a

vanilla-orange one.

Whatever, that's

not the point.

The point is that you have

players and there are events

and the number of events has

to equal the number of players

and does not equal .


we automatically win!



There's only one person

that can figure this out.

(whistle blowing)

Rule number -- the number

of players on the field

must equal the number of events.

Which means you don't

have enough players.

But Ref Jeff,

it was an accident.

Can't you bend the

rules or something?

Jessica, I've been refereeing

these games for a long time now

and I never bend the rules.

Ha! You're the losers

we're the winners

we're the diners

you're the dinners!

Go, go, go, go!




I have good news

and bad news.

You're getting

married, I heard.

And we're honeymooning

in Hawaii!

Bad news is you can't play

in today's games either.

Bon voyage!

They're a beautiful


If you subtract Manny

from the Pranksters team,

then each team will have

an equal number of players.

against ,

which means...

(whistle blowing)

The Games are back on!


Wait, I always compete against

Hector in the word obstacle

course and if he's gone, then

who will compete against me?

Ahh! The...boy!

He hasn't been

assigned a sport yet.

Wait, no, hold on!

(whistle blowing)

Rule number says fair

is fair -- Marcus will be

competing for Hector in

the word obstacle course.

You got it, and you're

going to be great, Marcus.

Didn't you say

it always comes down to

the word obstacle course?

It'll be fine, man,

don't worry, it's all good.

We love you,

number , !

You think the good

guys will win?

I do! Because

as your sign says,

The Electric Company is


It does not say that.

I know, but that's a big word!

And big words

kind of freak me out.

Then you better

not watch this.

I love big words but sometimes

a big word is just too much

for me and I need to break

it up into bite-sized pieces.

And now I can!

With the new Bite Sized

Word Bits Bar,

big words are so much easier.


Mmm, I love butterscotch!

The all-new Bite Sized

Word Bits Bar!


My neighbor

is a space alien.

Space alien!

You only have

two lives left.


Clean my filthy car,

or you're going to get replaced.

And he'll beam you with his

eyeballs to outer space.


It's looking real good,

but something smells rotten,



The inside of the car

should not be...ohh!

Ha, ha, you didn't

read the end.

I still have one

more life, my friend.

This word is big,

it has lots of letters,

but if I break it up,

I can read it much better.

I take a close look

and what does it show?

The awesome small words

inside that I know.

There's for and got and ten.


It's looking real good

but something smells rotten,

the inside of the car

should not be forgotten!

Yeah, ha, ha!

You have succeeded,

you are the man!

Pesky Eddie, take this bag

and put it in the can.

I'll get you next time.

When you see a big word

that you don't know

when you see a big word

that you don't know...

when you see a big word

that you don't know

it's okay, you just

gotta break it down slow

look for the chunks

you recognize

they will get you through

so take your time

put them all together

now you're chunking!

The first bit I see is "re"

and that's a chunk I know

I've seen them in a bunch

of other words, let's go!

Return, rewind

hey, we're moving

on down the line

the next chunk is "em"and

it's found within the words

stem, December, memory, gem

the last chunk is "er"

I see this one a lot

iceberg and verb

winter, number...

I take all of those chunks

and with the other letters

now you have enough clues

to put the words together

now, re-mem-ber!


When you see a big word

that you don't know

it's okay, you just gotta

break it down slow

look for the chunks

you recognize

they will get you through

so take your time

put them all together

now you're chunking!

What's happened so far?

I'm so nervous about

the Wordball Games.

How will we earn more

points than the Pranksters?

Worry not! I earn mad points,

look at the score, to !

Look at the score,

to , yeehaw!

Now, look at the score, to !

We'll never lose

with me on the team.

Whoa, ouch!

Hey, you guys!

No, Hector

can't compete.

None of you can compete;

you're not allowed to play.


The rules say that

the number of events

must equal the number

of players.

You just lost a player.

We all know that and

are not the same.

They don't equal each other!

So, we win!

We won the games

because you can't compete

now you've got to give

the trophy to me


Looks like the number of players

on The Electric Company team

once again equals the number

of players on the Pranksters.

We will have events --

the Games are back on!

Oh and Marcus, young lad,

you're taking Hector's place.


Competing first for The Electric

Company is Keith Watson.

Competing for the Pranksters --

Annie Scrambler!

Boo! Boo!

Manny, I'm on your side!

Sorry, I just really

like to boo people.

Ref Jeff, isn't there a rule

about everyone having their name

on the back of their shirt?

There is rule number --

oldest one in the book.

Last I checked,

his name wasn't Theik!

No fair, she scrambled my name!

(whistle blowing)

Penalty, Annie Scrambler!

What? Why?

When you break a rule,

you receive a penalty.

Rule number --

no scrambling words!

As a penalty to the Pranksters,

add points to The Electric

Company's score.

(laughing and cheering)

We've got points!

(whistle blowing)

Penalty, Keith Watson!

Rule number -- no laughing

at someone else's expense!

Add points to

the Pranksters' score!

Now we can begin.

This is a new event

called the long word jump.

One player will make the word,

the other player

will jump over the word.

The amount of letters in

the word equal the amount

of points a player gets

once they jump over it.

Annie Scrambler will be using

wordballs provided by Francine.

Keith Watson, you will

make the first word.

Annie, I'll start you off easy.

Try jumping the length

of this word.

Stretch it out.

I got this.

You got this.

I got this.

Ah, yes!

That's a -letter word;

add points to the Pranksters!

Not bad...but now

let me see you jump

the longest word

in the dictionary.

That's right!

I'm talking about the word,


Dictionary! -letter word!

Add points to The Electric

Company score!

Actually Annie, the longest

word in the dictionary is...

Somebody's in trouble.


Yeah, that's a word!

Did you hear that

word he made up?

He's a funny kid.

Its not made up.




It's a term referring

to the lung disease

caused when you inhale

volcanic dust.

Right, of course,

I remember that now.

Oh! Bad jump!

No points for the Pranksters.

End of first round, the score

is points for the Pranksters,

Electric Company -- points.


In round two,

Jessica Ruiz will compete

against Francine Carruthers

in the Wordball toss.

You get points depending on

how far you throw the word

and each player gets two words.

Jessica, you're up.

I have to say, Francine, b*ating

you is going to be my pleasure.

Add points to

The Electric Company!


To the contrary, Jessica,

it shall be I who is victorious.

Add points to the Pranksters.

Maybe, Francine, you should

try a different style.

Add points to

The Electric Company!

We're winning by points; the

Pranksters will never catch up.

Ref Jeff!

Yes, Francine?

May I change

the shape of a word?

Sure, no rule against that.

That's incredible.

Add points

to the Pranksters!

That's the end of the second

round -- the scores are equal.

Both teams have points

which means it all comes down to

the word...obstacle course.

You got it, man.

Marcus needs our support...

Quick, do the wave.


If this was a hamster sporting

event, we'd be singing

the hamster national

anthem right now.


Best song ever.

Check it out.

Be good,

I'll be back soon.

All right fuzz balls,

karaoke time!

It has the hamster

national anthem.

There's a hamster

national anthem?

I don't know

that word.

Wait, we can figure it

out by using what we know.

Are there any parts we

know inside that big word?

I've seen "cel"before.

Yeah "cel!"

Like in celery.

Hamsters are great

so let's all celery...

That doesn't

sound right.

The end looks like

the word "ate."

The middle, "br"sounds like

brrr, like when you're cold.

So, cel-br-ate.


Hamsters are great

so let's all celebrate

everyone raise some carrots

to the best pets

in the world...

Besides parrots

who are slightly better

It's so beautiful.

Kid, I heard some big words

were giving you trouble.

Let me tell you a secret, big

words are not really that big.

Oh, look what we have here...

bunch of big words.


Watch this.

Starts with a "p,"

then "ow,"

then "er,"and "ful"--


See, it's just a bunch of little

words and sounds stuck together.

The only thing powerful

around here is my flip.

Who else wants a piece of me?


Check this out --

"ing,"I see you everywhere.

And there's the word "tack"

in the middle.

And "at"at the beginning.


And I will be attacking

you with my breath.

Secret w*apon...

onions for lunch.

So there you have it.

That was unexpected...

but I totally expected it.

I don't think big words will be

giving you a problem anymore.

If they do, just tell them that

you're friends with me...

This is Nuggets the hamster,

coming at you live

from the Wordball Games.


Mummy, tell us, what

have we seen so far?

In the first event, Keith b*at

Annie in the long word jump.


In the next event,

Francine defeated Jessica

in the word toss.


And now the score

is to .


You heard it here first and

the obstacle course starts now.

Our final round is

an old favorite,

the word obstacle course.

Marcus Barnes will be competing

against Danny Rebus.

Each player will run through

the word tires, leap through

the word hoops, then answer the

final mystery trivia question,

which will be revealed to

the first player to get there.

Whoever crosses

the finish line first,

scores one point

and wins the game!

Now it's on,

small child.

On your mark, get set, go!

We got to stop that kid!

Francine, distract the ref!

Ref Jeff, I've been considering

become the referee

and I want to know if these

are the correct hand movements?

Thank you for

your time.

See you at the finish line!

Did you see that?

Yeah, I did.

Annie cheated.

(bell ringing)

In the Wordball Games,

what is the one thing

you can never bend?

I have an idea!


Annie Scrambler!

What? Penalty?

Wait, I'll

put it back.

A hammer.


Okay, not a hammer.

How about...

A palm tree!

Can't bend that!


Okay, not a palm tree.

It's useless -- this

question has no answer!

We're going to be stuck

on this obstacle course

for the rest

of our lives!

Look, you start gathering food,

and I will build us a shelter

for when the night falls, huh?

Jessica, I've been refereeing

these games for a while now,

and I've never bent the rules...

the rules...the rules...

The rules!

You can never bend the rules!


Add one point to

The Electric Company.

The final score is...

The Pranksters -- points,

The Electric Company --


The Games are over --

The Electric Company wins!


Yeah, we won the

Ridiculously Big Trophy!

Awesome, awesome!

I won my competition!

Wait for me!


What'd I do, Ref Jeff?

It's not you, it's me.

Rule -- referees should

never lose control of their's just that...

I'm so darn proud of you guys.


Marcus, show them.

We are behind the scenes

of The Electric Company.

I'm here with my best pal, Coy,

who also plays Marcus Barnes

who is the new member of

The Electric Company.

Hey, guys!

Marcus' power is math, so he can

throw up numbers in the air,

and he can do math problems.

He pulls his hand back and

he throws it into the air

and you know, it's all

magical and stuff.

Math is very important;

you use it in everyday life...

If you could switch powers

with anyone on the show,

who would you

switch powers with?

Hmm, I would have

to say Hector.

I love his


This still belongs to me.

What is your favorite costume,

gadget, or scene

that your character

has been in?

My favorite would be

the training montage...

Working out with the chickens

and the hot dogs.

What is the most exciting

thing about being on set?

It would probably be

everybody free styling.

It's so fun, like

everybody rapping and...


What is your

favorite word?

My favorite word

is spectacular.


I love that word.

And when I say it and when

I hear people say it, it just

feels like I can hear like

sparkles, like spectacular!

I think that's a really

cool word to use.

Yo, what's up guys?

Have you checked out

The Electric Company online?

Go to

Check out the games,

clips and tons more.

The best part is there's new

stuff added all the time.

You don't believe me?

Go check it out for yourself.

If The Electric Company loses

to the pankers -- pank...