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04x24 - Friendship

Posted: 04/24/23 13:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Well, isn't anybody in this family happy to see me?

Nell, you've only been gone about minutes.

Well, sometimes a person likes to feel missed.

Well, next time you go to the grocery store, nell,

We'll have a "welcome home" party.

I'm glad they were out of your froot loops.

Oh, not again!

Samantha, did I get any phone calls?

Were you expecting a call? No!

Look at this pigsty. I don't know why I stay here.

Nell, I'm not finished with the papers.

Well, keep your papers.

No, nell, those are our scorepads.

Well, keep your scorepads.

Does nell seem a little edgy?

Looked that way when she threw the papers in my face.

Do you think it's 'cause of her cold?

No, it's addy.

What are you talking about, joey? Addy's her best friend.

Well, I asked her what was wrong,

And she said addy hasn't telephoned her all week

And not to ask her dumb questions.

Nell, no! Nell, no!

Nell, what's -- what's this with you and addy?

You two were such close friends.

Close? Ha!

When you're close, you phone each other.

But have I heard from addy? Nope.

But does it upset me?

Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah. Nothing about addy upsets me.

I wouldn't get upset if a building fell on her face.

I wouldn't get upset if she got ran over by a steamroller.

Wouldn't even upset me

If she got hit by a rock that fell from the moon.

Nell, you know that's not gonna happen.

You tryin' to upset me, grandpapa?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Uh-huh. That's her.



After years of friendship, I know the sound of her bell.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Aren't you going to answer the door?

[ Doorbell rings ]

She takes friendship too lightly.

To me, friendship is a sacred thing.

You know what I'm goin' to do?

You know what I'm gonna do when I open this door?

I'm gonna slam it in her ugly face.

That wasn't her.

Come on in, angie. Just come on in.

Hi, kaniskys.

I'm sorry, darling.

I-i-i didn't recognize you in your -- your uniform.

I'm a den mother for the glen lawn forest brownies,

And I'm selling cookies.

Well, look.

I'm real sorry that I slammed the door in your face.

Oh, that's okay.

You get a lot of doors slammed in your face

When you're selling cookies.

Angie, I thought in order to be a brownie den mother,

You had to be a mother.

Oh, no.

I've been doing this ever since my niece joined,

But I do intend to be a mother someday.

Then I'll have lots of little brownies.

[ Cooing ]

Hey, aunt nell. Can we buy some cookies?

Okay, but just one box.

Okay. What kind of cookies do you sell, angie?

Chocolate chip, mint chocolate, and peanut butter.

Hmm...we'll take the chocolate chip.

All I have is vanilla wafers.

That's okay. I love vanilla wafers.

We'll take two boxes. Okay, aunt nell?

No, you won't. You will take one box.

They are loaded with sugar.

What do you want -- your teeth falling out of your head?

That's okay. Addy told me to save two boxes for her.

Ha! Here. Nothin' wrong with false teeth.

Well, I better go now.

I'm taking my brownies to turtle lake to look for frogs.

Bye, y'all.

Angie is wonderful,

Even if she does have her head in the clouds.

Yeah... High, thin, and scattered.

I do not believe pam thraymond.

She says she doesn't trust a guy with a moustache.

Is she crazy? Tom selleck has a moustache.

So did joseph stalin, john dillinger,

And ho chi minh.

What series were they on?

"The brady bunch."

Come on, nell. You must think I'm awfully dumb.

That was robert reed, florence henderson,

And ann b. Davis, and none of them had moustaches.

Those guys must have been on something else.

Another scattered cloud just went by.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Ringing continues ]

[ Ringing continues ]

Nell, aren't you gonna answer the phone?

Why? I know it's addy.

After years of friendship, I know the sound of her ring.

Then why aren't you answering it?

Because I didn't want addy to think

That I am sitting by the phone waiting for her to call.

Then I'll answer it.

Suit yourself, darlin'.


Oh, yeah. Hi, addy.

What'd I tell you? What'd I tell you?

Uh, yeah. She's here.

Yep. It's addy.

Just tell her "hold on, honey." Tell her "hold on."

Uh, nell. No-no-no-no-no-no-no.

She made me wait all week. She can just wait.

Take my time, honey.

No, no, no, no, no. Put her on hold.

Wait. Nope. I'm coming.

No, you don't understand. You see, nell...

Give me the phone.


She wants to talk to you, julie.


Wait. Wait. Wait.

Are you some kind of traitor or something, honey?

I'm not mad at addy. She calls me all the time.

Hi, addy.


Has addy been calling anybody else in this family?

She called me about a dress she wants from the boutique.

And me about a puppet show next saturday.

Aha. She called me because she --

Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

You know, I don't believe this family.

Does anybody here know the meaning of the word "loyalty"?

Time's up -- you don't know it, so forget it.

Yeah, I got it right here. I'll look it up. Bye, addy.

Well, julie.

Yes, nell?

I'm sure addy said, "say hi to nell."




What did she say, honey?

She said, "I'll meet you later, julie."

Just what do you have to meet addy about, darlin'?

The junior symphony she and yvonne anderson are organizing.

Oh! Yvonne anderson. [ Laughs ]

So that's who she dumped me for.

Yvonne anderson, yes.

She does a lot of wonderful work with the junior symphony.

Look, nell, it sounds like you're jealous

Of addy's friendship with yvonne anderson.



Oh, no, darling.

I'm glad that woman is out of our lives.

Because of her,

I haven't been spending enough time with you children.

Ah, no...

You're more than family to me.

You're my friends.

So let's do what friends do. Let's talk.


Uh, that's really sweet, nell,

But, um...i'm due over at pam's.

Yeah, uh, maybe we can talk tomorrow, okay?

Yeah, well, I have to go over to sharon's house.

I better get over to addy's.

Well, I'm going next door

To look at harry mason's new motor home.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Clears throat ]

Hey, aunt nell.


I'll stay with you.

Thank you.

You know what?

You're the only friend I got in this whole world.

But I better go call my friend howie

And tell him I can't come over

And watch him feed flies to his lizard.

Joey, wait a minute. Uh...

Why don't you go over to your friend's?

Go ahead. Have fun. Okay?

Thanks, aunt nell.

Oh, joey, wait a minute.

Here, honey. You're a guest.

Never go empty-handed.

♪ Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream ♪ ♪ merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ♪"],…}

Well, nell, you sound in high spirits.

Guess addy called, huh?

No, but I'm always in high spirits

When I've just found a new very best friend.

A new very best friend?

Yes. Angie.

[ Chuckles ]


Hi, julie.

How'd the meeting go, jul?


What happened at the meeting, julie?

It was just a meeting with addy and yvonne anderson

About the junior symphony.

Well, what did she wear, darling?

I mean, did her shoes match her outfit?

I want to know what happened.

What kind of jewelry did she wear? Were there earrings?

Were they long, dangly ones or were they pearl drops?


Addy was very smartly turned out.

When she came in the room,

Everyone turned around to admire her.

If you think that story's gonna get you in this refrigerator,

You're crazier than I thought.

Nell, you asked for it.

You're right, grandpapa.

Just because addy and I are no longer speaking

Doesn't mean I have to hold anything against her.

That's a very mature attitude, nell.


Well, how is she holding up these days, dear?

Is she aging well?

Nell, it's only been a week since you saw addy.

I know, darling, but her kind of face goes fast.

Addy never looked more beautiful.

I'm glad.

You know, yvonne looked beautiful, too.

Give me.

Nell, I thought you liked yvonne anderson.

Oh, please, grandpapa. Yvonne is so dull and boring.

All she and addy ever talk about

Is beethoven, chopin, and bach.

Nell, that's part of the junior symphony program.

This year marks bach's th birthday.

Someone should tell angie. She'll send him a sweater.

You know, addy and yvonne have really done a wonderful job

In organizing the junior symphony.

In fact, tomorrow at lunch,

They're gonna finalize the opening program.


So you're having lunch with them tomorrow, huh?

No, they're having lunch alone at the camelot inn.

Who cares?

Hey, you.

Hello, angie.

This is your very best friend, nell.

How would you like to have lunch tomorrow, darlin'?

You would? That's good.

Why don't we go someplace fancy,

Like, uh... The camelot inn?

You would? Okay.

Oh, what time?



Addy you're kidding! That's so exiting!

Do you really think so?


Why, addy wilson, as I do live and breathe, it's you.


And yvonne. Darling, you look...

As always.

Thank you, nell. It's good seeing you again.

Nell, are you here having lunch alone?

Moi alone? Oh, no, no.

It's just that I have been so busy this week

That I haven't had a chance to have lunch

With my very best friend.

Your very best friend?

Oh, yes, everyone has a very best friend,

And I'm having lunch with my friend today.

Well, who is your very best friend?

My very best friend is angie.

Angie is your very best friend?

Oh, yes.

She calls me on the phone every day, all the time.

Hi, nell.

Hi, addy.

You must be yvonne anderson.

I'm angie, nell's best friend. I've heard so much about you.

Darlin', sit down. I am so glad you wore your uniform.

Angie is involved in some very important charity work.

For the brownies. Want to buy some cookies?

[ Giggles ]

Well, I'm so sorry.

We didn't mean to come in and be having so much fun

And interrupt your dull conversation.

Please excuse us.

Nell, don't be ridiculous. Our conversation wasn't dull.

As a matter of fact,

Yvonne and I are finalizing the junior symphony season.

And I want to tell you something --

Glen lawn is in for a very exciting musical season

With the touring opera company coming in.

Oh, yes. Angie and I are going to get season tickets.

It's just that, uh,

We couldn't decide which opera we wanted to see first.

I thought you and I were going to get season tickets together.


Well, it's been so long since I've heard from you,

I guess I just forgot.

Nell, what are you talking about?

- .

Nell, what is that?

See, already she's forgotten my phone number.

I know your number. - .

See, that's why she's my best friend,

And that's why we're going to the opera together.

I love opera.

Don't talk about it, darlin'.

Oh, you know, they're opening this season

With my very favorite, "don giovanni."

Don't let them pull -- "don giovanni"?

Oh, I love "don giovanni,"

But my real favorite is "madame butterfly,"

Even though it's so sad.

That japanese girl shouldn't commit su1c1de

Over the american sailor.

Lots of mixed marriages work out.

Addy that's very true, angie.

You really know about opera?


My best friend knows all about opera.

Um...addy, would you excuse me for one moment?

I think I'm going to go powder my nose.

All right.

Oh, wait for me. I have to tinkle, too.

Well, I hope you don't mind

My sitting in your very best friend's chair.

Yvonne is not my very best friend.

You were until a few minutes ago.


Oh, then why haven't you called me all week?

Oh, nell, you know I don't keep track of when you --

I phone you, girl. You're so silly.

Well, that's what best friends are for.

Those are things we do.


You see, I thought best friends

Were for sharing their joys and sorrows,

Their ups and downs.

Well, how do you expect me to share these things

If you don't call me?

Well, you haven't called me all week, either.

Listen, adelaide wilson, I have more important things to do

Than to be sitting by some phone trying to call you.

Well, so do i, nellie ruth harper.

In fact, yvonne and I have been taking care of this program,

And it has taken up all of my time.

I certainly never dreamed

You were sitting by the phone waiting for me to call.

Who told you?

Nell, I don't think you understand

About friendship at all.

You know, everyone views friendship differently.

For instance, someone like you might look at this glass

And say it's half empty,

But I say it's half full.

It's empty.

I should have known you wouldn't understand.

Nell, nell, nell, did you know that angie knows

The entire aria to "rigoletto"?

♪ La donna è mobile ♪

♪ Qual piuma al vento ♪

I can't believe -- nell, listen.

[ Giggles ]

Do you mind if I borrow angie for the junior opera company?

She'd be such a big help.

Oh, no, honey. Go right ahead.

We can have lunch some other time,

Maybe on beethoven's birthday.

Okay. Bye.

This is going to be so much fun.

For my college thesis, I did verdi.


Angie's gonna be so wrapped up in that opera program,

She won't have time to phone you.

I guess you'll have to find a new best friend

Who can call you every day.

You know something, nell?

You are like a lot of people in this world today --

Always testing their friends.

You don't call them, but if they don't call you,

Then you think they don't care.

Well, I'm gonna tell you something, girl.

You don't ever have to call me to prove that you care,

Because I know you care whether you call or not.

[ Gasps ]

Now, do you want to have dinner this week?

I'd love to.


Don't forget to call m--

I'll call you.

Hi, addy.

Oh, I'm sorry, babe. I got you out of the tub.

Okay. Okay, look.

I was just calling to see,

Did we confirm our date for tomorrow?

Fine, darling. Fine. Okay. Whatever you say.


[ Humming aria ]


[ Continues humming ]

Hi, addy. It's me again.

I just wanted to catch you before you got back in the t--

Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, y-you were back into the tub.

No, but see, why I was calling back,

I wanted to make sure we had confirmed a time for tomorrow.

Okay, is fine. Okay?

What do you mean, don't call you anymore?

Best friends are supposed to call each other.

What the heck do you mean

I've called you nine times this morning?

Real friends don't count how many times their friends call.

Hey, look, if that's your attitude,

You ain't got to worry about it, babe.

You won't never hear from me again, ever! Bye!

[ Humming aria ]

Addy, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Whoa, addy, wait, wait, wait.

Hey, I promise you,

I'm not gonna call you anymore after this time.

Look, wait.

But just in case, why don't you get a phone in your bathroom?

[ Addy screaming ]

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break