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01x04 - Corduroy Briefs

Posted: 04/29/23 07:25
by bunniefuu
TODD: Bus pass right here

- Okay. Okay.

- Just pull it.

- What Mom! Hold on. Sorry.


- Can you help me, please, Todd?

- TODD: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

- I got it. Ow.

- Up there.

I never should've asked you

for a ride to work this morning.

Well, who could've known that

my car would break down again?

You, Todd. You!

How long had your check

engine light been on?

I don't know, like,

seven or eight months.

TODD: I'm just saying,

engine lights are a suggestion.

It's something you can do

every few hundred miles,

or if you have the time, or money.

I failed you as a parent.

Anyway, what's the big deal?

A.A. towed the car for

free, so it's no problem.

A.A.? Oh, well, Alcoholics Anonymous

might tow your car for free, but

Triple A is a paid membership.

Just like I pay to have

my car serviced regularly

because that is what adults do.

They take responsibility

for their lives.

Sure. Right. Responsibility.

Sounds expensive.

Oh, what is more expensive

is waiting for things

to fall apart, and I'm the

one paying for it today,

and not to mention,

my car is in the shop

because you backed it into a wall.

Okay, that wall was not

there, and then it was.

Oh, Todd, you are going to the hospital

- to borrow your sister's car


because I have court this afternoon,

and I am not going through this

again in the rain on the bus.

- Oh, you don't like taking the bus? Really?

- No, Todd. Go.

- Goodbye.

- What?

Hi, Allison.

- Hi, Mom.

- Uh, listen,

Todd is on his way

over to borrow your car.

Hi, Sarah, can you please

give this to Allister

and straighten it out for God's sake.

- Thank you.

- ALLISON: Todd has a car.

Your old car, and I don't

want him "Toddifying" mine.

Yeah, well, my current

car is in the shop

because Todd backed it into a wall.

This is not helping your case.

Allison, you are not

lending the car to Todd.

You are lending it to me. Good morning.

- Morning.

- And I'm gonna be the one driving it,

and I will return it to

you safely, I promise.

I've got to go. Sorry. Bye.

What a mess. Good morning, Francey.

Sean Phillips is waiting in your office

to go over his testimony for the trial.


Northbrook has a nice

write-up in The Sentinel.

A piece about how the boy genius

is expanding them beyond private

jets into commercial planes.

Media hound. Any mention

of the crash or the six

injured people or our client?

No. No mention. Of course not.

- Oh.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- What?

- Okay. Okay. Good, good.

Okay, Sean,

I have got one more

practice question for you.

Um, how has the accident,

the injury affected your life?

Well, when I lost my leg,

it took nine weeks to heal.

- Mm-hmm.

- But I never let up on the PT.

Just like today, I came

right after practice.

I've been training for months now

so I can get back in shape and compete

in the 2024 Paralympics.

Okay, okay, okay, Sean, um

I'm gonna have to

interrupt you for a minute.

You have a very positive mindset.

Won me two gold medals in Tokyo.

And all of Portland

admires you for that,

but the plane crash changed everything.

A a and your injury

I don't like to dwell on that.

But the other passengers, they

got very small settlements.

Yeah, for a sprained

ankle, a broken arm.

Nobody was hurt as bad as me.

And the jury needs to understand that.


My leg was crushed

between two plane seats.

I was trapped there for hours,

and the doctors, they tried to

save my leg, but, uh

a decision had to be made.

That was a horrible day.

But then

What happened?

The bills.

Hospitals, anesthesia, prosthetics.

They just kept coming and

My own mom had to take

out a second mortgage

to help me pay my bills. My mom.

I'm a grown man. I should be

able to provide for myself,

and Northbrook took that from me.

That was their mistake, their

plane, and they should pay up.


Mar, we were just served with notice.

Northbrook is filing a motion.

They want to dismiss the case.

Hearing in two hours.

Of course they'd pull that now.

- What's going on?

- It's a ploy these huge corporations use.

They file motions to dismiss cases.

No, but it hasn't even started.

They're trying to scare us,

but we don't scare.

Chuck just detailed my car,

so please don't mess it up.

You don't trust me with your things?

You set our microwave on fire.

Hey, metal staples

fastening tea bags to strings

is a terrible idea. I stand by that.

Look, whatever. I'm not

borrowing your car. Mom is.

Okay, then tell Mom to

pick me up at 5:00, sharp.

I'm an idiot.

Good morning. Hi. Sorry we're late.

Uh, Sean, uh, this is my son, Todd.

Uh, you both went to Wilson.

Wow. Hi. Yeah, I saw you break

the Wilson High record in the javelin.

- I legit cried.

- Oh, good to meet you, man.

Did you have, uh, Mr. Parks for physics?

Uh, thought we were all

living in the Matrix,

had hair everywhere

other than his own head?

- Yes, I do remember. (LAUGHS)


Hey, Sean, can I get your autograph?

Oh, yeah, man, of course.

Wait, is that him?

MARGARET: Gus Easton.

SUSAN: How is he the "master

of corporate law" in that suit?

He is from Seattle.

Attorney Wright.

Attorney Easton.

He's the worthy opponent who guided

that jerk aerospace CEO to success?

That dude's confident he's gonna win.

I know that look. I've had it.

Come on, you're Sean Phillips.

There's no way we're gonna lose this.

As long as we don't get Judge Sauceda.

BAILIFF: All rise.

Honorable Judge Sauceda.

SAUCEDA: Sean Phillips

v. Northbrook Aerospace.

We're here on defendant's

summary judgment motion.

Go ahead, counsel.

Thank you, Your Honor.

I'd like to present

the court with, uh

Oh, come on, where is it? Well

Hold your horses. Here, here.

Here it is.

This joint report from the FAA

and NTSB that we just received.

Uh, Your Honor, I was not served,

and I need time to review this report.

Let's just see where this is going.

GUS: Their investigation concluded

that Flight 254's accident

was an uncontrollable event.

Black ice, landing strip,

an act of God, so we

respectfully request a dismissal,

as this report confirms that

Northbrook is not at fault.

Uh, Your Honor, our pilot witness

will testify that he flew

the plane without error.

Therefore, a malfunction

had to have occurred.

Yes, I've read your

compelling witness declaration,

but in light of this report,

I'm inclined to grant

the motion and dismiss.

Your Honor, our hometown hero

and decorated Olympian

now has a prosthetic limb

and over half a million

dollars in medical debt.

- Objection. Irrelevant.

- This is a government agency report.

It is not binding on the court,

and over a quarter of them

are wrong anyway, and Wait.

Just last week, the EPA

reversed its findings

in the Foregrave matter.

You have my attention.

I need adequate time

to review the report.

I'm asking for one week.

I'll grant you a 48-hour continuance.


48 hours isn't enough time, is it?

- Is it?

- Sean, don't worry,

I am going to make Northbrook pay

for what they did to you. I promise.

Attorney Easton.

Attorney Wright.

You cannot go around filing an ex parte

for a non-emergency. It is frivolous.

Frivolous? Well, we wouldn't want that.

But, you know, waiting till

trial would've harmed my client,

and that's an emergency to me, so

Aren't there vending

machines on this floor?

I would never pull a

surprise attack like that.

It is disrespectful and

I wasn't aware I was pulling anything.

Wait, aren't you supposed

to be some Portland

powerhouse attorney?

Getting all twisted

up about an ex parte.

Was I on a different floor when

I saw those vending machines?

I need some chips or something.

You and I both know that my

client deserves every penny

we can wring out of

Northbrook's greedy clutches.

Yes, we do both know that,

but you have to do the wringing.

And I don't have to help you.

I want those boxes of discovery

in my office by noon today.

Mm. I'll see what I can do.

I just have a hard time

keeping track of my briefs.

Well please keep track of them,

from now on. I would.

You would keep track of my briefs?


Honestly, he's wearing corduroy pants.

Opposing counsel, in court, in corduroy.

I mean, where do you even buy corduroy?

Uh, corduroy store?

No one should wear corduroy,

except Princess Diana,

and only that once.

Okay, and why do we care

about this guy's pants again?

Because he's infuriating.

He is a hustler, he's a shyster,

and he is from Seattle.

He's trying to pull one over on me,

but I know exactly

what he's going to do.

He's going to try to

bury us in paperwork

to waste what precious

little time we have.

It's just like that Mark

Buffalo movie Open Waters.

Uh, pretty sure Open

Water's a shark movie,

but Mark Ruffalo was in a

movie called Dark Waters.


Mark "Rah-fallo" is in a

movie with Anne Hathburne

that you made me watch,

and he played a lawyer.

Yeah, in corduroy pants.

- Dark Waters.

- No.

Todd, we got 48 hours to find a

needle in a mound of paperwork,

so let's Wait, why are you driving?

- What?

- No, Todd.

No. A-Allison wants me

This can't be all of it.

I triple-checked with the mail room.

Wh-what about those?

Unrelated. I'm an associate,

so my office is part storage room.

- Hmm.


MARGARET: What was that?

Uh, my office is part storage room

and right next to the, uh


My God, you can hear everything.

I am so sorry, Susan.

When I was an associate lawyer,

my office was basically in the kitchen.

Bet you had a chair, though, huh?

Okay. Let's see what this

Gus the shark has sent us.

Uh, let's see, weather maps

and graphs for the day of the accident.

That's to establish cold weather

for their "act of God" theory.

Peer-reviewed scientific paper

on the hazards of black ice.

And a mechanic's report

signed by a "Konner Preston."

Wait, what's going on with his name?

There's bits of ink

behind the letters. Look.

And look.

The line below, there's

some pieces missing,

like something was whited out.

MARGARET: And then another

name was written over the top.

- There was another

- Mechanic.


Todd, Susan and I are going to scour

the rest of this paltry paperwork.

You go and track down Konner Preston.

"Track down" like interview,

or "track down" kidnap and k*ll?


- Don't encourage him.

You're going to go find

this person and find out what name

is missing from this form. Go. Find out.

He's not funny.

He's a little funny.


Konner Preston?

That's right. Sorry, you are?

Rich Riddington, FAA.

Just had a few questions about

some report you filled out regarding

Northbrook model 22-75.

Yeah, that's me. Is there

a problem with my work?

No, no, no, confidential

FAA form, ghost protocol.

No, not a problem, per se,

but, uh, typically,

we ask for the original of a report,

and it looks like this is a copy.

Yeah. Uh, I was told by my boss

Thing is, it sort of looks like

there was a different signature

here underneath, and it was whited out.

Know anything about that?

That's above my pay grade.

Eh, see, this is your signature,

so it's exactly your pay grade.

Who was the first mechanic?

Tyesha Johnson? I need to speak to her.

She, uh

She doesn't work here anymore.

- She's dead?

- No! No.

Look, I'm not supposed to say anything.

- About murdering her?

- No!

She's not dead. She's working

at some shop in Hillsboro.

Shop in Hillsboro

I-I don't know.

Just-just leave me alone.

Excellent work, everybody.

MARGARET: And where and when

did you valet park

Allison's car for $25?

Outside your office. I

obviously couldn't get into

the garage, and I didn't

have money for a meter,

and I didn't want to get another ticket.

Another ticket?

Whatever. Those red light

traffic cams are unconstitutional.

And it won't be Allison in the photo.

It'll be me, so she can contest it.

And you could help her. You're a lawyer.

Marvelous. Okay, so what makes you think

that this Tyesha Johnson works here?

TODD: Well, I can't give

away patented trade secrets,

but cold calling the only two

non-Northbrook airplane

repair shops in Hillsboro

- did yield quick results.


All right. Let's go in, but I remind you

that we are running out of time,

so I will handle the talking.

Oh, right, right, I was born

to just listen and smile.

Not one word.

BOTH: Tyesha Johnson?

I don't know you.

I'm Margaret Wright. I

work for Sean Phillips,

- the athlete that was injured

- You have to go. Now.

We're trying to hold Northbrook

accountable for the

Are you? Or are you from Northbrook,

trying to shake me down

because Sean Phillips is suing your ass?

As I said, I am Sean Phillips' attorney,

Margaret Wright.

We want to hold Northbrook accountable

for the accident and

get damages for Sean.

TODD: And you can help us.

We think that you examined

the plane after it crashed

and they're burying your report.

What did they say caused the crash?

Black ice.

It isn't the ice?

It's the cold.

When the temperature falls below

freezing, the actuator fails,

and the arm won't deploy

during landing. It'll crash.

And that was in your report.

Yes, but also, I told them

several times before the accident,

but they ignored me every time.

I-I can't talk here. It's not safe.

- You have to go.

- Is that guy watching you?

Please just go.

Tyesha, wait, wait.

If they didn't listen to you, I'm sorry,

but if they are trying to harass

you into silence, we can help.

Whistleblowers are protected by the law.

But if no one comes forward to testify,

there will be more

accidents and more victims.

You should go.

Hey, Mom, uh, take a selfie with me.

- The two of us. Come on.

- Okay.

Come on. Higher. There.


- Okay.

- Let me see.

Who is he?

I don't know, but Tyesha's

definitely scared of him.

Would Northbrook have g*ons?

No. They're too smart for that.

They'd hire someone else

to do their dirty work.

LYLE: Car is registered

to a Nathan Shaw.

Investigator at Nugent

Cross Public Relations.

I knew it, and now we're

dealing with a fixer

from an infamous and hideous PR firm.

An investigator, so he's basically me.

Except he's a licensed professional

with a working vehicle, so I'd

say he skews more toward me.

- So unnecessary.


"Hi. Uh, this is Tyesha Johnson.

Come to my house right now.

4660 Westwood Terrace."

Come on.

You're welcome.

4660. That's it.

TODD: Is that ?

That's him.




Tyesha! Tyesha!


She's not here.

She's gone.

If you wait 48 hours, I don't

know what's gonna happen to her.

- She could be dead!

- Uh, yes, a potential witness for

Yes, call the judge.

Great. Yes, I understand.

- I understand.

- No, no, I do not understand!

Thank you, Detective.

When my daughter Tyesha

returns from Madagascar,

I will have her cancel this

card, and you can bank on that.


Double dead end, huh?

Well, we didn't find anything.

No documents, no emails,

nothing relating to Northbrook.

Yeah, that Nathan guy cleaned her out.

There's no computers, phones,

hard drives, flash drives.

We are running out of

time, and the only way

we are going to defeat this motion

for Sean is if she testifies.

What? What are you staring at?

She did the entire Sunday crossword.

That's very challenging.

This guy looks like her boyfriend.

Maybe he has some idea where she is.

What is Tyesha's

relationship status on Insta?

Insta? Did you just say Insta?

I do pay attention, Todd.

I wasn't born under some


MARGARET: Your sister

is going to k*ll you.

Has it ever occurred to

you that I am actually,

- and legally, an adult?

- Meaning?

It means that I have

my own independence.

I choose what time I go to bed,

if I go to bed at night.

I can eat as much cereal and

candy as I want, and I do,

and I'm a P.I., sort of,

and I'm doing just fine.

- I'm merely saying that the rest of us manage

- No, the rest of you

spend a little bit

too much time worrying

about what I'm doing, to be honest.

But if you take responsibility

for someone's car,

- then you have to

- Things happen.

Like with Tyesha. Is

it her responsibility

that some goon is following her?

Yes, technically, yes.

She was whistleblowing on Northbrook,

but, philosophically, no.

She was trying to keep people safe.

This is apples to oranges.

It has zero to do with fruit.

I don't think this Nathan guy

knows where Tyesha is, either.

MARGARET: Why not?

Because there he is, right there,

outside Tyesha's boyfriend's house.

MARGARET: How do you think he found him?

TODD: Instagram and the

white pages, just like we did.

He's one step ahead of us.

What are we going to do?

Has he seen us?

What if he's dangerous?

We're gonna beat this

idiot at his own game.

Do you have any duct tape in your purse?

Okay, all right, bandages.

This will do. Now, I need

you to distract that idiot

in the sedan while I

attach this tNAB tracker

- to the back of his car.

- Distract him?

- Yeah.

- Why? What are we doing?

Wait, what if he's a maniac?

What-what if he has a Taser?

Are you seriously,

you're asking me to just

go over there and just

chit-chat about what?

I mean, what am I gonna talk

to him about? I don't know him.


I'm Well, you know

who I am, don't you?

And I know who you

are. You're Nathan Shaw.

- But the question is

- NATHAN: What do you want?

- TODD: Uh, just you know

- Come on. (GRUNTS)

Spy to spy, how much you getting paid?

Buzz off, punk.



Um, I'm just, I'm

just thinking, you know,

maybe I could pick up a shift or two

here and there, you know what I mean?

I honestly have no idea

what you're talking about.

I'm just thinking maybe I

should work for your PR firm.

Right? Me? Right?

- Todd Wright.

- You work for your mom.

TODD: I know, but I'm

not getting any benefits.

And she is terrible.

I mean, she can't even put

a bandage on a situation.

NATHAN: If I see you anywhere near

our business again, this

is gonna escalate in ways

- you're not gonna like. Got it?

- Got it.


Don't don't don't

Hold on, no, wait, what's your sign?

Please, do not go. No, wait, wait!

Wait, wait!

- I did it.


Thank you for your time, Mr. Mobley.

We-we do have a few questions.

Listen, I don't know Sean Phillips,

and I don't know you,

- so I can't really help

- Look, Tyesha's missing.

She was being followed,

and her place was ransacked.

She's in trouble, in real trouble.


I was hoping that was all over for her.

What's all over? Has

she been followed before?

Back when she was working at Northbrook,

they were flying a bunch of

their new commercial airplanes.

While Tyesha was working on one of them,

she found a flawed part.

She tried to report it

to her superiors, but

they didn't want to hear.

So that must have been the

plane that Sean was flying on.

- So they fired her?

- No.

They followed her, harassed her.

All up until she quit.

It's the reason why we broke up.

I just couldn't take it anymore,

and I just mentally checked out.

Anyways, when I got home

about 30 minutes ago,

this was on my doorstep.

Can I see that?

Wait. It's addressed to "OKFBHO SGJANC"?

Yeah. That's my name in code.

Tyesha loves that kind of stuff.

MARGARET: This here

this is all in code.

And-and you don't know ?

No, I don't know. Maybe it was for you.

I just know I don't want

any part of this anymore.

Just please leave. Please.

Lyle can probably crack that code.

Oh, and I can't? I can crack code.

Well, of course you can, but


Oh, dear God.


LYLE: Mm. Mm, mm.

Kind of looks like a Vigenère

cipher, but I don't think so.

Yeah, whatever that is,

Einstein. Don't you think

it looks more like a made-up language,

like Elvish or Klingon or Wakandan?

A made-up language like Wakandan?

- Yeah.

- Are you asking me if this code is a language

from a fictional country

from the Marvel Universe?

I just thought you'd know

if it was Lord of the Rings

or Star Trek or Marvel

because, you know

you're a nerd.


Lord of the Rings is not a comic book.

It is a book book.

And Star Trek is a

movie and TV franchise.

Okay, right, but they both

have made-up languages.

And by the way, Wakanda's

a fictional place,

but there are three real

African languages spoken there:

Xhosa, Yoruba and Hausa.

Only in the comic book do

they have fictional languages,

- and this is a billion-dollar

- Wow.

You really are a nerd, aren't you?

Which Hogwarts house are you?

- You a Slytherin?

- Oh.

Got any Sith tattoos

I should know about?

Okay, who's the nerd now, Sheldon?


- Oh, my tNAB.

Aha! Looks like the device my

mom attached to the goon's car is

suspiciously close to Northbrook HQ.

Okay, I got to go, but you take

a crack at that code, Bones.

You're an investigator,

not a doctor, damn it.



Mom, I can't talk right now.

Nathan led us straight to

Dirk, the CEO of Northbrook!

They are connected, and I am

getting photo evidence as we speak.

Did you promise that we would

- pick your sister up from work today?

- What?

Did I? No. Maybe.

Did I? I thought you

were supposed to do that.

You never told me that, Todd.

- Where are you?

- Look, I can't talk right now.

Allison says you promised

we would pick her up

from work today. She has

called you 27 times


Todd! What's happening?

- Aah! Oh! Oh!

- Baby, baby, bless my soul ♪

- Please, please! No, no, no.

- I need to fill it ♪

With some rock and roll ♪

Please. Please, this is my sister's car.

Please. No!


- Oh.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪


Yeah. This is how

I imagined it going.

Look, it's not as bad as you think.

I mean, what's one broken window?

It makes you look tough.

And there's no bird poop

inside, just glass.

You're fixing this.

That is right, Todd. It

is your responsibility.

- And you

- And you are paying for it

because he has no money,

and I loaned the car to you.

I'm going inside.

- Glass shards. Glass shards in my jacket.

- Did you say "grass shards"?

It actually was grass

shards and glass shards.

Allison, what a lovely dinner

you've set for us all tonight.

- And the hen is just a

- Cold.

But really good. Mostly.

Oh, I can just pop it in

the microwave for you

- Chuck, sit down.

- Oh.

Todd, apologize to

your sister for the car

and for making us so late.

What? Late because someone

att*cked me with a baseball bat?

att*cked you or att*cked the car?

Oh, thank you so much

for your concern, Chet.

Actually, uh, it was a fixer,

an evil fixer who wants me, and

by proxy, Allison's car, dead.

I have photos of him with Dirk Dobkin.

Dirk Dobkin? CEO of Northbrook?

We just did a profile on him.

I saw that in this morning's paper.

You went very easy on him

despite the controversy,

- despite the plane crash.

- Wait. Can I just go heat up my food in the microwave?

Because I'm hungry, and it's cold.

It's cold?

I waited for you to pick

me up outside in the cold

for an hour and a half,

and that was after working

a ten-hour shift at the ER.

Chuck had to come down and get me.

And then I had to rush this dinner,

which I make on a weekly basis,

for my entire family.

And then you guys were

late, so it gets cold.

And now, I'm reduced to

being this put-upon harpy

who's made furious by the

antics of the idiot in her life.

Well, it's not that cold.

It's charmingly cold. I can eat it.

Allison. Allison, you're angry,

and you have every right to be.

You feel taken for granted.

I actually I don't want to hear

what I am from you. Angry is justified?

I'm not interested in your

interpretation of this.

And if you have a

problem with that wine,

- oh, my God, I swear

- Oh, no. No, the wine is fine.

- It's lovely.

- Yeah. It's very fine wine.

God, I'm so sick of doing

this week in and week out.

Do we have Cornish hens

week in and week out?

I-I think what Allison

is trying to say is that

maybe it would be nice

if someone said "Thank you" for once.

- Oh, thank you.

- Allison, thank you.


- No. Thank you.

I don't want "Thank you." I

don't care about "Thank you."

I Thank you. Thank you.

Just eat.


How many profiles has The

Sentinel done on Dirk Dobkin?

Three in three years?

That seems like a lot.

More than average, that's for sure.

But Northbrook is always

hungry for good press,

- and they're very protective of their image.

- Uh-huh.

How would they feel about

a human interest story

on an Olympic athlete who

got injured in an accident

on one of Northbrook's planes?

An accident they're denying

any responsibility for?

- Mm-hmm.

- They'd hate it.

- Yes.

- Oh.

GUS: Fine.

You go right ahead,

you-you do your press.

Oh, we already have a

reporter very interested

from The Portland Sentinel.

They want to hear the full story.

You know what? Northbrook

denies any responsibility,

and if you suggest otherwise,

we will sue your firm

and Sean for libel.

Of course you will, but as you know,

truth is the best defense against libel.

And Sean and I want to know the truth

about how accident 254 happened.

About the faulty actuator,

about what Northbrook

and Dirk Dobkin knew

and when they knew it.

But is that the truth your

side wants to come out?

So perhaps you'd like to settle.

We should meet.

As soon as possible.


Just go somewhere

private and call her back.

Tell them we're still a

go. This won't change that.

Will do.

Oh. Hey, uh, where's the restroom?

Oh, it's just, uh, that

way, second door on the left.


Sylvia Smith, of sound mind and body,

did bequeath a Marjorie Smith

Sorry for the interruption.

This is my associate, Mr.

Wright. Can I help you, sir?

Hey, hi. Oh.

Hi. Nice. Sorry. Uh, listen,

uh, just go about what you are doing.

We can't do that

because we need privacy.

Mr. Wright,

this is the reading of a will.

And I'm so sorry for your loss.

Artificial plant.

Well, not if you water

it daily. (LAUGHS)

MAN: Dirk wanted me to give you a call.

Oh, this is so exciting.

What happens in the next room?

: Shh.

Please. It's the bathroom.

MAN: No. No, no, don't worry.

The kid will sign, so

keep production going.


Now, listen, I think


Okay. There you go. You win.

We can settle right now

for one million dollars wired into

your account by this afternoon.

One million dollars?

Enough to pay off your

debt. What do you think?

Yes. Yes, we'll take it.

All right. We'll sign.

- Okay. Here's our NDA.

- Mm-hmm.

No, thank you.

Okay. Now, I have a question about

Is he gonna sign it?

Not until I've read this.

Karen from Delaware. Um

- You used to play cricket.

- Uh, gentlemen,

um, I think that my client

and I just need a-a second

to discuss this contract.

We'll be right back. Come.

Sean, there is something you should know

before you sign this NDA.

I thought you said it was fine

to sign if the number was right.

I mean, with a million dollars,

I won't have to file for bankruptcy.

That is true, but

we now believe that the faulty

part that caused your crash

was installed on Northbrook's

entire new fleet of planes.

What does that have to do with me?

I mean, they'll have to fix it, right?

I overheard Dirk's assistant saying

that they were settling with you

so the launch date can remain as is.

- Launch date?

- MARGARET: Northbrook is about to release

an entire new fleet of planes

exactly like the one

that caused your crash.

And they have no intention of

fixing them before the release,

because it would cost them millions.

And with missed deliveries

and lost sales, billions.

So all these

planes could crash, too?

I mean, why would they do that?

Why wouldn't they just fix them first?

Northbrook has calculated a

small probability of a crash.

It only happens in the extreme cold.

And since there were no

deaths on your flight,

it seems that they would rather

pay the insurance premiums

and keep business going.

So, this all falls on me?

I have to stand up to

this giant corporation?

If we refuse this settlement,

there is no guarantee

that we will win in court.

But if you sign this NDA, no

one will ever hear this story,

and Dirk Dobkin can keep his

faulty planes up in the air.

I just want to restart my life.

Sean, I want you to know

that it wouldn't be just you

standing up to a giant corporation.

- We'd be right there with you.

- Yeah.


A million dollars is a lot of money.

MARGARET: We are not

going to sign the NDA.

There's not

gonna be another offer.

This is it.

- So just sign the NDA.

- Okay. Easy now.

Easy. Easy, Dirk. It's all right.

All right. Hey.

You want to take a break?

- Yeah. Take a break.

- Yeah.

I got it.

Counsel, if your client

doesn't take this offer,

there is no money for him.

My client is not going to sign something

that will put the lives of future

Northbrook passengers in jeopardy

a responsibility that is

rightfully your client's.

LYLE: I've ruled out

all the go-to ciphers.

It's not any modern or ancient language.

I believe she created this code herself.

Wait. Hold on. This is the crossword

that was on Tyesha's fridge.

All the answers are wrong. See?

Okay, 40 down. "Jeff

Goldblum versus spacemen"?

She wrote "Alien

Prometheus." That's not it?

- No, it's Independence Day.

- Huh.

She loves puzzles.

Has a mind for wordplay.

This isn't a woman

who'd get one answer wrong,

let alone all of them.

Let me look at this journal.

MARGARET: Do you think that's the key?

I do. If we don't find

Tyesha, Sean gets nothing.

Let's hope it's a simple cipher.

Write the alphabet across the top

and the same on the left down.


We got a team effort.

Okay, now I know my ABCs. What's next?

Yes. Thank you.

Send it to me.

Here we go.

- Okay.

- Okay. Yeah.

Find the letter "F,"

then go down to "A." "F," "A."

- "D."

- "D."

Okay. "N" and "O."

"N, O" is "R."

- "D, R."

- "J, K."

- "I."

- "D, R, I."

- "A, S."

- "S." That's, uh, "V."


- "M, E."

- Is "E."

"Drive." That's "E." Drive.

We may have something here.

Let's keep going.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, yeah, okay.

It is, uh, right there.

LYLE: Do you want ?

Spelling. You were spelling.

And "J, Z." I don't even

know what Jay-Z the rapper is.

- "D."

- Uh-huh.

MARGARET: One, one.

It's a link to a Google Drive address.


We need a password.

What about Sean Phillips?

Oh, uh, what about the boyfriend?

Uh, Justin Mobley.

Oh, uh, well, this is actually

an address slip right here

with Justin's name in code.

Try that, yes.



Oh, my goodness.

- That did the trick.

MARGARET: Look at that. It worked.

TODD: It is all of Tyesha's documents.

Reports, videos of the faulty part,

list of affected aircraft, an

email chain with Northbrook.

She has everything. I found it.

We need to find Tyesha immediately.

- You have court in two and a half hours.

- Okay, send me those docs.

- I have to prepare.

- All right, I'll email it.

We will leave her a

message inside this file.

No, no, no, no.

I do not want your dirty

phone plugged into my computer.

It's not dirty, it's

just Hold on a second.

- I like pooping on the potty ♪

- Yeah ♪

I was babysitting my niece, okay?

Right before this.

Stop that. Just stop!

Okay. Upload these photos

His name is Nathan

He'll be arrested.

We are giving this info to the D.A.

You are safe.

This is Todd. And Margaret.

With no help from anybody else.

- Okay. Great.

- Cute.

Here's your clean computer.



Well, I guess time's up, huh?

It's too bad.

Had we gone to a real trial,

I was really looking forward

to seeing you in action.

Well, we've still got 52 minutes.

I think that'll be

more than enough time.

MARGARET: Your Honor,

these reports explain in

detail how the actuator part

AP-ARM-4 malfunctions in cold weather.

And Northbrook was informed

multiple times by a mechanic,

but rather than spend millions

of dollars to ground their plane,

gambled with the lives of

passengers like Mr. Phillips.

GUS: Your Honor,

while I appreciate

Attorney Wright's, uh

colorful argument,

it's wildly speculative.

How are we to know that these

documents have any basis in fact?

Great point, counsel.

I'd like to introduce Tyesha

Johnson as plaintiff's witness.

And why were you afraid to come forward?

After the crash, they harassed

and threatened me until I quit.

They're still harassing me.

They don't want me here testifying.

Objection. Speculation.

I'll allow it.

Is the person who harassed

you in court today?


Will you please identify them?

SAUCEDA: Let the record show

Ms. Johnson is pointing to a man

in the gallery in a black

shirt, bald head and beard.

His name is Nathan Shaw, Your Honor,

and he is a fixer for Nugent

Cross Public Relations.

He's currently employed

and I might add, under the table

by Northbrook Aerospace.

I have admitted as Exhibit

1 photos of Mr. Shaw

harassing and stalking my witness.

Bailiff, please take Mr. Shaw into

custody on witness intimidation.

BAILIFF: Sir, come with me.

DIRK: What are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna hope they don't

throw your ass in jail, too.

MARGARET: Your Honor,

the evidence admitted,

along with Ms. Johnson's testimony,

is more than enough to move us to trial.

We are looking at punitive damages,

as well as personal

and potentially criminal

liability for CEO Dirk Dobkin.

Your Honor?

I believe we need a brief recess.

Wait, how did you know I

was checking my Google Drive?

I didn't. I-I hoped.

But you led us right to

it with your crossword.

You like crosswords?

Yeah, I like puzzles.

Codes. Escape rooms.

I like escape rooms.

- Really?

- Yeah.

MARGARET: No, no, no.

We will sign the NDA only if

there's an injunction order

grounding Northbrook's planes

until we confirm removal of the part.

Sealed injunction?

Well, if you're gonna be a

little baby about it, okay.

But I want restitution for Tyesha.

And 12 million for Sean.

Look, I'm gonna draw up the contract

for 15 and not a penny more.

No, I said tw

It's the max I was authorized.

Okay, uh

I'm going to go collect

my client from the puddle

he was reduced to outside.

How do you stand it,

working for a man like that?

A a company like that?

How do you sleep with yourself at night?

I don't.

- TODD: You guys

- TYESHA: What?

TODDY: You guys should

get an escape room.


- TYESHA: That's so great.


Restitution for you, and

15 million for you.





You really should be using

a soft cloth on the hood,

- and I have this wax if you

- Thank you, Chuck. Thank you.

And shouldn't you be

helping me with this?

I seem to remember being told repeatedly

that you're the one

who borrowed the car.

I paid to fix the window.

Oh, okay, great. So you're the

money and I'm the manual labor.

Fine. Whatever.

You know, I've been looking for a reason

to break out your

grandmother's Limoges china.

And I was thinking, maybe I should host

the family dinner occasionally.

I'd love to have everyone

over to my new place.

It'll be nice.

It would be nice.

I don't want you

stressing out over hosting.

Not everyone is cut out for it.

No matter what, my friend ♪


See? I can take care of things.

I can clean objects and fix them.

Look, good as new.

Chuck, uh can you unlock the car?

It's just a part of who we are ♪

I don't have the keys.


No matter what, my friend ♪

Wait, how did both sets of keys ?

I didn't do this.

You're kidding me.

I did not shut the doors.

I was just cleaning the car.

Hold up. Wait.




Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

You can always come on home. ♪