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09x312 - Sting, the White Shadow Dragon

Posted: 04/30/23 18:07
by bunniefuu
Where did Zeref go?

[STING] Well, don't forget we're

inside your mind, Natsu.

I imagine you subconsciously

replaced him with me.

You're not makin'

any sense, man!


That's all right.

Follow me. We can find

the answer together.

To what?

Don't you wanna

know what that thing

growing inside you actually is?

And I hate the way you smell!

It's burning up the hair

in my nostrils!

The fact that a weak,

insignificant person

has the gall to challenge me

makes me wanna vomit.

Hey, Rogue!

Thanks for the power!

Now go, White Shadow Dragon.

I've got a fire in my belly.

On to the next desire.

One you will not

be able to resist.

This spell is known

as "Rest In Peace."

Call it whatever you want.

But you're still gonna lose.

Once I've ended your life,

Natsu Dragneel will be

the next one to perish.

[STING] Are you tryin'

to get me more fired up?

'Cause whether you like it or

not, that's what's happening!

I've spent way too many years

tryin' to get to Natsu's level,

so I'm not gonna let a bastard

like you get in my way.

My aim is to purify

Natsu's tarnished soul

with my own hands.

Your delusions of grandeur

won't be enough to stop me.

I've got real power,

and whenever I combine

it with Rogue's,

I wield the essence

of Sabertooth!



White magic won't work

'cause Sting has the

power to cancel it.

I'm gonna knock

down your att*ck

and hit you with Rogue's shadow!

[STING yells]

[STING yelling]


But wait.

[STING] Let's see what happens

when I use both at once!



[STING] So, you're the

stubborn type, huh?


Two powers together?

You're not strong enough

to fight the desire

all living creatures

must fall to.

Succumb to the eternal

sleep of death!

Now, Rest in Peace!


What is this?

Mustn't sleep. No.

Death will be upon you the

instant you close your eyes.

Sleep... It's hard to resist.

But I cannot give in.

Listen, Frosch, you

can't fall asleep, okay?

I think so, too.

'Kay, good night.

Now is not the time

to say good night.

Frosch! Listen to me.

Come on, Frosch.

Do you hear me? Wake up!



Snap out of it, damn it!

Don't sleep! Don't sleep!

Don't sleep!

Don't sleep! Don't sleep!

Nobody can fully resist

their primal desires.

Not even mighty Acnologia.

And that weakness

gives me power.

I will use it to defeat him,

thus proving I am

the ultimate wizard.

What now?

Your shadow. Go into it.

[ROGUE] Your senses will be

sharper inside the shadow.

It won't last long,

but it will wake you up.

I'm not so sure I'm able to.

I don't know how to do that.

You must feel the gravity.

Focus on it until your feet

and the ground become one.


Feel the gravity. Become one.


Gravity is a specialty of mine!

I can make you sink

into the earth!

What the--?



I feel so heavy!

Okay, okay.

I'm awake! For real!

Wait! Hang on!


[STING] Crazy. I'm really

inside my shadow.

He was right.

My senses are sharpening!


Here we go.

I can still see you!

Fly Spirit! Into the heavens!


Won't happen!

'Cause I'm using all of our

powers combined into one!

Mine, too, huh?


It's called White

Shadow Dragon Silk!

[LARCADE groans]

Close your eyes.

You need to sleep it off.

Nice! Now that's how

you do it! Yeah!

A nap doesn't sound

so bad, huh?

Father... I failed.



Jeez, Sting. How far we goin'?



I'm Rogue, Natsu.


When did that happen?

[ROGUE] Look, we're inside

your mind, remember?

[NATSU] Hey! Don't you blame

me for your tricks, man!

[ROGUE] It only serves

as further proof

that you need to focus.


You know about your

scarf, don't you?

That it was crafted for you

using Igneel's scales.

'Course I know!

The scarf is white despite the

fact Igneel's scales were red.

Do you know the reason why?




Oh, wow. That's

a great question!

[ROGUE] So it never crossed

your mind until just now?

Once a dragon's scales fall off,

they begin to lose their color.


Huh. Okay.

That's important, but not for

the reason you think it is.

Humans can't touch

dragon scales.

Not until they've lost

their color completely.

You don't actually

believe Igneel sat down

and knitted a tiny,

human-sized scarf, do you?

[NATSU] Are you tryin'

to tell me he didn't?


As a matter of fact,

your scarf was made

by a woman named Anna.

It's safe to assume you've

forgotten about that, though.

Wait. Lucy?

Striking isn't it?

Looks just like your friend.


You again!

Anna was very kind and caring.

She was a truly

incredible person.

Now then, your death

is drawing near.

As is the answer we

had hoped to find.




It's dire.

His temperature is

getting dangerously low.

[HAPPY] Come on, Natsu!

Snap out of it!

Lucy, remove your clothing.

Huh? Why should I?


To keep him alive.

He needs the warmth.

He needs to feel it.

Your love.

Honestly, we need

a miracle right now.



I'll b*at him.

Zeref... must die.

He must die.


It's all right, Natsu.

You don't have to do it, okay?

Because if you k*ll Zeref,

you're gonna die too, remember?



I don't want that. So please...

Wait. Hold on, Happy.

What are you talking about?

Can you hear me, God?

Natsu can't die now!

So keep him alive, okay?

Please, God. Save him.

Don't take him away from me!


So if he kills Zeref...

Natsu's gonna die, too?

[HAPPY crying]



Hey, Sting! Rogue! We're here!

You okay?

We're fine. Really.

I'm sorry. Can't

stand up right now.

Isn't that the enemy?

[YUKINO] Thank you for

taking care of him.

Sting is the man!

Rogue, too!

We couldn't have done it

without your help, buddy.

Thank you.

We didn't actually do

any fighting, ya know?

Well, I did throw

a rock, but still.


Hey, Rogue.

I waited so I can eat with you.

Uh, sure. Are you

feeling hungry?

Yeah! I waited for you!


Okay, thanks.

[YUKINO chuckles]

[MINERVA] Kagura, I didn't know

that you would be here.

Well, I am.

[BOTH gasp]

If you don't mind,

I'd love to join you.



[ERZA screams]

Victory is mine.

Yi Ragd!


What is this?


Neir wilg mion.

Dels erkantias!

Yagd rigora!


I found a stray kitten.




What is the meaning of this?

[MINERVA] Look at that face,

twisted with pain.

The sphere she's in constantly

drains her magic power.

It's excruciating.


What the hell is this?

Frankly, the two of you

were beginning to bore me.

I needed to do something

to entertain myself.

Her screams were quite lovely.

I hand over this

victory to-- Uh!


I need to apologize.

I treated you so poorly during

the Grand Magic Games.

It was wrong.


It's okay. I've let it go.

Honestly, I've decided

to live my life

without holding grudges.

Leave the past behind me.

Anyway... it seems this girl is

having some interesting dreams.

That's nice. Now don't

be in such a hurry.

--Seems that way. She, uh--

--Yeah. Kinda forgot about her.

Oh, you know, it's

sort of a long story.

Man, I am so b*at.

You think you can take

things from here?

Sure thing. I'll get

us to Fairy Tail.


Erza. Please be safe.





No, Erza!

Not bad.



Heaven's Wheel!

Scattered petals!

Did that stop her?

No. Defeating her will

prove far more difficult.


An att*ck of countless swords

all converging on your target.

I'm impressed you were able

to control that many at once.

It's quite a feat.

--[IRENE clapping]



For all your hard work.


You earned a flower.

She was able to block that

att*ck and do all this, too?

But how?

She's mocking me.

Come on, Erza, you had this

girl enhance your power

and this is the best you can do?

Shame. How disappointing.

Tell me. Who are you really?


Still haven't figured that out?

Ah. Deep in your heart,

you know exactly who I am.

But you don't

wanna believe it.


I've never seen you before.

[WENDY] This woman doesn't

just look like Erza...

...she smells a lot

like her, too.

Now, now, Erza.

That's a rude thing

to say to your mother.

What? Is she really

your mother, Erza?

You liar!

[VILLAGERS screaming]


I grew up in Rosemary Village

before it was b*rned

to the ground.


I'm an orphan. I have no family.

You're wrong about that.

Because I am your mother, Erza.

I've only had one

parent in my life.

His name was Master Makarov!

Fine, if that's what you want.

And just because

I have a daughter

doesn't mean I care about her.

In fact, I thought you were

dead all these years.

[IRENE] I never would've dreamed

we'd meet on the b*ttlefield.

Fate works in mysterious ways.


No matter who you are,

you att*cked Fairy Tail,

and that makes you my enemy.



Just as anyone who dares

oppose the Alvarez Empire

is my sworn enemy.


Even my very own child.


But still, dying here

without ever learning

the secret of your birth...


...that would be tragic.

A secret?

It means nothing to me!

I've held on to this

story for years now.

You could at least allow me

to share it with you, Erza.

Shut your mouth!


My name is Irene.

Irene Belserion.

[IRENE] And once upon a time,

I was queen of the dragons.


Four hundred years ago,

our peaceful world was att*cked

by bloodthirsty dragons.

Their rampage threatened to

exterminate all of mankind.

But a lone queen rose up,

hoping to create a future

in which humans and

dragons could coexist.

Little did she know that

her plan would spell doom

for everything she so

desperately wanted to protect.

Next Time: "Dragon Seed."

Love will be blotted out by

a heart beyond redemption.