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01x33 - Hero in the Shadows

Posted: 05/02/23 15:22
by bunniefuu
[NARRATOR] Last time,

on Dragon Ball Z!

Fine, here we go...

The rivers,

the trees, the wind...

And all the living

things in nature...

I ask of you...

Please offer me the power

of your

fighting spirit!

[NARRATOR] Goku called

upon the forces of nature

to help him form the only

w*apon capable of stopping

the rampaging Vegeta...

The Spirit b*mb.

But before Goku could

deliver the finishing blow,

Vegeta unleashed a

devastating counterattack

that brought our

hero to his knees.

Without the

Spirit b*mb,

Goku had little chance of

defeating the monstrous Vegeta.

But even though all

hope seemed lost,

Goku was determined to

fight to the bitter end.

I have no more power to defend

myself against this monster.

I hope it buys

me more time.

[APE VEGETA growling]

Damn yooouuu!

[NARRATOR] Having exhausted

the last of his strength,

Goku's life is in the hands

of the merciless Vegeta.

And the evil Saiyan

will not be satisfied

until he has squeezed

every last breath

from our hero's body.

Will this be the end for Goku?

The pressure's on...

Today on

Dragon Ball Z!

We're almost

there, Gohan.

Hang on, Dad!

[GOKU screaming]


Man, that's awful...

I want to help... I mean

I would, it's just...

Against that monster,

what could I do?

[screaming continues]

Sorry about this, Goku,

but you know how it is...

I gotta look out

for number one!

I hope you won't

take it personally.

[APE VEGETA laughing]

I'm going to crush

your puny bones!

[GOKU'S bones breaking]

[GOKU screaming louder]

[YARJIROBE whimpering]

Look, there!

It's just up ahead.

[GOHAN] The sky is so bright,

Krillin... What's going on?

I wish I knew. But

whatever that weird light is,

it's not natural,

that's for sure...

I've got a bad

feeling about this...


What in the

world... is that?!

[APE GOKU roaring]


Gohan! Wait! We better

not go near that thing!

But, what about Dad?

Let's go down

here and hide!

Who is that?

[thinking] He's transformed

into a giant ape...

Just like

Goku used to do!

[GOKU screaming]

[APE VEGETA] What's wrong,


You don't look like

you're in enough pain...

Have some more!

Goku's in pretty

bad shape. Come on!

We have to

move fast!

[GOHAN] Right!



Hey! What are

you thinking?

Do you know how strong

that monster is? Do you?


gotta help Goku!

And how exactly are you

planning to do that?

It's su1c1de!

We've got

one chance...

If we cut off his tail,

he'll turn back to normal.

His tail?

But how?

You two go out there

and get his attention,

while I sneak up behind him...

I only need a few seconds.

I know it's risky, but unless

you have any better ideas,

it's our

only choice.


Or Goku's toast!

Let's go!

Give me a break. You two want

me to get his attention?

And what if he does

turn small again?

Face it you guys,

he's still gonna be

way too strong for

us to beat him.

[thinking] Hold on, Dad.

We're coming!

[thinking] Goku has no power.

We've got to hurry.

If we don't move fast,

he could die any second!

Ah, do whatever you want.

I'm out of here.

Somebody's coming...

Who is it?

[APE VEGETA] Show yourself!

I know you're out there!

Where are you?

[GOHAN] Right here!

You put my Dad

down, right now!

Oh, no! It's you!

Please, don't hurt me!

I'll do anything

you say!

I'll put your father

down if you want,

It might be one

piece at a time,

but I'll definitely

put him down!

[APE VEGETA laughing]

Now which piece

would you like first?

[GOHAN] You better

not hurt him!

[APE VEGETA] It's a little

too late for that.

Destructo Disk!


This'll work!

[birds twittering]

Say goodbye to

your father...

You should be

proud of him!

It's rare I have to

transform to win a battle!


Krillin... Hurry!

What a waste!

It's a shame that the two of us

just couldn't see eye to eye!




[KRILLIN] Oh, man!

How did he know?

Did you really think you could

sneak up on me, little man?

Did you really think

that you could fool me

with such a

simple ruse?

Like I'd believe for a

second that Kakarot's son

came back to

face me all alone.

Ha! I knew from

the instant I saw him

that he was merely trying

to distract me from

the real threat.

You'll have to do

better next time.

Except, there won't

be a next time...

You're finished...

As soon as I'm done

squeezing the life from

Kakarot, you're next.

[thinking] Darn it! I really

messed things up big time.

He anticipated us

every step of the way!

I'm sorry, Goku. We tried. But

he's just too strong for us!

I don't know what

else we can do!

[APE VEGETA laughing]

Take a good look!

This is what you have

to look forward to

once I get my

hands on you!

[KRILLIN] No! We can't

let him do this! Goku!

No... Dad, no!

Stop it! Let go!

I said stop it!

[APE VEGETA chuckling]

Sorry, kid. But

you're in no position

to be giving

me orders...

Oh, no. Gohan!

Oh? Ha, ha, ha! No more orders?

What about last requests?

[APE VEGETA laughing]

[APE VEGETA grunting]

[APE VEGETA growling]

Impossible! Who did this to

me? Where did he come from?

You fools! You don't

know what you've done!

[APE VEGETA groaning]

[groaning continuing]

[VEGETA panting]

[KRILLIN] Yajirobe?!

He... did it!

I must be out

of my mind!

I couldn't have picked a worse

time to decide to be brave!

Yeah, alright!

He's gone back to normal!

[GOHAN whimpering]

[VEGETA] Those little pests...

[VEGETA] How could

I be so careless?

[KRILLIN] He never

even saw it coming!

Wow! Who woulda' thought

Yajirobe had it in him!

[thinking] All right. I've

done my good deed for the day.

They can take it

from here.

You're all...

going to... pay!

[KRILLIN whimpering]

You've disgraced me for

the first and final time.

I thought cutting his

tail would stop him...

It just made

him angrier!

You're going to know a new

meaning for the word pain!

You will all suffer!

[YAJIROBE whimpering]

[VEGETA chuckling]



Get out of there!

[GOHAN whimpering]

What's wrong?

You seem scared.

Ooh... auugh...

A brave Saiyan like yourself

shouldn't be scared,

it's not becoming!

I guess those powers of yours

are taking a nap. Pity.

Patience, little man.

You'll get your turn.

Oh, man! Great!

We're all doomed!

[VEGETA laughing]

Up, you brat. Get up!

I'm not through with

you just yet...

Come on, boy! Defend yourself!

I thought you were a Saiyan!

So fight me! Show me

what you're made of!

[GOHAN screaming]

You're low-class scum,

just like your father.

[OX KING] Oh, no, look!

He's got Gohan!

I can't...

How could anyone be

so cruel to a child?!

[OX KING] ChiChi?

Are you all right?

Oh, wow... It looks

like she clocked out.

She's just scared. I don't

blame her... Poor thing.

[OOLONG] ChiChi, snap out of it!

Can you hear me?

It's me, Oolong!

[OOLONG grunting]

Ow! That hurts!

[CHICHI] Fight...


Fight him, Gohan.




Fight, fight,

fight, Gohan!

Fight! Don't let him beat

you and your father!

You can do it! Get him!

Fight with everything you have!

Fight! Go for it! Fight!

[BULMA] Look out!

[GOHAN yelling]

I think it's time

I threw you out

with the rest of the trash!

You're all used up!

[VEGETA laughing]


It's Dad...

[VEGETA] Well, Kakarot's

awake again...

He just doesn't know

when to quit, does he?

Gohan, please don't give up.

Listen, my body is shredded.

I can't use it anymore,

so you're going to have

to fight for both of us!

He's got to be hurting

pretty bad, too...

We can't give in!

This is our only chance!

Please, Gohan!

Dad, I don't think

I can do it!

He's just too strong for me!

I'm scared of him!

I hate to say

I told you so...

But you really should

have joined me, Kakarot!

Now, it's too late!

You had your chance!

Now you, your son, and the

bald guy... you're history!

And let's not forget

about the sneaking coward

who cut my tail!

[YAJIROBE whimpering]

Son, don't be

scared of him..

Hey, you're a lot

stronger than you think...

Piccolo trained

you very well.

You have to have faith

in him... You can win!

And look!

You're not alone.

You still have Krillin

to lend you a hand.

I can't move. I don't

think I can do it, Dad!

Yes, you can! I know

it, and so did Piccolo!

He believed in you! That's why

he gave his life to save yours!

[PICCOLO screaming]

I believe in

you, too, son.



[VEGETA laughing]

Being a good fiend is like

being a photographer...

You have to wait

for the right moment.


[VEGETA laughing]

[VEGETA] Sorry! Father-son

time is over!

No... Dad, no...

[GOKU screaming]

No... Stop...

[VEGETA laughing]

I said STOP!


You heard me!

Let's go!

Sure, kid.

Why not? I'm game.

[GOHAN growling]


Little punk!

Krillin, come here, quick...

Gohan needs our help...

Well, there's more to

this kid than I thought...

[KRILIN] I'm sorry, Goku,

but in my condition,

I'm not sure

I can help him.

I wouldn't last a

minute up there!

Right. You don't

have to fight...

It's just a one shot

deal... Come closer.

I have some energy that

I need to give you.

[KRILLIN] Ah, no offense, Goku,

but you don't look like you

have any energy to spare!

I know, but

it's not mine.

I gathered a bunch of energy

earlier, from the Earth.

Most of it got away

but I have a little...

It should be enough to stop him

if you can hit him with it.

Yeah... If...

All right... Let's do

it... Take my hand...

But are you sure

I can handle it?

Yes! You have to!

Well, let's hope

you're right...

Grab hold!



Hey, I don't feel

anything, Goku!

You will. Just give

me a few seconds.

Okay! Now relax!

Oh, wow.

That's a lot of power!

Man! Hey, Goku! What...

What do I do with this thing?

First, turn

your palm up.

Then use your will power

to concentrate the energy

and form it

into a ball!

[VEGETA growling]

You little brat!


Clear your

mind, Krillin...

Don't try to force the energy.

Just let it flow through you...

Wow, I did it!

Um... what'd I do?

It's a Spirit b*mb.

King Kai taught me...

That kid hurt me!

Listen... You can do

this. I know it...

But, you have to

be very careful.

We... We only get one shot

at this. Make it count!

Right. Got it!

I'll do my best.

[NARRATOR] A glimmer of hope

has returned to the b*ttlefield.

With the

Spirit b*mb,

Krillin and Gohan now

have one final chance

to defeat the evil Vegeta.

Can they succeed?

Find out next time

on Dragon Ball Z!