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03x02 - Lida

Posted: 05/03/23 08:22
by bunniefuu

Thank you.

When it is raining in London,

snowing in New York
or the mailman delivers

an income tax levy

Or there is an angry husband knocking,

there is only one thing to do:

packing a suitcase full of money

and catch the next plane
to the Bahamas.

Here you will find warm seas
warm seas, cool drinks,

good life and low taxes.

What more could anyone ask for?

Do you understand what I mean?

I couldn't reach Lida because
the line was busy.

The plane doesn't leave until tomorrow.

I thought maybe tonight
the three of us could have dinner.

That's very kind of you.

It would be my pleasure.

How long has it been since you saw Lida?

Five, six years.

You will see that she has changed a lot.


I don't know.
She doesn't look like my sister anymore.

In the last few months, he has been acting
in a very strange way.

In what way?

She just looks
scared and worried.

Honestly, Simon, I tried to help,
but she just wouldn't

wants to talk about it.

Do you think she would talk to me?

I would be very grateful if you would try.

If there is one person in the world
that she can trust

is the famous Simon Templar.


S E - Lida

Subtitles by Susanawho

Lida Verity.

Did you succeed?

Yes, I did.

You know what to do, don't you?

Of course I know.
I've been there before, haven't I?

Well, don't be late.

That will be the end, won't it?
I mean...

He promised it would be the last time.

We always keep our promises
promises, Ms. Verity.

Just do as we say
and we'll get along fine.

Now remember: : pm,
don't be late.

Lida, I have a wonderful...

Do you always enter the room without knocking?

Sorry, I just didn't think.

At least I could have a little
privacy in my own home.

I didn't mean to blow you up.

It's just that...

Never mind.

- Lida, what's wrong?
- Nothing, nothing at all.

There must be something.

You've been so tense lately.

- No, don't worry.
- I can't help but worry.

If there is anything,
I want to help you.

Well, you can't and neither can anyone else.

- There is something...
- No!

Look, Joanie, will you stop
asking me all these questions?

All right, all right, I won't
say anything else.

Guess what?

Simon Templar is here.

Is that so?

I met him today at the club.

And you know what?

He is inviting us
to dinner tonight.


Sorry, I can't go.

But you said
I was free tonight.

Something happened.
I have an appointment at : pm.

- Close for me, will you?
- With whom?

- A friend.
- It's his name I'm interested in.

Oh, for God's sake, Joan!
Will you stop interrogating me?

All I ask
is who you are going out with.

It is certainly not interrogation.

I'm busy, let's leave it at that.

Lida, could Simon help?

You don't take no for an answer, do you?

I don't want you, Simon or anyone else
anyone else to meddle in my affairs!

Okay, no need to shout.

If you don't scream, you don't understand.

All right, so I got myself
in a complication.

I'm getting out of it.

I don't want help or
interference from anyone

and I don't know how to make it any clearer.

Mind your own business and leave me alone!




- How nice to see you.
- Maurice!

- Did they bother you again?
- Yes.

Tell me, what happened?

Last time I couldn't
raise more money

And I thought they would leave me alone.

And then the calls
began again.

Come on, sit down for a minute.

Now, tell me, what do you want now?


Will you give it to them?

They said they would settle the account.
They promised.

Well, then give it to them.

It will be worth it to be free.

I will never be free.

It will just be one more payment
more and so on,

until there is nothing left.

Maurice, you must help me.

But how?

- I don't have any money.
- No, it's not that.

I want you to come with me and
help me find out who it is.

Lida, that is impossible, dangerous.

If you think for a minute
that I was trying

deceive them, they would ruin it.

I don't care anymore!

But I do.

A lot.


I can't bear to see her hurt like this.

But it won't last
much longer, believe me.

As bad as it may seem,
it is the best alternative.

I just don't know what to do anymore.

- I can't think.
- Here, wipe your eyes.

It will be just one more time, Lida.

And then we can
begin to make plans.

I'll take her away from here,

somewhere where
can't touch it.

- Did you really mean that?
- Of course you did.

I want to be with you more than
than anything else in the world.

That is very moving.

But you have a date, Maurice, remember?

- Get out of here!
- I'm waiting for you, darling.

She is beautiful, isn't she?

A lot.

Still have no idea
what is bothering you?


Whatever it was, surely
did not exaggerate the effect on her.

When she passed me
on the road tonight,

driving as if the dogs from
hellhounds were after her.


If I had arrived before she
had left, I could have talked to her.

Come on, we have plenty of time.

Let's sit down and tell me
everything you know about your sister.

Everything that happened.

Well, tonight was the
first time she seemed

to open up and admit
that something was wrong.

I entered the room,

she was on the phone and
burst out violently.

I asked him if he could help.

She said that neither I nor
anyone could help her.

She said she got into
in some rotten trouble

and that only she
could get rid of it.

I mean, I even suggested
if you could help.

Good evening, Ms. Verity.
Welcome aboard.

Hello, Bosun.

Don't put it far away.

- I'm leaving right after .
- Yes, ma'am.

Good evening, madam.

Ms. Verity, how nice to see you again.


Are you alone or
are you joining someone?


A beautiful woman should never
should never be alone.

Can I get you a drink?

You are very kind,
but I won't be here for long.

As you wish.

Lida, how are you?

What is the problem with it?

- The usual, Ms. Verity?
- The what?


- What time is it?
- Fifteen to ten, ma'am.

Your change, Ms. Verity.

Your photo will be ready in half an hour.

Thank you.

- Are you playing tonight, Ms. Verity?
- No, not tonight.

I am convinced that she is
with some kind of terrible problem

But she refuses to talk about it.


- Hello, Joan.
- Yes, Lida?

- Is Simon there?
- Yes, he is, just a second.

It's Lida for you.

- Lida?
- Simon, oh, thank God!

Listen, I need your help

I don't have much time.
Only until : .

- Where Are You?
- Captain Kidd's Club.

Captain Kidd's Club?
Yes, I do.

I will be there in minutes.

- Let's go.
- What's the problem?

I will talk about it in the car.

Do you need it?

- Anything I can do, Ms. Verity?
- No.

No, thank you.

She didn't give any idea
what was wrong?

No, it was just that time was
running out fast.

Is Mrs. Verity inside?

I'm not sure, sir, I didn't see her leave.

- But I've been very busy.
- Thank you.

I don't see it.

Check the playroom
and then the dressing room.

Good evening, sir.
Would you like a table for two?

No, thank you.
I'm looking for Ms. Verity.

Mrs. Verity, I don't think
she is here tonight.

But Captain Hook in the
entrance said he was.

It is possible, I don't see everyone
everyone who comes and goes.

Well, you won't mind
if I look for her, won't you?

I said that Mrs. Verity is not here tonight.
I don't want any trouble, but...

Then you won't have any.

As long as you stay out of my way.

The dealer saw her about minutes ago,
but not since.

Let's check to see if her car
is still here.

Should I see a doctor?

Don't bother.
Call the police, she is dead.

Why? Why would she do that?

I wonder.

I called out to her, but she didn't answer.

It just passed us by.

Almost in a trance.

Were you close friends with Ms. Verity?

Of course.

Did she show any particular signs
particular sign of distress?

I could be wrong, Inspector,

but she looked at me
like she was crying.

Thank you very much.
It was very helpful.

Is that all?
Can we go now?

Yes, of course.

If you give your address
to my sergeant.

You will probably be
called to the inquiry.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Well, I think I have all the
the information I need.

Why did she have to do that here?

This kind of advertising
can ruin my business.

A certain amount of
inconvenience is inevitable

with su1c1de in a public place.

I feel so guilty...

She needed me and somehow I
should have made her tell me why.

I suppose you are convinced
that it was su1c1de, Inspector?

Of course.

Everyone who saw her tonight
agrees that she was very upset.

She has been betting
a lot in the last months.

Losing most of the time.

I have your promissory notes
of almost , pounds.

She was a rich woman.

, pounds were not important to her.

At least, I didn't think so.

The magistrate will
want to see these promissory notes.

Whenever you want.

I guess that settles it.

Of course, everyone should
attend the hearing, but

will be nothing more than a formality.

Everything is clean and tidy.

And a rubber stamp
marks the case closed.

I don't look for trouble where there is none, Mr. Templar.
exist, Mr. Templar.

I'm afraid I'll have to ask
to come to the police station

to make a formal statement.

Yes, of course.

And you too, Mr. Templar,
since you found the body.

Nothing in the world would stop me.

I'll finish here.

I will meet you in my office
in minutes. Thompson?

Let's go?

Oh, Esteban, don't go to bed.

I might want to talk to you.

I heard about your sister, Miss.

I'm sorry.
She was a good lady.

- Thank you very much.
- Her car is still here.

Would it help if I took him home?

- Can you drive well with that?
- What, this?

Oh, it's just a trick.

I'll take it off as soon as
I finish closing here.

- Thank you, we would appreciate it.
- Thank you.

- I think it covers everything.
- Great.

And if you just sign for me.

- And now, Inspector?
- What do you suggest?

One may wonder why a woman
woman who intended to k*ll herself

called me for help?

There is an axiom in police work, Mr. Templar.
police work, Mr. Templar.

You can never decipher a su1c1de.

Particularly in this case.

This is a useful phrase to cover up
the things you don't want to know.

You have been criticizing me all night, Templar.

If you have any ideas, let's hear them.

I am afraid I cannot offer any
any concrete evidence,

but every instinct I have tells me
that something is very, very wrong.

For God's sake, look at the facts.

She was upset, she owed
money, the position of the wound

corresponds to the way
how the g*n was held.

You will find powder burns
on your dress and paraffin and

the fingerprint test
will prove that she was holding the g*n.

Exactly, I am dealing with
facts, not instincts.


I think we have nothing more to discuss, Mr. Templar.
discuss, Mr. Templar.

I think he means
that the interview is over.

By the way, did you check where
Lida took the g*n?

It is being checked,
these things take time.

Well, I can see that
you're not going to rush into anything

about it, so you won't mind
if I do a little research around here.

I will care very much.
I know your reputation, Templar.

If you put one foot
above the line of the law,

I will deport you from this island in minutes.

What the hell went wrong?

- Why was she k*lled?
- Calm down, Maurice.

Calm down, accidents happen in our business as in any other.
our business as in any other.

They hang you for
accidents like this.

The boss must have gone crazy.

I don't think the boss
would like that, you know?

- I don't think he would like that.
- I don't care what he would like.

Look, we had something good for
us and now it's lost.

You are being a coward.

Now, listen.

I don't have to take this kind of
from you, you imbecile!

You are very strong, aren't you?

I am scared.

I am very afraid.

- I should hit you on the head.
- Yes, why don't you do that?

And I will leave a scar on your pretty little face.

Would you like that, Maurice?
Huh, dear?

I will not commit
in any m*rder.

Do you understand this?

Of course.

As I said, it's getting cowardly.

My part of the deal is to prepare
the rich ladies, that's all.

I'm not going to stick around and end up
being accused of m*rder.

What are you going to do, Maurice?

I will take the first
plane to the United States

and I want my share of the business
business before I leave.

There was no business tonight.

- She didn't have the bracelet.
- What?

What are you trying to invent?

She came to my house
before going to the club

and she was wearing the bracelet
because I saw her.

She didn't have it when
the boss was with her.

You are a liar!
Now listen, I want my share.

And tell the boss that if he
is not expecting me

at the airport, I can write
a farewell to the policemen.

Do you understand?

I want my money.

Yes? Pebbles.

Mr. Kerr just left.

I think he is getting
with a very loose tongue.

Why don't you do something about it?

I'll call you later.

I simply cannot believe
that she is dead.

There is a lot of it in this room.

I would like it to be something more
substantial than the atmosphere.

Something to give us a clue.

Is there hope?
Where does one begin?

There is nothing in those letters.

Let's take a look at the safe.

That's funny, it's open.

She had been withdrawing large
sums of money.

, pounds in the last two months.

It must be your gambling debts.

Yes, but it is impulsive play.

These are with two breaks a week.

You mean blackmail?

Certainly, but who?

What do you have about her?

- It's Bosun with Lida's car.
- Bosun?

Ask him to come in.
I'd like to talk to him.

Hello, Bosun.

If you have a minute,
you can help me.

Yes, anything, sir.

Which way did you drive here?

Oh, by the coast road, it's a straight line.

That's what I thought.

I passed Mrs. Verity's car
on the airport road tonight.

That would take her miles off the path.

This fits.


Something Mrs. Verity left in the car.

Maybe I should show it to the
police, let them take care of it.

Would you like to tell me about it?

I don't want money.

I said I liked Ms. Verity.

- I just want to help.
- So does Mr. Templar.

I found this on the car seat.


A man named Maurice Kerr
took her to the club a few times.

He lives on the airport road.

Records have traced the g*n.
It belongs to a Maurice Kerr.

That's something.
Thompson, take my car.

Let me guess, you are leaving?

Who the hell are you?
What do you want?

I am the laundry man.
This is yours, isn't it?

It has my initials.
I suppose it does.

So, what?

It was found in Lida Verity's car.

Ah, possibly.
I saw her for a while.

- Have you seen her tonight?
- No.

I don't have to answer
your questions. Who are you?

I'm afraid I don't have a card.
The name is Simon Templar.

The Saint!

Now look, I don't know how
you got involved in this,

but I had nothing to do
with what happened to her.

Keep talking.

I have nothing more to say.

Go think of something.
Try it.

Get out of here!

Maurice, one way or another, will talk.
another way, he will talk.

Whether we have to go through the dark
dark business of v*olence or not.


Okay, now start talking.

I had nothing to do with the
with the m*rder of Lida Verity.

- I swear to God, no!
- You were blackmailing her.

- No, not me.
- Who then?

I don't know.

We are back to racing
again, aren't we?

I made a mistake.

But the others are responsible.
I just cheated her.


I met her at the club and
met her a few times

and then I invited her to come
here for a drink.

This has a very familiar ring to it.

The drinks were prepared, I suppose.

Yes, it is not a new activity.

We have done this with almost
a dozen women.

- All rich and married?
- Yes.

All right, Maurice.

Let's hear the sick details
about Lida Verity.


I prepared Lida's drinks
and after she passed out

we took some compromising
compromising photos.

What did you thr*aten to send to her husband?

Yes. He is in England
on a business trip.

I know it is a very
bad, but it was worth it.

She didn't know that I was involved.

He thought I was being
being blackmailed too.

That's fine.

I want the negatives and the copies.

I don't know where they are.

I'm not in the mood to stop.

Look, I swear I don't know
where they keep them.

It had nothing to do
with that aspect of things.

Who are they, Maurice?

- Who k*lled her?
- Look, I'll make a deal with you.

I will tell you names, places, anything.

You put me on the plane first thing in the morning.

I'd rather make a deal with
a plague-infested rat.

I will hurt you until
you tell me everything.

No, not my face,
please, not again.


Take it.

I know this sounds cliché,
but you have the wrong man.

Turn around and walk toward the house.

Well, one thing is certain,

unless Kerr was a contortionist
contortionist, he did not commit su1c1de.

Well, Mr. Templar.

It seems I was right.
I found a k*ller.


Did Kerr tell you anything
anything before k*lling him?

That is a somewhat confusing question.

I want an answer.

I suggest you use diplomacy

I don't think you understand the
seriousness of your position, Templar.

It refers to the charge of m*rder.

Now, Inspector, you don't
have sufficient evidence

nor to fine me for
parking ticket.

You were seen running out of the house.

Is that all you have?
No g*n, no motive, no nothing.

All right, all right.

Now let's play from the front.

Kerr is dead.

I want to know who k*lled him and why.

Who, I don't know.


Because he was getting
getting ready to speak.

- About what?
- The m*rder of Lida Verity.

Kerr was involved in a blackmail
blackmail and when Lida Verity was k*lled

he got scared and wanted to jump out.

- Do you know who was in it with him?
- No.

He was about to tell me
when one of the gentlemen

in question appeared at the
window and sh*t him.

That's not much to go on.

Thompson, get the guys from
fingerprinting and ballistics guys here.

They are on their way.

Well, if you two are going to be the
detectives, I'm leaving.

There is a plane that leaves for
New York at in the morning.

I will send a man to make sure
sure that you will be on it.

These carefully worded insinuations

go straight over my head, Inspector.

I told you earlier today
to stay out of it.

It's none of your business.

But you are wrong, Inspector.

I'll give you some good
reasons why it is my business.

One: Lida Verity was my friend.

I don't like blackmail.

And besides, I don't like to be
used for target practice.

Then you can send as many men as you
you want to the airport in the morning, Inspector.

But I will not set
one foot off this island

until the k*ller is arrested.


I would give anything to be able to incriminate him.

Police officers all over the
world feel the same way.

Let's wrap this thing up.

If Templar wants an
assassin, we will find him.

I hate to say it, but it looks like
his plan is working.

Flat, what do you mean by flat?

The way it bothers you.

I think he wanted to make you so angry
so angry until it actually moves.

I'll look into it,
stop by the room.

- They caught Joan.
- Keep talking.

There was nothing I could do, Mr. Templar,
they both had g*ns.

- I didn't have a chance.
- Did you know them?

I have never seen them before.

All right, start from the beginning.

We were waiting for you to come back.

The bell rang.

Joan answered because
we thought it was you.

They came in, tied me up
and took Joan away.

It was all over in two minutes.

- Did they say anything?
- Not a word.

They are professionals, Mr. Templar.

- They didn't waste a second.
- Here, drink this.

Thank you.

- I needed that.
- How are you feeling?

Mal. I let you down, Mr. Templar.

I should have been able
to help him in some way.

Don't worry about that now.

The important thing is to get Joan back.

Yes, of course, if we knew
where to start.

The club would be a good start.

This is where Kerr made his contacts.

And where Lida was m*rder*d.

Do you think Esteban was in on it?

He did everything to keep me from
prevent me from seeing Lida tonight.

Let's ask him.

- Hello?
- Templar?

Now listen to me carefully.

I will only say this once.

Mrs. Verity was going to bring us
a bracelet tonight.

We didn't get it, but we know
who did.


- Tell me who?
- Don't play dumb with me, dear.

You were the first one on the scene.

You had plenty of time to catch it
before someone else got to you.

Is this what you were looking for when
tried to k*ll me at Kerr's house?

What else?

We want the bracelet.
If we don't get it,

Joan Wingate will end up
as dead as her sister.

Simon, he means it.

Simon, give it to him, please,
otherwise he will k*ll me.


Joan, can you hear me?

Do as the lady said, Mr. Templar.

I will call you later to tell you
how, where and when.

- Did you hear that?
- Yes.

We have no choice, do we?

- What is your advice?
- The faster the better.

That is one way to k*ll Joan.

After they get what they want,
it will be of no further use to them.

And I could identify them.

They k*lled twice tonight.
One more won't make any difference.

Mr. Templar, I know,
but what are we going to do?

We will find it, and quickly.

This is Esteban's office.

It seems he was waiting for me.
How do we get in?

There is a window in the back.

Show the way.

Okay, in there.

You are very skillful with a sword

and with the tip of the g*n, isn't it?

What are you waiting for?

Someone join my club,
I'm not going to go around asking questions.

It seems reasonable.

- What do you want?
- To talk.

Everyone I try to talk to
talk to on this island gets k*lled.

First Lida Verity, then Maurice
Kerr, is very frustrating.

- Kerr, are you dead?
- Didn't you know?

No, no, how should I?
When? How?

Buy a morning paper
and read all about it.

What are you doing?

You think I had something to do with it.
I didn't k*ll him.

Certainly not with this g*n.

It has been a long time since
since it was fired.

With no w*apon.

Let's play a quick game
of questions and answers.

Why were you so anxious to
prevent me from finding Lida Verity?

That's not true...

The fact that it has not been
fired long ago

does not mean that it cannot
be fired now.

All right, all right.

Listen, many women come to my club.

The men who bring them are not always their husbands.
always are their husbands.

I am deeply shocked.

Mrs. Verity has been here
a few times with Maurice Kerr.

I thought maybe you were a
private detective or something.

And was he trying to protect her?

I didn't want any trouble.
She was a good customer.

- I spent a lot of money here.
- Was some of that money blackmail?

Blackmail? No!

I don't know what you are talking about.

I am inclined to believe
you, Esteban.

Do you have some kind of agreement with Kerr?

He used to bring women to the club.

I paid him a small commission
for the money they lost at the tables.

Men like him earn
their lives this way.

It's just a little money.

- I was wrong about you, I'm sorry.
- You should be.

Don't get me wrong.
I am not apologizing.

I'm sorry, because with you
I clearly don't have a single clue.

- You'll have to give them the bracelet.
- Welcome back, how's the head?

It hurts.

Look, we'd better get back home.

That is where you will call when
ready to negotiate.

The next step is up to them, so let's go.

- Is this yours?
- No, Pebbles'.

He has photo exclusivity here.

- What's the name?
- Sanchez, Harry Sanchez.

- What did you just call him?
- Pebbles, sort of a nickname.

This nickname is given to people who
who wears glasses with thick lenses.

Of course. Sanchez uses them all the time.

It is blind as a bat without them.

What is the problem?

The photographs were part of the
blackmail business and the man

who tried to sh**t me in Kerr's
Kerr's house wore thick-lensed glasses.

- Where does he live?
- On the North Key.


- Do you know where that is?
- Sure.

I want to go there.

What if it is another false lead?

I know you are not trying to delay.

I'm going to have to return the
bracelet, won't I?

I hope you catch them.

Using my club for a blackmailing
blackmailing activity, stink rat.

He didn't even give me a dime.

is across the street.

It looks like a beautiful neighborhood.

They should tear it down
and build a slum.

Do you want me to go with you?

No, one way or the other,
had a pretty rough night.

Stay here. If I'm not out
in minutes, call the police.


- Good luck.
- Thank you.

My glasses.
I can't see you.

Isn't that bad?
Now, where is the girl?

Where is she?


- Joan?
- Simon, thank God you are here.

Are you okay?

He said that if I didn't give him the
bracelet, he would k*ll me.

So I had to find it.
I don't have it.

- But he said yes.
- I know what they said.

Lida must have hidden
before they got to her.

I don't understand, but let's
get out of here, please.

Bosun is in the car downstairs.
Tell him to take you home.

- and then come back for me.
- Yes, but please don't be long.

Are you looking for this, dear?

Are you going to turn me in?

In a moment,
but first I want the pictures

that he was using to blackmail
to blackmail Lida Verity.

These along with the
others that you have.

Give me a break, will you?

You can have the pictures
giving me a chance

to leave the island, yes?

You should be thankful that I don't
strangle him right now.

Will you give me those pictures?

- Yes.
- Where are they?

- There they are.
- Let's get them.

There is more where they came from.

Mrs. Verity is dead
now, of course, but there are others.

They pay well.

You can earn a percentage.

Do you think so?

It will never come out.

What are you doing?
They are worth a fortune.

Where you are going, dear,
you won't need money.


Who else is in this with you?

- Nobody else, just me and Kerr.
- Oh, yes, there is someone else.

Someone who k*lled Lida Verity.
Who is it?

Yes, indeed, there is.

Do you want to know who he is?

Why don't you ask him?
He's right behind you.

My Irish friend.


No, I imagined it was you.

I was thinking that I imagined myself

like the innocent Irishman
wide-eyed Irishman.

Things happened a little too
too convenient when you were

out there, you contemptible Irishman.

This is a terrible thing to say
to a guy in my tradition.

I should shove it down my throat.

There is no point in
here exchanging insults.

You have ruined a perfectly good
perfectly good business.

I can't let him get away with this.

You ruined yourself when you k*lled Lida.

Yes, it was a pity.

She should leave the bracelet on the bench

and then go back to the club.

Instead, she was
waiting for you with a g*n.

So it is.

We had a fight,
and the g*n went off.

It wasn't very difficult to
to make it look like su1c1de.

How will you explain my death?

It won't look like su1c1de.

Ah, I thought of that too.

I told Joan that I would come here
to help him and sent her home.

When I got here,
Pebbles had k*lled you.

So naturally, I had to sh**t him.

What does it mean?

- What does it mean?
- Just this.

I never liked him very much.

That is the beauty of this business.

Most companies need to
give their employees a

gold watch or something
like that when you get rid of them.

It is tying up the ends.

I have always been very smart.

He didn't do a good job there.

Need help?

Remarkable control of the time, Inspector.

How did you know I was here?

I would like to say that it was an
efficient and intelligent police work.

Unfortunately this is not true.

We had someone following him
since he left Kerr.

I see.

It is a great consolation to know
that the police were close by

if Bosun had k*lled me.

- You seem to do very well without us.
- Thank you.

And since you solved my case for me,

it will not be necessary to miss the
plane at o'clock in the morning.

I won't promise anything, Inspector.
There is just one more thing.

Thank you.

Mr. Templar?


Were you visiting the crime scene?

Well, I just wanted to make sure that
there was nothing that you ignored.

And was there?

No, you can put your
of closed in this case.

Mr. Templar, the bracelet, please.

I saw him put it in his pocket.

I wanted to have the pleasure of delivering it
to Joan myself.

Well, I don't see that I need
deny this pleasure.

- I will go with you just in case.
- Thank you, Inspector.

In fact, I will stay the night.

And I will accompany you to the plane in the morning.

All night long?