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Third Saturday in October Part V, The (2022)

Posted: 05/04/23 16:31
by bunniefuu
In October of 1979,

a death row inmate

named Jack Harding

escaped police custody

and proceeded to go

on a k*lling spree

in the sleepy farming community

of Hackleburg, Alabama.

You're saying that you think

he's still alive, don't you?

I know he is.

He would seemingly appear

from thin air,

a force of nature empowered

by the onset of autumn.

You and this town is linin' up

for a third Saturday in October


Stop, please! Stop!

Stop! Stop!

He would return

to haunt Hackleburg

three more times

throughout the 1980s,

continuously defying death

as he left a trail of carnage

in his wake.

Are you even in there?

His victims

would be young and old

with no regard for the

innocence of human life.

This game

is f*cking impossible.


Is this really what you

wanna be doing right now?


you're gonna get me k*lled.

You don't wanna see my tits?

Not right now.

Baby, come on.

He's usually

all over the place.

More like all over me.

After an att*ck in 1987,

Harding vanished

without a trace.

And for the past six years,

the residents of Hackleburg

have made it through

the third Saturday in October

without incident.

This year however,

they are about to see

some real crazy sh*t.


Alabama sports radio...

Reports out of Mobile tell us

that receivers and backup

quarterback Tex Coorley

were out on the practice

field this evenin'.

Now, all I can make of this is

that Coach Redd just found out

Nate Barker

can't play tomorrow.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Coach Redd wouldn't

advertise it to the world

if his starting quarterback

couldn't play.

This is the old ball coach

tryin' to mess with A&M

and head coach Manny Parish.

Nothin' more, nothin' less.

You disrespected me!

That was inappropriate dancin'!

There ain't no ifs,

ands or buts about it.

Ugh, I swear, Ronnie,

if you don't shut up,

I'm gonna stay

at my mama's house tonight.

I know where

you wanna sleep tonight

and it sure as hell

ain't your mama's house.

Listen to yourself.

You're drunk, drunk, drunk!

Hold on now,

I ain't done talkin' to you.

Oh! Ugh, how dare you?

Why'd you hit me

with that damn door?

Oh, I wish you walked

square into that sucker.

I wish it knocked you clean out!

Oh, I bet.

That way you'd have

all the free time in the world

to run around

with old Johnny Stevens.

You know what?

I don't have to

listen to you anymore.

- I swear I've had it.

- Oh, yeah?

Well, we know

who you do listen to, don't we?

Old Johnny Stevens.

I saw y'all a dancin'.

His hands all over my woman.

A married woman dancin'

with a school vice principal.

- That's ridiculous!

- Shut up, Ronnie!

I bet Johnny Stevens

don't cut his own damn firewood,

I tell you that.

Son of a bitch

tryin' to dance with my woman.

I should've clocked his ass

across the dance floor.

Bum-ass can't keep

a job no way.

Ain't fit for nothing.

Look-it, baby,

I'm sorry about earlier.

I know I got you all riled up.

I just saw Johnny Stevens

and you dancin' like that,

and well,

considering I'd been drinkin',

and you know how I get when I

get the hard stuff in me, honey.

Well, you know better

than to drink it.

Oh, I begged you

not to get like this tonight,

- and look what happened.

- I know, I know.

Thing about it is, baby...

I can't help it.

When I got a woman

as beautiful as you,

I see Johnny Stevens

with his meat hooks

all over you,

well, it's just

natural response for me

to get a little bit teed off.

You know I'm sorry. I really am.

Aw, hon.

That still ain't no excuse

for yellin' at me like you did.

I know it, I know it.

And I tell you what?

When we go to church on Sunday,

that's the first thing

I'mma pray about.

You'll go to church with me?

Well, of course,

it's been too long.

I owe Jesus a visit.

- I love you, Ronnie.

- Oh, I love you too, baby.

Good Lord.


These must be new, huh?

Yeah, K-Mart special.

So, you tellin' me

I got K-Mart to blame

for all these dirty thoughts

bouncin' around in my head?

Stop it!

Where you are

Heartbeat, heartbeat

One more time again

Are you up there

In the clouds

So far away

From heartbeat, heartbeat

One more time

I will get it right

I can make it this time

I know what I've got to do

Heartbeat for me

- I won't hesitate

- Who's playin' that damn music?

What the f*ck you doin'

in my house?

Amy! Amy, call 9-1-1, baby!

We got us an intruder in here!

What's that, Ronnie?

Wait a minute.

Is that you in there,

Johnny Stevens?

I swear to God,

you got a lot

of nerve comin' here.

What you're lookin' for

The heartbeat of a miracle


One more time again

And they tell me

I will feel it

- And my face it will show

- Ronnie!

Ronnie, you're freaking me out!

One more time

I will get it right


I can make it this time

Oh, my God!

Honey, what happened?

You know what

f*ckin' happened.

Oh, my God, you're bleedin'!

I know I'm f*ckin' bleedin'.

Your g*dd*mn boyfriend

tryin' to k*ll me.

Shh. Baby,

what are you talkin' about?

Oh, the jig's up, woman!

Don't you try to play dumb.

Honey, what-- no,

what are you talkin' about?

Stop accusin' me of that.

I don't know

what you're talkin' about!

Johnny g*dd*mn Stevens,

he's in our f*ckin' house

and you know it!

- You had me f*ckin' k*lled!

- Baby.

There's that

son-of-a-bitch now.

Come on, Johnny,

take off that mask.

I'm on to y'all.

God! Oh, Amy!

Why'd you s*ab her?

You m*therf*cking lunatic.

You've reached

Ronnie and Amy parker.

We've gone fishin'.

Leave a message

after the beep. Beep.

Ronnie, listen, buddy, this is

old Johnny Stevens callin'.

I-- I just wanted to call

and apologize about--

Well, about what went down

at the dance hall

earlier this evenin'.

I-- I realized

I didn't had no business

dancing with Amy

the way I was.

Look, I justs-- I just wanted

to call and say I'm sorry,

and I hope

there's no hard feelings.

Hey, listen,

you enjoy that game tomorrow.

Wanna see them Seahawks

whoop up on A&M.

And I hope

you'll forgive me, buddy.

Talk to you later.

Toodle-oo, y'all.


for tomorrow's showdown

between the

Alabama Mobile Seahawks

and Tennessee A&M Commonwealth

now only hours away,

sports fans are at fever pitch

over what promises to be

one of the great

college football showdowns

of the year.

And as always, Channel 2's

sports correspondent

Kitty Kennedy

was able to catch up

with Alabama Mobile

head coach Amos Redd

earlier this evening.

Kitty has more from Mobile.

Coach, if you do need to go

with the backup quarterback,

how does that change

the offensive game plan?

I tell you what? Let's do--

Let's why don't I just

drop everything we're doin',

you and I go back in the office?

I'll open up the playbook,

and show you

everything we're gonna run,

and you can write it down.

- How about that?

- That sounds great.

- Yeah, okay, alright.

- Let's go!

Look, tomorrow's third

Saturday in October, right?

Everybody in Seahawk nation

knows what that means.

Now, these boys

know what it means

and they're gonna be ready,


That is a Coach Redd guarantee.

That's something

you can write down.

Third Saturday in October.

Well, Boomer,

it's almost game time,

so we might as well

get that final prediction in.

What you thinkin'?

I'm goin' with my gut

on this one.

Tennessee A&M, 17,

Alabama Mobile, 14.

The Commonwealth

break the streak today,

no matter who the Seahawks

put at quarterback.

Wrong as usual, Boomer.

There's gonna be more points

up on that scoreboard

and the streak

is gonna continue.

I'm takin' the Seahawks 35-24.

- I made breakfast!

- Oh, Lordy, mercy, PJ!

I thought you knew

better than this.

I said you could have

one regular bowl of cereal.

If you eat all this,

you're gonna be sick.

Well, I don't even want cereal.

I want Catfish Cabin!

Catfish Cabin! Catfish Cabin!

Well, I'm about to leave,

but maybe Maggie

can take you, okay?


Old man coming through.

The Commonwealth strut,

the Commonwealth strut,

the Commonwealth strut.

Come on in,

join the Commonwealth strut!


Come on, baby,

I really need your help

getting this side of my face.

Can we please

just wait until we're there?

- Vampire cat.

- Oh, absolutely not.

Last time we b*at 'Bama,

I went out

looking just like this.

You wanna go

to Catfish Cabin with me?

- That was 1985!

- Come on!

- Are you a catfish?

- The Commonwealth need this.

Do you have friends

at Catfish Cabin?

You're gonna

have to do dishes.

See you later, Pennywise.

I'll do dishes--

For a year?

Maggie is here.

Creepy and sullen

And running out of room

- Hi, Maggie!

- Hey, PJ!

- In my little tomb

- Oh!

- Hey.

- Hi.

- How're you doin'?

- Good. Good morning.

So, are you sure

this is gonna be okay?


Okay, because we can come back

at midnight if we need to.

Tomorrow morning

is totally fine.


Go Commonwealth!

Stop being annoying.

PJ has spoken.

- Okay, give me that.

- Mm.

Okay, bye, baby. We love you.

- Alright, we'll see you.

- See you later.

Oof, now I know

why you're always so happy

to see me.


My mom said you should

to take me Catfish Cabin,

and I deserve it,

because I've been

getting good grades.

PJ, we've been over this.

They don't serve breakfast.

Well, we should just

drive over there and check.

And my mom said you shouldn't

smoke those things around me.



I think it's time

for you to shut up.


Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh

If they left us alone now

Would we cry or would we

Feel the same as we do

Na, na, na

Could you move me around now

Could you find in your heart

the strength to be true

Na, na, na

It seems to me, baby

You better

lead your life alone

Oh, you better go

If they left us alone now

So if we're alone now

If they left us alone now

So if we're alone now

If they left us alone now

So if we're alone now

If they left us alone now

So if we're alone now

Alabama Mobile's quest

for another undefeated season

will be challenged today

as the Seahawks travel

to Johnson City

to face the 9th ranked

Tennessee A&M Commonwealth.

Jeffery Baumhauer

has more live coverage

from Randy Hale Memorial Stadium

coming up soon.

And for our top story

this morning,

authorities are tracking

a k*ller on the loose today...

PJ, do you want a sandwich?

...of a funeral home employee.

Yesterday afternoon

outside of Grefe County.

Hey, kiddo,

do you want a peanut butter

and jelly sandwich?

...from Vicki Culpepper.

Vicki, we gonna

need those umbrellas today?

Thanks, Gordon,

but you won't need your umbrella

until tonight when we expect

some brief showers...

Really holdin' out

for that Catfish Cabin?

For the most part,

today is cool and sunny...

Meow. Meow. Meow.

Hello, Glamourpuss.

Now, some areas

may appear cloudy and sunny

- at the same time.

- Hello!

As us meteorologists

like to say,

- That's just the weather.

- PJ: Are you hungry?

For all football fans,

today should make

for the perfect third Saturday

in October experience.

Want me to rub your chin?

Hello, Alabamians...

It's almost time for a meal.

Meow. Meow, meow, meow.


Ah-ha! Oh! Yes!

Oh, my God, Betsy,

this is my lucky charm!

Oh, man.

It's our lucky day.

What exactly

are you talkin' about, honey?

This is the

fumblerooski helmet of '84.


Oh, this is the helmet

McLintock was wearin'

when he scored

the winning touchdown.

Sounds amazing.

Do you have to be

so overdramatic, Arthur?

You're such a baby!


Ain't no trespassin'

around here, boy.

Especially by some

mask-wearin' weirdo.


Now, don't you

do nothing stupid, boy.


you got some big balls on you.

Well, I got some big uns, too,

and that's why they call me

Big Willie Nathan.

Now, I'm goin' up here

to do my chore.

Little kitty cats

ain't gonna feed their selves.

Now, when I turn back around,

I best see your ass

headin' down that road.

You and the hearse

you rode in on.

If you're lookin' to get

your brain scrambled here today,

boy, you are in luck.

Cause the skillet's on the stove

and the grease is already hot.

Okay, buddy boy,

you about to go

from the fryin' pan to the fire.

What in tarnation?

Look here, son,

I tried to warn you.

Now, what you should have done

was acted like a gravy train

on biscuit wheels

and rolled your ass

on out of here!

Oh. Whoa, whoa, look.

Whoa, now! Whoa!

Alright, PJ,

let's go to the video store.

Get it!

- Oowie!

- We're going to

the video store.

...the eyes

at the back of my head

And I know it's not me

I'm not the one

I'm not moving, moving

Moving me

And I'm not the one

I'm not the one moving me*ve moving

Some cheap...

Don't know where to run

Don't know where to run

Don't know where to run

Don't know where to run

Don't know where to go

Go, Johnny, go

Go, Johnny, go

Hey, y'all,

it's your old pal Hank.

Owner and operator

of Hank's Good Stuff.

Lettin' you know about

our very special half-off sale

we're havin' today

durin' the Alabama Mobile

Tennessee A&M football game.

So, come on down

any time durin' the game

where everything...

- Is half off.

- Is half off.

Hank's Good Stuff's located

5525, Highway 2 in Hackleburg.

Right next door

to Bronco Burger.


Peter, George,

and Lester j-- Juric.


Now, open this damn door.

- Oh, so, help me God.

- It's time for a-- a--

Alaba-- Bama mo--

Mobile beatdown.

Peter. Peter. Pumpkin eater.

Open up this front door.

- Y'all!

- Hello!

- It's time for some football!

- I f*cking hear you.

Open the door!

Yeah, yeah, dude,

I f*ckin' hear you, man.

I can f*ckin' hear you.

You're bein' loud enough.

George, I can do this.

- Ow!

- Oh, what?

- George.

- Jesus Christ, man.

- George, just--

- f*ckin' serious?

Damn, you f*cking crippled?

Watch the door!

Man, what gives, you fuckwads?

The game doesn't start

for like 30 minutes.

Now, Peter,

is that any way

to talk to your friends?

Cussin' us out

for bein' 30 minutes early?

f*ck you, ret*rd!

Why don't you

get up out of that chair

and fight me

if you don't f*ckin' like it?

Jesus Christ, P-- Peter.

I just thought we'd d--

drop in a little early is all.

Calm down.

O-- okay. I'm-- I'm calm.

I'm calm.

Hey, man, you know I was

just messin' with you, right?

Come on, now. Huh? Come on.

Yeah, we're cool.

C'mon man, let's go get high.

Yeah, alright.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

What about me?

Lester, what about you, huh?

What, you expect us

to carry your fat ass

up and down these steps

all g*dd*mn day and night?

Think I'm gonna pull

a hernia over you, little guy?

Would you lighten up on him?

Dude, I'm--

I'm tryin' to toughen him up.

He's a little bitch.

Say, Peter,

why you got a hearse out

at the end of your driveway?

Say, Lester,

there's not a f*ckin' hearse

at the end of the driveway.

Peter, I know

what a hearse looks like.

It's as plain as day,

out there

at the end of your driveway!

Yeah, well, I know

what a jackass looks like.

Sittin' in a wheelchair,

yellin' at me from downstairs.

Shut the f*ck up!

I fill the hours

With the black of my head

I see through the eyes

at the back of my head

And I know it's not me

I'm not the one

Who is moving

Moving, moving me

And I'm not the one

I'm not the one moving me

- Hey, Holcomb.

- Hi, PJ.

- Hey.

- Hey. What's up?

You guys, um,

havin' a big movie marathon?

Yes, and PJ gets to rent

whatever she wants.


Yes, as long as

when you're watchin' it,

I can go next door

and watch the game.


Okay, but are you sure

you wanna do that?

I mean George

and Sharon are back together.

Don't you wanna avoid

that love triangle drama?

They're not

getting back together.

If you say so.

Just don't be surprised

if Sharon tries to punch you out

the next time she sees you.

What? So, my friends

are having a party next door

and I can't go just cause

George has a crush on me?

You like him, too.

No, I don't. George, really?

Yeah, George really.

Those eyebrows? [chuckling]

- Are you kidding me?

- Oh, yeah.

I just don't wanna see you

in another

messed up relationship.

I appreciate you're tryin'

to look out for me right now,

but this is different.

George is different.

- Are these okay?

- Mm-hm.

Hoosiers? Really?

I like basketball.

So when are you clockin' out?

As soon as Cody's

slow ass gets here.

He's already 15 minutes late.

Okay, we'll be outside.

Can we please go

to Catfish Cabin?

No, they're only open

for dinner.

Why do I get the feeling

you're lying to me?

PJ, I would never lie to you.

I'm the one person in your life

that you could always count on

to be real with you,

no matter what.



Man, I'm gonna

bag Holcomb tonight.

I thought you

were all over Angela.

Well, I'mma bag her, too!

See, Holcomb's

spendin' the night with Maggie,

so I'mma have to

get that in before halftime.

Then I'll have

the rest of the night

with Angela.

Man, I get playin'

the field and all,

but that's some really

questionable decision-making.


Are you f*cking kidding me?

I'm being judged by the guy

who's tryin' to bag Maggie

and Sharon at the same time.

That is highly inaccurate,

my f-- friend.

I am a single man.

Yeah. Yeah, you're s--single,

cause your d*ck

is ready to wander.

Man, if Maggie wasn't

giving you the signs right now,

you'd still be shopping

for engagement rings

with Sharon, you little prick.

- I'll check on my brother.

- "I'll check on my brother."

Yeah, you need to check him

into a mental institute,

that's where you need

to check him into.

We all know he's

faking that sh*t anyway, man.

Don't mess with the crew

Wanna challenge me

Callin' out my brothers,

Yo, I see, how it's gonna be

S-- stupid, Peter!

Who's got the last laugh

I'm the witch of my craft

There'll be no mistakin'

This hood'll be mine

For the takin'

What the f*ck is this

This hood'll be mine

For the takin'

Yeah, you better be ready

To drop like a rock, fool

This hood'll be mine

For the takin'

Ha, ha, ha

Better sh**t your best

This hood'll be mine

For the takin'

This hood'll be mine

For the takin'

Be mine for the takin'

Be mine for the takin'

This hood'll be mine

For the takin'

The deed's been done

You better run

- Ladies.

- Hi.

Sharon. Hi.

Hi, there!

It's about time y'all showed up.

Hey, Sharon.

Hi, Lester.

Oh, it's good to see y'all.

Ready to watch some football?


Well, hello, hello, ladies.

f*ck, f*ck!

Welcome to my humble abod.

Who's ready for some football?

It's abode, jackass.

Sharon, you look so adorable.

Look at you. [kisses]

Angela, have you ever

looked more beautiful?

Oh, stop it!

Hey! Why don't we get

that game going?

- Oh, yeah, let's do it.

- We don't wanna miss kick-off.

This week's episode

of Northern Exposure--

We'll be back right after

this commercial break.

For over 75 years,

the UAM CR...

We actually gonna watch

some football, Peter,

or we're just gonna watch you

play on your nana's TV?

We will be watchin' football

when I get it

on the right channel.

- Is half off.

- And it's my meemaw's TV.

Band of diet special--

There it is.

There we go. [grunts]

The Commonwealth

is gonna whoop that ass, baby.

...just don't have

the patience right now.

What the f*ck?


Man, who the f*ck are you?

Oh, hi!

I'm Neil Pritchard.

Uh, Lester Juric invited me

to come over and watch the game.

Yo, what the f*ck, man?

You invited

some stranger to my house?

That ain't no stranger.

That's Neil,

I told you about him!

That's my physical therapist.

Oh, yeah,

your physical therapist!

I'm sorry, I forgot.

Yo, what's with the get-up, pal?

I was under the impression

that this was a costume party.

Nice goin', jackass.

You got this man all dressed up

and now you're makin'

a damn fool out of him.

Stop being such a jerk, Peter.

Yeah, l-- lighten up, Peter.

Yeah, lighten up.

- What the f*ck?

- That is a 15-yard penalty

on Peter for being a real

ungrateful party host.

Oh, he told you.

How's them eardrums, Peter?


that's real f*ckin' funny.

Welcome to the party, man.


don't be such a d*ck, Peter.

Yo, last time I checked,

referees wore pants.

I don't wear pants.

Ain't no football

without no drinks, Peter.

Be a better host.

Get us some drinks.

Why don't you

roll your f*ckin' fat ass

in the kitchen

and get 'em yourself?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,

go easy.

Thank you, Neil.

Oh, man. Oh!

- Yeah. Here we go, here we go.

- Yeah, yep.

- w*r, damn, Seahawk!

- w*r, damn, Seahawk!

Wonderful. Come on.

Oh, my God. Seriously, bro?

Hey, let's order a pizza

or something.

Hey. Hey, chill out.

The game's on, alright?

Sorry, but I'm hungry.

Not my problem.

No, she's right.

Let's go order a pizza.

- Okay.

- Mm-hm.


- Yep. Yep, yep.

- Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

...highlighted here

by Cordell Billings

out of Moulton, Alabama.

How many damn people

does it take to order a pizza?

I've been

waiting on you to do that

since you walked in the door.

You know,

we should respect

my meemaw's kitchen and um,

go upstairs.

Why don't you go

order the pizza, hmm?


Oh, I'm gonna bag that ass.

I'm O'Toole, baby.

I'm Peter f*cking O'Toole.


Why would he do that?


Alright, PJ,

we're goin' next door

to watch the game.

- Can I come?

- No, it's a grown-up party.

Well, you're

just watching football.

Any idiot can do that.


but you're not gonna have fun.

- Okay.

- Alright!

I'm going to a grown-up party!

Just stay in the pocket.

As the game rages on,

and with the sun

hanging low in the sky,

Maggie, PJ, and Holcomb begin

their trek across the road

to Peter's party house,

unaware these will be

the final moments of innocence

they experience

in their short lives,

for as darkness falls

across Hackleburg,

so too does the long shadow

of Jack Harding.

He is a golden god.

Shut the f*ck up, Lester!

In all my years coachin'

University of Alabama Mobile,

I'm asked from time to time,

Coach, how do you handle

a tough loss?

Well, for me, personally,

I like to take a long walk

with my dog Frisco,

scratch the belly

of my old cat Mr. Magic,

but more and more

here in America,

animals are bein' neglected,

goin' homeless,

and wind up being euthanized.

So, take some advice

from old Coach Redd, won't you?

Make sure you

have your cats and dogs spayed

and neutered.

If you won't do it for me...

do it for my old friend

Mr. Magic here.

Ain't that right, Magic? Huh?

It's a cat!

Now, you tell em,

Coach Redd.

Randy Hale Memorial Stadium

here in Johnson City, Tennessee.

Our score

in the late first quarter

is Alabama Mobile, 7,

Tennessee A&M, 7.

The hand-off goes off

to Riley Rambo

and he's gonna be stuffed

around the 33-yard line

by number--

Hey, tryin' to watch

a game over here!

Hey, if you could dance,

you'd be out here

strutting your stuff, too.

Alright, bucko, I've heard

about all I'm gonna hear

outta you tonight.

The f*ck you gonna

do about it, cr*pple?

Well, try this on for size,


No, no! No!

That's my Kn*fe!

You pulled a f*ckin' Kn*fe

on me, Lester?

I expect more of you, Lester.


- Now, you gotta pay.

- Uh, no, get away!

Where's your

f*ckin' Kn*fe now.

Peter, you assh*le.

Get off me. Oh!

What? He tried to pull

a f*ckin' Kn*fe on me.

He's lucky

I didn't mess him up royally.

You know what?

You'll get this back

with good behavior, you asshat.

You guys, dammit.

Why can't you-- j-- just--

just try and have a good time?

We are havin' a good time.

That's right.

You can walk on clouds.

- Yeah.

- Nice, soft, fluffy clouds.


Yeah. Alright.

You're alright. Good.



Peter thinks he can get you

and Holcomb tonight.

The b-- both of y'all.

What the f*ck?

Who does he think we are?

Hey there, little lady.

Where'd you come from?


sometimes I'm over there,

sometimes I'm over here,

and sometimes I'm up there.

Alright, then,

usually I'm just right here

in this here chair.

Well, you look lonely.

I can teach you how to dance

and you can dance with me.

Yeah, okay.


- You got room for one more?

- Sure do.

Hey, what's the ETA

on that pizza?

Hey, Sharon,

here's a radical thought.

If you want a pizza,

just order it yourself.

Village Pizza.

How can I help you?

Hi, I'd like to place

an order for delivery.

Can you tell me the address?

Um, yeah, hold on.

450, Red Bank Road.

We don't deliver

outside the city limits.

Oh, I understand.

I can come pick it up.

Okay. What do you want?

Um, I would just like

a pepperoni pizza

and some bread sticks.

Uh, we're out of pepperoni

due to the statewide

pepperoni shortage.

Um, cheese is fine.

Name for the order?


Can you spell it?



give us 10 to 45 minutes.

Okay, great, thanks.

For nothing.


Okay, so check this out.

- You are not

gonna believe this.

- What?

George told me that Peter

is gonna try to hook up

with both of us tonight.

Are you kidding me? Ugh!

Uh, I literally

made out with him.

- No.

- Whatever.

I've got a plan.

Well, in that case,

let's hear it.

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

You ladies wanna do

some more dancing?

Uh, we were actually

hoping that you should

show us

some dance moves... upstairs.

Yes, absolutely. Let's go.



Hey, Maggie?

Hey, kiddo.

Grown-up party got too boring?


I'm looking for Glamourpuss.

Right, I'm sure. Okay.

Well, uh, be safe

and uh, be clean.

- Bye, Maggie.

- Okay, have fun with the dust.

What is she doing back there?

Well, just playin' in dirt.

I don't know.


We're so glad

you're into this, Peter.

Oh, yes.

Yeah, we're so lucky.

Yeah, you really are.

I mean we've been

thinking about it forever.

- Really?

- Mm-hm.

About... each other...

and you.

- Mm-hm.

- Mm-hm.

But you have to let us

have our way with you.

Oh, that's not a problem.

Go for it, okay.

What are y'all doing?


Okay. Um...

Uh-- uh, yeah,

alright, just put--

Put that right up there.

God, you are like makin'

all of my fantasies

come true right now.

And you have no idea.

Shouldn't I be tyin' y'all up,

instead of you tyin' me up,

cause, I just-- Oh.

No, we wanna do it this way.

Oh, okay.

We wanna show you our titties.

- Alright, well...

- Hmm.

Whose do you wanna see first?

Um, doesn't

really matter to me.

How about both

at the same time?


What if we get

someone else to join in?

Would you want Maggie

or Sharon?

If you asked me 10 times,

I would say Maggie's name

every f*ckin' time.

Like do you really think

I wanna see Sharon's titties?

Come on. Maggie.

- We'll be right back.

- Okay. Um...

Alright, I'll just wait here.


Oh, my God, I'm about to

f*ck three of the most

bodacious b*tches

in Hackleburg history.

I deserve this.

And you certainly deserve this.


Oh, welcome back.

- They're on their way.

- Okay.

Holcomb's trying

to talk Maggie into it.


Until then...

Ooh, we should take it all off.

I like the sound of that.

That's fine with me.


It'll be better

if nobody can hear you scream.

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.

A little birdie told me

you wanted to see some titties.

We brought you

the biggest ones in Alabama.

Take it in. Take it in.

Isn't this what you wanted, huh?

Isn't this what you wanted?

- Oh, look at that.

- f*ck you, man!

One of these days,

whenever I get up

out of this chair,

I'mma plop 'em right on top

of that red head of yours.


They're bigger than mine.

f*ck you, Peter.

Enjoy your alone time.


f*ck you, man!

f*cking piece of sh*t.

What the f*ck are you doing,


w*r, damn, Seahawk!

How did they

leave him wide open?

Must be painful

being an A&M fan.

Uh, you tell her, Neil.

Oh, man, hell of

a series by Barker there.

Pouncin' on 'em

like kittens on a string.

Yeah, yeah.

I don't know who would

want to be a Commonwealth fan.

Wanna go upstairs?

Yeah. Okay.

- Okay?

- Yeah.

Who's that?

- What do you mean who's that?

- Why is there an old man here?

Oh, man, what a game!

Why is he

dressed like a referee?

I don't know.

Okay, I'm going to the bathroom.

Hey, where you going?

To pick up my pizza.

God, it's just pizza.

Hey, you're getting breadsticks?

Stop it. No.

Alright, well...

let's just t--talk.

- Just talk.

- Mm-hm.

- Alright, just talk.

- Yeah.

Sharon and I are done.

You know, we should

say anything to her or...

I mean, she knows

that we're-- we're over.

Maybe I should.

I've known her my whole life.


Never not told her anything.

Fair, yeah.

So, you wanna...

t-- t--

take our time with it?

- If that's okay.

- Yeah.


I r-- I really like you.

I like you, too.

- Thank you for understanding.

- Of course.

What the f*ck, man!

It's not for me

It's for Anna

And I'm sorry, what a pity

There's nothing left

For you and me

Yes, I'm sorry, what a pity

Come back tomorrow

I'll see you next week

And whatever you say

No, I won't change my ways

You know I don't

feel guilty anyway

That's a silly picture.


Maybe you

should head downstairs

before anyone gets suspicious.

I'll hang out here.

- Probably a good idea.

- Yeah.


And as we

reach halftime...

Hey, you were in the bathroom

for a really long time.

Are you okay?

Yeah, gross. Be a lady.

Well, it's halftime,

so can we please go

to Catfish Cabin?

Oh, wow,

let me think about that.

- Please.

- Mm, mm, yes.


- Yes. I said yes.

- Do you wanna come?

- I'm game.

- Yeah!

Okay. Ooh-wooh, Catfish Cabin!

- Catfish Cabin.

- Wooh!

Hey, ladies,

y'all be safe, okay?

And be sure to hurry back

for the third quarter.

That's when the game

gets real fun.


Peter, they still

got you tied up in there?


I just feel like you had it

c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c--

C-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c--

c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c--

C-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c--

c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c-- c--


f*ck, man!

What the f*ck!


we invite you to come try

the new Catfish Cabin.

It's great.

If you don't believe us,

listen to these folks tell you

why we're catfishtastic.

I can't wait to have my

birthday at Catfish Cabin.

Catfish Cabin

is the best place in town

to bring your entire family.

Everyone should come

and eat here.

- Oh, we love Catfish Cabin!

- Oh, we love Catfish Cabin!

- This is our

favorite restaurant.

- This is our favorite diner.

I like their

lemon meringue pie.

I like their nanner pudding.

- We both love desserts.

- We both love desserts.

They have the best

catfish in the country.

And they have

great corndogs, too.

We come here every Saturday

to watch some football games.

Go, Seahawks!

- Go, Catfish Cabin.

- Go, Catfish Cabin.

- We love Catfish Cabin!

- We love Catfish Cabin!

- We want you to come!

- We want you to come!

Bring your grandma.

Come try our hush puppies

and nanner puddin',

located off Highway 17

in Hackleburg,

next to Lone Pine Mall.

Now at locations in

Hartselle and Sulligent.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, sir.

Hey, y'all let me know

if you need anything else, okay?

59 miles to Jacksonville

Riding together

Between the lines

You and me on I-95

59 miles to Jacksonville

So, how did

things go earlier?

Oh, it was pretty awkward.

I wouldn't even kiss him.

- You didn't kiss him?

- No!

Why do I

feel like you're lying?

I swear to God I'm not lying.

I feel like I just need to get

Sharon's permission first,

or something.

- She's my friend.

- Her permission?

Raindrops began

to cover our windshield

From a misty morning sky

You know, you guys

are my best friends.

- Aw!

- Aw!

I mean it.

Today's been

one of the best days of my life.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Maybe we can do this

again next week.

Mm, maybe.

And we're back, folks,

with 9 minutes and 32 seconds

remaining in the third quarter.

Tobe, Tennessee A&M

is very much in this ball game.

What do they need

to finish strong?

I think I should go

check on Peter.

What for?

I'm sure he's already got

George up there untyin' him.


Peter, it's Angela.

Come on,

I'm gonna try to apologize.

God, you're such a d*ck.

Okay, fine! Fine!

You can see my titties.



- What? Oh, my God.

- Angela, right behind you!

That's a 15-yard penalty

on Angela

for stayin' in

an abusive relationship.

You know, we're lucky.

It's the seventh year in a row

since the last m*rder spree.

I wouldn't call us lucky.

It had nothin' to do with us.

We were like 15 the last time.

The last time what?

The last time Jack Harding

went on a m*rder spree.

It's true.

He's the boogeyman

of Hackleburg.

He's k*lled at least 50 people.

And he only comes out

on the third Saturday

in October.

You know, that's today, right?

What does he do

the rest of the time?


here's Fanning under center.

Takes a snap and drops back.

- Oh, f*ck!

- He's looking to go deep.

- Oh, no!

- He has a man open.

- No! No, no, no, no!

- He's got 'em!

- What a catch!

- Son-of-a-bitch!

We need to see

the replay for this one.

No, thank you,

I do not want to see the replay.

We're good.

Hey, guys.

Oh hey, Sharon.

Look at this

nice tight spiral.

Fanning takes the snap

and he fumbles it!

This pizza's ice cold.

It was cold

by the time I picked it up,

and now it might

as well be frozen.

Well hell,

just go heat it up in the oven.

I'm sure Peter won't mind.

And if he does, he can suck it.

Good idea, Lester.

You think of everything.

And it's so good

to see John Rider

back on the field

after being suspended

for the last two games

after a reckless

driving charge.

Where is everyone?

Uh, Let's see.

George vanished upstairs

a long time ago.

Angela went to

hook up with Peter.

And Holcomb and Maggie

went to Catfish Cabin

with the kid.

What a night. I'm starving.


you don't like cold pizza?

There's literally

nothing worse than cold pizza.

I'm gonna heat it up

so the cheese

is meltin' off each slice.

It's gonna be so good.

Heck, don't get it too hot.

You'll burn it.

I won't burn it.

I love it hot.

Say, I'd love a slice.

Sure. You guys can have some.

None for me.

I don't eat pizza.

Got it. More for me.


Sounds like

a rainstorms are comin' in.

Hope not. I hate rain.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!


I can't do anything right.


I guess she done b*rned herself

with that pizza.

I told her

she was gonna get it too hot.

That's definitely why

I don't eat pizza.

- Oh, man. sh*t.

- Oh, horseshit!

What an incredible play

by the Commonwealth!

Damn it.

I think these refs

are bein' paid.

I don't know. Maybe.

Oh, God!

- Well, hell.

- We oughtta help her.

That sounds like

a job for you, Neil.

I'm on it.

Hey, bring me a slice

if there's any left.

Hello, Sharon!

Earth to Sharon.

Come in, Sharon.

That's 15-yard penalty on Sharon

for burning the pizza.

Seriously, where are you?

She burnt the pizza to a crisp,

but I can't find her.

Heck, she must be so embarrassed

that she's hidin' away.

I'm attorney Alex Shunnarah.

I can't be pushed around,

cause I carry one of these.

- Hey, Neil.

- Yeah, buddy.

I hate to bother you,

but I gotta go pee.

Yeah, no problem, my friend.

I'll just wheel you

over to the bathroom.

Neil, Neil, buddy,

the bathroom, it's upstairs.


Took everyone in this room

to get you up the stairs.

I can't do this myself!

Now is not the time

for semantics, Neil!

Maybe we should

go untie Peter.

- Where's George?

- No!

We can do this!

We? What do you have,

a rat in your pocket?

Maybe I do, Neil!

We need help!

You, me,

and the rat in your pocket.

Hey, guys, we got

an injured player down here!


Who doesn't have

a bathroom downstairs?

Yeah, just like f*ckin' Peter

to put his bathroom upstairs.


He can blame his

meemaw all he wants.


Can you guys hear me?

Neil, the game is back on!

I'm missin' it!

They can't win

unless I'm watchin'!

Hello, Georgie!


Hold on just a minute, Lester.

Come help me up,

so I can watch the game.

They're going to get

a chance to prove it.

Tobe, I see we've

got a flag on the play.

Definitely not

a good way to start this drive.

Oh, hello there.

You gonna give me a hand?

Hey, that's my pocket Kn*fe.


- Hello?

- Neil!

Neil, there's some bastard

with a Kn*fe coming

up the stairs!

- Neil?

- Guys?

I don't think he means

- funny business.

- We could use your help.

Oh, my goodness! Oh.

I'm gonna yak.

Neil! Neil!

Deep down field

to Billings and...



Get yourself together, Neil.


Unhand me!

Oh, my God.

How dare you?


Oh my god.


Neil, things ain't

soundin' too good up there.


Kickers are known for

getting in their own head...

Maybe y'all are just

playin' some kinda prank

on poor old Lester.


Oh, no!

I've got to get out of here.

Okay, remember Neil's words.

I am one with the universe.

I can walk on clouds.

I am one with the universe.

I can walk on clouds.


I'm not the one

I'm not moving

Moving, moving me

Alright, I'm gonna put PJ

to bed and I'll be over later.

Okay. I'm sure

George will be thrilled.

- Goodnight, Holcomb.

- Goodnight.

- You be good, okay?

- Okay.

You're special.

So are you.

- Alright, I'll see you.

- Bye!


Do you think it'd be okay

if I stay up and watch my movie?

Mm, I don't know, kiddo.

It's way past your bedtime.

Just moments ago, A&M...

Hello? Guys?


And that would

really mean a lot to me

if I didn't know that

the world was controlled

by lizard people...

What the hell is going on?


Guys, is everyone okay?

Is Lester okay?



What the hell did you guys do?

Holcomb, please untie me...


Holy cow, holy cow, holy cow.

Okay, wait. Oh, wait, hold on.

Oh, I just-- I can't--

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

Holcomb, we gotta

get the f*ck out of here.

What did you guys do?

What the hell? I can't take--

What the f*ck, man?

Oh sh*t!

Oh, sh*t! God damn it!

Oh! Oh, sh--

Oh! Oh, f*ck!

Welcome back

to the Witching Hour.

Now, we're going to

take a trip down memory lane.

Alabama Mobile

has called their last timeout.

They're gonna have time

to take one more sh*t

at the end zone.

You can feel

the nervous energy here.

These Commonwealth people

are four seconds away

from ending

nine years of misery.

We'll return

to Randy Hale Memorial Stadium

after this commercial break.

You can't k*ll

Peter f*cking O'Toole, baby.

I'm outta here.

Oh, f*ck!

Oh, no, no, no, no, come on!

Oh, m*therf*cker.

What the f*ck are you doin'?


f*ck! What the f*ck! can test drive

the all new 1995...

The only location in the state

where it's available right now.

Come on down

to Bigelow Delhun

just three rights

past the Bronco Burger

on County Road 2.

We're the only

business out there,

it's hard to miss us.

And ask for Jeff,

but if you see Cindy first,

don't bother.

Tune into

Channel 2 News at 10:00 p.m.

with anchors Linda Brock

and Gordon Long.

As well as meteorologist

Vicki Culpepper

and sports anchor Ryan Graham.

Here we go, partner.

This is it!

Barker takes the snap.

He's looking,

looking to the end zone.

He lets it fly!

Touchdown! Touchdown!

Cordell Billings caught it!

Alabama Mobile

has won the game!

What a finish! What a game!

What a third Saturday!

The Mobile fans here

are going crazy!

It's bedlam.

They're storming out

onto the field.

They're not gonna keep 'em

off the field tonight, Roger.

Are you gonna

be gone all night?

No, I'm just goin' next door

to say bye.

I'll be right back.

Well, I'm gonna

get a little scared

being here by myself.

You have nothin'

to be scared of.

- It's okay.

- What about Jack Harding?

Holcomb was

just messing with you.

Jack Harding d*ed

a long time ago.

Mm, let's say hypothetically,

if he actually came,

what should I do?

If Jack Harding

actually came here,

take these two fingers,

you jab 'em

right into his eyeballs

s*ab really far back,

and then you're gonna

karate-chop him in his throat

like that,

so he can't breathe,

and then you

kick him in the balls,

and then you take

the sharpest thing

you could find, and s*ab him.

- Okay?

- Okay.

Or you probably

don't have to do that,

cause I would never let

anything happen to you, okay?

Just leave it all to me.

I got you.

- Same.

- Okay.

Be back in a jiff.

- Hey, Maggs.

- Mm-hm?

Thanks for the catfish.

You got it.

Plenty more

catfish dinners to come.

Did we win?

...pick up a sack full today.

Three locations...


Lester got his revenge, huh?

Very nice work.

Big insurance companies

work very hard to make sure

you don't get

a fair settlement.

I'm attorney Alex Shunnarah.

I can't be pushed around

cause I carry one of these.

Pick up the phone and call us.

- Call him!

- Call him!

It's really all I can offer.


Don't let the insurance

company push you around.

- Call me and I'll be...

- Peter?

Tune into Channel 2 News

at 10:00 p.m.--

With anchors Linda Brock...

Holcomb? [panting]

Hello, Alabamians, this is...

Faye Moss with an important

campaign message.

My opponent Dean Klooster

recently admitted

he's been in therapy

for over 30 years.

As your Governor,

I want you to know that

I have never,

nor will I ever,

step foot in

a therapists office...


I don't know what's goin' on.

I just got here,

all my friends are dead, please.







I k*lled him! I k*lled him!

Oh, my God,

I'm so sorry I wasn't here.

That-- that's--

that's not right.

PJ, go, run to the car, run!

He's a zombie.

He's a zombie. He's a zombie!


PJ, Kn*fe.

Run, PJ, go!


How's it goin', Winston?


Lot of bodies in there, man.

B-- bodies?

Like dead bodies?

Happy third f*cking

Saturday in October.

Help! Help!

There's a zombie

in my friend's house!

What the f*ck is goin' on?

As Harding's

undead corpse bleeds out

on Maggie's living room floor,

news of his latest k*lling spree

spreads like brushfire

throughout Hackleburg.


this would be front-page news

across the state of Alabama.

Only today is the

third Saturday in October

and breaking news

from Coach Amos Redd's

postgame press conference

quickly takes center stage.

...little bit of emotion.

And I tell you that at the end

of this collegiate

football season

I have decided to retire.

When that uh,

final whistle blows,

I would have coached 25 years

here at the University

of Alabama Mobile

and um--

In that 25 years, I have uh,

been the proud papa

of five national titles and um,

11 Southland Conference

winning teams,

and I am so proud

of every one of 'em.

Now, um, as Sir Isaac Newton

once said...

"If it seems

as I can see further, then--"

And as the Amos Redd

era ends in Mobile.

So, too, does this chapter

of the third Saturday

in October.

The story, however,

has only just begun.

Imma let you handle this.

You have to keep them

separated, okay?

Keep them away from each other!

Just get them upstairs

to surgery now!

Sir. Sir.

Sir, this is Jack Harding.

The man barely has a pulse.

And if you ask me,

we should let this monster die.

Do I look like

Jack Kevorkian to you?

Get this man upstairs,

so I can work my magic.


where's this damn elevator?

Oh, yo, come on, doc, man,

this man is done.

He's already dead,

he's got a Kn*fe in his face!

Don't look at it,

it makes it worse.

Come on!

It's okay, kiddo.

You go take the stairs.

You're gonna need this.

We put a man on the moon,

we can't get a faster elevator.

Come on, come on!

Alright, let's go.

Just get in here, come on!

Ladies and gentlemen,

this is my defining moment.

What's up

with this damn elevator?

You know, you're handling this

really well for a little girl.


I can deal with conflict.

Well, don't worry.

That bad man's

not gonna hurt anybody else.

He's as good as dead.

Yeah, right.

He'll never be dead.

Moon shining down

Through the cracks

On the shadowy wooden floors

Somewhere in a dream

I'll climb the stairs

With the missing steps

If I fall

I'll just fall in love

With you

The evening

Summer breeze

Met the skin

And made the heart sing

Somewhere in a dream

I'll climb the stairs

With the missing steps

If I fall

I'll just fall in love

With you

And the rain began to fall

In reverse

It's exactly like a dream

Like a dream

And the rain began to fall

In reverse

It's exactly like a dream

Like a dream

And the rain began to fall

In reverse

It's exactly like a dream

Like a dream

And the rain began to fall

In reverse

It's exactly like a dream

Like a dream

And the rain began to fall