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02x11 - Lay Lay's Par-Tay-Tay

Posted: 05/08/23 06:11
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]

Mwah ha, ha, ha, ha!

My creation is alive!

You better watch yourself
with these robots, Sadie.

One day, they're gonna take over.

Lay Lay, how are you
so scared of technology

when you came out of an app?

I said watch yourself.

The robots will make me their queen.

Ooh. Is this your science fair project?

That's right.

It's for the best science fair
of all time.

Since Sadie is
class president,

she's been pushing
this science fair harder

than Shaq pushes car insurance.

Hey, is that your sock picker upper bot?

Good eye, Dad.

This is a modified version
of the Sock-It-to-Me- .

This one makes milkshakes.

So it's a blender?

To the untrained eye

and the unsupportive mother.

But I call it the Shake-It-to-Me- .





Oh, Sadie.

I had my mouth all fixed for a milkshake.

Get it together, little girl.

I have to fix this.

Don't trip, Sadie.

The science fair is gonna be great.

I mean, you even convinced me
to make an exhibit.

-Wait, really?

Peep my rendition

of our solar system!

You made yourself the Sun?

The Sun is a star that the whole universe
revolves around.

It screams Lay Lay.

♪ ♪

Dang. This thing is heavy

for something that doesn't work.

[doorbell rings]

Oh, look, Sadie. It's the garbage man.

He's here to pick up your robot.


Is this the Alexander residence?

-[Lay Lay] Yeah.
-My name is Ilana.

Oh, okay...oh.

Well, come on in then, I guess.

I came from Silicon Valley.

Well, technically, I came from a cab,
and before that, a plane.

And I live in California,
but now I'm here.

Oh, okay. Well, I'm Lay Lay,

but I'm not about to tell you
my whole life story.

I'm looking
for Sadie Alexander.

Hold up.

Does Silicon Valley wanna invest

in Sadie's Shake-It-to-Me- ?

Lay Lay, my milkshake
did not bring Ilana to our yard.

-I'm Sadie.

Ilana Winter.

Maybe you've heard
of my father, Bob Winter?

Bob Winter?

He's the CEO of our favorite
social media app, Post-A-Pic.

About a year ago,
my father let me launch an app,

but it flopped.

So they sent you to Cleveland?


I'm here as a last-ditch effort
to save my app.

You used to use it.

It was a positive affirmation app.

You created my positive affirmation app?

[laughs nervously]

And now you have questions for me!

Question one: why'd you stop using it?

Uh, that's a great question.

And the answer is...

[machine whirring]

It's alive!

I told you the robots were coming for you.

♪ I'm Sadie's affirmation app ♪

♪ And so no matter
what happens, I got her back ♪

♪ 'Cause, see, my homey Sadie
wished on a star ♪

♪ She said, "I wish you were real" ♪

♪ Now I'm as real as you are ♪

♪ And now who's coming out the app? ♪

[chorus] ♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪

[Lay Lay] ♪ Whose avatar power
is to freeze? ♪

-[chorus] ♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪
-[Lay Lay] ♪ All day, all day ♪

♪ It's your girl ♪

[chorus] ♪ That girl, that girl,
that girl ♪

♪ That girl Lay Lay ♪

[upbeat music]


More like Kobe!

Smell that, Woody?

Little boy, that was not me.

I'm talking
about the smell of money.

I invested in the rental arcade biz,

and now it's going
to put me on easy street.


You know business, Biz Marky.

Here's your first week's cut.

A sock full of quarters?

I don't want the government
in my business,

so I keep all my money in socks.

Then there should be six
or seven socks full of quarters.

Where's my money?

Hey, don't worry, Marky.

Once I set the high score,
people will flock to this machine.

Hmm. A star athlete
can help sell a product.


People love to watch me win.

All right, machine.

Show me my initials
in the number one spot.

I'm second best?

That's literally never happened!

Who's ZW ?

I'm ZW .

Principal Willingham?

Call me Zelda when I'm on the court...

or in a restaurant playing basketball.

Ooh! Zelda got game.

We need to have
a Hip-Hop-A-sh*t-Off.

Huh. I don't know what that is.

But if it helps me sell burgers, I agree.

It'll be Cobo versus ZW .

And once Cobo defeats the champion,

I'll be rolling in socks full of quarters.

I'm in.

Set up that battle, Marky.

Because ZW is about to hold this L.

You're going down, high top.

I know you did not.

♪ ♪

Get ready, because I've tracked some data

and recorded it in graphs and charts.


I love a good chart.

You get me.

A good chart is like
the Maya Angelou of data.

[both] Poetry.


Well, a dope outfit is
like the Cardi B of fabric.

So I'm gonna go in the closet
and remix this one

while you two get your graph on.

So this is a graph tracking user activity.

As you can see, there's not much there.

What about that big bar?

That looks like a lot of people.

That was you.

Just you.

You were by far
the positive affirmation app's

biggest user.

But then you stopped.

Did you find a better app?

-They always find a better app.


It's like having a tutor for a test.

Your app helped me pass one
of the biggest tests there is,

finding my place in high school.

I just... didn't need it after that.

I'm glad it helped you,
but no one's using it,

even though I put so much work into it,
and it is so cool!

Check this out.

I can interact with the app's source code

in a virtual environment and make changes.

But you're still using poster board?

Take out your phone.
You can see the changes in real time.

No way.

How cool is that?

Very cool!

For example, what if I made the avatars

more of an anime style?

Aww. The avatar's eyes got so big.

How cute.

Ahh...I mean, aww, right?

I look like an owl
that's seen a ghost.

I also built bunny mode.


Uh, I like the regular look.

Ooh, thank goodness.

Even I can't pull off ears that big.

I just wanted to show someone.

My dad says the app is a dumpster fire.

I'm sorry your dad
isn't more supportive.

Are you kidding?

His negativity inspires me.

I actually think negativity is
way better motivation than positivity.

You sure about that?

We'll find out.

[phone beeps]

Check out the latest modification.

I just turned the positive affirmation app
into the negative affirmation app.

Negative affirmation?

[dramatic music]

Lay Lay?

Ilana is so right.

Who needs somebody
cheering you on in life?

This laundry hamper's dumb.

[laughs nervously]

I get annoyed when it's laundry day too.

♪ ♪

He loves me.

I don't care.

He loves me.

I don't care.

Lay Lay, are you okay?

I'm just thinking about how much
I hate kittens

and their stupid little pink tongues.

Lay Lay, you aren't yourself.

The changes Ilana makes
to the app affect you.

And now she's changed it
into a negative affirmation app.

Ah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Old positive me was terrible.

New me wants to listen to Billie Eilish

and smash things!

Tech support says
my negative affirmation app

is running great.

I'm not sure negativity is the way to go.

Why don't you come to my science fair?

See the difference your app made for me.

You saw my bar graph.
You had me at science fair.

[upbeat music]

This looks incredible, Sadie.

You would have never organized something
like this a year ago.

Whatever the reason, I am very
proud of both you and Lay Lay.

Don't be. We'll mess up soon.

You know what?
We're just gonna go look around.

[laughs nervously] Okay, Lay Lay.

You're having too much fun.

I have something really cool
to show you guys.

-Come on.
-What is it?

I don't know yet,
but we got to keep moving.

Oh, Tiffany, why don't you
show us your experiment

about lip gloss?

It's an opportunity
to show off

my prolific lip gloss collection

and teach about the rainbow or whatever.


Rainbows are so optimistic.

That's me, a ray of sunshine!

Ilana, Sadie here b*at out Tiffany

to become class president.

Remember when you lost, Tiff?

I've moved on.

She hasn't.

Yeah, because this exhibit
looks like a cry for attention.

Look at me, East Packer High.

I have lips!




Hmm. [laughs]

She's gonna cry.

We all see that, right?

[Woody] Welcome to the Hip-Hop-A-sh*t-Off.

Brought to you by BoomBox Burger's
favorite arcade game.

And me, the guy who makes money from it.

Who is ready to see who will be

Cleveland's Hip-Hop-A-sh*t champion

and take home this trophy?

[cheers and applause]

First up, it's East Packer High's

basketball superstar, Cobo!

[cheers and applause]

Go, Cobo. Get your game on.

Go, Cobo. Get your game on, uh.


And our reigning high score,
the baroness of buckets,


[cheers and applause]

Go, Zelda. I'm the champion.

Go, Zelda. I'm the champion.

Let the games begin.

[air horn blasts]

[cheers and applause]

Just call me Principal Swishingham.

[upbeat music]

Behold, Earth, a pale blue dot
in the vast cosmic arena.

Blah, blah, blah.


Wait, when did you add a toilet?

When I realized you're all just one flush

away from it all being over.

I just flushed humanity down the toilet.

Thank you very much.


What model is that toilet?
Because that's great suction.

Oh, I will tell you what model.

That is the one from our guest room.

These kids is taking our toilets, Bryce!

I think I was wrong about
this negative affirmation app.

I don't think I want more people

to be negative like Lay Lay.

No offense.

Can't be offended if you don't care,

but thanks for checking.

I'm turning the negative version off.

This can't be good for anyone.

Yes! Oh, uh, I'm just

really impressed
with real-time technology.

It's so cool, right?


[device beeps]


Wow, Sadie.

I am so proud of you
for this super nerdy lame event.

That's the nicest thing you've ever said
about the science fair!

You're right. I'm positive again!

I'm so glad you're back.

But we have to make sure Ilana
doesn't make any more changes to the app.

You're right, Sadie.

Good job.

See how positive I am?

Hey, Ilana.

Now that your crazy
negative thing didn't work,

you'll leave the app
just like it is, right?

Oh, no. I'm going to shut the app down.

Time to go back to the drawing board.


Calm down, calm down.

Sadie, if that app
gets shut down, so do I.

-Calm down, calm down.

♪ ♪

What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?

Come on.

In through the nose,
out through the mouth.

Sadie, Ilana is gonna turn
my app off and shut me down.

Why you got me over here doing namaste?

Because if you hyperventilate,

you will turn invisible,
and then someone will see you

and find out
you're an avatar from my phone.

And then Ilana will take you
back to Silicon Valley,

where she'll turn you into an algorithm,
and you'll become one of those things

that tells people where they can
buy boots like Gigi Hadid's!

Don't let me become a boot bot, Sadie!

Namaste, Lay Lay.

Namaste, stay, stay, stay!

Hey, guys.

I have to get my laptop
to shut the app off, so I should...

Uh, take a break before you do that, huh?

That's a great idea.

Yeah. You know what?

It is time to see the sights of Cleveland.

And would you believe,
the most exciting thing

we've got going is this science fair?

Right this way to be amazed.

[upbeat music]

[Marky] With seconds left
in the Hip-Hop-A-sh*t-Off,

Cobo's catching up to win the game.

-[game dings]
-[air horn blasts]

Cobo ties the score!

Yes! How does that feel, Z-Willy?

Does it burn?

I control your grades, you know.

I rescind my in-your-face.

Tie game means it's time for
a Hip-Hop-A-sh*t sudden death.

Brought to you by Hip-Hop-A-sh*t.

It's BoomBox Burger's
favorite arcade game.

Enough with the infomercials,
George Foreman, Jr.

Now, each contestant gets
one sh*t for the victory.

And since ZW is the high score holder,

she gets to pick the sh*t.

Okay, I call this sh*t the Willingham

because I'm Willingham.

It goes over the head, off the rafter,

off the speaker, off Omar, off the tire,

nothing but net.

And unlike my first husband,
I don't miss it.

-Oh, no.
-Oh, yeah.

Let's chat, Cobo.

Marky, I can't b*at
Willingham at the Willingham.

I'm freaking out, dude.

Cobo, have some dignity.

You don't understand.

I always set the high scores.

I always win the big games.
It's never a struggle for me.

I don't know how to struggle.

your toughest competition yet,

but that's why b*ating her
will be your finest hour.

Because when you win,
people will be lining up

to play the game
so they can be just like Cobo.

Yeah, that's true.

My mom says I am magnetic, so...

That explains your
unhealthy sense of confidence.

Look, just go sit on the couch
and make that sh*t.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]


In yo face!

Oh, did that go in?
I wasn't paying attention.

♪ ♪

It's over. Cobo wins!

And you could be just like him

if you go play Hip-Hop-A-sh*t.

I mean, they can't be just like me.

You know, I'm very good, so...

Here you go, champ. You earned it.

Good game, Cobo.

Not so bad yourself, Z-Willy.

Not as good as me, but not so bad.

Aw, that's sweet.

Now get back to work.

[upbeat music]

Gather around, people,
'cause Sadie Alexander

is about to blow your minds.

Ooh, I never miss a good Sadie fail.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present

the Shake-It-to-Me- .

Sadie, Ilana is about to delete the app,

and you're betting
on the Explode-It-to-Me- ?

Watch me work.

That science got you feeling yourself.
Okay, I see you.

This robot is capable
of shaking the perfect milkshake.


That's her science project?

Well, we can't all be lip gloss Einsteins.

The first time I tried to make this work,

it didn't go so well,

just like your app didn't
instantly go to number one.

But that doesn't mean it was a failure.

You can't let negativity win.

I know you believe
in the power of positivity.

It's why you created your app.

Yeah, when Sadie's Shake-it-to-Me-
wasn't working,

she didn't listen to the naysayers.

You were the naysayer.

[whispering] Sadie, please.

I'm trying to fix Ilana's life
right now, okay?

I think what Lay Lay
is trying to say is that

I stayed positive and kept going...

[machine whirring]

Until I got it right.

Because negativity gets you
flushed down a galactic toilet,

but positivity keeps you going...

...until you get what you want.

So I paid for the robot,
the milk, and the ice cream,

but she gives the billionaire's kid
the first shake?

I know, baby. The world is not fair.

Okay, you convinced me.

If my positive affirmation app can inspire
someone as awesome as you,

it's worth putting my confidence in.

I need to go to work.

[gasps] Disrespectful.

♪ ♪

I'm just so happy to be me again.

Being negative was so negative.

[doorbell rings]

Yay, the door!

Calm down.

Hey, Ilana.

I just wanted to drop by
and tell you the great news.

I convinced my dad
how important the app is.

That is great news.

I'm so glad we could help you
the way your app helped me.

It gets better.

My dad gave me the green light
to launch the . version.

Nothing will be left from the old app.

Oh, I have to catch my flight.

Thanks again.

This all wouldn't have
happened without you two.

[Sadie] Bye.

Version . ?

What does that mean?

I don't know.

Maybe I'll get some new powers
or a different hairstyle.

Or a new personality
or something even worse.

Sadie, I just got back to being positive.
Can you not freak me out?

You're right.

Whatever it is, we'll figure it out...

I hope.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

The days on set are pretty full.

-[director] Action.
-What surprised me? The long days.

Nobody gave me a heads-up
before I got into this business.

Sadie Alexander!

What's my line?

I have great people that I'm around.
That makes it fun.

All that hard work is worth it in the end.

-Follow me.
-[director] All right, and we cut.

[Lay Lay] I can see myself
directing something.

I've always been very artistic.

I know, once I get to directing,

it's gonna be amazing.

And that's Life With That Girl Lay Lay.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪