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02x14 - Haunted Halls

Posted: 05/11/23 06:36
by bunniefuu
- ♪

- As you know, Haunted Halls is the school event of the season.

And my personal favorite. [chuckles]

Charlie, where's Dylan?

- Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom.

The champ is here!

Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom.

The champ is here!

Float like a butterfly! Sting like a bee!

Bom, bom, bom!


Um, I'm still practicing.

- Well, Mr. Ali, I'd like to thank you

and the tiny space cadet

for volunteering to help set up for tonight.

- Um...for the record, I didn't volunteer.

I got tricked into this by Charlie.

- Hey, I was tricked too.

The sign-up sheet said pumpkin carving.

- Yeah, I had to be creative this year because when the sheet

says candy basket fillers, no one shows up.

- I know I wouldn't have. - Me neither.

- Right this way!


Easy, easy!

There you go. Perfect, perfect!

There you go. Perfect, perfect, perfect.


Beautiful. Beautiful! [chuckles]

Everyone that comes through

our doors tonight gets one.

And just a note. - [blows whistle twice]

- If one of you leaves before they're finished,

I will give both of you detention.

- Man, come on! That's not fair.

- Oh? Take it up with the principal.

Oh, wait, I am the principal!


- [groans] - Funny how that works.

- ♪

- [giggling]

- Girls, I gotta tell you, I'm stumped.

- Not even a guess? - Not even a clue.

I got nothing.

- I'm PB and Jay-Z.

- And I'm Pea-yoncé.

- Wow. Okay.

The Beyhive is gonna have a heyday with this one.

- [doorbell rings]

- Oh, that's Booder. Rebecca, get that, please.

- Shall you not bow?

Aren't you gonna ask who I am?

- Nope.

- How about you? - I'm good.

- ♪ There once was a kid from the city of Chi ♪

♪ Ma knew I was important, not a regular guy ♪

♪ Everybody follow me, I'mma take you on a trip ♪

♪ Buckle up, let's go, I'mma get y'all hip ♪

♪ I'm a star--came up from a block in Chi town ♪

♪ Livin' large--I'm trying to balance school and these bars ♪

♪ Came far--ain't no better feeling ♪

♪ I tell 'em you gonna love Young Dylan ♪

♪ Young Dylan ♪

♪ Young Dylan ♪

♪ I tell 'em you gonna love Young Dylan ♪♪

- You guys are too cute.

- MYLES: [yells spookily]

- Every year.

- Wait a second! Wait a second!


I didn't even scare you, like, a little bit?


- Not even a little.

- Not even a little bit? - Not even a little bit.

- You know what?

You're like some weird, emotionless cyborg.

Mm-hmm. - I'm gonna let that go.

And I'm gonna go finish getting ready so we can meet the boys at

the Haunted Halls later. [laughs]

- I'm gonna get you this year. Oh, I'mma get you.

- You've been trying every year since we've been married.

Never gonna happen. Ha, ha!

- Don't worry about it, Tina. I got you.

- YASMINE: Oh, yeah!

- Don't you want to know who I am?

- Not really.

But why don't you go pick yourself out

a trick-or-treat bag? - Ooh!

- Hey, hey, hey, hey! No, no, no.

Sorry, not that one. - What--hey!

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

This is mine. - Why?

- 'Cause I live here! And I said so!

- And because it's the biggest bag.

- [chuckles] - My dad's motto is,

if the bag isn't big enough for him to fit inside,

then neither will all of his candy.

- I don't think so. [laughs] No, try again.

Mm, let it go.

Me and the Notorious B.A.G. we go way back.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I need to get in position to scare your momma.

Go on, move. Move, move, move, move, move.

- Seriously, Dad?

Couldn't you give that up this year?

- Rebecca, let me tell you something.

Your dad is a lot of things, but a quitter is not one of them.

Which is why I'mma hide up under the seat cushion.

Scare your momma when she come down to sit down.

- Yeah, that's not gonna work. - [laughs] Why not?

- [laughs] Well, first of all, it's predictable.

And second of all, the displacement of the cushion,

given your, uh, girth. - [forced laugh]

Rebecca. Oh, you think you can do better?

- Actually, yeah. - Really?

- Yeah, I bet me and Rebecca could scare Mrs. Wilson

before you and Booder do.

- Hey! Who said I'm in on this?

- Okay, don't. - No, no, no. I'm in.

I just don't like being volun-told.

- Okay. You're on. So, what's the bet?

- How about whoever wins gets to use Baggie Smalls tonight?

- [growls]

- Jeez! Say it, don't spray it, Dad.

- Fine. Deal!

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

- ♪

- Can't believe this school has a party for Halloween and

actually gives out good candy.

At my last school, we were lucky if we got a stick of gum.

Eew! [retches]

Spoke too soon on the good candy.

- [gasps]

- What's going on with you? - It's Janitor Bailey.

- Yeah, and?

- No one's told you yet?

- Man, you better watch your hands unless you want to catch

a left hook from the greatest.

- Dylan, Janitor Bailey is...

...a ghost.

- [laughs] Man, get out of here.

- No, he is! Kids say he's been roaming the halls for years.

And every year on Halloween, he picks a kid to eat.

- Charlie...look.

Does that dude look like a ghost?


- Whoa! That's a dope trick.

- Trick? [sighs]

- [thunder crashes] - [rain patters]

- [thunder crashes] - [yelps]

It's just a little thunderstorm, doodily do.

Nothing to be scared of, doodily do.

Besides, Dylan will be right back from the bathroom.

Doodily do.

And he's right.

Janitor Bailey's not a kid-eating ghost.


- [thunder crashes] - [rain patters]

- [sighs]

No, you're not!

[screams bloody m*rder]

- Charlie, it's just me! It's just me!

- Why? - [laughs]

Aw, man, come on, don't be like that.

I'm sorry, it was just too easy.

- I thought you were Janitor Bailey coming to eat me!

- Yo, Charlie, you're for real tripping on this janitor dude.

- Ghost dude? Yes.

- Charlie, he's not a ghost. - Yes, he is!

- Charlie, ghosts aren't real.

- Yes, they are. - No, they're not.

Can't just make up ghost stories to scare other kids.

- Gentlemen? - [yelps, whimpers]

- I'm sorry, little spacewalker. I didn't mean to scare you.

But you should've seen your face!

[laughs] Seriously, though, my apologies.

- It's all good, OG. Don't even trip.

- Stay up, People's Champ. - [sighs]

- And don't forget to clean up this mess.

I'd hate to put you boys on my list.

If you know what I'm saying.

[whistles "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"]

- That proves he's a ghost!

- She's coming. Hurry up!

- What's wrong with the chair now?

- You know, I'm not sure.

It's actually kind of hard to explain.

Why don't you just sit in it and see?

- Okay.

- [loud alarm buzzes]

- Your dad put you up to this?

- We were betting for Baggie Smalls.

- Ah, I see. I'mma tell you what I told him.

It's never gonna happen. I was built for this.

Ha! Whoo, ha ha!

- [loud alarm buzzes]

- [laughs]

- [thunder crashes] - [whimpers]

- Charlie, calm down. Janitor Bailey's a weirdo man,

but that doesn't mean he's a ghost.

- Dylan, he appeared out of nowhere and told us if we don't

clean up after ourselves, he's going to eat us!

- He didn't say that.

He just asked us to clean up our mess in a weird,

creepy kind of way.

- [whirring]

- Oh... - What did I say?

He is probably heating up the pot to cook us in right now.

- Dude! No, he's not!

And since when did ghosts cook people?

- [screaming]

- Mm-mm! No, no, no, no, no!

- Charlie, chill out! That wasn't even a real scream.

Trust me, I grew up in the Chi.

- [thunder crashes] - [rain patters]

- CHARLIE: [screams]

- That's a real scream! - I'm outta here!

- Dude, we're on the second floor.

You can't even leave!

Besides, if you did leave, that means I'll get detention.

Come on, we're gonna get to the bottom of this.

- You wanna go toward the screaming?

You have fun!

- Fine! Stay here. - Great! I will!

- [screaming]

- CHARLIE: No, I won't! [pants] Wait up!

- [screaming]

- [eerie noises]

- [screaming]

- It's definitely coming from in there.

- ♪

- Man, dang! Chill out! Listen,

we're about to go in there so I can prove to you

that there's nothing to be scared of. Come on.

- Wait, wait! Here.

- What am I supposed to do with this?

- [grunts]

- Dude, you watch too many movies.

- [eerie noises]

- [grunts] Mm, man.

Principal Matthews sure loves Halloween.

Oh, the scream probably came from that Halloween decoration.

- [thunder crashes]

- [gasps]

But it's not plugged in.

- Um, I sure there's a reasonable explanation.

- Well I'm waiting to hear it--

- [thunder crashes]

- BOTH: [screaming]

- [pants]

We're safe now, Charlie. We're safe.

Charlie? Aah!

- --force of pure evil here on this earth.

- [screams bloody m*rder]

Just run!

I looked back!


- We gotta get going soon. Booder, have you seen Myles?

- I think I saw him out on the veranda.

- Mmkay. Why is he out there?


Whoo, I don't know how Tina does it in these heels.

Ooh, he wasn't out there.

- Seriously? - Ugh, maybe he's upstairs.

- What did you do? - Excuse me? What did I do?

Your ridiculous contraption? It doesn't work.

- [laughs] That's impossible. - [scoffs]

- I carefully calculated the tension needed to ensure

a proper drop in trajectory.

- Well, you didn't carry the or something

'cause it doesn't work.

Go ahead. Knock yourself out.

Oh! Oh, really? Oh, you--you want some?

You--you come here! Come here! Aah!

- [thunder crashes] - [rain pattering]

- Ghost Bailey, if you can hear this,

you don't wanna eat Charlie. He's too skinny.

There's gonna be a bunch of other kids here tonight with

a lot more meat on their bones.


- CHARLIE: Dylan! I'm...

- Charlie?!

- ...the principal's office!

- Okay. At least he's alive.

I'm coming, Charlie. I'm coming.

- [rain pattering]

- Oh.

What you lookin' at? I'm not scared of you anymore.

Yo, what's up? You not gonna say nothin' now?

- ♪

- Oh, no Chuckles.

- ♪

- It's now or never.






This isn't Charlie!


- [screaming]

- I'm coming, Charlie!

Charlie, I'm here, man! Where you at?

- ♪

- Oh no, Charlie.


- BAILEY: I love thunderstorms, don't you?

- What did you do with my brother?

Give him back!


Look at these hands, man!

Float like a butterfly! Sting like a bee!

You can't eat what you can't see.


- Dylan?

- Charlie? Charlie! Man, get behind me!

You aren't eating neither one of us, you dusty old ghost!

- Uh, first of all, I moisturize daily.

Second of all, not a ghost.

- Don't act like you're not a ghost!

How do you explain all the creepy stuff going on here?

- Like what?

- Like the lights cutting out and you appearing

out of nowhere!

- Thunderstorms and bad timing?

You never heard the word "coincidence"?

- Dylan, I--

- Don't worry about it, Charlie! I've got this.

Well, what about the smoke coming through the vents?

- Special effects for Haunted Halls.

Principal Matthews likes to go all out during Halloween.

Everything gotta be extra.

- Well, what about the fangs in your mouth?

- Dollar store.

- Eew! Okay.

Then, what about all that screaming we heard earlier?

- Screaming? Oh, you mean my sneezing.

[loud scream-like sneeze]

- That's how you sneeze?

- Yeah, it's real annoying to people.

- You think?!

- Dylan, I was wrong. He's not a ghost.

When you ran off, I dropped my walkie-talkie and it broke.

He's been trying to help me fix it.

- Oh. For real? - Yeah.

- Okay, then if you're not a ghost,

how are you able to be in two places at once?

- I'm not.

- Then who did I lock in that closet?

- You what? Oh, no!

Hang on, man!

- Took you long enough.

And what did you have to do that for?

- Oh, um, my bad.

I thought y'all were some ghosts.

- A ghost? You kids come up with the craziest stories, man.

- This is my twin brother Sean.

We split up the work to make it go faster.

- Oh! See, I told you there weren't any ghosts!

- Man, I see you scared, running through here like,

zig-zag! Zig-zag! - [laughs]

Yeah, I wasn't the one that was locked in the closet.

- Ha ha, very funny.

- What are you guys doing here after school, anyway?

Haunted Halls doesn't start for a little bit.

- Oh no! The goody baskets! - Dang!

Principal Matthews is gonna trip if we don't finish filling

those things up in time.

- We might be able to help with that.

- Seriously? - Yeah. Follow me.

- ♪

- Okay, I think that's it.

- Yo, how'd y'all get so good at filling pumpkins?

- Man, they've had goody baskets like this

for Haunted Halls every year.

And no one ever shows up to help.

- Yep, and we've been filling these things up

since the very first one.

- Oh, nice. Nice. - [grunts]

- Yo, doesn't that banner on the wall

say th annual Haunted Halls?

- It does.

- And didn't he say they've helped fill

these goody baskets up since the very first one?

- He did...

- So...does that mean these dudes been around for years?

- [yelps]

- BOTH: They were ghosts! [screams]

- [doorbell rings repeatedly] - Hey! Somebody get the door!

- Who rings the doorbell like that?

- [sighs] Honey, why wouldn't you get the door?


Honey, just-- [screams]

- [screaming]

- [laughs]

- What is wrong with you?

- You've been trying to scare me all night.

Momma can't have a little fun too?

And...since I'm the scariest person in the house,

I'm taking Notorious B.A.G.

- I'm never going back there!

- Ever! You can't make us!

- You sended us to a stupid haunted school!

- KIDS: Janitor Bailey!


- I guess we're not going tonight?

- Well, still keeping my costume on.

- You do you, boo. - Mm-hmm.

And you do you, boo, and pick up your head.

You didn't really scare me, though.

Always trying to scare somebody.

Whoo! - [thud]

- You okay, sweetie? - I'm okay.

- Take notes. Momma gots to roll.

Whoo! Tina! Yeah!

Oh, yeah! Whoo, yeah!

- Booder! Your father's here.

Oh, Viola, what are you doing here?

- I ain't gonna be here long.

I just came over to pick up some snacks.

Uh, I'm going to Grady's to watch movies tonight.

Scary ones. Who are you supposed to be?

- Finally!

I am Joseph Bologne, Chavalier de Saint-Georges.

Historians named him Black Mozart--

- Hey, hey, hey. I stopped listening already.

- ♪

- [Nickelodeon theme]