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01x32 - Haircraft in Space

Posted: 06/11/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena:
sometimes the struggle
of a freedom fighter

Wears on the spirit...
But as sonia would soon learn,

Relaxing one's guard
for even a second

Leaves room
for unscrupulous att*ck.


Doo-bot: perminator salon!

Where our slogan is,
"hair-sta la vista, baby!"

Doo-bot speaking!

Oh, dear, now that
is an emergency!

Well, you just get your frizzy
little self down here!

Well, guess who tried to do
her own hair again?

Tried it and fried it!

Rich lady: that's so typical!

I told her not
to trust anybody but you.

Doo-bot: really?

What else did you tell her?

Rich lady: that I think
dr. Robotnik

Is a ridiculous...

Doo-bot: ya don't say.
Okay, sweetie, that's it!

You're done.

Rich lady: whoo!
Perfect as usual!

No wonder you're the hottest
hairdresser in robotropolis!

Doo-bot: ohh!

Doo-bot: oh, uh,
I didn't see ya there!

Sorry, but, but this area
isn't for customers.





Sleet: finally!

Female computer voice:
security system disabled.

Sleet: give me a blank tape.

Okay, let's get out of here.

Doo-bot: who's next?

Manic: oh, man!

That was the coolest last night!

Oh, the prince of dorkness
sure got his, didn't he?

Sonic: yep.

He's gonna hafta find
someplace else
to build his bots now!

Sonia: I cannot believe
how primitive my life
has become!

Oh, manic, would you
keep it down?!

Manic: sure.

Sonia: aahh!

Manic: man,
everybody's a critic.

Sonic: hey, nice do, sis.

You look like a...recycle bin.

Sonia: sonic hedgehog,
you left an open can of soda
in the living room!

Sonic: thanks, sis.

So that's where I left it!

Sonia: thanks, sis?

I just poured it
all over my head!

Now I have to shampoo
my hair again!

Sonic: hey,
take a chill-pill, sis.

You used up all my soda
and I'm not mad.

Sonia: aahh!!

Manic, have you
seen my hair dryer?

Manic: what?

I can't hear you
over that hair dryer!

Sonia: ahh!

Sonic: wanna chili dog?

Sonia: sonic!

Sonic: yeah, I know.

It's takin' too long!

I'll turn her up to high!

Sonia: no! It's got a short!

Sonic, sonia: aahh! Uhh!

Sonic: well, I guess I'm not
hungry, after all.

Sonia: sonic hedgehog,
you are so in trouble!

Manic: uh-oh!
Royal mad at six o'clock!

Sonia: huh?

Oh, I deserve this!

I so...deserve this!


Doo-bot: isn't that
the new tex-mex mousse?

Ooh, a little sticky, huh?

Sonia: you wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

Doo-bot: don't you worry, honey.

A little aroma-therapy will take
care of all your worries.

Do you want
an aura massage?

Sonia: I want the works.

Doo-bot: ah!
Sweetie, you are stressed!

Why don't you tell doo-bot
all about it?

Just tell me all about it.

Sonia: well, our last mission
was just really hard...

And the new rebel base
is so cramped and dirty.

Doo-bot: rebel base?

Sonia: yeah...

The command center is located
right under robotnik's backyard.

Bartleby: every time
robotnik says, "excellent,"

I can hardly keep
from laughing.

I think it's the only
superlative he knows.


Robotnik: well, it's a good
thing I made that doo-bot

To keep tabs on my "allies."

Anyone who speaks against me
will be immediately roboticized!

And pick up that next tape!

From the doo-bot!

Sleet: it will be
a pleasure, sir.

Robotnik: excell...



Sonia: oh, it's exquisite!
You're a lifesaver!
A lifesaver!


Crowd of ladies: oh, my!

Oh, goodness!
The horror! Oh, no!

Sonia: sleet and dingo!

Sleet: hedgehog!

Sleet: get her!!

Dingo: sonia!!!

Sleet: get that doo-bot!

Dingo: grr...

Sonia: aah!




Dingo: ugh!



Sonia: what did he
want with you?

Doo-bot: I have no idea,

Emergency facial perhaps?

Sleet: not so fast,

Sonia: hy-yaah!

Sleet: ah-eeya.


What's this?


[Sonia laughs]

Doo-bot. I lost her.

The doo-bot's gone!

sonia, thanks for coming.

You've got to see this.

Sleet: anyone who knows
the doo-bot's location, contact
dr. Robotnik immediately.

This robot is considered
dangerous and very crafty.

Dingo: yeah. She got away
before we could even get
the tape out of her.

Sleet: quiet!

Bartleby: I think robotnik's
been using the doo-bot
to tape our conversations.

Sonia: what? Why?

Bartleby: there's something
about that doo-bot.

Something that makes me
talk more about robotnik.

Very odd.

Sonia: now that you mention it,

That doo-bot was doing
something strange.

Bartleby: sonia.
People are disappearing.

And I saw the doo-bot today, and
I dumped on robotnik like mad.

I'm sure he'll think
I'm a traitor.

Sonia: yeah.

Hmm, what did I say?
Chili shampoo with hash...


Oh, no!

Cramp, dirty,
secret rebel base!

I can't believe I said that!

can you find the doo-bot
before robotnik gets it?

Sonia: oh, I have to.

If sonic and manic find out
what I gave away,

They'll never forgive me
for putting freedom fighters...

Sonia: so, that's it.

Sonia: the doo-bot's out there
and nobody knows where.

Sonic: bummer.

Sonia: listen, guys!
Bartleby needs our help!

Sonic: look, sonia,
I know those aristo-butts

Are close friends
of yours.

Manic: but they're getting
what they deserve.

And gossip always
comes back to bite ya,

Just like the song says.

Sonic: what song?

Manic: the one
I'm makin' up, dude!

♪ don't be a backstabber ♪

♪ 'Cause words
can come back to bite cha ♪

♪ Don't be a bad rapper ♪

♪ 'Cause nobody's
a-gonna like ya ♪

Sonic, sonia:
♪ buddy-buddy one day ♪

♪ Then they get
the major "dis" ♪

Sonic: ♪ don't cha be two-faced,
tell it like it is ♪

♪ don't be a backstabber ♪

♪ Don't be a backstabber ♪

Sonic: ♪ don't gossip
'bout somebody ♪

♪ Try to tell the truth ♪

♪ 'Cause they'll find out
about it ♪

♪ Come a-lookin' for you ♪

♪ You wouldn't want somebody
spreadin' rumors 'bout you ♪

♪ Makin' up stories
without any clues ♪

♪ Don't cha be
the bearer of bad news ♪

♪ When it comes
to your friends ♪

All: ♪ mind your bizness ♪

Sonic: ♪ I tell you
what to do ♪

All: ♪ don't be a backstabber ♪

♪ 'Cause words
can come back to bite cha ♪

♪ Don't be a bad rapper ♪

♪ 'Cause nobody's
a-gonna like ya ♪

♪ Don't...don't...
Don't cha ♪

♪ Don't cha be a backstabber! ♪

Sonia: well,
I've gotta help them.

Sonic: hey, if it's
that important to ya,
sis, we're there.

Sonia: ahh...


Huh? Are you
expecting anyone?

Manic: not us!

Sonia: oh, my gosh!

Doo-bot: oh, it's you!
Thank goodness!

It's so nice to be here!
Safe at last.

They were chasing me!
Can you imagine that?

And then I was wandering
around the city

When I thought
I smelled a familiar...

Creme rinse!
The nose knows, ya know?

[Manic laughs]

Doo-bot: can you
help me find out why
they were chasing me?

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Oh, my!

What a nice place you have here.

[Manic laughs]

Doo-bot: who is this
handsome young buck?

Manic: I'm, uh...


Doo-bot: what's your story,
morning glory?

Manic: I'm sonia's brother,
son of queen aleena...

Sonic: huh?

Manic: separated at birth and...

Sonic: hey!!
What's with you, bro?

Sorry, he gets dropped
on his head a lot.

Name's sonic.

Doo-bot: the famous sonic!

I've heard so much about you,

But I'm sure
you could tell me more.

Sonia: huh?

Sonic: well, uh,
I'm really fast and...

I know I'm impatient.

Sonia: isn't this interesting?

Sonic: I'm known for...

My speed.

Sonia: mobius to sonic!

Sonic: ugh! Hey!
What's happenin', sis?

Sonia: she hypnotizes people.

Well, you know,
if we're going to help you,

We need to check
something out.

Sonic, manic: huh?

Sonia: how da ya like that?

A tape player!

Doo-bot: didn't know
I had it in me! [Laughs]

Sonia: uhhh...

This thing's in here tight.

Manic: let me.



Sonic: nice doo!

Doo-bot: don't worry, honey,

I can fix that.

Sonia: you know, bartleby
knows a bot expert.

Maybe he could get
that tape out.

Sonic: done, sis!

We'll jam as soon as it's dark.

Sonia: great!

Sonic: is that bot
strange or what?

Manic: yep.
It wouldn't break my heart
if buttnik got her back.

Sonic: hey, you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

Manic: let the doo-bot
slip to robotnik?

Yo, what about bartleby?

Sonic: shhh!

He'll be fine.

Buttnik's not gonna roboticize
his bread and butter.

While we're out tonight,

That bot gets the boot.

Sonia: strange.
We've never come here before.

I'll wash the windshield.

Sonic: cool.

Told ya. Always
surveillance bots around here.

Doo-bot: are we there yet?

Robotnik: excell...

Um, very, very good.

The doo-bot is
with the hedgehogs.

Deploy more surveillance bots,
then follow them!

I want that bot!

Doo-bot: we're here?

Oh, finally!

I've got such a cramp
in my gears!

Manic: okay, where are they?

Sonic: no clue.

I figured robotnik's guys
would've jumped us
way before this.

Bartleby: sonic, sonia?
That you?

Sonia: guys! Guys!
Bot att*ck!

Sonic: remember,
make it look good!


Sonia: where'd they go?

[Doo-bot screams]

Lemme go, ya big oaf!!

Help! Help!

Sonic: mission accomplished,
my man.

Sonia: oh, we're too late!

Sonic: aww, too bad.

They got the doo-bot.

Not good! Look!

Sleet: you, my friend,
have a date with robotnik!

Sonia: no!

Sonic: no way!
They can't be serious!

Manic: oh, man!

We shoulda never
tipped them off.


Sonia: you what?

No, it's my fault.

I should have leveled with you.

There's more than gossip
on that doo-bot's tape.

When I was at the salon,

I blabbed the location
of the new secret base.

Sonic, manic: no! What?!

Sonic: it's okay, sis,
but you shoulda told us!

Sonia: well, I'm sorry!

But what do we do now?

Sonic: what else?
The traditional doing it to it!

Hang on!

Who wants what?

Sonia: I got bartleby.

Sonic: then we got the doo-bot.
Let's break!

Bartleby: don't worry, all.

If there's one thing you can
count on, it's...

My sonia!

Swat-bot: take them
to the control room.

Sonia: let's go!

Doo-bot: ow!
Watch it, pal.

Sleet: hurry up. Robotnik
will be here any minute.

However, it wouldn't hurt
to give it a preview.

Dingo: ugh!

Sonic: thanks!

Sleet: oh, no, you don't!
I need that!

Manic: ahh!

Sonic: whoa!

Going down!


Sleet: not this time, hedgehog!

Manic: coming through!

Sleet: ooof!


Sonic: let's juice and jam!

Robotnik: now you're mine,

Sonic: you know, a plan would
really hit the spot just now!

Robotnik: argh! Ohh!


Doo-bot: just like
using a blow dryer!

[Sonic and manic laugh]

Doo-bot: you've got the tape...

Get outta here!

Sonic: we're not
leaving you behind.

Let's go!

Doo-bot: you're...
You're taking me with you?

I'm speechless!

Manic: whoa, that's an opposite.

Sonia: hey!
When did she go m*llitary?

Sonic: cool, huh?

You're all right, doo-bot!

Sonia: we thought you
might want to dispose of this.

Bartleby: thanks.

But I've got to get out of here.

Robotnik still knows
what we think of him.

Sonia: well, we have a plan.

Sleet: hey, there it is!
Let's get it aboard.

We found her, sir,
but they removed the tape.

Robotnik: you rebellious
hunk of junk!

What do you have to say
for yourself?

you will remember nothing

About the tape you heard

Or anything that happened today.

Robotnik, sleet, dingo:
we will remember nothing.

We will remember nothing.

Sonic: sweet!