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01x40 - Virtual Danger

Posted: 06/11/23 11:46
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns of a
deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

watch your back, manic!

I'll put on the brakes
and he'll fly right by!

Manic: get ready!

Sonic: hold steady...

Destructo: I've got you
in my sights, hedgehogs.

Sonic: hold steady! Not yet!

Not yet!!

Sonic and manic: hey!!!

what'd ya do that for?

Manic: we were just about
to toast destructo.

Sonia: I called you
minutes ago.

I called you
minutes ago.

And now it's time to go!

Sonic: we didn't hear you.

Sonia: exactly!

hey, we're learning valuable
skills in that game.

Sonia: yeah, right!

Queen aleena:
even when things
were going well

For the freedom fighters,

My children could not afford
to let down their guard

Because robotnik was always
looking for a new way

To destroy them.

time to cruise and bruise.

and they're gonna lose.

Cyrus: you guys sure
you wanna do this again?

Sonic: well,
I know I'm not so good...

But since you're really
desperate for pilots,

I figured I'd give it
another shot.

Cyrus: ok. Let's do it.

Ready, sonic, manic?

Sonic: uh, yeah, sure. Go!

Hmmm. It's startin'
to come back.

Manic: nice shot, bro.

Cyrus: good move, sonic.

That was great, guys.

So, what's goin' on?

How'd you get so good?

Manic and sonic:
castle conquest!

Sonia: it's confirmed.
Our inside source reports

That robotnik's starting
an audit next week.

Cyrus: so, he's bound
to find out how much

We've been skimming
off his supply ships.

Well, it had to happen
sooner or later.

Sonic: so, time for plan b?

Cyrus: yep. Time to take
all his supply ships.

Now we're really
gonna need pilots.

Manic: hedgehog pilots
reporting for duty.

Sonia: heh heh. Heh heh heh.
The crash dummy twins?

Heh heh. I don't think so.
Heh heh heh heh heh heh.

Cyrus: well,
it's hard to believe,

But manic and sonic
aced the simulator.

Sonia: you're right.
That is hard to believe.

Ok, how'd you do it?

Manic and sonic:
castle conquest.

Manic: clear.

more ships after this.

Manic, why don't
you take this one,

Sonia, the next,

And sonic,
you take the last one.

but the last one's the most
likely to get chased.

You need your best pilot.

Sonic: he's got him.

Sonia: in a game, maybe,

But this is real,
sonic hedgehog!

This is real! Cyrus!

Cyrus: he aced it.
Let's give him a shot.

Next one's inbound.
Let's move!

see ya at the rendezvous.

Sonia: well, if you insist
on doing this...good luck.

Sonic: thanks, sis.

Swat-bot: sir,
the supply convoy is late.

not responding.

Robotnik: what?!
Read-outs! Now!

What's happening?!

Get a surveillance-bot

almost as good as the game.


Hi, mom!
We're number one!

Robotnik: blast that cursed
hedgehog out of the sky!

Swat-bot: firing
launch platform one, sir.

Sonic: hey, robuttnik,

This thing pulls a little
to the right.

You might wanna get it in
for a tune-up.

Huh? And it's startin' to
make some funny noises, too.

attention, hedgehog!

Get ready
to be obliterated!

Sonic: hey, if you wanted
your plane back,

All ya had to do was say so.

Ok, I'm takin' that
as a "yes."

Ready or not, here I come.

Robotnik: what is he doing?!
sh**t him down!

Swat-bot: launching, sir.

Sonic: wuh-oh.
Playtime's over.

Auto-coordinates set.

Jam and ram time!

Robotnik: huh? He can't be!

No! Aah!

Sonic: uh-oh. I hope
I didn't cut this too close.

Robotnik: noooooo!

Sonic: gotta...time it...


Robotnik: aaaaahhh!

Whew! Hedgehog!

Manic: yo, need a lift?

Robotnik: hedgehog!

think I got his attention?

[Manic laughs]

Cyrus: and robotnik has to
regear all his factories

To build cargo ships.
We hurt him this time!

Sonic: all right!
We did it!

Sonia: cheers for us!

Manic: hip-hip hooray, dude!

so, take a well-deserved
break, hedgehogs.

I'll be in touch.

Sonia: well, it pains me
to say this,

But it appears
your silly vid game

May have improved
your piloting skills...

A little.

oh, manic, we've improved!

Manic: I heard.

Sonia: fine, fine.
I'm out of here.

It's definitely
make-over time.

See you later.

Sonic: is that
a neglected chili dog
stand calling my name?

Back in a flash.

Manic: oh...yeah, ok.

Maybe I'll just
take a little nap

Until sonic gets...


[Sonic burps]

Mmm, good.

C'mon, bro, let's get back
to castle conquest.

I'll put on the brakes
and he'll fly right by.

Sonia: you're not going
to get me like that.

Sonic and manic: sonia?

oh, this game is so easy!

You guys
are such linear thinkers,

You didn't realize
you could do this!

Sonic and manic: aah!

Sonia: time to really play!

Sonic: cool.

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ Keep your shield up ♪

♪ you gotta be ready ♪

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ When the going
gets tough ♪

♪ keep your heart steady ♪

♪ You never know
when danger will strike ♪

♪ Might be tomorrow ♪

♪ Might be tonight ♪

♪ Learn to trust
your instincts
and nothing else ♪

♪ The world can be cold ♪

♪ The world can be tough ♪

♪ Sometimes love
is not enough ♪

♪ Sometimes you gotta
stand up for yourself ♪

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ Keep your shield up ♪

♪ you gotta be ready ♪

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ And when
the going gets tough ♪

♪ keep your heart steady ♪

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ Keep your shield up ♪

♪ keep your shield up ♪

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ Keep your shield up ♪

♪ keep your shield up ♪

All: ♪ don't let
your guard down ♪

♪ you gotta be ready... ♪

Destructo: well, well,
hedgehogs, all in a row.

Sonic: manic?

Manic: lemme go!
We're about to be blasted!

Sonic: what?!

What are you talkin' about?

Man, you musta
been dreaming.

Manic: huh?

I was dreamin' about
destructo comin' after us.

Sonic: hey, you don't have
to dream about that.

Let's go get him!

So where's the big "d"?

someone looking for me?

Manic: hey, "d" man,
wanna go one-on-one

Or double up
against the gauntlet?

Destructo: I'd love to teach
you two some respect,

But I'm in the mood to see

If we can finally kick it
on the gauntlet.

cool. Let's do it to it.

Destructo: hang on, I've--
I've got something for you.

Check this out.

Manic: whoa! I've never seen
anything like that before.

I wrote the software myself.

I--i got something
even bigger

For you later, but--
but download this first...

If you want it.

Sonic: downloading.

Computer voice:
one file downloaded.


Sonic and manic:

Computer voice:
installation complete.

Sonic: wanna test it?

Manic: oh, yeah!

Destructo: oh, c'mon guys,
you--you wouldn't.

Hey, guys,
that wasn't very...

Sonic: it.

Destructo: oh...
Ha ha. Very funny.

Just for that
I don't think I'll share

The rest of my new software
with you.

Sonic: aw, come on!

Manic: new software?
What is it?

ok, I'll give you a clue.

No more lamer castle walls.
I created a whole new level.

Sonic: cool.

Destructo: but first,

There's something
I want to show you.

Manic: hey, great!

man, he really got us.

Manic: yeah, but he's
sendin' us the download.


Sonic: downloading.

Computer voice:
one file downloaded.


Manic: affirmative.

Sonia: oh, goody.
More game.

Sonic: hey!

Sonia: don't worry.
I'm just passing through.

Computer voice:
install complete.

Activate play?

that's a big affirmative.

Manic: nice shot, destructo.

And nice game background.

Sonic: ah, yeah,
k*ller software.

Destructo: thanks.

Word is you guys did
some good work, too,

On--on robotnik's
cargo ships.

Sonic: thanks.
It's gonna be months

Before he gets back
to chasin' us.

Destructo: I wouldn't
be too sure about that.

[Laughing maniacally]

[Robotnik laughs maniacally]

You fell for it.
Oh, this is rich!

Sonia: you guys want
something to eat?

Oh, my gosh!

Sonic: it's robotnik!

Sonia: aah! Aah!

Sonia: sonic! Manic!

Manic: what happens
when the ship's gone?

Sonic: who cares?
It's just a game.

We can't get hurt.

Sonic and manic: whoa!


you don't get it yet,

Do you, hedgehogs?

You're inside the game!

If I destroy you in here,

You're gone forever!

Which is, by the way,
my intention.

do you believe this guy?

Ow, oh, ow, ooo, hoo!

laughing maniacally]

Sonic: so, whaddya think?

Manic: not good.

[Robotnik laughs]
this will be delicious.

Sonia: oh...oh...uhh...

Oh, cyrus,
it just drew them inside.

this is the last download,

And it's not good.

I didn't even know
this could happen.

Sonia: what?

Cyrus: robotnik's
pulled them into the game.

Sonia: well, why don't
we just pull the plug?

Cyrus: no!
If you pull the plug,

They've got no path back!

There it is.

What an ingenious program,

But I think
I can reverse it.

Sonia: you mean get sonic
and manic out?

no, get robotnik in!

I can put someone
in the game.

And if they get inside
this control room,

They can pull robotnik

Of course,
it will take a good pilot.

Sonia: I'm in.

while you're in the game,

I'm gonna try to find
robotnik's satellite dish.

If I disable it,
he loses control

And the game's over.

You ready?

Sonia: do it!

Manic: dude, how long
can you keep up this pace?

Sonic: I dunno,
but we're not givin' up!

Manic: oh, no.
Concussion impact m*ssile

Right on our tail!

Sonic: reversing course.

Hold on!

Sonic: I think we lost him.

it's his game, sonic.

I don't think
we can lose him.

that's correct, hedgehogs.

Sonic: well, that's
not exactly fair, is it?

Manic: sonic, dude,
try a super spin!

Sonic: good idea, bro.

Manic: huh?

Sonic: wa-haa-wa-haaa whoo!

Manic: whoa-ho...bad idea.

Sonic: big yep on that.

Manic and sonic: aah!

Manic: we're trapped!

Robotnik: one concussion
impact m*ssile

And my hedgehog troubles
are all over!


Sonic: all right!

Manic: go, sis! Hooray!

Sonia: how rude.

Sonic: sonia! Over here!

Manic: over here!

Cyrus: it's gotta
be there somewhere.


Got it!

yo, this next passageway

Should get us
to the control room.

Hedgehogs: aah!

that's not my favorite ride.

Manic: here he comes!

Robotnik: not that way!!

if I activate this one,

Robotnik gets sucked
into the game.

Sonic: ok,
but you'd better hurry

'Cause here he comes!

goodbye, hedgehogs!

game over, robotnik!

Sonic: what happened?

Sonia: cyrus must've found
robotnik's satellite dish.

Robotnik: oh, so close!

Next time, hedgehogs!

Sonia: well, that's
the last of the cargo.

Manic: great, but what do we
do with these cargo ships?

Sonic: we give 'em back.

Sonic: we'll call this
"advantage hedgehogs."

Robotnik: what?

auto-pilots fail to respond
on the cargo ships.

Collision imminent.

Robotnik: noooooo!


Sonia: we did it!

Sonic: he's hamburger!

Game over, buttnik!