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01x05 - Paddington and the Treehouse / Paddington and the Monster Hunt

Posted: 06/14/23 17:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 05 IMDB

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Treehouse" 1 of 2

in Peru, I spent the night in a tree

and in London,
I spend the night in a house.

But recently,

I spent the night in a tree house.

It all started when we were making
marmalade sandwiches.

Do you think we have enough?

How many have we made?

This is number six.

Paddington, stop eating the supplies!

Supplies? Supplies for what?

For tonight.

We want to sleep in the tree house.

- Oh, that's a wonderful idea.
- That's a terrible idea.


Why is that a terrible idea?

Because, in the middle of the night,
they'll all get scared,

come running back in the house
and we won't get any sleep.

We will not get scared!

You say that now,
but just wait until it gets dark.

You are just too young
for this sort of thing.

Too young?
Mrs. Bird had sailed half way to India

by the time she was my age.

And look how she turned out.

How is that exactly?

Uh… As a wonderful woman,
who is a credit to this family

and we are very grateful
for everything you do for us.

Aye. That's what I thought.

- Well, I think it's a splendid idea.
- What?

Besides, Paddington will be there,

and he came all the way from Peru.

That I did, Mrs. Brown.
So I know a thing or two about…


I've eaten the supplies again.

Well, I say go for it.

As long as you promise to be careful

and come in if you do get scared.

We won't get scared!

None of us is getting any sleep tonight.

With every step we took,

we delved deeper into the unknown.

What are you doing, Jonathan?

I'm narrating our adventure.

All great explorers do it.

Well, you're not an explorer.

Said Judy,

the brave explorer's boring sister.


Now it's dark,
it does look a little bit scary.


Once we set up the lamp,
it won't be in the least bit scary.

You did bring the lamp,
didn't you, Jonathan?

Yeah. Here it is.

We're good.

Now, Paddington…



- Don't do that!
- Do what?

- Jump out on us like that.
- You scared the life out of me.

Oh, I didn't jump out on you.

I was behind you when I spoke
and there's nothing scary…


I see what you mean now.


Well, it all feels very cosy now.

Wait till Jonathan dishes out the snacks.

They're not snacks, they're rations.

That's what explorers call them.

But you aren't an explorer.

Said the explorer's annoying sister.

Er, do explorers also put
all the chocolates in their pile?

That's… an accident.

Ah! I think we are going
to have a lovely evening.

Yeah, silly dad thinking we'd get scared.

What happened?

The batteries for the lamp
must have run out.

Don't worry. I brought spares.


are you eating my chocolates?


Right, I'm taking some of yours.

I didn't know
you were scared of spiders, Judy.

I'm not.

I thought you weren't scared!


I'm not scared, by the way.

I just want to give the spider its space.

I know I heard something.

If you're trying to steal my gnomes,

I must warn you I have a flashlight

and I'm not afraid to use it!

Bye-bye, Mr. Spider.

- What's that?
- It's coming from Mr. Curry's garden.

- Perhaps we should see what it is.
- Yeah.

- Go see what it is, Judy.
- Me?

Wait. Is the brave explorer scared?

I'm not scared. I just…

Don't want to go.

Yeah. Because you're scared.

No. You're scared.

- Why don't we all go?
- Yeah!

You first.

Maurice, Michelle,
Tracey, Fred, Ginger,

Maude, Ethel, Gertrude.


It's coming from next door.

Be brave, Mr. Curry.

Be very quiet.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

I thought you were stealing my gnomes!

There seems to have been a mix-up.

Let's all just go back to bed.

And keep the noise down!

Sorry, Mr. Curry.

And I'll be counting my gnomes!

Maybe we should sleep
in the house tonight, after all?

And prove Dad right?

No way!

There's nothing to be scared of now.


My goodness, a barn owl.

Would you mind ever so much
leaving our tree house, please?

This isn't a barn.


Maybe it's a tree house owl.

Whatever owl it is, I'm not scared. Shoo!


Hmm. So far, not a peep.

- Perhaps they're braver than you thought.
- Hmm…

I must say, I am rather impressed.

I half expected them to be
shrieking with fear by now. But…

Maybe I'll be proved wrong.

Oh! Oh!

Okay, it's gone.

It's back!

It's okay. It's gone again.

Well, it won't come back a… third time!


If you go away, you can take
all Jonathan's chocolate!


Now, listen, my little owl friend,

you have been asked nicely
and now there's nothing else for it.

It's time for a hard stare.

Well, I must confess
this has been very dramatic.

Perhaps we should call it a night
and just go to sleep inside.

No! We're not going to sleep inside.

It was only a silly bird

and a very small spider
that I wasn't scared of at all.

Okay… so I was a little scared
of the spider.

So let's just all cuddle up
and go to sleep.

I think that sounds
like a splendid idea, Judy.

Turn the lamp off, Jonathan.

And sleep in the dark?

Would an explorer be afraid of the dark?

So, the brave explorer turned out the lamp

and cuddled his sister

just to make sure she wasn't scared.

Which she isn't,

because there is absolutely
nothing to be afraid of.

Psst! Are you awake?


Do you think we should go
and get the kids?

They are probably fast asleep, like I was.

It's only light rain.
It'll probably stop in a moment.

Who's scared now, Dad?

I wasn't scared. I was surprised.

But I can see you got scared
or you wouldn't be in the kitchen!

No, we didn't come in
because we were scared,

we came in because it was raining.

Well, what matters is you are all safe.

And having what looks like
a lovely midnight feast.

There's plenty of sandwiches
if you want to join us, Mrs. Brown.

Actually, I've got a better idea.

- Oh!
- Ah!

The storm's not so scary in here.

In fact, it's rather beautiful.


Yes, it is, Paddington.

Very beautiful indeed.

I told you none of us would get
a good night's sleep.

But this is much nicer.

It was a wonderful night,
Aunt Lucy.

I really enjoyed watching the storm,

and I can't believe
I was ever scared of it.

It goes to show that sometimes

the things that scare you at first…

…can end up being something
you really enjoy.

Love from Paddington.

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Monster Hunt" 2 of 2

this has been
an absolutely monstrous week.

I'll start from the beginning.

Judy was telling us a scary story…

And the noise
got louder and louder.

But it wasn't the sound
of the washing machine.

Judy, why are you shining
your torch under your chin?

Paddington, it's supposed
to make the story more spooky.

Oh, sorry.

It wasn't the sound of the boiler.

And it wasn't the sound
of Dad snoring.



Do go on, Judy.

The scary noise was coming from
between the walls.

They peeped through the rip
in the wallpaper and saw…

The monster!

I beg your pardon, Judy,
but what is a monster?

A monster?

It's a beast with great hairy feet!

And great hairy hands!

- And flashing eyes!
- A scaly tail!

And sharp teeth!

And they hide in your houses,
in the attics!

And below the floorboards.

And they only come out at night.

Oh! Oh!

Oh, no!

There's no mention of monsters
in The Young Bear's Guide to London.

You see, Aunt Lucy,

Judy's story really
got me thinking about monsters.

And then I heard it.



It was just my tummy.

Luckily, I had my emergency sandwich.



The monster ate my sandwich.

Are you okay, Paddington?

I think there's a monster in my room.

Oh, Paddington,

there's no such thing as monsters


Don't you worry, Paddington.

I'll keep an eye out.


Oh, Paddington, you're so jumpy!

I'm looking for monster footprints.

It'd be just like a monster

to come in here without wiping its feet.

I just made that story up, you know.

I used to be afraid of monsters too.

Did you?

I thought there was one under my bed.

Then I thought it lived in my toy box.

But, Paddington,
there were no terrors in my toy box

or beasts under the bed.

It was all in my imagination.


I suppose you're right, Judy.

Just my imagination.

Oh! Oh!


Oh! Paddington?

Yes, Mrs. Bird?

Still having a wee problem
with a monster, I hear.

Well… yes. I do.
But I know what you're going to say.

Oh? What am I going to say?

That there's no such thing as monsters.

No such thing as monsters? Oh!

Monsters are very real indeed!

They are?

Of course!

But you are in luck, little bear.

I am one of the boldest
monster hunters in the world.

You, Mrs. Bird?

Have you ever heard
of the Loch Ness Monster?

Well, I caught her,

gave her some excellent advice
about hiding,

and sent her back to the depths.



I caught her too,
gave her some comfortable shoes,

and popped her back in the woods.

Oh, that sounds very kind, Mrs. Bird.

And we'll do the same with your monster.

Now what are you doing
with that magnifying glass?

I was rather hoping to find
some monster tracks.

Well, for a start,

you're looking in the wrong place.


Looks to me
like we've got ourselves a trail.

So Mrs. Bird and I
went off on a monster hunt.

It wasn't long

before we found some monstrous clues.

Aha! Definite sign of a monster!

Really? Feathers?

Monsters are allergic to feathers.

These are found
in the snuggliest of bedclothes.

If you want to keep monsters at bay,

you should surround yourself
in a snuggly quilt.

Look! There's more…

Why don't we follow them?


They'll probably lead into the garden.

How do you know?

Oh, just a guess.

Do you hear that, Mrs. Bird?

It sounds like a monster.

- Yes. It does rather.
- Look!

That my feather quilt!

Hmm… I think I recognise
that monster snoring.

I think the sound
is coming from behind the pile.

Are you ready, little bear?

Got you!


We're very sorry, Mr. Brown.

We mistook you for a monster.

A monster?

Now, look here, Paddington,

I may snore,
but I don't sound like a monster.

A small car, maybe.

Now then, Mr. Brown.
I see you are, um… very busy.

So, we won't disturb you any more.

Yes. Yeah, I just, uh…

I just wanted somewhere quiet
to read the news.

By the way, um…
what did you want all those lamps for?


Then we took our monster hunt

into the studio,
which was very illuminating.

You see, monsters are afraid of the dark.

So they like to keep things
as bright as possible.

My goodness!

Monsters are afraid of the dark?

They don't sound very frightening.

Och, Paddington.
I never said they were frightening.

Perhaps we'd better turn out
all these lights,

to scare them off.


I've found something.

It's looking at me with its monster eyes!

It's moving around!

It's got a great big tentacle!

Help me, Mrs. Bird!

It's trying to suck me in!

That's because
it's a vacuum cleaner!

Well, it's jolly rude one, I can tell you.

I wouldn't mind a little help!

Mrs. Bird and I
spent the whole afternoon

hunting for monsters.

We found they had made
a terrible mess in the kitchen.

Oh, look at this.

The monster is trying
to get rid of the milk.

Trying to get rid of the milk?

Monsters hate it.

So, to ward them away,

the best thing to do

is to have a lovely, warm mug of milk

right before bed.

Oh, I see.

Are you all right,

Paddington Bear?

All this talk of snuggly blankets
and warm milk

has made me feel…

…quite sleepy.

How about an early night?

Now we know the best way
to keep monsters at bay.

Get cuddled up in a snuggly bed,

have a lovely mug of warm milk, and…?

Turn out the light.

Absolutely correct.

Mrs. Bird, I know what you've been doing.

And… what's that, dear?

You were making sure

that I wouldn't be scared
of monsters any more.

And all those things
that monsters don't like, well,

they make bedtime all snuggly
and cosy, don't they?

They do indeed, you clever cub.

And I'm afraid I also told you a fib.

There's no such thing
as monsters, is there?

The noise!

The monstrous noise!

Only, there's no such thing as monsters.

So it won't be anything to be scared of.


Why, it's just a mouse!

A mouse! Of course!

I'm not frightened at all.
No, no. That wasn't a scream!

I think that's just about
enough excitement for one day.

Sleep well, Paddington.

Good night, Mrs. Bird.

Oh, and, Mrs. Bird?

Yes, dear?

Do you think we could go
on another monster hunt tomorrow?

And I think you're rather partial
to marmalade sandwiches.

So, it turns out
that monsters are not real,

but the best thing I learnt
is that Mrs. Bird is very, very fun

to go on a monster hunt with.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪