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13x07 - The Skull Sorcerer

Posted: 06/18/23 11:20
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Go, Ninjago! ♪

[Cole] "The Skull Sorcerer."

[light music]

[Vania] I am really not good at making decisions like this.

Which is why I need your advice.

The Ninja have been underground way too long

and I think something terrible might have happened to them,

and I think I should go after them, but…

they're Ninja.

They can take care of themselves, right?

Master Wu even said I shouldn't go after them.

But what if they've been att*cked by crazy monsters?

I should at least alert the Palace Guards, right?

But if my father knew the Ninja went down into the tunnels,

he'd banish them from Shintaro forever.

Even if their intentions were good.

Oh, now what should I do, Chompy?



You're right!

Oh, you always know what to say.

I need to relax.

I'm sure Cole is doing just fine.


Someone help me!

[Cole] I'm in serious trouble here! Please!



[Cole] Okay, that's not working.

I'll just hang real still until I come up with a plan.

I just have to think.

Think, Cole. Think.

Oh, great! Now, I feel much better. [groans]

[Cole] Hey, a hook!

If I can get to it,

you don't mind if I borrow that, do you?

I'll take that as a no.


[Cole groaning]

Whoa! [exhales sharply]

Oh, great!

Now I'm hanging from a skeleton that's hanging from a root.

And now I'm talking to myself again.


Keep it together, pal. Just hold on.




[screams, grunts]

[wailing] Help!

Someone help!

What am I doing?

What if the Skull Sorcerer hears me?

That would be terrible!

Oh, you don't really have a choice, Cole, do you?


Someone help me!

Hello? Is someone down there?

-[dire bats screech] -[Cole gasps]

Dire bats? Whoa!


-[screeches] -[groans]

Thanks, I guess.


Get off!





[chuckles] Yes!


[Cole panting]



Ha! Maybe you realized you were messing with the wrong Ninja!

Nice try, pal!

Better luck next… [mumbles]

What? What is this stuff?

[suspenseful music]

Really sticky.

-Almost like spider. -[snarls]


Look, I'm getting a little tired of things trying to eat me!


-[snarls] -[grunts]

-[groans] -[thuds]


Don't think about how gross this feels.

[Cole] Do not think about how gross this feels.

[groaning] I'm thinking about it!

I'm thinking about it!



I'm now willing to discuss the terms of your surrender.

-[shrieks] -[sword rasps]


[Cole] Princess Vania?

Back! Ugh!

Oh, wow, am I glad to see you!

I hate spiders, especially huge slobbery ones with fangs.

Don't make me step on you!

Chompy, help!



-[grunts] -[clatters]


Okay, now you've made me angry.




What? What just happened?

Did you see that?

Your dragon, he… he…

-What? -He… he just got bigger!

Chompy? Don't be silly.

He just growls a bit sometimes, when he gets angry.


Are you sure? Cause I could swear.

[Vania] Oh, dear. Let's get you out of these.

[calm music]

Ah, a beautiful blossom.

[inhales] Hmm, ah.

So peaceful.

I must remember this moment.

The beauty of it, the calm.

If only the Ninja were here to enjoy it.

[Cole grunts] Come on.

I can almost hear them now.

-[metal clangs] -[Cole grunts]


Princess Vania? What happened?

Where are the others?

You mean they're not back?

No. And you, Princess.

You gave me your word that you wouldn't enter the mines.

Oh, did I? Did I actually give my word?

I thought it was more of a… possibility.

It was most certainly not.

I guess I'm not very good at doing what I'm told.

I'm beginning to see that.

And whose dragon is this?

That's Chompy.

[Vania] He's mine.

Is he a Shintaran Ridge-back?

He's just Chompy.

Chompy, will you quit eating the flowers?

Ugh. You're just gonna barf.


We've got bigger problems, guys.

There's an evil sorcerer in the mines and he's got this magic skull,

and he commands an army of skeletons!

We got separated and barely escaped.

They must still be down there!


How could all that be down there without anyone up here realizing it?

I don't know, but we have to tell my father immediately!

The King needs to send his guards to stop this weirdo.

If his skeleton army ever reached the surface,

all of Shintaro would be destroyed.

[king] And please ask the Accounting Department

for a report on the latest shipment of--

[door clangs]

Father, we must speak with you. It's an emergency!

Vania? Wu?

What emergency? What's this all about?

The mines!

They're not as empty as we all believed.

You went underground?

I had to, father.

Cole and the other Ninja were trapped!

It's true. She saved my life.

I told you never to go down there.

Please don't be angry, father.

I'm not angry, just saddened.

You have forced my hand.

What do you mean?

I love you, child, but why don't you ever listen?

I was trying to protect you.

I know, I'm sorry, but you need to understand.

There's a dark evil down there called the Skull Sorcerer!

Yeah, and he's got this evil magic skull that glows red

and these two huge wings and--

Are you certain?

I saw him.

And you're certain it wasn't…


[all gasp]


You're the Skull Sorcerer?


Perfection, I'm afraid, has a cost,

and the cost is Vengestone.

It comes from the mines.

From the mountain, from the earth.

The People of Shintaro may not realize it,

but their magnificent city, the lives of bliss and joy that they lead,

is paid for by Vengestone.

Fortunately, I found a customer willing to pay dearly for it.

I don't believe it.

You… you wouldn't. You couldn't!

Well, it ends now!

In that respect, sadly, you are correct.

-[groans] -[Cole] Master Wu!

[Vania] No!

The skull… Get the skull!

Chompy, go!



[tense music]

[both gasp, scream]

[Vania] Cole! Wu!

Vania! No! You'll never reach them in time!

I have to try!

If you do this,

you will be my daughter no longer!

You will be nothing to me!

Nothing, nothing, nothing!

[chitters, whimpers]


You've made your choice.

[closing theme music]