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15x11 - The Fifth Villain

Posted: 06/20/23 13:12
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

-♪ Jump up ♪ -♪ Jump up ♪

♪ Kick back ♪

♪ Whip around and spin ♪

[Lloyd] The Fifth Villain

[birds screeching]

Jay! Jay!

Jay! Jay! Jay! Jay!


If you're serious about being a criminal,

you'll want a catch-phrase.

[sighs] I'm not becoming a criminal!

Like... [coos]

...because loud noises are distracting.

Except not that. Because that's mine.

How about this for a catch-phrase?

Leave me alone!

Are we almost at Twitchy's?

I can't take this for much longer,

he's driving me--

We're a lot alike.

Which is why I've decided to make you, Jay,

Ninja of Lightning, my criminal side-kick!

I even thought of a name for you.

-No, thanks. -Bluejay! Get it?

Because it's a bird, like me, plus the "Jay" part. Blue-Jay!

-That's catchy. -Don't encourage him.

We'll leave you guys to discuss the details.

Uh... No! No, you won't!

You are now under the protective wing

of Fugi-Dove, young Bluejay.

Feel the warmth of my wing. Feel it.


Yes, sir, understood. Lemme check on that.

Sir, I got the mayor's office on the line, asking for updates.

Tell him there ain't a critter alive

who can outrun ole' Hounddog once I got its scent.

So we got a lead?

Hm, maybe. Only thing on the map this far out

is some ole' gas station.

My bet is they're gonna head there.

Very clever, sir.

We're closing in on them, sir.

Yes, sir, I'll keep you informed.

No, sir, we won't be losing any more vehicles.

You have my word on that.


A road! We're getting close to Twitchy's!

Ah, civilization.

This is the perfect time to give you your first lesson in crime,

petty vandalism!

You have water?

Not anymore.

What are you doing?

What does it look like?

Littering! [cooing]


Remember, Bluejay, a criminal is only as good

as the last crime he committed.

And I have to keep my reputation up

if I'm gonna join the Crystal Council.

What did you say?

I said I have to keep my reputation up.

A criminal is only as good as--

No. About the Crystal Council.

Oh, word on the street is some new criminal

calling himself the Crystal King is assembling super-villains

for his "crystal council."

I'm just waiting for my invitation.


If we could figure out who this Crystal King will invite next,

we might be able to to disguise ourselves,

intercept the invitation, and infiltrate this council.

Don't even think of taking my invitation.

You're not getting an invitation! Okay?

Nobody's gonna invite you to join their super-villain team!

Oh, really? Even after I do this?

[shouts] No!

[sad groan]

[Kai groans]

Ah, that hit the spot! I feel great!

Ah. Look. They made it.

Well, isn't that a sight for sore eyes.


Hey, buddy. Glad to see you too. Okay.

[Cole] Water! Water! Water!

Well, I'll be tickled pink.

If it ain't my friends, the Ninja!

How'ya doin', Lloyd? Jay?

Twitchy, I wasn't sure you'd remember us.

Oh, I been practicing ways to remember.

Like when someone tells me something.

I repeat it back three times, real slow and...


...and, what was I saying?

Nothing. Good to see ya, Twitchy.

Come on in and get something cold to drink.


[gulps, exhales]

[Lloyd] So that's the plan.

Figure out which villain the Crystal King will approach next,

replace him or her, and infiltrate the council in disguise.

But which villain will be next?

Perhaps we should go over a list of likely candidates.

Vangelis and Pythor have already joined the Council.

-So has Aspheera. -Huh?

When you're a criminal of my stature, you hear things.

That leaves Captain Soto, Killow, Ultra-Violet...

Small timers.

We need to think bigger.

Krux? Acronix? Garmadon?

Nobody knows where my father is.

Or Krux and Acronix for that matter.

What about the Mechanic?

Mmm, maybe. He was small-time,

but he leveled up in my book

since the whole Prime Empire thing.

We know where his lair is.

If he hasn't moved.

It's worth a sh*t.

[police sirens blaring]


Woah! We got company!

Twitchy! Is there anywhere we can hide?

Uh... Hide? Sure!

Get behind the counter!

-Move over! -I can't! There's no room!

Over there! Quick!

Well, howdy, sir. What'll it be?

Leaded or unleaded?



[Twitchy] Can I help, sir?

[officer] We're on the lookout for some escaped prisoners.

[Hounddog groans]

The Ninja?

The Ninja?

[crackling, whimpers]

You probably saw on the news, they broke out of Kryptarium.

We thought they might be headed this way.

Well, boy, are you a good guesser!

They're right here!


You were supposed to hide us!

I was? [crackling]

Well, I'll be tickled pink if it ain't my friends the Ninja!

Leaded or unleaded?

Holy cow!

Nobody move! Y'all are under arrest!

Go! Be free!

Remember me!


[heroic music]

-Look out! -[crashing]

[cooing] My cry fills the night!

-Fly, you fools! -Cuff him!

-I got him! -Go! Save yourselves!

Take care of my Bluejay!

What just happened?

I think Fugi-Dove saved our butts!

I'm so confused right now, I don't know what to feel!

Why did he do that?

Who cares? Let's get outta here!

Oh, boy.

Mayor's not gonna like that.


Looks like we're in luck.

Room full of creepy arms,

I'd say the mechanic's still here.

[Cole] Maybe I was wrong about him leveling up.

Not very bright of him to keep the same lair.

[mechanical whirring]

Well, if it ain't the Ninja, dropping by unannounced!

You should have called ahead, I'd have made appetizers!

Don't let him get away!


I'm not running! This is my home!

Well, more of an evil lair, really.

[Kai] Ninja Go!



[Jay] We just wanna talk.

[Cole] And tie you up for a bit!

I don't think so.

I think this is a good opportunity for some payback!

Remember me?

Zane the pain!

-[crashing] -[crackling]


[Kai] That outta hold him for a while.

[Jay chuckles] Hey, look. He's trapped!

By Prime Empire! Get it?

Trapped by the game! [chuckles]

-Good one, Jay. -Yeah!

What now, Lloyd?

[muffled shouting]

-Is that Lloyd? -[Zane] Affirmative.

I was able to fashion a GPS device for Lloyd

using some of the Mechanic's crude electronics.

[muffled] Crude? I'll show you crude!

I can track him wherever he goes now.

Wonder how long we'll have to wait?

Something tells me not long.

[laser buzzing]

You are invited to join the Council of the Crystal King

and have your revenge upon those who wronged you.

Do you accept?

What took you so long?

Good. Follow the spider. It will bring you to me.

[closing theme music]