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01x26 - Maxum Brain, Interrupted / Wrinkle Resistant

Posted: 07/02/23 05:14
by bunniefuu
♪ We are splitsboro kids

♪ And we go to sidekick school

♪ Learning to be second best

♪ While playing by the rules

♪ Maxum man is missing

♪ Now we rule the school

♪ Flyin', smashin', bashin' stuff ♪

♪ And lookin' super cool

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ That's the life for me

♪ Half-sized super zeros

♪ With full-sized hero dreams

♪ I'm a sidekick, sidekick

♪ What an awesome gig

♪ Just like superheroes (just like superhzeroes)

♪ But only half as big

♪ Sidekick!


(Sniffs) ah! Spring is here!

I am as excited as my sense-emulator chip

Allows me to be!

(Fireworks whistle then peter out)

Which is very little.

Oh well,

Now for a mansion-wide cleaning!

(Mechanical arms whir)

(Humming tunelessly)

(Mechanical arms whir)

(Maxum-brain hums)

(Mechanical arms whir, maxum-brain hums)

(Wheezing cough)


(Licks) that's weird,

I got fried cheese all over this yesterday!

(Pot smashes)

Maxum-brain (humming)

(Gasps) there's cleaning a-brewing!

This must not stand!

Quick! To our secret peanut butter stash!

Ahh... Spotless and germ-free.

(Celebratory singing)

(Gasps) no!

(Laughing, pig squeals)

Maxum-brain what have you done?

(Chuckles) uh, it wasn't me.

Agh! Why you filthy, peanut butter-smearing-

(Whirring) ahhhhhhhh!

Ahhhh! Trevor! Help!

Faster, piggy!

Trot like the wind!




(Saw buzzes)


Ha! You missed!

You messy, foolish, eating-peanut-butter-

Straight-out-of-the-jar- with-your-disgusting-fingers-

Hey! It's better than using my tongue,

Which I also do!

Here is what I also do!

I quit! I'm going to computown.

No humans allowed!

Fine! Leave! I don't need you!

I can take care of myself!

Whoa! (Dishes smash)

(Dishwasher hums)

Um, I might be in some trouble here.



Maxum-brain (relaxed sigh)

Today is the first day of the rest of my battery-life!

I'm done with humans - especially eric - forever!

Who knows what amazing and joyous adventures

My future will hold?!


(Garbage shifts and clatters)


What a horrible nanoseconds that was.

(Fizzles) ahhhhh-ha-ha!

Perhaps quitting was a mistake.

Maxum-brain spam e-mail alert.

Hmph! I bet it's eric begging me to come back.

S.a.s.s.-C. Working for humans getting you down?

Struck by lightning in a dirty alley?

If you're looking for a super-computer roommate

Who doesn't mind sharing electrical outlets,

I'm your model!

Roommate? Hmm...


(Door creaks open)

Hello. I'm, uh...

Here about the roommate ad.


Whoa! Ahhhh!

Oh yeah! Mm-mm-mm! Do-do-do!

Ahhhh... Now this is the life!


See? I told you we didn't need maxum bring-down around here.

Trevor absolutely!

Uh, is that enough pretending-

Everything's-actually-okay time?

Yes. Yes, it is.

(Scream in fear)

S.a.s.s.-C. Welcome roomie!


You're not a spy for those filthy humans, are ya?


No! I am through with humans!

Yeah, I can't stand the flesh-bags either!

You got first and last month's rent?

Not at this moment, but...

B-b-b-but I am looking for employment,

And will do chores around the docking station!


I know you're good for it.

(Fizzles) agghhhhh!


Gotcha, roomie!

Well, she is dangerous, rude and messy,

But still better than eric.

I knew washing dishes was gonna k*ll me one day.

(Bubbling, hiss)


So, I guess it's time to call maxum-brain, huh?


No! I stand by my previous,

Albeit now-hard-to-believe claim:

We don't need maxum-brain!

Whoa! (Splash)

(Maxum-brain hums)

Roomie! Dinner is ready!

(Loud gulp)

Uh, those were for both of us -

Me and you.


There ya go.

Now, I gotta dump some files,

If you know what I mean.


Hey! You figured out a way

To pay the rent yet, brainie?

(Laser hums)

Uh, oh, yes, indeed!

I did find, uh, something.

I get my first payment at the end of the day.

If I survive that long.

Oh, man!

I can't wait to get maxum-brain back!

Just imagine flushing toilets again!


Look, I told you, I don't need him!

Then why'd you bring the dirty laundry, dude?

I like to take my laundry for a walk!

Now keep your eyes open for-

There he is!



Eric! Trevor! What are you doing here?!

Please come back!

We ate socks for dinner last night - socks!

And we can't find the toilet paper!

We need more socks!


Be quiet and go back to the mansion.

The beautiful, clean, safe mansion.

Hmm... Sounds like "somebody's" homesick, eh, trevor?

Trevor, you can tell "somebody"

That if they are waiting for "somebody" to apologize,

They might have to wait a long time

For "somebody" to do so.

Who are all these somebodys?! And why are they such jerks?!

Who are you calling a jerk?!

I believe that was trevor,

But I would be happy to do as well!


And get your smelling-of the-peanut-butter finger

Out of my screen!


Who's gonna make me?!

Oh, I will be making you!


Can't you just admit that you both were wrong,

And that I had nothing to do with this?

Maxum-brain and eric no!


I don't have time for this.

I am being late for work.

Have a nice life!

Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance!

What have I done?

So, we're gonna spy on him

And try to get him back, right?

I thought that was obvious.

(Boxing bell dings, cameras snap photos)

No... Way!

(Mic feedback squeals)

Announcer welcome to the ultimate computing federation's

Main event.

Let's compuuuu-duuuel!

(Crowd cheers)

Announcer in this corner he's wild, he's unstable,

And he needs an upgrade bad!

It's el cerebro psicopata!

(Crowd boos)

And in this corner, the undefeated champion -

Deadlier than any virus and twice as nasty -

The dark box!

(Saw buzzes)



Perhaps I can do this!

(Saw buzzes)

Ow! Perhaps not! Oof!

"Ow" is what I would say, if I actually felt pain!

(Hard whack, maxum-brain crashes)

(Ding, crowd cheers)

(Loud clang, shatters)

(Crowd cheers wildly)


(Clang, whirring)


Aagghhh! Ooh! Ooh!!



(Flames roar)


(Loud clang)



Uh-oh! (Fizzles)


Oh! This is awful.

Brain is being beaten senseless!

No one treats maxum-brain like that -

Uh, except me.

We gotta do something!

Please say we're gonna compu-duel!

Please say we're gonna compu-duel!

Eric let's compu-duel!

Now aren't you glad

I brought along my dirty laundry?

Actually... (Sniffs) not so much.

(Whirring, blades clang)

Crowd (shocked response)

(Banging and gnawing)

Whoa! Whoa!

Thank you, masked computers.

Da nada, dude.

Agh! Trevor? Eric!

What are you doing here?

I was wrong, brain.

I need you to come home with me.

I'm sorry.

Yes, yes. That is all very heartwarming

And I accept your apology, but you must leave before-



(Crowd gasps)

(Angry beeping)

(Mic feedback)

Flesh alert! Flesh alert!

Human intruders! Destroy! Destroy!

(Angry beeping and whirring)

Maxum-brain human children don't stand a chance

Against this much raw computer power!

That's where you're wrong, brain!

We might not be stronger or smarter...

Or good-looking.

(Awkward pause)

Or good-looking,

But we human's have got one thing

That no computer can ever stand up against:

Really sticky fingers!




(Evil chuckling)


How about a little peanut butter in the disc drive?

Excellent choice, sir!


(Splat, computers fizzle and explode)

Maxum-brain (sighs) well...

I suppose I can never again return to computown.

Eric you don't have to, brain.

You've got a home right here.

I guess you are right.

Still, it was nice to hang out with other computers

For a while and... Whhhhhhaaaaaat?!

Hey, brainy.

Thought I'd drop by for a visit.

Well, actually, I got kicked out of computown

Because I had a traitor for a roommate.

You don't mind, right?

I'll show you "mind".

Gentlemen, masks on!

(Sniffs) ewwww!


Eric thanks a lot for letting me come along, mr. Troublemeyer.

I can't wait to go on an actual, real family outing!

I'm recording everything!

I don't want to forget a second.


Well, you won't find a more normal family

Than the troublemeyers.

No siree, bob. (Chuckles)

You might want to watch out for the playful hair tousling.

That's how this happened.



Eric so that's your grandpa.

He looks so sweet and kind.

Just what a grandpa should be.

Are you ready?

Ready for what?

Oh, dad! Duck!

(Laser blasts)

Oh, it's you. I thought I smelled failure!

(Sizzles, groans)

What was that?!

That was my grandpa!

Trevor my boy!

Come over to the dark side...

Of the room

And give your gramps a hug!

Sir, what is this "hug" of which you speak?

Who's the nerd? (Laser blasts)

Hello, sir! I'm eric!

(Blast) I've heard older people can be grouchy,

(Blast) so it doesn't bother me

That you are trying to... (Blast) vaporize me.


(Trigger clicks, armpit odour hisses)

(Sniffs) ewwwwww!

Trevor come on! Let's go, let's go!

Wait for me!

Hello, dad.

How's life on planet goody-two-shoes?

Dad, don't start with me or with trevor.

We've been through this.

Who's starting anything?

I'm just a kindly old grandpa, remember?

Hey! Who wants licorice sticks?

Oh... (Chuckles)

Black licorice sticks!

(Plays melodramatic organ chords)

(Evil laughter)

Grrrrr... (Angry grunts)

Eric and so the modern family sets out

On their day of bonding,

Full of hope and good cheer.

Are you for real? Is he for real?

Where's my death ray?

No, that's not it.

Oh, I haven't seen this for a while.

Oh! A-ha! Ho!

(Tires screech)

No destroying in the car, dad.

I told you,

We're gonna have a nice, normal family day this time.

First, a trip to the postage stamp museum,

Then a tour of the milk and toast factory!


Won't that be fun?!

(Screen evaporates)

Or we could go visit my old neighbourhood...

On the e-vile side of town.

Cool! Can we go, dad?

Can-we-can-we-can-we? Can-we-can-we-can-we?

Hey, grandpa?

Why did you live on the evil side of town?

Because it was cooler?

I lived there - we lived there -

Because our whole family is evi-

Dad, stop!

(Tires screech)


Xenior no, I won't stop!

I'm proud of my family history

And you should be too!

You're not the boss of me.

Trevor well, you are the boss of me,

But I'm not staying either! Hmph!

Wow! Families are a lot more complicated than I thought,

And they've got way more lasers!

That old crank!

I should drive him into the tar pits

And fossilize him!

Hmm... Great idea!

Now where are those tar pits?

Okay, I worked out a compromise:

A picnic...

Excellent idea, eric!

Xenior (grumbling) trevor oh man!

On the evil side of town!

(Melodramatic organ chord plays, pig squeals)


On one condition no more lasers.


(Camper starts up)

(Evil giggles)

(Evil giggles)

Eric this is so great.

A real, typical family picnic!

(Car alarms beep, creature whooshes through sky)


Here, trevor.

Have a high-fructose corn syrup soda.

Troublemeyer no! Have an organic wheatgrass smoothie, son.

I brought a loaf of black pumpernickel.

But... Well, that seems okay.

You can slice it with my laser dagger!


What? No!

Trevor, don't! It's dangerous.

Hey! You know what isn't dangerous?



Dad, stop trying to make trevor evil!

Never! I'm not going to fail with him

Like I did with you!

Being a kind...

And loving father is not a failure.

(Party favour toots)

Your evil schemes end now!

Eric yup, a typical family picnic.

(Creature growls, eric screams)

But I don't wanna go back!

Well, they've got parcheesi and creamed corn at the home.

Oh! It'll be fun!

Fine. I'll go back.

But grant me one thing first.

You wouldn't deny an old man his one wish, would you?

Oh, all right.

Good! Turn here!

(Tires screech) all whoa!

Xenior the troublemeyer family homestead!

(Wolf howls)

What're we doing here?!

I don't know,

But there better be creamed corn!

A cabin in the woods, just like in the movies!

Seriously, who's the nerd?

Dad, what are you up to?

What? Can't a grandfather teach his only grandson

About his roots? Hmm?

I always thought I might be a plant!


(Melodramatic organ chords play)

Couldn't gramps have picked any happy sh*ts?

Those are the happy ones.

Wow! This is great!

A typical family rec room.

(Sighs) the memories, the good times,

The love,

The secret lab with a doomsday device?!

(Thunder booms, xenior laughs)

This is awesome!

Trevor, no! Dad, what're you doing?!

You can't deny a frail old man

The chance to share a precious moment

With his only grandson.

(Deflates, chuckles)


I love this family!


Xenior gotcha!



Aghhh-aghhh! Aghhh-aghhh!

Finally, the do-gooders are gone!

It's time for you to become a real troublemeyer!

Push the button. Embrace the darkness!

(Evil laughter)

C'mon, it'll be fun.


Trevor wow! Lights!

Xenior minutes until doomsday!

Now, let us laugh together!

(Maniacal laughter)

Aghhh-aghhh! Aghhh-aghhh!


Mr. Troublemeyer, are you okay?

(Groans, squirrel chatters)

I'm fine, eric.

Mr. Troublemeyer, having a secret lab

With a doomsday device in your basement

Is not normal!

Oh, don't be silly, eric.

It's a game. A normal family-type game!


Trust me, it's a game and... And you are "it"!

I am?

Ha-ha. Yes, you are.

Now, you just, um, cover your eyes

And count to ten -

No, a thousand -

And then you come find us, okay?

Mr. Troublemeyer, I don't believe you!

I don't believe that you are giving me

The greatest family day a kid could ever have!

One, two...

Phew! Now to save trevor from evil!

What'd he-

Troublemeyer hah. No peeking!

This is so great! And ow!


There is only one super villain in this family

And that is me!


Trevor so what happens when it hits zero?

Well, it's a doomsday device.

A device that brings about doom

On any given day

That you choose to bring about said doom.

D-u-m spells doom.


Your father nearly ruined you.

But don't worry, I'll set you on the right path -

The evile one!


Xox not if I can help it!

Who are you?

And how dare you challenge me!

(Blast) go, grandpa!

Go, xox!

(Angry growls)


(Struggling grunts)

You will never defeat me!

You will never defeat me!

Best family outing ever!

Huh... I wonder where dad is?

Nine hundred ninety-nine... One thousand!

Now I wonder where a family like the troublemeyers

Might be hiding?

(Loud expl*si*n)

Ready or not, here I come!


Grandpa, what happened?

I was having the best dream

Everything was evil.

(Groans) trevor, are you all right?

Dad! You missed it! You always miss it.

Well, I'm here now, son.

Xenior trevor, come over to the dark side...of the lab,

Where I'm standing.

No, son. Stay here and try to be good.

Hmm... On the one hand,

I love hanging out with you, grandad,

But on the other hand, dad is really boring.

But on the other other hand,

Siding with my dad makes me feel weird.

So I guess what I'm saying is...

I'd miss tv too much.

Sorry, grandad.

I guess it's for the best.

After all, if I blow up the world,

I'll blow up trevor,

And trevor will never fulfill his destiny...

To blow up the world.

Eric hey! You guys are supposed to be hiding!

Sorry about your camera, eric.

I guess you won't have memories

Of our little family outing?

That's okay. I've got it all right here.

Aghhh! (Groans in pain)

I can't remember a thing.

You okay, dad?

I'm just a little sore.

I guess e-vile is a young man's game.

Who wants creamed corn?!

