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01x44 - The Mystery of the Missing Hi-tops

Posted: 07/05/23 11:58
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]







They're gainin' on us!

Gainin's not catchin'.

Follow me!


[Tails screams]




Hey Bug-Bot!

Look, you're in the headlines!



Hey, what's this?

"The town of McGuffin has declared tomorrow

'Sonic Appreciation Day,' as a way to say 'thanks'

to Mobius' fastest hero."

Can we go Sonic?

Can we?

You kiddin', kiddo?

I wouldn't miss it!

Let's burn, Vern!

Sonic's on his way!

And he's wearin' his special friction-proof sneakers!

The ones he can't run without.

[man over the phone] Good work!

I'm gonna heist those hitops if it's the last thing I do!

[Footsteps approaching]

I'm Harry the Hawker, your friendly souvenir salesman.

Welcome to Sonic Appreciation Day.

[Hawk face] Nice mask, kid.

Ow! Watch it!

Can I interest you in a set of genyooine Sonic brand

steak knives?

[Hawk face] These babies slice, they dice, they peel and squeal!

No thanks.

Something a little more collectible, maybe?

Bubble gum chewed by Sonic himself.

I don't chew gum.

Boy, kid. You're a tough sell.

He should be. He's Sonic.

You mean, that's not a mask?

This just in, Harry the Hawker has finally gotten a clue.

Stay tuned for new developments.

Get the picture, slomo?


Complimentary bookmark to show there's no hard feelings?

Well, I guess it's time for me to meet all of my fans,

talk to 'em, shake their hands

and save their butts from this giant robot.

There he is!

The monster robot's Sonic-Tracking device

is foolproof!


So now that we found him, can we smash him?


Just make sure the robot's left foot goes first!

[Chicken laugh]


[Grounder] Uh, which one of us controls the left?

You do, tractor-head!

[Scratch] You're left!

[Grounder] Oh!









Time for the main event,

the three-legged race!

The thrill of victory.

The agony of Defeet!

[Grounder] Hey, don't look at me!

I'm never right.

Anyways, I'm left, you said so!

Oh no!

We're going down!


That oughtta send 'em clatterin' back to Robuttnik.

[Sonette] Help!

[Sonic gasps]



[Tails gasps]



Oh, it's you!


Hi! My name's Sonette.

I changed it on account I'm your biggest fan!

I've got your t-shirt, your watch--


[Sonette] Your hair colouring kit.

And I betcha' this looks familiar,

doesn't it?




How'd you fall off the roof?

Oh, that? I jumped.

You what?!?

I wanted you to save me.

How else was I going to meet you, silly?

Now how 'bout another kiss, you hunky hedgehog?

Sorry! Gotta go!

Nobody treats me that way!!

Oh, I'll get even with you, Mr. Hedgehog!

Just you wait!!

Room for two, please.

And does room service have chili dogs?

[Hodgepodge] Sonic!

Why you prickle-backed, chili-scarfin' road-burner!



[Tails] Sonic, who is this guy?

The handle's Hodgepodge.

Me and Sonic here go way back.


Ow! Knock it off!

So why'd he kick you?

That's his way of saying "Howdy."

Wanna race?

You kiddin'? Jes' like ol' times!

Let's do it!


Hey, wait for me!

C'mon! We'll use the ramp they set up for

my speed demonstration tomorrow!

Ready, set, go!




Sonic wins!

Just like old times.

Hey, you're pretty fast, though.

Look at these.

Years back, they used to be the fastest feet around.

Then, Hurricane Sonic blew into town.


Hurricane, blew--


Good one, huh?

Beat me in every race we ever had.

I used t'be real jealous of this crazy galoot

bein' faster than me.

You're not still mad are you?

Heck no!

You helped me realize that I don't have t'be the fastest

feller around to "matter."

Boy, I sure do love this Sonic Appreciation Day!



Boy, do I feel appreciated.


[Sonic screams]


Sorry about that, pal.

S'aright, Senore Sonic.

Seein' asa how itsa you.

[Hodgepodge] Sonic?

Where'd you fly off to, old buddy?

Come back!

I gotta carry your bags or I'll lose mah job!

Checking into the Plazoid, hmm?

Well, tonight, Sonic, you'll be checking out permanently!






Will you hurry up and play a card?!



[Crowd cheering]

[Train whistles]

I don't remember programming you to beat me!!!



I just hate losing at cards!


[Scratch] Dr. Robotnik!

We found the hedgehog!

Yeah! But then we lost the hedgehog.

You lost him!?!

What happened to my Giant Robo-Router Robot?!

Uh, uh, it kinda turned out to have two left feet.

[Nervous laugh]

You see, this town was having a Sonic appreciation day and--

Sonic appreciation?

Somewhere on Mobius, there is a whole town of people

praising that hedgehog?

Uh, huh.

Praise, parades, celebrations.

I want that town of disgusting Sonic lovers flattened!!!


With this, my new Robo-Roller, you will squash Sonic

and his 'fan club' into a squishy paste!!

But first, do either of you know how to play gin rummy?


Oh, my head.

What was in those chili dogs?

My kicks!

Somebody ripped off my slick kicks!

[Sonic] Somebody's stopped me from running!


[Crickets chirping]

[Tails snoring]

Tails! Get up! Emergency!

[Tails snoring]

Somebody stole my hitops!

That's awful!

Maybe it's not so bad.

Lemme try something.




Oh, it's no use.

I can't beat feet without my slick kicks to protect 'em.

We'll find 'em, Sonic!

It's a mystery!

We'll be detectives!

You know that's not how I work.

I'd rather use my feet than my head.


But, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh?


Let's look for clues.



I think I found a clue.

[Sonic] What, what?, what?

Here's our hi-topper-napper!





It's embarrassing.

I can't tell ya.

I can't! I can't! I can't!

Okay, let's take him apart, Tails.

Dibs on his headlights.

Okay! Okay! Okay!

I was in the closet because

I was gonna-- getcha in your sleep.

So why the nap attack?

Lemme explain,

I snuck in your room, hid in the closet,

and waited for hours.

Hours and hours!

You two fell asleep after eating all those chili dogs.

Yuck! Messy! Messy! Messy!

I was gonna get you.

But then I noticed something else in the room with you!

No way, I was gonna let somebody else catch you.


So, I came out, ready to kick some Mobian behind.

Uh, it was a tough battle.

But I got so tired from beating on the guy I just-- fell asleep.

And that's all I remember!

I don't know who took your stupid hitops!

I don't. I don't.

I think he's tellin' the truth.

He wouldn't wanna swipe my shoes he'd wanna swipe me.

Let's go find more clues!

I'll get my stuff.


Without your super speed, you'll never find those sneakers!

Never! Never!


You know what?

Your new bookmark is missing too!

Who cares about that?

I need my hitops!

Let's get going!

Aw, come on, cut me loose.

My tail's starting to hurt.

Come on?! Come on?!

Look here, Tails.

Somebody cut a hole in this door.


A metal door.

Lock's been picked, too.

I know whodunit!


That bully Hodgepodge!

He's our hitopper-napper!

Okay, you floppy-eared crook, cough up the hitops!

I don't know what your talkin' about,

Lil' Pard'ner!

What would want with those confounded hitops?


You said you used to hate Sonic for being faster than you!

Fess up!!

I tol' ya, I used tuh be jealous!

Tails, let him up before he gets mad.


Shaking Hodgepodge isn't going to get my hitops back.

Look at his feet.

With feet that big, what would he do with my hitops?

Uh, use them as to warmers?

[Sonic] They might as well take down those ramps.

No speed show now.

I think this town's got bigger things tuh worry about.

We heard on the radio that Robotnik's sending' his badniks

to destroy the town!

We've gotta find your hitops quick!


This town needs a hero, not a barefoot slomo.

Ah, quit bein' so hard on yerself,

ya bug-eyed roadrat!

It ain't your shoes that make you a hero, amigo.

It's somethin' in the way you are.

I won't be anything, you won't be anything,

this town won't be anything if we don't find those hightops!


Any luck?

No sign of my slick kicks anywhere.

Wait a minute!

I'll get even with you, Mr. Hedgehog!

Just you wait!!

[Sonic] Hold on there!


You snuck into my room last night,

didn't you?


I knew you'd find me!

I'm sorry, Sonic!

I'll give them back!

She's the hi-topper-napper!

[Blows nose]

Here! Take back everything I took from you!

She isn't the hitopper-napper?

You didn't swipe my hitops?


[Sonette] I snuck into your room and the door was open.

I was looking for a souvenir of your visit.

So, I took the wrapper and the red bookmark

and immediately left.


And that's all that happened.


Lemme get this straight.

You stole these from my hotel room?


And I'm so ashamed of myself for doing it!

Don't be.


He touched me!

Tails, I know who our hi-topper-napper is!


No time! Look!!


Whaddaya gonna do, Sonic?

I'm gonna stop them the same way I figured out

who stole my hitops.

I'm gonna use the ol' grey matter.

Sonic appreciation day has just become

real estate depreciation day!

[Sonic] I'm gonna lure them over here.

At the last second, I jump away.

They'll go straight up the ramp and flip the 'roller!

Great plan!

Now go hide.



Why don't you two egg-kissers come and flatten me first?

If you can, that is!

Let's get him!

I'm waiting!

[Coconuts] And I'm back!

Home run!

I don't know why Dr. Robotnik keeps you idiots around!

Spine-head was trying to trick you!

He was?

Oh, that little sneak.

Good thing Coconuts warned us.

No way Sonic is gonna fool us twice.

Oh, my gracious!

You two are the ramp safety testers, aren't you?

-Huh? -Huh?

Oh, we need these ramps

for Mr. Sonic's charity speed benefit.

If you test them with that contraption,

you'll flatten them!

Oh, without them, the widows and orphans of McGuffin

will have nothing to eat this winter.




Sorry, Lady.

Duty calls.

I can't believe they're falling for this!

Scratch! Grounder!


It's another triumph--

You talk too much.


[Scratch cackling]

Scratch, shouldn't we be chasing the hedgehog?

Oh, we will.

But when Dr. Robotnik hears that we were cruel to widows

and orphans too, he'll be twice as proud!



[Both grunting]


Junk mail.

So where are your hitops?

Well, let's check out the evidence.

We know that somebody snuck into the room and took 'em

while we were catchin' Z's, right?

[Tails] Coconuts was in the room! I think he did it.

[Sonic] Yeah, he was in the room.

But when we found him sleeping in the closet,

he didn't have the sneakers.

[Tails] So then it WAS Hodgepodge!

[Sonic] Why would a bellboy with a key to room need to pick the lock?

Besides the hitops wouldn't fit his big feet, remember?

[Tails] Well then Sonette is the only suspect left.

[Sonic] Nah, she already confessed to another crime,

stealing the bookmark.

Of course, she didn't steal my bookmark.

[Tails] Huh?

[Sonic] The bookmark Harry the Hawker gave me was blue.

The bookmark Sonette stole and returned to me was red.

Hey, you're right.

How'd it change colour?

It didn't.

There were two different bookmarks.




Say! What's the big idea?



Sonic! You figured it out!

All right. You got me. Happy?

So, what did happen, Sonic?

[Sonic] Hawk-Face cut the hole in the door with one of his Sonic Brand

Steak knives.

These babies slice, they dice, they peel and squeal!

[Sonic] Somehow, the klutz dropped a red bookmark.

When he tried to pick it back up,

he took my blue one by mistake.

The red one he really dropped was still on the floor.

[Tails] And that was the bookmark that Sonette stole!

You musta' arranged this whole thing.

Which leaves one question.

Why did you take my hitops?

I wanted to cut them up and sell pieces as souvenirs.

I broke sixteen sets of steak knives trying.

Book em', Fido.

I've got a way cool idea.

What's this?

"Congratulations! You have just been elected

an official member of the Sonic Fan Club!

Here's your souvenir talking t-shirt.

Egg-Belly Size!"



I hate that hedgehog!

Wait, Sonette!

You know stealing is wrong!

No! Forget her!

Nice shoes!

Go on, take 'em!

No, I can't!

Thanks for being honest, Sonette!

I knew you'd do the right thing!

Sonic, I learned my lesson.

I'm not cut out for stealing 'cause it's just not right!

