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02x06 - Demon House

Posted: 07/14/23 11:35
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think I was

ready for this.

NARRATOR: In Indiana,

horror awaits investigators

inside a notoriously evil home.

When the location has a nickname

"The Demon House,"

you do have a lot

of concerns going in.

NARRATOR: In Ohio, ghost hunters

face multiple spirits

in one of the state's

most-haunted buildings.

So I just saw this dark mass.

I was scared as hell.

NARRATOR: And in Connecticut,

a home haunting proves to be

too much for investigators.

It was seriously frightening.

[ Laughing evilly ]

WOMAN: [ Screams ]


NARRATOR: In the small

Indiana town of Hartford City

stands Monroe House.

The two-story home looks like

a typical one

you'll see in the suburbs,

but this isn't a normal house,

far from it.

In , Eddie Norris

buys the property.

He plans to renovate

then sell it.

Plans quickly change when

he witnesses frightening

and unexplained activity.


McGILL: He would be working

on the house,

and he would see shadow figures

out of the corner of his eye.


He would hear

disembodied voices,

voices of women

and small children.

[ Indistinct voices ]

The activity eventually got

so bad

he didn't want to work

on the house if he were alone.

He decided to not sell the house

because he didn't feel good

about passing this type of

thing on to somebody.

He wanted to hang on to it

and try to get answers.

NARRATOR: The home, now dubbed

the Demon House,

intrigues investigator

Eric McGill,

the founder

of Ectovision Paranormal.

McGILL: It's very important to

take a respectful approach

when communicating with spirits.

In our current understanding

and mind-set of science

and the paranormal,

there's a lot that we don't

understand in this world.


NARRATOR: The Monroe House dates

back to the s.

Its history is grim

and chilling.

McGILL: The first death said to

have occurred was in .

It was a -year-old girl.

She perished in a house fire.

[ Screams ]

In the s, it was said that

a woman had taken her own life.

She had hung herself.

They've even discovered human

remains down in the basement.

NARRATOR: Along with the death,

there also dark behavior.

McGILL: In the s, there was

said to have been occult

type activity

in the Monroe House,

and this is thought to be

the origin of why it's now

known as the Demon House.


When the location has a nickname

the Demon House,

you do have

a lot of concerns going in.


Eric arranges to investigate

the house with his team,

which includes Tom Javorsky.

The building from the street

looked like a normal house.

When you enter the house,

that's kind of

when everything changes.


We weren't sure

what we would encounter.

What's going on in here?

McGILL: On the investigation

was Shawn Gilmore.

He told me that this house has

the same exact energy

as a cemetery.

I'm not even sure if Shawn knew

that at one time

there were human remains exhumed

from out of the basement.

It kind of set the tone

for the evening.

NARRATOR: As the team sets up

for the investigation,

something has a negative effect

over one of the crew.

McGILL: One of our cameramen,

Brendan Shay, he became sick...

-You okay?

-Brendan. violently ill.

He started feeling dizzy,

and he started feeling nauseous.

His exactly words were...


-Say that, out of the blue.

We need to get Brendan

out of here.

-Brendan. Hey.

-[ Coughing ]


I'm gonna...[ coughs ]

McGILL: So we had to quickly

take Brendan outside.

Is he all right?

After that, Brendan was fine.

He just had to get out

of that area.


While the investigators

regroup outside,

the spirits

remain active inside.

McGILL: While we were gone,

our static cameras captured

what sounded like boards


maybe like someone heavy

stepping on the wooden floor.

They just creaked really loud.


When they review their footage,

they find more troubling sounds.

There's a room upstairs.

We called it the coffin room.


In that room was the bust

of a demon,

a devil-looking thing.

It was probably

a Halloween prop.

NARRATOR: In that room,

they capture a voice.

I think I got something here.

An EVP that says the word,


It's either,

A, identifying itself or, B,

it sees a demon in the room,

and it's saying,

"There it is, demon."

Either way, that signifies

that we are dealing

with an intelligent entity,

whether it be a demon

or a human spirit.



When no more EVPs come through,

the team moves to what

Eddie calls the children's room.


They use an EMF detector

that's disguised as the toy dog.


The Parapooch is

an interesting device.

We figure if there's any

children spirits in that room,

they might be more apt

to come and play

with something

that looks like a toy.

Are you still in here with us?

We'd really appreciate

you setting the dog off.


[ Beep ]

Did you hear that?

Can you do that again, please?

[ Beeps ]

The alarm for the Parapooch

was setting off,

and the lights were going off.

[ Beeping ]

Spirits have theorized to emit

this EMF field

which would cause

the device to go off.

Did you make Brendan

sick earlier?

[ Beeps ]


So after the Parapooch

went off a couple times,

it made an odd sound, an alarm

that we've never heard before.

[ High-pitched beeping ]

Are you playing games with us?



In Hartford City, Indiana,

ghost hunter Eric McGill

and his team investigate reports

of a demon at the Monroe House.

An entity sets off

one of their devices

in a way that causes concern.

[ Beeps ]


The Parapooch made an odd sound,

an alarm that we've

never heard before.

We didn't know

what to make of it.

Are you playing games with us?

Entirely possible that a spirit

could manipulate the sounds

that that device makes.

[ High-pitched beeping ]

It actually went off over

a period of about two hours.

Would you describe yourself

as demonic or evil?

[ Beep ]

This isn't normal to have

so much interaction.

This was a paranormal



NARRATOR: The investigators turn

their focus downstairs,

but the activity in the house

only escalates further.

All of a sudden,

we got a strange EVP.

-What was that?

-Did you hear that?


-The whisper?

McGILL: Yeah, I heard that.

It sounded to me like it

was saying, "Don't go."

We heard you.

The next thing that happened

was pretty chilling.

-What do you got?

-Listen to this.

This little girl's voice

that we weren't able

to account for says,

"Not my friends, Daddy."

Not my friends, Daddy.

We were absolutely shocked

to hear this.

GIRL: Not my friends, Daddy.

The most disturbing thing

about this is if it in fact

a demon in disguise,

as many have theorized,

that's pretty terrifying to me.


All of a sudden, we heard

the Parapooch alarming

in the other room,

in the kids' bedroom.

We ran over there real quick.


The team starts an EVP session,

desperate to learn more

about the little girl.

Shawn started asking questions,

trying to get direct responses.

We wanted to try

to get communication

through the device.

[ Beeping ]


Can you do that one more time?

[ Beeping ]

Whoa. I got major chills

when I came in here, too.

Oh, yeah.

The whole session

was pretty incredible.

NARRATOR: Eric brings in a more

sophisticated device,

the Parascope , to verify

the presence of the little girl.

So I'm gonna turn it

on right now.

This is a pretty cool

paranormal device.

Since it only detects

natural energy,

we feel that

it's a reliable device

to use on an investigation.

I set the Parascope down

in the center of the room,

and I started to ask questions.

If there's anybody here with us

in this room, make it light up.


All of a sudden,

the lights on the side light up.

Wow, look at it.

Here we go.

Yes, thank you.

Now keep it going.

Make this go in a circle.

And then shortly after that,

the team hears a disembodied

voice in the room.

Let's try this...

What was that?

-That was a voice right here.

-I heard it, too.

That sounded like it said


That was a disembodied voice,


You're kidding me.

That sounded like it said


-It was right here.


Can you please say

something else to us?

We're listening.

There it is.

You hear that?

There's something

that's here now.

That was definitely

a disembodied voice.

Yeah, that was, like, creepy.

That was scary.

When you hear a small child's

voice cry out, it is disturbing.

Is this child looking

for their mommy?

Is it sad? Is it lonely?

Is it in danger, or is it

something more malevolent

disguising itself as a child?

We just have no way of knowing.

If the little girl actually was

a demon in disguise,

it would be a dangerous thing.


And this spirit isn't quite done

communicating with

the investigators.

Right after we hear

this disembodied voice say

"Mommy," Marcus Hogg feels

a static charge up his leg.

I have static charge

on my right leg.

I felt it, too.

Like static electricity,

right here.

My hair is standing

straight up right now.

Because it literally looked

like a dark shadow

standing in the middle

of the hallway.

At this point

in the investigation,

we don't know if we're dealing

with something demonic.

The nature of a demon is

to create havoc and misery

wherever it can.

-Oh, my god.




What do you got?

NARRATOR: An investigation into

the Demon House in Indiana

takes a terrifying turn

when an unknown entity

att*cks an investigator.

-Oh, my god.


We don't know if we're dealing

with something demonic.





When Marcus got another

static charge up his right leg,

it was very clear to us

at this point

whatever is there seems

to have the power

to be able to manipulate us.

That's not a normal thing

to have happen

to anyone on your team.

NARRATOR: As Marcus recovers

from the shock,

the activity suddenly ceases.

We don't know

if the spirit left,

but it stopped at that moment.

Whatever is there seems

to be intelligent

and seems to have

a lot of power.


We decided to call it

for the evening

and pack everything in.

NARRATOR: Eric shares their

findings with Eddie,

the owner of the house.

McGILL: He is particularly

frightened of the voice

that we captured

of the little girl.

Some people believe that it's

the spirit of the little girl

who is said

to have burnt in the fire.

[ Screaming ]

NARRATOR: To this day,

the spirit of the little girl

remains at Monroe House.

McGILL: Hauntings of this nature

shouldn't be taken lightly.

We were all a little worried

at times.

Fortunately, we all got out

of there safely and unharmed.



Still to come, an investigator

faces frightening consequences

at a terrifying home haunting.

This thing wanted me

out of there.

[ Laughing evilly ]


NARRATOR: But first...

It's really,

really creepy up here.

NARRATOR: ...sinister spirits

surround ghost hunters

and a haunted building.

And I'm thinking, "Please,

nobody jump out at me."



NARRATOR: In Mansfield, Ohio,

stands the historic

Bissman building.


Built in the s,

it has served many purposes,

from a print press

to an office space

of seven generations

of the Bissman family,

but for the building's

current occupants,

its history

is a little too alive.


People would see shadow men.

You could hear voices.

Things would get moved.

Things would get thrown.


NARRATOR: Many of the hauntings

are thought to be connected

to the building's

troubled past.


ZUZIC: There have been deaths

in the building.

NARRATOR: The first one dates

back to .

There was a gentleman

named F.W. Simon.

He was actually retiring.

The last day of his work,

he was in the elevator,

and he was waving

at everybody.

Well, when he got

to the third floor,

he stretched out his head

a little too far and waved.


It proves to be a fatal mistake.

F.W. Simon is beheaded.


A lot of people would see

shadows where he d*ed...


[ Gate clangs ]

...because it was such a tragedy

that happened there.

NARRATOR: Another spirit roams

the building,

a little girl thought

to be Ruthie Bissman,

who is said to have met

a horrific end.

ZUZIC: They found her body

mutilated in the basement.

They don't know who did it.

They would leave a ball

down there,

and the ball

would start rolling.

When somebody has a traumatic

death like that,

their energy tends

to stay behind.


NARRATOR: Ben Bissman,

the current owner

of the building,

reaches out to one

of America's top

paranormal investigators

for help.

Karlo Zuzic has a long history

with the supernatural,

having had his first encounter

at age in his childhood home.

Growing up in a haunted house

did make me want to become

a paranormal investigator.

I want to help others,

you know,

because I didn't have

anybody to turn to.


NARRATOR: Karlo brings along

his colleague, Chris Page.

When you look at the building,

it has this presence to it.

It just has this eeriness.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

NARRATOR: As they set up,

they sense a strange shift

in the air.

Did you feel that?

All of a sudden,

you feel this cold,

and I'm talking cold feeling.

Did you feel that?

-Right there.

-There it is.


-Come here.

Stand right here,

and you'll feel this gust

come right at you.

Right now,

it just hit me again.

I just walked into it.

-Look at the hair on my arms.

-It's all standing up.

That's creepy.

Our reaction to the temperature

drop was shock,

that initial shock, like jumping

into ice water almost,

but it grabs your attention.

I've never felt anything

like this before.


A rapid shift in temperature

signifies that there is a spirit

trying to manifest itself

or trying to make itself known.

Their K- meter spikes wildly.

It detects a presence

as does Karlo.

And I hear a male's voice go,


[ Device beeping ]

The hair on my arms

was standing up.

I mean, I was like freaking out

just 'cause I know I heard

this voice clear as day.

-Was that you?

-Wasn't me.

You just said, "Hey."

I didn't say, "Hey."

Dude, somebody --

You said, "Hey."

I thought --

I swear I heard a voice --

-I didn't say anything.

-...right here.

It wasn't me.

I heard it clear as day.

It puts you on edge because

you know you're not alone.

There's something else there

that we can't see.



NARRATOR: In Ohio, investigators

Karlo Zuzic and Chris Page

are looking into

paranormal activity

at one of the state's

most-haunted buildings.

Almost instantly, they sense

a deeply disturbing presence.

I hear a male's voice go...

I was, like, freaking out.

There was something else

there that we can't see.


NARRATOR: With a lot of ground

to cover in a short time,

Karlo and Chris decide to

separate and investigate solo.


We typically don't split up

because there's safety

in numbers.

If something was to

strike out at us,

something more on the evil side

or demonic side

was to att*ck us,

you are completely alone.

I am in the basement

of the Bissman building.


I had fear. I was scared.

Here we go.

I don't know this building,

and I don't know

what I'm gonna

experience up there.

I know the stories with it,

but going into this by myself,

it was scary.

Is there anybody up here

right now

that would like

to talk to me?

Is anyone here?

I started the investigation

on the third floor.

It's where F.W. Simon d*ed.


I don't see anybody.

Who's here with me right now?


I hear this voice that goes,

"I'm here."

You know, I'm like, "Uh-oh."

I know I'm not alone.

I know there's something here

that I can't see,

and it's responding to me.

Who's here with me right now?

It was literally moments later

that I heard what sounded

like someone

running across the floor

above me.

I was, you know,

getting a little scared

because I was thinking,

"Who the heck's up there?"

NARRATOR: Karlo summons

the courage to find out.

Is anybody up here?

When I was going up the stairs,

it felt like

I was walking the plank,

like I was almost getting

fed to the sharks.

Who's running around up there?

I was scared as hell.

When I got up to the top

of the stairs,

I was kind of just standing

in that one spot.

I would not leave

that staircase.

I knew if something

were to happen,

that was my only way out,

and I'm thinking,

"Please nobody

jump out at me."


I'm on the fourth floor

right now.

This is really,

really creepy up here.

All right, I hear

somebody talking.

I'm hearing what sounds like

workers and, like,

people talking,

like, from a distance.



It's, like, the creep factor

just kicks in.



Karlo follows the sound.

It leads him to

the infamous elevator,

the one that decapitated

F.W. Simon.


I get this really weird feeling

at the elevator.


I'm looking straight forward,

and I see this dark mass.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa.

Swear to god,

I just saw a shadow cross.

This thing had no features,

but it moved like a person,

but it was really fast.

I saw this dark mass

run past the hallway here,

and then it just disappeared.

And it darts from the elevator

and goes right into the wall

and just dissipates.

I believe that might have been

F.W. Simon.

Fear ran through me because

I ain't got nobody to help me.



Karlo's co-investigator, Chris,

also finds himself

in a dire situation

when he enters what is known

as the red room.


Real creepy look to it.

Every step you make,

you are completely on edge.

You can feel almost as

if the building comes alive.

NARRATOR: Chris is eager

to make a connection.

PAGE: That's when I brought

out the Raven.

It's an instrument for us

to have spirits touch.

It detects mass density,

and it sounds an alarm,

and it lights up.

Is anybody up here with me

right now?

NARRATOR: Almost instantly,

it starts to alarm.

Chris attempts to draw out

the spirit with questions

about Ruthie Bissman's m*rder.

PAGE: So I was asking about

who the k*ller was

and if the k*ller was there.

Are you the one that hurt

the little girl here?

Can you light those lights up

if you're the one that hurt --

[ Bleep ]

All right.

You got my attention.

I asked if the k*ller of Ruthie

was in that room with me

when the Raven was going off,

and that's when I heard

that loud banging.

Did you hurt that little girl?

[ Clanging ]

Are you the one that hurt

the little girl?



At the Bissman building in Ohio,

investigators Karlo Zuzic

and Chris Page suspect

one of the entities

haunting the location

may have m*rder*d

a little girl on the property.

Chris is by himself

when he questions the spirit,

and he gets

a violent response.

I asked if the k*ller of Ruthie

was in that room with me

when the Raven was going off,

and that's when I heard

that loud banging.

Did you hurt that little girl?

[ Clanging ]

I think the entity was mad

that I was asking the questions,

"Are you the k*ller?"

I upset it.

I upset it so much that

it had enough force

and energy to throw something.

I was worried,

not only for my safety,

but I was worried

for Karlo, too.


NARRATOR: No longer comfortable

on his own,

Chris meets up with Karlo.

When I met up with Chris,

he was shocked,

and you could tell that

he had a major experience.

He was kind of freaked out.

This building has a life

of its own.

It just -- It comes to life.

You hear noises and people

talking, footsteps.


The spirit activity escalates.


And the temperature

started to change.

This blast of cold air

came between us.



Along with a temperature drop,

Karlo sees something moving.

There's a pillar

straight ahead of us.

Ah! Ah!

And all of a sudden, you could

clearly see what looks like

a little, -foot shadow

figure run past this pillar.

-Did you see that?


It could be she was hiding

from the possible k*ller.

There was a scary feeling

in there.

This place was very,

very active, very active.



The encounter is unsettling

for the two investigators.

Anxious to leave,

Karlo and Chris meet with Ben

to report their findings.

We explained everything

that happened.

Very strong presence

of spirits in the building.

It's best that we...

NARRATOR: Before they go, Karlo

offers to cleanse the building.

We don't know how violent

they can be.

NARRATOR: But Ben declines.

But no.


The number one reason is,

Ruthie was actually

one of his relatives.

I think he feels comfortable

with her being there.

If we were to do a cleansing

and blessing,

it may remove her, too.

I just -- I don't want them

to go away.


The risks of leaving spirits,

they could hurt you.

Ben's got to be careful

when he goes in to these places.

We're willing to come back if he

needs a cleansing or a blessing.

We'll be there for him.



[ Whirring ]

NARRATOR: Ghost hunters believe

something truly evil

is to blame at

a horrifying home haunting.

What's your name?

Felt this was a true,

demonic entity.

-Go, go.



NARRATOR: miles northwest

of Hartford, Connecticut,

lies the quite town of Winsted.


It seems like the perfect place

for young couple

Cait Hack and Kyle Carney

to start their life together.

Two weeks after moving in

to their new place,

their lives turn upside down.


What they were experiencing

was just the beginning

of something much,

much worse.

Upstairs, in the bedroom,

they'd hear doors

jiggling at night,

walking on a stairwell,

and the voices.

Kyle wakes up to find

these scratches on his arms.


He wasn't sure

what was causing that.



KENNA: Cait is not acting

like herself.

Kyle told me she would start

just talking

in almost third person.

She wouldn't remember

any of it.

She would blank out.




[ Deep voice ] I know

what's going to happen.

She's going to die.

Cait, wake up.



Very, very odd behavior.

It frightened him,

and it also frightened her.

Cait, wake up.

You okay? What's going on?


NARRATOR: Desperate for help,

they contact paranormal

investigator Jack Kenna.

Jack is a key member

of the Spirits of New England.

Jack worries for Cait's safety.

He believes a demon

may be trying to possess her.


He takes the case right away

and travels to their home alone.


There really wasn't

enough time to bring

in the rest of the team.

This is how urgent

I felt this was.

NARRATOR: Jack's colleague,

Ellen MacNeil,

doesn't like that

Jack is going alone,

but she understands

the urgency.


We were very concerned.

This could be a possible

possession case.

You have to act quickly

because you don't know

how far it's going to go

and how quickly

it's going to happen.

[ Knock on door ]

NARRATOR: Jack's misgivings only

intensify once he steps inside.

MacNEIL: There was a very, very

heavy atmosphere in the house.

It was not welcoming.

There was something there

that did not want him there.

They sort of showed me where

they had been having activity.


That's when I got this feeling

of, like, being watched.


NARRATOR: Jack sets up a camera

to act as another set of eyes.

It's not long before

it captures something.

We're actually standing

at the top of the stairs,

in front of their bedroom door,

and we actually hear somebody

run down the stairs.

NARRATOR: Jack's footage reveals

a shadow figure

leaving the bedroom.

That point, I knew that

something paranormal

was happening.


KENNA: Are there spirits

in this household?

NARRATOR: Jack wants to

communicate with the entity.

He uses a ghost radar system

to find out

what they're dealing with.

A spirit can actually

communicate through it

in what we call energy blips.

Two blips for yes,

one for no.

KENNA: So if you're a spirit

that's here,

can you give me two blips

for yes and one for no?


I see it.

Do you want to talk to us?

Two for yes, one for no.

That's one.

Well, you're gonna

talk to me anyway.


Jack then uses divining rods

to make the spirit communicate.

KENNA: They're copper rods.

Hold them in your hands

so they're pointing

straight forward,

and then you begin

to ask questions.

Are there spirits in possession

of this household?

They will cross for yes,

swing back and forth for no.

Are you a male spirit?


Who are you, what spirit?

Are you a human?

Are you a human spirit?

NARRATOR: Jack believes

the entity is lying.

KENNA: So you say.

And he asks another question

to trick it

into revealing its true nature.

KENNA: I have one more question

for you.

Is a demonic upset

that we're here?

Is it upset that we're here?


This answer alarms Jack.

He starts a Spirit Box session,

hoping to confirm whether

the entity is indeed demonic.

Who are you attached to?

[ Garbled voice ]

Are you attached to Kyle

or Cait?


-Oh, my god.

MAN: Cait.

KENNA: What's your name?

The one that's disturbing

Cait, what's your name?


The entity has even more to say.

KENNA: It got very heavy,

very dense, very intense.

Then they hear

something terrifying.

It was a loud growl

that we all heard.


Soon, the demonic entity is done

with just talking.


It looked like a male figure.

I was seriously frightened.


NARRATOR: In Connecticut,

veteran ghost hunter

Jack Kenna confirms a demonic

entity at the home of

Cait Hack and Kyle Carney.

KENNA: What's your name?

NARRATOR: The evil spirit has

been terrorizing the couple

from the moment they moved in,

and now it threatens Jack.

It was seriously frightening.

[ Low growl ]



It went right through me.

I remember not quite feeling

myself at that point

and not feeling right,

and I became what

we call confounded.

A human spirit can't do that,

but I felt this was

a true demonic entity.

This thing wanted me

out of there.

He was being warned

or threatened

by this male spirit.

[ Low growl ]

NARRATOR: Jack is on edge

after this encounter.

I didn't want to stir

things up anymore.

I was actually

little bit concerned.

Stay calm.

My thoughts were just jumbled,

so I felt at that point I needed

to step out of the situation.

I gave them some advice

for doing some saging

in their home

just to keep some energy down,

keep things stable,

but I wanted to really go back

and review the evidence

I had and do some research

on that area.

NARRATOR: His research unearthed

something chilling.

What I found doing

my research of Winsted

really kind of blew me away.

The number of murders in

that location is outrageous.

They believe were done

by a serial k*ller.

Literally across the street

from them had lived a m*rder*r.


So it was telling me

there's something

really odd going on here.

I truly believe

it's a demonic entity

that's either controlling

other spirits

or causing this activity.

They want to destroy you.

They want to destroy

your family,

and that's what this thing was

working its way towards doing.


Armed with this knowledge,

Jack returns to Cait

and Kyle's home

with the intention

of expelling the demon.

So I did a thorough cleansing

using white sage,

white light, and prayer.

Cast out the evil doers

into the sacred fire

prepared for the devil

and his angels.

NARRATOR: The demon is strong

and takes possession of Cait.

[ Deep voice ]

She's going to die.

I'm not going to

let her leave me.

-In the name of the Father --



Jack fights to bring her back.



On the bible and you be gone.

Be gone!




Are you okay? It's gone.

NARRATOR: While Jack is

successful at the moment,

he has a dire warning

for Cait and Kyle.


It's gone,

but it will be back.

You're not gonna chase

this thing out.

This thing is far beyond that.

-You have to go.

-It's only a temporary fix.

I'm sorry. I can't do more.

You can't stop that.

That's way beyond what us as

paranormal investigators can do.


NARRATOR: Jack tells the couple

the best thing to do is leave.

They take his advice.

If they had kept going

the way they had

without reaching out to anyone

or without moving, I believe

Cait probably would have ended

up possessed by this thing.


She probably would have ended

up either committing su1c1de

or doing something to Kyle.


It's okay.

When they moved to

a new apartment,

everything had stopped.

It's over now.

And they haven't had any other

activity ever since then.

Everything's been good.

They're still together

to this day,

and they're talking about

getting married.
