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02x11 - Internet

Posted: 07/17/23 09:18
by bunniefuu
[all] Ta-da!

[eyebrows squeak]

[hydraulics whirring]

-[rock music plays]

-♪ Answer Time, Answer Time ♪
-♪ Answer Time! Answer Time! ♪

-♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪
-♪ Answer Time! ♪

♪ They live in your computer
And they got a job to do ♪

♪ They're all about learning
They make it fun too ♪

♪ When you have a question
They answer it for you ♪

♪ It's StoryBots: Answer Time ♪

♪ Answer Time! ♪

[clock ticking]

[beeps and rings]

-[all speaking]
-[Bing] Hey, how's it going?

Hi, Bang.
What is a shape with sides called?

[chuckles] I'll check,

but there is no way
a shape could have --

What the what? There's a shape
with sides called an icosagon?

Are you okay?

I think I need to lie down. Oh.

Hi, StoryBots.

Can I have a big, giant pizza?

-A pizza? I think you have the wrong--
- Can I have some cheese on it?[/i]

Okay, but, uh, hold on a sec.

And some pepperoni?

Pepperoni. Got it.

And a lot, and a lot,
and a lot of tomatoes?

Mmm, tomato.

Wait a minute, we're not a pizza place!


-[laughter on the computer]
-Hmm? Boop?

-[tropical music playing]

[Boop] Hmm?

[carrot] Yeah![/i]

-[tropical music continues]
-[carrot laughs]


- Ooh! Yeah![/i]
-[Bing] Boop?

-[Boop] Hmm?
-What are you doing?

-[carrot laughs] Whoa! Carrots![/i]

[alarm beeping]

Oh, look!
We've got a Level Three coming in.

Oh, Storybots, I'm in so much trouble.
I totally messed up. Things are so bad.

I need your help. I am definitely,
seriously gonna get fired.

Whoa, whoa, man.
You gotta, like, slow down.

Take a deep breath and stuff.



[inhales] Okay. [/i][exhales]
You're right. Thank you, Bang.[/i]

So how can we help you,
Mr. Office Worker Guy?

Well, my name is Stacy and I work
at the Gray and Drab Corporation.

Uh, we help companies maximize efficiency

by eliminating all fun and silliness
in the workplace.

Uh, I have no idea what you just said.

Well, Bo,

let's just say my job
is to help companies become more serious.

But I have done something
that is decidedly not serious.

Whoa, that sounds pretty serious.

Oh, Bang, it really is. And I knew…

I knew I shouldn't have gone karaoke-ing
with my friends. What was I thinking?

Wait, what's wrong with karaoke?

Oh, there's nothing necessarily wrong
with karaoke.

But what's wrong is that I filmed it,
Beep. I filmed it.

Yep. You never sound
quite as good as you think you do.

No, that's not it, Bo.

The problem is I thought
I was emailing the video to my friends,

but instead I emailed it
to the entire company.

Whoa, that's definitely a problem, dude.

Yeah, especially if your job is
to be serious.

That video's going to my boss,

my boss's boss, my boss's boss's boss,
my boss's boss's boss's boss.

Oh, StoryBots, I am definitely
gonna get fired.

So what can we do to help you, Stacy?

Well, Beep, I was hoping you could tell me
how the Internet works.

That way, I could stop the video
from getting to everyone in the company

and I could save my job.

Okay, g*ng.

Can we figure out how the Internet works
to help stop that message?

Well, we do live inside computers.

Wait, we live inside computers?

Wait. Hold up, Bang.

You didn't know
you lived inside of a computer?

Yeah. It's in the theme song.

[vocalizing theme song]
Boop, Boop, Boop, Boop…

Oh, I know where we can go.

Let's go straight
to the Internet Department.

Oh yeah!

[Bang] Oh, the internet department.
I haven't been there since I was a kid.

Oh, thank you so much, Bo.
But please, hurry,

because my very serious boss
is in a serious meeting,

and if I don't stop that video
before she gets back,

I am seriously toast.

Don't worry, Stacy. We are on the job.

[whirring and suctioning]

-♪ Answer Time! ♪

Hi, StoryBots.
How do flies walk on the ceiling?


-[classical music playing]
-How do flies walk on the ceiling?

It may seem impossible,

but for a fly,
walking on a ceiling is rather natural.

You see, on the tip of a fly's foot
are little pads, which--

[fly buzzing, stops]

[clears throat] As I was saying,

on these little pads
are lots of sticky hairs, which--

[fly buzzing, stops]

Excuse me a moment.

-[fly buzzing, stops]

The pads on its feet are sticky enough
to allow the fly to walk around

on smooth surfaces like a statue. [grunts]

-[fly buzzing]
-Or a microscope. [grunts] Or a vase!

[fly buzzing]

Or even upside down on the ceiling!

[fly buzzing]

Marvelous creatures.

[fly buzzing, stops]

-[Eleanor whimpers]
-[fly buzzing]


Hi, StoryBots. Can you tell me some news?

[narrator] You're watching StoryBots News[/i]
on channel and /, WBOT,[/i]

with your hosts
Story Storyberg and Bot Botson.

Breaking news.

Pelicans can hold more food
in their beaks than in their stomachs.

Mmm. The halibut is just divine,
isn't it, dear?

Just magnificent--

Hey, you two wanna help me finish this?
I couldn't eat another bite.


-Well, I never!

-[seagulls gasping]
-Oh, I recommend the herring.


[announcer] Next stop,[/i]
the Internet Department.[/i]

[screaming, grunts]

This is the Internet Department?

Hello? Is anybody here?


[video narrator] Welcome, newbie,[/i]
to the wonderful world of the Internet.[/i]


[video narrator] The World Wide Web[/i]
permeates many aspects of our lives,[/i]

StoryBot and human alike.

But what exactly is the Internet?

Can I catch bugs with it?

[video narrator] No, Timmy,[/i]
it's not that kind of net.[/i]

The Internet is a network made up of
billions of computers around the world,

connected to each other
by cables and radio signals.

-Gee whiz!
- [video narrator] [/i]"Gee whiz" is right.

It's the connections
between these computers

that lets them send and receive
videos, pictures, websites,

games, and even messages to each other.

To find out how that works, first--

[powering down]

Wait, wh… What happened?

Oh, that happens all the time.

[screams, grunts]

Oops. Sorry to scare you.
I haven't seen a StoryBot here in ages.

What? But everybody uses the Internet.

Well, yeah,
but everyone's too busy using the Internet

that no one cares to learn
about how it works anymore.

Oh, I see.

But wait, who are you?

-Ah, I'm so glad you asked.
-[loud chiming]

-Why, I'm… the Internet Wizard!

[chuckles] Still got it.

Wow. [chuckles awkwardly]

Uh, okay then.

Mr. Internet Wizard, sir,

do you think you can help me find out
how the Internet works?

I thought you'd never ask.

-[button beeps]
-[door rattling]

[heavenly music plays]

-Welcome to the Internet!
-[machines clanging]


There must be billions of files here!

How am I ever gonna find Stacy--
Oh, there it is.

-[conveyor belt whirring]
-Ha! Gotcha! What's this?


Oh, that's a weird number.

Not a weird number at all.

It's the IP address of the server
where that message is being sent.

IP address, huh? [yells] Wait!

No! [screams]


-[objects thumping]

-[whirring and suctioning]
-No! Stacy's video!

Oh, it's destroyed!

What am I gonna--
Wait a second, that's a good thing!

-Now it won't get sent.
-Oh, the message isn't destroyed, Bo.

It just got split up
into little pieces called packets.

What? Why does it get split into packets?

Well, by splitting a big message
into lots of little packets,

they can travel more securely
via different routes.

Since they have the same IP address,

they get to the same place
to be put back together.

Put back together?

Oh no, I have to stop them!

-[laughs] Oh, you can't stop-- Huh?
-Hang on, Stacy. I'll stop that message!

[pipe suctioning]

-Well, guess she'll learn the hard way--
-[pipe suctioning]


Hey, why do people sneeze?


[narrator reads]

{\an}[inhales, blows]


Detective Boop, I'm Betty Esquire.

{\an}The famous lawyer set to take
that no-good, rotten Slim Slyman to trial.

{\an}But I won't be able to make my case
in court if I can't…




Boop, Boop.


[mysterious music playing]

Thank goodness you came. [sneezes]

[Boop crashes] Boop!


The flowers? Oh, I don't know.
They just started arriving a few days ago.

I guess I have a secret admirer.
I don't know who it could be.

-[Boop] Boop?
-[Betty] Maybe the gardener.

Yes, he does pick flowers for me
once in a while.

-[laughs] Oh, excuse me, Detective.
-[knocking on door]


Delivery from your secret admirer.
[chuckles maliciously]

-Oh, how adorable.

I just wanna snuggle you up.

-[dramatic jazz music playing]
-Boop, Boop!

[yells] Boop!

[dramatic music crescendo, ends]




Slim Slyman?

Rats! All that pollen from the flowers…

…and dander from the puppy…

…was supposed to float up your [/i]nose,
not mine!

[sneezes loudly]

What is he talking about?

Boop! Boop boop. Boop boop.
Boop, boop, boop, boop. Boop. Boop.

Let me get this straight.

You're saying that dust,
pollen, and dander particles

tickle the little hairs inside our noses…

-[alarm rings]
-[Betty] …and that's what makes us sneeze?


That's right, Betty Do-Gooder.
And if I could've kept you sneezing--

Then I wouldn't be able
to argue your case in court.

- That was my dastardly plan.[/i]
-[siren wailing in the distance][/i]

[narrator] Another case closed[/i]
by Detective… [/i][sneezes]

-Boop, Boop, Boop.
-[narrator sniffs] Oh, thank you.[/i]

♪ Achoo! ♪

♪ You sneeze when something irritates ♪[/i]

♪ The inside of your nose ♪

♪ Like pollen, dust, or dander
It could well be one of those ♪

♪ The particles get in
And then they tickle tiny hairs ♪

♪ Sneezing is your body's way
To get them out of there ♪

♪ Nerves inside your nose
Set off a signal to your brain ♪

♪ To say, "There's something in here,
and it can't remain!" ♪

♪ Your brain tells your throat, chest
And lots of muscles too ♪

♪ To blow it out together
With a powerful "Achoo!" ♪

[backing vocals] ♪ Achoo, achoo,[/i]
achoo, achoo, achoo! ♪[/i]

[singer] ♪ The air comes speeding out[/i]
Because a sneeze is super strong ♪[/i]

♪ So whatever irritates your nose
Won't stay there very long ♪

♪ When pollen, dust, or even germs
Are floating in the breeze ♪

♪ Your body clears your nose out
With a great big healthy sneeze ♪

-[all] ♪ Achoo! ♪[/i]
-[song ends]

[announcer] Next stop,[/i]
still the Internet Department.[/i]


Ooh! [screaming]



[brakes screech]

Internet traffic control.

-State your IP address.

-Where you headed? What's your number?

Oh, number, right.

Uh, ...?

[machine beeping]



-[button buzzes]


-[scanner beeps]
-[Bo screaming]

[scanner beeping]

[Bo screaming]

Wait, what's going on? What is this?

Ma'am, this is one of many,
many, many routers.

Please move it along.

-[button buzzes]
-[Bo screams]


What's a router?

[groans] A router is a special computer
that reads the IP address of packets

and sends them to the correct destination.

Now, would you please let go?

-Because, as you can see…

[worker] …we have a lot of packets
to process.

Oh. [chuckles] Sorry.


-[chips beeping]
-[Bo yelling and grunting]


-[button buzzes]
-[screaming] Oh!

This is where you get off, honey.

-[button buzzes]

-[dramatic music playing]
-Have a wonderful day, ma'am.

[screaming, grunts]

[announcer] Commencing packet reassembly.[/i]



Oh, I gotta stop Stacy's video
from being put back together!

-[Bo grunts]


[announcer] Purple StoryBot,[/i]

please halt your interference
or you will be detained.

[straining] I have to interfere

for Stacy! [yells]

[shouting] No!

[grunts] Once information is sent
on the Internet,

it simply cannot be stopped
from reaching its destination.

Huh? Internet Wizard?

-Wait, what do you mean?

I tried to tell you before,
but you zipped off so fast.

You have to really think long and hard
before you hit send,

because once you put something
on the Internet,

it's there forever. [echoes]

Um, why are you echoing?

Uh, no reason. [chuckles nervously]

-[clears throat]

Well, I guess there's nothing I can do
about it anymore.

[electronic beeping]

What's happening now?

Well, in addition to the IP address
and the information requested,

{\an}the packets contain instructions on how
to put everything back in the right order.

{\an}This happens incredibly fast,

{\an}with computers sending and receiving
information all over the world

in a fraction of a second.

Once someone hits send,
it gets to its destination

and the packets get put back together
in hardly any time at all.

♪ I drive a truck ♪ [vocalizing][/i]

♪ A big ol' truck… ♪ [vocalizing][/i]

-[both laughing]

Well, I better get back
and tell him I couldn't stop the message.

Thanks for your help, Internet Wizard.
Goodbye! Bye-bye now!

Glad to have you stop by
to witness the magic of the Internet.

[singing and vocalizing]


[singers] ♪ The Internet, Internet ♪[/i]

♪ Let's learn somethin'
'Bout the Internet ♪

♪ Internet, the Internet ♪

♪ Let me teach you 'bout the Internet ♪

[singer ] ♪ The Internet is made up of[/i]
Billions of computers ♪[/i]

♪ All around the world
From Brisbane to Bermuda ♪

♪ Connected to each other
By a bunch of cables or radio signals ♪

♪ That's how we send emails and games
Websites, pictures of sunsets ♪

♪ Want a cat video? ♪

♪ Type in a request ♪

♪ Your request gets sent out to a server ♪

♪ And broken into packets
I'll explain further ♪

♪ There's a lot of different information
In the packets ♪

♪ It's got something
Called an IP address ♪

♪ Four sets of numbers
With three dots in-between ♪

♪ The address of the server
Where your packet's gonna be ♪

[singer ]
♪ The packets travel different paths ♪[/i]

-♪ Through computers called routers ♪
-[singer ] [/i]♪ Super fast! ♪

[singer ] ♪ They're reassembled[/i]
The server reads the request you made ♪[/i]

[both] ♪ And knows what you need ♪[/i]

[singer ]
♪ It finds the video you wanted to play ♪[/i]

♪ Breaks it into packets
That are headed your way ♪

♪ It happens in a fraction of a second
Like now ♪

♪ Click a button on the Internet
See a cat meow ♪

[singers] ♪ The Internet, Internet ♪[/i]

♪ We all learned somethin'
'Bout the Internet ♪

♪ Internet, the Internet ♪

♪ We all learned somethin'
'Bout the Internet ♪

-[song ends]

-[keyboard clacks]
-Stacy? Hello, Stacy?

Are you there?

Bo! Yes, yes. I'm here. I'm here.
Please tell me you figured out

how to stop my karaoke video
from going out to the entire company.

Oh, Stacy. I'm so sorry, but I couldn't.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

[stammering] Why not?[/i]

Well, once a message is sent out
on the Internet, you can't get it back.

There's gotta be a way, Bo.

How? How does it work?

Well, each message is broken into
lots of little tiny pieces called packets.


Those packets contain the address
for where they need to go,

as well as instructions
for putting the packets back together.

And there's absolutely
no way to stop them?

No, they even travel along
different paths.

So they can be in different places
around the world at the same time,

until they get to the right server
to be put back together.


When my boss sees this video,
she is totally gonna fire me!

Maybe she'll think you're funny?

There is zero chance of that happening.

In fact, I may as well start working
on my resume. I need to find a new job…

[device pings]

What's that? What's happening?

[whining] Oh, it's a message[/i]
from the president of our company.[/i]

Oh, I can't even read it.
I can't read it. Bo, can you?

"OMG Stacy, you are so funny."

[whining] Oh, I knew it.[/i]
My life is ruined and…[/i]

Wait. What?

What else does it say?

"Thanks for the laughs, Stacy."

"Sometimes humor can go a long way
in maximizing productivity."

Bo, my boss loved the video
and she's giving me a promotion!

Oh, Stacy, I told you
she'd think you're funny!

Oh, you were so right, Bo.

And I couldn't be more excited
to be Gray and Drab's new vice-president

of silliness!

[talking gibberish]

-[static crackles]
-[theme music playing]