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Tomorrow's Game (2022)

Posted: 07/22/23 17:50
by bunniefuu
(upbeat music)

(Reporter speaking in Spanish)

(Carlos speaking in Spanish)

(Reporter speaking in Spanish)

(Carlos speaking in Spanish)

(Reporter speaking in Spanish)

(Carlos speaking in Spanish)

(audience cheering)

- [Reporter] .399 this

season, .337 career

we have a bit of a down season

thus far, but still 67 RBIs-

and they have left an

outstanding 15 runners stranded.

- [Daniel] Oh man!

- [Reporter] One runner on

first base, Dominguez pinch...

- [Daniel] No!



- [Jorge] I bet you're a

natural at baseball, huh?

You gotta be.

- Baseball?

- [Jorge] Yeah!

I mean it's gotta be in

your blood, in your genes,

I mean, after all

you're Santiago's-

- He's my uncle.

- [Jorge] Yeah

- Yeah.

I'm Daniel.

- De La Rosa!

I knew it.

Can I tell you something?

I'm a huge, I mean huge

fan of your uncle's.

- Yeah he's great

at hitting the ball,

and running, and yeah.

- He's the greatest

short-stop I ever saw.

Nothing would get by him.

I mean, you must be a

short-stop too right?

- Um, I play uh, catching?

I catch.

- Oh?

By the way, my name is

Jorge, Jorge Robles.

- Ah, pleased to meet you.

- Yeah.

And there she is.

Oh my!

I never get tired of

looking at this stadium.

I mean this stadium

brings so many memories,

I don't even know

where to begin.

But you know in 1957,

I remember distinctly that

they changed ownerships.

And um, all the kids from

all the neighborhoods

would come in and

sneak into the game.

Nobody cared!

It was a wonderful summer.

Well, so you're getting all

emotional back there, Daniel?

- No, no, no.

- [Jorge] 'Cause it's okay,

it's okay, I mean I don't judge.

- I'm sick!

- You're what?

(Daniel retching)

(upbeat music)

(cameras shuttering)

(upbeat music)

(straw slurping)

Well look who's feeling better!

(straw slurping)

Want a sip?

Okay, I'll take that as a no.

By the way I'm supposed to

remind you to make your way

down to the event hall.

- The event hall?

- Yeah, just down the hall.

Keep an eye for room 207, and

it should be near by there.

- Got it, 201.

- No you don't got it, 2-07.

- 207, got it.

- Now you got it!


- Huh, thanks.

Yeah I'll tell my uncle to sign

a puck or something for you.

Thanks chico.

207, 207, 207, (Jorge

speaking in Spanish).

(gentle music)

(gentle music)

- [Jared] This is

Jared Berkhart.

Your most trusted source

for baseball broadcast.

(gentle music)

- Bottom of the second, hitting

fourth for the Jethawks,

Wilson Harris.

(gentle music)

- They've had enough of

their colored pitcher,

and sent in a more steadfast

replacement in Jacob Lancaster.

- Uncle Santiago?

(gentle music)

- Daniel. (chuckling)

Well you look just like, what

do the kids call it these days

a baller in that getup.

Kind of like I do. (chuckling)

- Not really.

(Santiago speaking in Spanish)

- You're always joking around.

- Oh I wasn't joking.

Um, actually, I-

- Oh you wanna say

something at the ceremony?

- What I want to say is,

I don't think I should

be at the ceremony today.

I'll just embarrass you.

- Where is this coming from?

Daniel, what's wrong?

- It wouldn't be

coming out of nowhere

if you were listening.

I don't, I don't belong, Tio.

(gentle music)

What is that?

- Oh, this recorder

is a classic.

They used it on the booth,

way back when I used

to play the game.

- Oh, so it's like, super old.

- Well, I'm not going

to take offense to that.

But yeah, I guess it is.

That tape on it is

from my very first

Major League game back in 1957.

July 16th, 1957.

Seems like ages ago.

- Today is July 16th!


And this card reminds

me of that day,

and it reminds me

of your father.

- This was his?

- It was, and I

always keep it on me.

Why don't you hold

on to it today,

maybe it'll make

you feel better?

Careful, that's the only

tape they have of that game,

and they gonna have to queue

it up for the ceremony later.

- So why aren't you out

there, with the rest of them?

- Uh Daniel, I'm not always

as confident as I might seem.

I just came in here

to get away from it

all for some peace and quiet.

- How's that going?

- Huh.

That old machine

is reminding me of

of how hard it was coming up.

All I ever wanted to do was,

- [Both] Play ball and

make my family proud.

- Yeah, I know.

You say it all the time.

- And for some folks,

that was still too much

space for me to occupy.

(gentle music)

(static crackling)

For some folks, that was still,

(static crackling)

too much space for me to occupy.

(static crackling)

Too much space for me to occupy.

- Am I dreaming?

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, I guess I'm just still,

just probably still

woozy from the car.

- Are you just messing with me?

Wait a second, did you get

car sick on your suit again?

- I made it to the

bathroom this time.

(Santiago chuckling)

- Oh, you remind me of

your father in that getup.

- You know, he was

with me the day

they made that

recording in 1957.

He got to come in the field,

and he went with me

in the batting cage.

He was so excited.

(Santiago chuckling)

I guess I better get down

to the dress rehearsal,

and let 'em put some makeup

on this old face of mine.

Feel free to lounge around here.

Or come down there

if you'd like.

Only if you feel up to it.

- What's the big deal

about a stupid ball?

What, is this supposed to be

like impressive or something?

Oh wait!


(objects clanking)

(tape whirling)

No, no!

What did I do?

(tape whirling)


Ugh, I ruin everything!

(dramatic music)

(tape whirling)

(static crackling)

I shouldn't even be here!

(tape whirling)

(static crackling)

(gentle music)

Oh man.

No, no way.

(gentle music)

(both screaming)

(objects clanking)


(both screaming)

(objects clanking)

Stay, stay, stay.

Stay back!

Stay back!

(both screaming)

(objects clanking)

Don't hurt me please!

I don't want to die!

- If I wanted you m*rder*d

you'd be m*rder*d already!

(objects clanking)

I'm not a m*rder*r!


- That's something a

m*rder*d would say!

- Kid, get a grip.

Are you crying?

- No.

- You break into my barn and

then call me the m*rder*r?

What's your deal?

- My name is Daniel,

and I didn't break in.

I don't know how I got here!

I'm so confused, I

just want to go home!

So hit the road!

You're cruisin' for a bruisin'

if my momma finds you in here.

Are you going to a funeral?

- You wouldn't believe

me if I told you.

- [Sally] I don't

believe you either way.

- Fine, I was somewhere else,

and the room went blurry,

and I ended up here.

I, I think it had

something to do with that.

- My, my broadcast station?

- [Daniel] Yeah there

was a broadcast station

and these other-

- Don't touch that,

don't even look at it.

I swear if you

breathe towards it

I'll chase you with a bat again.

- Are those recording tapes?

Tsk, everything

in here is so old.

- No, not a funeral.

An asylum!

- What?

- [Sally] Tell me your

last name so I can have

them pick you up!

- De La Rosa, okay, De La Rosa.

- Wait,

Like him?

Are you his little

brother or something?

- Huh?

No, that's my uncle.

- I didn't know he had a nephew.

- So I'm guessing you're a fan?

- Are you kidding?

The first Dominican

player to be signed

to a Major League contract.

A prospect who jumped

to the Major Leagues

after only two seasons

in the Double A,

skipping Triple A entirely?

- Uh, yeah, he's

good at baseball.

- Hi, I'm Sally.

Sally McDavies.

They call me the Great Bambina.

Well, no they actually don't.

But they will!

- Well I'm glad you didn't

commit a m*rder a minute ago.

- Yeah, consider

yourself very lucky.

Now, what was that about

my broadcast station?

- [Sally's Mom] Sally!

- Quick, you need to

get in the closet now

or my momma's coming!

- Good, I can tell on

you for attacking me

with a baseball bat.

- [Sally] Closet now!

- [Sally's Mom]

What are you up now?



You better not be in here.

Wait, what is that I heard?

There's some rustling

in that barn,

I'm coming in!

(upbeat music)

- Figueroa Street?

Oh no.

This can't be real!

(upbeat music)

This is Figueroa Street?

- Jumpin' junebugs, what

was your first clue?

- Well, the street sign.

- It's called

sarcasm, melon head.

- Hey, first of all,

you're being mean, okay?

And second of all, I

think I'm going to need

to have another look at

that broadcast station.

- Sure, you can

have another look.

For a small fee.

- How about free?

- Hey how about a

knuckle sandwich?

Hey nosebleed, how about two?

Okay so I'm supposed to

believe that you're actually

the De La Rosa's nephew,

you're from the year 2002.

The President of the

United States is a woman

named Kelly Clarkson,

and that this machine is

the reason you're here?

- No, Kelly Clarkson is American

Idol, not the president.

They're different things.

- Gee Daniel,

that's awful nifty.

You can tell all the nice folks

at the funny farm about it!

- Look, I know it sounds crazy,

but that's exactly

how it happened.

I seriously have no

reason to lie about it.

- Prove it.

- What is that?

- Um, this is my proof.

- Your proof?

I've never seen

anything like this.

- That's my video game.

- You, you really

are from the future?

- Yes, and I need to get back.

But you just got here!

And I have so many questions..

Can anyone be American Idol?

Can I be American Idol too?

- Ugh, I should've never

said anything about that.

Listen, I've ruined

everything, I need to get back.

And I need your help.

- Okay young Saint Rose.

Show me exactly

what you did before.

- Okay.

Gee, throwing a baseball

can't be that hard!

- Wow.


(ball thwacks)

(tape whirling)

(dramatic music)

It's working!

Get ready Daniel!

Well, it's toast.

(gentle music)

The electrical

condenser is broken.

- Okay, where are the other

electrical condensers?

- I don't know, Daniel!

Why don't you go out back and

ask my cows where they are?

My dad built this thing himself.

Can you ask your dad?

- No.

But, I do know who we can ask.

- This is your solution?

- Hello Mr. Ice Cream Man!

One pineapple, one strawberry,

and one, watermelon.

- Si!

- Watermelon for you.



Thank you good sir. (Ice

cream man speaking in Spanish)

- Oh I got it.


- Keep the change.

(Ice cream man

speaking in Spanish)

Um, Sally let's go.

- Seor.

- Wow!

- Hey, what's the

strawberry for?

Wait, wait, wait, you said

you had a real solution.

You didn't say anything

about baseball.

- Baseball is

always the solution.

Wait, why did you say

baseball like that?

- Baseball is just

bad news for me.

Just a bunch of

grown men in tights,

kicking a ball around.

- You've never been, have you?

- How'd you know?

- Because anyone who's ever

been to a baseball game

would never describe

it like that.

Let's get a move on!

You might be a challenge,

but, you're in the 50s now,

so there's a first

for everything.

(crashing sounds)

- Okay, wait.

Who is that, and why

are we going there?

- That is strawberry.

Come on!

- [Jared] This is

Jared Berkhart,

your most trusted source

for baseball broadcast.

At bat, we have Gerald Funches.

And let me tell you folks,

it's been an abysmal season

for this player.

- [Jorge] Imbecile!

- [Jared] His .270 average

is a full .50 lower

than he was doing in

the minor leagues.

- [Jorge] You're worthless!

- [Jared] And that's a solid

hit by the colored gentleman,

but it's a foul ball.

- You are foul!

Sally, he's so generic.

He has no class, no energy

for us "colored" people,

and praises the gringo more

when he hits a foul ball!

Dios mio!

Who cares about the

foul ball, Sally?

- Jared's a cube.

- Who is Jared?

- Jared Berkhart, he's-

- A crook, and a hack!

It's a crime the way

he calls these games.


- [Sally] Strawberry!

(Jorge speaking in Spanish)

- You're the best!

Hmm, it's sinful how

delicious this is.

You look familiar.

Who is he?

- Well this is,

- Daniel.

Pleased to meet you uh-

- Jorge, Jorge Robles.

Have we ever met before?

- Uh, well, I guess not exactly?

- Have you?

No way!

This is bonkers.

- I know, right?

- What was he like?

- Definitely not like this.

A little nicer?

- Beans!

How so?

- Well he-

- Hey!

Por Dios.

Is someone going to tell me

what you two are talking about?

- You wouldn't believe

us if we told you.

- Try me.

- You should probably sit down.

- I'll stand.

So, you're from the future.

And you're, you're

Santiago's nephew?

Well that's just weird, amigo.

Am I doing this right?

- Eh, no.

Alright, we're

looking for this part.

For a specific

machine Sally has.

Can you get us one?

- It belongs to an

Ampex Quadruplex.

It's a newer model, but

Sally's very similar,

and they both share many of

the same internal parts but,

2002, huh?

- Hey, strawberry.


- Sorry.

Unfortunately, it's very rare

and can't be found

at a hardware store.

- Oh great.

- I do know of a

place we can find one.

But, it only exists for Jared

Berkhart, at the stadium.

- That's the guy you

don't like, right?

- Yeah, you wouldn't either

if you knew what

type of man he is.

(upbeat music)

Back in the day he was part

of this strange collection

of underground ball-club

elitists who tried to prevent

the great Jackie

Robinson from signing

with any Major League team.

And when este viejo

couldn't prevent

that from happening?

He started spreading

his intolerance

through his broadcasts.

Frankly, he stinks.

Now, what do you

think he's going to do

when your uncle starts his

first game this Friday?

The first game that represents

people like us, huh?

- I don't know, but it

probably won't matter.

The last time I saw my uncle,

he was listening to that game.

I don't think he seemed

bothered by it at all.

- How can you be so

sure about that, chico?

Now, see, there's a new owner

who's trying to change things.

But, change is hard.

- Well, in the end, it's-

- It's just baseball.

There he goes again.

- Wait, you've never

been to a game before?

- I've played a game before.

A video game,

- Don't you see how

much help he needs?

This video game nonsense

doesn't even make sense!

Baseball is a game.

A real game!

A real life game

that makes sense.

Ugh, Jorge, please.

I can't take this anymore.

- Sally, you know I'd

do anything for you.

However, my connection to

the stadium no longer exists.

You can thank Jared

for that as well.

- What?

- Once he found out I was

supposed to be next in line

as a Junior Broadcaster,

he made sure I never

had a job again.

- Oh!

That son of a b-

- Baseball time!

I've got a game to call.

(gentle music)

- I'm uh, really sorry

that happened to you Jorge.

- I'm sorry too, chico.

- [Daniel] There's no other way?

Nothing else we can do?

- No.

So I'm, stuck here?

- I'm so sorry Daniel.

- There just has

to be another way.

- Let's ice it for now

and enjoy the game!

(bat clinks)

- That's a line

drive toward second!

And he can't get to it!

Like the wind, Jefferson

blows past first,

and gushes towards second!

Pamello at Center

Field scoops it

and throws to Morillo at second!

Jefferson slides.

He's safe!

The Wind of J is now

in scoring position.

And what a start to

this game, amigos!

- What do you see, rookie?

- Well uh, I see a field.


Sand with edges?


I mean I don't know.

- To me, this is where

the magic happens.

- I, just see what I see.

- You're so stubborn!

You really need to let

yourself see the fun

that's in front of

your futuristic face.

- And that's strike one for

the 17-year-old left fielder

who comes to us from the

beautiful city of Havana, Cuba.


- Look. Now I can

sit here and tell you

that the batter

only has .75 seconds

to make a decision

to swing or not,

once the ball is

thrown, of course.

Or, I can see you

how it truly is.

The pitcher and batter are

locked in this moment in time.

Nothing else matters.

Not the crowd, not the coaches,

not the players on the field.

Heck, not even the scoreboard.

It's, just the two of them.

They're locked in this rare

moment of competitive embrace

where only one of them

will make it out on top.

(gentle music)

And the best part of it all.

They each get a second

chance of redemption

with every pitch.

Life doesn't give you

many second chances,

but baseball gives

you a whole lot.

"Baseball is hopeful,"

my pop used to say.

Wouldn't it be great

if life was like that?

(bat clinks)

(gentle music)


Go, go, go!

- [Jorge] To the opposite

field, it's going to drop

in there for a base hit.

- Wow!

- The runner on

second will score.

And Domingo will

stop at first base.

Un hit maravilloso!

(gentle dramatic music)

The pitch,

and he takes off!

The throw is made and,

and he's safe!

Safe at second base.

And boy that chico

Domingo is fast.

Too fast!

- Wow.

- Now you're knowing.

That little move right

there is called a steal.

(audience applauding)

- Oh my god, I got it!

- [Sally] What, how to find a

suit that actually fits you?

- No, Sally.

- A steal.

- Yeah that was

incredible, I'm jazzed!

- No, stealing,

like we could steal.

- Daniel, this may shock you,

but I think you once

again have lost your mind.

- No, I'm saying what if we

can break into the stadium,

take the extra parts

from Jared's booth,

and fix the machine!

- No.

- What other choice

do I have, Sally?

- I don't know!

But we can figure something out.

- This is me figuring

something out.

- Daniel, your bright idea

is a panic-and-a-half.

I don't wanna get caught

and actually end up

in the funny farm.

- Sally, I need to do this.

I can't just stay here.

I don't belong here.

I might as well end up in

the funny farm as it is.

- Got it.

So if life is so

horrible with me then

I'll just leave you to it.

- No, Sally!

- Just give her a minute,

And that is the

top of the inning,

we will be back with

the bottom of the 5th.

Mira chico, I don't

know you very well,

but I can tell you right now,

Sally is tough as

stone, but deep down,

she's still a scared

little kid like you.

You know, she brought

you into her world.

A world she calls home.

Be kind to her, okay?

And welcome to the

bottom of the 5th,

where this game continues

to be a wild one.

(gentle music)

(Daniel clearing throat)

- The, uh, pitcher winds

up to throw to the swinger.

- It's batter.

- The batter bats at the ball.

- What are you doing?

- He throws!

And that's a, a strike?

Attempt number two.

Can he do it?

(bat clinks)

And wow!

A fine hit! Look at it go!

- Yes!

Go, go, go!

- [Both] It's gone!

- That was awesome!

- Awesome?

- You guys don't say that yet?

- No.

- It's like, saying

something is awe-inspiring.



I like that word.

- Hey!

- Hey Jorge, awesome game, huh?

- Hey, I'm thinking the real

game hasn't even started yet.

I couldn't help but overhear

the big plan earlier.

- You know the drill!

No tellin' my momma nothing,

I'll get so in trouble, Jorge!

The only person I'm looking

to get in trouble is Jared.

I'm in!

We'll sort it out at your

place tomorrow Sally.

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Jared] Well, folks

please join me in wishing

veteran Short Stop, Connor

McDarmott, a fond farewell.

His catch now marks

his last inning

as a Los Angeles Jethawk.

He'll be replaced Friday

with integration experiment,

Santiago De La Rosa,

while I get my Spanish

dictionary ready...

(crickets cricking)

- Is everything alright?

- It just bugs me

how differently

Jared calls the game.

It makes me think

of what Jorge said,

about my uncle's first game

and how Jared might call it.

- Jorge is pretty rockin'.

Jared is a wet rag!

But you won't have to

hear it too much longer

if Friday goes well.

- You'll, you'll be home soon.

- Well, I guess so.

- Can I show you something?

Come on.

- [Daniel] It's so quiet.

(crickets cricking)

- Mm-hmm.

That's why we're out here.

- I haven't done this

since I was a kid.

- Um, you are a kid.

- I mean, I haven't

done this in a while.

- I used to do this all

the time with my pop.

He used to look up at the stars

like they had all the answers.

I don't know if he found

what he was looking for,

he never got the

chance to tell me.

But, I sure enjoyed sitting

next to him while he tried.

- Well, my parents

and I would always

look up at the stars too.

My dad would make

up these stories

about how the stars

would look down

at the people on Earth.

He liked to say that

they were smiling at us.

- Daniel,

- Yeah?

- I'm glad I wasn't the

only one with goofy parents.

They must be so worried.

Do you miss them?

- I definitely miss them.

They're looking down

at us now though,

with the rest of the stars.

- I'm sure my dad is too.

Sometimes, I still feel

like he's listening

to that 1956 All-Star game.

- The recording station

was you dad's, right?

- Oh, yeah.

He loved it.

I like to play it and act

like he's listening with me.

From up there.

- Like you said, he is.

(crickets cricking)

- Wake up!

(Daniel screaming)

- Hey tranquilo,

tranguilo amigo!

- It's just us!

- We have no time to waste!

- Hmm, give me a minute.

I'm barely awake.

- We got coffee ready.

- I'm too young

for that, I think.

- Hey, let's just

smack him again!

- Let's just do this.

- Okay, here we go.

I'm so excited.

So, every entryway is

blocked off by security.

Here, here, and here.

These are the only proper

ways to gain entry,

and the proper

ways to get jailed.

- Any improper ways?

- I like your style, chico.

There's one.

Right here.

- You're crazy.

- It's the best spot.

- Alright, so shift changes

are longer around that area.

That gives you ten minutes

to reach the main

building, pick the locks,

and figure your way inside.

- Sally picking locks?

Why am I not surprised?

- Hey, when you go

back to the future

and you lock your doors,

remember my skills.

Jorge, how are we going to

walk into the inner stadium

in the middle of the

day, dressed like this?

- Well, that's the other

reason I chose this area.

The lockers.

- The lockers?

What about them?

- You'll see.

- Now, Jared's booth is

somewhere in this area.

But they've shuffled things

around since I was let go,

so you'll have to do some

detective work to figure it out.

- So you're looking for

the main broadcast booth?

- [Jorge] Si.

- It's, 207!

- Sure, okay.

But one more problem,

This isn't a lock you can pick.

You're gonna have to

either take the keys

from one of the janitors, or,

find them in the

janitorial closet.

- [Sally] Daniel,

are you nervous?

- Let's do it.

- Sweet, okay.

So you are gonna need these.

- Uh, won't these make

us stand out even more?

- Pea brain, I said you'll see.

- Oh, this is so illegal.

Jared is going to be so mad.

I'm so excited!

Okay, I got some

preparations to do,

but I'll see you both

bright and early tomorrow.


- [Daniel] And with

uh, an ERA of 1.95,

the pitcher is doing a

great job of punishing

all of the swingers, I

mean, hitters, at bat.

So with an ERA of 1.95,

he is really seeming

to do a good job,

- Hey!

- Oh, hey.

- What are you doing?

- I'm just, uh, trying to

learn a little bit more

about baseball.

Reading the book.

- I see.

- [Daniel] Yeah,

- What's going on

in your noggin?

I just sort of realized,

that if everything

goes well tomorrow,

I'd be going home.

- Are you gonna miss me?

- It's possible.

- Well hey, we can always

look up at the same sky.

- That's true.

And, it'll always be

looking back down at us.

- [Baseball Broadcaster]

And that's it folks.

The Buffaloes two, and

the Exporters four.

A wonderful afternoon game

out here at the stadium.

See you next time.

- Okay, this is it.

You both ready?


- It will be fine, Melon Head.

Unless your big

melon head is too big

to fit through the front door.

(Jorge laughing)

Catch you on the

flip side Strawberry!

(gentle music)

- Hey, why are you walking?


- Well, this is it.

- Yup.

- Watch me do this in a dress.

(upbeat music)

- What are you doing?

- I need a moment!

- [Daniel] What, now?

- Thank you!


Okay, now we can go.

- What was that?

- We're invading

sacred grounds, Daniel.

I had to ask the baseball

gods for forgiveness.

- Unreal.


(upbeat music)

- [Jorge] This is Big

Papi for El Chico.

Do you copy?


- I copy Big Papi, over.

- Cut the gas.

The lockers are down

these steps, come on.

Well Daniel, I hope

the baseball gods

don't hate us after this.


Ooh, Daniel!



Right here.

- [Daniel] Uh, what are those?

- Our camouflage.

- [Sally] Hey, you ready yet?

- Yeah, one second.

How do I look?

- Like you belong.

- Hey!

What are you two doing in here?

- Well, we're just,

we're making sure this locker

room is fine and dandy.

- I haven't seen you

two around before.

Are you new?

- I'm, Da, David, Gomez.

And this is my good friend Sam.

Sam Bambina.

- Sam?

- Sam Bambina?

- What happened to

Frank and little Jerry?

- They died.

- What?

- [Charlotte] What?

- It's a form of expression!

- They haven't shown up

in a while, and well, uh,

it's new slang for, uh,

kids that haven't

shown up in a while.

- Right, well uh, we

better get on our way.

Gotta make sure

that dugout doesn't

have any sunflower seeds.


- Wait.

- Don't forget to take

the crate of baseballs

to the opposing dugout.



- Ow!

Sam and they died?

- You weren't saying anything!

- [Jorge] Yeah, that

was bad man, over.

- How did you hear that?

- Let's get a move on.

It was worth a try.

(gentle suspenseful music)

(Daniel speaking in Spanish)

(gentle suspenseful music)

- Hey, what do you got there?

- Here, you can keep it.

- Thank you!

(gentle music)

(Santiago speaking in Spanish)

- [Ricardo] Look what

I have, big brother!

- July 16th, 1957,

seem like ages ago.

This card reminds

me of that day,

and it reminds me

of your father.

- [Daniel] This was his?

- It was.

(Santiago speaking in Spanish)

- Daniel, we're in!

Hey I said we're in!


(gentle music)

Ready to do this?

- Yeah.

(upbeat music)

(indistinct chattering)

- [Both] Whoa.

- Jorge, you're up. What

direction do we go next?


- That's Big Papi to you.

What do you see?


- [Daniel] I see a lot of agents

and business people, over.

- Got it.

You're at the VIP boxes.

You're gonna want to go straight

and take your first left.

The inning is almost done,

you gotta go now, over.

- Got it.

(upbeat music)

- [Jared] And in the

bottom of the second.

Hitting fourth for the

Jethawks, Wilson Harris.

- [Daniel] Yeah come on.

- Daniel!

- [Daniel] What?

- He might hit!

We may be witnessing

history before we leave.

- Yeah, I know.

- I like your serious face.

It's really cute!

- You're not helping.

Now come on!

(gentle suspenseful music)

- Sh!

He'll hear us!

- You're the one talking!

- Why are you still talking?

(gentle suspenseful music)

(Daniel sneezing)

(gentle suspenseful music)

- [Jorge] Big Papi to El Chico.

Four minutes and counting.

How are we looking?


- Flying in now, over.

- Here goes nothing.

(key rattling)


Okay we're in.

(door shutting)

- [Both] Whoa.

- Start looking!

- Anything?

- Nothing.


Oh you're letting

me do all the work?


I've got it!

Papi, can we confirm

the serial number?

- Big Papi to Great Bambina,

we're looking for

number 37, over.

- This is 37!

This is 37!

We did it, over!

- [Jorge] Big Papi

to Great Bambina.

That hurt my ears.

Please don't do

that again, over.

- Hey, hello!

Pay attention!

I've got it!

Let's go!

Let's get a move on.

You're slower than Jorge

rounding the bases.

- What are you doing?

- You go ahead.

- Jorge is waiting for us!

- Just go!

It's important you get

that part outta here.

I'll be there in a minute!

- Daniel!


This is what I get for trusting

a boy with a melon head.

Okay, I can do this.

Everything's labeled.

(gentle suspenseful music)

- Now listen, you got this job

because they told me

you were fast, okay?

I need score.

(upbeat music)

- Jorge, we've

got a big problem.

Start the car!

(upbeat music)

- And welcome back to,

the bottom of the fifth,

where it has been a wild one.

Coopers one, Jethawks nothing.

- I'll need the latest

scores too, alright?

Oh, I'm late!

How could you possibly

not tell me this?

- [Daniel] Um.

- What the heck?

- [Daniel] Uh, oh Jason

Eckers is now on the mound.

And here comes the 2-2 pitch to,

- What the heck

is going on here?

- Oh I mean, 3-2.


He struck him out.

Harris seems to

be a bit nervous.

I know I am.

(upbeat music)

Okay, one away, in the fifth.

Next up, we have uh,

Jeremy Bullock, a lefty.

- Daniel?

You crazy son of a -

(Jorge laughing)

- Stick it to him

you crazy chico!

You really are a De La Rosa.

(door knocking)

- Hey you little devil!

Knock it off right now!

- And that is a four-pitch

walk for Eckers.

A high intense moment,

I am very anxious

to see what happens next.

- Come outta there!

Open the door!

- It seems like the game has

been close up until this point,

Come on, tio, come on.

Come on.

- Somebody call security.

Will you call security?

Get over here, open the door.

(door banging)

Come on, get it open.

Cut the live feed!

- Oh, he smells just awful.

- I have a nervous stomach.

- Please remain calm.

- What do you

think you're doing?

Well, I'm sure you'll

have something to say

for yourself in prison.

- He looks like a

minor to me, sir.

- Well then, they

have juvenile prison

for troublemakers like you,

and I'm going to see to it

that you experience

one first hand.

This is what happens

when we integrate

you people into our league.

- [Charlotte] Excuse me.

- [Jared] Mrs. Higgins?

- It's Ms. Higgins.

What is going on here?

That smell is horrible.

Jared, is this the condition

you keep the booth in?

- Look I'm sorry Ms. Higgins.

I've never seen you

here in my booth before.

- My booth.

- Right, well, I want to

press charges on this weasel.

For trespassing,

theft, grand larceny,

desecrating these sacred halls-

- I see.

Well, what you

don't know, Jared,

is that David works

for the stadium.

And today we asked him to

test the sound equipment.

Is it all in working

order, David?

- Fine.

I gotta get back to my

broadcast and fix this mess.

- Go on, then, Jared.

(gentle suspenseful music)

- Daniel!

Oh, hi miss.

I found that on the

floor in the locker room.

Pretty cool, huh?

I'll just take that back.

- Interesting.

You know, you're not the

only kids to find treasure

in this stadium, this one

is particularly rusty.

- Why did you help us?

- I own the team.

I can do what I want.

- You own the team?

That's so, awesome!

Tell me more, please.

- So, if you're in

charge of the team,

then why don't you

help where it matters

and make Jared stop

discriminating against my uncle-

- Your uncle?

- Uh, I mean,

against the players.

They should be called equally.

- What do you think

I'm trying to do?

I mean, I may look the

picture of success.

- You are!

- But as a working woman,

it hasn't always been

rainbows and daisies,

especially in the

baseball community.

I know all about Jared,

and when I heard your

broadcast I knew..

- Knew what?

- We're on the same team.

Which brings me back to

this little treasure.

I mean, to some it may look

like an average piece of rubble,

but to the right person,

it's a signal to

do the right thing.

- What?

- [Charlotte] Stay out of

trouble, while you're at it!

- Oh, she's so awesome!

Come on, we gotta go meet Jorge.

(upbeat music)

- [Jorge] There they are!

- Hey!

(upbeat music)

- We did it, Strawberry!

- Ow!

- That's for leaving

me stranded back there.

- I have to say chico,

that was really good.

Crazy like La Llorona but good.

- La Llorona?

- La Llorona is a wailing

spirit, much like Daniel.

- Hello?

Jared is still in there,

and I felt people were

finally starting to tune in.

A signal to do the right thing.

- Yeah, it's too bad

I'll never hear you

announce another game again.

- Signal.

Hey Sally, how close is

your barn to the south side

of the stadium?

- Um, maybe five, 600 feet?

- I see where your

head's at, chico!

Uh, we're gonna need scrap

metal, a coaxial wire.

- Oh, no!

Another steal?

We'll probably all end

up in the funny farm.

Let's do it!

- Yeah!

(upbeat music)

- Uh, okay Sally, can

you go fix the machine?

- Easy.

- We don't have much time.

- Jorge, can you grab the TV

and set it by the station?

I'm gonna set up the radio.

- Power cables!

(upbeat music)

Radio, television,

condenser, we need a tape!

- A tape?

- You were in Jared's booth,

did you not grab a tape?

Okay, it's fine.

I got this.

- Oh you have an empty tape?

- Well, no, just trust me.

Okay then, let's do this.

- Hey!

Be careful.

You grabbed your

Dad's All-Star tape

instead of the empty one.

We could've recorded over it.

- Listen Melon Head.

This is the tape.

- What do you mean?

- It's almost time.

- It's the only tape

we got right now.

Come on, you really

are slower than Jorge

rounding the bases!

- Hey, I heard that.

- No, I won't use it.

This is the only thing

you have left of your Dad.

- I know.

This tape is my

connection to the past.

But you are the future.

I won't let you stay stuck

on this decade another day.

- The game is starting.

(gentle upbeat music)

And welcome back, folks.

This is our final

inning in the 9th.


(static crackling)

hey what is that?

(static crackling)

- Here, these might

help, to keep the flow.

- And the score is

still one to nothing

as we get approach

the end of this match

between the Coopers

and the Jethawks.

Uh, Eckers seems to

be unstoppable as he

continues to ensure

the Coopers keep

this lead alive.

- What the heck

is going on here?

Is this that same kid?

(bulb shattering)

- [Jorge] Ugh, great.

The bulb burst!

- [Sally] Thomas

Edinson failed us!

- Sh!

Sorry about that uh, we have

a little interference going on

over here.

- Wait, wait.

I have an idea.

Listen for me.

- [Jorge] Whoa whoa,

where are you going?

- You'll see!

Daniel, do you copy?

- [Daniel] Loud and clear.

- I think, I think

he's coming up!

- I need a name Sally.

A name.

- De La Rosa.

Do you copy?

- I, copy.

- [Sally] Just remember

everything I told you about him.

You got this.

- And what a historic moment.

We have none other that

the hottest prospect

in recent memory making

his Major League debut

here in the ninth, no less.

- Santiago De La Rosa!

(audience cheering)

- Daniel, listen.

(audience cheering)


- Let's do this.

(audience cheering)

- And the crowd goes wild

at the sight of De La Rosa.

It's as if they know they're

going to witness greatness

in the years to come.

(audience cheering)

Ooh, that misses.

Ball one.

Oh that's uh, not the best sign.

Seems like Eckers

is starting to sweat

for the first time tonight.

- Great call.

- Oh and uh, it's perhaps

the ridiculous legacy

that De La Rosa has behind

him from the minors,

you gotta remember folks,

he was called up after

just two seasons!

And that's a strike inside!

But not even a flinch from

the 20-year-old De La Rosa.

(dramatic music)

Oh, ball two.

Deep in the ninth, Eckers

really seems to be digging

into his reserves, but

he has been dominant.

(gentle dramatic music)

Here comes the two-one,

and a swing and a miss!

That is strike two for

the young short-stop.

A solid swing but

just missed it.

That is two fastballs

and two curves.

That back-door

slider has been his

go-to in these final counts,

so let's see what he banks on.

(ball thwacks)

Ball three.

Full count!

(gentle dramatic music)

This is it folks.

This is the game right here.

(gentle dramatic music)

Yet, the hard-working De La Rosa

understands a life of adversity.

This moment is not

too big for him.

I mean, look at that scowl,

he is just ready to embrace

anything that comes his way.

Just the life he'll have.

Just like the life we all

have and it's only one folks.

Dios mio!

- Are you sure you

haven't done this before?

(gentle dramatic music)

- Here we go folks.

The payoff pitch.

(gentle dramatic music)

(bat clinks)

(gentle dramatic music)

(crowd cheering)

- Adios amigo!

(gentle dramatic music)

(Daniel speaking in Spanish)

- [Daniel] That is out of here!

(crowd cheering)

(gentle dramatic music)

And that's the game!

That's the game!

Jethawks win it two to one!

(all cheering)

- We gotta celebrate!

I'll go get the champagne!

- We can't drink Jorge!

- I'll get the cider then!

- We won!

We actually won!

- Yeah!

Aye, mira que cute!

- You did it Daniel.

You were so great!

- Well, I guess we all did it.

You and I did it.

(crickets creaking)

- [Sally] Be honest.

Did you actually vomit

in Jared's booth?

- [Daniel] Hey, I was nervous!

- Neat.

I can't believe my favorite

ball team is owned by a woman!

Today baseball,

tomorrow American Idol.

- Chill!

- Sh!

You know, I might push my way

into owning a team one day.

Well, you're really

good at pushing.

And punching, and pinching.

You're very talented.

- Oh please,

- Shh!

- You're gonna miss it

one day soon enough.

- Sally.

- I know.

- I have to go.

(gentle music)

(gentle suspenseful music)

(static cracking)

It worked!

I think it's happening.

- It's okay.

It's okay.

Melon Head.

(gentle suspenseful music)

(static cracking)

- [Stadium Employee] Daniel?

Daniel, right?

- [Daniel] You aren't Sally.

- No, um, the event,

it's already started.

Wait, what day is it?

- Friday. The event.

- How long was I out?

- Um, I think you've been

in here a couple of hours.

- It doesn't make any sense.

- Sorry?

- Um yeah, sorry I'll be

there in a few minutes.

Oh wait!

I think I accidentally


- Oh yeah! Your uncle

wants you to bring that,

so they can play

it when he's ready.

- [Baseball Commissioner] Now,

it is my privilege and honor

to welcome our newest member

of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Mr. Saint Rose, himself:

Santiago De La Rosa.

(audience clapping)

(gentle music)

- Thank you.

Thank you.

(Santiago speaking Spanish)

Well, I not

very good with speeches,

but this is a true honor for me.

When I started, I

never thought about

what I was doing or what

it meant for others.

I just wanted to play baseball.

But I soon realized,

what it truly meant

for folks like me.

That realization came

right after my first game

in the big leagues.

Well, I'd like to play my

first at-bat ever for you,

and I guess it's

just to show you

where my motivation came from.

(radio clicking)

- [Daniel And what

a historic moment,

we have none other than

the hottest prospect

in recent memory making

his Major League debut

here in the ninth, no less.

Santiago De La Rosa!

And the crowd goes wild at

the sight of De La Rosa!

It's as if they know they're

going to witness greatness

in the years to come.

(audience whispering


Oh, that misses!

Ball one.

The payoff pitch!

It's out of here!

And that's the game!

That's the game!

Jethawks win it two-to-one.

(gentle dramatic music)

- Oh, Daniel, I

understand everything now.

- You do?

- You wanted to stay

in the recording booth

so you could provide me

with your own commentary

on my special day.

- You're welcome.

- Of course, that's not exactly

the way I remembered it.

But this one is way better,

because my nephew

recorded it for me.

(Santiago speaking in Spanish)

(gentle dramatic music)

Who's that, huh?

Hard to recognize me now.

This is, this was when

we first won the pennant.

Charlotte, she was so excited.

She did so much for this team.

You know, she is the

one that called me up.

- I thought you

didn't even baseball.

- Yeah, I guess uh,

someone just gave

me the right push.

(gentle dramatic music)

- I'm gonna have

to go wrap up here.

You'll be okay alone, no?

- Yeah yeah, I'll be okay.

I'm just gonna look

around a little bit.

(gentle dramatic music)

- Oye, Daniel, adios amigo.

(gentle dramatic music)

- Jorge?

- It's El Chico!

- It's so nice to see you again!

- It's nicer to see you.

Get in here.

(gentle upbeat music)

Where to, boss?

- I don't know, but let's

take the long way home,

and just talk a bit.

- Oh, okay.

- Actually Jorge,

(gentle upbeat music)

let's take the

super long way home.

I want you to tell

me everything.

- Long way home it is!

Now, you know about '57, because

of what happened to Jared.

But in '58, I became

a broadcaster.

And in '59, I became a father!

Now I'm sitting

here, with the great,

Daniel De La Rosa!

God has answered every prayer.

Let's go.

(car engine revving)

(upbeat music)

(singer singing in Spanish)