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01x01 - Mall Than Meets The Eye/(Never) Be Yourself

Posted: 07/23/23 08:00
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots!
Secret robots everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots!
Here we come!

♪ BotBots!
BotBots! ♪

[dramatic, eerie music]

[car honking]

[dramatic footsteps]

- It's Bot Bot time, y'all!

"Operation: Secret Shindig"
is online!

[excited cheers]

[funky pop music]

Ten-hut, soldier! Bombs away!

[excited yelling]


Fastball, right down the center!

Grand slam, baby!

Yeah, we're gonna do it!
We're gonna whooaaa!

- [impact thud]
- We did it!

The flesh creature's coming!

[panicked screams]

What in the world is going on

Ah, I thought I still had more
episodes left.

How am I ever going to find more

Ooohh, someone missed the can,

Well, score one for Dave!

[gags in distaste]
Ughh what flavor is that? Gross!

[excited cheering]

Fottle Barts - splatter power!

Thanks, Spud Muffin. Close call!

Come on, I fired up the fryer
heat lamps.

Time to get our tans on!

Nah, tanning makes me peel.

Besides, Burgertron and I are

Wait - has anyone seen

Hmm, not since last night.

Wonder where he went

[eerie music]

Well, that was a bizarre series
of embarrassing events

I never want to discuss. But now
I can get back to

Wait. What is this awful place?

[impact grunts]

Oh, come on! Who are you?
And why all the...

- [impact splat]
- pain?

We're playing!
We're just super super excited

to see someone new!

"Playing" isn't supposed to

- Wait what now?
- Whoa!

BURGERTRON: I'm in the lost and

you're the "Lost Bots"?
- No!

Yes. Maybe?
What's a Lost Bot?

We've heard rumors about you,

but I didn't think they were

When the Energon cloud hit and
we came to life,

you were all stuck in here.

You probably don't even know
about the rest of us

in the Mall!
- You are saying a lot of words,

and I know some of them,
but I'm getting confused

by words like "mall" and also

Okay, first of all, I'm

Oooh! We have names too!

I'm Dimlit, that's Kikmee,

Bonz-Eye, and Clogstopper.

This room we're in is
the "Lost & Found".

See? "You are here".

How does it know? How does the
map know where we are?!

But the rest of the Mall out


[noises of awe]

And all of us Bots belong to a
different squad!

Like the Jock Squad! If all your
shoes have cleats

or you actually are a shoe with
cleats, this is your crew!

Then we've got the Sugar Shocks.

They talk three times faster
than any of us

and I kinda get a stomachache
just hanging out near them.

The Gamer Geeks control all the
Mall systems

so we're never on the Security
Guard's monitors.

And then there's the Custodial
Crew who

eh, actually you know what,
the less I tell you about them,

the better to be honest.
There's a bunch more squads,

but let's get to the most
important one of all,

the Hunger Hubs, who rule the
Food Court,

led by their fearless and
handsome leader, me!

But I had a tiny mishap,
and now I gotta get back.

My friends must be going nuts
without the "Captain of Fun".

That's what I... they... call me.

There's a "Jock Squad"?

A team of me's?!
[excited gasp]

The thought alone just made me
hit my daily step count!

Normally, I'd be suspicious of
wild tales

told by fried meat

but in my heart,
I've always felt misplaced.

As if I were distant from where
I truly belong.

Lost and forgotten.

The two words that describe
us best.

Oh that's sad! You should go
find your Squads.

You've got friends out there
you've never even met yet!

What is "friends"?

Friends is, are... only the most
important thing in the world!

Look, that's the sweet love of
my life, Ulf the Orange

and my best-bro, Spud Muffin.

Together we're a supersized
combo meal of happiness!

Any-who, I gotta run. Bye!

Oh, wait!

My whole life I've been a team
player without a team!

I wanna come with you and find
where I belong!

I do as well. For too long,

I've been a warrior without
a cause.

And I've been a flashlight!

What? Aren't we just listing
stuff that we were?

Alright then, to our squads!

Seriously how does it know?!

All clear. Stealth mission: Go.

[impact thuds and grunts]

[toilet flushing]

Take cover!

I must imagine what I want the
most, repeat five times.

I must imagine what I want the
most, repeat five times.

Wait, was I supposed to say
that last part?

- [Bonz-eye] It's horrible!
- Okay.

Time you all learned...

[dramatic voice]
... The Sacred Rule of the Mall!

No Bot may ever,
I repeat, EVER,

reveal to the flesh beings that
we exist. Got it?

But that creature seems nice.

Nice? That thing EATS burgers!

And prunes plants! And kicks
soccer balls!

And let me tell you, you do NOT
want to know what it does

with plungers!

What does it do with

Well it I mean, it just kinda
holds them.

I would like to be held.

No! Trust me, if we ever even
came close to revealing

our existence to that
air-breathing gas-emitter,

there would be MAJOR

So, we've gotta get from down
here up to the second floor

Food Court without being
spotted. Copy?

Yeah, I don't see how we're
getting past

this defense, coach.
- Never fear.

If there's one thing you learn
from a brilliant leader like me,

Lost Bots - never give up!

I have an idea that cannot fail!

[triumphant music]

- Alright, Lost Bots... ready?
- [Lost Bots] Ready!

- Soup!
- Floor it, Kikmee!

Hold on tight!

As long as we keep quiet,
nothing can go wrong!

[cheesy children's music]

- Why?!
- The flesh being.

- [dramatic gasp]


[music continues]

Nevermind, false alarm.

WAIT! Some sort of metal jaws
of death!

- [panicked yelps]
- I accept my fate.

Don't worry, that's just the

Those metal jaws of life will
lead us

right to the Food Court, as
smooth a ride as...

[loud screeching]

See? [voice vibrating]
Told you


[loud screeching]

[impact crash]

Can you say flawless?

[Dave] What in the living heck!

[Dave] Why are a plant,
a flashlight, a plunger,

and a soccer ball on a train?!
Do they even have tickets?!

[dramatic gasp]
An abandoned burgery?!

Oh,my self affirmation podcast
was right!

I imagined what I wanted most -
and it came true!

[Burgertron] And so this is
how I,

the beloved hero Burgertron,
will meet my end.

Goodbye sweet mall,
remember me

- Gah!
- [collective gasps]

Little robots?! Gah!

Ah, there's no way you imagined
that, right, Dave?

I mean those were robots in


Oh no, gotta get this thing back

before I get blamed for this
mess! Okay, Lets go.

[Dave] Ah this music is giving
me circus camp flashbacks.

Guessing that wasn't part of the
plan, coach?

Thanks for the save, Dimlit, but
unfortunately we just broke...

... The Sacred Rule of the Mall.

Spud Muffin! Ulf! Uh

Didja miss me?! Course you did.
But I'm back! Yay!

Don't "yay" us! Total jerk-move
you just pulled,

revealing yourself to a flesh
creature! Unforgivable.

You were the last bot I'd ever
expect to give away our secret.

What have you become, Burgie?

Oh! You saw that? Well, uh,

at least it was just you guys.
Oh man, if the others had...


Oh.. hey good news!

The Captain of Fun's back!
Passport for carousing!

Passport revoked bro-mide.

You broke the only rule we have!

A flesh being knows we exist!

That puts Mall life in jeopardy.

Consider yourself out of the
Hunger Hubs.

And I seriously doubt anyone

is gonna wanna hang with you

or with your weird new friends!

[disappointed grunts]

He called us your
"weird friends".

Yeah, sorry about that.

That means "Weird Most Important
Thing In The World"!

No one has ever said anything
nicer to us!

I know! And did you see
that other ball? And that bat?

There really are squads for all
of us!

I'm maxxed out on excitement!

I'm in the ZONE!

But your squads won't want to
take you back now!

I ruined everything!

Your plan did not go like you

And your friends rejected you.

And you were humiliated in front
of everyone you've ever known

but didn't a "brilliant" leader
teach us to "never give up"?

Yeah. Can't we try again

You know, you're right.

This is just a setback.
A big one, sure,

but this is only the beginning!

[excited laughter and cheers]

No one'll believe I saw them...

But there is no way they'll
escape my brilliant

and cunning plans!

This is only the beginning!

- [loud kazoo noise]
- [frightened yelps]

- [impact thud]
- Mommy?

Nothing like rousing kazoo music
to get the Energon pumping!

Burgertron why?

You Lost Bots probably aren't
used to getting up

at the cr*ck of closing, but if
we're going to get accepted back

by our squads, we have no time
to waste.

We need the perfect plan.

- And guess what?
- You're a ventriloquist!

What? Why would...?

I have the perfect plan!
Follow me!

No one ever asks if
I'm a ventriloquist.

You aren't.

Hey bros, bro-ettes, various

Spud Muffin here, just doin'
what I do, NBD.


[cool surfer music]

[loud cheering]

See? If there's one thing all
the Bots love,

it's a dope BotVid.

And that Spud Muffin is a hunk!

What poise! What charm!

Yeah, he's got sort of a
sidekick charm maybe.

But that's not the point. Look
at how everybody loves BotVids!

Uh, cool Bots make BotVids.

We're not cool Bots, remember?

Well, not YET!
Sure, you're a little weird,

and one of you, not saying who,
is distractingly unhygienic

He could mean anybody really.

but once we make BotVids for
each of you

and get them to play on that
moving wall,

your generalized greatness will
be apparent

and all the Squads will forget
about how much they hate us!

You in?

A half-shrug of acceptance?
That's all I need!

Whoa! What are all these things?

Emm no idea. Nerd stuff?

Who you calling nerd, nerd?

Fomo! These are who I was
telling you about!

Oh, I know. Everyone knows about
you "Lost Bots".

Echh. I can't believe you broke

The Sacred Rule!

Okay, well Fomo here is gonna
film your BotVids for you.


Hold up on the thanks,

Fomo is in this for Fomo!

Yeah, I did not become the top
influencer in Mall

by helping others.
- "Influencer"?

What do you make people do?

I make 'em watch sick BotVids.

My lifestyle is my brand!

Which means I need content,
content, content.

That is the only reason I'm
willing to slum it

with you pariahbots.

You seem rude but say cool

So I guess that makes it ok?

Let's go with that. Now go.
sh**t great stuff.

Show off your personalities!

Don't worry! Just be yourselves!

No, seriously, they were little

- In the mall!
- [hysteric laughter on phone]

Awh, stop laughing!
It's not funny!

One of them was a cheeseburger!

- [laughter intensifies]
- Aw yeah ok, laugh, laugh.

You'll see!

Man. My Mom sure can be mean.

Once you catch one of those Bots
in a trap, Dave,

everyone your mom, your boss,
that misinformed bus driver,

they'll all have to believe you!

Building this should be easy

Yeah, yeah.


Alright! Ready to show me the
gold you captured on video?

Yep! We were kinda nervous at

but we're really proud of what
we got.

Can't wait. Lay it on me!


When does it start?

"Hashtag Kittens?!" Why did it
say "Hashtag Kittens?!"

Everybody loves kittens!

You just erased my brain. What
were you doing in that video?

"The Standing Completely Still

Everybody also loves stuff that
ends in "challenge!"

Okay.. I there are no words.

Who's next? Please be good.

[effort grunts]

Alright! This is more like it!

[effort noises intensify]

Enlightening, is it not?
My blade is so sharp,

it can slice through our concept
of reality itself.

The end might be a little

Well, mine's ON-PUTTING!

Roll em, Fomo!

[Clogstopper] The weight of the
world got you down?

Feeling lonely? Listless?

Friendship with Clogstopper can

Friendship with Clogstopper can
brighten your day with joy!

Ask your doctor if Friendship
with Clogstopper

is right for you! Mild to
serious side effects

of Friendship with Clogstopper
include random exposure

to dangerous fungi, loose stool,
and emotional irritation.

So? Best one?

Or better than best?

Don't decide yet!

[impact noises]

[Bot Bots screaming]

Why would you do that?!

What? It's a fun, sporty prank!

You probably just enraged half
the Mall!

For real. Y'all are more hated
than ever.

Yeah, hers didn't really work
out. But the rest...

Masterpieces, right?

Master pieces of garbage!

Those are the worst BotVids
ever made!

What were you all thinking?

We were doing what you told us.
Just being ourselves.

I didn't mean your REAL selves!

I meant your better, cooler,
FAKE selves

that people might actually like!

How could you mess up such a
simple, clear instruction?!

Look. It's my fault.

I should've directed this
project myself.

Let's just head to the South

I'll think of something new.
- Yeah, we can't go there.

That's where the flesh creature
is setting up his traps.


And they rejected your

to the Engineering Academy,

- Well, their loss.
- [stopwatch beeps]

Ah! I'm late for my rounds!

Is that a new amusement park?

They're traps!

- They are PERFECT!
- Explain.

Well, whereas you all see

I see opportunity!

If we can b*at these traps,
we'll not only protect

all the other bots, we will look
incredibly amazing as we do it

on video!

And when our Squads all see it,

they'll be BEGGING us to join

Look, these are called "traps"
which makes me think

there will be some kind of

What if WE get trapped?

Well, you're certainly not gonna
b*at the traps

with that attitude!
Now let's get started,

the flesh being's rounds only
take twenty minutes.

Uhm why are there loose bolts

And batteries in a jar?

And oil?

You gotta be kidding me.
They're lures!

These are robot stereotypes!
Come on!

Does he really think we eat nuts
and bolts?

Is it possible the flesh
creature built these

with a blindfold on?


Oh good!
We don't have to do this!

Bad! We need these traps to work

if we're going to impress

So? It's not like we're gonna
rebuild them properly

and put ourselves in more danger
just to look better on video.

Yeah! Great idea! Let's do that!

Hey, great work!

We should think about applying
to an Engineering Academy.

We have our first viewer!


This is only the beginning!
Once we make this BotVid,

you'll be signing autographs for

No. I will never write my own

Ack! The flesh beast is only
three minutes away!

We have to make our cinematic

- Let's go!
- Woah, watch it, coach!

- Oil slick.
- Good catch, Kikmee.

Now everyone, on your ones!

- Fomo, you ready?
- Readier than you dweebs.

Okaaay hit record!

Hey bots! BT here,

and we couldn't help but notice
the flesh creature set up

a series of traps for all of
us. OH NO!

But never fear

your brave and indisputably cool

are here to shut this down.

[effort grunts]


We're really doin' it!
We're actually coool!

Wuh oh!

And that is a wrap on the traps!

[fainting noises]


This'll be the way sickest
BotVid yet!

That was amazing!

There is no way we don't look
coo [splat]


Huh. The traps went off, but no

I built these perfectly, so...



Why don't you laugh at this mom.
Laugh with your face, laugh...

... at me for another night.

I'll find you robots, I swear.

Thanks for the save, Bonz-Eye.

Now let's see how the other Bots

Are you showing it? Our

Our transcendent filmic

Better b-b-believe! I got it on

[Bot Bots laughing]

What is this? This isn't us!

No, it's BETTER!

I have a keen eye for fails,

and when I saw Sprinkleberry
headed for that oil,

oooh, I knew exactly where the
MONEY was!

[hysteric laughter]

[Bot Bots laughing]

[DIMLIT] Hey, look at the bright
side, sir.

Sure, no one saw it, but we DID
b*at all those traps.

And we did it by being

Which was your idea if
I remember.

You know, good point.

It's not our fault other bots
don't have discerning taste

and will laugh at the stupidest
stuff on a BotViii...

[impact splat]

[stifling laughter]

Uh, hashtag kittens?
